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CAS-CERN Accelerator School - Supercond and Cryogenics for Accelerators and Detectors PDF

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Preview CAS-CERN Accelerator School - Supercond and Cryogenics for Accelerators and Detectors

Foreword This course was conceived in 2000 at Erice, by Philippe Lebrun (head of the LHC division at CERN) and myself, during a workshop dedicated to accelerators at the energy frontier. Working on the challenge that the present accelerators, and hopefully the future ones too, are posing to the community of applied superconductivity, we felt that time was more than mature for a new CAS Course on Superconductivity for Accelerators (the first two were both hosted by DESY in Hamburg, in 1988 and 1995, respectively). This time, however, the scope was essentially wider: cryogenics has been treated as a discipline that constitutes an essential part of the superconducting installation, and the detector magnets community, that shares so many technologies with accelerator’s one, was also invited to participate. From these considerations stems the name of the course: Superconductivity and Cryogenics for Accelerators and Detectors. I am really gratefully to Ted Wilson, as Director of CAS, to have accepted the proposal and to all the 24 lecturers who came to the courses, who stayed there for many days or the full time. I would like especially to thank the speakers that have found the energy and the time to provide the write-up of their lecture! This volume will certainly constitute a reference for the next years and has been made possible by the work of the two editors: Stephan Russenschuck (CERN) and Giovanna Vandoni (CERN). In particular I would like to acknowledge the endless work of Stephan in the final phase of the proceedings edition, in providing the necessary liaison among authors and publisher. I have been delighted that this course, with its 115 attendants from all over the world, has been the most successful of his type and one of the most attended “specialist course” of the CERN Accelerator School. Many scientists found the time to gather in this splendid town, to spend 12 days living together, students and professors, and to constitute a real community dedicated to knowledge and human relations: one of main scopes of the Center of Erice. This Course has been realized thanks to the dedication and commitment of many people, among others the staff of the CERN Accelerator School and the staff of the Erice Center: To all of them, and especially to the tireless signorina Fiorella, responsible of the Erice Center, are due my thanks and the thanks of all participants. Finally, I would like to express our gratitude to Prof. A. Zichichi, for his hospitality in this wonderful Center for the Scientific Culture “Ettore Majorana” (that hosted the first Course organized by the just-starting CAS some 20 year ago!) and for having honored the Course with his presence and a lecture where he made us part of his vision of the challenges that HEP will face in the next decades. Prof. Lucio Rossi CERN and Physics Department of the University of Milan Director of the Course and Local Organizer Superconductivity PeterSchmu¨ser Institutfu¨rExperimentalphysikderUniversita¨t Hamburg Abstract Low-temperature superconductivity is treated at an introductory level. The topics include Meissner-Ochsenfeld effect and London equations, thermody- namic properties of the superconducting state, type I and II superconductors, flux quantisation, superconductors in microwave fields and superconducting quantuminterferenceeffects. Importantexperimentsarediscussed. Thebasic ideasoftheBCStheoryanditsimplicationsareoutlined. 1. INTRODUCTION In these lectures I want to give an introduction into the physicalprinciples of superconductivity and its fascinating properties. More detailed accounts can be found in the excellent text books by W. Buckel [1] and by D.R. Tilley and J. Tilley [2]. Superconductivity was discovered [3] in 1911 by the Dutch physicistH.KamerlinghOnnes,onlythreeyearsafterhehadsucceededinliquefyinghelium. Duringhis investigationsontheconductivity ofmetalsatlowtemperaturehefoundthattheresistanceofamercury sample dropped to an unmeasurably small value just at the boiling temperature of liquid helium. The originalmeasurementisshowninFig. 