Cascaded Brillouin lasing in monolithic barium fluoride whispering gallery mode resonators Guoping Lin,1,a) Souleymane Diallo,1 Khaldoun Saleh,1 Romain Martinenghi,1 Jean-Charles Beugnot,1 Thibaut Sylvestre,1 and Yanne K. Chembo1 Optics Department, FEMTO-ST Institute [CNRS UMR6174], 25030 Besanc¸on, France We reportthe observationofstimulatedBrillouinscatteringandlasingat1550nminbariumfluoride(BaF ) 2 crystal. Brillouin lasing was achieved with ultra-high quality (Q) factor monolithic whispering gallery mode (WGM) mm-size disk resonators. Overmoded resonators were specifically used to provide cavity resonances 5 for both the pump and all Brillouin Stokes waves. Single and multiple Brillouin Stokes radiations with 1 frequency shift ranging from 8.2 GHz up to 49 GHz have been generated through cascaded Brillouin lasing. 0 BaF resonator-basedBrillouinlasingcanfindpotentialapplicationsforhigh-coherencelasersandmicrowave 2 2 photonics. n a J Stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) is a nonlinear In this Letter, we experimentally demonstrate Bril- 0 optical process resulting from the coherent interaction louinlasingat1550nminultra-highQfactorWGMmil- 1 of light and acoustic waves. It is usually related to the limeter disk resonators based on barium fluoride (BaF ) 2 effect of electrostriction and gives rise to inelastic light crystal23. We show in particular that Brillouin lasing ] backscattering with a Doppler downshift related to the occurs although the Brillouin frequency shift does not s c acoustic phonon frequency. Over the past years, SBS match the fundamental free-spectral range (FSR) of the i t has been extensively studied in numerous optical waveg- cavity. The doubly resonantcondition for the pump and p uidessuchasopticalfibers1–3,photonicscrystalfibers4,5, the Brillouin Stokes waves is in fact fulfilled by using a o and on-chip photonic integratedcircuits6–8. A variety of groupofdifferenttransverseWGMs. Milliwattthreshold . s nonlinear materials including silica, chalcogenide or sil- powerandnarrow-linewidthsingleandmultipleBrillouin c icon have been investigated. Enhanced SBS has been laser lines through cascaded Brillouin scattering are re- i s recently predicted and demonstrated in nanoscale sili- y con photonic waveguides9,10, where the radiation pres- h p surecombineswithelectrostrictiontogreatlyimprovethe (a) Overmoded WGMs [ Brillouin gain, thus bridging the gap between SBS and FSR Acoustic optomechanics. EnhancedandcascadedSBScanalsobe (cid:2)/2(cid:3) 1 v easily achieved in nonlinear optical cavities, leading to Brillouin 7 narrow-linewidth and efficient SBS lasing11,12. gain Stokes Stokes 2 Among optical resonators, whispering gallery mode 1st 2nd 3 (WGM)resonatorshaveanumberofqualitiesthatmake (cid:1)s (cid:1)p Pump 2 them veryattractive for investigatingSBS. Their advan- Stokes Pump 0 tages include a strong light confinement due to small (b) . 1 mode volumes and ultra-high Q factors13. Moreover, SF11 0 crystallineWGMresonatorsareveryinterestingbecause Tunable cw laser PC OC L1 Prism L2 VOA 5 oftheir broadtransparencywindowrangingfromthe ul- 1 f2w OSA 1 traviolettothe mid-infraredregion14–16. Thesephotonic 3 v: platformsthus appearasalternativeandpromisingsolu- bw BDaisFk2 PD1 i tions for nonlinear applications, and thus opens an ap- OSA X Oscilloscope proach to harness and enhance the interaction between r a photons and acoustic phonons. For instance, Brillouin PD2 lasing with microwattthresholdpower has recently been observedinultra-highQ-factorCaF WGMresonators17. 