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Case 1707. Diabrotica undecimpunctata Mannerheim 1843 Insecta Coleoptera Proposed Conservation Of The Specific Name And Of The Subspecific Name Howardi Barber 1947 PDF

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Preview Case 1707. Diabrotica undecimpunctata Mannerheim 1843 Insecta Coleoptera Proposed Conservation Of The Specific Name And Of The Subspecific Name Howardi Barber 1947

. BulletinofZoologicalNomenclature48(3)September1991 219 Case 1707 Diabroticaundecimpunctata Mannerheim, 1843(Insecta, Coleoptera): proposedconservationofthespecific name, andofthesubspecific name howardiBarber, 1947 P.K. Tubbs ExecutiveSecretary, InternationalCommissiononZoologicalNomenclature, c/o TheNaturalHistoryMuseum, CromwellRoad, LondonSW75BD, U.K. Abstract. ThepurposeofthisappHcationistheconservationofthespecificnameofthe North American leafbeetle Diabroticaundecimpunctata Mannerheim, 1843, which is an important agricultural pest. The unused name Crioceris sexpunctata Fabricius, 1792 is a senior subjective synonym of the subspecies howardi Barber, 1947 of D.undecimpunctata,andtheproposedsuppressionoisexpunctataFabriciusconserves bothundecimpunctataMannerheimandhowardiBarber. 1 The North American chrysomelid beetle known as Diabrotica undecimpunctata Mannerheim, 1843 is an abundant and important pest species. It attacks a very wide variety(atleastsevenbotanicalfamilies)ofcrops,includingcorn,fruitandvegetables, and affects them by transmitting diseases as well as by foliage and root feeding. The nameisinconstantusebyplantbreedersandpathologists,agronomists,entomologists andothers.Therearenumerousreferencestoiteveryyear. 2. In an application to the Commission published in 1965 (BZN 22: 246) Prof Ray F. Smith {University ofCalifornia, BerJicley) proposed that the specific name undecimpunctata should be conserved, although it has a senior subjective synonym. ProfSmith'sapplication, incommonwithmanyothers,washeldinabeyanceafterits publication because the automatic rejection of nomina oblita (senior synonyms unused for 50 years, with ajunior synonym in general use; Article 23b ofthe 1964 Code)wasunderreview.TherelevantCodeprovisionwasrepealedasfrom 1 January 1973, but due to pressures the case was never completed (although in 1984 the then Commission Secretary, Mr R.V. Melville, wrote to ProfSmith, who confirmed that undecimpunctata should indeed be conserved). The case is now resubmitted in an expandedform. 3. The earliest name probably applying to the species (see Barber, 1947, p. 151) is Cfirysomela duodecimpunctata Fabricius, 1775 (p. 103), but this is unavailable as a misidentificationorjuniorprimaryhomonymofCduodecimpunctataLinnaeus, 1758 (p. 376). Later Fabricius (1792, p. 4) published the name Criocerissexpunctata for a chrysomelid,citing'Cap. Bon. Spei'[CapeofGoodHope]asthehabitatofthespecies and 'Mus. Dom. Banks' asthesourceofthetypematerial. In theoriginal application Prof Smith reported that the Banks collection in the Natural History Museum (London) contained a specimen, labelled •6punctata Forster' and 'type', which is probablythetypeo^sexpunctataFabricius(seealsoSmith& Lawrence, 1967,p. 122). It was presumably collected by J.R. Forster in North America, Fabricius being in 1 220 BulletinofZoologicalNomenclature48(3)September199 error about the origin, since it is a specimen ofDiabrotica undecimpunctata howardi (see para. 7). The name sexpunctata has not been used since Hope (1840, p. 102), presumablybecauseFabriciushadattributedthespeciestoawrongcontinent. 4. Mannerheim (1843, p. 309) described Diabrotica duodecimpunctata (Fabricius, 1775) 'var. b' from California and cited a manuscript name "Galleruca U-punctata Eschscholtz in litteris' in synonymy; he mentioned that 'var. b' might be a distinct species.Asstatedinpara.3,thenameduodecimpunctatacannotbeusedforthespecies, but under Article lie ofthe Code undecimpunctata is available (with Mannerheim, 1843 as author) because before 1961 it had been adopted as valid by Michelbacher, MacLeod & Smith, 1941, p. 709 (see also Barber, 1947, p. 153). Mannerheim (1843) placed the species in Diabrotica Dejean, [1835] (p. 380); previously Dejean ([1835], p. 381)hadmentioned thenomennudum 'Var. UndecimpunctataEsch.' from CaliforniaunderD.duodecimpunctata(Fabricius). 