UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff PPeennnnssyyllvvaanniiaa SScchhoollaarrllyyCCoommmmoonnss Departmental Papers (CIS) Department of Computer & Information Science December 2001 CCaattaaddiiooppttrriicc PPrroojjeeccttiivvee GGeeoommeettrryy Christopher Geyer University of Pennsylvania Kostas Daniilidis University of Pennsylvania, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: https://repository.upenn.edu/cis_papers RReeccoommmmeennddeedd CCiittaattiioonn Christopher Geyer and Kostas Daniilidis, "Catadioptric Projective Geometry", . December 2001. Postprint version. Published in International Journal of Computer Vision, Volume 45, Number 3, December 2001, pages 223-243. The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com. Publisher URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/A:1013610201135 This paper is posted at ScholarlyCommons. https://repository.upenn.edu/cis_papers/101 For more information, please contact [email protected]. CCaattaaddiiooppttrriicc PPrroojjeeccttiivvee GGeeoommeettrryy AAbbssttrraacctt Catadioptric sensors are devices which utilize mirrors and lenses to form a projection onto the image plane of a camera. Central catadioptric sensors are the class of these devices having a single effective viewpoint. In this paper, we propose a unifying model for the projective geometry induced by these devices and we study its properties as well as its practical implications. We show that a central catadioptric projection is equivalent to a two-step mapping via the sphere. The second step is equivalent to a stereographic projection in the case of parabolic mirrors. Conventional lens-based perspective cameras are also central catadioptric devices with a virtual planar mirror and are, thus, covered by the unifying model. We prove that for each catadioptric projection there exists a dual catadioptric projection based on the duality between points and line images (conics). It turns out that planar and parabolic mirrors build a dual catadioptric projection pair. As a practical example we describe a procedure to estimate focal length and image center from a single view of lines in arbitrary position for a parabolic catadioptric system. KKeeyywwoorrddss omnidirectional vision, catadioptric systems, conic sections, duality, stereographic projection, calibration CCoommmmeennttss Postprint version. Published in International Journal of Computer Vision, Volume 45, Number 3, December 2001, pages 223-243. The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com. Publisher URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/A:1013610201135 This journal article is available at ScholarlyCommons: https://repository.upenn.edu/cis_papers/101 Catadioptric Projective Geometry ChristopherGeyerandKostasDaniilidis Abstract Catadioptricsensorsaredeviceswhichutilizemirrorsandlensestoformaprojectionontotheimage planeofa camera. Centralcatadioptricsensorsaretheclass of these deviceshavinga single effective viewpoint. In this paper, we propose a unifying model for the projective geometry induced by these devices and we study its properties as well as its practical implications. We show that a central cata- dioptricprojectionisequivalenttoatwo-stepmappingviathesphere.Thesecondstepisequivalenttoa stereographicprojectioninthecaseofparabolicmirrors. Conventionallens-basedperspectivecameras arealso centralcatadioptricdeviceswithavirtualplanarmirrorandare, thus,coveredbytheunifying model.Weprovethatforeachcatadioptricprojectionthereexistsadualcatadioptricprojectionbasedon thedualitybetweenpointsandlineimages(conics).Itturnsoutthatplanarandparabolicmirrorsbuilda dualcatadioptricprojectionpair.Asapracticalexamplewedescribeaproceduretoestimatefocallength andimagecenterfromasingleviewoflinesinarbitrarypositionforaparaboliccatadioptricsystem. Keywords: Omnidirectional vision, catadioptric systems, conic sections, duality, stereographic projec- tion,calibration. Correspondence Address: KostasDaniilidis UniversityofPennsylvania GRASPLaboratory 3401WalnutStreet,336C Philadelphia, PA19104-6228 email: [email protected] Tel: (215)8988549 Fax: (215)5732048 1 1 Introduction Acatadioptric instrument isanoptical system combining reflective (catoptric) and refractive (dioptric) ele- ments(Hecht&Zajac, 1997). Catadioptric combinations havebeen extensively usedintelescopes inorder tofocuslightfromthestarsontotheeyeoftheobserver. Thefocalpropertiesofmirrorswithaconicprofile were discovered by the ancient Greek geometer Diocles (Toomer, 1976) and concave mirrors have been extensively used for light concentration for energy purposes. To enhance the illumination of a scene such concavemirrorsappearalsoinprimitiveorganismslikedeep-sea ostracodes (Land,1981). Catadioptric systems have been combined with cameras in order to increase the field of view (Rees, 1971, ascited byNayar)fortelevision applications. After20years catadioptric devices wereintroduced in robotics(Yagietal.,1994)alsotoincreasethefieldofview. Nayar(1997)gavethefirstformaltreatmentof catadioptric systems with a single viewpoint in the context of computer vision. Visual sensors with a very big, close to hemi-spherical field of view, are called omnidirectional or panoramic. They are used in many applicationareas,includingnavigation, surveillance, andvisualization. Forabroadcoverageofthefieldthe reader is referred to an extensive review by Yagi (1999) as well as to the proceedings of the Workshop for Omnidirectional vision(Daniilidis, 2000)andtoanupcomingbook(Benosman&Kang,2000). In nature, most species with lateral eye placement possess an almost spherical field of view. In pho- tography and machine vision, wide-angle field of view can be achieved with pure dioptric elements like fish-eyelenses (Shah&Aggarwal,1996). Fish-eyelensessufferfromdistortions forwhichexplicitmodels have not been well-studied. Omnidirectional sensing can be realized also with a rotating camera (Shum & Szeliski, 2000). Rotating cameras are not suitable for dynamic scenes because they cannot cover actions in all directions simultaneously. The highest spatial resolution is given with a cluster of cameras pointing outwards (Swaminathan & Nayar, 2000). However, it is technically difficult to achieve a single effective viewpointwithaclusterofcameras. Here we describe only omnidirectional work involving catadioptric sensors. We believe that the use of reflective components enables more degrees of freedom in the design of the sensor’s geometric and optical properties. We classify the catadioptric systems in two groups, central and non-central, based on the uniqueness of an effective viewpoint; those having a single effective viewpoint are central catadioptric sensors. Non-central systems based on spherical (Bogner, 1995; Hong et al., 1991) or conical mirrors (Zheng & Tsuji, 1992) violate the single viewpoint constraint. Other non-central catadioptric systems are the mirror preserving ratios of elevations of points from a ground plane (Chahl & Srinivasan, 1997) or the mirror(Hicks&Bajcsy,2000)whichrectifiesplanesperpendicular totheopticalaxis. Uniquenessofaneffectiveviewpointisdesirable becauseitallowsthemappingofanypartofthescene toaperspective plane without parallax. In this sense, acentral catadioptric system has the sameeffect as a rotating camera. Furthermore, easily modified multiple view algorithms can be applied for reconstruction (Taylor, 2000; Sturm, 2000). Nayar (1999) gave an extensive treatment of central catadioptric systems whosegeometrycanalsobefoundin(Svobodaetal.,1998;Bruckstein&Richardson, 2000). Suchsystems are extensively used now for visualization (Boult, 1998; Onoe et al., 1998) and navigation (Winters et al., 2000; Leonardis & Jogan, 2000; Benosman et al., 2000). Nayar (Nayar & Peri, 1999) proved that folding mirrorswithaconicprofilecanalsoyieldasingleeffectiveviewpointandamorecompactmount. Afolded catadioptric system consisting of two parabolic mirrors attached on a glass block has been designed by Greguss (Greguss, 1985) and used for surveillance in (Zhu et al., 2000). Pyramidal multi-faceted mirrors mountedaboveclusters ofcamerascansimultaneously achievehigh-resolution andoneeffectiveviewpoint (Nalwa,1996;Majumderetal.,1999). Our work deals with the geometric properties of central catadioptric sensors and is related to the work (Svoboda et al., 1998; Nene & Nayar, 1998) where it is shown that lines project onto conic sections. Re- garding calibration, a two-view algorithm not related to our approach has been proposed by Kang (2000). 