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Cave and burrow crickets of the subfamily Bothriophylacinae (Orthoptera: Myrmecophilidae) in Iran and adjacent countries PDF

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Preview Cave and burrow crickets of the subfamily Bothriophylacinae (Orthoptera: Myrmecophilidae) in Iran and adjacent countries

ZOOSYSTEMATICA ROSSICA, 26(2): 241–275 25 DECEMBER 2017 Cave and burrow crickets of the subfamily Bothriophylacinae (Orthoptera: Myrmecophilidae) in Iran and adjacent countries Пещерные и норные сверчки подсемейства Bothriophylacinae (Orthoptera: Myrmecophilidae) в Иране и соседних странах M.S. TAHAMI, A.V. GOROCHOV* & S. SADEGHI* М.С. ТАХАМИ, А.В. ГОРОХОВ, С. САДЕГИ M. Tahami & S. Sadeghi, Entomology Laboratory, Biology Department, College of Science, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran. E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] A.V. Gorochov, Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, 1 Universitetskaya Emb., St Petersburg 199034, Russia. E-mail: [email protected] The composition, distribution, morphology and bionomics of the cricket subfamily Bothrio- phylacinae are briefly discussed. The following taxa are described and redescribed on the base of type material: Microbothriophylacini Gorochov trib. nov.; Eremogryllodes iranicus Tahami et Gorochov sp. nov., E. persicus Tahami et Gorochov sp. nov., E. p. torangae Tahami et Goro- chov subsp. nov., E. p. lari Tahami et Gorochov subsp. nov., E. dilutus Tahami et Gorochov sp. nov., E. d. bakhtiyari Tahami et Gorochov subsp. nov. and E. bifurcatus Tahami et Goro- chov sp. nov. from Iran; E. b. turcicus Gorochov et Ünal subsp. nov. from Turkey; E. major Chopard from Afghanistan; E. monodi Chopard from North Africa; Bothriophylax kiritshenkoi Gorochov et Tahami sp. nov.; B.? richteri Chopard from Iran; and B. rjabovi Gorochov sp. nov. from Armenia. Key to tribes and genera of Bothriophylacinae is also prepared. Кратко рассмотрены состав, распространение, строение и образ жизни сверчковых под- семейства Bothriophylacinae. Описаны и переописаны по типовому материалу следую- щие таксоны: Microbothriophylacini Gorochov trib. nov.; Eremogryllodes iranicus Tahami et Gorochov sp. nov., E. persicus Tahami et Gorochov sp. nov., E. p. torangae Tahami et Gorochov subsp. nov., E. p. lari Tahami et Gorochov subsp. nov., E. dilutus Tahami et Gorochov sp. nov., E. d. bakhtiyari Tahami et Gorochov subsp. nov. и E. bifurcatus Tahami et Gorochov sp. nov. из Ирана; E. b. turcicus Gorochov et Ünal subsp. nov. из Турции; E. major Chopard из Афганистана; E. monodi Chopard из Северной Африки; Bothriophylax kiritshenkoi Gorochov et Tahami sp. nov. и B.? richteri Chopard из Ирана; B. rjabovi Gorochov sp. nov. из Армении. Составлена также определительная таблицы для триб и родов Bothriophylacinae. Key words: crickets, taxonomy, Iran and adjacent countries, Orthoptera, Myrmecophilidae, Bothriophylacinae, new taxa Ключевые слова: сверчковые, таксономия, Иран и соседние страны, Orthoptera, Myr- mecophilidae, Bothriophylacinae, новые таксоны INTRODUCTION territories of North Africa as well as of Southwest and Central Asia. This subfam- The subfamily Bothriophylacinae Mi- ily was discovered almost at the same time ram, 1934 includes small and completely by two entomologists: French orthopter- apterous crickets living in burrows of ro- ist L. Chopard (1929) described the genus dents and reptiles or in caves in the arid Eremogryllodes with two new species from North Africa, and he placed it in the fam- * Corresponding authors ily Gryllidae Laicharting, 1781 between © 2017 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes 242 M.S. TAHAMI ET AL. BOTHRIOPHYLACINAE IN IRAN AND ADJACENT COUNTRIES Gryllomorphinae Saussure, 1877 (“Gryllo- 1873, Myrmecophilidae Saussure, 1874 and morphes”) and Phalangopsinae Blanchard, Gryllotalpidae Leach, 1815. In this publica- 1845; Russian orthopterist E. Miram (1930) tion, Bothriophylacinae was included in the described the subfamily Philobothriinae Myrmecophilinae as its tribe. Somewhat (also in Gryllidae) for the one new genus, later, the genus Microbothriophylax Goro- Philobothrium, with two new species from chov, 1993 was described for one new spe- Turkmenistan, but soon she (Miram, 1934) cies from Saudi Arabia, and Bothriophylax changed these supraspecies taxa names for was restored as a genus (Gorochov, 1993). Bothriophylacinae and Bothriophylax