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Caterpillar Performance Handbook PDF

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C a t e r p Caterpillar i l l a r P Performance e r f o r m Handbook a n c e 47 H a n d b o o k 47 SEBD0351-47 © 2017 Caterpillar • All Rights Reserved CAT, CATERPILLAR, SAFETY.CAT.COM, their respective logos, “Caterpillar Yellow” and the “Power Edge” trade dress, as well as corporate and product identity used herein, are trademarks of Caterpillar and may not be used without permission. English_Cover_BW2.indd 1 3/21/16 1:52 PM CONTENTS ARTICULATED TRUCKS 1 Page Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Environment and Sustainability . . . 4 BACKHOE LOADERS 2 Operator and Machine Protection. . . . . . . . . . . 5 Operator Training . . . . . . . . . . 5 DRILLS 3 Machine Modifications . . . . . . 7 Equipment Options . . . . . . . . . 7 Machine Protection . . . . . . . . . 7 ENGINES 4 Fire Prevention. . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Safety Regulations. . . . . . . . . . 8 Sound Suppression . . . . . . . . . 8 Replacement Parts Warning . . 8 FOREST PRODUCTS 5 Nomenclature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 HIGHWALL MINING SYSTEM 6 HYDRAULIC EXCAVATORS 7 – Front Shovels • Hydraulic Excavators HYDROMECHANICAL ATTACHMENTS 8 MATERIAL HANDLERS 9 MINING & OFF-HIGHWAY TRUCKS 10 MOTOR GRADERS 11 ON-HIGHWAY TRUCKS 12 PAVING PRODUCTS 13 PIPELAYERS 14 SKID STEER LOADERS ● MULTI TERRAIN LOADERS 15 ● COMPACT TRACK LOADERS SURFACE MINING EXTRACTION 16 – Draglines • Electric Rope Shovels • Hydraulic Mining Shovels TELESCOPIC HANDLERS 17 TRACK LOADERS 18 Edition 47 1 PHB-Intro-Nom-17-BookmarkedPDF.indd 1 10/13/16 11:12 AM CATERPILLAR PERFORMANCE HANDBOOK a publication by Caterpillar, Peoria, Illinois, U.S.A. JANUARY 2017 Performance information in this booklet is intended for estimating purposes only. Because of the many variables peculiar to individual jobs (including material characteristics, operator efficiency, underfoot conditions, altitude, etc.), neither Caterpillar nor its dealers warrant that the machines described will perform as estimated. NOTE: Always refer to the appropriate Operation and Maintenance Manual for specific product information. Materials and specifications are subject to change without notice. CAT, CATERPILLAR, SAFETY.CAT.COM, their respective logos, “Caterpillar Yellow” and the “Power Edge” trade dress, as well as corporate and product identity used herein, are trademarks of Caterpillar and may not be used without permission. © 1979-2017 Caterpillar SEBD0351-47 2 Edition 47 PHB-Intro-Nom-17-BookmarkedPDF.indd 2 10/13/16 11:12 AM TRACK-TYPE TRACTORS 19 UNDERGROUND MINING EQUIPMENT 20 – Hard Rock • Longwall • Room & Pillar WASTE HANDLING 21 WHEEL DOZERS ● SOIL COMPACTORS 22 WHEEL LOADERS ● INTEGRATED TOOLCARRIERS 23 WHEEL TRACTOR-SCRAPERS 24 ESTIMATING OWNING & OPERATING COSTS 25 FORMER MODELS 26 LAND CLEARING 27 MINING AND EARTHMOVING 28 STOCKPILE COAL HANDLING 29 TABLES 30 TECHNOLOGY PRODUCTS 31 TIRES 32 Edition 47 3 PHB-Intro-Nom-17-BookmarkedPDF.indd 3 10/13/16 11:12 AM PREFACE Machine performance must ultimately be meas ured Methods for estimating machine owning and oper- in unit cost of material moved, a measure that includes ating costs vary widely, depending on locality, indus- both production and costs. Factors bearing directly on try practices, owner preferences and other factors. productivity include such things as weight to horse- One method is suggested in the Handbook section on power ratio, capacity, type of transmission, speeds and Owning and Operating Costs. When used with good operating costs. The Perfor mance Handbook consid- judgment, it has provided reasonably accurate estimates ers these factors in detail. There are other less direct in the past. Included in the Owning and Operating machine performance factors for which no tables, charts Section are guidelines, based on working conditions, to or graphs are possible. Serviceability, parts availability assist in estimating consumption of fuel and lubricants, and operator convenience are examples. In compar- tire life and repair costs for Cat machines. However, ing machine performance, all factors should be con- what one Handbook user regards as “excellent” con- sidered. This Handbook is intended as an aid which, ditions, another may consider “severe” or “average”, when coupled with experience and a good knowledge depending on his own experience and basis of compari- of local conditions, can assist in estimating true machine son. Therefore, these guidelines should be considered performance. only approximations. Many sections of the Handbook include tables or Caterpillar has made every effort to assure that the curves showing cycle times or