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A spin optodynamics analogue of cavity optomechanics N. Brahms1 and D.M. Stamper-Kurn1,2∗ 1Department of Physics, University of California, Berkeley CA 94720, USA 2Materials Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA (Dated: January 5, 2011) Thedynamicsofalargequantumspincoupledparametricallytoanopticalresonatoristreatedin analogywiththemotionofacantileverincavityoptomechanics. Newspinoptodynamicphenomena arepredicted,suchascavity-spinbistability,optodynamicspin-precessionfrequencyshifts,coherent amplification and damping of spin, and the spin optodynamic squeezing of light. Cavityoptomechanicalsystemsarecurrentlybeingex- position zˆand momentum pˆevolve as dzˆ/dt=pˆ/m and plored with the goal of measuring and controlling me- dpˆ/dt=−mω2zˆ+fnˆ. z chanicalobjectsatthequantumlimit, usinginteractions To construct a spin analogue of this system, we con- 1 1 withlight[1]. Insuchsystems,thepositionofamechan- sider a Fabry-Perot cavity with its axis along k (Fig. 0 ical oscillator is coupled parametrically to the frequency 1). For the collective spin, we first consider a gas of 2 of cavity photons. A wealth of phenomena result, in- N hydrogenlike atoms in a single hyperfine manifold of n cluding quantum-limited measurements [2], mechanical their electronic ground state, each with dimensionless a response to photon shot noise [3], cavity cooling [4], and spin s and gyromagnetic ratio γ. The atoms are op- J ponderomotive optical squeezing [5]. tically confined at an antinode of the cavity field. An 3 Concurrently, spins and psuedospins coupled to elec- external magnetic field B=Bb is applied to the atoms. tromagnetic cavities are being researched in atomic [6], The detuning ∆ between the cavity resonance is cho- ] ca h ionic [7], and nanofabricated systems [8, 9], with appli- sen to be large compared to both the natural linewidth p cations including magnetometry [10], atomic clocks [11], and the hyperfine splitting of the atoms’ excited state. - t and quantum information processing [6, 9, 12]. In con- In this limit, spontaneous emission may be ignored and n trast to mechanical objects, spin systems are more eas- the single-atom cavity-field interaction energy, H = a Stark u ily disconnected from their environment and prepared in ((cid:126)g02/∆ca)nˆ(1±υk·ˆs), comprises the scalar and vector q quantum states, including squeezed states [11]. ac Stark shifts [19], where g quantifies the atom-cavity 0 [ In this Rapid Communication, we seek to link these coupling and υ the vector shift. 2 two fields by exploiting the similarities between large- Summing over all atoms q, we obtain the system v spin systems andharmonic oscillators [13]to construct a Hamiltonian: 3 cavityspinoptodynamicssysteminanalogytocavityop- (cid:18) 5 (cid:88) tomechanics. Optomechanical phenomena map directly H=(cid:126)ω (nˆ +nˆ )+H + −(cid:126)γB·ˆs 8 c + − in/out q to our proposed system, resulting in spin cooling and 3 q . amplification[14,15],nonlinearspinsensitivityandspin- (cid:126)g2 (cid:19) 05 cavitybistability[16,17],andspinopto-dynamicsqueez- + ∆0 [(nˆ++nˆ−)+υ(nˆ+−nˆ−)k·ˆsq] , (2) ing of light [14, 18]. Such a system may find application ca 0 1 as a quantum-limited spin amplifier or as a latching spin with number operators nˆ for the σ± polarized optical ± : detector. We detail these phenomena using currently ac- modes. v i cessible parameters, and we propose realizations either The above Hamiltonian can be rewritten as the inter- X usingcoldatomsandvisiblelightorusingcryogenicsolid action of the collective spin operator Sˆ ≡(cid:80) ˆs with an q q r state systems and microwaves. effective total magnetic field B ≡Ω /γ, giving [20] a eff eff An ideal cavity optomechanics system, consisting of a harmonic oscillator coupled linearly to a single-mode