in In the monograph on higher classification connection with the homonymy of her origi- and evolution of Ensifera (Gorochov, 1995), nal generic name to Philobothrium Beneden, the original status of Bothriophylacinae 1849 (Platyhelminthes). In the same year, was also restored, and this taxon was con- Miram’s supraspecies taxa names were pro- sidered as a separate subfamily belonging visionally synonymised to Gryllinae (!) to Myrmecophilidae and most related to and Eremogryllodes, respectively (Chopard, Myrmecophilinae. Recently, another new 1934); later the latter author confirmed this species of Bothriophylax has been described generic synonymy and placed his Eremo- from United Arab Emirates (Gorochov, gryllodes between Mogoplistinae Brunner 2017), and numerous specimens of Eremo- von Wattenwyl, 1873 and Myrmecophili- gryllodes (including several new species and nae Saussure, 1874 (Chopard, 1948) as well subspecies) have been collected in different as described five additional species from caves of Iran. The work with this material Arabian Peninsula, Iran, Afghanistan and as well as with some older material allowed Israel (Chopard, 1948, 1959, 1960, 1963). the authors to better understand the ge- Then Chopard (1968) put his Eremogryl- neric position of many species of Bothrio- lodes in the tribe Bothriophylacini and in- phylacinae as well as to find more clear dif- cluded this tribe in Mogoplistinae, possibly ferences between closely related genera in based on the very superficial similarity of their morphology and lifestyle. these small and non-flying crickets, and La The specimens examined are deposited Greca (1969) described the another new in the following institutions: Zoological species of Eremogryllodes from Libya with- Museum, Collection of Biology Depart- out any mention about systematic position ment, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran (ZM- of this genus. CBSU); Zoological Institute, Russian The morphological features of Bothrio- Academy of Sciences, St Petersburg (ZIN); phylacinae were studied in details and com- Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, pared with those of Myrmecophilinae and Paris, France (MNHN); Staatliches Mu- other subfamilies of Grylloidea by Goro- seum für Naturkunde, Stuttgart, Germany chov (1980). This study showed that Both- (SMNS). riophylacinae is most related to the subfam- ily Myrmecophilinae and may be considered TAXONOMIC PART as a tribe inside Myrmecophilinae; Both- riophylax was removed from synonymy and Subfamily BOTHRIOPHYLACINAE considered as a subgenus of Eremogryllodes. Miram, 1934 In the paper on higher taxonomy of Gryl- loidea, Gorochov (1984a) grounded the Philobothriinae Miram, 1930 (name division of this superfamily into four recent based on homonymic generic name). families having independent development Note. Bothriophylacinae includes three of the sclerotised male genital apparatus genera: Eremogryllodes, Bothriophylax Mi- (see also Gorochov, 2014, 2015): Gryllidae, ram, 1934 (= Philobothrium Miram, 1930, Mogoplistidae Brunner von Wattenwyl, homonymic name) and Microbothriophylax. © 2017 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 26(2): 241–275 M.S. TAHAMI ET AL. BOTHRIOPHYLACINAE IN IRAN AND ADJACENT COUNTRIES 243 The first two genera are closely related and and almost semiglobular, with the long an- widely distributed in the arid territories tennae having the small scape which is 1.8– from North Africa to Pakistan; however, 2.4 times as wide as the distance between they are clearly distinguished from each the antennal cavities, with the mouthparts other by some small but distinct characters rather small but having the comparatively of their male genitalia and possibly by their long maxillary palpi (Figs V: 10; VI: 1) as lifestyle. Adult specimens of the third ge- well as large and moderately convex clyp- nus (Microbothriophylax) are known only eus (this clypeus is more or less oval, i.e. from Arabian Peninsula, and habits of this almost not divided into anteclypeus and genus are unclear; however, one nymph pos- postclypeus by distinct lateral notches or sibly belonging to this genus was collected any transverse fold), with the eyes elongate in “dark interior of wolf’s den” (Chopard, (almost vertical) but not large and lacking 1948). The external structure of Microboth- facets in the dorsoposterior third or quar- riophylax is more similar to that of the pre- ter (Figs I: 