hourly production figures information contained in this Handbook is accurate and for Cat® machines under certain conditions. State ments is a fair statement of the results to be achieved in the of conditions always accompany or precede the curves circumstances indicated. However, because of the many or tables. Before using any per formance information variables involved in estimating the production or per- in this Handbook, a complete understanding of the formance of earthmoving machinery, their consumption qualifying conditions is essential. The data is based on of fuel and lubricants, tire life and repair costs, and the field testing, computer analysis, laboratory research and possibility of inadvertent errors or omissions in assem- experience; and every effort has been made to assure bling this data, Caterpillar cannot and does not imply their correctness. that all data in this book are complete nor that this level However, all such data is based upon 100% efficiency of performance will be achieved on a given job. in operation — a status which cannot be achieved con- Specifications shown in this Handbook were current tinuously even under ideal conditions. Thus, in using at time of printing. However, due to Caterpillar’s many such performance and production data, it is necessary machine improvement programs, specifications and to correct the results indicated in the handbook tables materials may change without notice. For current speci- by appropriate factors. This allows for the anticipated fications relating to a machine’s performance, please actual job efficiency, operator efficiency, material char- refer to the most recent Cat product specification sheet. acteristics, haul road conditions, altitude and other fac- tors which may reduce performance or production on a Caterpillar particular job. ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY Caterpillar supports environmental responsibility our customers to use the products they purchase from through sustainable development. Our products and ser- us in environmentally responsible ways. We take effec- vices are intended to support sustainable development tive steps to continually increase the natural resources of global resources and they will meet or exceed appli- efficiency and cleanliness of our facilities. When avail- cable regulations and standards wher ever they are ini- able, the various product groups have included rele- tially sold. We establish and adhere to environmentally vant sustain ability data with their content updates for sound policies and practices in product design, engi- inclusion in the Performance Handbook. neering, and manufacturing. We educate and encourage 4 Edition 47 PHB-Intro-Nom-17-BookmarkedPDF.indd 4 10/13/16 11:12 AM OPERATOR AND MACHINE PROTECTION A well trained operator, working under suitable con- I. Operator Training and Protection Practices ditions, utilizing a modern, properly-equipped machine Remember that any kind of machine or mechanical device can provides a machine-operator team capable of giving be hazardous if not kept in good condition, or if operated by maximum production. These factors, along with appro- careless or improperly trained operators, or if operated in an priate job site rules and communication procedures, are irresponsible manner. essential to coordinate people and machines working Listed below are some recommended basic steps that together. can be broadly applied to most work environments: Appropriately protected and maintained machines ● Train operators for the job they are assigned to do. are less likely to suffer premature component failure or The length and type of training must comply with damage, and give operators the confidence and assur- governmental and local regulations wherever they ance they need to carry out their work. Further more, apply. As an example, machine operators in mining training is not complete until the operator reads, under- activities must be trained in accordance with Mine stands and agrees to follow the instructions provided in Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) regula- the Operation and Maintenance Manual included with tions. Where specific regulations do not apply, no every Cat machine. operator should be assigned to a job until he or she Employers have a duty to provide a safe work place meets the following minimum requirements: for their employees. The purchaser of a Cat machine has – Completes proper training to operate the assigned a duty to review his/her particular appli cation and job machine and understands that seat belts must be site for the machine to identify potential haz ards inher- worn whenever seated in operator’s compart ment. ent to that application or job site. Based on the results SEAT BELTS SAVE LIVES! of