CatalytiC CasCade ReaCtions CatalytiC CasCade ReaCtions Edited by Peng-Fei Xu State Key Laboratory of Applied Organic Chemistry College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Lanzhou University Lanzhou, P.R. China Wei Wang Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology University of New Mexico Albuquerque, New Mexico Copyright © 2014 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey. Published simultaneously in Canada. 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For more information about Wiley products, visit our web site at Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data: Catalytic cascade reactions / edited by Dr. Peng-Fei Xu, State Key Laboratory of Applied Organic Chemistry, College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Lanzhou University, Dr. Wei Wang, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, University of New Mexico. pages cm Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-1-118-01602-2 (hardback) 1. Organic reaction mechanisms. 2. Catalysis. 3. Chemical reactions. 4. Organic compounds–Synthesis. I. Xu, Peng-Fei, 1964– editor of compilation. II. Wang, Wei (Associate professor of chemistry), editor of compilation. QD502.5.C38 2013 547′.215–dc23 2013011112 Printed in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Contents Contributors xi Preface xiii 1 amine-Catalyzed Cascade Reactions 1 Aiguo Song and Wei Wang 1.1 Introduction, 2 1.2 Enamine-Activated Cascade Reactions, 3 1.2.1 Enamine–Enamine Cascades, 3 Design of Enamine–Enamine Cascades, 3 Examples of Enamine–Enamine and Enamine–Enamine Cyclization Cascades, 3 Enamine–Enamine in Three-Component Cascades, 6 Enamine-Activated Double α-Functionalization, 7 Robinson Annulations, 7 1.2.2 Enamine–Iminium Cascades, 8 Design of Enamine–Iminium Cascades, 8 Examples of [4 + 2] Reactions with Enamine-Activated Dienes, 8 Inverse-Electron-Demand [4 + 2] Reactions with Enamine-Activated Dienophiles, 13 Enamine–Iminium–Enamine Cascades, 16 1.2.3 Enamine Catalysis Cyclization, 19 Design of Enamine-Cyclization Cascade Reactions, 19 Enamine-Intermolecular Addition Cascades, 19 v vi CONTENTS Enamine-Intramolecular Addition Cascades, 20 Enamine-Intramolecular Aldol Cascades, 21 1.3 Iminium-Initiated Cascade Reactions, 21 1.3.1 Design of Iminium–Enamine Cascade Reactions, 21 1.3.2 Iminium-Activated Diels–Alder Reactions, 22 1.3.3 Iminium-Activated Sequential [4 + 2] Reactions, 24 1.3.4 Iminium-Activated [3 + 2] Reactions, 25 1.3.5 Iminium-Activated Sequential [3 + 2] Reactions, 27 1.3.6 Iminium-Activated [2 + 1] Reactions, 30 Iminium-Activated Cyclopropanations, 30 Iminium-Activated Epoxidations, 32 Iminium-Activated Aziridinations, 34 1.3.7 Iminium-Activated Multicomponent Reactions, 35 1.3.8 Iminium-Activated [3 + 3] Reactions, 37 Iminium-Activated All-Carbon-Centered [3 + 3] Reactions, 37 Iminium-Activated Hetero-[3 + 3] Reactions, 40 1.3.9 Other Iminium-Activated Cascade Reactions, 42 1.4 Cycle-Specific Catalysis Cascades, 42 1.5 Other Strategies, 45 1.6 Summary and Outlook, 46 References, 46 2 Brønsted acid–Catalyzed Cascade Reactions 53 Jun Jiang and Liu-Zhu Gong 2.1 Introduction, 54 2.2 Protonic Acid–Catalyzed Cascade Reactions, 55 2.2.1 Mannich Reaction, 55 2.2.2 Pictect–Spengler Reaction, 56 2.2.3 Biginelli Reaction, 58 2.2.4 Povarov Reaction, 59 2.2.5 Reduction Reaction, 60 2.2.6 1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition, 61 2.2.7 Darzen Reaction, 65 2.2.8 Acyclic Aminal and Hemiaminal Synthesis, 66 2.2.9 Rearrangement Reaction, 67 2.2.10 α,b-Unsaturated Imine-Involved Cyclization Reaction, 69 2.2.11 Alkylation Reaction, 69 