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Catalysis of Dynamical Chiral Symmetry Breaking by Chiral Chemical Potential. V. V. Braguta1,2,3,4,∗ and A. Yu. Kotov2,5,† 1Institute for High Energy Physics NRC Kurchatov Institute, 142281 Protvino, Russia 2Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, 117259 Moscow, Russia 3Far Eastern Federal University, School of Natural Sciences, 690950 Vladivostok, Russia 4Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Institutskii per. 9, Dolgoprudny, Moscow Region, 141700 Russia 5National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute), Kashirskoe Highway, 31, Moscow 115409, Russia In this paper we study the properties of media with chiral imbalance parameterized by chiral chemical potential. It is shown that depending on the strength of interaction between constituents in the media the chiral chemical potential either creates or enhances dynamical chiral symmetry breaking. Thusthechiralchemicalpotentialplaysaroleofthecatalystofdynamicalchiralsymmetry 6 breaking. Physically this effect results from the appearance of the Fermi surface and additional 1 fermionstatesonthissurfacewhichtakepartindynamicalchiralsymmetrybreaking. Aninteresting 0 2 conclusion which can be drawn is that at sufficiently small temperature chiral plasma is unstable with respect to condensation of Cooper pairs and dynamical chiral symmetry breaking even for n vanishingly small interactions between constituents. a J PACSnumbers: 11.15.Ha,12.38.Gc,12.38.Aw 9 Keywords: Latticegaugetheory,quark-gluonplasma 1 ] Introduction. Properties of media with nonzero chirality attract considerable interest. This interest is caused h by unusual phenomena which take place in such media. The most renowned example of such phenomena is chiral t - magnetic effect (CME)[1, 2], which consists in the appearance of electric current in chiral medium along applied p magnetic field. The other examples of phenomena, which take place in chiral media, are chiral vortical effect[3–6], e h chiral separation effect [7, 8], different chiral waves[9–11] and others [12, 13]. [ Chiral media can be realized in heavy-ion collisions [14], Dirac semimetals [15], Weyl semimetals [16], in Early Universe[17], inneutronstarsand supernovae[18,19]. So,chiralmedium canbe realizedinvariousphysicalsystems 1 and it is important to study its properties. v 7 Chiralimbalanceinmediumcanbecontrolledbythechiralchemicalpotential–µ5. Theinfluenceofthechiralchem- 5 ical potential on the properties of QCD-like models was studied within lattice simulation [20–22], Dyson-Schwinger 9 equations[23,24],differenteffectivemodels[25–31]anduniversalityofphasediagramsinQCDandQCD–liketheories 4 throughthe large–N equivalence[32]. The resultsobtainedwithindifferentapproachescontradicttoeachother. For c 0 instance, some works predict enhancement and some suppression of the chiral symmetry breaking due to µ 6=0. 5 . 1 In this paper we are going to study the properties of the chirally imbalanced systems (not only QCD-like models), 0 inparticular,weaklyinteractingandstronglyinteractingchiralmedia. Chiralimbalanceisintroducedintothesystem 6 by nonzerochiralchemicalpotential. For the systems under considerationwe show that the chiralchemicalpotential 1 leads either to creation or enhancement of dynamical chiral symmetry breaking. In other words, the chiral chemical : v potential acts as the catalyst of dynamical chiral symmetry breaking. The physical mechanism of this phenomenon i is the emergence of the Fermi surface and appearance of additional fermion states on this surface which take part in X dynamical chiral symmetry breaking. r a NJL model and gap equation. To carry out our study we are going to use NJL model with the UL(1)×UR(1) chiralsymmetry in the presence of the chiralchemical potential µ . Although we use the NJL model below it will be 5 shown that our main results are model independent. The Euclidean action for the NJL model can be written as S = d4x ψ¯ ∂ˆ−µ γ γ )ψ−G (ψ¯ψ)2+(ψ¯iγ ψ)2 . (1) E 5 4 