CATEGORY OF FUZZY HYPER BCK-ALGEBRAS J.DONGHO* 1 Abstract. In this paper we firstdefine the categoryof fuzzy hyper BCK- 1 0 algebras. After that we show that the category of hyper BCK-algebrashas 2 equalizers, coequalizers, products. It is a consequence that this category is complete and hence has pullbacks. n a J 3 1 1. Introduction ] The study of hyperstructure was initiated in 1934 by F. Marty at 8th congress T of Scandinavian Mathematiciens. Y.B. Jun et al. applied the hyperstructures C . to BCK-algebras, and introduces the notion of hyper BCK-algebra. Now we h follow [1,2,3,4] and introduce the category of fuzzy hyperBCK-algebra and t a obtain some result, as mentioned in the abstarct. m [ 2. Preliminaries 1 v We now review some basic definitions that are very useful in the paper. 1 7 Definition 1. [3] Let H be an non empty set. 4 A hyperoperation ∗ on H is a mapping of H ×H family of non-empty subsets 2 . of H P∗(H) 1 0 Definition 2. Let ∗ be an hyperoperation on H and O a constant element of 1 1 H An hyperorder on H is subset < of P∗(H)×P∗(H) define by: : for all x,y ∈ H,x < y iff O ∈ x ∗ y and for every A,B ⊆ H,A < B iff v i ∀a ∈ A,∃b ∈ B such that a < b. X r Definition 3. If ∗ is hyperoperation on H. a For all A,B ⊆ H,A∗B := a∗b a∈AS,b∈B Definition 4. [1] By hyper BCK-algebra we mean a non empty set H endowed with a hyper-operation ∗ and a constant O satisfying the following axioms. (HK1) (x∗z)∗(y ∗z) < (x∗y) (HK2) (x∗y)∗z = (x∗z)∗y (HK3) x∗H < {x} Definition 5. AfuzzyhyperBCK-algebrais apair(H;µ ) whereH = (H;∗;O) H is hyper BCK-algebra and µ : H −→ [0,1] is a map satisfy the following prop- H erty: inf(µ (x∗y)) ≥ min(µ (x),µ (y)) H H H for all x,y ∈ H. 1 2 J.DONGHO* Example 1. [5] Let n ∈ N∗. Define the hyperoperation ∗ on H = [n,+∞) as follows: [n,x] iff x < y x∗y = (n,y] iff x > y 6= n {x} iff y = n for all x,y ∈ H. To show that (H,∗,n) is hyper BCK-algebra, it suffice to show axiom HK3. For all x ∈ H,x∗H = x∗t. For all x ∈ H then x∗x ⊆ x∗H. t∈SH And then n ∈ [n,x]∗{x} 3. The category of fuzzyhyper BCK-algebras Lemma 1. Let (H;µ ) be a fuzzy hyper BCK-algebra. H For all x ∈ H,µ (O) ≥ µ (x) H H Proof. For all x ∈ H,x < x; then O ∈ x∗x. O ∈ x∗x imply µ (O) ≥ inf(µ (x∗y)) ≥ min(µ (x),µ (y)) H H H H i.e µ (O) ≥ min(µ (x),µ (y)) = µ (x) H H H H i.e µ (O) ≥ µ (x). H H Definition 6. Let (H;µ ) be a fuzzy hyperBCK-algebra. µ is called a fuzzy H H map. Lemma 2. Let (H;µ ) a fuzzy hyper BCK-algebra.The following properties H are trues: i) If for all x,y ∈ H,x < y imply µ (x) ≤ µ (y) H H then for all x ∈ H,µ (x) = µ (O) H H ii) If µ (O) = 0 then µ (x) = 0 H H Proof. i) For all x ∈ H, x∗H < {x} then x∗O < x. O < x ⇒ µ (O) ≤ µ (x). H