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Preview Carving of the Virgin of Candelaria from Tenerife

religions Article Linguistic Decipherment of the Lettering on the (Original) Carving of the Virgin of Candelaria from Tenerife (Canary Islands) VicenteJaraVera* ID andCarmenSánchezÁvila DepartmentofAppliedMathematicstoInformationTechnologyandCommunications,PolytechnicalUniversity ofMadrid,AvenidaComplutenseno.30,Madrid28040,Spain;[email protected] * Correspondence:[email protected];Tel.:+34-686-615-535 Received:12June2017;Accepted:25July2017;Published:30July2017 Abstract: The wooden carving of Our Lady of Candelaria, discovered in the municipality of the samenameontheislandofTenerife(CanaryIslands)duringthefirsthalfofthefifteenthcentury, hadnearlytwohundredlettersoftheLatinalphabetinscribedonhergarments. Unfortunatelythe originalcarvingdisappearedafterthestormthattookplacein1826. Oncetheoriginalletterson thefirstimagewerediscoveredbymeansofanalysingbothtextualandartisticdocumentationand sources,weconcludethatthetextisarchaic-Berberlanguageusedbytheislanders,Insular-Amazigh, whichnolongerexistsinthepresentday. Havingdiscussedlexical,morphological,syntacticand phoneticaspectsofthisarchaiclanguage,aswellasconductedasemanticanalysisofthecarving bothfromthenativeaboriginalperspectiveandtheChristianone,weexpoundhereourproposalof themeaningofthelettersengravedontheMariancarvingofCandelariafromitslexicalvoicesand rootsoftheirBerberandInsular-Amazighlanguages,withthepreviousproposedsolutions. Keywords: Insular-Amazigh;archaic-Berber;linguisticdecipherment 1. Introduction ThereisacarvingoftheVirginofCandelariaintheCanaryIslands—ontheislandofTenerife to be precise—which can be found in the municipality also known as Candelaria (Vera 2016). However,itmustbenotedthatsuchcarvingisnottheoriginalandfirstone,sincetheoriginalwas lostduringaheavystormontheislandin1826(Vera2016,pp. 147–62). Oneofthemoststrikingfeaturesofthatfirstimageisthatithadasetofnearlytwohundred lettersonit—181tobeexact—,Latincapitalletterswhichhadbeenwrittenondifferentpartsofthe clothingandfigure(Vera2016,pp. 13–146). Theirmeaningremainsunknowntothisday,forming aninscriptionwhichdatesbacktothetimethecarvingitselfwasdelivered,atsomepointbetweenthe fourteenthandfifteenthcenturiesasithasbeenestimated(Vera2016,pp. 163–225). (Neckline)TIEPFSEPMERI. (Girdle)NARMPRLMOTARE. (Cuffonthecandle’sside)LPVRINENIPEPNEIFANT. (Rightsideofthecape)OLMINRANFRIAEBNPFMRFVENNVINAPIMLIFINVIPINIPIAN. (Left side of the cape) FVPMIRNA ENVPMTI EPNMPIR VRVIVINRN APVIMFRI PIVNIANNTRHN. (Garmentedge)EAFMIRENINIFMEAREI. (Backofthecape)NBIMEIANNEIPERFMIVIFVF. Oncetheoriginallettersonthefirstimagewerediscovered—bymeansofanalysingbothtextual andartisticdocumentationandsources—andhavingreachedtheconclusionthatthelettersgathered byfrayAlonsodeEspinosa,O.P.(1543–ca. 1600)inhisworkOntheoriginandmiraclesoftheSacred Religions2017,8,135;doi:10.3390/rel8080135 www.mdpi.com/journal/religions Religions2017,8,135 2of26 Image of Our Lady of Candelaria, which was found on the island of Tenerife, along with the description of thisIsland(1594)(DelorigenymilagrosdelaSantaImagendenuestraSeñoradeCandelaria,queapareció en la Isla de Tenerife, con la descripción de esta Isla) (de Espinosa [1594] 1980; Vera 2016, pp. 139–46)) arethemainandmostreliablereferencefortheinscription,wemustplacetheimageinitscontext, aswellasitsconnectionwiththeconquest(accomplishedattheendofthesixteenthcentury)andthe evangelisationoftheCanaryIslands,itsconnectionwiththehermitFranciscanfriars—especiallythe oneswhoevangelisedthatregion—,theattemptsatinculturatingthecanariannativedeities,which hadacontinentalLibyco-Berberorigin, intotheChristianworldview, inordertocomprehendthe potentialsignificanceoftheimage(Figure1),itsMariologicalsenseandthesemanticsoftheinscription onit(Vera2016,pp.163–226,799–994). