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Cat Anatomy and Physiology 4-H CAT PROJECT • UNIT 3 • EM4289E ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Our thanks to the 4-H leaders who contributed to the first edition: John and Sandy Edminster, Thurston County, and Mary Smith and Sue Hall, King County. Also to Roy J. Hostetler, DVM, former Extension Veterinarian. Revised 2008 by Michael A. Foss, DVM, Skamania County; Nancy Stewart, King County; and Jean Swift, Skagit County. RESOURCES: The Anatomy of Domestic Animals, 5th Edition, Sisson and Grossman, WB Saunders Co., Philadelphia, 1975. The Cornell Book of Cats, 2nd Edition, edited by Mordecai Siegal, Villard, New York, revised 1997. Reader’s Digest Book of the Cat, edited by Alice Philomena Rutherford, Readers Digest Association Ltd., Montreal, 1992. The Royal Canin Cat Encyclopedia, Aniwa Publishing, Paris, 2001. Dear Leaders and Parents: This manual is primarily for 4-H members who have learned all the material in the previous two units and are at the senior level of 4-H (Grades 9-12). The focus of this unit is anatomy and physiology. Knowledge of the cat’s body and how it functions is important to every cat owner and will prove useful in the pet’s daily care. It will also be helpful when giving the veterinarian needed information and in the treatment of cat ailments and injuries. CONTENTS Chapter 1 The Evolution of the Cat .................................................................................. 4 Chapter 2 The Five Senses .................................................................................................. 9 Chapter 3 Musculo-Skeletal System. ................................................................................... 12 Chapter 4 Respiratory and Circulatory Systems ................................................................. 16 Chapter 5 Digestive and Urinary Systems .......................................................................... 18 Chapter 6 Reproductive System ......................................................................................... 20 Chapter 7 Care of the Pregnant Cat and Kittens ................................................................ 22 Chapter 8 Behavior ............................................................................................................ 25 Chapter 9 Vocabulary ......................................................................................................... 26 Worksheets ........................................................................................................ 30 Word Search and Crossword Puzzles. ................................................................. 36 3 CHAPTER 1 The Evolution of the Cat Cat-like animals first came into existence about Canoidea). The Aeluroidea evolved in three 65 million years ago. The oldest fossils showed groups, the Dinictis which gave rise to the felines, a similarity to modern cats. These date back to Hyaenids (hyenas), and Viverrids which became 20 million years ago. Cats were the last in line civets and mongooses. The Arctoidea evolved to be domesticated. The oldest evidence of the into four groups: Canids (dogs, wolves, foxes), domestication of cats is 4500 B.C. in Egypt. Mustelids (weasels, mink, skunks, badgers), Procyonids (raccoons), and Ursinids (bears). In Cats are an evolutionary marvel! Though humans this chapter, we will only continue with the are at the top of the evolutionary pyramid, being Dinictis line which eventually led to the domestic the most successful of all animals, the cat is not cat of today. that far below. Cats represent the most supremely efficient muscular machines in their ability to III. Dinictis jump, twist, and turn. The ratio of their strength to their size is far superior to humans. Dinictis came into being about 53 million years ago in the Eocene Age. With longer legs and tail As animals evolved, cats developed into the most and cat-like teeth for stabbing prey, Dinictis had efficient hunter of all. Their keen sense of sight, become a better hunter. Dinictis developed in two hearing, and smell make it easier to locate their different directions, Nimravidae (Paleofelids) and prey. Strong legs to pursue and/or spring on their Felidae (Neofelids). prey