H Then µ (x) ≤ µ (O) and µ (O) ≤ µ (x) for all x ∈ H. H H H H i.e µ (x) = µ (O) for all x ∈ H. H H ii) µ (O) = O ⇒ µ (O) ≤ µ (x), for all x ∈ H. H H H Then µ (x) = µ (O) for all x ∈ H. H H Definition 7. Let (H;µ ) and (F,µ ) two fuzzy hyperBCK-algebras. An H F homomorphism from (H,µ ) to (F,µ ) is an homomorphism f : H −→ F of H F hyper BCK-algebra such that for all x ∈ H, µ (f(x)) ≥ µ (x) F H Proposition1. Let (H,µ ) anhyperBCK-algebra. Let G,F ⊂ H two hyperBCK- H sualgebras of H. If there exist α ∈]0,1[ such that µ (G∗) ⊂ [0,α[ and µ (F) ⊆]α,1]. Then any homorphism of hyper BCK- H H algebra f : G −→ F is homomorphism of fuzzy hyperBCK-algebra. CATEGORY OF FUZZY HYPER BCK-ALGEBRAS 3 Proof. Suppose that there is α ∈]0,1] such that µ (G∗) ⊂ [0,α[ and µ (F) ⊆]α,1[. H H Let f : G −→ F an homomorphism of hyper BCK-algebra. For all x ∈ G∗,f(x) ∈ F. And µ (f(x)) > α > µ (x). F H Then µ (f(x)) > µ (x) for all x ∈ G∗ F H f(O) = O then µ (f(O)) = µ (O) = µ (O) F F H i.e µ (f(O)) = µ (O). therefore, for all x ∈ x ∈ G,µ (x) ≥ µ (x) F H F H Example 2. [1] Define the hyper operation ”∗” on H = [1;+∞] as follow. [1,x] if x ≤ y x∗y = (1,y] if x > y 6= 1 {x} if y = 1 For all x,y ∈ H,(H,∗,1) is hyperBCK-algebra. Define the fuzzy structure µ H on H by: µ : H −→ [0,1] H x 7→ 1 x We show that (H,µ ) is a fuzzy hyper BCK-algebra. H Let x,y ∈ H. (i) If x ≤ y, then x∗y = [1,x]; i.e for all t ∈ x∗y,1 ≤ t ≤ x ≤ y and so 1 ≤ 1 ≤ 1. So, µ (t) ≥ 1 = min{1, 1} = min{µ (x),µ (y)}. y x t H y y x H H Then inf{x∗y} ≥ min{µ (x),µ (y)} H H (ii) If x > y 6= 1 then x∗y = (1,y]. For all t ∈ H ∩x∗y, 1 ≤ 1 ≤ 1 ≤ 1. x y t therefore, µ (t) = 1 ≥ 1 = min{µ (x),µ (y)} for all t ∈ x∗y. Then H t x H H ∈ {µ (x∗y)} ≥ min{µ (x),µ (y)}. H H H (iii) If y = 1,x∗y = {x}, hence µ (x∗y) = {µ (x)} = {1}. H H x y = 1imply y ≤ x and 1 ≤ 1 for all x ∈ H; i.e; x y min{µ (x),µ (y)} = 1. Then µ (x∗y) = {1}. H H x H x Thus inf{µ (x∗y)} = 1 ≥ min{(µ (x),µ (y))} H x H H Proposition 2. The fuzzy hyperBCK-algebras and homomorphisms of fuzzy hyperBCK-algebras form a category. Proof. The proof is easy. Notes 1. In the following we let H the category of hyperBCK-algebras; F the H category of fuzzy hyperBCK-algebras; H the fuzzy hyper BCK-algebra (H,µ ) H For any fuzzy hyper BCK-algebra H, we associate for all α ∈ [0,1] the set H := {x ∈ H,µ (x) ≥ α} α H Lemma 3. Let H a fuzzy hyper BCK-algebra. For all α ∈ [0,1],O ∈ H and α for all x,y ∈ H,x∗y ⊆ H α Proof. By lemma 1, for all x ∈ H,µ (x) ≤ µ (0). H H Then for all x ∈ H ,µ (O) ≥ µ (x) > α i.e O ∈ H . α H H α Let x,y ∈ H ; α 4 J.DONGHO* for all t ∈ x∗y, µ (t) ≥ inf{µ (x∗y) ≥ min{µ (x),µ (y)}} ≥ α H H H H then t ∈ H . therefore, x∗y ⊆ H α α Definition 