2 FIG. 1. (a) Left: Scheme of a Brillouin WGM resonator A narrow-linewidth Brillouin microcavity laser and an in a doubly resonant configuration. The dotted line desig- ultra-low-phase-noise microwave synthetizer have also nates Brillouin gain band. The solid Lorentzian lines and been demonstrated using chemically etched ultrahigh-Q vertical lines show cavity resonances and laser lines, respec- silica-on-silicon wedge resonators18,19. Brillouin scatter- tively;Right: Principle of a Brillouin laser based on a WGM ingfromsurfaceacousticwaveshasalsobeenreportedin resonator with theincoming pump(gold), thefirst backward MgF WGM resonators and in silica microspheres20–22. (red)andsecondforward(darkred)Stokeslines. (b)Scheme 2 of the experimental setup. PC: fiber polarization controller; OC: optical fiber circulator; L1, L2: GRIN lenses; VOA: variable optical attenuator; OSA: optical spectrum analyzer; PD1, PD2: InGaAs photodetectors; Fw: forward; Bw: back- a)Electronicmail: [email protected] ward. 2 ported. cavity through a piezoelectric transducer. A SF11 prism wasthenusedtocouplelightintoandoutfromtheWGM The ultra-high Q WGM BaF resonators have been 2 BaF resonator. A gradient-index (GRIN) lens L1 fo- fabricatedfromcommerciallyavailablediskswithdiame- 2 cuses the free space laser beam from the fiber port into tersof12mmandthicknessesof1mmusingthemechan- ical polishing method.24 The polished disks then have the prism for evanescent wave coupling to WGMs. The other lens (L2) collects the reflected light signal back slightly smaller diameters than the original ones. With into a single-mode fiber for detection by a photodiode suchdimensions,itisobviousthattheradiationpressure (PD1). The coupling gap between the prism and the induced by light on the boundaries can be neglected. To resonator can be precisely controlled through a piezo- achieve lasing effects using SBS gain, doubly resonant actuator. A fiber optical circulator was also inserted be- configurations are usually exploited, as shown schemati- foretheprismforextractingthefeedbacksignalfromthe cally in Fig. 1(a). It is therefore needed that cavity res- BrillouinStokessignalintothesecondphotodiode(PD2). onances exist in both pump and Brillouin gain regimes. The output spectra of Brillouin Stokes lines in both for- However,thisusuallyrequiresanultimatecontrolonres- onator geometries in the single WGM regime17,18. The wardandbackwarddirectionwererecordedandanalyzed using a high-resolution optical spectrum analyzer (OSA, Brillouin WGM resonators studied here overcome this APEX 2440B, resolution down to 5 MHz). strict condition by using a group of transverse WGMs with different frequency offset from the fundamental Figure 2(a) shows a typical prism-resonator transmis- FSR, as we will see thereafter. The right scheme in sion spectrum measured by tuning the laser frequency Fig. 1(a) depicts typical cascaded Brillouin scattering in overmorethanoneFSR.Asitcanbeseen,thespectrum a WGM disk resonator whereby a series of Stokes waves shows a typical multi-peak resonance structure of an of decreasing frequencies are generated through the ex- overmodedWGM resonator,meaning that many higher- citation of a circling bulk longitudinal acoustic wave. ordertransverseWGMsareresonatinginthecavity. Un- The associated density variation leads to small periodic like fiber ring cavities, WGMs are usually characterized changes of the effective refractive index along the opti- with multimode behaviorsbecause of the richtransverse calresonator. Whenpassingthroughthis movingrefrac- mode properties in both radial and polar directions28. tive index grating, light undergoes Bragg scattering in Inanultra-highQresonator,thesehighordertransverse the backwarddirection according to the phase-matching modes can possess similar Q factors as the