5. A different taxonomic species (from Peru) was described with the name D. undecimpunctata by Jacoby (1879, p. 524). Barber (1947, p. 153) published the replacementnameD.maulikiforthisspecies. 6. Klug ([1833], p. 212) described a beetle from Madagascar as Galleruca undecimpunctata. The name "Galleruca' is an incorrect spelling (introduced by Fabricius, 1792,p. 12)ofGaleruca,firstpublishedbyGeoffroy(1762,p.251).Asnoted in para. 4, undecimpunctata Mannerheim, 1843 was published in association with DiabroticaDejean,[1835]andthereisthereforenoreasontorejectitasajuniorprimary homonymofGalerucaundecimpunctataKlug. 7. BeforetheintroductionbyMichelbacher, MacLeod&Smith(1941)ofthename undecimpunctata Mannerheim the species had been known as Diabrotica soror Le Conte, 1865(p.212),althoughthereisanearliersynonymthanthis,namelyD. tenella Le Conte, 1858 (p. 88). Barber (1947, p. 153) divided D. undecimpunctata into four subspecies: the nominotypical one, from the western United States, corresponds to sororLeConte,theholotypeofCriocerissexpunctataFabricius, 1792(seepara. 3)isa specimenofthesubspecieshowardiBarber, 1947(p. 153)fromthesouthernandeastern U.S.,and tenellaandduodecimnotataHarold, 1875weredescribedfromArizonaand Mexicorespectively. 8. Smith & Lawrence (1967, p. 136) designated a specimen in the Zoologiska Museet, Helsinki, labelled 'Calif, bor. Coll. Mannerh.', asthelectotypeofDiabrotica duodecimpunctata var. b Mannerheim, that is of D. undecimpunctata Mannerheim, 1843. 9. The conservation of the name undecimpunctata Mannerheim, 1843 is highly desirable, since it has for 50 years been in exclusive use for the pest species in a very extensiveliteratureandtheseniorsubjectivesynonymsexpunctataFabricius, 1792has notbeen used for 150years. Smith's 1965 rejection(BZN22: 246)ofsexpunctataasa nomenoblitumwassupportedbysixworkers(pp. 246,247)andstillstands;however, Article79c(iii)ofthepresentCodeprescribesthatsuchcasesshouldbereferredtothe Commissionandtheopportunityhasbeentakentoaddfurtherinformation. 10. The International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature is accordingly asked: (1) to use its plenary powers to suppress the specific name sexpunctata Fabricius, 1792,aspublishedinthebinomenCriocerissexpunctata,forthepurposesofthe PrincipleofPrioritybutnotforthoseofthePrincipleofHomonymy; 4 BulletinofZoologicalNomenclature48(3)September1991 221 (2) toplacethefollowingnamesontheOfficial ListofSpecificNamesinZoology (a) undecimpunctata Mannerheim, 1843, as published in association with the genericnameDiahroticaDejean,[1835]; {h)howardi Barber, 1947, as published in the trinomen Diahrotica undecim- punctatahowardi; (3) tthoeplnaacmeeonset.hxepOufnfcitcaitaalIFnabdreixcoiufsR,ej1e7c9t2e,daasndpuIbnlviaslhieddSpiencitfhiecbNianmoemseninCZroioocleorgiys sexpunctataandassuppressedin(1)above. References FabriHciaufsn'i\aec 1?Qo'J^"'"f^^^^'^"o7lo'g"i«a's"y«s/t«e^m'a«t^i-ca'e^xmxeun,d8a3t2apept.aKuoctrat.i.i.,,Fvloel.nsIb,upragrite2t.L5i3p8sipape..Proft, ^'"'x^xvxiZuf,'iii^Jp1p7.62_D^u/r/a/.n/d«,/rP.aan^s..^^^edesinsectesquisetrouventauxenvironsde Paris, vol. 1. '"."^•^^rrt';e^m:u?H'^Ji''h-^c,^^iS.^•^'^"'Z""^S^'"^'''"^.'"P'^^'^¥F'a^?b'nj.c.^i"u^s^)"."^1l9^1vpopl..-B3"ri-(dF^ga^emiw^lait'ees^r,,^gL^e-onne^rdao^,n-an-d -speCc.heasncofhabmeeatyloes, ^'"^ddefr; ^Onrld^n^'un^g^'Cro^lleo"p't'e"ra^.'"P^/,ayusfilM<aaldisacghaescAbahranvedrlaunnsgtaeintedteerSaKomnmilgulincghevnonAkIandseecmtieen aduesl s^rtetf833r ''''• ""'''• ^'""' " ''' ""'^ '" '''' '"^ PubiishT^as a ^'^SotfA"t,,h?e;Af/c;^ahdMMee^mx^yi-oc^foN"Bafotuu"r?n!ad,la'Sr«"cyi°eCjno;cm"ems^i^osf^sPiP^oh^in'l,^asdueonlfdpeChroialM,eao1pj8to5er8r-aW,5.9Hc-h.8ie9Eflmyercyol,leUc.tSe.dAb.yPrthooecceeUeendaiiitnneggdss Le Conte, JL. 1865. On the species ofGalerucaand allied genera inhabiting NorthAmerica ProceedingsoftheAcademyofNaturalSciencesofPhiladelphia, 1865-204-222 Linnaeus,C. 1758.SystemaNaturae,Ed. 10,vol. 1.824pp.Salvii,Holmiae MMilc.hhe.Nliebla^c^?h^er;fAf•^^E-'.^,"1iM^'a4.3c„L»fef'oi^td'',"-aG'g.^^F^.^"^r&^K"Sa"m"ei'ft'e^hr,-IfmRap.euFrn.iaa1ld9ee41rd.eAsAleNupatrtiuerslacilhmieisnntaeIrsnysdreeelpMnoo,rdstecroounI,ncsoe1nl6:tSr1io7tlk5oa-f3ut1nhde we^stern^twelve-spottedcucumberbeetleinorchards.JournalofEconomicEntomology,M ^'"'^I'.-t^J^r^.^'T"'^"!.-^' '^^^-C'^"fi'^^t'°"«fthestatusofthetypespecimensofDiabroti- EntonwhgT4T{-m^^ Galerucinae). University ofCalifornia Publications in

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