s/ Telegraphic Address: “NULLIFIED, LONDON.” Telephone: GERRARD 4424. Messrs. Glendining and Go., Ltd. 1 Argyll Street, Oxford Circus, W. (Adjoining Oxford CircuB Stations.) MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. FINE ART PROPERTY. JEWELLERY. PLATE, CHINA. MEDALS, COINS, POSTAGE STAMPS, &c. CATALOGUE of a Valuable Collection of Coins and PRICED CATALOGUE—TWO SHILLINGS. Messrs. Glendinmg & Co., Limited, 7 ARGYLL STREET, OXFORD CIRCUS, W. CATALOGUE OF A Very Valuable Collection of COINS & MEDALS FOR SALE BY AUCTION AT OUR GALLERIES, 7 Argyll Street, Oxford Circus, W. ON Friday, January 27th, 1911. AT 1.30 P.M. PRECISELY, On View Two Days prior and Morning of Sale. CONDITIONS OF SALE. First.—The highest bidder to be the buyer ; and if any dis¬ pute arise between two or more bidders, the lot so in dispute, shall be immediately put up again and resold, provided the auctioneer cannot decide the said dispute. Second.—No person to advance less than Is. ; above five pounds, 5s. ; and so on in proportion. Third.—In the case of lots upon which there is a reserve, the auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the seller. Fourth.—The purchasers to give in their names and places of abode, and to pay down 5s. in the pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the purchase- money, if required ; in default of which the lot or lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and resold. Fifth.—The lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the sale ; Glendining & Co., Ltd., not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity <^f, or any default or defect in, any lot, and making no warranty whatever. Sixth.—To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in the settlement of the purchases, no lot can on any account be removed during the time of sale, and the remainder of the purchase-money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. Seventh.—Upon failure of complying with the above con¬ ditions, the money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all lots uncleared within the time afore¬ said shall be resold by public or private sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale. Eighth.—If any owner has placed a reserve on any lot, the auctioneers reserve to themselves the right to pub¬ lish the fact and price at which it is reserved. CATALOGUE OF COINS AND MEDALS -- FOR SALE. On FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, 1911, AT HALF-PAST ONE P.M. Lot 1 Copper, English, Eighteenth Century tradesmen’s tokens, Colonial coins, U.S.A. cents, some early dates, English regal currency, and a few medals in white metal. Some fine a parcel 2 Continental coins of many States and of various denomina¬ tions, suitable for purposes of study. a large parcel 3 Another selection, varied from last a large parcel 4 Roman first, second and third brass (76) ; silver coins (12) ; also sixteen lined trays, prepared for exhibition of coins, &c. 104 5 Silver, Reading Eighteen penny token, 1811; Shillings of Birmingham, Bristol, Cheltenham,' Lincoln, and Shef¬ field (6) ; Sixpences of Birmingham, Bristol, Fazeley, and Stockport, and an Irish XXX. pence. Mostly very fine 12 £ s. d. 0 8 0 0 16 0 0 10 0 0 17 0 1 4 0 £ s. d. 0 15 0 1 1 0 1 13 0 1 4 0 0 15 0 0 16 0 111 0 1 7 0 12 10 0 1 2 0 1 1 0 4 6 Bank of England Dollar, Bank of Ireland Six Shillings, both 1804 ; tokens for 3/-, two ; 1/6, two ; Irish Tenpences (2), and a Fivepence. Very fine 9 7 William IV., Rupee, Alexander III., Scotch Penny ; Kruger, 2/8, 2/-, 1/-, 6d. and 3d. Victoria Indian coins (3) ; Copper, Anne pattern Halfpenny, rev. Britannia seated under a crown. Chiefly fine, the last rare 11 8 James II., Gun money, Crown, 1690 ; Half Crowns, large and small, 1689 and 1690 ; Shillings, large and small, 1689 ; Sixpence, 1689 ; Irish Halfpennies, Charles II. to George II. (9) ; Farthings (3). The Crown and many others fine , lg 9 English regal coins, Halfpennies from Charles II. (7) ; Far¬ things (11) ; Isle of Man Pennies, Halfpennies and Farthings from 1733 (12) ; Rosa Americana Twopence, 1723. Many fine, some scarce 31 10 Colonials of Bahamas, Bermuda, Jamaica, Barbadoes, Chan¬ nel Islands, and examples of English regal coins from William and Mary (97) ; Tradesmen’s tokens of the Eighteenth