this hazard analysis, the appropri ate operator and – Reads and understands the Operation & Main- machine protection configuration can be determined. tenance manual for that machine, and knows that Caterpillar designs, builds, and tests its products to a copy of that manual is stored in the operator’s ensure the safety of operators, maintenance persons, ser- compartment. vice persons, and bystanders. That means people in, on – Reads and understands the AEM (Associa tion of and around Cat products. Caterpillar pro vides as stan- Equipment Manufacturers) Safety Manual, or any dard equipment the appropriate operator and machine other furnished manual related to rules for safe protection for most applications. How ever, particular machine operation and identification of hazards. applications, including the use of some Work Tools, may For exam ple, that includes the Work Tool Opera- require additional operator and/or machine protection. tion and Maintenance Manual if a Cat Work Tool Caterpillar offers related options for most such applica- is involved in the given application. tions. However, there may be very special applications – Has appropriate personal protective equipment and where the Cat dealer or the Purchaser may want to fabri- knows how to use it. This includes such things as cate, or request Caterpillar to provide, custom or special hard hat, gloves, safety glasses, hearing protection, guard ing. Your Cat dealer can help you with this hazard high-visibility vest, and safety shoes. analysis and guarding configuration process. – Knows what the job requirements are, what other machines are working in the area, and is aware of any hazardous conditions that may arise. Edition 47 5 PHB-Intro-Nom-17-BookmarkedPDF.indd 5 10/13/16 11:12 AM ● Be sure operators are alert and in proper physical and ● Make sure the machine is properly maintained. The mental condition to perform their work assignments operator at the beginning of each shift should per- safely. No machine should be operated by a person form a walk-around inspection before the machine is who is drowsy, under the affect of medicines or drugs, placed in operation. This process is described in the suffers blackouts, or is suffering from any physical or machine and Work Tool Opera tion and Main tenance mental distraction that could contribute to unsafe Manual. If this inspection reveals any problems that operation. could affect safety, the machine or Work Tool must ● Maintain proper job conditions and working proce- not be operated until these problems are corrected. dures. Check the job for possible hazards, both above Some examples include: and below ground level. Look for all possible sources – Loose, bent or missing grab irons, railings or steps; of danger to the operator and others in the area. – Worn, cut or missing seat belts (any seat belt over When operating in hazardous conditions the door three (3) years old must be replaced regard less of and windows must always be closed. Pay particular condition); attention to conditions which may be hazardous or – Damaged windows in the operator’s compartment; near the operating limits of the machine: e.g., side – Worn, rubbing or abraded electrical insulation and slopes, steep grades, potential overloads, etc. Examine hydraulic hoses; the work site for restricted traffic patterns, obstructed – Material or unwanted debris accumulation; views, congestion, under ground power or gas lines, – Incompatibility of the component attachments etc. If the machine is equipped with a Quick Coupler, (Quick Couplers); always make sure the Work Tool is properly attached – Hydraulic leaks that could impair the lock/secure by conducting an attachment test as directed in the feature of a Quick Coupler or other securing devices; Quick Coupler or Machine Operation and Mainte- – Any fluid leaks; and nance Manual. Hazardous work conditions should – Missing or damaged guards. be corrected wher ever possible and adequate warn ings ● Know the limits of your machine and equipment. should be posted when applicable. With certain Work Tool combinations, including ● Provide the correct machine to handle the job and Quick Couplers, the Work Tool can hit the cab or the equip it properly for the job to provide the neces- machine. Always check for interference limits when sary operator protection. Check for compliance with first operating. all applicable governmental and local regulations. It ● It is the machine owner’s or employer’s responsibility is the legal responsibility of the machine owner or to ensure the machine is properly maintained. Your employer to see that his equipment complies with, and Cat dealer will be glad to assist you in selecting and is operated in accordance with, all such requirements. equipping the machine best suited for your job and in providing maintenance for your machines. 