Ωeff =ΩLb+Ωc(nˆ+−nˆ−)k. (3) cavity field, obeys the Hamiltonian Here Ω = γB and Ω = −υg2/∆ . Altogether, the L c 0 ca H=(cid:126)ω nˆ+(cid:126)ω aˆ†aˆ−fz (cid:0)aˆ†+aˆ(cid:1)nˆ+H . (1) cavity spin optodynamical Hamiltonian is c z HO in/out (cid:18) Ng2(cid:19) Here aˆ is the oscillator’s phonon annihilation operator, H=(cid:126) ωc+ ∆ 0 (nˆ++nˆ−)+Hin/out−(cid:126)Ωeff·Sˆ. (4) nˆ is the photon number operator, ω is the natural fre- ca z quency of the oscillator in the dark, and ω is the bare Now consider the external magnetic field to be static c cavity resonance frequency. f is the radiation-pressure and oriented along i, orthogonal to the cavity axis. In force applied by a single photon, while z =(cid:112)(cid:126)/2mω the limit (cid:104)Sˆ(cid:105)(cid:39)Si, the spin dynamics become HO z is the harmonic oscillator length for oscillator mass m. Hin/out describesthecouplingofthecavityfieldtoexter- dSˆj =Ω Sˆ −Ω S(nˆ −nˆ ), dSˆk =−Ω Sˆ . (5) nal light modes. Under this Hamiltonian, the cantilever dt L k c + − dt L j 2 S (b) Ω (n -n)k 15 c + - S n Ω i + L (a) π 0 15 θ 0 n σ+ σ - - -π 0 FIG.1. (Color)Anensembleofatomstrappedwithinadriven -10 -5 0 5 10 -10 -5 0 5 10 Δ/κ Δ/κ opticalresonatorexperiencesanexternallyimposedmagnetic p p fieldalongiandalight-inducedeffectivemagneticfieldalong the cavity axis k. The evolution of the collective spin Sˆ re- FIG. 2. (Color) Cavity-spin bistability in a cavity driven sembles that of a cantilever in cavity optomechanics. with linearly polarized light. We consider N = 5000 spin- 2 87Rb atoms, Ω /κ=1.25×10−3, Ω /κ=3.3×10−2, and c L n¯ =15(similartoRef.[21]). (a)As∆ isvaried,several max,± p The analogy between cavity optomechanics and stable (black) and unstable (gray) static spin configurations are found. Configurations for ∆ /κ=−4.8 are depicted. (b) spin optodynamics is established by assigning p zˆ → −z Sˆ /∆S and pˆ → p Sˆ /∆S , Thecavityexhibitshysteresisastheprobeissweptwithposi- HO k SQL HO j SQL tive(dashedblue)ornegative(red)frequencychirps,withthe where z and p = (cid:126)/(2z ) are defined with HO HO HO spin initially along i. Rapid transitions as ∆ /κ is swept up- (cid:112) p ωz → ΩL [13] and ∆SSQL = S/2 is the standard wardfrom-2.8ordownwardfrom0involvesymmetrybreak- quantum limit for transverse spin fluctuations. Eqs. (5) ingasthecavitybecomesbirefringent;wedisplayn¯ andn¯ + − now match the optomechanical equations of motion assumingthestablebranchclosertoθ0 =0isselected. Here, with the optomechanical coupling defined through ∆ca/2π =20 GHz from the D2 transition, g0/2π =15 MHz, fz nˆ→−(cid:126)Ω ∆S (nˆ −nˆ ). The main result of this κ/2π=1.5 MHz. HO c SQL + − work, that various cavity optomechanical phenomena are manifest also in cavity spin optodynamical systems, tive magnetic field to variations of the collective spin via is immediately established. λ = Ω d(n¯ −n¯ )/dS , the static spin orientations are c + − k Let us now elaborate on these phenomena. To obtain found to be unstable when αλ>Ω |csc3θ |/S. generalresults,wewillproceedwithoutassumingSˆ(cid:39)Si, L 0 Opto-dynamical Larmor frequency shift: The except in certain cases, noted in the text, where some dynamics of the spin precessing about one of the stable physicalinsightisgained. Webeginwitheffectsforwhich configurations can be parameterized by the precession boththelightfieldandtheensemblespinmaybetreated frequency,whichisshiftedfromΩ bytwoeffects. First, classically, i.e. by letting S=(cid:104)Sˆ(cid:105) and n¯ =(cid:104)nˆ (cid:105). L ± ± there is an upward frequency shift from the static modi- Cavity-spin bistability: We start with the static fication of the effective magnetic field, leading to preces- behavior of the system by finding the fixed points of the sion at the frequency Ω (cid:48) = Ω |cscθ | when λ = 0. A L L 0 system. The collective spin vector is static