8. Let(H,∗,O)be anhyperBCK-algebra. AnhyperBCK-subalgebra of H is a non empty subset S of H such that O ∈ S and S is hyper BCK-algebra with respect to the hyper operation ”∗” on H Proposition 3. Let (H,∗,O) be an hyper BCK-algebra. A non empty subset S of H is hyper BCK-subalgebra of H iff for all x,y ∈ S,x∗y ∈ S Proof. The proof is easy. Definition 9. A fuzzy hyper BCK-subalgebra of H is an hyper BCK-subalgebra S of H with the restriction µ of µ on S. S H Proposition 4. For all α ∈ [0,1], (H ,µ ) is fuzzy hyper BCK-subalgebra of α H H Proof. By lemma 3, H is hyper BCK-subalgebra of H α and inf{µ (x∗y)} ≥ min{µ (x),µ (y)} H H H Definition 10. Let H by an fuzzy hyper BCK-algebra. The fuzzy-hyperBCK- subalgebra H := (H ;µ ) is calling hyper α-cut of H α α H Proposition 5. Let H be fuzzy hyper BCK-algebra. A hyper BCK-subalgebra S of H is fuzzy hyper BCK-subalgebra iff S is hyper α-cut of H. Proof. By prosition 4, any hyper α-cut is fuzzy hyper BCK-subalgebra. Conversely, let S be fuzzy hyper BCK-subalgebra of H. Then µ (S) is subset H of [0,1]. If 0 ∈ µ (S), then S = H = H. H 0 If 0 < inf(µ (S)), then S = H . H inf(µH(S)) Proposition 6. Let H and F be two fuzzy hyper BCK algebras. An H- morphism f : H −→ F is F -morphism iff for all α ∈ [0,1],f(H ) ⊆ F . H α α Proof. Suppose that f(H ) ⊆ F for all α ∈ [0,1] Let x ∈ [0,1] we need α α µ (x) ≤ µ (f(x)). Let α = µ (x); x ∈ H and f(x) ∈ f(H ) ⊆ F . Then H F H α α α µ (f(x)) > α = µ (x). whence for all x ∈ H,µ (f(x)) ≥ µ (x). F H F H Conversely, suppose that f : H −→ F is F -morphism. H For all x ∈ H for some α ∈ [0,1], µ (f(x)) ≥ µ (x) ≥ αi.e; f(x) ∈ [0,1]. α F H Then f(H ) ⊆ F for all α ∈ [0,1]. α α Proposition 7. A F -morphism f : H −→ F is F -iso iff it is both H-iso H H and µ = µ f. H F Proof. Suppose that f is H-iso and µ = µ f. there is g ∈ Hom (F,H); H F H g ◦f = Id and g ◦g = Id . H F Then, for all x ∈ F,µ (g(x)) = µ (f(g(x)))µ (x). H F F And then, g ∈ HomF (F,H). H CATEGORY OF FUZZY HYPER BCK-ALGEBRAS 5 Conversely, Suppose that f is F -iso. H There is g ∈ HomFH(F,H);g ◦f = IdF and f ◦g = IdH. Since f ∈ HomFH(F,H),µH ≤ µFf. Since g ∈ HomFH(H,H),µF ≤ µHg. x ∈ H imply f(x) ∈ F. Then µF(f(x)) ≤ µ (g(f(x))) = µ (x) i.e; µ f ≤ µ . H H F H therefore, µ f = µ F H Proposition 8. Let f ∈ HomF (F,H). H f is H -mono iff f is H-mono H Proof. Suppose that f is H -mono. H Forallh,g ∈ Hom (K,H),suchthatfh = fg,wedefineµ = min(µ (h(x);µ (g(x)))) H K H H for all x ∈ K. a) We show that (K;µ ) is fuzzy hyper BCK-algebra. K inf(µ (x∗y)) = inf{µ (h(x∗y);µ (g(x∗y)))} K H H = inf{µ (h(x)∗h(y);µ (g(x)∗g(y)))} H H = min{inf{µ (h(x)∗h(y)};inf{µ (g(x)∗g(y)))}} H H ≥ min{min{µ (h(x);µ (h(y)};min{µ (g(x);g(y))}} H