6 Edition 47 PHB-Intro-Nom-17-BookmarkedPDF.indd 6 10/13/16 11:12 AM II. Machine Modifications IV. Machine Protection Modifications must not be made to the machine that: Check the job for unusually demanding conditions – Interfere with operator visibility; that could cause premature failure or excessive wear – Interfere with ingress or egress from the machine; of machine components. Additional protective devices – Exceed the rated payload or gross combination such as heavy-duty radiator guards, crank case guards, weight of the machine resulting in overloading the engine enclosures, track roller guards and/or brake braking and/or steering system or the roll-over pro- shields may be needed. Also, consider the use of anti- tective structure (ROPS) capacity rating (shown on vandalism devices, such as cap locks and instru ment a plate affixed to the ROPS); or panel guards. The failure to provide proper guarding in – Place objects in the cab that intrude into the oper- some of these applications may lead to machine damage, ator’s space or that are not firmly fixed into place. personal injury or death. Contact your Cat dealer for – Are not authorized by Caterpillar. machine-protection and vandalism-p revention options for your machine. III. Operator-related Equipment Options Each job presents unique conditions that must be V. Fire Prevention taken into account. Consider direct dangers to the Remember that most fluids on your machine are flammable! operator as well as all possible sources of distraction To minimize the risk of fire, Caterpillar recommends that could reduce operator efficiency and increase the following these basic steps: chances of costly and dangerous mistakes. Climate- – Always perform the Walk-Around Inspection controlled, sound-suppressed cabs, and special exterior described in Part I. It can identify many of the fire lighting are options available from Caterpillar that can hazards described below. address requirements of special working environments. – Remove trash (leaves, twigs, papers, etc.) that may “Flexible” machines include hydraulic excavators accumulate in the engine compartment or around (track-type, wheel-type, and compact), skid-steer load- other hot parts on the product. ers, backhoe loaders and integrated tool-carriers can – Do not operate a machine if leakage of flamma- utilize interchangeable “Work Tools” to accomplish spe- ble fluids is noticed. Repair leaks before resum - cific tasks. Work Tools or any tool used in hazardous ing machine operation. Most fluids used in Cat applications like demolition, quarry, logging, stump machines should be considered flammable. grinding, scrap handling, milling, and scaling, can create – Keep access doors to major machine compartments a need for special operator guarding. When flying debris in working order to permit the use of fire fighting from impact, cutting, shearing or sweeping attachments is equipment, should a fire occur. present, additional protective devices such as a front screen, – Avoid attaching electrical wiring to hoses and tubes Falling Object Guarding System (FOGS, includes top that contain flammable or combustible fluids. Hydrau- & front guardi ng), thick polycarbonate windshields or lic hoses can move during machine operation and a combina tion of these is recommended by Caterpillar. abrade wires and other hoses if improperly secured. The failure to provide proper operator/machine guarding – Replace any rubbing, damaged, frayed, kinked or in some of these applications can lead to machine dam- leaking hydraulic hoses or fittings. Use genuine Cat age, personal injury or death. Contact your Cat dealer for parts or their equivalent, including both pressure and operator guarding options on your machine. temperature limit capabilities. – Follow safe fueling practices as described in Cat Operation and Maintenance Manuals, AEM Safety Manuals, and local regulations. Never store flam- mable fluids in the machine operator’s compart- ment, nor smoke while fueling the machine. – As an additional safety measure, keep a fire extin- guisher on the machine in a location as specified in the Operation and Main te nance Manual. – Consider installation of an after-market fire-sup- pres sion system (FSS) on the equipment if the appli- cation and working conditions warrant it. Edition 47 7 PHB-Intro-Nom-17-BookmarkedPDF.indd 7 10/13/16 11:12 AM VI. Safety Regulations VII. Sound Suppression Regulations vary from country to country and often Different marketing areas have different noise emis- within country. Your Cat dealer can assist you in prop- sion requirements. Noise regulations usually specify erly equipping your machine to meet applicable require- limits for operators