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Cases and materials for Law 249HF : the role of courts in democracy PDF

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by  RoachKent
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Preview Cases and materials for Law 249HF : the role of courts in democracy

Cases and Materials for LAW 249HF The Role of Courts in a Democracy Professor Kent Roach Faculty of Law University of Toronto These materials are reproduced solely for the use of students in the Faculty of Law, University of Toronto BORA L.<P» I fir UfiSART AUG 1 7 2CO0I r«CULTY Or Lt& Cases and Materials for LAW 249HF The Role of Courts in a Democracy Professor Kent Roach rrv, j i Faculty of Law University of Toronto These materials are reproduced solely for the use of students in the Faculty of Law, University of Toronto Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2018 with funding from University of Toronto https://archive.org/details/casesmaterialsfo01roac Table of Contents Week 1 — Introduction K. Roach: Introduction 1 Week 2 — The American Debate K. Roach: Chapter 1 26 Marbury v. Madison 65 Dred Scott v. Sandford 69 Lochner v. New York 73 West Coast Hotel Company v. Parrish 77 Roe v. Wade 81 Week 3 — The American Debate Conies to Canada Reference Re Alberta Statutes 85 Saumur v. City of Quebec [1953] 88 An Act respecting freedom of worship and the maintenance of good order 96 Saumur and Jehovah's Witness v. Attorney-General for Quebec et al. [Quebec Court of Appeal, 1962] 98 Saumur et al. v. Attorney-General of Quebec [SCC, 1962] 106 F.R. Scott, "The Privy Council and Mr. Bennett's 'New Deal' Legislation." 110 Constitution Act, 1940 114 P.C. Weiler, "Rights and Judges in a Democracy: A New Canadian Vision" 116 Week 4 — Contemporary Debate on the Left and Right A. Petter, "The Politics of the Charter" 138 A. Petter and A. Hutchinson, "Rights in Conflict: The Dilemma of Charter Legitimacy" 155 A. Hutchinson, "The Rule of Law Revisited: Democracy and Courts 165 F.L. Morton and R. Knopff, The Charter Revolution and the Court Party 180 C. Manfredi, Judicial Power and the Charter: Canada and the Paradox of Liberal Constitutionalism 202 R. Leishman, "Legislators for Life" 221 N. Seeman, "Who runs Canada?" 236 W. Rehnquist, "Who Writes Decisions of the Supreme Court?" 243 Hon. R.S. Abella, "The Judicial Role in a Democratic State" 245 Hon. B. McLachlin, "Charter Myths" 262 Week 5 — Defining Judicial Activism B. Cannon, "Defining the Dimensions of Judicial Activism" 270 R. Dworkin, Taking Rights Seriously 276 R. Dworkin, Law's Empire 284 R. Posner, The Federal Courts: Challenge and Reform 291 P. Mahoney, "Judicial Activism and Judicial Self-Restraint in the European Court of Human Rights: Two Sides of the Same Coin" 303 Week 6 — Interpretation (Part I) Edwards v. AG Canada 314 F.L. Morton and R. Knopff, "Permanence and Change in a Written Constitution: The 'Living Tree' Doctrine of the Charter of Rights" 318 R.E. Hawkins, "Interpretivism and Sections 7 & 15 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms" 326 Hon. B. Wilson, "Law and Policy in a Court of Last Resort" 341 Reference re Section 94(2) of the Motor Vehicle Act (B.C.) 350 R. v. Mortgentaler 353 Week 7 — Interpretation (Part II) K. Roach, "Chief Justice Lamer and some Myths about Judicial Activism" 360 R. v. Collins 381 D.M. Paciocco, "Judicial Repeal of s. 24(2)" 385 Stillman v. The Queen 390 Egan v. Canada 407 Weeks 8 and 9 — Limitations on Rights K. Roach, Due Process and Victims ’ Rights 416 R. v. Oakes 422 R. v. Big M Drug Mart Ltd. 426 Edwards Books and Art Ltd. v. The Queen 432 K. Roach, Due Process and Victims ’ Rights 439 AG Quebec v. Irwin Toy 444 RJR MacDonald Inc. v. AG Canada 450 R. v. Sparrow 459 R. v. Van der Peet 466 R. v. Gladstone 471 Marshall v. The Queen (I) 474 Marshall v. The Queen (II) 485 K. McNeil, "How Can Infringements of the Constitutional Rights of Aboriginal Peoples be Justified?" 499 R.L. Barsh and J.Y. Henderson. "Marshalling the Rule of Law in Canada: Of Eels and Honour" 506 Weeks 10 and 11 — The Practice of Dialogue K. Roach, Due Process and Victims' Rights 515 Ford v. AG Quebec 538 John Ballantyne and Elizabeth Davidson, and Gordon McIntyre v. Canada 541 Charter of the French Language R.S.Q. 1977 c. 11 ss. 58-68, Revisions from 1988 and 1993 548 L. C. et al. v. Mills 556 K. Roach "Editorial" 562 Vriend v. Alberta 564 Government of Alberta (Dept, of Justice), "Report of the Ministerial Task Force 581 Legislative Assembly of Alberta, Marriage Amendment Act, 2000 (Bill 202) 593 M. v. H. 595 B. Cossman and B. Ryder, "M v. H.: Time to Clean Up Your Acts" 624 Re Vincent and Ministry of the Attorney General 630 S.C. 2000, c. 12. An Act to modernize the Statutes of Canada in relation to benefits and obligations 633 K. Roach, "Institutional Choice, Co-operation, and Struggle in The Age of The Charter" 634 P.W. Hogg and A. Bushell, "The Charter Dialogue Between Courts and Legislatures" 641 C.P. Manffedi and J.B. Kelly, "Six Degrees of Dialogue: A Response to Hogg and Bushell" 657 P.W. Hogg and A.Thomton, "Reply to 'Six Degrees of Dialogue"' 665 F.L. Morton, "Dialogue or Monologue?" 670 P.H. Russell, "Canadian Constraints on Judicialization from Without" 674 Week 12 — The Theory of Dialogue A.M. Bickel, The Least Dangerous Branch 685 M.J. Perry, The Constitution in the Courts: Law or Politics? 696 P.R. Dimond, The Supreme Court and Judicial Choice 704 G. Calabresi, "Forward: Anti-discrimination and Constitutional Accountability (What the Bork-Brennan Debate Ignores)" 719 M. Tushnet, Taking the Constitution Away from the Courts 748 M. Mandel, "Against Constitutional Law (Populist or Otherwise)" 761 R. Hirschl, "Looking Sideways, Looking Backwards, Looking Forwards: Judicial Review vs. Democracy in Comparative Perspective" 768 M. Tushnet, "Politics, National Identity, and the Thin Constitution" 772 E. Mureinik, "A Bridge to Where? Introducing the Interim Bill of Rights" 784 D. Dyzenhaus, "Law as Justification: Etienne Mureinik's Conception of Legal Culture" 787 Week 13 — Conclusions

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