along with sharp claws and teeth to kill and tear apart the prey make cats very formidable. It IV. Nimravidae and Felidae has been documented that cats have a degree of Nimravidae was the first saber toothed cat that reasoning ability. This moves them higher on the existed for approximately 30 million years. This evolutionary ladder. This also makes cats more large saber toothed cat (known as Eusmilus) was efficient hunters, especially since all but lions are the size of a small puma, had claws that were not generally lone hunters. completely retractable, and walked on its pads. They were not as efficient as the Felidae and were The Evolutionary Tree more limited in intelligence, which eventually led to their dying out. I. Miacids: Felidae developed in two stages. The first stage was Miacids existed in the Paleocene Age about 65 the Proailurus which developed in the Oligocene million years ago. They were the first ancestor Age. This stage evolved into Pseudoailurus, which of cats. Miacids fed primarily on flesh and blood arose in Europe and North America during the of other vertebrates. They had short legs, long Miocene Age 23 million years ago. bodies, and were weasel- to wolf-sized. They lived in the forests. Like all carnivores (meat eating V. Pseudoailurus animals), they had carnassial teeth—large sharp molars and premolars in the upper and lower jaws Pseudoailurus evolved into four groups. The that cut food in a scissoring action. They also had earliest was the famed saber-toothed tiger— large sharp canine teeth for tearing flesh. Smilodon. These creatures appeared 12 million years ago and survived for about 2 million years— II. Aeluroidea and Arctoidea: into the Epoch of Man. It then died out. Miacids began to evolve into different families Pseudoailurus is the direct ancestor of the modern in the Eocene to Oligocene Ages, 53 to 34 cat. It had a flattish skull, acute hearing, and million years ago. The two branches were known walked almost flat-footed. The oldest fossils show as Aeluroidea (or Feloidea) and Arctoidea (or a close similarity with the modern cat. 4 Starting in the Pliocene Age, 10 million years members of Felis catus are cougar, lynx, ocelot, ago, the three modern branches began to evolve. bobcat, margay, serval, and caracal. Felis sylvestris Those branches are Acynonyx, Panthera, and Felis. includes the Scottish wildcat, Spanish wildcat, Acynonyx are the cheetahs. They have an ossified and Indian desert wildcat. It is unlikely that hyoid bone that makes them unable to roar. They these wildcats played a role in the development also have unretractable claws. Cheetahs are found of the domestic cat. They are very reclusive and only in the Old World. extremely fearful of humans. However, they do Panthera are the large cats found in both the have the ability to crossbreed with domestic cats. Old and New Worlds. These are the lions, tigers, leopards, and jaguars. They have a hyoid bone The first domestication of cats appears to be at the base of the tongue. It is partly cartilage, 8,000 years ago—compared to dogs which were allowing it to move freely, enabling big cats to roar. domesticated 50,000 years ago. Overwhelming evidence points to ancient Egypt and the African Felis is the largest of the cat families. This family of cats has an ossified hyoid bone and thus wildcat (Felis sylvestris libyca) as being the origin is unable to roar. Some of the better-known of the domesticated cat. 5 WORKSHEET—CHAPTER 1 1. List the ages in order. 2. What two groups branched out from Miacids? 3. Dinictis had two branches. Which one became extinct? 4. From which sylvestris genus did the domestic cat originate? What is its Latin name? 5. What is the common ancestor for the cat and the dog? 6. Why did the Nimravidae become extinct? 