when S is secondshiftoccurswhenthespindynamicsareslowcom- parallel to Ωeff. Writing S = S(isinθ0 +kcosθ0), this pared to the response time of the cavity field (Ω (cid:48) (cid:28)κ). L condition requires n¯ −n¯ =(Ω /Ω )cotθ . The intra- + − L c 0 Here, the precessing spin modulates the cavity field, cavity photon numbers are determined also by the stan- which, in turn, acts back upon the spin to modify its dard expression for a driven cavity of half line-width κ, precession frequency, When the precession amplitude is i.e. n¯ = n¯ [1 + (∆ ±Ω Scosθ )2/κ2]−1 with ± max,± p,± c 0 small, a solution of the spin equations of motion derived ω = (ω + Ng2/∆ ) + ∆ being the frequency of ± c 0 ca p,± from the Hamiltonian in Eq. (4) yields an overall preces- laser light of polarization σ± driving the cavity and sion frequency Ω (cid:48)(cid:48), where L n¯ characterizing its power. These two expressions max,± for n¯+−n¯− may admit several solutions (Fig. 2). Ω (cid:48)(cid:48)2 =Ω (cid:48)2−λΩ Ssinθ . (6) L L L 0 As typical in instances of cavity bistability [22], sev- eral of the static solutions for the intracavity intensities The quantity k ≡ −λΩ Ssinθ serves as the analogue S L 0 may be unstable. To identify such instabilities, we con- of the optical spring constant [23], and leads to shifts of sider the torque on the collective spin when it is dis- the Larmor precession frequency with a sign and mag- placed slightly toward +k from its static orientation. nitude that depend on the spin orientation, λ and the Stable dynamics result when such displacement yields a frequency, intensity, and polarization of the cavity probe torque N·j with the sign α = sgn(sinθ ). Geometri- fields. When the precession amplitude is large, the dy- 0 cally, this stability requires that the spin vector be dis- namicsbecomeessentiallynonlinear. Inthiscasethedy- placedfurtherinthe+kdirectionthanthevectorαΩ . namicscanbedescribedbynumericalsimulation(Fig.3). eff Quantifying the linear response of the intracavity effec- Coherent amplification and damping of spin: 3 Now we consider the effects of the finite cavity response (a) 5000 time κ−1 on the spin dynamics. To develop an intu- SS itivepicture,weconsidertheunresolvedsidebandregime kk k Ω <κ, in a frame (indicated by the index “r”) corotat- S L d 0 ipnoginwt.ithWteheascsoulmlecetitvheessppinin, wtoithbeirparleicgensesdintgoattheafinxeeadr S ani constant rate, and the cavity field response to this pre- SSii -5000 cession to be simply delayed by κ−1. Employing the 0 0.1 2 4 6 8.2 8.3 8.4 rotating-wave approximation, the delay causes the ef- t(ms) (b) π/2 20 fective field Ω to point out of the i -k plane, with eff,r r r Ω ·j = −(αλS sin2θ sinφ)/2, where φ = Ω (cid:48)(cid:48)/κ. eff,r r k,r 0 L The collective spin now experiences a torque in the k 10 r direction, giving 0 dS −αλsin2θ sinφS 0 dB k,r = 0 i,rS (7) dt 2 k,r For positive (negative) values of αλ , the Larmor pre- -10 cession frequency is shifted down (up) and the spin is -π/2 110000 220000 330000 440000 damped toward (amplified away from) its stable point. f(kHz) Similarrelationsapplytocavityoptomechanics[24]. The deflection of the spin toward or away from the stable points persists for large precession amplitudes (Fig. 3). FIG. 3. (Color) Simulations of spin dynamics for S = 5000, Thiscavity-inducedspinamplificationordampingdif- Ω /2π = 200 kHz, Ω /2π = −2.3 kHz, κ/2π = 1.8 MHz, L c fersfromconventionalopticalpumpingintwoimportant nˆ+ =10,and∆p,+ =0.37κ. (a)TimeevolutionofSi (black) respects. First, while the spin polarization generated by andSk (blue),followingspinpreparationneari,showsampli- fication, reorientation, and damping toward the high-energy optical pumping relies on the polarization of the pump stable orientation near −i. Note the different scales on the light, the target state for cavity-induced