2 Regarding geometry, we use well-known facts from the mappings of the projective plane to the sphere. In computer graphics and vision, such mappings have been explicitly used in the context of oriented projec- tive geometry as described by Stolfi (1991) and applied in (Laveau & Faugeras, 1996; Pajdla et al., 1998; Hartley,2000). Our motivation to study central catadioptric cameras is to understand the geometric properties of the mappings realized with these sensors. Thefact that weare able to choose the parameters of a quadric mir- ror surface and appropriately mount the camera implicitly encodes information which should be exploited duringimageinterpretation. In this paper we show that there is an equivalence between any central catadioptric projection and a composite mapping through the sphere. This mapping consists of the projection of a point from the center ontothesphereandasubsequentprojectionfromapointontheaxisofthesphereontoaplaneperpendicular to that axis. The position of the point on the axis depends on the shape of the mirror. When the point lies between the north-pole and the center the composite mapping is equivalent to a projection induced by a hyperbolic mirror and a perspective camera. The extrema of this interval yield the following interesting cases: 1. An orthographic camera with a parabolic mirror which is equivalent to the projection on the sphere withasubsequent projection from thenorth pole tothe planethrough theequator. Thislatter projec- tioniswellknownasthestereographic projection andisaconformalmapping. 2. A perspective camera combined with a planar mirror which can be modeled as a projection on the spherewithasubsequent projection fromthecentertotheplanetangentatthesouth-pole. Inthecourseofprovingthisequivalencewehavealsobeenabletoestablishaunifyingformulacoveringall ofthecasesabove. Once proven, the equivalence paves a ground for building up a geometry based on the intermediate representation on the sphere. It is well known that point-line duality of the projective plane maps to the point-great circle duality on the sphere. Through the equivalence it is trivial to observe that lines in space projectontogreatcirclesonthesphereandsubsequentlyontoconicsectionsontheplane. Thus,lineimages (great circles on the sphere and conic sections on the catadioptric plane) are dual to points (poles of great circles). The new fact weprove in this paper isthat there isalso aduality between catadioptric projections andhencealsomirrorshapes: Ifamirrorshape projectsalineinspacetoaconic,thereexistsadualshape which projects the normal of the plane contasining the line to the foci of the conic. It turns out that the sp0arabolic catadioptric projection isdual totheperspective projection: theparabolic projection ofalineisa circlewhosecenteristheperspective projection ofthenormaloftheplanecontaining theline. The first practical implication of the proved equivalence is the intrinsic calibration of a catadioptric system. Weassumethattheunknownparametersarethecombinedfocallengthofthecameraandthemirror, the eccentricity of the conic section of the mirror, and the image center. By enumerating the constraints given by the line images (lines in perspective, circles in parabolic, conics in hyperbolic and elliptic cases) we explain how we are able to calibrate from a single view of arbitrary lines in the parabolic, hyperbolic, and elliptic cases but not inthe case ofaconventional perspective camera. Weoutline analgorithm for the parabolic caseandapplyitonacommercially availablecatadioptric camera. In the next section we provide a purely geometric proof of the equivalence of parabolic projection and stereographicprojectionoftheprojectiveplanewhenrepresentedasasphere. Insection3weprovethegen- eralization oftheequivalence toallcentral catadioptric systems. Wepresent thenovelduality relationships insection 4. Finallyweconclude withtheimplications oncalibration. 3 F1 parabolic mirror parabola’s focus P lens (cid:30) (cid:30) CCD/ imageplane F image points infinite d 1 focus F2 Figure 1: On the left is a diagram showing the configuration of a typical parabolic catadioptric sensor. A parabolicmirrorisplacedinfrontofacameraapproximatinganorthographicallyprojectinglens(onewhose focusisatinfinity). Therightdiagramisafurtherabstractionoftheleftandshowsthatarayoflightincident withthefocusoftheparabola isreflectedtoarayoflightparallel totheparabola’s axis. 2 A Geometric Introduction Let us begin with the parabolic case. In the time of Apollonius, the Greek astronomer Diocles was asked by Zenodorus, “how to find a mirror surface such that when it is placed facing the sun the rays reflected from it meet a point and thus cause burning,” (Toomer, 1976). Diocles responded that such a surface is theparabola. Computer vision practitioners aretypically notinterested inburning butinseeing. Aconvex, reflective parabolic mirror placed above and parallel to the axis of an orthographically projecting camera resultsinasensorwithasingleeffectiveviewpoint