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Case 2842. Naucrates Rafinesque, 1810 and Xyrichtys Cuvier, 1814 (Osteichthyes, Perciformes): proposed conservation PDF

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Preview Case 2842. Naucrates Rafinesque, 1810 and Xyrichtys Cuvier, 1814 (Osteichthyes, Perciformes): proposed conservation

BulletinofZoologicalNomenclature50(4)December1993 277 Case2842 Naucrates Raflnesque, 1810 and Xyyichtys Cuvier, 1814 (Osteichthyes, Perciformes): proposed conservation John E. Randall Bishop Museum. Box 19000-A. Honolulu. Hawaii96817. U.S.A. M.L. Bauchot Museum Nationald'HistoireNaturelle. Laboratoired'lchtyologie, 43 rue Cuvier. 75231 Pariscedex05, France Abstract.The purpose of this application is to conserve the names Naucrates Rafinesque, 1810andXyrichtysCuvier, 1814whicharebothinuse.Thefirstrefers tothemonotypicpilotfishA^.ductor(Linnaeus, 1758)(familycarangidae),apelagic species which occurs in all tropical and temperate seas and is common in the Mediterranean. The second relates to the genus ofabout 20 species ofrazorfishes (familylabridae)whichoccurcircumgloballyintropical,subtropicalandtemperate seas, also including the Mediterranean. Both names are threatened by the senior subjective synonym Hemipteronoius Lacepede, 1801, for which suppression is proposed. It is also proposed that Centronotus Lacepede, 1801, an unused senior objectivesynonymofNaucrates.besuppressed. 1. Linnaeus (1758, p. 261), following and expanding on Willughby (1686, pp. 213-216), included two species of razorfishes (family labridae) among the five species (hippurus. equiselis, pentadactyla, novacula and pompilus) of his genus Coryphaena (now family coryphaenidae, the dolphins; type species C. hippurus Linnaeus, 1758 bysubsequentdesignationofJordan &Gilbert, 1883, p.454). The tworazorfishspecieswere CoryphaenanovaculaoftheAtlanticand Mediterranean and C pentadactyla. an Indo-Pacific razorfish, themales ofwhich havefive or six darkred spotsinarowbehindtheeye. 2. The nominal species Coryphaena pentadactyla Linnaeus, 1758 (p. 261) was itself composite. Linnaeus based his description on three sources: (1) 'Blennius maculis 5 utrinque versus caput nigris', from Act. Stockh. (i.e. Memoirs of Stockholm). 1740,vol. 1, p.460,pi. 3.fig. 2; (2) Valent. (forValentijn, 1724),amb. (for Amboin). part 5, p. 435, pi. 292; (3) Will. icht. (for Willughby. 1686) appendix, p. 7, pi. 8, fig. 2. The first ofthese refers to the Indo-Pacific razorfish (mentioned in para. 1 above) and the third to the pilotfish, also listed else- where in Systema Naturae as Gasterosteus ductor Linnaeus. 1758 (p. 295; family carangidae). The inclusion of the reference to Willughby (1686, pi. 8, fig. 2) originated in the latter's use of the Dutch name 'Viif Vinger Visch" for the pilotfish, figured from a drawing by Nieuhof, so that Linnaeus confused thiswith the Indo-Pacific razorfish with itsfive orsix spotsbehindtheeye. Gmehn ([1789], pp. 1191-1192) corrected the error by omitting the reference to Willughby under 278 BulletinofZoologicalNomenclature50(4)December1993 Coryphaena pentadactyla, thereby restricting tiie name to tiie razorfish. Bloch (1787, p. 115), Cuvier (1815, p. 329) and Valenciennes (1840, pp. 64-69) com- mented that Linnaeushadmistakenly included twodifferent taxa underthename, and acceptedpentadactylafortherazorfish. WiththeexceptionofLacepede(1801) (see para. 3 below), this interpretation of pentadactyla has been followed consistently by subsequent authors; the taxon is currently known as Xyrichtys pentadactyla(seeparas. 7and 8 below). 