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Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from Lyrasis IVIembers and Sloan Foundation http://www.archive.org/details/catalog19931994midd MTSU ; SUMMER SCHEDULE BOOK '93 Bemember! YOU Needto Dates EagistraUonMarohSljApril 16,1993. Priority cpS^el^exct^bdoftihnSaunmcmiearlanaiddFcaoUnfcilrasmsaetsi.on ' SSstoavoidloslBgyo^classesselected duringPriorityBegistration: Bymail-May3, 1993 liperson-MaylO,1993 paying ^ees a„d confirming See inside for registering, finanda/aidHyouarenotapriorityregistrant. Notethe daysthatclasses begin. Ifyou Participated in don't havetodoanything until ClassesBegin Ses8ionI:Mayll,1993 SessionH:Jrme 1, 1993 SessionHI:Jnne 1,1993 sessionIV:Jtdy6,1993 Name Keepthisbook; itcontainsinformationyou'llneedlater. MiddleTennesseeState University Catalog Summer 1993 May 3, 1993 Last day for mailing in payments for priority- selected classes JUNE May 10, 1993 M W Last day to pay in person for priority- 2 selected classes 111 8 10 11 12 Classes begin May 11 - Session 13 14 15 16 17 18 19. I June 1 - Session II June 1 - Session III 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 July 6 - Session IV 27 28 29 30 JULY AUGUST s M T W T F S M W 2 3 1 -<-i 4 ||6 7 8 9 10 8 10 11 12 13 14 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 2E 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30 31 To betterserveyou... ItisimportantthattheAdmissionsOffice personnel havesufficienttimetoprocess y^^SsUUR037-293 your application for admission to the University; therefore, persons applying for MTSUisanequalopportunity,non-racialty admission on oraftertheapplication dateson page7mayexperiencedelayin the identifiable,educationalinstitutionthatdoesnot discriminateagainstindividualswithdisabilities. processingoftheirapplications. Important Dates for Summer Sessions 1993 Course Selection and Fee Payment May May May July August 10* 28 31 2 6 6 L J session, Session II Session IV Session III SummerSessionIClassesbeginMay11* SummerSessionIIClassesbeginJune1 SummerSessionIIIClassesbeginJune1 SummerSessionIVClassesbeginJuly6 NOTE:CeftaincounesoffereddtrougfitheEconomicsandFinanceandManagementandMaik^ingdepartntentsmeetMay11-Jufy2. Pleaseseepages31,52,66. Table of Contents Calendar 5 BMOM,23 DirectoryforInformation 6 ChemistryandPhysics,24 MTSUandTSUEducationalConsortium 6 ComputerInformationSystems,26 HowAreAppointmentTimesDetermined? 7 ComputerScience,27 EnrollingatMTSU 7 CooperativeEducation,28 AdmissionorRe-Admission 7 CriminalJusticeAdministration,29 DevelopmentalStudies,30 AcademicAdvising 7 EconomicsandFinance,31 RegisteringforClasses 7 EducationalLeadership,33 AlphabeticSequenceforRegistrationActivities . 8 ElementaryandSpecialEducation,35 PriorityRegistrationSchedule 9 English,37 PaymentofFees 10 ForeignLanguages,39 ' FeePayment/FinancialAidConfirmationOptions 10 GeographyandGeology,40 PaymentMethods 10 HPERS,41 FinancialAid/Loans 10 History,43 ThirdPartySponsorshipofFees 11 Honors,University,45 ReturnedChecks 11 HumanSciences,45 RegistrationandOtherFees 12 IndustrialStudies,47 NightSchool 12 journalism,49 General Information 12 ManagementandMarketing,50 GraduationRequirement 14 MathematicsandStatistics,52 Drop/AddPolicy 14 MilitaryScience,53 SummerBookstoreHours 14 Music,54 Nursing,56 CourseSelection,FeePayment,and Philosophy,56 Drop/AddDates 15 PoliticalScience,57 ConfidentialityofStudentRecords 15 Psychology,58 CertificationofMeaslesImmunization 15 Radio-TV/Photography,60 Abbreviations 16 RecordingIndustryManagement,61 Drug-FreeSchoolsandCommunitiesAct 17 Sociology,Anthropology,andSocialWork,62 SecurityInformationAct 17 SpeechandTheatre,63 CLASSESOFFERH) Women'sStudies,65 Accounting,18 EveningClasses 66 Aerospace,19 Off-CampusClasses 68 Agriculture,20 InstructionsforCompletingTrialSchedule 69 Art,21 TrialSchedule 70 Biology,22 CampusMap insidebackcover , TOUR Guide to tlie HHTSU Summer '93 Schedule Book With Priority Registration (which allows enrolled students to select classes early but pay later) as well as registration just before the term begins and also late registration, your deadline for paying fees depends on when you choose your classes. Ifyou receive any kind of financial aid or if your fees are paid by someone else (for example, your employer, a governmental agency, or through a graduate assistantship), the fee deadline is also your deadline for checking to make sure your aid, loan, scholarship, or payment arrangement is ir order (referred to as financial aid confirmation in the instructions in this schedule book). If you don't meetthe deadline that corresponds to the timeyou selected classes, yourclass schedule will be deleted from the computer. To avoid disappointment and frustration, use the following to look up the information you need: WliencanIpickthe classes IwanttotakethisSammer? Seepage9forachartshowingthedatesforPriorityBfiglstration.Youcanselectyour coursesforFall'93atthe sametime. HowdoIactuallyselectclassesforSonuner? Seepage 7for"AcademicAdvising"and"RegisteringforClasses." Trial Schedulesareatthehax3kofthisbookletorindepartmentalofBces. WhenandhowdoIpaymyfees? Seepage 10for"PaymentofFees"and"FeePayment/FinancialAidConfirmation Options." Howmuchwillitcostto register? Seepage 12for"RegistrationandOtherFees." What ifIhavefinancialaidorifsomeoneelse ispa3ringmyfees? Seepages 10and11 for"FeePayment/FinancialAidConfirmationOptions," "FinancialAid/Loans"and"ThirdPartySponsorshipofFees." Iamanewstudent.WhendoIregister? IfyouhaveappUedandbeenclearedforadmission,youmayregisterMay10,May17-S1 May31,orJune21-25.Refertocalendarofeventsforlocationandtimes. WherecanIgo ifIhavequestionsnotansweredinthisbookabout whichcoursestotake?Youracademicadvisor. howtoselectclasses?SchedulingCenter,JUB 123. financialaid?FinancialAidOffice,CopeAdministrationBldg. 212. fees?BusinessOffice,CopeAdministrationBldg. 103. whomyadvisoris?Reporttothedepartmentalofficeofyourmajorifyoudonot haveanadvisor.

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