and spectators. ments. Note: The general summaries given below are not (a) United States substitutes for Owners or Employers reading and being familiar with the appropriate local laws. OSHA and MSHA noise-control regulations set per- missible noise-exposure limits for machine operators (a) United States (US) and employees. Operator protection from machine noise With a few exceptions, all machine operations in the can be achieved by use of factory-built cabs as offered United States are covered by federal and/or state regula- in the Caterpillar Price List. These cabs, when properly tions. If the machine is used in mining activities, the reg- maintained and operated with the doors and windows ulations are administered by the Mine Safety and Health closed, reduce the operator sound level for an eight- Administration (MSHA). Other activities, including hour operating period to meet the OSHA and MSHA construction, are under regulations administered by noise-exposure limits in effect at the date of manufac- the Occupational Safety and Health Administration ture. Variables that may be encountered on the job site, (OSHA). These agencies require employers to provide a such as other nearby noise sources or noise-reflecting safe working environment for employees. Caterpillar has surfaces, may reduce the allowable work hours. If this the same objective. occurs, hearing protection may be required. This is espe- OSHA and MSHA have adopted criteria for ROPS, cially true if a machine is not equipped with a closed Falling Object Protective Structures (FOPS), seat belts, cab. For example if the machine has no cab, or is being warning horns, back-up alarms, operator sound lev- operated with the doors or windows opened. els, steering systems, and braking systems. Addi tional (b) European Union operator’s compartment protection may be required for machines engaged in logging, demolition and other Operator sound-exposure requirements for machines special applications. in Europe are very similar to the OSHA and MSHA regulations mentioned above. In addition to operator (b) European Union (EU) sound-exposure requirements, most types of Cat machines The EU Machinery Safety Directive applies to Cat are subject to European Commission regulations for machines and most work tools. It requires that the exterior sound levels. Caterpillar ensures its products sold “CE mark” be applied to the product and that a man- in the EU comply with the applicable noise regulations. ufacturer’s declaration be provided. The “CE mark” VIII. R eplacement Parts for your Cat Machine indicates that safety issues have been addressed by applying the appropriate safety standards in the design and manufacture of the machine. The objective of the WARNING Safety Directive is to protect operators, specta tors and maintenance personnel. Caterpillar fully supports this When replacement parts are required for this product, objective. Caterpillar recommends using Cat replacement parts or parts with equivalent specifications including, but not limited to, physical dimensions, type, strength and material. Failure to heed this warning can lead to premature failures, product damage, p ersonal injury or death of persons on, or around, the product. 8 Edition 47 PHB-Intro-Nom-17-BookmarkedPDF.indd 8 10/13/16 11:12 AM Nomenclature THE CAT PRODUCT LINE ARTICULATED TRUCKS * OEM Solutions Group non-dumper/bare chassis for specialty applications available Capacity 23.6 to 39.5 metric tons (26 to 43.5 U.S. tons) 725C2* 730C2 EJ 740C EJ 730C2* 735C* 745C* BACKHOE LOADERS Digging depth 4348 to 6501 mm (14'3" to 21'4") 415F2 427F2 434F2 416F2 428F2 444F2 420F2/420F2 IT 430F2/430F2 IT 450F 422F2 432F2 DRILLS Rotary Drills MD6290 MD6420C MD6540C MD6640 Track Drills MD5075C MD5150C FOREST PRODUCTS Track Harvesters SATCO Processor Heads Knuckleboom Loaders 501HD 541 Series 2 SAT214 SAT322T SAT323 529 519 SM 521B 552 Series 2 SAT318 SAT322T SC SAT323T 559C 519 SM/EHC 522B SAT318T SAT422 DB SAT323T SC 579C 569 SM SAT318T SC SAT223 SAT325 569 SM/EHC SAT322 SAT223T SAT325T Track Feller Bunchers Wheel Loaders 521B 541 Series 2 Wheel Skidders 522B 552 Series 2 924K 950H 966H 986H 525D 545D 926M 950K 966K 988K 535D 555D 930K 950M 966M 990K Wheel Feller Bunchers 930M 962H 980H 563D Track Skidders 938K 962K 980K 573D 938M 962M 980M 527 Cable Felling Heads 527 Grapple Site Prep HF201B HFW232 Forwarders 586C HF221 HFW221 HFW222SC 564 Work Tools 574 584/584HD Grapples SATCO Directional Logging Forks Felling Heads Couplers Forest Machines SAT420 SAT630 Buckets and Thumbs 320D2 FM 558 LL Woodchip Dozers and Scoops 538 568 Rakes Harvester Heads 538 LL 568 LL HH44 DE 324D FM Edition 47 9 PHB-Intro-Nom-17-BookmarkedPDF.indd 9 10/13/16 11:12 AM

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