3. Lacepede(1801, p. 214)erected Hemipieronotusfortwonewnominalspecies, H. gmelini and H. qidnquemaculatiis. The former, for which Lacepede gave two fin-raycounts(dorsalrays14andpelvicrays8),wasregardedbyValenciennes(1840, pp.35,65)asunidentifiable;Valenciennesnotedthatitmayhavebeenaholocentrid. H. quinquemaculatiis was proposed for Themipteronote cinq-taches'; Coryphaena pentadactyla was included (p. 215), attributed to Gmelin, [1789], among its syn- onyms. Lacepede cited Linnaeus's synonyms for C. pentadactyla, including the Willughbyreferencetothepilotfish. 4. Lacepede's (1801, p. 214) description ofH. quinquemaculatiis was based on Bonnaterre's (1788, p. 59, pi. 33, fig. 126) reproduction ofNieuhofs drawing of Gasterosteusductor(usedpreviouslybyWillughby, 1686,appendix,pi. 8,fig.2;see para. 2 above), and described by Bonnaterre (p. 59) as Coryphaenapentadactyla. Lacepede (p. 215 and footnote) derived the name 'hemipteronote' from the Greek words for 'half, 'fin' and 'back', and wrote that the name was intended to indicate the shortness of the dorsal fin and its similarity to that of the coryphaenids. This is an obvious reference to the short, posteriorly placed dorsal finofGasterosteusductor.Cuvier(1815,p. 329)notedthat,althoughLinnaeushad included two taxa under the name Coryphaenapentadactyla (see para. 2 above), Lacepede had considered only one of them (the pilotfish) when he founded Hemipteronotus. Valenciennes (1840, p. 68), in discussing Lacepede's ill-founded Hemipteronotus, wrote; 'J'ai ete bien long-temps a concevoir comment, ayant sous les yeux toutes les figures qu'il cite dans sa synonymic, il avait pu attribuer a I'espece un caractere de tout point oppose a la verite; et j'ai ete oblige de conclure, que de tant de figures il n'en avait qu'une, et precisement la fausse, celle de Nieuhof, copiee par Bonnaterre'. Bleeker (1862, p. 414) designated H. quinquemaculatus as the type species ofHemipteronotus. Subsequently Jordan (1917, p. 61) cited quinquemaculatus as a synonym of Coryphaena pentadactyla 'Gmelin'. 5. Lacepede(1801,pp.309,311)establishedthenameCentronotusforagenusof nine nominal species, including 'Gasterosteus conductor Linnaeus' (Le centronote pilote';heintendedG. ductorLinnaeus).Willughby's(1686,pi.8,fig.2)referenceto thepilotfishwasincludedamongthesynonymies.Rafinesque(1810,p.43)founded Naucrates for two nominal species, including Centronotus conductor Lacepede; Jordan&Gilbert(1883,p.443)designated'NaucratesconductorRaf.,=Gasterosteus ductor Linn.' as the type species. Jordan (1917, p. 62) used the same notation in designating a type for Centronotus Lacepede, rendering the latter name a senior objectivesynonymofNaucrates. Until recently,vol. 3ofLacepede'swork Histoire naturelledespoissons,inwhichthenameCentronotusappeared,wasthoughttodate from 1802. On this basis Jordan (1917, pp. 62, 80) considered the fish name CentronotusBloch&Schneider, 1801 (p. 165;ajuniorobjectivesynonymofPholis BulletinofZoologicalNomenclature50(4)December1993 279 Scopoli, 1777 (see Eschmeyer, 1990, pp. 89, 312); family pholidae) to bea senior homonym of Cenlronotus Lacepede and noted that the latter was replaced by Naucrates; the name Naiicrates has consistently been used for the pilotfish. Roux (1973,p.34)demonstratedthatLacepede'svol.3datesfrom16October1801.Toour knowledge, an exact date for Bloch's (1801) work (published posthumously by Schneider)hasnotbeenascertained,andpublicationmustthereforebedeemedtobe 31 December 1801 (Article21c(ii)oftheCode). Itisverydesirablethattheunused name Cenlronotus Lacepede be suppressed toallowcontinued usageofNaucrates, andthiswenowpropose. 6. Cuvier (1814, p. 87; 1815, p. 324) noted that Linnaeus (1758) had included razorfishes withdolphins in Coryphaena(see para. 1 above) and erected thegenus XyrichtysCuvier, 1814for the razorfishes. Cuvier(1814, p. 87) noted the nameas 'XYRICHTEXyrichlys': thiswascorrectedto Xyrichtysin Cuvier(1815,p. 329). The namehasbeenspelt Xyrichthysbyanumberofsubsequent authors. Cuvier(1814) includedin Xyrichtysthespecies Coryphaenanovaculaand C.pentadactyla,bothof Linnaeus (1758), and the American parrotfish C. coendea Bloch, 1786 (p. 148, pi. 176), the last ofwhich was mistakenly included by Bloch (1787, p. 120, pi. 186) amongthedolphins.Jordan&Gilbert(1883,p. 605)designated X. novaculaasthe typespeciesofXyrichtys.AspecimenintheLinnaeanfishcollectioninLondonhas beenascribedtothisspecies(seeWheeler, 1985,p. 65). 