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Castle Aero Florida Int'l, Inc. v. Marketing and Financial, et al., 11-CV-2672, PAM/JJG PDF

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Preview Castle Aero Florida Int'l, Inc. v. Marketing and Financial, et al., 11-CV-2672, PAM/JJG

CASE 0:11-cv-02672-PAM-JJG Document 196 Filed 07/02/14 Page 1 of 58 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT OF MINNESOTA Castle Aero Florida International, Inc., Civil No. 11-2672 (PAM/JJG) Plaintiff, v. Marketing and Financial Services, Inc., Innovatis Asset Management, S.A., Acre Financial, S.A., Gerry Jackson, and Erwin Lasshofer, Defendants. Innovatis Asset Management, S.A., Civil No. 12-1818 (PAM/JJG) Plaintiff/Counter-Defendant, and Erwin Lasshofer, Counter-Defendant, v. Marketing and Financial Services, Inc., Acre Financial, S.A., and Gerry Jackson, Defendants/Counterclaimants Castle Aero Florida International, Inc., Intervenor Defendant, v. Innovatis Asset Management, S.A., and Erwin Lasshofer, Intervenor Plaintiff/Counter Defendants. FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS OF LAW, AND ORDER FOR JUDGMENT CASE 0:11-cv-02672-PAM-JJG Document 196 Filed 07/02/14 Page 2 of 58 The Court held a bench trial in these matters on June 18, 2014. Sonya R. Braunschweig appeared on behalf of Plaintiff/Intervenor Castle Aero Florida International, Inc. Manly A. Zimmerman appeared on behalf of Defendants/Counterclaimants Gerry Jackson and Marketing and Financial Services, Inc. There was no appearance on behalf of Plaintiff/Counter-Defendant Innovatis Asset Management, S.A. or Defendant/Counter- Defendant Erwin Lasshofer. Because of Innovatis’s and Lasshofer’s failure to appear, the other parties brought Motions for Default and Motions to Dismiss for Lack of Prosecution. Having heard the arguments of counsel and considered the evidence submitted, the Court makes the following Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law: 1 FINDINGS OF FACT I. PROCEDURAL BACKGROUND. 1. Castle Aero initiated its action in September 2011 (the “Castle Aero Action”), after it was unable to obtain the return of a US$4 million Standby Letter of Credit (“SBLC”) from Lasshofer and Innovatis (collectively “Lasshofer”) or Gerry Jackson and Marketing and 2 Financial Services (“MFS”). (Castle Aero Action, Compl. (Docket No. 1).) Castle Aero settled its dispute with Jackson and MFS, and Jackson and MFS were dismissed from the 1 Most of the numerical exhibits referenced here are Castle Aero Trial Exhibits (“CA Ex.”). Alphabetical exhibits are attached to the Affidavit of Gerrard Jackson, and all other exhibits are attached to the Affidavit of Sonya R. Braunschweig. 2 Jackson was the principal and only shareholder of MFS (2014 Jackson Aff. (Docket No. 189) ¶ 1), and throughout this Order the two parties are effectively interchangeable. Similarly, Lasshofer controls Innovatis and those two parties are interchangeable. 2 CASE 0:11-cv-02672-PAM-JJG Document 196 Filed 07/02/14 Page 3 of 58 action in September 2012. (Castle Aero Action, Sept. 26, 2012, Order (Docket No. 52).) 2. Innovatis filed its action against Jackson and MFS in July 2012 (the “Innovatis Action”). (Innovatis Action, Compl. (Docket No. 1).) Jackson and MFS answered and asserted counterclaims against Innovatis and Lasshofer, and Castle Aero intervened as an Intervenor Defendant. (Innovatis Action, Am. Answer & Countercl. (Docket No. 14); Intervenor Compl. (Docket No. 15).) 3. In August 2012, Castle Aero filed a motion to compel against Lasshofer for failing to produce all documents and e-mails reflecting all communications with Jackson and MFS and for failing to produce communications with Liechtensteinische Landesbank (“LLB”) and LLB account statements (Castle Aero Action, Mot. to Compel (Docket No. 37).) Lasshofer took the position that these documents were not relevant. 