fundamental condition, as in fibre-based Brillouin scattering1. The ones and be observed within one FSR. From Fig. 2(a), backscattered Brillouin signal undergoes a slight shift of we measured an FSR of 5.47 GHz, in very good agree- its carrier frequency that can be expressed as25: ν = mentwiththetheoreticalvalueof5.49GHzderivedfrom B Ω /2π=2n V /λ , withn being the effective refrac- a diameter of d=11.87 mm using the standard formula B eff a p eff tive index of the WG optical mode, λ the optical wave- p length in vacuum, and V the acoustic phase velocity. a Thelattercanbereadilycalculatedfromthelongitudinal (a) 1 soundspeedinBaF2asVa =[(C11+C12+2C44)/(2ρ)]1/2, n0.8 u.) sBw4t.aha8Fen3rt2esg.aCcarmn1e1d−,{3ρC,0.1r9i2es1,s9ptC9he,4ec40tim.va4er1ale5tye72tr,6hi.a0rel.2Ted5hie6nin8sds}eigtp×iyve.en1sd0Tea1nh1ntesaNeecl.oamvusat−slituc2ieccsaovnniend-- Transmissio00..64 υB - FSR eedback (a. locity of V = 4.38 km.s−1. If we take into account the 0.2 FSR F a material refractive index of 1.466 at 1550 nm, we find a 0 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 Brillouin frequency shift ν = 8.27 GHz. Another key B Offset frequency (GHz) parameteristheBrillouingainbandwidth∆ν ,whichis (b) oimnlpylieasfaewstrtiecntspohfaMse-Hmza27t.chTinhgisconnadrritoiwongfaoirnWBbaGnMdwBidrtilh- Bm)-20 2nSdtokePsump Stokes1stRepfulemctped lionuciidnelawsietrhsi,natshietrSeBqSuigreasinarsehgaimrpe,caavsistyhorwesnoninanFcieg.to1(cao)-. er (d-40 1st 2nd w-60 As aresult,Brillouinlaserswereinitiallystudied infiber Po υB Forward υB Backward ring resonators which can feature the FSR smaller than -80 the SBS gain bandwidth to fulfill this condition. Nev- -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30-30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 Offset frequency (GHz) Offset frequency (GHz) ertheless, it is known that WGM disk resonators exhibit rich mode structures within one FSR (overmoded res- FIG.2. Experimentalresults: (a)Typicaltransmissionspec- onators)20,21. trum of an overmoded WGM BaF resonator with feed- 2 Figure 1(b) shows the experimental setup used to ob- back Stokes Brillouin signal (red). FSR is 5.47 GHz and serve cascaded Brillouin lasing. As a pump laser, we νB−FSR=2.80GHz. (b)TypicalBrillouinspectrarecorded used a tunable continuous-wave (cw) fiber laser at 1550 using a high resolution optical spectrum analyzer in the for- nmwithsub-kHzintrinsiclinewidth. Thelaserfrequency ward (left) and backward (right) directions. The measured can be finely tuned by controlling the length of the fiber Brillouin frequency νB is 8.2 GHz. Resolution is 5 MHz. 3 FSR = c/(πn d), where c is the speed of light in vac- 40 1.5 uum. AlsoshoewffninFig.2(a)is thefeedbacksignalfrom mW) (a) Pc (b) the optical circulator simultaneously detected in PD2. mp (35 1.5mW) mW) 1 Pth2 CBrleilalorluyi,nthbiascksstcraotntgerfienegdbfraocmk stihgenaWl GisMthreessoignnaatoturrtehaotf nt pu30 1back ( back ( match with a cavity resonance. e d d0.5 Togetbetterinsight,Fig.2(b)showsboththeforward Incid25 0.5Fee Fee Pth1 and backward SBS spectra. The spectra were recorded 0 0 by using the high-resolution OSA with the pump laser 200.03 0.040.05 0.06 0.07 0 5 10 15 Times (s) Coupled pump power (mW frequency scanning across the optical resonance. In ad- ditiontothepumpfrequency,wecanseeinbothspectra FIG.3. (a)Experimentalmeasurementsshowingtheonsetof theclearemergenceoftwoBrillouinopticalsidebandson stimulatedBrillouinscatteringinredthroughpumplaserde- the Stokes side. The frequency spacing between them is tuningacrossathermallydistortedWGM.Thecorresponding νB = 8.2 GHz, in quite good agreement with our previ- pump frequency scanning range is 10.5 MHz. (b) Brillouin