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12, 14, 17; VI: vious genera than to that of Myrmecophili- 1), and without ocelli. The pronotum is nae (Figs I; II: 1, 6), but its hind femora are also large, semitubular but wider than long, almost intermediate between these subfam- with the anterior edge somewhat convex, ilies (Figs II: 4, 5, 7), and its male genitalia with posterior one more or less straight, are very different from those of all the other with the lateral sides almost parallel, and taxa of Myrmecophilidae (Figs III: 1–7, without any border in the shape of a low 13–21; IV); thus, this genus must be isolat- and thin submarginal keel which outlines ed as a separate tribe of Bothriophylacinae all the pronotal edges in the other groups (see a key for tribes and genera of Both- of Grylloidea (Figs I: 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 13–15, riophylacinae below). Moreover, its male 17); meso- and metanotum are almost as genitalia has a rather primitive structure of abdominal tergites in the shape, i.e. clearly the epiphallus and endoparameral apodeme transverse but usually longer than the lat- (Figs III: 4–7), whereas Eremogryllodes ter tergites; wings are completely absent and Bothriophylax have these epiphallus (Figs I: 1, 11; VI: 4–9; XI: 1, 2, 6, 9); legs are and apodeme strongly specialized and very moderately long and thin, with short coxae similar to those of the genus Myrmecophi- (Fig. II: 1) and thickened hind femur (Figs lus Berthold, 1927 (Figs III: 14–19, 21; IV: II: 4, 5; VI: 2, 3; XI: 4, 12), without tympana 1–3, 10, 13, 20, 23–25, 28). Therefore, we on the fore legs, without any armament on cannot exclude that Microbothriophylax is the femora and most part of tibiae, but usu- a member of a separate (third) subfamily ally with a pair of ventroapical spurs on the of Myrmecophilidae; however, its similar- fore and middle tibiae, a few long and thin ity to Eremogryllodes and Bothriophylax in movable spines on the both dorsal keels of the general appearance may indicate that it hind tibia as well as three pairs of apical also belongs to Bothriophylacinae, and that spurs on the hind tibia and 1–2 dorsal spi- the similarity of the latter genera with Myr- nules on the hind basitarsus (Figs II: 1–5). mecophilus in the genital structure is only a The abdomen is without distinct glands in convergence or an evidence of the origin of the both sexes; last abdominal segment is Myrmecophilinae from an advanced repre- not fused with the epiproct, i.e. not form- sentative of Bothriophylacinae (i.e. Both- ing an anal (= supraanal) plate; this seg- riophylacinae may be a paraphyletic taxon). ment is usually rather small and simple in Morphology. The body of Bothriophyla- the shape (Figs III: 8–11), but it is deeply cinae is small and light coloured (yellowish divided into a pair of rather long and an- or whitish) but often with light brown or gular lobes (having apical spinule) in the brown spots and stripes (Figs I: 1–15, 17; male of Microbothriophylax (Figs III: 1, 3); VI; XI). The head is comparatively large epiproct is also usually small and simple © 2017 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 26(2): 241–275 244 M.S. TAHAMI ET AL. BOTHRIOPHYLACINAE IN IRAN AND ADJACENT COUNTRIES (more or less oval), but in the latter male, (median) apodeme which is directed for- it is in the shape of wider membranous fold wards and penetrates deeply into the body having a rather small posteromedian notch cavity (Figs III: 4–7, 14–16, 21; IV: 1, 2, 23, (Figs III: 1, 3, 8–11); paraprocts are short 24); but in Gryllidae, Mogoplistidae and and rounded, and cerci are thin and rather Gryllotalpidae, the epiphallus usually has a long (i.e. paraprocts and cerci are unspe- pair of rather small apodemes. The epiphal- cialized, typical of Grylloidea); male and lus of Microbothriophylax is completely female genital (= subgenital) plates are dif- sclerotized, rather long and more or less tri- ferent in the shape; in male, genital plate is angular dorsally; it is strongly projected be- rather large, more or less semitubular, usu- hind the paraprocts, and its apodeme is also ally almost triangular ventrally and with completely sclerotized and not longer than the apical part somewhat specialized (Figs the main epiphallic part (Figs III: 1–7); III: 9, 11, 12; VIII: 2–4, 15–17; X: 2–6, 23, however, the epiphallus in Eremogryllodes, 29; XII: 1, 2, 7, 8, 13, 14, 16), sometimes Bothriophylax and