1. KamerlinghOnnescalledthistotallyunexpectedphenomenon ‘superconductivity’ andthisnamehasbeenretainedsince. Thetemperatureatwhichthetransitiontook placewascalledthecriticaltemperatureT . Superconductivityisobservedinalargevarietyofmaterials c but, remarkably, not in some of the best normal conductors like copper, silver and gold, except at very highpressures. ThisisillustratedinFig. 2wheretheresistivityofcopper,tinandthe‘high-temperature’ superconductor YBa Cu O is sketched as a function of temperature. Table 1 lists some important 2 3 7 superconductorstogetherwiththeircriticaltemperaturesatvanishingmagneticfield. Fig.1:ThediscoveryofsuperconductivitybyKamerlinghOnnes. Fig.2:Thelow-temperatureresistivityofcopper,tinandYBa2Cu3O7. Table1:Thecriticaltemperatureofsomecommonmaterialsatvanishingmagneticfield. material Ti Al Hg Sn Pb Nb NbTi Nb Sn 3 T [K] 0:4 1:14 4:15 3:72 7:9 9:2 9:2 18 c A conventional resistance measurement is far too insensitive to establish infinite conductivity, a much better method consists in inducing a current in a ring and determining the decay rate of the producedmagnetic field. A schematicexperimental setup is shown in Fig. 3. A bar magnet is inserted in the still normal-conducting ring and removed after cooldown below T . The induced current should c decayexponentially I(t) = I(0)exp( t=(cid:28)) (cid:0) with the time constant given by the ratio of inductivity and resistance, (cid:28) = L=R, which for a normal metalringisintheorderof100(cid:22)s. Insuperconductingrings,however,timeconstantsofupto105 years havebeenobserved[4]sotheresistancemustbeatleast15ordersofmagnitudebelowthatofcopperand isindeedindistinguishablefromzero. Animportantpracticalapplicationofthismethodistheoperation of solenoid coils for magnetic resonance imaging in the short-circuit mode which exhibit an extremely slowdecayofthefieldoftypically3 10(cid:0)9 perhour[5]. (cid:1) Fig.3:Inductionofapersistentcurrentinasuperconductingring. Thereisan intimaterelationbetweensuperconductivity andmagneticfields. W.MeissnerandR. Ochsenfeld[6]discoveredin1933thatasuperconductingelementlikeleadcompletelyexpelledaweak magnetic field from its interior when cooled below T while in strong fields superconductivity broke c down and the material went to the normal state. The spontaneous exclusion of magnetic fields upon crossing T could not be explained in terms of the Maxwell equations and indeed turned out to be a c non-classical phenomenon. Two years later, H. and F. London [7] proposed an equation which offered a phenomenological explanation of the Meissner-Ochsenfeld effect but the justification of the London equation remained obscure until the advent of the Bardeen, Cooper and Schrieffer theory [8] of super- conductivityin1957. TheBCStheoryrevolutionizedourunderstandingofthisfascinatingphenomenon. Itisbasedontheassumptionthatthesupercurrentisnotcarriedbysingleelectronsbutratherbypairsof electronsofoppositemomentaandspins,theso-calledCooperpairs. Allpairsoccupyasinglequantum state,theBCSgroundstate,whoseenergy isseparatedfromthesingle-electronstatesbyanenergy gap whichinturncanberelatedtothecriticaltemperature. TheBCStheoryhasturnedouttobeofenormous predictivepowerandmanyofitspredictionsandimplicationslikethetemperaturedependenceoftheen- ergy gap and its relation to the criticaltemperature, the quantisation of magnetic flux and the existence ofquantuminterferencephenomenahavebeenconfirmedbyexperimentand,inmanycases,evenfound practicalapplication. A discovery of enormous practical consequences was the finding that there exist two types of superconductorswithratherdifferent responseto magneticfields. The elementslead, mercury, tin,alu- minium and others are called ‘type I’ superconductors. They do not admit a magnetic field in the bulk materialandareinthesuperconductingstateprovidedtheappliedfieldisbelowacriticalfieldH which c isafunctionoftemperature. Allsuperconductingalloyslikelead-indium,niobium-titanium,niobium-tin