4. On October 10, 2012, the Court granted Castle Aero’s motion and ordered Lasshofer to produce the documents. (Castle Aero Action, Oct. 10, 2012, Order (Docket No. 56) at 5.) 5. In response to the October 2012 Order, Lasshofer produced a portion of the LLB documents in redacted form and refused to provide summary reports of e-mail communications the Court had ordered (the “hit reports”). 6. On December 13, 2012, Castle Aero filed a motion to show cause, again requesting that Lasshofer be compelled to produce the LLB documents and the hit reports. This time, Lasshofer claimed he had produced all of the LLB documents to which he had access. He failed, however, to produce key documents subsequently uncovered by Castle 3 CASE 0:11-cv-02672-PAM-JJG Document 196 Filed 07/02/14 Page 4 of 58 3 Aero in the Austrian criminal file, including documents showing that over “$650,000 of funds were paid out of the [LLB] account to Hogan Lovells, a law firm used by [] Lasshofer.” (Castle Aero Action, Jan. 4, 2013, Order (Docket No. 77) at 3.) 7. On January 4, 2013, the Court granted Castle Aero’s motion and stated that Lasshofer, as accountholder, was in a position to demand a complete set of records from LLB. The Court ordered Lasshofer “to produce full, unredacted, account statements… [for] every account in which the funds were deposited or transferred . . . .” (Id. at 6.) The Court also ordered that Lasshofer do so by no later than January 25, 2013. 8. Again, Lasshofer failed to comply with the Court’s Orders, forcing Castle Aero to file another motion to compel on February 28, 2013. (Docket No. 78.) Lasshofer took the position that he had nothing more to produce. 9. The Court disagreed, concluding that Lasshofer had produced only a small subset of the required documents—he produced account statements for only six accounts instead of fourteen, the account statements lacked transactional detail, and Lasshofer had limited the production to documents after November 1, 2011, “although there was no temporal limitation in the Court’s discovery orders.” (Castle Aero Action, Apr. 5, 2013, Order (Docket No. 89) at 3.) Concluding that there were “significant gaps” in the documents Lasshofer produced, even though such a task should have been relatively simple, the Court held that Lasshofer had failed to comply with the Court’s previous orders and ordered 3 As discussed in more detail below, Lasshofer is facing criminal charges in Austria and is under criminal investigation in several other jurisdictions. 4 CASE 0:11-cv-02672-PAM-JJG Document 196 Filed 07/02/14 Page 5 of 58 Lasshofer to produce the documents. (Id. at 4.) Unconvinced that a third discovery order was enough, the Court appointed a Special Master to oversee the completion of discovery. (Id. at 5.) 10. The Special Master handled the discovery process from May through August 2013. 11. It was not until July 2013, in response to the Special Master’s Orders, that Lasshofer finally produced the LLB documents along with other relevant documents. (See Castle Aero Action, June 28, 2013, Special Master Order #2 (Docket No. 99).) The account statements alone amounted to more than 400 pages of documents. (CA Ex. 170.) 12. The account statements were basic banking information that Lasshofer had available by a touch of a button on his computer but clearly did not want to produce. Not only did Lasshofer’s misconduct cost Castle Aero additional, unnecessary legal fees and costs to pursue these key and relevant documents, but it also caused unnecessary delays in trying this case, which the Court had initially set for June 3, 2013. (Castle Aero Action, Jury Trial Notice (Docket No. 88).) 