H H ≥ min{min{µ (x);µ (y)}} K K ≥ min{µ (x);µ (y)} K K Then, for all x,y ∈ K,inf(µ (x∗y)) ≥ min{µ (x),µ (y)}. therefore, K K K (K;µ ) is fuzzy hyper BCK-algebra. K b) We show that h and g are F -homomorphism. H For all x ∈ K, µ (x) = min{µ (h(x),µ (g(x)))}. K H H Then µ (x) ≤ µ (g(x)) and µ (x) ≤ µ (h(x)). K H K H therefore, h and g are FH-morphism. Since f is FH-mono and h,g ∈ HomF (F,H), fh = fg imply f = g H Conversely, if f is F -mono, it is H-mono. H Lemma 4. The pair O = ({O},µ ) where o µ : {o} −→ [0,1] o o 7→ 0 is fuzzy hyper BCK-algebra Proof. Easy Lemma 5. O is final objet of F H Proposition 9. The category F has products. H Proof. Let (H ;µ ) a family of fuzzy hyper BCK-algebras. i Hi i∈I Denote H = H the H-product of (H ) with the projection morphisms i i i∈I iQ∈I p : H −→ H . Consider the following map µ : H −→ [0,1] define by: i i H µ (x) = µ p (x) H ^ Hi i i∈I 6 J.DONGHO* for all x ∈ H a) We show that the pair (H;µ ) is fuzzy hyper BCK-algebra. H For all x,y ∈ H,p (x∗y) = p (x)∗p (y) for all iNI. i i i Then inf(µ p (x∗y)) = inf(µ (p (x)∗p (y)) Hi i Hi i i ≥ min{µ (p (x));µ (p (y))} Hi i Hi i for all i ∈ I. Then, inf( µ p (x∗y)) ≥ inf{µ (p (x)∗p (y)} iV∈I Hi i iV∈I Hi i i ≥ min{µ (p (x));µ (p (y))} iV∈I Hi i Hi i . ≥ min{ µ p (x);µ p (y)} iV∈I Hi i Hi i ≥ min{µ (x),µ (y)} H H b) For all i ∈ I,x ∈ H;µ p (x) ≥ ( µ p )(x). Hi i iV∈I Hi i Then each p is F -morphism. i H c) If q : F −→ H is family of F -morphism, there is unique H-morphism j j H ϕ : F −→ H such that the following diagram commute. H pj // H j OO }>> } ϕ }} }}} qj F i.e p ϕ = q for all j ∈ I j j For all x ∈ F, µ (x) ≤ µ q (x). F Hi i Then µ (x) ≤ µ p ϕ(x) for all x ∈ F,i ∈ I F Hi i i.e µ (x) ≤ µ p ϕ(x) F iV∈I Hi i ≤ ( µ p )ϕ(x) iV∈I Hi i ≤ µ (ϕ(x)) for all x ∈ F. H Then µ ≤ µ ϕ ≤ F H Then ϕ is F -morphism. H Proposition 10. F have equalizers. H Proof. Let f,g ∈ HomF (H,F),K := {x ∈ H,f(x) = g(x)}. H It is prove in [1] that K is hyper BCK-subalgebra of H. It is clear that (K,µ ) is fuzzy hyper BCK-algebra. Let i : K −→ H the inclusion map. H i ∈ HomF (K,F). For all x ∈ K,fi(x) = f(x) = g(x) = gi(x). H Let h ∈ HomF (L,F) such that fh = gh, for all x ∈ L,f(h(x)) = g(h(x)). H CATEGORY OF FUZZY HYPER BCK-ALGEBRAS 7 Then Imh ⊆ L. Define δ : L −→ K by δ(x) = h(x) for all x ∈ L. δ ∈ HomF (H,F) and iδ = h. So, the following diagram commute. H f K i // H //// F OO ~?? g ~ ~ δ ~~ ~~ h L Since i is monic, δ is unique F -morphism such that the above diagram com- H mute. therefore, F have equalizers. H Proposition 11. F is complet. H Proof. By proposition 9, each family of objets of F has product. H By proposition 10, each pair of parallel arrows has an equalizer. Then