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CATEGORICAL ENTROPY FOR FOURIER-MUKAI TRANSFORMS ON GENERIC ABELIAN SURFACES. KO¯TAYOSHIOKA Abstract. Inthisnote,weshallcomputethecategoricalentropyofanautoequivalenceonagenericabelian surface. 7 1 0 2 n 0. Introduction a J In [1], Dimitrov, Haiden, Katzarkov, and Kontsevich introduced a categorical entropy ht(Φ) (t R) for ∈ 5 anendofunctorΦofatriangulatedcategorywithasplitgenerator. Forendofunctorsofthederivedcategory 1 D(X) of coherent sheaves on a smooth projective variety X, Kikuta and Takahashi [3], [4] studied the entropy. In particular they proved that h0 coincides with the topological entropy for an endofunctor Lf∗ ] G induced by a surjective endomorphism f of smooth projective variety [4, Thm. 5.4] and an autoequivalence ofD(X)ifdimX =1[3]or K isample[4,Thm. 5.6]. TheyalsoconjecturedthataGromov-Yomdintype A ± X resultholds,thatis,h (Φ)=logρ(Φ)([4,Conjecture5.3])whereρ(Φ)isthespectralradiusoftheactionofΦ 0 . h onthe algebraiccohomologygroupH∗(X,Q) . Itseems that there areonly afew example ofcomputation alg t ofcategoricalentropy,anditmaybe interestingto addmoreexamples. Inthis note,weshallgiveanalmost a m trivial example of the computation. Thus we shall compute the entropy for special autoequivalences on abelian surfaces. For an abelian variety, Orlov [9] proved that the kernel of an equivalence is a sheaf up to [ shift. So we can expect that the entropy which measures the complexity of an equivalence is simple. For a 1 special equivalence on an abelian surface, we shall check that our expectation is true. v To be more precise, let X be an abelian surface and H an ample divisor. We set L := Z ZH Z̺ , 9 ⊕ ⊕ X where̺ is thefundamentalclassofX. LetΦ:D(X) D(X)be aFourier-Mukaifunctorwhichpreserves 0 X → 0 L. In Theorem 2.2, we shall compute ht(Φ). Combining a recent paper of Ikeda [2], we also check that the 4 conjecture of Kikuta and Takahashi holds for equivalences on abelian surfaces (Proposition 2.10). 0 We also remark that there is a symplectic manifold of generalized Kummer type which has an automor- . 1 phism of infinite order. This is an analogue of a recent result of Ouchi [11]. By the absence of spherical 0 objects, our example is almost trivial. 7 1 : v i X 1. Fourier-Mukai transforms on an abelian surface r 1.1. Notation. We denote the category of coherent sheaves on X by Coh(X) and the bounded derived a category of Coh(X) by D(X). A Mukai lattice of X consists of H2∗(X,Z) := 2 H2i(X,Z) and an i=0 integral bilinear form , on H2∗(X,Z): h i L x +x +x ̺ ,y +y +y ̺ :=(x ,y ) x y x y Z, 0 1 2 X 0 1 2 X 1 1 0 2 2 0 h i − − ∈ where x ,y H2(X,Z), x ,x ,y ,y Z and ̺ H4(X,Z) is the fundamental class of X. We also 1 1 0 2 0 2 X ∈ ∈ ∈ introducethealgebraicMukailatticeasthepairofH∗(X,Z) :=Z NS(X) Zand , onH∗(X,Z) . alg