13. Lasshofer then sought to delay this matter further by filing a discovery motion with the Special Master months after the deadlines for doing so had expired. In his motion, Lasshofer sought to reopen discovery that he had failed to pursue within the time limits set by the Court and that had expired more than six months before. (Castle Aero Action, Motion (Docket No. 111); Innovatis Action, Motion (Docket No. 26).) 5 CASE 0:11-cv-02672-PAM-JJG Document 196 Filed 07/02/14 Page 6 of 58 14. Lasshofer also filed a motion to consolidate the two actions for pretrial and trial proceedings. The Court rejected the request as to pretrial proceedings because it “would only further complicate and delay each action.” (Castle Aero Action, Nov. 1, 2013, Order at 1 (Docket No. 138).) The Court ordered that the Castle Aero and Innovatis Actions be consolidated for purposes of trial only. (Id.) 15. In October 2013, Lasshofer filed a motion for summary judgment (Docket No. 136), which the Court denied. (Docket No. 149.) Lasshofer sought reconsideration, which the Court also denied. (Docket No. 153.) 16. At the summary-judgment hearing on January 7, 2014, the Court told the parties to be ready for trial in June. In the summary-judgment Order, the Court also informed Lasshofer that his in-person testimony was required because Lasshofer’s credibility was an issue that had to be determined at trial. (Jan. 14, 2014, Order at 6 (Docket No. 149).) 17. Lasshofer’s personal appearance was an issue because a Colorado federal district court issued a bench warrant against Lasshofer in June 2013 for failing to comply with its orders. (See id. at 4 (referring to Niemi v. Burgess, Civ. No. 1:12-869 (D. Colo.) (Docket No. 226)).) Despite notice that his appearance was necessary to the trial of these matters and that trial would be set for June, Lasshofer did nothing to vacate the Colorado bench warrant other than make a short argument in an appellate brief. Instead, Lasshofer waited until May 7, 2014, to request that the trial in these actions be postponed until three months after the Tenth Circuit ruled on the propriety of the bench warrant. (Castle Aero Action, Mot. to Postpone Trial (Docket No. 155); Innovatis Action (Docket No. 45).) On 6 CASE 0:11-cv-02672-PAM-JJG Document 196 Filed 07/02/14 Page 7 of 58 May 8, 2014, this Court set trial of this matter for June 16, 2014, later rescheduled to June 18, 2014. (Castle Aero Action, Bench Trial Notice (Docket No. 161); Innovatis Action (Docket No. 51).) 18. This Court denied Lasshofer’s request to further postpone the trial because the proceedings had “moved at a glacial pace” “[d]ue largely to Lasshofer’s incalcitrance.” (Castle Aero Action, May 16, 2014, Order at 2 (Docket No. 165); Innovatis Action (Docket No. 54).) 19. After this Court denied Lasshofer’s request to postpone the trial, Lasshofer did not file any motions in Colorado or the Tenth Circuit. Instead, Lasshofer waited another week to file a writ of mandamus with the Eighth Circuit, seeking the same relief as he did from this Court. The Eighth Circuit summarily denied his request. (Castle Aero Action, Mandate (Docket No. 174); Innovatis Action (Docket No. 63).) 20. A day later, Lasshofer terminated his counsel. Lasshofer’s counsel filed a motion to withdraw (Castle Aero Action, Mot. to Withdraw (Docket No. 166); Innovatis Action (Docket No. 55)). In those papers, Lasshofer made clear that he would not seek substitution of counsel or participate in the upcoming trial. (See Castle Aero Action, Supp. Mem. at 3 (Docket No. 168); Innovatis Action (Docket No. 57).) 21. This Court granted the withdrawal motion recognized that this was “not the first evasive maneuver Lasshofer has employed to avoid trial. Lasshofer has engaged in dilatory conduct throughout this matter . . . [and] now apparently attempts to secure a postponement of trial by terminating his counsel.” (Castle Aero Action, June 6, 2014, Order 7 CASE 0:11-cv-02672-PAM-JJG Document 196 Filed 07/02/14 Page 8 of 58 at 2 (Docket No. 172); Innovatis Action (Docket No. 61).) 