Myrmecophilus is divided (in Microbothriophylax) almost square in by a moderately large or very large membra- the ventral view (Figs III: 2, 3); in female, nous area into two lateral parts which often genital plate is more or less trapezoidal but consist of a pair of small posterior sclerites sometimes with a posteromedian notch (barely projected or not projected behind (Figs V: 1, 2) the paraprocts) and a pair of thin and semi- The male genitalia of Bothriophylacinae sclerotized lateral ribbons corresponding are very remarkable, strongly different from to the lateral parts of the median epiphallic those of the other families of Grylloidea, apodeme of Microbothriophylax (Figs III: but having a certain similarity to those of 14–16, 21; IV: 1, 2, 23, 24). Myrmecophilinae. Majority of their sclero- In the latter genus, there is an ad- tized structures are only partly homologous ditional unpaired (median) sclerite lo- or not homologous to those of the other cated under the epiphallus (Fig. III: 7). It families. But it is reasonable to use the same is also almost triangular but smaller and genital terms for analogous morphological having a pair of very long and rather thin structures which may have the same origin apodemes (Figs III: 4–6) which are un- or the same or similar functions in the for- doubtedly homologous to the endoparam- mation and transfer of the spermatophore as eral apodemes of Gryllidae (endoparameral well as in the female fixation during copula- apodeme = apodema principale in the other tion. Possibly, the unpaired (median) scler- families and superfamilies of the Ensifera; ite named “epiphallus” in Myrmecophilidae Gorochov, 2015). Thus, this sclerite may (Gorochov, 1980) is independently formed be named “endoparameral sclerite” (= en- from a dorsal part of the former membra- doparamere or endoparameron) although nous dorsal fold (lobe) characteristic of the it probably arose in Myrmecophilidae inde- general ancestors of Ensifera as well as of pendently as a thickened part of the genital Grylloidea, and thus it is partly homologous membrane for attaching these apodemes to the epiphallus of Gryllidae and some oth- and is incompletely homologous to the usu- er orthopterans; in Bothriophylacinae and ally paired endoparameres of the Gryllidae. Myrmecophilinae, this sclerite is always In Eremogryllodes, Bothriophylax and Myr- firmly articulated with the special ventral mecophilus, there is a pair of endoparameres projections of ninth and tenth abdominal having a stick-like, plate-like or strongly bi- tergites (Figs III: 5, 13, 15, 17), but in the furcated shape and fused with an extremely other families of Grylloidea, the epiphallus large unpaired apodeme by their basal (an- is distinctly isolated from these tergites by terior) parts (Figs III: 14, 17–19, 21; IV: 3, membranous areas. In Myrmecophilidae, 6, 7, 10, 12, 13, 16, 17, 20, 22, 25, 28, 31); the epiphallus is also with a large unpaired the latter apodeme is dorsoventrally lamel- © 2017 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 26(2): 241–275 M.S. TAHAMI ET AL. BOTHRIOPHYLACINAE IN IRAN AND ADJACENT COUNTRIES 245 Figs I (1–17). Myrmecophilidae. 1–4, Eremogryllodes monodi Chop.; 5–7, E. major Chop.; 8–10, Both- riophylax? richteri (Chop.); 11–13, B. vlasovi (Mir.); 14, 15, B. semenovi (Mir.); 16, Myrmecophilus oculatus Mir.; 17, Microbothriophylax mica Gor. Body of female from above (1, 11); head without an- tennae and palpi in front (2, 5, 8), and without these structures (except for scapes) in front and partly from below (12, 16); head without antennae, maxillae and labium but with pronotum from side (3, 6, 9, 14) and from above (17, with scapes); pronotum from above (4, 7, 10, 13, 15). [1, 11, 12, 16, 17, after Chopard (1943), Miram (1930), and Gorochov (1980, 1993)]. © 2017 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 26(2): 241–275 246 M.S. TAHAMI ET AL. BOTHRIOPHYLACINAE IN IRAN AND ADJACENT COUNTRIES Figs II (1–7). 