alg ⊕ ⊕ h i For x=x +x +x ̺ with x ,x Z and x H2(X,Z), we also write x=(x ,x ,x ). For E D(X), 0 1 2 X 0 2 1 0 1 2 ∈ ∈ ∈ v(E):=ch(E) denotes the Mukai vector of E. For E D(X Y), we set ∈ × ΦE (x):=Rp (E p∗ (x)), x D(X), X→Y Y∗ ⊗ X ∈ 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary14D20. Keywords and phrases. Categoricalentropy, abeliansurfaces. Theauthor issupportedbytheGrant-in-aidforScientificResearch(No.26287007, 24224001), JSPS. 1 where p ,p are projections from X Y to X and Y respectively. Let Eq(D(X),D(Y)) be the set of X Y × equivalences between D(X) and D(Y). We set Eq (D(Y),D(Z)) 0 := ΦE[2k] Eq(D(Y),D(Z)) E Coh(Y Z), k Z , Y→Z ∈ ∈ × ∈ n (cid:12) o (Z):= Eq (D(Y),D(Z)(cid:12)), E 0 (cid:12) Y [ := (Z)= Eq (D(Y),D(Z)). E E 0 Z Y,Z [ [ Note that is a groupoid with respect to the composition of the equivalences. E For an object E D(X) with rkE =0, we set µ(E):=c (E)/rkE. 1 ∈ 6 1.2. Semi-homogeneoussheaves. Wecollectsomepropertiesofsemi-homogeneoussheavesonanabelian surface [6]. Proposition 1.1. For a coherent sheaf E on X, the following conditions are equivalent. (i) E is a semi-homogeneous sheaf. (ii) E is a semi-stable sheaf with v(E)2 =0 with respect to an ample divisor H. h i Proposition 1.2 (cf. [9]). Let Φ : D(X) D(Y) be an equivalence. For a semi-homogeneous sheaf E on → X, there is an integer n such that Φ(E)[n] is a semi-homogeneous sheaf. Proposition 1.3 ([14, Prop. 4]). Let E and F be semi-homogeneous sheaves. (i) Assume that E and F are locally free sheaves. (a) If v(E),v(F) >0, then Hom(E,F)=Ext2(E,F)=0. h i (b) If v(E),v(F) <0, then (µ(E),H)=(µ(F),H), Ext1(E,F)=0 and h i 6 Hom(E,F)=0, (µ(E),H)>(µ(F),H) (1.1) (Ext2(E,F)=0, (µ(F),H)>(µ(E),H). (ii) Assume that E is locally free and F is a torsion sheaf. (a) If v(E),v(F) >0, then Hom(E,F)=Ext2(E,F)=0. h i (b) If v(E),v(F) <0, then Ext1(E,F)=Ext2(E,F)=0. h i (iii) Assume that E and F are torsion sheaves. Then v(E),v(F) 0. If v(E),v(F) > 0, then h i ≥ h i Hom(E,F)=Ext2(E,F)=0. Remark 1.4. If (D2) > 0, then D is ample if and only if (D,H ) > 0 for an ample divisor H . Since 0 0 v(E),v(F) =rkErkF((µ(E) µ(F))2)/2, v(E),v(F) <0impliesµ(E) µ(F)isampleorµ(F) µ(E) −h i − h i − − is ample. 1.3. Cohomological Fourier-Mukai transforms. We collect some results on the Fourier-Mukai trans- forms on abelian surfaces X with rkNS(X) = 1. Let H be the ample generator of NS(X). We shall X describe the action of Fourier-Mukai transforms on the cohomology lattices in [12]. For Y FM(X), we ∈ have (H2)=(H2). We set D :=(H2)/2. In [12, sect. 6.4], we constructed an isomorphism of lattices Y X X ι : (H∗(X,Z) , , ) ∼ (Sym (Z,D),B), X alg h i −−→ 2 r d√D (r,dH ,a) , X 7→ d√D a (cid:18) (cid:19) where Sym (Z,D) is given by 2 x y√D Sym (Z,D):= x,y,z Z , 2 ((cid:18)y√D z (cid:19) (cid:12)(cid:12) ∈ ) (cid:12) and the