5 5 Z (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:0) (cid:2) (cid:3) In this paper we will assume that the fermion fields have color indexes α=1,..,N and these indexes are contracted. c To get rid of the four-fermion interactions one introduces scalar and pseudoscalar fields σ,π which allows to rewrite the Euclidean action (1) in the following form 1 S = d4x ψ¯ ∂ˆ−µ γ γ +σ+iγ π ψ+ σ2+π2 . (2) E 5 4 5 5 Z (cid:18) 4G (cid:19) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:2) (cid:3) ∗[email protected][email protected] 2 Integrating out fermions it is easy to get effective action S for the fields σ,π eff 1 S = d4x (σ2+π2)−Trlog ∂ˆ−µ γ γ +σ+iγ π eff 5 4 5 5 Z (cid:18)4G (cid:19) (cid:0) (cid:1) 1 d4k = d4x (σ2+π2)−N log k2+(|k|−sµ )2+σ2+π2 . (3) Z (cid:18)4G cZ (2π)4 4 5 (cid:19) sX=±1 (cid:0) (cid:1) Itisseenthateffectiveactiondependsonσ2+π2. Thusonecanchooseanydirectionofthecondensatein(σ,π)–plane. Below we choose σ direction of condensation leaving π =0. For zero bare fermion mass the value of σ equals to the value of dynamical mass M =σ. In the limit N → ∞ the path integral over the fields σ is dominated by the stationary point δS /δσ = 0. The c eff value of dynamical fermion mass M can be determined from the gap equation 1 1 Λ 1 1 = k2dk + (4) GNc π2 Z0 (cid:20) (|~k|−µ )2+M2 (|~k|+µ )2+M2(cid:21) 5 5 q q Notice that in last equation we used three-momentum cutoff regularization scheme. Assuming that M,µ ≪ Λ 5 equation (4) can be written as 1 x2 1 −1= y2− log (5) α (cid:18) 2 (cid:19) x2 NJL GN Λ2 M µ c 5 α = , x= , y = NJL π2 Λ Λ At zero chiral chemical potential equation (5) coincides with the NJL gap equation for dynamical fermion mass ( see review [33]). For µ = 0 and α < 1 left side of equation (5) is positive, but right side is negative. So, equation 5 NJL (5) has the solution M 6=0 only for sufficiently strong interaction α >1. Below it will be shown that nonzero µ NJL 5 changes the properties of the gap equation (5) dramatically. Weakly interacting chiral medium. First we are going to consider the case of weak interaction α ≪ 1. NJL There is no solution of the gap equation (5) for µ =0, i.e. dynamical mass is zero M =0. However, for any µ 6=0 5 5 and α ≪1 there appears a solution which can be written as NJL π2 M2 =Λ2exp − . (6) (cid:20) GN µ2(cid:21) c 5 Last equation shows that nonzero chiral chemical potential leads to dynamical chiral symmetry breaking and gener- ation of fermion mass even for vanishing attraction between fermions. The dynamical mass M for weak interaction α ≪1 is determined by the behavior of the system near the Fermi surface |~k|=µ . To see this we write the gap NJL 5 equation (4) as 1 1 Λ 1 µ2 µ5+δ 1 ≈ k2dk ≈ 5 dk ≈ν(E )log(M2), (7) GNc π2 Z0 (|k|−µ5)2+M2 π2 Zµ5−δ (|k|−µ5)2+M2 F p p where ν(E ) is a density of states on the Fermi surface F 1 dN(E) µ2 ν(E )= = 5. (8) F V dE (cid:12) π2 (cid:12)|~k|=µ5 (cid:12) (cid:12) Expression (7) represents BCS instability on the Fermi surface. Dynamical mass (6) written in terms of the ν(E ) F is M2 = Λ2exp(−1/GN ν(E )), what is very similar to the mass gap in the BCS theory of superconductivity c F ∆ = ω exp(−const/G ν )[34], where ω is the Debye frequency, G is a coupling constant and ν is the density D S F D S F of states on the Fermi surface. Strongly interacting chiral medium. We proceed with the study of the solution of the gap equation (5) for stronginteractionα ∼1. Firstletusconsiderthecasewhentheinteractionisstrongbutinsufficientfordynamical NJL chiral symmetry breaking without the chiral chemical potential: 0<1−α ≪1. Similarly to weakly interacting NJL medium µ 6= 0 leads to chiral symmetry breaking and generation of fermion mass which can be obtained from 5 equation (5) M2 ≃2µ2 (9) 5 3 Notice that the correction to equation (9) is ∼ 1/N . Since our consideration is valid only at the leading order c approximation in 1/N expansion, we don’t show it here. c Now let us consider the case α >1. We have already mentioned above that if α >1 there is a solution of NJL NJL the gap equation (5) for zero chiral chemical potential which will be designated as M . We start our study from the 0 case of small chiral chemical potential µ ≪M . Expanding equation (5) in the vicinity of the solution M one gets 5 0 0 M2 ≃M2+2µ2. (10) 0 5 So, one sees that M is quadratically rising function of the µ at small µ . In the case of large chemical potential 5 5 µ ≫M dynamical fermion mass is given by formula (9). 