1, 2, Bothriophylax vlasovi (Mir.); 3, B. semenovi (Mir.); 4, Eremogryllodes monodi Chop.; 5, Microbothriophylax mica Gor.; 6, 7, Myrmecophilus oculatus Mir. Fore leg, inner view (1, 6); hind leg without coxa, outer (4, 5) and inner (7) views; hind tarsus, lateral view (2, 3). [2, 5, 7, after Gorochov (1980, 1993), modified]. © 2017 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 26(2): 241–275 M.S. TAHAMI ET AL. BOTHRIOPHYLACINAE IN IRAN AND ADJACENT COUNTRIES 247 lar but with an additional high dorsomedian are more or less plate-like in Bothriophylax keel in Eremogryllodes and Bothriophylax (Figs IV: 26–28, 30, 31) and almost hook- (Figs III: 14; IV: 3, 10, 13, 20); homology of like in Eremogryllodes (in the latter genus, this apodeme with the paired endoparam- these sclerites are here named as “dorsal eral apodemes of Microbothriophylax is not and ventral ectoparameres”; Figs IV: 3–5, 7, very evident, because no any traces of fu- 12–15, 17, 22). sion of the latter paired apodemes with each The rachis of Myrmecophilidae is per- other. Moreover, the partly membranous haps partly homologous to that of Gryllidae endoparameral fold (lobe), located between and Mogoplistidae; it is in the shape of a the epiphallic lobe (= dorsal fold) and the narrow sclerotized semitube. In Microboth- rachis (= guiding rod) in Microbothriophy- riophylax and Myrmecophilus, its basal part lax or between the epiphallus and rachis is similar to the formula of Gryllidae when in the other genera of Myrmecophilidae this formula is fused with the rachis, or the (epiphallic lobe in the latter genera is pos- above-mentioned part is with a pair of small sibly combined with the endoparameral membranous folds, respectively; this part lobe into a single membranous fold), has a has a rather long median anterior apodeme pair of moderately large and membranous in Microbothriophylax and lacks such additional lobes named “ectoparameres” apodeme in Myrmecophilus (Figs III: 5–7, by Gorochov (1980, 1993); these lobes are 20, 21). In Eremogryllodes and Bothriophy- clearly not homologous to the ectoparam- lax, the rachis is often more or less twisted eres of Gryllidae which often also not ho- in the distal part, and its basal part (for- mologous to each other in many groups of mula?) forms a more or less sclerotized ball Gryllidae, but their position and possible with an almost spherical cavity inside; this functioning as paired and movable struc- cavity opens posteriorly by an oblique crev- tures for fixing the male genitalia or intro- ice and is connected with a ventral groove ducing the spermatophore in the female of the rachis, and this ball is fused with a genital cavity allow us to use these terms pair of stout posteroventral arms of the me- in all analogous cases. These ectoparameral dian endoparameral apodeme (Figs III: 14; lobes are located more or less behind the en- IV: 8–11, 18–21, 27–31). It is possible, this doparameral sclerite in Microbothriophylax ball-like structure forms a spiral-like part (Figs III: 5, 6) and probably use the endo- of the spermatophore (Fig. V: 3). This sper- parameral apodemes as ectoparameral ones; matophore part looks as a dense tangle and but in Bothriophylax, Eremogryllodes and possibly serves as anchor (ancora) for fixa- Myrmecophilus, the ectoparameral lobes are tion of spermatophore in the female genital situated almost under the endoparameral cavity; thus, the above-mentioned ball-like sclerites (Figs III: 13, 17–19; IV: 25–28, 30, structure of genitalia is partly analogous 31) and provided with moderately long ec- and/or even homologous to the sacculus toparameral apodemes (Figs III: 13, 17–19; (= spermatophore sac) in Gryllidae. It is IV; 3, 12, 13, 22, 25, 27, 28, 31); in the latter a reason that this name (sacculus) is here three genera, these apodemes fused with a used for this characteristic ball-like struc- pair of ventral sclerites located on the ven- ture of the male genitalia. Spermatophore tral surface of endoparameral fold in Myr- of Microbothriophylax is unknown, but its mecophilus (Fig. III: 20) and in the ventral part homologous to the spiral-like one may parts of ectoparameral lobes in Bothrio- be formed in a cavity between the rachial phylax and Eremogryllodes (Figs IV: 3, 13, base (formula?) and valves (Fig. III: 7). 