bilinear form B on Sym2(Z,D) is given by (cid:12) (cid:12) B(X ,X ):=2Dy y (x z +z x ) 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 − x y √D for X = i i Sym (Z,D) (i=1,2). i y √D z ∈ 2 (cid:18) i i (cid:19) Each Φ Eq (D(X),D(Y)) gives an isometry X→Y ∈ 0 (1.2) ι ΦH ι−1 O(Sym (Z,D)), Y ◦ X→Y ◦ X ∈ 2 where O(Sym (Z,D)) is the isometry group of the lattice (Sym (Z,D),B). Thus we have a map 2 2 η : O(Sym (Z,D)) E → 2 2 which preserves the structures of multiplications. Definition 1.5. We set a√r b√s a,b,c,d,r,s Z, r,s>0 G:= ∈ , c√s d√r rs=D, adr bcs= 1 ((cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:12)(cid:12) − ± ) Gb :=G SL(2,R). (cid:12)(cid:12) ∩ (cid:12) We have an action of G on the lattice (Sym (Z,D),B): · b 2 b r d√D r d√D (1.3) g :=g tg, g G. · d√D a d√D a ∈ (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) Thus we have a homomorphism: b α:G/ 1 O(Sym (Z,D)). {± }→ 2 Theorem 1.6 ([12, Thm. 6.16, Prop. 6.19]). Let Φ Eq (D(Y),D(X)) be an equivalence. b ∈ 0 (1) v := v(Φ( )) and v := Φ(̺ ) are positive isotropic Mukai vectors with v ,v = 1 and we 1 Y 2 Y 1 2 O h i − can write v =(p2r ,p q H ,q2r ), v =(p2r ,p q H ,q2r ), 1 1 1 1 1 X 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 X 2 1 p ,q ,p ,q ,r ,r Z, p ,r ,r >0, 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 ∈ r r =D, p q r p q r =1. 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 − (2) We set p √r p √r tθ(Φ):= 1 1 2 2 G/ 1 . ± q1√r2 q2√r1 ∈ {± } (cid:18) (cid:19) Then tθ(Φ) is uniquely determined by Φ and we have a map tθ : G/ 1 . E → {± } (3) The action of tθ(Φ) on Sym (Z,D) is the action of Φ on the algebraic Mukai lattice: 2 ι Φ(v)=tθ(Φ) ι (v). X Y ◦ · Thus we have the following commutative diagram: (1.4) tθE(cid:15)(cid:15) ❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖η❖❖❖❖❖❖'' G/ 1 // O(Sym (Z,D)) {± } α 2 For Φ:Eq (D(X),D(X)) preservingthe sublattice L:=Z ZH Z̺ , it is easy to see that the same 0 b ⊕ X⊕ X proof of Theorem 1.6 works. Thus replacing H∗(X,Z) by L, we have a similar claims to Theorem 1.6. alg From now on, we identify the Mukai lattice L with Sym (Z,D) via ι . Then for g G and v L, g v 2 X ∈ ∈ · means ι (g v)=g ι (v). We also set H :=H . By [15, Lem. 2.5], we have the following. X X X · · b Lemma 1.7. For a b√D (1.5) A= , a,b,c,d Z,ad bcD=1, c√D d ∈ − (cid:18) (cid:19) there is a Fourier-Mukai transform ΦEA :D(X) D(X) such that ΦEA (L)=L with tθ(ΦEA )=A. X→X → X→X X→X Replacing A by A if necessary, we assume that trA 0. − ≥ E Definition 1.8. For a matrix A in (1.5) such that trA 0, let Φ A : D(X) D(X) such that E Coh(X X) and ΦEA (L)=L with tθ(ΦEA )=A.