2008-2009 CATALOG Lasell College Catalog 2008-2009 Lasell College 1844 CommonwealthAvenue Newton, Massachusetts 02466 (617) 243-2000 e-mail: [email protected] or [email protected] Michael B. Alexander President Accreditation LasellCollegeisaccreditedby: The New EnglandAssociation ofSchools and Colleges Commission ofAccreditation ofAthleticTraining Education Massachusetts Department ofEducation NationalAssociation for the Education ofYoung Children AthleticTraining Education Memberships Institutionalmemberships are heldin thefollowingprofessionalassociations: AmericanAcademyofCriminalJustice NationalAssociation ofCollege Sciences Admissions Counseling AmericanAssociation ofCollegiate NationalAssociation ofCollege and Registrars andAdmission Officers University Business Officers American College PersonnelAssociation NationalAssociation for Foreign Student American LibraryAssociation Affairs Associated Grantmakers ofMassachusetts NationalAssociation ofIndependent Association ofCollegiate Business Colleges and Universities Schools and Programs NationalAssociation ofStudent Association ofGoverning Boards of FinancialAidAdministrators Universities and Colleges National Coalition for Campus Children Association ofIndependent Colleges and National CollegiateAthleticAssociation Universities in Massachusetts (NCAA) College and University Professional National Collegiate Honors Council Association for Human Resources National Commission ofAccrediting College Entrance Examination Board Associations Council for theAdvancement and National Committee on Planned Giving Support ofEducation NewEnglandAssociation ofCollege EasternAssociation ofCollege and Registrars andAdmission Officers University Business Officers NewEnglandAssociation ofSchools and Council for Undergraduate Research Colleges Educause New England Board ofHigher Massachusetts Association ofColleges of Education Teacher Education Newton-Needham Chamber of Massachusetts Campus Compact Commerce NationalAssociation ofCampus Northeast Human ResourcesAssociation Activities Planned Giving Group ofNew England Societyfor Human Resources Management Lasell College is accredited by the New England Association ofSchools and Colleges, Inc., through its Commission on Institutions ofHigher Education. Accreditation ofan institution by the New EnglandAssociation indicates that it meets or exceeds criteria for the assessment ofinstitutional quality periodical- ly applied through a peer group review process. An accredited school or college is one which has available the necessary resources to achieve its stated purposes through appropriate educational programs, is substantially doing so, and gives rea- sonable evidence that it will continue to do so in the foreseeable future. Institutional integrity is also addressed through accreditation. Accreditation by the New EnglandAssociation is not partial but applies to the institution as a whole. As such, it is not a guarantee ofevery course or program offered, or the competence ofindividual graduates. Rather, it provides reasonable assurance about the quality ofopportunities available to students who attend the institution. Inquiries regarding the accreditation status by the New England Association should be directed to the administrative staffofthe institution. Individuals may also contact: Commission on Institutions ofHigher Education New England Association ofSchools and Colleges 209 Burlington Road Bedford, Massachusetts 01730-1433 (781) 271-0022 (781) 271-0950 Fax Thiscatalog ispublishedasasourceofinformationforprospectivestudentsandforthegeneralpublic. TheCollegereservestherightatanytimetorevisecourseandprogramofferings, requirements,andotherinforma- tiondescribedherein. LasellCollegeadmitsstudentsofanyage,gender,race,color, nationalandethnicorigin,sexualorienta- tion,andhandicaptoalltherights,privileges, programs,andactivitiesgenerallyaccordedormadeavailabletostu- dentsattheCollege. Itdoesnotdiscriminateonthebasisofage,gender,race,color, nationalorethnicorigin,sexu- alorientation,orhandicapintheadministrationofitseducationalpolicies,admissionspolicies,scholarshipand loanprograms,andathleticandotherschool-administeredprograms. Furthermore, theCollegesubscribesfullytoallfederalandstatelegislationprohibitingdiscrimination againstapplicants,facultyandallotheremployeesforreasonsofage,gender,race,color,nationalandethnicorigin, sexualorientation,orhandicap. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from Boston Public Library https://archive.org/details/cataloglasell2008lase Lasell College Catalog 2008-2009 Contents Calendar 6 General Information 8 Undergraduate Admission 11 Undergraduate Academic Information 15 Academic Policies 34 Undergraduate Student Life 56 Undergraduate Fees and Expenses 60 Undergraduate Student Financial Planning 66 Programs ofStudy 74 Academic Departments and Undergraduate Majors 75 Undergraduate Minors 136 Graduate and Professional Studies 149 Course Descriptions 160 Directory 239 Directions to Lasell 251 Campus Map 252-253 Index 254 Visitors to the College are always welcome. The Admission Office at 1844 Commonwealth Avenue in Newton is open Monday through Friday from 8:30am to 4:30pm and byappointment on Saturdayduring the Collegeyear. It is requested that personal interviews be arranged in advance by letter, by telephoning (617) 243-2225, or online at www.lasell.edu. 6 LASELL COLLEGE CATALOG 2008 - 2009 Academic Calendar LASELL COLLEGE OFFICE OFTHE REGISTRAR 2008 - 2009ACADEMIC CALENDAR 2008 SEPT 1 MON LaborDay 3 WED GraduateNewStudentOrientation 4 THURS ResidenceHallsOpentoNewStudents-Undergraduate NewStudentOrientation-Undergraduate 5 FRI NewStudentAdvising&Registration-Undergraduate 6 SAT NewStudentOrientation-Undergraduate 7 SUN ResidenceHallsOpentoReturningStudents-Undergraduate EnrollmentConfirmationforReturningStudents-Undergraduate NewStudentOrientation-Undergraduate 8 MON FIRSTDAYOFCLASSES-ALLSTUDENTS 10 WED Add/DropDeadlineGraduateOnlineSessionI 15 MON Add/DropDeadlineat 12:00Noon-AllStudents OCT 3 FRI CourseWithdrawalDeadlineGraduateOnlineSessionI 13 MON NoClasses-ColumbusDay(Undergraduatestudentsonly) 17 FRI Make-upDayforColumbusDay(forMonday-onlyclasses) StudyAbroadOfficeApprovalDeadline Pass/FailDeadline-UndergraduateStudents 18 SAT GraduateOnlineSessionIEnds 18-19 SAT-SUN Family&Friends’Weekend MON 20 GraduateOnlineSessionIIBegins 21 TUES FinalGradesDueat4:00p.m. GraduateOnlineSessionI 22 WED Add/DropDeadlineGraduateOnlineSessionII 24 FRI Mid-termProgressRostersDue- 12:00Noon— UndergraduateStudents NOV 2 SUN AdmissionsOpenHouse-Undergraduate 7 FRI StudyAbroadRegistrar’sOfficeApprovalDeadline 11 TUES NoClasses-VeteransDay 13 THURS CourseWithdrawalDeadline-AllStudents LasellCollegeFounder’sDay 14 FRI CourseWithdrawalDeadlineGraduateOnlineSessionII 17 MON SpringPre-registrationBegins-UndergraduateStudents SpringPre-registrationBegins—GraduateStudents 24-29 MON-SAT OnlineGraduateSessionIIThanksgivingRecess WED 26 ThanksgivingRecessBegins DEC 1 MON ClassesResume 6 SAT GraduateOnlineSessionIIEnds 9 TUES ConnectedLearningSymposium(Noundergraduateclasses) FinalGradesDueat4p.m. GraduateOnlineSessionII 12 FRI LastDayofClassesforAllStudents GraduationApplicationDeadlineforMayCompletion 12-15 FRI-MON FinalExamPeriod-GraduateStudents 15 MON ReadingDay-UndergraduateStudents 16-20 TUES-SAT FinalExamPeriod—UndergraduateStudents WinterRecessBeginsAfterLastExam 22 MON FinalGradesDueat4p.m.-AllStudents LASELL COLLEGE CATALOG 2008 - 2009 7 Academic Calendar 2009 JAN 5-17 MON-SAT WinterIntensiveSessions—GraduateStudents 13 TUBS NewGraduateStudents’Orientation 19 MON Holiday-MartinLutherKing,Jr.Day ResidenceHallsOpentoAllUndergraduateStudents 20 TUES EnrollmentConfirmationforAllUndergraduateStudents NewStudentOrientation-UndergraduateStudents 21 WED FIRSTDAYOFCLASSES-ALLSTUDENTS MON 26 GraduateOnlineSessionIBegins 28 WED Add/DropDeadlineat 12Noon- AllStudents Add/DropDeadlineGraduateOnlineSessionI FEB 16 MON NoClasses-Presidents’ Day 20 FRI Make-upDayforPresidents’Day(forMondayonlyclasses) Pass/Fail Deadline-UndergraduateStudents CourseWithdrawalDeadlineGraduateOnlineSessionI MARCH 6 FRI Mid-termProgressRostersDue-12:00Noon-UndergraduateStudents 7 SAT GraduateOnlineSessionIEnds MON 9 GraduateOnlineSessionII Begins 10 TUES FinalGradesDueat4p.m. GraduateOnlineSessionI 11 WED Add/DropDeadlineGraduateOnlineSessionII 14 SAT SpringRecessBegins-AllStudents 23 MON ClassesResume-AllStudents 26 THURS CourseWithdrawal Deadline-AllStudents 28 SAT Lasell Day-UndergraduateStudents APRIL 3 FRI FallPre-registration Begins—UndergraduateStudents Fall &SummerPre-registration Begins-GraduateStudents CourseWithdrawalDeadlineGraduateOnlineSession II 11 SAT GraduateOnlineSession 11 Ends 20 