F is H complet. Corollary 1. F has pulbacks H Proof. By propositions 9 and 10, F has equalizers and products. therefore, H F has pulbacks. H Proposition 12. F have coequalizers H Proof. Let f,g ∈ HomF (H,K). Let H = {θ,θ regular congruence relation on K such that f(a)θg(a)∀a ∈ H} X fg 6= φ because K ×K ∈ fg fg P P Let ρ = θ. Then, ρ is regular congruence relation. θ∈TP fg Define on K/ρ the following hyper operation [x] ∗[y] = [x∗y] . ρ ρ ρ (K/ρ;∗;[0] ) is an objet of H (see [1]). ρ Define on K/ρ the following map µ : K/ρ −→ [0,1] K/ρ µ ([x] ) 7−→ µ (a) K/ρ ρ K a∈W[x]ρ a) We show that (K/ρ,µ ) is objet of F . K/ρ H If x,y ∈ K such that [x] = [y] . ρ ρ Then µ (a) = µ (a) _ K _ K a∈[x]ρ a∈[y]θ ∀x ∈ K, µ (x) ≤ µ (a). K K a∈W[x]ρ Then µ ≤ µ ([x] ) = µ (π(x)) K K/ρ ρ K/ρ 8 J.DONGHO* Then, the canonical projection π is an F −morphism H Since for all x ∈ H,f(x)ρg(x), then [f(x)] = [g(x)] . ρ ρ therefore, (π ◦f)(x) = (π ◦g)(x). Then, π ◦f = π ◦g. b) Universal property of coequalizer. Let ϕ : K −→ L and F -morphism such that ϕ◦f = ϕ◦g. H Define the following mapping. ψ : K/ρ −→ L [x] 7−→ ϕ(x) ρ c) We prove that ψ is well define. If [x] = [y] then, for all a ∈ H,ϕ(f(a)) = ϕ(g(a)) imply f(a)R g(a) ρ ρ ϕ because R is regular congruence on K. Then R ∈ . The mini- ϕ ϕ f,g P mality of ρ on imply ρ ⊆ R . f,g ϕ P therefore, [x] = [y] imply xρy. ρ ρ Then xR y. i.e ϕ(x) = ϕ(y) ϕ And then, ψ([x] ) = ψ([y] ) therefore, ψ is well define. ρ ρ For all x ∈ K,µ (ψ(π)(x)) = µ (ϕ(x)) ≥ µ (x),∀x ∈ K then for all L L K a ∈ [x] . µ (ϕ(a)) ≥ µ (a). By the minimality of ρ, [a] = [x] imply ρ L K ρ ρ aρx then aR x i.e ϕ(a) = ϕ(x) (because ρ ⊆ R ). Then ϕ ϕ L˜(ϕ(a)) = L˜(ϕ(x)) = L˜(ϕ(x)) _ _ a∈[x]ρ a∈[x]ρ therefore L˜(ϕ(x)) ≥ (a) = K˜/ρ([x] ) _ ρ a∈[x]ρ i.e L˜(ψ([x] )) ≥ k˜/ρ([x] )∀x ∈ H. It is clean that ρ ρ ψ(π(x)) = ψ([x] ) = ϕ(x),∀x ∈ H ρ i.e ψ ◦π = ϕ This prove the commutativity of the following diagram: f H //// K π // K/ρ g. CCϕCCCCCCC ψ !! (cid:15)(cid:15) L The unicity of ψ is thus to the fat that π is epimorphism. Then, F have coequalizer. H ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS References [1] H.Harizavi,J.MacdonaldANDA.Borzooei Category of bck-algebras:ScientiaeMath- ematicae Japonicae Online, e-2006,529-537. CATEGORY OF FUZZY HYPER BCK-ALGEBRAS 9 [2] R. A. Borzooei H.Harizavi. Regular Congruence Relations on hyper BCK-algebras: vol.61, No.1(2005),83-97 [3] Eun Hwan ROH, B. Davvaz And Kyung Ho Kim T-fuzzy subhypernea-rings of hypernear-ring , Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae Online, e-2005,19-29. [4] Carol L. Walker, Category of fuzzy sets. [5] R.A. Borzoei and M.M. 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