22. Since then, Lasshofer has failed to comply with the Court’s pretrial orders, failed to provide contact information, elected not to appoint counsel for Innovatis, and failed to attend trial. 23. On June 10, 2014, Castle Aero and Jackson served a notice on Lasshofer of their intent to move for default judgment on June 18, 2014. The notice was served by e-mail to CASE 0:11-cv-02672-PAM-JJG Document 196 Filed 07/02/14 Page 9 of 58 28. As the delivery date approached, Castle Aero began investigating financing options for the purchase of the aircraft. Due to the world-wide economic crisis, Castle Aero was unable to obtain financing in time to close the purchase. Castle Aero decided to purchase the aircraft outright without financing. (June 16, 2014, Castillo Decl. (Docket No. 188) ¶¶ 3-4.) 29. Castle Aero closed the purchase and took delivery of the aircraft in November 2009. (2012 Castillo Decl. ¶ 7.) III. CASTLE AERO IS INTRODUCED TO MFS, AND MFS PRESENTS CASTLE AERO WITH A PROPOSED TERM SHEET. A. MFS Is Identified as a Possible Lender to Refinance the Aircraft. 30. In 2010, Castle Aero again began searching for possible refinancing options for the Aircraft and hoped to obtain US$22 million in refinancing. (Id. ¶ 8; 2014 Castillo Decl. ¶¶ 4, 6.) 31. To assist with identifying possible financing options, including conventional financing and private lending financing, Castle Aero engaged the services of Ernesto Pentenero of GP Global Finance. (2014 Castillo Decl. ¶ 5; June 16, 2014, Pentenero Decl. (Docket No. 191) ¶ 3.) Alpha Capital Services, a broker located in Delray Beach, Florida, provided brokerage services for the refinancing transaction. (June 13, 2014, Piloto Decl. (Docket No. 190) ¶ 3.) 32. MFS was identified as a possible source of funding to refinance the aircraft. (2014 Castillo Decl. ¶ 6; Pentenero Decl. ¶¶ 3-4; Oct. 10, 2013, Pentenero Dep. at 41-43.) 9 CASE 0:11-cv-02672-PAM-JJG Document 196 Filed 07/02/14 Page 10 of 58 B. Jackson Presents Castle Aero with a Proposed Term Sheet. 33. In June 2010, Jackson presented Castle Aero with an “Aircraft Lease/Purchase Term Sheet” (“Term Sheet”). The Term Sheet set forth some of the terms and conditions of an acceptable financing arrangement that were to be incorporated into a final lease agreement to be approved by the parties. (CA Ex. 62; see also June 12, 2014, Adwar Decl. (Docket No. 185) ¶ 4; 2014 Castillo Decl. ¶ 7; June 13, 2014, Jackson Aff. (Docket No. 189) ¶ 46; Pentenero Decl. ¶ 6.) 34. Specifically, the Term Sheet states that MFS would provide financing in the amount of US$22 million for a term of 180 months at a fixed interest rate of 7% and that the title of the aircraft would remain with MFS, a Minnesota-based company, as lessor. (CA Ex. 62; 2014 Jackson Aff. ¶ 47.) 35. The Term Sheet also provides that Castle Aero would provide a SBLC in the amount of US$4 million to be delivered to MFS’s intermediary bank after final approval of the lease and before closing the lease/finance transaction. The SBLC was a mandatory security deposit under the lease/finance transaction and was only necessary if the transaction closed. Specifically, the SBLC was purportedly to act as partial security for Castle Aero’s obligations under the final definitive lease and was to be used only if Castle Aero materially defaulted on its obligations under that agreement. (CA Ex. 62; Adwar Decl. ¶ 8; 2014 Castillo Decl. ¶ 10; 2014 Jackson Aff. ¶ 48; Pentenero Decl. ¶¶ 7-8.) No final definitive lease was ever executed by the parties. (See CA Exs. 190-92 (drafts of proposed lease); Adwar Decl. ¶ 9.) 10

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