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US00731 l705B2 United States Patent (12) (10) Patent N0.: US 7,311,705 B2 Sra (45) Date of Patent: Dec. 25, 2007 (54) CATHETER APPARATUS FOR TREATMENT EP 1321101 A2 12/2002 OF HEART ARRHYTHMIA GB 2 239 802 A 7/1991 W0 WO 91/07726 5/1991 (75) Inventor: Jasbir S. Sra, PeWaukee, WI (US) W0 WO 96/10949 4/1996 (73) Ass1_ gnee: Medtronlc_ , Inc., M1n_ neapol1s_ , MN OTHER PUBLICATIONS (Us) C.L. Grines et al.; “Functional Abnormalities in Isolated Left Bundle Branch Block: The Effect of Interventricular Asynchrony,” ( * ) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this Circulation; 1989; 79:845'53' patent is extended or adjusted under 35 (Continued) U.S.C. 154(b) by 494 days. Primary ExamineriMichael Pef?ey (21) Appl. No.: 10/916,662 (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firmilansson Shupe & Munger Ltd. (22) F1led: Aug. 12, 2004 (57) ABSTRACT (65) Prior Publication Data A catheter apparatus is provided for use in the treatment of heart arrhythmia having a catheter shaft, a mapping and Us Zoos/0038333 A1 Feb- 17> 2005 ablation catheter disposed Within the shaft, and a control _ _ mechanism coupled to both the shaft and catheter. The Related U-s- APPhcatmn Data catheter shaft includes a main body and a coaxial tip section (63) continuation_in_pan of application NO 10/353,625, Jomed to the~ma1n body. The up sectlon can be rotated about ?led on Jan 29 2003 HOW Pat NO 6 926 714 a central ax1s and curved aWay from the central ax1s 1n a ' ’ ’ ' ' ’ ’ ' controlled manner. The mapping and ablation catheter can (60) Provisional application No. 60/53 1 ,293, ?led on Dec. be extended outward from the catheter shaft Where it is able 19, 2003, provisional application No. 60/494,607, to take the form of a pre-stressed curve. The control mecha ?led on Aug, 12, 2003, provisional application No, nism controls axial rotation of the tip section, the degree of 60/354,561, ?led on Feb, 5, 2002, de?ection of the tip section and longitudinal movement of the mapping and ablation catheter With respect to the cath (51) Int, Cl, eter shaft. Preferably, the mapping and ablation catheter A613 18/18 (200601) forms a pre-stressed loop When it is fully extended from the (52) us. Cl. ....................................... .. 606/41; 607/122 Catheter Shaft (58) Field of Classi?cation Search ................ .. 606/41, In another aspect Of this invention, it Provides a method for 606/48i50; 607/101, 102, 122 treatment of a heart arrhythmia having the steps of (1) See application ?le for Complete Search history obtalmng cardlac 1mage data from a medlcal 1mag1ng sys tem, (2) creatlng a 3D model from th1s card1ac 1mage data, (56) References Cited (3) registering the 3D model to an interventional system, (4) positioning a catheter apparatus Within a chamber of the Us‘ PATENT DOCUMENTS heart, (5) displaying the catheter apparatus over the regis 3 954 098 A 5/1976 Dick et a1‘ tered 3D model on the interventional system, (6) navigating , , the catheter apparatus Within the heart guided by the regis (Continued) tered 3D model, and (7) having the catheter apparatus ablate 11 IT I' I l I l I' . 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L 1 L II/PAC LS PVWMWWLLUW Rvijf i J’ i Jr i i J] i IFJFJHJW" |-_-| 1000 ms FIG. 3 U.S. Patent Dec. 25, 2007 Sheet 3 0f 11 US 7,311,705 B2 Registration of 3D Visualization of Isolation of Pulmonary and Endocardial Catheter Over Veins-Areas Ablated by Images on the the CT Image the Catheter are lnterventional System Shown by Circular Tags FIG. 4A FIG. 45 FIG. 4C U.S. Patent Dec. 25, 2007 Sheet 4 0f 11 US 7,311,705 B2 FIG. 6 U.S. Patent Dec. 25, 2007 Sheet 5 0f 11 US 7,311,705 B2 U.S. Patent Dec. 25, 2007 Sheet 6 0f 11 US 7,311,705 B2 FIG. 8A FIG. 8B 36 55 FIG. 9A FIG. 9B U.S. Patent Dec. 25, 2007 Sheet 7 0f 11 US 7,311,705 B2 50 M 54/ - i 52 /4/ FIG. 10A

heart arrhythmia having a catheter shaft, a mapping and. Us Zoos/0038333 forms a pre-stressed loop When it is fully extended from the. (52) us. Cl
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