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CD-ROM Booklet: Crazy for Ragtime PDF

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Listeningto Ragtime ‘What is Ragtime?’, ‘How FastShould Ragtime be Played?’ These, and many otherfrequentlyasked questions are answered byWinterinthis in-depth studyof ragtime’s musical language and style. Let me Perform! Broken down intothree easy-to-access sections, you can learn howto playa rag(‘PlayingPiano rags’), see and learn aboutthe dances that Ragtime music inspired (‘Ragtime Dancing’), and hearourfeatured singers talkcandidlyabout ragtime songs andthechallenge ofperformingthem (‘SingingRags’). Reference Room Access acollection ofover200striking ragtime sheet musiccovers, a composer gallery, aturn-of-the-century movie arcade and over200 articleswith searchable text. You mayalso browsethrough hundreds ofdrawings and photographs, as well as read up on wheretofind even more information onthe ragtime years. Makeyourown Rag Create and saveyourown ragsfrom hundreds ofmusical phrases. Who knows, you maybethe nextScottJoplin! Technical helpservices Forhelpwiththis disc, pleasecall ourtechnical help line on 0345697008 (calls charged atlocal rate). About RobertWinter RobertWinterhasestablished himselfas a pioneeringmultimedia author, an artist withthe unusual combination ofscholarlycredibility, a knackforcommunicatingwith mass audiences, andthe natural abilitytothink interactively. While Robert’sfirst fourtitlesfortheVoyagerCompanyand Microsoftall dealtwith Western classical music, he has longtaught and played popularmusic. HisfirstCalliopetitle introduces a sidethat maybe newtoconsumers ofRobert’s early multimedia work butwill befamiliarto allthosewho know him. Forthe record, Robertearned a B.A. from Brown University, an M.F.A. in Pianofrom the State UniversityofNewYork at Buffalo, and a Ph. D. inthe History&Theoryof Musicfromthe UniversityofChicago. Hejoinedthe UCLA musicfaculty in 1974, served asChairofthe Music Department in 1992-93, and hasjust been appointed tothe Presidential Chair in Music and InteractiveArts. He remains awidelysought afterspeakerand spokespersonforthe digital arts. Workingcloselywith his partner Jay Heifetz, Robert is responsible foroverseeingand implementingthe development ofCalliope’s product line. About Macmillan Interactive Publishing RobertWinter’s CrazyforRagtime is marketed and distributed inthe UK, Ireland, Australia, NewZealand and parts ofEurope byMacmillan Interactive Publishing. Partofthe Macmillan group, we are dedicatedto providing high quality entertainment and education multimediatitlesforthewholefamily. Author/producer:RobertWinter;SoftwareDesign&Engineering:MichaelE.Cohen,StevenWhalen;MusicNotation& Animation,MIDI:MichaelStanley;QualityAssurance,DigitalVideo,TextEditing:PaulPhillabaum;VocalSoloists:DaleFranzenand NmonFord-Livene;AudioEngineering:JanetDodson,withEnterprise(AdrianVanVelsen);VideoProduction:TedAshton& Associates;VideoProcessing:StudioSoftware&Digivision,withPaulPhillabaumandJanetDodson;Permissions:AnnetteSimons; BoxDesign:BuzDesignGroup,withMichaelRowley;TextManagement;KarenMurray.VerySpecialThankstoJuliaWinter.Special ThankstoAbelFinePianos;AdobeSystems,Inc.;AppleComputer,Inc.;RichardBernacchi,Esq.,Irell&Manella;CyborganicMedia; InternationalBusinessMachinesCorporation;KaleidaLabs;TheLibraryofCongress;TheLimitedPartnersofCalliopeMedia,L.P.; MacmillanInteractivePublishing;Maxis;ThePerformingArtsLibraryatLincolnCenter;LisaSpangenberg;UCLA;YamahaCorporation ofAmerica.ThanksAlsotoThreeRagtimeGiants:EdwardBerlin,JohnEdwardHasse,MaxMorath. INSTALLATION PROCEDURE Apple Macintosh 1 Insertthe CD intoyourCD-ROM drive. 2 Inthewindowforthe RagtimeCD, double-clickthe Ragtime Installer icon. 3 ClickInstallforthe default installer, oron the Custom button forotheroptions. 4 Checkthe Readmefilefor late-breakingtips. 5 Restartyourcomputersothe newextensionswill load (ifpromptedto do so by the installer). 