and also the element niobium belong to the large class of ‘type II’ superconductors. They are charac- terizedbytwocriticalfields,H andH . Below H thesesubstancesarein theMeissnerphasewith c1 c2 c1 completefieldexpulsionwhilein therangeH < H < H a typeII superconductorentersthemixed c1 c2 phase in which magneticfield can penetratethebulk material in the form of flux tubes. The Ginzburg- Landau theory [9] provides a theoretical basis for the distinction between the two types. Around 1960 Gorkov [10] showed that the phenomenological Ginzburg-Landau theory is a limiting case of the BCS theory. Abrikosov [11] predicted that the flux tubes in a type II superconductor arrange themselves in a triangular pattern which was confirmed in a beautiful experiment by Essmann and Tra¨uble [12]. In 1962 Josephson [13] studied the quantum theoretical tunnel effect in a system of two superconductors separatedbyathininsulatinglayerandhepredictedpeculiarandfascinatingpropertiesofsuchaJoseph- sonjunction whichwereallconfirmedbyexperimentandopenedthe wayto superconductingquantum interferencedevices(SQUID’s)withextremesensitivitytotinymagneticfields. 2. MEISSNER-OCHSENFELDEFFECTANDLONDONEQUATION WeconsideracylinderwithperfectconductivityandraiseamagneticfieldfromzerotoafinitevalueH. A surface current is induced whose magnetic field, according to Lenz’s rule, is opposed to the applied field and cancels it in the interior. Since the resistance is zero the current will continue to flow with constantstrengthaslongastheexternalfieldiskept constantandconsequentlythebulk ofthecylinder will stay field-free. This is exactly what happens if we expose a lead cylinder in the superconducting state(T < T )toanincreasingfield,seethepath(a) (c)inFig. 4. SobelowT leadactsasaperfect c c ! diamagnetic material. There is, however, another path leading to the point (c). We start with a lead cylinderin the normalstate (T > T ) and expose it to a fieldwhich is increasedfrom zero to H. Eddy c currents are induced in this case as well but they decay rapidly and after a few hundred microseconds the field lines will fully penetrate the material (state (b) in Fig. 4). Now the cylinder is cooled down. At the very instant the temperature drops below T , a surface current is spontaneously created and the c magnetic field is expelled from the interior of the cylinder. This surprising observation is called the Meissner-Ochsenfeld effect afteritsdiscoverers; it cannotbe explained bythe law of inductionbecause themagneticfieldiskeptconstant. Fig.4:Aleadcylinderinamagneticfield. Twopossiblewaystoreachthesuperconductingfinal statewithH >0aresketched. Ideallythelengthofthecylindershouldbemuchlargerthanitsdiametertogetavanishingdemagnetisationfactor. In a (T;H) plane, the superconducting phase is separated from the normal phase by the curve H (T) as sketched in Fig. 5. Also indicatedare the two ways on which one can reachthe point (c). It c is instructive to compare this with the response of a ‘normal’ metal of perfect conductivity. The field increase along the path (a) (c) would yield the same result as for the superconductor, however the ! cooldown along the path (b) (c) would have no effect at all. So superconductivity means definitely ! morethanjustvanishingresistance. Fig.5:Thephasediagramina(T;H)plane. I have already used the terms ‘superconducting phase’ and ‘normal phase’ to characterize the two states of lead. These are indeed phases in the thermodynamical sense, comparable to the different phases of H O which is in the solid, liquid or gaseous state depending on the values of the parameters 2 temperature and pressure. Here the relevant parameters are temperature and magnetic field (for some materialsalsopressure). Ifthepoint(T;H)liesbelowthecurveH (T)thematerialissuperconducting c and expels the magnetic field, irrespective of by which path the point was reached. If (T;H) is above thecurvethematerialisnormal-conducting. ThefirstsuccessfulexplanationoftheMeissner-Ochsenfeldeffectwasachievedin1935byHeinz andFritzLondon. Theyassumedthatthesupercurrentiscarriedbyafractionoftheconductionelectrons