27), but the two latter genera are also with The rest spermatophore structures in the a pair of dorsal sclerites located in the dor- other representatives of Bothriophylacinae sal parts of ectoparameral lobes (Figs IV: 3, are the following: a small, rather hard, red- 13, 26, 28, 31); both pairs of these sclerites dish and semitransparent ampulla attached © 2017 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 26(2): 241–275 248 M.S. TAHAMI ET AL. BOTHRIOPHYLACINAE IN IRAN AND ADJACENT COUNTRIES to the female between its genital plate and Miram, 1930, B. semenovi Miram, 1930) ovipositor base (Figs V: 1–3), and formed were collected in burrows of rodents and in the male genitalia possibly between their reptiles in deserts and semideserts (Miram, valves and rest genital part (Fig. III: 14); 1930, 1934; Gorochov, 1988): B. vlasovi, whitish semitranspent mass (spermatophy- having the tarsal claws very long, was col- lax ?) located around the basal and dorsal lected in sand deserts; B. semenovi with the parts of ampulla, and well visible even after claws distinctly shorter was collected main- attaching the spermatophore to the female ly in clayey deserts and semideserts. In the (Figs V: 1–3); a thin, rather long and whit- daytimes, these insects sit on the ceiling of ish tube situated between the above-men- burrow (Vlasov & Miram, 1937; Gorochov, tioned ampulla and thickened spiral-like 1979) where they may eat roots of desert part, and possibly homologous or analogous plants hanging from the ceiling, as well as to the neck (= collum) in Gryllidae (Fig. V: algae or mushrooms living on these roots, 3); a rather short and thin apical part of the but at night they can migrate between the spermatophore probably corresponding to burrows and perhaps even feed on open soil; the tube (= tubus) in Gryllidae and possi- their oviposition is probably produced in bly formed in the semitubular part of male the burrow walls. All the Iranian specimens rachis (Figs III: 14; V: 3). of Eremogryllodes considered here were col- The ovipositor in Myrmecophilidae is lected in caves, and there are also a few lit- rather uniform in the structure; it is not erary indications about the discovery of this very long but with a rather large cavity be- genus in Afghanistan (E. major Chopard, tween its valves; the ventral valves are rath- 1960) and Israel (E. pallidus Chopard, 1963) er narrow and similar to those of Gryllidae also in caves (Chopard, 1960, 1963). Thus, and Mogoplistidae in the shape, but dorsal it is very possibly that these genera have ones are strongly widened (high) but partly different habits: Bothriophylax is mainly lamellar and clearly arcuate in the trans- adapted to life in burrows, but Eremogryl- verse section; the latter valves are strongly lodes is represented mostly by inhabitants overlapping each other by their lamellar of caves. The colouration of different rep- parts (these characters of dorsal valves are resentatives of Eremogryllodes may be from additional unique autapomorphies of Myr- contrastingly spotted to almost completely mecophilidae; Figs V: 4–6); apical part of light (without any distinct darkenings); ovipositor is rather strongly sclerotized, of- for cave ensiferans, the spotted colouration ten with small denticles or teeth on the dor- is evidence that the species is a facultative sal valves for the soil digging, and slightly (but not obligatory) inhabitant of caves and separated or almost not separated from the that its distribution may be rather wide, the rest of ovipositor (Figs V: 1, 4, 5, 8). In con- absence of darkenings indicates that it may trast to Myrmecophilinae, the ovipositor of be an obligatory inhabitant of caves with a Bothriophylacinae is unable or almost un- narrow (local) area, and the intermediate able to be drawn under the abdomen (for colouration suggests that the species has in- comparison see Figs V: 1, 8, 9); but in the termediate habits and distribution. both subfamilies, eighth and ninth abdomi- nal tergites are rather short (narrow in the Key to the tribes and genera profile), and their ventral parts are fused of Bothriophylacinae and forming a pair of rather thin but sturdy 1. Hind femur rather strongly thickened, ap- columns articulated with the ovipositor proximately 2.3 times as long as wide (high) (Fig. V: 7). (Fig. II: 5). Male genitalia: epiphallus Mode of life. Habits of Bothriophylaci- (epiphallic sclerite) and its anteromedian nae are poorly known. Some representa- apodeme undivided into a pair of sclerotized tives of the genus Bothriophylax (B. vlasovi parts by any membranous area (Fig. III: 4); © 2017 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 26(2): 241–275 M.S. TAHAMI ET AL. BOTHRIOPHYLACINAE IN IRAN AND ADJACENT COUNTRIES 249 endoparamere (endoparameral sclerite) also dorsal sclerite, and with rather small ventral undivided into a pair of sclerites, and with a sclerite located at base of this lobe (Figs IV: pair of long and thin (ribbon-like) anterior 26–28, 30, 31); sacculus small (short), with apodemes (Figs III: 4–6); rachis with simple completely sclerotized