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Cases and Stories of Transformative Action Research: Five Decades of Collaborative Action and Learning PDF

235 Pages·2021·3.788 MB·English
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CASES AND STORIES OF TRANSFORMATIVE ACTION RESEARCH Cases and Stories of Transformative Action Research builds on its companion book, Principles and Methods of Transformative Action Research, by describing and analyzing dozens of examples of successful action research efforts pursued in the past five decades by students and faculty of the Western Institute for Social Research. Someprojectsarelarge-scale,andsomearemodestinterventionsintheeveryday lives of those participating. Some are formal organizational efforts; others are the results of individual or small group initiatives. Included are chapters on community needs assessments and innovative grassroots approaches to program evaluation; the challenges of improving our decision-making during the crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic; strategies of intellectual activism in addressing the growing problem of workplacebullying; action research topreserve andshare the history ofthe Omaha tribe; and plans for an innovative school-based project based on collaborative action-and-inquiry between students and Artificial Intelligence. In addition, there are a number of detailed stories about the use of transformative action research in such areas as somatic and trauma counseling, ethnic studies, health disparities, genderdifferences,grassrootspopulareducation,andtheimprovementofstatewide steps for preventing child abuse, among many others. This book can serve as an undergraduate or graduate social sciences text on research methods. It is also a guidebook for action-oriented research by academics, professionals, and lay people alike. John A. Bilorusky (PhD, University of California, Berkeley) is co-founder of the Western Institute for Social Research in Berkeley. For 45 years, as a faculty member there, he has guided hundreds of student action research theses, disserta- tions, and projects, and consulted with dozens of community agencies and colleges on action research. CASES AND STORIES OF TRANSFORMATIVE ACTION RESEARCH Five Decades of Collaborative Action and Learning John A. Bilorusky Contributing Colleagues: Terry F. Lunsford, JD, PhD Cynthia Lawrence, PhD Contributing Authors: David Yamada, JD, PhD Dennis Hastings, PhD Margery Coffey, PhD Sudia Paloma McCaleb, EdD Marilyn Jackson, PhD Kence Anderson, BS Other Notable Colleagues: Vera Labat, MPH Shyaam Shabaka, MPH Milly Henry and many WISR Learners acknowledged Firstpublished2021 byRoutledge 2ParkSquare,MiltonPark,Abingdon,OxonOX144RN andbyRoutledge 52VanderbiltAvenue,NewYork,NY10017 RoutledgeisanimprintoftheTaylor&FrancisGroup,aninformabusiness ©2021JohnA.Bilorusky TherightofJohnA.Biloruskytobeidentifiedasauthorofthisworkhasbeen assertedbyhiminaccordancewithsections77and78oftheCopyright,Designs andPatentsAct1988. Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthisbookmaybereprintedorreproducedor utilisedinanyformorbyanyelectronic,mechanical,orothermeans,now knownorhereafterinvented,includingphotocopyingandrecording,orinany informationstorageorretrievalsystem,withoutpermissioninwritingfromthe publishers. Trademarknotice:Productorcorporatenamesmaybetrademarksorregistered trademarks,andareusedonlyforidentificationandexplanationwithoutintentto infringe. BritishLibraryCataloguing-in-PublicationData AcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Names:Bilorusky,JohnA.(JohnAlan),author. Title:Casesandstoriesoftransformativeactionresearch:fivedecadesof collaborativeactionandlearning/JohnA.Bilorusky. Description:Abingdon,Oxon;NewYork,NY:Routledge,2021.| Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex.| Identifiers:LCCN2020047736(print)|LCCN2020047737(ebook)| ISBN9780367742454(hardback)|ISBN9780367742461(paperback)| ISBN9781003156758(ebook) Subjects:LCSH:Actionresearch--Casestudies.|Evaluationresearch (Socialactionprograms)--Casestudies. Classification:LCCH62.B52292021(print)|LCCH62(ebook)| DDC001.4--dc23 LCrecordavailableathttps://lccn.loc.gov/2020047736 LCebookrecordavailableathttps://lccn.loc.gov/2020047737 ISBN:978-0-367-74245-4(hbk) ISBN:978-0-367-74246-1(pbk) ISBN:978-1-003-15675-8(ebk) TypesetinBembo byTaylor&FrancisBooks To those, no matter how oppressed or privileged, who listen eloquently and who are motivated bylove,andbythepursuitofjusticeandcollectivewell-being. CONTENTS Acknowledgements xi About the author xiii 1 Introduction 1 What is transformative action research? 1 About the “experimenting learning community” in which transformative action research has developed 7 For whom is this book written, and why? 10 What this book aims to do 12 PARTI Applications 15 2 Program evaluations 17 Evaluations in community agencies 17 Case example of some steps in agency-consultant collaboration on program evaluation 21 Toward a transformative approach to evaluation 24 Evaluation as the discovery of grounded theory 27 3 Uses of action research in community organizations 29 An ongoing process of information-gathering and review 29 Uses of action research in community groups 30 A focus that can shape organizational “politics” 33 viii Contents Community needs assessments 34 Designing pilot projects and developing concept papers addressing community needs and problems 37 Challenges and opportunities in working for significant, multilevel changes 40 4 Community-based think tanks 44 Introduction 44 A vision for community-based think tanks 45 Sample plan for a community-based think tank 48 5 Toward expert knowledge and human development—the curriculum of the “experimenting community” 51 Learning as human development, and as knowledge and skill development 51 A curriculum, based on the action-inquiry of collaborative script improvisation, to promote ego development and progressively increasing expert knowledge 54 The stages and the developmental transitions and progress—intersections of content and process 57 WISR’s curricular approach—the “structure” of scripts for improvisation 61 6 Using transformative action-inquiry during the COVID-19 pandemic: Critiquing studies and facing decision-making dilemmas 67 Action-and-inquiry during the COVID-19 pandemic 67 What “data” are relevant? 69 Our social responsibility in making decisions in the midst of a large-scale crisis, and the importance of using qualitative as well as quantitative data about the pandemic—a case study 71 The role of “qualitative data” 82 Concluding remarks 84 PARTII Illustrations 85 7 Intellectual activism and action research—a case study on workplace bullying 87 David Yamada Contents ix Introduction to a case study of an intellectual activist using action research in addressing the problem of workplace bullying 87 From David Yamada’s dissertation: Action research and social change 88 Social change theory and intellectual activism 91 Additional resources 99 8 Multifaceted, comprehensive action-oriented research, aimed at preserving and restoring the Omaha culture 100 Dennis Hastings and Margery Coffey Introduction 100 Action research and Grandfather Remembers—by Dennis Hastings and Margery Coffey, Omaha Tribal Historical Research Project, Inc. (OTHRP), July 2009 102 9 Stories, concepts, and methods of participatory action research—Transforming individuals and groups 118 Sudia Paloma McCaleb Introduction 118 Sudia’s stories and insights—of participatory action research 118 Engaging in dialogue with Salvadoran immigrants living in California and sharing words with Salvadoran educators back home and Oaxacan indigenous communities 126 10 Getting out of the book and into the world: Ways to understand action research 128 Marilyn Jackson 11 Teaching and learning physics as inquiry—Similarities with transformative action research 135 The importance of inquiry 135 Creating learning environments conducive to inquiry 138 Concluding remarks and suggestions 144 12 Plans for a school-based project to involve students as teachers, learners, and colleagues of Artificial Intelligence 146 Kence Anderson and John A. Bilorusky 13 Stories of action research from WISR learners 155 Introduction 155 WISR alumni and students speak about action research 156

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