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Cavitand-, Fullerene-, and Porphyrin Porphyrincontaining Mechanically and Optically Active Monolayers PDF

209 Pages·2004·6.754 MB·English
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Preview Cavitand-, Fullerene-, and Porphyrin Porphyrincontaining Mechanically and Optically Active Monolayers

Diss. ETH No. 15714 Cavitand-, Fullerene-, and Porphyrin- containing Langmuir Films: Preparation of Mechanically and Optically Active Monolayers A dissertation submitted to the SWISS FEDERAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ZÜRICH For the degree of Doctor of Natural Sciences Presented by Federica Marotti Dottore in Chimica Universitá “La Sapienza” di Roma, Italy born May 21, 1972 in Rome, Italy Accepted on the recommendation of Prof. Dr. François Diederich, examiner Dr. Carlo Thilgen, co-examiner Prof. Dr. Peter Walde, co-examiner Dr. Jean-Louis Gallani, co-examiner Zürich 2004 Ai miei genitori “Cogito, ergo sum!” René Descartes Aknowledgements I would like to thank Prof. Dr. François Diederich for giving me the opportunity to work on such an interesting and challenging project, and also for his guidance as well as for his encouragement during my PhD Thesis. I greatly appreciated his enthusiasm as well as the freedom I had in the execution of the project. I sincerely thank Dr. Carlo Thilgen for accepting the co-examination of my Thesis and for his rigorous and critical comments while proof-reading this manuscript. Thank you very much; I know that it was hard time for you! I am thankful to Dr. Jean-Louis Gallani for accepting the co-examination of my Thesis and for helpful suggestions about the Langmuir and Langmuir-Blodgett technique. Also, I would like to thank Prof. Peter Walde for being my co-examiner. I would like to thank Becky Hof, and Dr. Davide Bonifazi for their critical proof-reading of this manuscript. I am grateful to Irma Näf for all very accurate help with administrative problems. I want to thank all the members of the ETH staff for the valuable services they provided. In particular, Rolf Häfliger for the rapidity in performing HR-MALDI mass analyses. I thank all the members of the Diederich’s group for their friendship and for creating a very pleasant working environment. Merçi à Dr. David Carcache (il mio toro preferito), it was a really pleasure to know you and to share with you nice moments in- and out- the lab. With you, Markus Frei and Kaspar Schärer I shared a really great time and I really enjoyed our “special” conversation; Tobias Welti for his prompt help in solving my problems with the computers; Henry Dube for his help with Mopac and for his guidance in cleaning the rotavap! Dr. Olivier Enger, Dr. Nils F. Utesch, Dr. Nicolle Moonen, Dr. Severin Odermatt, Markus Frei, Romain Siegrist, Marine Guillot, Dr. Fraser Hof, Becky and Sophie Hof, Christine Crane, Vito Convertino, Dr. Nikos Chronakis, Dr. Jacob Olsen, Dr. Frieder Mitzel, Dr. Delphine Felder, Dr. Peter Manini, Dr. Davide Bonifazi, Carmen Atienza, and Lorenzo Alonso, I could never forget the nice time we had together in the chemistry building, or outside of the ETH. You all made my life in Zürich a real pleasure! I am grateful to Christine Crane, Vito Convertino, and Dr. Raffaella Faraoni for their friendship, I will keep you in my heart. I would like to thank a very special person Dr. Nikos Chronakis, you always supported me with your suggestions and your encouragement. I am really glad to have found a very good friendship. Un grazie immenso al Dr. Peter Manini per la sua grande amicizia e disponibilitá e per aver sopportato tutti i miei nervosismi. Porteró sempre con me ogni istante passato insieme. Un ringraziamento speciale va al Dr. Davide Bonifazi: hai avuto un grosso peso in questa tesi di dottorato. Grazie per le interessanti dicussioni e per gli innumerevoli spunti che mi hai dato. È stato divertente e anche un po’ doloroso dividere l’ufficio con te; chissá se zio Bruno è dello stesso parere? Grazie, grazie, grazie a Giulio Casi per la tua amicizia e ..... per le tue deliziose cenette; Rudi Fasan (siamo gemelli!!!!!) che con il tuo sorriso (.....i tuoi bei dentoni) e buon umore hai rischiarato le giornate un po’ piú scure; Dr. Silvia Rasi per essermi stata amorevolmente vicino quando non era poi tanto facile farlo; Dr. Salvatore Chessari per le interessanti analisi sulla vita: è stato un vero piacere condividere con te la mia esperienza zurighese, sono molto contenta di averti conosciuto! E non posso non dire GRAZIE alle mie due piú care amiche Dr. Paola Luci e Dr. Francesca Vitali. Vi ringrazio per i bellissimi e significativi momenti che abbiamo trascorso e continueremo a trascorrere insieme. Mi avete incoraggiato e supportato (e anche sopportato) nei momenti belli cosí come in quelli brutti con un amore incondizionato di cui solo una grandissima amicizia è capace. Vi adoro!!! E infine un grazie di cuore va a mio padre e mia madre che mi hanno insegnato ad amare la vita ed ad accettare e fronteggiare con un sorriso le difficoltá, senza mai demordere. Grazie per avermi sostenuto, senza perdere mai la fiducia in me, e per avermi amato senza chiedere nulla in cambio.

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