CATALOGUE OFFICIAL of and Ifybes ^Banners KNIGHTS KU KLUX KLAN of the Pamphlet Col/ecfot George Washington Flowers Memorial Collection DUKE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY ESTABLISHED BY THE FAMILY OF COLONEL FLOWERS Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Duke University Libraries CATALOGUE OF OFFICIAL and Ifybes ^Banners KNIGHTS OF THE KV KLUX KLAN INCORPOR\li IV \U \\I \, t,lORG!\ 1 -f>JY>C5r ' COPYRIGHT,1925, BY KNIGHTS OF THE KU KLUX KLAN INCORPORATED t.kl**T\UE to the large number of uniforms and fil-L^y othersupplies beingmanufactured at your plant, your Imperial officers feel that the i'iffps'i-l ^ff&fief Klansmen of the nation should be better posted as to these articles, hencethiscataloguewas prepared. C We have endeavored to give full description of all robes, etc., showing materials used and prices. C Each Exalted Cyclopswill befurnished withone copyofcatalogue,whichshould becarefullyguarded and kept soitcanbereferred toatall times inorder- ing regalia, etc. These books are expensive, there- fore each Klan must carefully preserve their copies as our supply is limited. C Your Imperial officers also wish to call to your attention, the fact that we have in Atlanta, a new and modern printing plant, owned and operated by our organization; so equippedas to enable us to do printing and binding for local Klans at a worth- while saving to them. We will welcome inquiries andgladlyquote prices on anyprinting local Klans might need. *a <2> Ss» <^ r-. fa^c > a > ^9 H S. Z a H «> > « — Qr§ o P8 T9 <>^ > S^i -^. t-j Klan Banner No. i (ORDER BY NUMBER ONLY) BANK RED N?10 * ^cdnt "*V oflVetf <j&*ssuf In ordering these banners, state wordingdesired totake place of 'Red BankKlanNo. 10"and"RealmofNewJer- sey"asshown incatalogue. ThisBanner[No.ljis36x60 inches in size, embroidered in silk on satin background. Price without stand or pole $40.00