spin damping horizontal axis. (b) Logarithmic optical spectral noise power is selected energetically. Similar to cavity optomechani- relative to that of coherent light, plotted vs. quadrature an- cal cooling [4], cavity enhancement of Raman scattered gleφ(amplitudequadratureatφ=0),showsinhomogeneous light drives spins to the high- or low-energy spin state opticalsqueezing. Simulationresultsshownincolor,andlin- according to the detuning of probe light from the cavity earized theory (Eq. 10) as contour lines every 5 dB. resonance, independent of the polarization. Second, this amplificationordampingoftheintracavityspiniscoher- that can result in optical squeezing. To exhibit this ef- ent, preserving the phase of Larmor precession, at least fect, we consider a cavity illumined with σ+ circular po- within the limits of a quantum amplifier. larized probe light with detuning ∆ . The dynamics of Spin optodynamical squeezing of light: We now p the cavity field are given by consider quantum optical effects of cavity spin optody- namics. One such effect is the disturbance of the collec- dcˆ (cid:16) (cid:17) tive spin due to quantum optical fluctuations of the cav- + =(i∆ −κ+iΩ Sˆ )cˆ +κ η+ξˆ . (8) dt p c k + + ity fields. In cavity optomechanics, intracavity photon number fluctuations disturb the motion of a cantilever, Here, η gives the coherent-state amplitude of the drive providing the necessary backaction of a quantum mea- field and the noise operator ξˆ represents its fluctua- + surement of position [25]. The analogous disturbance of tions. When evaluating the dynamics numerically, we opticallyprobedatomicspins(orpseudo-spins)hasbeen consider a semiclassical Langevin equation, converting studied both in free-space [26] and intracavity [11, 27] ξˆ into a Gaussian stochastic variable with statistics re- + configurations. In an optomechanics-like configuration, lated to those of the noise operator, and replacing the e.g. with B ∝ i, backaction heating of the atomic spin operators cˆ and Sˆ with c-numbers. This substitution is + enforces quantum limits to measurement of the precess- appropriate for moderately large values of n¯ and S. ing ensemble and also set limits on optodynamical cool- Fig. 3 portrays the simulated evolution of a spin pre- ing. In contrast with optomechanical systems, optically pared initially in a low-energy spin orientation (close probedspinensemblesreadilypresenttheopportunityto to i), driven by a blue-detuned cavity probe. Coher- performquantum-non-demolition(QND)measurements; ent spin amplification directs the spin toward the stable with B ∝ k, the detected spin component S is a QND high-energy configuration (near −i), yielding a dynami- k variable representing the energy of the spin system. calsteadystatecharacterizedbyanegativetemperature. The noise-perturbed spin acts back upon the cavity To obtain analytical expressions for the evolution dy- opticalfield,mediatingaself-interactionofthelightfield namics,wefollowtheexampleofcavityoptomechanics[5] 4 by linearizing the Langevin equations for spin and opti- tronicstatesasthepseudospinandreplacingtheacStark cal fluctuations about their steady-state value. The spin shift with an ac Zeeman shift from microwave radiation projectionS respondstoamplitude-quadraturefluctua- near the 2.8-GHz crystal-field-split Zeeman transition. k tions of the cavity field ξ (ω) with susceptibility A √ S (ω) −Ω (cid:48)Ω n¯ We thank H. Mabuchi and K.B. Whaley for inspiring χ(ω)≡ k = L c + , (9) discussions. This work was supported by the NSF and ξA(ω) ΩL(cid:48)2+kSR(ω)−ω2+iωΓo(ω) the AFOSR. D.M.S.-K. acknowledges support from the where Γo(ω) = 2κκΩ2+L∆(cid:48)22−−ωω22 is the cavity optodynamic Miller Institute for Basic Research in Science. p κ2+∆2 spin damping, and R(ω) = p . 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