MON Noclasses—Patriot’sDay(Undergraduatestudentsonly) 21 TUES FinalGradesDueat4 p.m.GraduateOnlineSessionII 24 FRI Make-up DayforPatriot’sDay(forMondayonlyclasses) 27-30 MON-THUR SpringConnectedLearningSymposium MAY 1 FRI SpringConnectedLearningSymposium 1-4 FRI-MON FinalExam PeriodGraduateStudents 5 TUES LastDayofClasses-UndergraduateStudents GraduationApplication DeadlineforDecember &AugustCompletion 6 WED ReadingDay—UndergraduateStudents(possiblemake-upday) FinalGradesDueat4:00p.m. GraduateStudents GraduateNewStudentOrientation 7-12 THUR-TUES FinalExamPeriod (IncludesSaturday)-UndergraduateStudents 11 MON SummerSessionI Begins—GraduateStudents 13 WED FinalGradesDueat 12:00NoonforUndergraduateGraduatingSeniors Add/DropDeadlineGraduateSummerSession I 14 THURS FinalGradesDueat4p.m. forUndergraduateStudents 17 SUN Commencement JUNE 5 FRI CourseWithdrawal Deadline-GraduateSummerSessionI 25 THURS SummerSession IEnds-GraduateStudents 29 MON FinalGradesDueat4p.m.—GraduateSummerSessionI 30 TUES GraduateNewStudentOrientation JULY 6 MON OnlineSummerSessionIIBegins—GraduateStudents 8 WED Add/DropDeadlineGraduateSummerSessionII 31 FRI CourseWithdrawalDeadlineGraduateOnlineSummerII AUG 20 THURS OnlineSummerSessionII Ends—GraduateStudents MON 24 FinalGradesDueat4p.m. forGraduateStudents 8 LASELL COLLEGE CATALOG 2008 - 2009 General Information General Information History Lasell College, a four-year and graduate degree granting institution ofhigher education for men and women, has a long and rich history. Founded in 1851, it is one ofthe oldest colleges in greater Boston. The College’s founderwas Edward Lasell, a graduate of Williams College who became a professor of chemistry at his alma mater. While on leave teaching at Mount Holyoke Seminary, Professor Lasell was impressed with the quality ofscholarship exhibited bywomen. By emphasizing both the practical and the scholarly, Lasell departed radically from the “finishing school” attitude toward education so prevalent in the nineteenth century and stressed the practical aspects of higher education. Within a year he established the Auburndale Lemale Seminary. Edward Lasell died oftyphoid fever in the school’s veryfirst semes- ter, and it was renamed Lasell Female Seminary in his memory. After the Lasell fam- ily ended its control in 1865, it was led for over seven decades by two principals/Presidents: Dr. Charles Bragdon and Dr. Guy Winslow. Adoption ofthe name Lasell Junior College came in 1932, and the College began issuing associate degrees instead ofdiplomas in 1943. In 1989, the College amended its name to Lasell College and its charter to include both associate and baccalaureate degrees. The first baccalaureate students at Lasell College graduated in May 1992. In October 1997, the Board ofTrustees amended Lasell’s mission statement to admit men. What Edward Lasell started, his focus on innovation responsive to societal change, has continued into the 21st centurywith the concept ofconnected learning. Connected learning is “learning bydoing,” where, through on- and off-campus expe- riences, student imagination and energy are engaged beyond the walls ofthe class- roomwhile always being linked to reflective activitywithin the classroom. Connected learning facilities on campus include two nationally-accredited child study centers; sports science and athletic training labs; an on-campus radio station; a multi-media lab and a fashion design/production center. The Center for Com—munity-Based Learning engages students across the curriculum in service-learning academically based public service projects. Lasell’s future emanates from avision ofinnovation and experimentation. In Spring 2000, the College opened Lasell Village, the nation’s first educational continuing care retirement community. The following fall, a state-of-the art academic center, Winslow Hall, was added to the campus. Since Fall 2000, the College has built five new suite-style residence halls. A new campus center opened in Fall 2004. Lasell College launched its graduate degree program in Lall 2002, the Master of Science in Management with concentrations currently in Elder Care Administration, Elder Care Marketing, Lundraising Management, Human Resources Management, Management, Marketing, Non-Profit Management, and Project Management. Certificate programs are also offered in each ofthese areas.