inthemetal. The‘super-electrons’experiencenofriction,sotheirequationofmotioninanelectricfield is @~v m = eE~ : e @t (cid:0) Thisleadstoanacceleratedmotion. Thesupercurrentdensityis J~ = en ~v s s (cid:0) wheren isthedensityofthesuper-electrons. Thisimmediatelyyieldstheequation s @J~ n e2 s = s E~ : (1) @t m e NowoneusestheMaxwellequation @B~ ~ E~ = r(cid:2) (cid:0) @t andtakesthecurl(rotation)of(1)toobtain @ m e ~ J~ +B~ = 0: @t n e2r(cid:2) s (cid:18) s (cid:19) Since the time derivative vanishes the quantity in the brackets must be a constant. Up to this point the derivationisfullycompatiblewithclassicalelectromagnetism,appliedtothefrictionlessaccelerationof electrons. Anexamplemightbethemotionofelectronsinthevacuumofatelevisiontubeorinacircular accelerator. Theessentialnew assumptionH.andF.Londonmadeis thatthebracket isnotan arbitrary constantbutisidenticaltozero. ThenoneobtainstheimportantLondonequation n e2 ~ J~ = s B~ : (2) s r(cid:2) (cid:0) m e Itshouldbenotedthatthisassumptioncannotbejustifiedwithinclassicalphysics,evenworse,in generalitiswrong. Forinstancethecurrentdensityinanormalmetalwillvanishwhennoelectricfieldis applied,andwhetherastaticmagneticfieldpenetratesthemetalisofnoimportance. Inasuperconductor of type I, on the other hand, the situation is such that Eq. (2) applies. Combining the fourth Maxwell equation(fortime-independentfields) ~ B~ = (cid:22) J~ 0 s r(cid:2) andtheLondonequationandmakinguseoftherelation ~ (~ B~) = 2B~ r(cid:2) r(cid:2) (cid:0)r (thisisvalidsince ~ B~ = 0)wegetthefollowingequationforthemagneticfieldinasuperconductor r(cid:1) (cid:22) n e2 2B~ 0 s B~ = 0: (3) r (cid:0) m e Itisimportanttonotethatthisequationisnotvalidinanormalconductor. Inordertograspthesignifi- cance of Eq. (3) we consider a simplegeometry, namely the boundarybetween a superconductinghalf spaceandvacuum,seeFig. 6a. Then,foramagneticfieldparalleltothesurface,Eq. (3)becomes d2B 1 y B = 0 dx2 (cid:0) (cid:21)2 y L withthesolution B (x)= B exp( x=(cid:21) ) : y 0 L (cid:0) Herewehaveintroducedaveryimportantsuperconductorparameter, theLondonpenetrationdepth m e (cid:21) = : (4) L (cid:22) n e2 0 s r Sothemagneticfielddoesnotstopabruptlyatthesuperconductorsurfacebutpenetratesintothematerial with exponential attenuation. For typicalmaterial parameters the penetration depth is quite small, 20 – 50nm. Inthebulkofathicksuperconductortherecanbenomagneticfield,whichisjusttheMeissner- Ochsenfeldeffect. Hereitis appropriateto remarkthat intheBCStheorynotsingleelectronsbut pairs ofelectronsarethecarriersofthesupercurrent. Theirmassism = 2m ,theircharge 2e,theirdensity c e (cid:0) n = n =2. Obviously the penetration depth remains unchanged when going from single electrons to c s Cooperpairs. Wehave now convinced ourselves thatthesuperconductorcantolerateamagneticfield onlyin a thinsurfacelayer(thisisthecasefortypeIsuperconductors). Animmediateconsequenceisthatcurrent flow is restricted to the same thin layer. Currents in the interior are forbidden as they would generate magnetic fields in the bulk. The magnetic field and the current which are caused by an external field parallel to the axis of a lead cylinder are plotted in Fig. 6b. Another interesting situation occurs if we pass a current through a lead wire (Fig. 6c). It flows only in a very thin surface sheet of about 20 nm thickness,sotheoverallcurrentinthewireissmall. ThisisafirstindicationthattypeIsuperconductors arenotsuitableforwindingsuperconductingmagnetcoils. Fig.6:(a)Exponentialattenuationofamagneticfield inasuperconductinghalfplane.(b)Shieldingcurrentinasuperconduct- ingcylinderinducedbyafield paralleltotheaxis.(c)Acurrent-carryingwiremadefromatypeIsuperconductor. The penetrationdepth has a temperaturedependencewhich can be calculated in the BCStheory. When approaching the critical temperature, the density of the supercurrent carriers goes to zero, so (cid:21) L mustbecomeinfinite: (cid:21) for T T : L c !1 ! ThisisshowninFig. 7. Aninfinitepenetrationdepthmeansnoattenuationofamagneticfieldwhichis justwhatoneobservesinanormalconductor. Fig.7:TemperaturedependenceoftheLondonpenetrationdepth. 