7. Hemipteronotus Lacepede, 1801 was treated by some authors as the valid name for the razorfishes, based on the restriction by early authors ofthe name pentadactyla to this group (para. 2 above). However, Bauchot & Quignard (1973, p. 442) renewed attention to the identity of the Nieuhof drawing in Willughby (1686) and Bonnaterre (1788) as Naucrates ductor. The meaning of H. quin- quemaculatus, the type species of Hemipteronotus, is composite and confused, relating by description to the pilotfish (now A^. ductor) and by reference both to the latter and to the razorfish (C. pentadactyla) (see paras. 3 and 4 above). Bauchot & Quignard (1973) adopted XyrichtysCuvier, 1814 as the next available namefortherazorfish, and thishasbeen followed since. Eschmeyer(1990,p. 179) recorded Hemipteronotus as a synonym ofXyrichtys. It is also a senior subjective synonymofNcnicratesRafinesque, 1810. 8. Bothnames NaucratesRafinesqueandXyrichtysCuvierareusedconsistently forthemonotypiccarangidpilotfishA^. ductor(Linnaeus)andforthe20speciesof labrid razorfishes respectively. Recent works in which the names have appeared include Smith-Vaniz(1984, 1986; Naucrates);Gomon (1984) andQuignard&Pras (1986){Xyrichtys);Dor(1984),Smith&Heemstra(1986),Masuda,Amaoka,Araga, Uyeno & Yoshino (1988) and Randall, Allen & Steene (1990) (both names). A representativelistofafurtherfivepublicationssince1980demonstratingusageofthe names is held by the Commission Secretariat. Fernholm & Wheeler(1983, p. 243) believed threespecimensin the LinnaeancollectioninStockholmtobepartofthe typeseriesofN. ductor. 9. The International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature is accordingly asked: (1) touseitsplenarypowerstosuppressthefollowinggenericnames: (a)HemipteronotusLacepede,1801forthepurposesofthePrincipleofPriority butnotforthoseofthePrincipleofHomonymy; 280 BulletinofZoologicalNomenclature50(4)December1993 (b)CentronotusLacepede, 1801,andailusesofthenameCentronoluspriorto thepublicationofCentronotusBloch&Schneider, 1801,forthepurposes ofboththePrincipleofPriorityandthePrincipleofHomonymy; (2) toplaceontheOfficialListofGenericNamesinZoologythefollowingnames: (a)Naucrates Rafinesque, 1810 (gender: masculine), type species by sub- sequent designation by Jordan & Gilbert (1883) Gasterosteus ductor Linnaeus, 1758; (b)Xyrichtys Cuvier, 1814 (gender: masculine), type species by subsequent designation by Jordan & Gilbert (1883) Coryphaena novacula Linnaeus, 1758; (3) toplaceontheOfficialListofSpecificNamesinZoologythefollowingnames: (a)ductor Linnaeus, 1758, as published in the binomen Gasterosteus ductor (specificnameofthetypespeciesofNaucratesRafinesque, 1810); (b)novaculaLinnaeus,1758,aspublishedinthebinomenCoryphaenanovacula (specificnameofthetypespeciesofXyrichtysCuvier, 1814); (4) to place on the Official Index of Rejected and Invalid Generic Names in Zoologythefollowingnames: (a)HemipteronotusLacepede, 1801,assuppressedin(l)(a)above; (b)CentronotusLacepede, 1801,assuppressedin(l)(b)above. References Bauchot,M.L.&Quignard,J.P. 1973.Labridae.Pp.426-^3inHureau,J.-C.&Monod,T. (Eds.), Check-lisI ofthefishes ofthe north-eastern Atlantic andofthe Mediterranean (CLOFNAM),vol. 1.xxii,683pp. UNESCO,Paris. Bleeker,P.1862.ConspectusgenerumLabroideorumanalyticus.ProceedingsoftheZoological SocietyofLondon,1861(3):408-418.(Alsopublishedin1862in VerslagenenMededeelin- genderKoninklijkeAkademievan WelenschappenAmsterdam,13:94-109). Bloch,M.E. 1786.NalurgeschichtederausldndischenFische,part2. 