6 Double-clicktheCrazyforRagtime icon onthe hard drive. The programwill begin. Optional Performance Enhancements 1 Recommended: In the Memorycontrol panel, turn offVirtual Memory, and set CacheSizeto 64K. 2 Recommended: Forbest performance, quitanyopen applications andturn off file sharing, screen savers, and anyother programthatmight puta dialogbox onthe screen. 3 Ifyou have afast Macintoshthatsupportsvideo atthousands ofcolours (16-bit video) ormillions ofcolours (24-bitvideo), you can improvethe appearance of thevideo inthe program bysettingyourmonitorto one ofthose settings. Use the Monitors control panel to setyourmonitortothe colourdepth you desire. Runningin thousands ormillions ofcolours demands more processingpower, butthe movieswill lookbetter. Thousands ofcolours should be morethan adequate. Ifyou experience slownessordifficultywhile using highercolour settings, switch colourdepth backto 256 colours. 4 You can also increase performance by increasingRagtime’s memoryallocation. To do so: a) In the Finder, pull downtheApple menu and selectAboutThis Macintosh... b) Make a note ofthe sizeofthe Largest Unused Block... c) Clickonce ontheScriptX Player icon on your hard diskandthen selectGet Info fromthe File menu. 5d) Nextto Preferredsize, eitherenterthe largestamountofmemoryyou have available, oryourown desired amount. Be surethe amountyou enter is at least 600K lessthan the Largest Unused Block(to allowforwhatare known as ‘buffers’). e) Close the Get Infowindowto registerthechangesyou have made. Foroptimum sound, we recommend external speakers. PC/Windows 1 Insertthe CD into yourCD-ROM drive. 2 Ifyou are usingWindows3.x, inthe Program Manager, pull down the File menu and select Run... Ifyou are usingWindows ‘95, choose Run...fromthe Start menu. 3 Type D:\SETUP and pressthe Enter key(ifnecessary, substitutethe letterof yourCD-ROM drivefor D). 4 Followthe instructionsonthescreen. 5 Checkthe READMEfile on the CDforlate-breakingdetails. 6 Afterthe installerhasfinished. Ifyou’re usingWindows3.x, your Program Managerwill contain an icon labelled CrazyForRagtime. Double-click onthe icon to launchthe program. OR... Ifyou are usingWindows ‘95, the Programs item ofyourStart menu will contain an item labelled Calliope (orthe nameyou enteredwhen installing) whichwill contain an item labelled Crazy ForRagtime. Choosethis itemto launch the program. 7 Foroptimum sound, we recommend external speakers. YOUR GUIDE AROUND THIS DISC Control BarTo accessgeneral controls, clickonthe small handletothe rightofthe ? inthetop left hand cornerofthe screen, andthe Control Barwill slide out. There are sevenfunctions ontheControl Bar: Quit Produces a dialogboxthatasksyou whetheryou reallywantto quit. Clicking ‘Yes’ quitsthis program; clicking ‘No’ cancelsthe request. Contents Brings up a pop-down listthat replicatesthe listingatthe bottom ofthe Main Contents screen. Italso includesthe sub-sectionswithin the Reference Room. Clickingon any linetakesyou directlytothatsection. Find Brings up a panel thatenablesyou to search foranytextwithinthe program. Glossary Producesthefirstentry(‘accent’) intheglossarypanel. Move alphabeticallyforward and backwardthrough entries byclickingthe on screen arrow buttons, orusethe arrow keys onyourkeyboard. RetraceProduces a pop-down listofthe lastfifteen placesyou’ve been inthe program. J Takesyoutothe lastsection you were in. ? Brings upthe Help panelforthe section you are currently in. The RagtimeCraze Watch and listentothe storyofAmerica’s love affairwith ragtime. From ‘Minstrels and Cakewalkers’ to ‘Tin PanAlley’, follow alongwith RobertWinteras hegivesyou aguided tourofAmerican culture attheturn ofthecentury. A RagtimeSampler Contains over60 rags in digital audio and/or MIDI formats. Select afavourite rag and read about its composerorview its classic sheet musiccover. You can also learn about musical notation, change instruments and altertempo. Or,justsit back and listento rags recorded by RobertWinter.

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