7. Catlike fossils were found that date back to 20 million years ago, but the oldest fossils most closely resembling the modern cat date back to ________ million years ago. 8. What is a hyoid bone? 9. What has happened to the hyoid bone in the cheetahs and the small cats? What are they unable to do because of this? 10. What made the feline the most efficient hunter of all? 6 M F r iac om id 6 s 5 m P illio aleo n c ye en A A ar e rctoide eluroid s ago a e a F r o m 5 3 (bears)Ursinids (raccoons)Procyonids skunks, badgers)(weasels, mink, Mustelids foxes)(dogs, wolves, Canids Viverrids (hyenas)Hyaenids Dinictis million years ag Eocene o F A M (F (N F Neofelids)elidae Paleofelids)imravidae rom 34 millio Oligo ILY TREE n c ye en O Proailurus Nimravus cat)(saber-tootEusmilus ars ago e F THE C h e F A d rom T 2 3 Ps m eudo illio Mio a n c ilu y en ru ea e s rs a g o Felis leopards, jag(lions, tigersPanthera (cheetah)Acynonyx tiger)(saber-toothSmilodon From 10 uars), ed millio Plio n c y en e e domesticAfrican)Indian desert, Scottish, Spanish, (wildcats—sylvestris caracal)margay, servals, bobcats, ocelots, (cougars, lynx, catus ars ago c a t 7 FELINE EVOLUTION WORD SEARCH P R O C Y O N I D S A N T A R T Z L A R H H O I M A E I O P T A S M I L O D O N I B L M O R B C E A I O N X N Y P E U R E O O C R R V A C O O R M R R E V A B I V G E O C E N E F T I V P I C T A A B S L I N C W O O I S L A S L Y K N I E D E P O D D L U T E A R C T O I D E A T E A Q R S M X I E F N O Q R N H A E K U L O S W I D P V B E T E S F R S S D C D Q O E R B V H D Y U E D N C O L I G O C E N E T L O T N O A T R E S C E A S R I Y I P A O A T A G X E J R T A G G A J A C C I E O N P C S O L E A E E Y A A S F O P A O D L R R M I N K R L H Q C N L U C E E F R O E M S Q O U I L E G S C D I N I C T I S R D W S O A R O H Y E N O C C P S L P Y C R Y J X N Y L I B A O P I V F E L I D A E L P M E A T D O C I N V U O C S R A U G A J S Y L V E S T R I S X R D L I W Acynonyx Cougar Lion Ocelots Raccoons Aeluriodea Dinictis Lynx Oligocene Saber Toothed Tiger Arctoidea Dogs Margay Paleocene Scottish Bear Domestic Cat Miacid Panthera Serval Bobcats Eocene Mink Pliocene Smilodon Canids Felidae Miocene Proailurus Sylvestris Cat Fox Neofid Procyonids Tiger Catus Jaguars Nimrevidae Pseudoailurus Tree Wild 8 CHAPTER 2 The Five Senses Vision not feel well. It is not specific to any one area and means you should examine your cat closely for a Cats have exceptional eyesight. Particularly in problem. the early evening and at night, they see better than humans. Most cats can see kinds of light, In the center of the eye is the pupil. It is actually such as ultraviolet, that are invisible to humans. a hole, formed by the iris, which expands or In the course of their development, the ability contracts to let in the correct amount of light. to see at night while hunting was favored over When exposed to bright light, the pupils contract the ability to see colors during the day. As far as into linear slits. In darkness they open very wide scientists have been able to tell, cats are more or to allow in as much light as possible. less colorblind. Behind the pupil is the lens, which focuses One phenomenon of cat vision is the tapetum images on the back of the eyeball. It is composed lucidum, or “eyeshine”, the glowing of cat’s eyes of strong, crystal-like fibrous tissue. Light rays in the dark. A layer of iridescent cells at the back passing through the lens are bent to rest on a of the eyeball reflects the light, which adds to the very sensitive area on the back of the eye, the cat’s ability to see at night. retina. It is richly lined with nerves. The nerves in the retina receive light and change it into nerve A cat’s eyes are complicated and delicate organs. impulses or signals. Impulses are transmitted to Even small injuries can render a cat blind. The the brain by way of the optic nerve. The brain eyes appear as large, round globes or orbs, with interprets these impulses and lets the cat “see.” a transparent covering known as the cornea. Around the cornea is a ring of white, shiny tissue called the sclera. The nictitating membrane, or third eyelid, is located in the lower part of Upper eyelid the cat’s eye. This eyelid serves as protection for the eye. Cats have partial vision through Lens the third eyelid, and often use it as protection Pupil when fighting or when traveling through dense underbrush. When the nictitating membrane is Cornea clearly visible, it is usually a sign that the cat does Iris Optic Retina nerve Sclera Lower eyelid Cross Section of Eye Hearing The cat’s pupil narrows in bright light and opens Cats are exceedingly sensitive to sound; their wide in dim light. range of hearing extends well above and below the range of human hearing. It