≥ X→X → A ∈ × X→X X→X We note that (1.6) v((E ) )=(b2D,bdH,d2), v((E∨) )=(b2D, baH,a2). A |{x}×X A |X×{x} − Remark 1.9. IfE′ alsoinducesthe samecohomologicaltransformΦ,then thereis anisomorphismf :X A → X and a line bundle P Pic0(X) such that E′ =(1 f)∗(E ) p∗(P). ∈ A X × A ⊗ 2 Let T be a subgroupof Eq (D(X),D(X)) induced by Aut (X) Pic0(X), where Aut (X) is the group 0 E H × H of isomorphisms preserving H. Then T preserves L and Φ A mod T is determined by A. X→X Remark 1.10. If X is an abelian surface with End(X)=Z, then NS(X)=ZH with (H2)=2D and for all ∼ autoequivalences Φ, tθ(Φ) is of the form (1.5). 3 Remark 1.11. For an equivalence ΦE :D(X) D(X) suchthat E Coh(X X) and ΦE preserves X→X → ∈ × X→X L. We set (1.7) B :=tθ(ΦE )= p1√r1 p2√r2 X→X q1√r2 q2√r1 (cid:18) (cid:19) as in Theorem 1.6 (2). Then B2 is of the form (1.5). If (p +q )p >0 or p =0, then (ΦEB )2 ΦEB2 mod T. If (p +q )p < 0 or p +q = 0, then (ΦEB )21 Φ2EB22[−2] mod2T. Hence forXth→eXcom≡putXat→ioXn E 1 2 2 1 2 X→EX ≡ X→X of h (Φ B ) is reduced to the computation of h (Φ A ). In particular, if NS(X) = ZH, then we can t X→X t X→X compute h for all equivalences. t Since the eigen equation of A in (1.5) is x2 (a+d)x+1 = 0, A has two real eigen value α > β = 1/α − unless trA=0,1,2. If trA=0,1, then A4 =E,A6 =E. If trA=2, then (A E)2 =0, and hence − (1.8) An =E+n(A E). − Assume that trA>2. Then (1.9) α,β Q, 6∈ since Z is integrally closed and 0<β <1. We set 1 1 (1.10) P := (A βE), Q:= (A αE). α β − β α − − − Then (1.11) An =αnP +βnQ. Let E be a semi-homogeneous sheaf on X with v(E)=(p2,pqH,q2D), p2,pq,q2D Z. Then ∈ p (1.12) ι (v(L))=utu, u= . X q√D (cid:18) (cid:19) We set p (1.13) n =Anu=αnPu+βnQu. q √D n (cid:18) (cid:19) Then p (1.14) ι (v(Φn(E)))= n p q √D . X q √D n n n (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:0) (cid:1) Let 1 (1.15) u = α s√D (cid:18) (cid:19) be an eigen vector with respect to α. Thus s= α−a. By (1.9), (A βE)u=0, and hence bD − 6 q n (1.16) lim =s. n→∞pn The following is obvious. Lemma 1.12. Assume that x2 trAx+detA=(x α)(x β), α,β C. Then the eigen equation of the − − − ∈ representation matrix of the action of A on Sym (R,D) is 2 (1.17) (x α2)(x αβ)(x β2)=(x2 ((trA)2 2detA)x+(detA)2)(x detA). − − − − − − In particular, if α β , then α2 is the spectral radius of this representation. | |≥| | | | 2. Computation of entropy For an endofunctor Φ : D(X) D(X), let h (Φ) : R R be the entropy defined in [1, Defn. t → → {−∞}∪ E 2.5]. In this section, we shall compute the entropy for the equivalence Φ := Φ A by using the following X→X result. Proposition 2.1 ([1, Thm. 2.7] and [4, Prop. 3.8]). Let G,G′ be split generators of D(X) and F an endofunctor of D(X) of Fourier-Mukai type such that FnG,FnG′ =0 for all n>0. Then 6∼ 1 (2.1) h (F)= lim logδ′(G,FnG′) t n→∞n t where (2.2) δ′(M,N):= dimHom(M,N[m])e−mt, M,N D(X). t ∈ m∈Z X 4 E Theorem 2.2. Let Φ:=Φ A be an equivalence associated to A (see Definition 1.8). X→X (1) Assume b=0. Then h (Φ)=logρ(Φ)=0. t (2) Assume that b>0. Then logρ(Φ), trA 2 ≥ (2.3) h (Φ)= logρ(Φ) 2t, trA=1 t  − 3 logρ(Φ) t, trA=0. − (3) Assume that b<0. Then  logρ(Φ) 2t, trA 2 − ≥ (2.4) h (Φ)= logρ(Φ) 4t, trA=1 t  − 3 logρ(Φ) t, trA=0. − Remark 2.3. If trA 2, then ρ(Φ)=1.  ≤ Proof. Let N be a line bundle with c (N)=mH, m>0. We take 1 (2.5) G= N⊗i, G′ = N⊗i −3≤i≤−1 1≤i≤3 M M as split generators of D(X) ([10]). E (1) Assume that b = 0. Then Φ A is an equivalence defined by Aut(X) Pic(X). Then it is easy to X→X × see that E E (2.6) h (Φ A )=0=logρ(Φ A ). t X→X X→X We next prove (2) and (3). So we assume that b=0. 6 (I). We first treat the case where trA>2. We set p 1 (2.7) i,n =An . q √D im√D i,n (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) Then v(Φn(N⊗i)) = (p2 ,p q H,q2 D). For a sufficiently large n, q /p is sufficiently close to s by i,n i,n i,n i,n i,n i,n (1.16). Hence we can take an integer m such that q i,n (2.8) > m p − i,n for all sufficiently large n (depending on m). We note that µ((E∨) )= a H and A |X×{x} −bD a α a a α (2.9) s+ = − + = . bD bD bD bD Let E be a semi-homogeneous sheaf with µ(E)=xH. We set µ(Φn(E))=x H. Then n c+dx n (2.10) x = . n+1 a+bDx n Assume that b>0. Then (2.9) implies s> a . If s x < α−1, then −bD | − | |b|D c+dx x s (2.11) s | − |. a+bDx − ≤ α (cid:12) (cid:12) ΦHnen(Ece)xnCaolsho(Xsa)tifsofiresnthe0sabmyePcroopndosititioionn(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12). 1If.3E. also sat(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)isfies x>−baD, then xn >−baD for all n≥0. Hence We s∈et Φn(N⊗i)=E≥i[φ (n)], Ei Coh(X) (cf. Proposition 1.2). For E :=Ei , µ(E)= pi,n0H. Hence n i n ∈ n0 qi,n0 by (1.16), we get Φn′(Ei ) Coh(X) for n′ 0 and n 0. Therefore φ (n) 2Z is constant for a n0 ∈ ≥ 0 ≫ i ∈ sufficiently large n. Hence there are l such that Hom(G,Φn(N⊗i)[k])=0 for k =l and i i 6 δ′(G,Φn(G′))= χ(N⊗i,Φn(N⊗j))e−ljt t −3≤i≤−11≤j≤3 (2.12) X X = (αna +βnb )2e−ljt i,j i,j −3≤i≤−11≤j≤3 X X where 1 1 αna +βnb =det ,(αnP +βnQ) i,j i,j im√D jm√D (2.13) (cid:18)(cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:19) 1 1 =det ,An im√D jm√D (cid:18)(cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:19) (see (1.11)). By (2.8), a =0 for all sufficiently large n. Hence logδ′(G,Φn(G′)) 2nlog α and i,j 6 t ∼ | | 5 1 (2.14) h (Φ)= lim logδ′(G,Φn(G′))=2log α =logρ(Φ). t n→∞n t | | Assume that b<0. Then (2.9) implies s< a . If s x < α−1, then −bD | − | |b|D c+dx x s (2.15) s | − |. a+bDx − ≤ α (cid:12) (cid:12) Hence xn also satisfies the same condition(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12). If E also sa(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)tisfies x < −baD, then xn < −baD. Hence Φ(E)[2] ∈ Coh(X). We set (Φ[2])n(N⊗i) = Ei[ψ (n)], Ei Coh(X). In this case, ψ (n) is constant for a sufficiently n i n ∈ i large n. Hence there are l such that