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CAS, CERN Accelerator School : synchrotron radiation and free electron lasers : proceedings, President Hotel, Grenoble, France, 22-27 April 1996 PDF

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Preview CAS, CERN Accelerator School : synchrotron radiation and free electron lasers : proceedings, President Hotel, Grenoble, France, 22-27 April 1996

CERN–2005–012 12November2005 ORGANISATION EUROP(cid:131)ENNE POUR LA RECHERCHE NUCL(cid:131)AIRE CERN EUROPEAN ORGANIZATION FOR NUCLEAR RESEARCH CERN Accelerator School Synchrotron radiation and free-electron lasers Brunnen, Switzerland 2–9 July 2003 Proceedings Editor: D. Brandt GENEVA 2005 CERN–290copiesprinted–November2005 Abstract TheseproceedingspresentthelecturesgivenattheseventeenthspecializedcourseorganizedbytheCERN AcceleratorSchool(CAS),thetopicbeing‘SynchrotronRadiationandFree-ElectronLasers’. Similarcourses have already been given at Chester, UK, in 1989 and at Grenoble, France, in 1996, with the proceedings publishedasCERN90–03andCERN98–04,respectively. However, progressinthisfieldwassorapidthatit becameimperativetoproducearevisedversionofthecourse. Afterbasicrecapitulationofbeamdynamics,the physicsanddynamicsofelectronsisthenaddressed. Followingthisintroductorypart,amoreglobaloverview of the field is introduced, including insertion devices, beam current and brightness limits, dedicated lattices, current limitations, beam lifetime and quality, diagnostics and beam stability. Finally, lectures on linac free- electronlasersandenergyrecoverylinacsarepresented. Specialemphasisisgiventhroughouttoreviewingthe actualstateoftheartandhighlightingthelatestdevelopmentsinthefield. iii iv Foreword The aim of the CERN Accelerator School (CAS) to collect, preserve, and disseminate the knowledge ac- cumulated in the world’s accelerator laboratories applies not only to general accelerator physics, but also to relatedsub-systems,equipment,andtechnologies. Thiswideraimisachievedbymeansofspecializedcourses. For 2003, the topic of this course was Synchrotron Radiation and Free-Electron Lasers and it was held at the SeehotelWaldstaetterhof,Brunnen,Switzerland,from2–9July2003. ‘SynchrotronRadiationandFree-ElectronLasers’havealreadybeentreatedtwiceintheframeworkofCAS courses,namelyin1989(Chester,UK)and1996(Grenoble,France). However,withtheenormousprogressin the design of sources and in their range of applications, it was unanimously felt that there was an urgent need topresentanupdatedversionofthepreviouscourses. Thisisparticularlytruewhenconsideringthenumberof sourcesoperatedaroundtheworld,theintensityandthebrightnessachieved,thelatestdevelopmentsappliedto insertiondevicesand,lastbutnotleast,thelargenumberofprojectsdedicatedtotheuseoffree-electronlasers. This course was made possible by the active support of several laboratories and many individuals. In particular, the help and encouragement of the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) management and staff, especially theDirector,Prof. R.Eichler,andtheChairmanoftheLocalOrganizingCommittee,Dr. L.Rivkin,weremost invaluable. ThegenerousfinancialsupportprovidedbyPSIallowedCASandtheLocalOrganizingCommitteetooffer scholarshipstohighlydeservingyoungstudents,whowouldotherwisenothavebeenabletoattendtheschool. As always, the backing of the CERN management, the guidance of the CAS Advisory and Programme Committees, the attention to detail of the Local Organizing Committee and the management and staff of the SeehotelWaldstaetterhofensuredthattheschoolwasheldunderoptimumconditions. Veryspecialthanksmustgotothelecturersfortheenormoustaskofpreparing,presenting,andwritingup theirtopics. Finally, the enthusiasm of the participants who came from more than 20 different countries around the worldwasconvincingproofoftheusefulnessandsuccessofthecourse. This school in Brunnen was my first contribution to the CAS series. I really appreciated it and would like to thank most sincerely all the persons who helped me to make it a success, including the team of the CERN DesktopPublishingServicefortheirdedicationandcommitmenttotheproductionofthisdocument. DanielBrandt CERNAcceleratorSchool v 3 0 June 20 Wednesday 9 July Beam Diagnostics with S.R. A. Hofmann Seminar III Shining Light on Matter F. van der Veen Students Feedback and Closing Talk 2-9 July 2003) Tuesday 8 July Diagnostics II M. Minty Linac FELs II J. Rossbach COFFEE ERLs S. Werin LUNCH New Ideas for Future Sources T. Shintake Tutorial Instabilities A Small Emittance Sources/Guns T.Shintake Demo SR Simulator DINNER N E RS (BRUNNE Monday 7 July Diagnostics I M. Minty Lifetime and Beam Quality III C. Bocchetta Beam Instabilities II A. Hofmann Linac FELs I J. Rossbach Tutorial Lattices and Emittances TSeminar II Fun with Formulas W. Joho Guided Study Instabilities SPECIAL E S A ME TRON L Sunday 6 July E X C U R S I O N MC RALE PROGN AND FREE-E Saturday 5 July Beam Instabilities I A. Hofmann Lifetime and Beam Quality II C. Bocchetta COFFEE Insertion Devices II P. Elleaume LUNCH/POSTER Insertion Devices III P. Elleaume Tutorial Electron Dynamics Current and Brightness Limits V. Suller Guided Study Lattices and Emittances POSTERS DINNER ON RADIATIO Friday 4 July P S I 14:00 – 14:45 Orbit Feedback M. Boege 14:45 – 15:30 Vacuum Aspects L. Schulz A 16:00 – 16:45 Mechanical Aspects S. Zelenika Dinner on the way back to Brunnen SYNCHROTR Thursday 3 July Electron Dynamics II L. Rivkin