3. THERMODYNAMICPROPERTIESOFSUPERCONDUCTORS 3.1 Thesuperconductingphase AmateriallikeleadgoesfromthenormalintothesuperconductingstatewhenitiscooledbelowT and c whenthemagneticfieldislessthanH (T). Ithasbeenmentionedalreadythatthisisaphasetransition c (cid:14) comparableto thetransitionfromwaterto ice at 0 C andnormalpressure. Phase transitionstake place whenthenewstateisenergeticallyfavoured. TherelevantthermodynamicenergyisheretheGibbsfree energy(seeAppendixA) G = U T S (cid:22) M~ H~ (5) 0 (cid:0) (cid:0) (cid:1) where U is the internal energy, S the entropy and M the magnetisation of the superconductor (the magneticmoment per unit volume). A measurent of the free energy of aluminium is shown in Fig. 8a. BelowT thesuperconductingstatehasalowerfreeenergythanthenormalstateandthusthetransition c normal superconductingisassociatedwithagaininenergy. Theentropyofthesuperconductingstate ! islowerbecausethereisahigherdegreeoforderinthisstate. FromthepointofviewoftheBCStheory this is quiteunderstandablesince theconduction electronsare pairedand collectthemselves in a single quantum state. Numerically the entropy difference is small, though, about 1 milli-Joule per mole and Kelvin, from which one can deduce that only a small fraction of the valence electrons of aluminium is condensed into Cooper pairs. It should be noted, that also normal conduction is carried by just a small fractionofthevalenceelectrons,seesect. 4.1. Fig.8: (a)Freeenergy ofaluminium inthenormal and superconductingstateas afunctionofT (afterN.E.Phillips). The normalstatewasachievedbyexposingthesampletoafield largerthanHc whilethesuperconductingstatewasmeasuredat H =0.(b)SchematicsketchofthefreeenergiesGnormandGsupasafunctionoftheappliedfield B =(cid:22)0H. 3.2 Energybalanceinamagneticfield We have argued that a lead cylinder becomes superconductive for T < T because the free energy is c reducedthatway: G < G forT < T : sup norm c What happens if we apply a magnetic field? A normal-conducting metal cylinder is penetrated by the fieldsoitsfreeenergy doesnotchange: G (H) = G (0). Incontrasttothis,asuperconducting norm norm cylinderisstronglyaffectedbythefield. Itsetsupshieldingcurrentswhichgenerateamagneticmoment m~ antiparalleltotheappliedfield. Themagneticmomenthasapositivepotentialenergyinthemagnetic field E = (cid:22) m~ H~ = +(cid:22) m~ H~ : (6) pot 0 0 (cid:0) (cid:1) j jj j InthefollowingitisusefultointroducethemagnetisationM asthemagneticmomentperunitvolume. Themagnetisationofasuperconductorinsideacurrent-carryingcoilresemblesthatofanironcore. The ‘magnetising’fieldHisgeneratedbythecoilcurrentonlyandisunaffectedbythepresenceofamagnetic materialwhile themagneticflux density1 B is given bythe superpositionof H andthe superconductor magnetisationM: B~ = (cid:22) (H~ +M~ ) : (7) 0 InthefollowingIwillcallbothH andB magneticfields. ForatypeIsuperconductorwehave M~ (H~) = H~ andB~ = 0 (8) (cid:0) aslongasH < H . Thepotentialenergyperunitvolumeisobtainedbyintegration c E = (cid:22) HM~ (H~0) d~H0 = (cid:22) H H02dH0 = (cid:22)0H2 : (9) pot 0 0 (cid:0) (cid:1) 2 Z0 Z0 This corresponds to the increase in the Gibbs free energy that is caused by the magnetic field, see Fig. 8b. (cid:22) G (H) = G (0)+ 0H2 : (10) sup sup 2 HereandinthefollowingGdenotestheGibbsfreeenergyperunitvolume. Thecriticalfieldisachieved whenthefreeenergyinthesuperconductingstatejustequalsthefreeenergyinthenormalstate (cid:22) 0H2 = G G (0) : (11) 2 c norm (cid:0) sup Sincetheenergydensitystoredinamagneticfieldis((cid:22) =2)H2,analternativeinterpretationofEq. (11) 0 is the following: in order to go from the normal to the superconducting state the material has to push out the magnetic energy, and the largest amount it can push out is the difference between the two free energies at vanishing field. For H > H the normal phase has a lower energy, so superconductivity c breaksdown. 1ThereisoftenaconfusionwhethertheH ortheB field shouldbeused. Unfortunately, muchofthesuperconductivity literatureisbasedontheobsoleteCGSsystemofunitswherethedistinctionbetweenB andH isnotveryclearandthetwo fields havethesamedimensionalthoughtheirunitsweregivendifferentnames:GaussandOerstedt.

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