5 0 Notice that in the derivation of formulas (9) and (10) the term which represents logarithmic singularity (the term ∼y2 in equation (5)), i.e. dynamics near the Fermi surface, plays a crucial role. ChiralmediumandBCStheoryofsuperconductivity. TheBCSinstabilityandtheformulaforthedynamical mass (6) allow us to state that there is an analogy between NJL model with the chiral chemical potential and BCS theory of superconductivity. To see this explicitly we are going to use variational approach. First note that in the NJLmodelwithoutinteractionG=0,atT =0andµ >0vacuumstate–|p iistwoFermispheresofrightparticles 5 F and right antiparticles with radius µ . It is reasonable to assume that interacting NJL supports condensation in the 5 right quark–rightantiquark channel. A suitable vacuum state for this model can be written as |vaci = Gˆ Gˆ Gˆ |p i, (11) 1 2 3 F Gˆ = cos(θ )−sin(θ )aˆ+ ˆb+ , 1 (cid:18) L L L,p L,−p(cid:19) Yp Gˆ = cos(θ )+sin(θ )aˆ+ ˆb+ , 2 (cid:18) R R R,p R,−p(cid:19) pY>µ5 Gˆ = cos(θ˜ )+sin(θ˜ )ˆb aˆ , 3 R R R,−p R,p (cid:18) (cid:19) pY<µ5 where (aˆ+ ,aˆ )/ (ˆb+ ,ˆb ) are creation, annihilation operators for left particles and antiparticles, (aˆ+ ,aˆ )/ L,p L,p L,p L,p R,p R,p (ˆb+ ,ˆb ) are creation, annihilation operators for right particles and antiparticles correspondingly1. Note that the R,p R,p operator Gˆ creates left states, the operator Gˆ creates right states above the Fermi surface and the operator Gˆ 1 2 3 creates right states below the Fermi surface. The vacuum energy of NJL model (1) can written as d3p d3p d3p E = 2N (p−µ )cos2θ˜ +2N (p−µ )sin2θ +2N (p+µ )sin2θ vac cZ (2π)3 5 R cZ (2π)3 5 R cZ (2π)3 5 L p<µ5 p>µ5 d3p d3p d3p 2 − GN2 sin2θ˜ + sin2θ + sin2θ (12) c(cid:18)Z (2π)3 R Z (2π)3 R Z (2π)3 L(cid:19) p<µ5 p>µ5 The variation of the E with respect to the parameters θ ,θ ,θ˜ gives the following values vac L R R ∆ ∆ ∆ tan2θ =2GN , tan2θ =2GN , tan2θ˜ =2GN , (13) L c R c R c p+µ p−µ µ −p 5 5 5 d3p d3p d3p ∆= sin2θ˜ + sin2θ + sin2θ . (14) (cid:18)Z (2π)3 R Z (2π)3 R Z (2π)3 L(cid:19) p<µ5 p>µ5 Substitutingthevaluesoftheθ ,θ ,θ˜ from(13)toexpression(14)onefindsgapequation(5)anddynamicalfermion L R R mass M =2GN ∆. c From this consideration one sees that the energy minimum of the NJL model with µ > 0 is realized through the 5 condensation of the Cooper pairs which consist of right particle and right antiparticle and break chiral symmetry. The energy in the minimum is smaller than the energy of free chiral plasma. Thus chiral plasma is unstable with respect to chiral symmetry breaking and condensation of the Cooper pairs. 1 NotethatinthevariationapproachinadditiontotheparametersθL,θR,θ˜Roneintroducesrelativephasesbetweencos(θ),sin(θ)terms. Wehavecheckedthattrialvacuum state(11)givesminimumenergywithrespecttothevariationoverthesephases. 4 2 a+bµ 160 5 cµ 5 3 120 T / > ψ 80 –ψ < 40 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 µ , MeV 5 FIG. 1: Chiral condensate as a function of µ5 in the confinementphase (T =158 MeV). Notealsothatforsystemsconsideredinthispaperthechiralchemicalpotentialdynamicallybreakschiralsymmetry, if it was not broken, or strengthens it otherwise. Physically this effect stems from the formation of the Fermi surface and appearance of additional fermion states on this surface which take part in dynamical chiral symmetry breaking. For this reason the chiral chemical potential plays a role of the catalyst of dynamical chiral symmetry breaking. In the above considerations we used NJL model. However, it is clear that in any model nonzero µ leads to Fermi 5 surface with additional fermion states which due to BCS