2.2.12 Desymmetrization Reaction, 70 2.2.13 Halocyclization, 71 2.2.14 Redox Reaction, 72 2.2.15 Isocyanide-Involved Multicomponent Reaction, 73 2.2.16 Other Protonic Acid–Catalyzed Cascade Reactions, 75 2.3 Chiral Thiourea (Urea)–Catalyzed Cascade Reactions, 75 2.3.1 Neutral Activation, 76 CONTENTS vii Halolactonization, 76 Mannich Reaction, 77 Michael–Aldol Reaction, 78 Michael-Alkylation Reaction, 79 Cyano-Involved Michael-Cyclization Reaction, 82 Michael-Hemiketalization (Hemiacetalization) Reaction, 84 Michael–Henry Reaction, 87 Michael–Michael Reaction, 90 Petasis Reaction, 94 Sulfur Ylide–Involved Michael-Cyclization Reaction, 95 α-Isothiocyanato Imide–Involved Cascade Reaction, 96 α-Isocyanide–Involved Cascade Reaction, 98 2.3.2 Anion-Binding Catalysis, 99 Pictet–Spengler Reaction, 99 Other Iminium Ion–Involved Cascade Reaction, 101 Oxocarbenium Ion–Involved Cascade Reaction, 103 2.4 Brønsted Acid and Transition Metal Cooperatively Catalyzed Cascade Reactions, 104 2.4.1 Dual Catalysis, 105 2.4.2 Cascade Catalysis, 108 Pd(0)/Brønsted Acid System, 109 Ruthenium/Brønsted Acid System, 109 Au(I)/Brønsted Acid System, 113 Other Binary Catalytic Systems, 114 2.5 Conclusions, 116 References, 117 3 application of organocatalytic Cascade Reactions in natural Product synthesis and drug discovery 123 Yao Wang and Peng-Fei Xu 3.1 Introduction, 123 3.2 Amine-Catalyzed Cascade Reactions in Natural Product Synthesis, 125 3.2.1 Iminium-Ion-Catalyzed Cascade Reactions in Natural Product Synthesis, 125 3.2.2 Cycle-Specific Cascade Catalysis in Natural Product Synthesis, 129 Iminium–Enamine Cycle-Specific Cascade Catalysis, 130 Enamine (/Dienamine)–Iminium Cycle-Specific Cascade Catalysis, 132 More Complex Cycle-Specific Cascade Catalysis, 134 3.3 Brønsted Acid–Catalyzed Cascade Reactions in Natural Product Synthesis, 137 3.4 Bifunctional Base/Brønsted Acid–Catalyzed Cascade Reactions in Natural Product Synthesis, 139 3.5 Summary and Outlook, 140 References, 142 viii CONTENTS 4 gold-Catalyzed Cascade Reactions 145 Yanzhao Wang and Liming Zhang 4.1 Introduction, 145 4.2 Cascade Reactions of Alkynes, 147 4.2.1 Cascade Reactions of Enynes, 147 Cascade Reactions of 1,6-Enynes, 147 Cascade Reactions of 1,5-Enynes, 149 Cascade Reactions of 1,4-Enynes, 151 Cascade Reactions of 1,3-Enynes, 152 Cascade Reactions of 1,n-Enynes (n > 6), 154 4.2.2 Cascade Reactions of Propargyl Carboxylates, 156 4.2.3 Cascade Reactions of ortho-Substituted Arylalkynes, 161 4.2.4 Cascade Reactions of Other Alkynes, 165 4.3 Cascade Reactions of Allenes, 170 4.4 Cascade Reactions of Alkenes and Cyclopropenes, 173 4.5 Closing Remarks, 174 References, 174 5 Cascade Reactions Catalyzed by Ruthenium, iron, iridium, Rhodium, and Copper 179 Yanguang Wang and Ping Lu 5.1 Introduction, 179 5.2 Ruthenium-Catalyzed Transformations, 180 5.3 Iron-Catalyzed Transformations, 185 5.4 Iridium-Catalyzed Transformations, 191 5.5 Rhodium-Catalyzed Transformations, 194 5.6 Copper-Catalyzed Transformations, 202 5.7 Miscellaneous Catalytic Reactions, 215 5.8 Summary, 219 References, 219 6 Palladium-Catalyzed Cascade Reactions of alkenes, alkynes, and allenes 225 Hongyin Gao and Junliang Zhang 6.1 Introduction, 226 6.2 Cascade Reactions Involving Alkenes, 226 6.2.1 Double Mizoroki–Heck Reaction Cascade, 226 6.2.2 Cascade Heck Reaction/C-H Activation, 227 6.2.3 Cascade Heck Reaction/Reduction/Cyclization, 230 6.2.4 Cascade Heck Reaction/Carbonylation, 231 6.2.5 Cascade Heck Reaction/Suzuki Coupling, 232 6.2.6 Cascade Amino-/Oxopalladation/Carbopalladation Reaction, 234 6.3 Cascade Reactions Involving Alkynes, 237 6.3.1 Cascade Heck Reactions, 238