Hom(G,Φn(N⊗i)[k]) = 0 for k = l +2n and logχ(G,Φn(G′)) i i 6 ∼ 2nlog α. Hence | | 1 (2.16) h (Φ)= lim logδ′(G,Φn(G′))=2log α 2t=logρ(Φ) 2t. t n→∞n t | |− − (II). Assume that trA= 2. Then An = E+n(A E). We set s := 1−a. Let E be a semi-homogeneous − bD sheaf with µ(E)=xH and set µ(Φn(E))=x H. Since n nc+(n(d 1)+1)x x = − , n 1+n(a 1)+nbDx (2.17) − bDx+(a 1) x s= − , n − (1+n(a 1+bDx))bD − we have lim x =s. In the same way as in the case trA>2, we see that n→∞ n logρ(Φ), b>0 (2.18) h (Φ)= t (logρ(Φ) 2t, b<0. − (III). Assume that trA=1. Then A3 = E. It is easy to see that − (2.19) (ΦEXA→X)2 ≡(ΦΦEXEXAA→→22XX[−m2]odmTod T bb><00 and (2.20) (ΦEA )3 [−2] mod T b>0 X→X ≡([ 4] mod T b<0 − (see Remark 1.9). Indeed ΦEA ((E ) ) M (u∨) for b > 0 and ΦEA ((E ) )[2] M (u∨) X→X A |{x}×X ∈ H X→X A |{x}×X ∈ H for b<0, where u:=v((E ) )=(b2D,baH,a2). Hence A |X×{x}×X (2.21) h (ΦEA )= −32t b>0 t X→X ( 4t b<0. −3 Assume that trA=0. Then (ΦEA )2 [ 2] mod T implies X→X ≡ − E (2.22) h (Φ A )= t. t X→X − (cid:3) Remark 2.4. OurassumptionofΦ(L)=Lisverystrongingeneral. IndeedH isnotpreservedbytheaction of Aut(X) in general, and there is an abelian surface with an automorphism of positive entropy. Remark 2.5. In [2], Ikeda introduced a mass growth h of a stability condition σ and studied several σ,t properties. In our example, (2.23) h (Φ)=h (Φ), σ,t t where σ be a stability condition such that Z (E):= ezH,v(E) (z H) and φ (k )=1: σ σ x h i ∈ WeonlyexplainthecasewheretrA>2. WefirstnotethatΦpreservesσ-stabilityforsemi-homogeneous sheaves. We set 1 1 (2.24) αna (z)+βnb (z)=det ,(αnP +βnQ) . j j z√D jm√D (cid:18)(cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:19) Then by (1.11), we get Z (Φn(N⊗j))=(αna (z)+βnb (z))2. Assume that b<0. Then φ ((Φ[2])n(N⊗j)) σ j j σ is bounded. Hence by using [2, Thm. 1.1], we get h (Φ)=log α2 2t=h (Φ). σ,t t | | − 6 2.1. Gromov-Yomdin type conjecture by Kikuta and Takahashi. Let X be an arbitrary abelian surface. We shall compute h (Φ) and check the Kikuta and Takahashi’s conjecture [4, Conjecture 5.3] for 0 some endofunctors of D(X). Lemma 2.6. Let D be a divisor with (D2) > 0 and η NS(X). There is no isotropic vector v = 0 in ∈ 6 (Qeη+Qeη+D+Qeη+2D)⊥. Proof. Replacing v by ve−η, we may assume that η =0. We set v =(r,ξ,a)=0. Then (ξ2)=2ra. By the 6 conditions, we get (D2) (2.25) a=0, (D,ξ) r =0, 2(D,ξ) 2r(D2)=0. − 2 − Hence (D,ξ) = r(D2) = 0. Since (D2) > 0, we get r = a = (ξ2) = 0. Since D⊥ is negative definite, we get ξ =0. Therefore our claim holds. (cid:3) Lemma 2.7. For a semi-homogeneous sheaf E and a line bundle L, (2.26) dimHom(L,E[k]) max 4χ(L(pH),E) p=0, 1, 2 , ≤ { | || ± ± } k∈Z X where H is an ample divisor on X. Proof. We first note that E is a semi-stable sheaf with respect to H by Proposition 1.1. Then E is S- equivalent to E such that E are stable with v(E )=v(E ). Hence it is sufficient to prove the claim for i i i i j ⊕ a stable semi-homogeneous sheaf E. We first assume that χ(L,E) = 0. Then E is not 0-dimensional. We can easily show the following claim. (i) If (c (E L∨),H)>0, then dimHom(L,E)=dimHom(L,E[1]) and Hom(L,E[2])=0. 