instability create or enhance chiralsymmetry breaking. We believe that this effect is universal, i.e., model independent. Confirmation from lattice and comparison with other studies. NJL model in the strong coupling regime is believed to be an effective low energy model of QCD. So, it is interesting to compare the predictions of the NJL model with the results of lattice study of QCD-like models [20–22]. One of the prediction of NJL model is that dynamical fermion mass quadratically rises at small µ which then 5 switches to the linear rising behavior at large µ . This is very important property since at small µ the vacuum 5 5 rearrangement is due to the strong interaction and at large µ the vacuum rearrangement is due additional fermion 5 statesontheFermisurface. IntheNJLmodelM ∼hψ¯ψi,sothebehaviorofthedynamicalmassandchiralcondensate must be similar. In Fig.1 we plot hψ¯ψi as a function of µ in the confinement phase obtained in paper[21]. It is seen 5 thatthe points withµ <1000MeV lie onthe curvea+bµ2 andthe points µ >1000GeV lie onthe curvecµ . The 5 5 5 5 statistical uncertainties in the data are ∼0.1%. So lattice data confirms the results of this paper. Further we notice that the larger µ the larger dynamical fermion mass M. This allows us to expect the rising 5 of the critical temperature of breaking/restoration of chiral symmetry as the chiral chemical potential grows. The property is in agreement with the results of papers [20–22]. We have already mentioned that there are a lot of papers where the influence of the chiral chemical potential on the properties of QCD-like models was studied. In addition to lattice papers [20–22], there are studies based on Dyson-Schwinger equations [23, 24], the large–N equivalence between QCD–like theories[32]. The results of these c papers support our conclusions. The results obtained within different effective models [25–31] strongly depend on the details of these models. The authorsofpaper [31]studiedhowthe results dependonregularizationinNJL model. Inparticular,they showedthat chiral condensate is rising function of µ for µ < µc ∼ Λ and decreasing function of µ for µ > µc. We believe 5 5 5 5 5 5 that the disagreement between our results and the results of paper [31] can be explained as follows. In our paper we have shown that dynamics near the Fermi surface |~k| = µ is very important for correct description of chiral media. 5 If µ ∼ µc ∼Λ, the ultraviolet cutoff Λ effectively cuts important degrees of freedom near the Fermi surface leading 5 5 to incorrect result. For this reason if µ ≪ Λ our result is in agreement with [31]. So, our conclusion is that to get 5 dependableresultswithineffectivemodelsallenergyscalesinthesemodelsmustbemuchsmallerthantheultraviolet cutoff Λ. Conclusion. In this paper we have studied the properties of the media with chiral imbalance parameterized by the chiral chemical potential. We considered two cases: weakly interacting and strongly interacting chiral media. For all considered systems we have shown that the chiral chemical potential either creates or enhances dynamical chiral symmetry breaking. The mechanism responsible for this phenomenon is the appearance of the Fermi surface 5 and additional fermion states on this surface which take part in dynamical chiral symmetry breaking. So, the chiral chemical potential plays a role of the catalyst of dynamical chiral symmetry breaking. An interesting observation which follows from the results of this paper is that at sufficiently small temperature weaklyinteractingchiralplasmaisunstablewithrespecttocondensationofCooperpairs,dynamicalchiralsymmetry breaking and generation of dynamical fermion mass. We believe that appearance of chiral symmetry breaking and generation of fermion mass in chiral plasma may considerably modify CME and other phenomena which take place in chiral media. Acknowledgments The authors are grateful to V. I. Zakharov and M. N. Chernodub for interesting and stimulating discussions. 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