lateral sides (Figs IV: (plate-like) anterior part having rather long 27–29, 30, 31) . . . . . . . . Genus Bothriophylax anteromedian apodeme (Figs III: 5–7) . . . . . . [Composition: type species Philobothrium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tribe vlasovi Miram, 1930 (Turkmenistan); Ph. se- Microbothriophylacini Gorochov, trib. nov. menovi Miram, 1930 (Turkmenistan); B. arab [Composition: only type genus Microboth- Gorochov, 2017 (United Arab Emirates); riophylax including type species M. mica two new species from Iran and Armenia de- Gorochov, 1993 (Saudi Arabia) and possibly scribed here; probably Eremogryllodes uva- Eremogryllodes seurati Chopard, 1929 and rovi Chopard, 1948 (“Arabia”) and E. richteri E. fitzgeraldi Chopard, 1948 (both described Chopard, 1959 (Iran).] for nymphs from Algeria and “Arabia”, re- spectively; Chopard, 1948).] Eremogryllodes iranicus Tahami – Hind femur slightly or moderately thickened, et Gorochov, sp. nov. 2.7–3.6 times as long as wide (high) (Figs I: (Figs V: 1, 2; VI: 1–4; VII: 1–4, 11, 12; 1, 11; II: 4). Male genitalia: epiphallus and its VIII: 1–13) anteromedian apodeme divided or partly di- vided into a pair of sclerotized parts by long Holotype. Male, Iran, Fars Prov., Darab membranous area (Figs IV: 1, 23); endopara- County, Chah Kondar Vill., Sahlak Canyon, mere also more or less divided into a pair of 30°14´N, 52°05´E, Sahlak Cave, 4.XII.2016, thin and bifurcated sclerites which fused or M. Tahami (ZM-CBSU). articulated with special projections of very Paratypes. Iran: 15 males and 6 females (ZM- large unpaired endoparameral apodeme (this CBSU and ZIN), same data as for holotype; 9 apodeme very long, wide and with high dor- males and 5 females, Fars Prov., Khafr County, somedian keel; Figs IV: 3, 6, 10, 12, 13, 16, Karaft Vill., 28°57´N, 52°49´E, Ab Kamouneh 20, 22, 25, 28); rachis with strongly modified Cave, 8.I.2016, M. Tahami (ZM-CBSU and anterior part which lacking unpaired ante- ZIN); 3 males and 1 female, Fars Prov., Malous- rior apodeme and changed into almost ball- jan Industrial Park, 29°51´N, 52°27´E, Malous- shaped and more or less sclerotized sacculus jan Cave, 22.XII.2015, M. Tahami (ZM-CBSU); connected with endoparameral apodeme by 2 females, 1 nymph of male and 18 nymphs of a pair of sclerotized lateral arms (Figs III: females, Yazd Prov., Herat County, Borueiyeh 14; IV: 8–11, 18–21, 27–31). Tribe Bothrio- Wildlife Shelter, 30°07´N, 54°08´E, Khane Kho- phylacini . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 da Cave, 18.X.2014, M. Tahami (ZM-CBSU); 2. Male genitalia: each ectoparameral lobe with 4 males, 11 nymphs of males and 14 nymphs of two elongate hook-like sclerites, dorsal and females, same locality but 30.IX.2015, M. Taha- ventral ectoparameres (Figs IV: 3, 7, 12, 13, mi (ZM-CBSU); 2 males, same locality but 17, 22); anterior half of dorsal ectoparamere 12.IV.2016, M. Tahami (ZM-CBSU); 2 males consisting of two sclerotized ribbons (Figs and 1 female, Kerman Prov., Sirjan County, God- IV: 3, 13); posterior (hook-like) part of ven- e Ghul No-hunting Area, 29°37´N, 55°7´E, Oota tral ectoparamere articulated or slightly sep- Cave, 4.I.2015, M. Tahami (ZM-CBSU). arated from rest part (Figs IV: 4, 5, 14, 15); Description. Male (holotype). Body typ- sacculus rather large, with partly membra- ical of this genus in general shape but rather nous lateral sides (Figs IV: 8–11, 18–21) . . . . large. Colouration whitish with several . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Genus Eremogryllodes distinct darker marks: eyes blackish with [Composition: type species E. monodi upper third light brown; epicranium with Chopard, 1929 (Algeria); E. major Chopard, short and narrow longitudinal brownish 1960 (Afghanistan); four new species from grey stripe behind eye and with very small Iran and Turkey described here; possibly darkish marks between antennal cavities; E. pallidus Chopard, 1963 (Israel) and E. fio- rii La Greca, 1969 (Libya).] pronotum with four brownish spots along – Male genitalia: each ectoparameral lobe with anterior edge and four brownish spots along large and more or less triangularly plate-like posterior edge, but each lateral spot near © 2017 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 26(2): 241–275 250 M.S. TAHAMI ET AL. BOTHRIOPHYLACINAE IN IRAN AND ADJACENT COUNTRIES posterior edge connected with nearest me- thin, with apical segment longer than each dial spot by short and narrow