Insertion Devices I P. Elleaume FEE Lifetime and Beam Quality I C. Bocchetta CH Lattices and Emittances II A. Streun Intro to Beam Instabilities A. Hofmann TESeminar I Experiments with Syn. Rad.: Basic Facts & Challenges for Acc. Science G. MargaritondoGuided Study Electron Dynamics DINNER Wednesday 2 July 08:30 – 09:00 Opening Talk 09:00 – 10:00 Introduction to Relativity E. Wilson COF10:30 – 11:30 Transverse Focusing E. Wilson LUNPhase Stability J. Le Duff Physics of S.R. L. Rivkin Electron Dynamics I L. Rivkin Lattices and Emittances I A. Streun Cocktail 19:30 DINNER Time 08 :30 09 :30 09:30 10:30 11:00 12:00 14:00 15:00 15:00 16:00 16:30 17:30 17:30 18:15 18:30 19:15 vi Contents Foreword D.Brandt ...................................................................................... v Specialrelativity E.J.N.Wilson ................................................................................... 1 Transversemotion E.J.N.Wilson .................................................................................. 17 Phasestability J.LeDuff ..................................................................................... 41 Latticesforlightsources A.Streun ...................................................................................... 55 Insertiondevices P.Elleaume ................................................................................... 83 Introductiontocurrentandbrightnesslimits V.P.Suller .................................................................................... 121 Beaminstabilities A.Hofmann .................................................................................. 139 Linac-basedfree-electronlaser J.Rossbach .................................................................................. 187 Energyrecoverylinacs S.Werin ..................................................................................... 227 Diagnostics M.Minty ..................................................................................... 239 Diagnosticswithsynchrotronradiation A.Hofmann .................................................................................. 295 Vacuumaspects L.Schulz ..................................................................................... 325 Mechanicalaspectsofthedesignofthird-generationsynchrotron-lightsources S.Zelenika ................................................................................... 337 ListofParticipants .............................................................................. 363 vii viii SPECIAL RELATIVITY E. J. N. Wilson CERN, Geneva Abstract Particles in the beams of modern accelerators travel close to the velocity of light. A working knowledge of the Einstein’s theory of special relativity is essential if one is to understand their behaviour. The essentials of Special Relativity are presented in this paper in the order in which they were discovered – from the questions raised by Maxwell’s theory and the Michelson Morley experiment to their final resolution in Einstein’s theory which is one of the cornerstones of modern physics. INTRODUCTION If you ask a random collection of first year students, “What do you know about relativity?” the answers might be: “All is relative?” “It all depends on your frame of reference.” “You will never measure an absolute velocity unless you look into space.” “Wasn’t it invented by the same guy that gave us the atom bomb?” Of course none of these answers are correct and if we turn to Einstein’s rather philosophical definition it does not give us a clue as to how to apply the principle. The laws of physics in two systems moving with a relative velocity one to another are equivalent. The speed of light is finite and independent of the motion of the source. The principle of relativity, coming after Maxwell’s equations and before quantum theory is one of the three great discoveries upon which modern physics is based. The best way to understand it is to follow the series of puzzles which confronted physics at the end of the eighteenth century and see how this principle pointed to their solution. OBSERVERS AND THEIR FRAMES OF REFERENCE Before plunging back into history we should have a clear idea of what is meant by a “frame of reference” and imagine the definition of the world as seen by two observers each using their own frame of reference. It helps to think of these observers as real people with eyes and ears and carrying clocks and rulers to measure and observe in their respective frames of reference. We shall call them, Joe, an observer in the “laboratory” frame of reference or coordinate system which to us appears to us stationary, and Moe, a moving observer rooted in a frame of reference whose relative velocity to Joe is a 1 E.J.N. WILSON vector,υ. In Figure 1 we have chosen the case where the motion is parallel to the xaxis of both coordinate systems. Of course Moe thinks his frame of reference is stationary and would see Joe as moving with velocity, −υ. If both Joe and Moe were to describe the position of the same point, P, in their frames of reference, Joe in the lab would write ′ ′ ′ down three numbers x,y,z while moving Moe would write down x ,y ,z . Fig 1:. Joe is an observer in the laboratory while Moe is traveling to the right with a velocity,u . They describe the same point P with different coordinates x,y,z and ′ ′ ′ x ,y ,z Fig 2:. The Michelson and Morley experiment 2

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