is probable that the cat has a keener sense of hearing than most dogs, since it depends more upon sight and hearing than smell when hunting. Cats, like all four-legged animals, have cupped 9 ears which serve as receptors and conductors of do. Fastidious about odors, they dislike many of sound. When listening, the cat will move its head the same smells that humans do. They will try to this way and that, turning its ears in the direction cover up disagreeable smells. of the sound. The sound travels down through the outer ear canal, which is fitted with small Most cats have a particular fondness for catnip, knobs or protuberances. The outer ear tapers and a member of the mint family. It is believed they narrows near the cat’s skull, then turns downward are excited by the smell. Some authorities believe and inward, ending in a delicate membrane that the odor of catnip stimulates the cat sexually. known as the eardrum. All of the hearing faculties Catnip is harmless and you can give your cat as are protected within the skull. much of the “feline snuff” as it wants. It may enjoy nibbling on the leaves of a catnip plant, Beyond the eardrum are three small, delicate or playing with a catnip-stuffed toy. Some cats bones: the hammer, anvil, and stirrup. The names are not affected by catnip, some become just describe the shapes of the bones that function to quietly excited, while others roll, purr, and growl transmit sound waves into a section of the inner in ecstasies of delight. The occasional cat may ear known as the cochlea. The cochlea, a snail become disagreeable. shaped canal, contains the auditory nerve which changes sound waves into nerve impulses (nerve Sense of Taste signals) and relays sound messages to the brain. Near the cochlea are three horseshoe-shaped tubes The cat’s tongue is long and flat, with almost known as the semicircular canals. They contain parallel sides. It tapers slightly in front and fluid and fine hairs called cilia that function to somewhat more in the back of the mouth. The maintain the cat’s excellent sense of balance. upper surface of the tongue is covered with rasp- like papillae which enable the cat to scrape every Connecting the middle ear to the throat is the piece of meat off a bone or to lick its coat clean. Eustachian tube. Its main purpose is to equalize The tongue is covered with taste buds, particularly pressures. Without this safety device, the eardrum at the tip and at the back of the throat. These would be ruptured when subjected to great taste buds react to chemical stimuli to produce pressure. When pressure is exerted on its ears, a sensations of acidity, sweetness, bitterness, and cat swallows and sticks out its tongue. saltiness. Semicircular canals Sense of Touch (Hair and Skin) Stirrup Auditory nerve The least important sense in a cat is the sense of Anvil touch. Both the skin and the hair play a role in Hammer that sense. Cochlea First of all, the hair or fur serves as insulation against heat and cold. Hair also protects the cat against insect bites, stings, thorns, and other Eardrum dangers and annoyances. The cat raises its hair, particularly the hair along its neck and spine, as a Eustachian Tube protective device when frightened or threatened. With its hackles raised, the cat assumes a wary Inside of Cat’s Ear and defiant position. Back arched, tail hairs bristling, muscles tensed, it turns itself broadside. In this attitude, the cat appears larger and more Sense of Smell ferocious to its attacker. The cat’s olfactory nerves, those concerned with Cats shed their hair according to climatic its sense of smell, are not as sensitive as those of conditions and their state of health. Hair is some other animals, but are quite adequate. Cats shed naturally year round, especially in the can scent people, animals, and other objects at spring and fall. Excessive shedding is a warning a considerable distance, but they do not rely on signal of possible disease, poor diet, parasites, this sense while hunting as much as other animals or overheating. Therefore, it is important to pay 10

Reader's Digest Book of the Cat, edited by Alice Philomena Rutherford, the treatment of cat ailments and injuries With longer legs and tail.
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