Century, various (47). Many fine 144 11 Stiver, ancient Greek drachmae, &c. of various States, Roman Denarii from Nerva to Valentinianus. Some few false 30 12 Elizabeth, Half-Crown, m.m. 1, finely preserved 1 13 Gold, Charles I., Unite, m.m. lis, Kenyon 113 (A.D. 1625). Fine, and a scarce issue 1 14 Silver, Oxford Pound Piece, 1643, obv. m.m. plume, carolvs. d. G. MAG. BRIT. fra. et. HiBER. rex, the King on horse¬ back with sword upraised, a plume behind him, arms below the horse, rev. m.m. seven pellets, exvrgat. devs., &c. The declaration across the field, three plumes and XX. above, 1643 below. Very finely preserved and rare \ 15 George II., Crown, young head type, 1741, roses in angles, extremely fine 1 16 George IIP, Mill’s pattern Crown, laureated head and titles, rev. shields of England, Scotland, Ireland and Hanover crowned, symbols in angles, extremely fine and scarce 1 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 Cromwell, Crown 1658, olivar. d. g. r. p. ang. sco. hib. &c. pro., laureated bust, rev. pax. qvceritvr. bello, crowned shield of arms, edge plain. The very rare crown by Tanner, Henfrey, plate IV. No. 2. Extremely fine 1 Simon’s Half-Crown, 1658, of usual type, with inscribed edge. In brilliant state and rare 1 Shilling, 1658, extremely fine and scarce 1 George II., Proofs of the Half-Crown and Shilling, old head type, 1746, with broad grained borderings ; Charles II., Farthing, 1665, pattern with short hair. First two brilliant, last fine 3 Copper, George III., bronzed proofs, bank dollar, 1804, broad rimmed Farthing, 1798 ; Irish Farthing, 1806 ; Droz’s pattern Halfpenny, 1790 ; and Britanniarum Halfpenny 1805. Later strikings, very fine 5 Gold, Third Guinea, 1810 ; silver, Northumberland Shilling, 1763, Pingo’s Shilling, without the dot above the head, 1787. Very fine, two latter scarce 3 Copper, Charles Philip, Count of Artois, 1773 ; bronze medal¬ lion with equestrian figure of the Comte, rev. crowned shield of French arms, &c. ; silver, medal of the Empress Eugenie in a case, with corn and implements in relief. Very fine 3 Crowns, Edward VI., 1551, m.m. y ; Charles I., first issue, m.m. lis, with plumes on horse’s head and crupper ; William III., 1696, octavo. First a copy, second rare and well preserved, last fine 3 Crowns, Charles I., first issue, as in last lot, but without the pellets, before carolvs, and after rex., and no stop after regno. ; George II., young head, 1735, roses and plumes First rare and well preserved, second very fine 2 Gold, Charles I., Crown, m.m. lis, first issue of 1625, fine and rare ; s'lver, George II., Crown, 1741, roses, very fine 2 Half-Crowns, Charles I., Briot’s issue, m.m. prostrate anchor and w , very fine, slightly burnished, rare ; Tower, m.m. cross, William and Mary, linked W and M.’s (3) ; Anne, 1703, vigo. Last very fine and scarce, the William and Mary fine 0 d. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 28 Half-Crowns, James I., m.m. trefoil and thistle ; William and Mary (5) 7 29 Gold, George III., Spade Guinea, 1798, very fine 1 30 Spanish Dollar and Half, countermarked with head of George III., curious medal by W. Wyon in three metals, various copies of Greek coins, Jewish shekel, &c. (9). All fine 12 31 Bank of England tokens for 3/- (5) ; for 1/6 (20); Irish Bank tokens to lOd. (4), for 5d. (3), various types and dates. Very fine 32 32 Shillings, Elizabeth, Commonwealth, Anne and the Georges (9) ; Provincial (2) ; Sixpences, Philip and Mary, Irish, 1557, Anne and the Georges (21) ; Provincial (1), Fine 34 33 Copper, Eighteenth Century tradesmen’s tokens, Halfpennies of Coventry, Chichester, Bungay, Norwich, Southamp¬ ton, Braintree, Haverhill, &c. (33) ; Bath Farthing, Victoria Penny and Halfpenny, 1860, with the bordering of dots and a Lima quarter. The bronze very fine, the tokens mostly very fine 37 34 Bronze, medals in cases, Exhibition 1862 ; Fine Arts 1873 ; Haidinger 1856 ; Franco-British Exhibition 1908 (5), All very fine 8 35 Medals, Boulton, by Pidgeon, Cholera 1832 ; Crystal Palace opening 1854 ; C. Roach Smith, Duke and Duchess of Albany, 1882, and others, All very fine 15 36 Mixed metals, medals, copies, badges, jetons, Continental coins, Siamese hat money, &c., &c. Some curious pieces a parcel 37 Coins, medals, badges, tokens, engraved