atthefocusoftheparabola. Itistherefore equivalent to a purely rotating perspective camera. A ray of light incident with the focus of the parabola is reflected by themirrortoarayoflightparallel toitsaxis(seeFigure1). Thus,everypointintheimageisinone-to-one correspondence witharayoriginating atthefocus. In the process of developing a calibration algorithm for these devices (Geyer & Daniilidis, 1999), we discovered that the projections of lines are a certain class of circles. The class is defined by the property that each and every one of these circles intersects a single circle, the fronto-parallel horizon, antipodally — except for this single circle which is itself a member of this class. Upon further reflection we recalled stereographic projection of the sphere and its property that it projects circles, great or small, on the sphere to circles in the plane. In particular, it sends great circles, all of which intersect the equator antipodally, to circleswhichintersect theprojection oftheequatorantipodally. Thesphereisjustonerepresentation ofthe projective plane, inwhich, lines inspace project togreatcircles. Itistherefore natural tosuspect thatthese twoprojections aresomehowequivalent. We now go about proving the equivalence of parabolic projection and stereographic projection of the projective plane. The parabolic mirror is a regular paraboloid and because the one-to-one mapping is pre- servedinaplanethroughtheparaboloid’s axis,weneedonlyconsideracross-section oftheparaboloid. Let us assume the existence of a parabola with focus and directrix . The directrix and the focus define the parabola: all points on the parabolpa are equidisFtant to the direcdtrix and the focus. Let be perpendicular to the axis of and through . Consider the following definition of the projection ‘of a point ,reflectedbytheparapbola, tothelineF . Q P ‘ 4 P P R N R0 F Q F Q0 ‘ ‘ d d Figure2: Left: diagramcorresponding toDefinition1. Right: diagramcorresponding toDefinition2. Definition 1. is the projection of the point to the line , where is the intersection of the parabola andtheray .Q R ‘ R FP We now give an alternative definition. Let a circle have center and radius equal to twice the focal lengthoftheparabola. ThecircleandparabolaintersecttwiceonthelFine andthedirectrixistangenttothe circle. Let be the point diametrically opposite to the intersection of th‘e circle with the directrix, this is thenorthpoNleofthecircle. Weclaimthefollowingdefinition isalsoequivalent. Thisdefinition isthebasis forourgeneralization toarbitrary catadioptric projections. Definition2. istheprojectionofthepoint totheline fromthepoint ,where istheintersection oftheray aQnd0 thecircle. R0 ‘ N R0 FP The first step of definition 2 is to project points to the circle from its center. This is equivalent to the projection fromtheprojective planetotheprojectiveline,whichisrepresented asacirclehere. Thesecond step is the two dimensional equivalent of stereographic projection — project from the “north pole” of the circletoalineperpendicular totheaxisofthecircle. Weprovethefollowinglemma. Lemma1. The parabolic projections ofa point , given in Definitions 1and 2, respectively yield points and whicharecoincident. P Q Q0 Proof: Chooseapoint intheplane. Intersecting theray withthecircleweobtain ;intersecting withthe parabola weobtaPin . Let be theprojection of FfProm the point tothe lineRp0erpendicular to the axis at . Let Rbe the oQrt0hographic projectionRof0 to the line .NLet be the‘intersection of the directrixNaFnd thFe circleQ. Finally let be the intersection oRf the lines ‘ andY , and let be the intersection of the lines and , theCdirectrix. To prove that the projecRtiQons areNeqQu0ivalent weXneed to show that equals . WReQdosodby firstshowing that equals . This would imply that , since anQd lieonQth0esameline;andthereforealsothaCt X ,sinQceX isontheline and isQde=finCed j j j j tobetQheinteCrsection of with . Q=Q0 C ‘ Q0 Assumethat isnoNt eRqu0alto ‘ andthat isnotequal to (if isequal to then , and are equal as discusseQd above); see figuQre0 3. By thQe definition of theCparaQbola the pointC is eQquidQis0tant tCo the directrix and the focus. Therefore the triangle is isosceles. Because and Rlie on a circle whose center is , the triangle is isosceles. TFhiRsXtriangle is similar to R0 becaNuse the parabola’s axis isparallelFto . SinceRbo0FthN and are isosceles, mustRb0eRpCarallel to , andthus RX R0RC FRX R0C FX CX j j 5 P p R N R0 F Q0 Q ‘ C d Y X Figure 3: A proof by contradiction. Assume that