ous estimated SBS frequency of 8.27 GHz. The smaller Stokes power in the feedback direction as a function of the experimental value could be due to the fact that the coupled pump power. P : 7.1 mW; P : 10.6 mW; The th1 th2 effective refractive index of a WGM is slightly smaller slope efficiency between P and P reaches 35%. th1 th2 than the material itself. A further comparison of the two spectra of Fig. 2(b) reveals that the first Brillouin Stokes sideband at 8.27 GHz dominates in the back- we carried out experiments using a fast characterization ward spectrum whereas the second-order Brillouin line methodsimilartotheoneusedforsub-microwattthresh- at 16.5 GHz is mainly propagating in the forward direc- oldmicrolasers32. AWGMresonatorwithanintrinsicQ tion. The low residual Stokes lines that appear in the factor of 6×108 was pumped with the laser frequency opposite directions are due to weak Rayleigh scattering scanning across the resonance. The onset and the disap- intheresonator29,30 andpossiblereflectionsinthesetup. pearance of the feedback Brillouin signal was simultane- Figure 2(b) also reveals that the first Brillouin line does ously monitored, as shown in Fig. 3 (a). The distorted not match the FSR of the resonator,whereasthe second resonance on the pump mode results from the negative order is close to three times the FSR. thermo-optic coefficient of BaF 23. We then plotted in 2 Although the observed Brillouin frequency does not Fig. 3(b) the Stokes signal as a function of the coupled match the FSR of the resonator, we can see in Fig. 2(a) pump power (P ) to measure the laser threshold. The c the existence of WGMs with a frequency offset of first-order Brillouin laser threshold was measured from 2.72GHzfromtheopticalmodethathasthebestStokes a coupled pump power of P = 7.1 mW with a slope th1 signal. This frequency offset matches remarkably with efficiency of35%. We canalso see a clampingof the first theBrillouinfrequencyshiftasν −FSR,indicatingthat B StokeslaserpowerforapumppowerofP =10.6mW. th2 higher-order transverse WGMs help to fulfill the doubly resonant condition for SBS. The threshold power is also strongly dependent on the spatial mode overlapfactor Γ 0 between the interacting WG modes. If we assume that (a) 1st Reflected m) Stokes pump theopticalresonancefortheBrillouinStokeswavescoin- -20 B cpiodweewriPthththcaenmbaexiemxupmresgsaedinapso31s:ition,the SBSthreshold wer (d-40 o P-60 1 π2n2 V eff P = (1) th Γg λ λ Q Q -80 B p S p S -60 -40 -20 0 -20 -40 -60 Offset frequency (GHz) where g is the Brillouin gain of BaF crystal, λ are 0 thewaveBlengths,QP,S aretheQfactor2softhepumP,pSand Bm) -20 (b) Stokes 2nd Pump Stokes modes. For a resonator with its FSR close to the d Brillouinfrequency,theoverlapfactorΓcanbecloseto1, er ( -40 4th and µW thresholdbehaviors canbe achieved,as demon- ow 1st strated in CaF217. This condition however requires an P -60 6th ultimate control on resonator geometries17,18. Here we -80 -60 -40 -20 0 -20 -40 -60 use anovermodedWGMresonatorexhibitingrichtrans- Offset frequency (GHz) verse modes, thus providing different frequency offsets from the fundamental FSR. As a result, we have been FIG.4. ExperimentalBrillouinspectraobtainedintwodiffer- able to observe Brillouin lasing in three handly polished ent BaF resonators: (a) A spectrum of a single-line WGM 2 BaF2 resonatorswithdifferentgeometriesandQfactors, Brillouin laser in the backward direction. (b) A spectrum although the threshold power is consequently higher. showingcascadedBrillouinlasinguptothe6thorderrecorded TofurtherinvestigatetheBrillouinlaserperformances, in the forward direction. 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