stones and seals, in great variety, some interesting examples, a large parcel 38 Medals commemorative of illustrious persons, and celebrated events. Mostly fine 70 39 Silver, India, Madras, Double Rupee, rare, Rupees (6) ; Halves. (3), fine (10) ; mixed metals, Roman and English coins, medals, badges, &c., many fine (150) 16G 7 40 Silver, Charles II., the rose Crown, 1632, others 1677 and 1679 ; copper, engraved “ Love,” tokens, one in silver (10) ' 13 41 Silver, Pennies, Edward I., London (3) ; Berwick (3) ; Bristol (2) ; Lincoln (3) ; Newcastle (2) ; York. (2) ; Dublin (2) ; Waterford (3) ; Edward II., Bury, Durham, Bishop Kellow (4) ; Canterbury, Newcastle (2) ; Rich¬ ard II., York, chiefly fine ; Anglo-Saxon copper Stycse (10) 39 42 Silver, Half-Crowns, Commonwealth, William III., Anne, George I. and George II. ; Shillings, James I., Charles L, William and Mary, William III., Anne and George I., II. and III. (15) ; Sixpences from Elizabeth (27) ; Russian H Ruble, &c. (11) 58 43 Maundy coins from Charles II. to Victoria, Groats (17) ; Three¬ pences (21) ; Twopences (14) ; Pennies (15). Many very fine 67 44 Copper, Roman Imperial first brass of Claudius, Vespasian, Hadrian, Delius, Antoninus Pius, Faustina senior, Faustina junior, M. Aurelius, Commodus, C. Albinus, Carracalla, &c. Some in good conhition 21 45 First brass of Vespasian, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, The Faustinae, M. Aurelius, Commodus, Julia Mamaea, Balbinus and others (16) ; second brass of Augustus, M. Agrippa, Antonia, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, &c. (12). Some good coins 28 46 Silver, ancient Greek didrachm of Kalymnos, head of a youth¬ ful warrior wearing plumed helmet, the cheek-guard in position, rev. kaaymnion beneath a lyre, both within a beaded square, fine and rare 1 47 Copper, Tradesmen’s tokens of the Eighteenth Century, Halfpennies (117) ; Farthings (14) ; Nineteenth Cen¬ tury Pennies (36) Threepences, Birmingham (2) ; Norwich (2). Many fine 171 48 Mixed metals, Lord Nelson, medals, various relative to battles of the Nile, Copenhagen, Trafalgar, and to his decease. Some scarce, some fine 12 £ s* d’ 0 16 0 0 18 0 1 9 0 2 5 0 1 1 0 0 19 0 1 1 0 1 17 0 1 15 0 8 £ S. d. 49 Medals commemorative of Oueen Victoria, Prince Consort, Lord Bentinck, Cardinal de Fleury, Emperor William, Napoleon III., George III., and other celebrities of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. Many fine 85 1 ^ ^ 50 Bronzed medals, Mr. and Mrs. Gray, Sir Moses and Lady Montefiore, Napoleon III., Sainthill the numismatist, Prince Consort, Duke of Bourbon, &c. Very fine 12 15 0 51 Mahogany cabinet with sunken handles, &c., fitted with 31 trays, pierced for variously sized coins, height 16 ins., width, 11 ins., depth 12ins. 1 0 6 0 52 Silver, Jubilee medals, Victoria (2) ; Coronation medals, Edward VII. (2), and a bronze medal in case 5 0 17 0 53 Gold, Quarter Guineas, George I. and George III. ; Silver, Victoria jubilee medal in case ; bronze badge. First three fine 4 1 12 0 54 Gold, Edward IV., Ryal of usual type, m.m. on reverse a sun ; quatrefoil before edward. Very fine 1 21 0 0 55 Gold. Prince Charles Stuart. Badge bearing a nearly full- faced bust of the Prince, in Highland costume and bonnet, wearing on the left breast the Star of the Order of the Garter; and pendant from his neck, the Jewel of the Order of the Thistle. A chased oval badge with loop, in perfect condition, and of the highest rarity, if not unique, in gold 1 *** Charles Edward Louis Philip Casimir, commonly known as the Young Pretender, was the eldest son of the Chevalier de S. George (James IIP), and of the Princess Clementina. He sailed from France in the “ Doutelle” on the 13th July, 1745, and landed in the Hebrides 2nd August, from whence with his adherents he marched south as far as Derby ; from there he retreated north ; and subsequently to the battle of Cullodcn, 16th April, 1746, was in hiding with a reward of ^30.000 placed on his head, notwithstanding which he escaped in September to France, and after many vicissitudes died at Rome, 1788. The Badge, which is unpublished, doubtless is connected with the 1745 rising. It has been, for many years, in the possession of a Jacobite family resident in the south of Ireland.