the points and are not equal. The diagram is intentionallydrawnincorrectly; theparabola isdrawnasahypQerbola sQo0that and donotcoincide. Q Q0 equals . Then , , , and are all equal. In particular , but and lieonRt0hFe line aboCveXthe dFirYectriRx,0Fand thereQfo0rXe above the point inthe figuCreX. If=theyQl0iXe ontheCsame j j j j j j j j j j j j j j sQid0eofalinewithrespecttosomepointandhavethesamedistancetXothispointthentheymustbethesame point. Butthisisacontradiction becauseweassumedthatthepointswerenotequal. (cid:3) Discussion. Thetwodefinitionsabovecaneasilybeextendedtothreedimensions, andsomaythelemma be extended, and thus projection by a parabolic mirror is equivalent to projection to the sphere followed by stereographic projection. We now wish to know if there is a generalization. Recall that perspective projection may also be obtained via a projection of a sphere; first project to the sphere from the center, second, project from the center to the image plane. The separation into two steps is unnecessary because the projections are both from the same point. But notice that the first step is the same as in the equivalent parabolicprojectionviathesphere. Thedifferenceinthesecondstepsareonlythepointonthesphere’saxis fromwhichtoprojecttotheimageplane. Whatistheeffectofchangingthepointofprojectiontoapointthat isneither the north pole, nor the sphere center? Isitpossible tomodel hyperbolic mirrors byappropriately choosing this second projection center? The answer is yes; if we choose an appropriate point on the axis, betweenthenorthpoleandthesphere’scenter,weobtainaprojection equivalenttoahyperbolic projection, aswellasanellipticprojection wheretheellipse’s eccentricity isthereciprocal ofthehyperbola’s. Isthereanyadvantagetothisrepresentation? Weclaimthatthereis. First,itisaunifyingrepresentation in that it includes perspective, parabolic, hyperbolic, and elliptic projections. Additionally, the sphere is a standard representation of the projective plane; this proves that there is a simple mapping, in fact a central projection, from a standard representation of the projective plane to a projective plane induced by any central catadioptric projection. With this representation it is easy to determine the projections of lines, andalsoleadstothediscovery ofanovelduality relationship. Without thismodelitisnotclear(tous)that parabolicprojectionisconformal,whichistriviallyimpliedbyitsequivalencewithstereographicprojection. We would hope that this representation leads to a greater understanding of and less hesitation in using catadioptric devices(duetotheperceivedadditional complexityofcurvedintermediaryreflectivesurfaces). In the next section, we prove and explore the generalization. We develop the general theory in the 6 context of projective geometry. We use homogeneous coordinates and constructively utilize the relevant Euclideanproperty, namelythatarayincident withonefocusisreflectedtoarayincident withthesecond. Finally, weadd thatweare notthefirsttodiscover arelationship between stereographic projection and theparabola. DuringarevisionofourpaperwediscoveredtheworkofPenroseandRindler(1984)inwhich they imagine a point and the movement of a plane in space. At time , the point emits a flash of light isotropically, and at the same instant, the plane starts moving towardtt=he0point at the speed of light. The locus of points traced out by the intersection of the plane and the sphere of light emanating from the point isaparaboloid whose focusisthelightsource. Theyprove thatagivenpoint ontheeverexpanding sphere meetstheplaneatthesamepointwhereitwouldhavebeenprojectedstereographically fromtheunitsphere. 3 Central Catadioptric Projections Inthissectionweprovetheextensionoftheequivalencetoarbitrarycatadioptricprojectionsandamapsim- ilar to stereographic projection. Before proving this extension we introduce quadratic projections (which servesasacontextinwhichweprovideaproof). Weprovetheequivalenceforatwo-dimensional catadiop- tric projection in Lemma 1. The lemma immediately yields an extension to three dimensions with which we obtain the main result in Theorem 1 as well as several corollaries. We then discuss the nature of the images of points and lines and how they create catadioptric projective planes. Throughout this paper we assume that mirrors areideal, the cameras satisfy the pinhole camera model, and both are properly aligned with respect to one another. We only consider non-degenerate catadioptric configurations, namely planar, parabolic, hyperbolic