1 ⊗ (ii) If (c (E L∨),H)<0, then dimHom(L,E)=0 and dimHom(L,E[1])=dimHom(L,E[2]). 1 ⊗ (iii) If (c (E L∨),H) = 0, then dimHom(L,E) = dimHom(L,E[2]) 1, dimHom(L,E[1]) 2 and 1 ⊗ ≤ ≤ v(L)=v(E). For the case of (iii), obviously the claim holds by Lemma 2.6. So we shall treat the case of (i) and (ii). In these cases, E is not 0-dimensional. Replacing H by its translate, we can take an injective homomorphism E E(H). Then we get → dimHom(L,E) dimHom(L(pH),E) ≤ for p 0. We also see that ≤ dimHom(E,L) dimHom(E,L(pH)) ≤ for p 0. By Lemma 2.6, χ(L(pH),E)= 0 for an integer p 0,1,2 and χ(L(pH),E) =0 for an integer ≥ 6 ∈{ } 6 p 0, 1, 2 . Hence by using Proposition 1.3, we get ∈{ − − } dimHom(L,E) max 0,χ(L(pH),E) p= 1, 2 (2.27) ≤ { | − − } dimExt2(L,E) max 0,χ(L(pH),E) p=1,2 . ≤ { | } Thus (2.28) dimHom(L,E[k]) max 2 χ(L(pH),E) p=0, 1, 2 . ≤ { | || ± ± } k∈Z X By Proposition 1.3, the same claim also holds if χ(L,E)=0. (cid:3) 6 Proposition 2.8. Let Φ : D(X) D(X) be an endofunctor which is a composite of equivalences, f∗ and → f , where f :X X is a finite morphism. Then h (Φ) logρ(Φ). ∗ 0 → ≤ Proof. We use split generators G,G′ in (2.5). For a finite morphism f : X X, f∗ and f send semi- ∗ → homogeneous sheaves to semi-homogeneous sheaves. By Proposition 1.2, autoequivaences also send semi- homogeneoussheavestosemi-homogeneoussheavesuptoshift. HenceΦn(N⊗j)isasemi-homogeneoussheaf up to shift. By Lemma 2.7, we have (2.29) dimHom(N⊗i,Φn(N⊗j)[k]) max 4χ((N(pH))⊗i,Φn(N⊗j)) p=0, 1, 2 . ≤ { | || ± ± } k∈Z X For any real number λ>ρ(Φ), we have 1 (2.30) lim Φn(N⊗j)=0, n→∞λn and hence 1 (2.31) lim χ((N(pH))⊗i,Φn(N⊗j) =0. n→∞λn| | 7 Then we have χ((N(pH))⊗i,Φn(N⊗j) λn for sufficiently large n. Combining (2.29) with this estimate, | | ≤ we see that 1 (2.32) h (Φ)= lim logδ′(G,Φn(G′)) logλ. 0 n→∞n 0 ≤ Since λ is arbitrary, we get h (Φ) logρ(Φ). (cid:3) 0 ≤ Remark 2.9. Let X be a simple abelian variety of dimX = d, that is, there is no subabelian variety Y of X with 0 < dimY < d. Then for any line bundle L, K(L) := x X T∗(L) = L is a finite set, { ∈ | x ∼ } unless L Pic0(X). Hence if c (L)=0, then (Ld)=0. Then for a semi-homogeneous sheaf E, we see that 1 ∈ 6 6 χ(E)=0 or ch(E) Z ch( ). Hence we also get h (Φ) logρ(Φ). >0 X 0 6 ∈ O ≤ By [2, Thm. 1.2], h (Φ) logρ(Φ). Therefore we get the following result which support a Gromov- 0 ≥ Yomdin type conjecture in [4, Conjecture 5.3]. Proposition 2.10. Let X be an abelian surface and Φ:D(X) D(X) an endofunctor in Proposition 2.8. → Then h (Φ)=logρ(Φ). 