stripe (Fig. of other segments but slightly widened in VI: 1); mesonotum with three brownish apical part (Fig. VI: 1). Pronotum trans- spots (lateral spots somewhat smaller) and verse, with convex anterior edge, almost a few darkish dots between them; metano- straight posterior edge, and more or less tum and two anterior abdominal tergites truncate lateral lobes; pterothoracic tergites with three very light brown spots fused similar to abdominal tergites in dorsal view, with each other along posterior edge; third but metanotum distinctly longer (wider) abdominal tergite with a pair of similar but than mesonotum and each abdominal ter- shorter spots; fourth–ninth abdominal ter- gite. Legs slender; fore and middle tibiae gites with traces of latter spots in shape of with a pair of ventral apical spurs; hind fe- transverse stripes along posterior edges; mur moderately thickened; hind tibia with tenth abdominal tergite with a pair of dis- four outer and five inner rather long and tinct brown spots widely separated from articulated spines (one outer distal, one in- each other; epiproct with light greyish ner subdistal and one inner proximal spines brown dorsum having clearly lighter medi- shorter than other spines), with a pair of an part; paraprocts with light greyish brown dorsal apical spurs distinctly longer than outer area (Fig. VIII: 1); cerci with greyish all these spines, with a pair of middle apical stripe along inner surface; legs with a pair of spurs almost equal to short spines in length, brownish spots (outer and inner) on all fem- and with a pair of ventral apical spurs short- ora near their apex, with additional barely est; hind basitarsus with a pair of subapical lighter area on ventral half of middle part of spines (apical spurs?) almost equal to lat- hind femur, with almost brown small dorsal ter spurs in length (inner spine located in spot on all tibiae near their base, and with somewhat more distal position than outer light greyish brown most part of dorsal half one). Tenth abdominal tergite with slightly of all tibiae (but spines whitish) (Figs VI: concave posterior edge separating this ter- 2, 3). Head with rostrum between antennal gite from rather small and more or less tri- cavities approximately 1.6 times as wide as angular epiproct (Fig. VIII: 1); genital plate this cavity; eyes rather narrow, almost verti- not large but distinctly longer than tenth cal, with clearly developed facets in lower abdominal tergite and epiproct together, al- two thirds and without them in upper third most triangular in ventral (or dorsal) view (Fig. VI: 1); maxillary palpi rather long and but with a pair of angular posterior projec- Figs III (1–21). Male abdominal structures of Myrmecophilidae (membranous parts not painted). 1–7, Microbothriophylax mica Gor.; 8, 9, Eremogryllodes major Chop.; 10–12, E. monodi Chop.; 13, 14, Bothriophylax vlasovi (Mir.); 15–21, Myrmecophilus oculatus Mir. Abdominal apex without genital plate from above (1, 8, 10), and with this plate but from below (2) and from side (3, 9, 11); genitalia from above (4), from below and with small parts of tergites articulated with epiphallus (5, without valves, accessory glands and ejaculatory duct; 13, with these structures but without most part of endoparameral apodeme; 17, with all these structures), from side (6, without membranous struc- tures except for distal ones; 18, with most part of membranous structures), from above but without epiphallus (19), and from below but without epiphallus and some other structures (valves, accessory glands, ejaculatory duct and anterior half of endoparameral apodeme) (20); distal half of genital plate from above (12); scheme of sagittal section of genitalia with some nearest structures (7, 14, 21). [1–7, 13–21, after Gorochov (1980, 1993), modified]. Abbreviations: 8, 9, 10, 8th–10th abdominal tergites; a, ectoparameral apodema; ae, apodema of epiphallus; ac, accessory gland; af, apodeme of formula; an, anus; c, cercus; d, ejaculatory duct; e, epiproct; ea, endoparameral apodeme; en, endoparamere (en- doparameral sclerite); ef, endoparameral fold; el, ectoparameral lobe; ep, epiphallus; f, formula?; gp, genital plate; p, paraproct; r, rachis; s, sacculus; v, valve or common base of valves; vs, ventral sclerite of endoparameral fold (or of ectoparameral lobe). © 2017 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 26(2): 241–275

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