and elliptic cases. Neither of the degenerate cases, the conic and spherical cases, are ofpracticaluseassingleeffectiveviewpointsensors. Asshownin(Baker&Nayar,1998)thesearetheonly catadioptric deviceswithasingleeffectiveviewpoint. Catadioptric projections areasubsetofageneraltypeofprojection. Inacentralcatadioptric projection, a point is first projected to a conic from one of the foci and then this point is projected to an image plane from the second focus (see Figure 4). We could instead choose different points from which to project and different surfaces to intersect but these configurations may not induce optical projections which coincide with the abstract projections. Note that in the previous section, we found a surface, namely the sphere, and a pair of points, the sphere center and its north pole, which gave a projection equivalent to an optical projection, namelyparabolic projection. We define a general mapping which consists of a composition of two projections. The first projection is to a quadric or conic from a point. The second projection is to a plane or line from a second point. We call these quadratic projections. Inthe definition below werestrict ourselves totwodimensions, but itmay beeasilyextended tothreeoranarbitrary numberoffinitedimensions. Weusethenotation tomean the line joining points and , and to mean the point lying on both lines and .AForBnotational _ conveniencewehaveovAerloadBedtheselopemratorstoincludequadratics,sothat ,lwheremisalineandsay ^ isaconic, tomeanthetwopointsofintersection ofthelinewiththeconic. Flinaqlly, whenl theintersection _ qisapair,wedistributeoverotherapplicationsof and ,i.e. isthepair ,where arepointsobtained fromtheintersection of and . A (l q) (A P1;A P2) _ ^ _ ^ _ _ P1;2 l q Definition of a quadratic projection. Let be a conic, let and be two arbitrary points, and let be any line not containing . Choose a pointc . The intersectAion of aBline and a quadric is two, possibly‘ imaginary, points, so let Band be the intePrsection of with , imaginary or not. Then is one of theprojections ofthepoiRnt1 totRhe2conic , isthesecocnd. NoAwPprojectthe ’stothelineRf1rompoint . Let betheintersectionPof with c. TRh2e ’sarethequadraticprojectioRnsi ofthepoint ‘ totheline B. We cQalil this map BRi ‘ wheQrei is the projective line induced on the lineP in which ‘ q(c;A;B;‘) : P2 (cid:25)‘ (cid:25)‘ ‘ ! 7 R P F1 ‘ Q F2 Figure 4: In general a conic reflects any ray of light incident withone of its foci (here ) to aray of light incident with its other focus ( ). Central catadioptric devices utilize this property aFnd1 achieve a single effectiveviewpointatoneofthFe2fociofaconic( ). F1 pointssuchas and areidentified. Wemaywritethemapas Q1 Q2 q(c;A;B;‘) P (((P A) c) B) ‘: (cid:0)! _ ^ _ ^ Inthethreedimensionalcase,theconicbecomesaquadricsurfaceand isreplacedbyaplane,inducing aprojectiveplane. Notethatanymap hasasingleeffectivevie‘wpointat ,atleastinthesense that only rays through are intersecteqd(cw;Aith;B;;t‘h)is, however, maynotcorrespond toAanoptical projection, wheretheangleofinciAdence with isequaltoctheangleofreflection. Asubset ofthequadratic projecctions arecatadioptric projections whichnotonlyhaveasingle effective viewpoint but also in which the angle of incidence with is equal to the angle of reflection. This occurs whenthetwopointsofprojection arethefocioftheconicc. Definition of a catadioptric projection via quadratic projections. Let be a conic whose foci are and ,where isfiniteand mightlieonthelineatinfinity. Let bealcineperpendicular1 to bFu1t notcFo2ntainingF1. AcatadioptFri2c projection isthequadratic projectio‘n . F1F2 F2 q(c;F1;F2;‘) Catadioptricprojections maysimilarlybeextendedtothreedimensions. Notethatinthecasewhere is adegenerate lineconic having twofoci whoseperpendicular bisector isthelineconic, and coincidces withthelineconic,then isFp1;e2rspective projection withviewpoint andfocalleng‘th . 1 When is a parabola, q(itcs;Ffin1i;tFe2f;o‘c)us, its focus on the line at infinity, andF1the line perpendic2uFla1rFt2o theaxicsof andthrougFh1 ,then F2 istheparabolic projection define‘dinDefinitions1and2. GivenaccatadioptricpFro1jectionqw(ci;thF1p;aFra2m;‘e)ters ,whatisthesetofparameters yielding equivalent quadratic projections? We do n(oct;aFt1te;mFp2;t‘t)o answer this question in gener(acl0,;Aho;wBe;v‘e0)r 1Wedonotconsiderthecasewhere isnotperpendicularto ;insuchacase,theprojectiondiffersfromtheonedefined aboveonlybyalinehomography(orby‘aplanehomographyinthFe1tFh2reedimensionalextension). 8