160pp.Author,Berlin. Bloch,M.E. 1787.Ichtyologie.ouHistoirenaturelle,generaleetparticulieredespoissons.Avec desfiguresenluminees,dessineesd'apresnature,part5. 130,[2]pp.,pis. 146-180.Garde, Berlin. Bloch, M.E. & Schneider, J.G. 1801. M.E. Blochii ... Systema Ichthyologiae iconibus ex illustralum. Postohitumauctorisopusinchoatumabsolvit. correxit, interpolavitJ. Gottlob Schneider....vol. 1.Ix,584pp. Berlin. Bonnaterre, J.P. 1788. Tableau encyclopediqueetmethodiquedes trois regnes de lanature. Ichthvologie.Ivi,215pp., 100pis.Panckoucke,Paris. Cuvier,G.1814.ObservationsetrecherchescritiquessurdifferenspoissonsdelaMediterranee et,aleuroccasion,surdespoissonsdesautresmersplusoumoinsliesaveceux.Bulletin desSciences,parlaSocielePhilomatiquedeParis.1814: 80-92. Cuvier, G. 1815. Suitedes observationset recherchescritiques surdifferenspoissonsdela Mediterranee,etaleuroccasionsurdespoissonsd'autresmers,plusoumoinsliesavec eux. MemoiresduMuseumd'HistoireNaturelle,1:312-330. Cuvier,G.&Valenciennes,A.1840.Histoirenaturelledespoissons,vol.14.xxii,[2],464,[4]pp., pis. 389^20. Pitois-Levrault,Paris. Dor,M. 1984.ChecklistofthefishesoftheRedSea.xxii,437pp.IsraelAcademyofSciences andHumanities,Jerusalem. Eschmeyer,W.N. 1990.CatalogofthegeneraofRecentfishes,v,697pp.CaliforniaAcademy ofSciences,SanFrancisco. Fernholm,B.&Wheeler,A.1983.LinnaeanfishspecimensintheSwedishMuseumofNatural History,Stockholm.ZoologicalJournaloftheLinneanSociety,78(3): 199-286. Gmelin,J.F.[1789]. CaroUaLinneSystemaNaturae, Ed. 13,vol. I,part3(Amphibiaand Pisces).Pp. 1033-1516.Lipsiae. BulletinofZoologicalNomenclature50(4)December1993 281 Gomon,M. 1984. Labridae. InFischer,W.& Bianchi,G.(Eds),FAOspeciesidentification sheetsforfisherypurposes. WesternIndianOcean(FishingArea51),vol.5.FAO,Rome. Jordan, D.S. 1917. Thegeneraoffishes, from LinnaeustoCuvier, 1758-1833, seventy-five years, with the accepted type of each. A contribution to the stability of scientific nomenclature.LeiandStanfordJunior UniversityPublications,11: 1-161. Jordan,D.S.&Gilbert,C.H. 1883. SynopsisofthefishesofNorthAmerica. Bulletinofthe UnitedStatesNationalMuseum,16: 1-1018. Lacepede,B.G.E. 1801.Histoirenalurelledespoissons,vol.3.Ixvi,558pp.Plassan,Paris. Linnaeus,C. 1758.SyslemaNaturae.Ed. 10,vol. 1.824pp.Salvii,Holmiae. Masuda, H., Amaoka, K., Araga, C, Uyeno, T. & Yoshino, T. (Eds.). 1988. Fishes ofthe JapaneseArchipelago,Ed.2.xxii,456pp.,379pis.TokaiUniversityPress,Tokyo. Quignard,J.-P.&Pras,A.1986.Labridae.Pp.919-942inWhitehead,P.J.P.,Bauchot,M.-L., Hureau,J.-C,Nielsen,J.&Tortenese,E.(Eds.),FishesoftheNorth-easternAtlanticand theMediterranean,vol.2.Pp. 517-1007.Unesco,Paris. Rafinesque(asRafinesqueSchmaltz),C.S.1810.Caratteridialcuninuovigenerienuovespecie dianimaliepiantedellaSicilia.convarieosservazionisopraimedisimi.iv, 105pp.,20pis. Sanfilippo,Palermo. Randall,J.E.,Allen,G.R.&Steene,R.C.1990.FishesoftheGreatBarrierReefandCoralSea. XX,506pp.,7pis., 1314figs.CrawfordHousePress,Bathurst,N.S.W. Roux,C. 1973. Lesdatespour'L'HistoireNaturelledesPoissons'de Lacepede. Bulletinde LiaisondesMuseesd'HistoireNaturelle,14:33-36. Smith,M.M.&Heemstra,P.C.(Eds.). 1986.Smiths'seafishes,xx,1047pp.,144pis.,textfigs. MacmillanSouthAfrica,Johannesburg. Smith-Vaniz, W.F. 1984. Carangidae. In Fischer, W. & Bianchi, G. (Eds), FAO species identificationsheetsforfisherypurposes. WesternIndianOcean(FishingArea51),vol.2. FAO,Rome. Smith-Vaniz, W.F. 1986. Carangidae. Pp. 815-844 in Whitehead, P.J.P., Bauchot, M.-L., Hureau,J.-CNielsen,J.&Tortenese,E.(Eds.),FishesoftheNorth-easternAtlanticand theMediterranean,vol.2.Pp.517-1007.Unesco,Paris. Wheeler,A.1985.TheLinnaeanfishcollectionintheLinneanSocietyofLondon.Zoological JournaloftheLinneanSociety,84(1): 1-76. Willughby, F. 1686. De historiapiscium lihriquatuor,jussu el sumptibus Societatis Regiae Londiniensisediti.(J. Rajus,Ed.). 343pp.Appendix30pp.,pis.A-X, 10appendixpis. Oxonii.

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