0 3. An example of automorphism on the moduli of stable sheaves Let M (v) be the moduli space of stable sheaves E on X with v(E) = v and K (v) be a fiber of the H H albanesemapa:M (v) Alb(M (v))=X Pic0(X). K (v)isanirreduciblesymplectic manifoldwhich H H H → × is derormation equivalent to a generalized Kummer manifold [13]. In [15, Prop. 3.50], we constructed an example of moduli space M (v) which have an automorphism of infinite order. Thus there is a Fourier- H Mukai transformΦ which induces an isomorphismg :M (v) M (v) such that g is infinite order. In this H H → example, it is easy to see that a similar claim to [11] holds. Thus by using [8], we get dimK (v) (3.1) H h (Φ)=h(g′) 0 2 whereg′ :K (v) K (v)isanautomorphisminducedg byaFourier-MukaitransformΦ:D(X) D(X) H H → → in [15, Prop. 3.50]: Let be a quasi-universal family on M (v) X. By T∗( ) P (x X,P Pic0(X)), we have an E H × x E ⊗ y ∈ y ∈ isomorphismψ :MH(v)→MH(v) suchthat(ψ×1X)∗(E)⊗L∼=Tx∗(E)⊗Py⊗L′,whereL,L′ arepull-backs of locally free sheaves on M (v). Then H c (p (ch((ψ 1 )∗( ))α∨))=c (p (ch(T∗( ) P )α∨)) 1 MH(v)! × X E 1 MH(v)! x E ⊗ y (3.2) =c (p (ch( )T∗ (α∨))) 1 MH(v)! E −x =c (p (ch( )α∨)) 1 MH(v)! E for α v⊥. Thus ψ∗(θ (α)) = θ (α). Hence for an isomorphism g : M (v) M (v) induced by Φ, we v v H H ∈ → have an isomorphism g′ :K (v) K (v) which induces the isomorphism Φ:v⊥ v⊥. H H → → 4. Appendix Let (X,H) be a principally polarized abelian variety of dimX = d. In [5], cohomological action of the P group G of Fourier-Mukai transforms generated by Φ and (H) is described. In particular the X→X ⊗OX action on the cohomology group generated by H is the action of SL(2,Z) on the d-th symmetric product of Q2. Then we can also compute h (ΦE ) of ΦE G, where E is a coherent sheaf on X X. In particular h (ΦE )=log αd dt tif trXA→<X 2. X→X ∈ × t X→X | | − − Remark 4.1. For a semi-homogeneous sheaf E with rkE > 0, if c (E) is ample, then Hi(E) = 0 for i = 0 1 6 (cf. [6, Prop. 7.3]). Acknowledgement. I would like to thank Atsushi Takahashi for useful comments. References [1] Dimitrov,G.,Haiden,F.,Katzarkov, L.,Kontsevich,M.,Dynamical systemsand categories,arXiv:1307.8418 [2] Ikeda, A.,Mass growth of objectsand categorical entropy,arXiv:1612.00995 [3] Kikuta,K.,On entropy for autoequivalences of the derived category of curves,arXiv:1601.06682 [4] Kikuta,K.,Takahashi, A.,Onthe categorical entropy and the topological entropy,arXiv:1602.03463 [5] Maciocia, A., Piyaratne, D., Fourier-Mukai Transforms and Bridgeland Stability Conditions on Abelian Threefolds II, arXiv:1310.0299 [6] Mukai,S.,Semi-homogeneous vectorbundles on an abelian variety,J.Math.KyotoUniv.18(1978), no.2,239–272. [7] Mukai,S.,Duality between D(X) and D(Xb) with itsapplication to Picard sheaves,NagoyaMath.J.81(1981), 153–175. 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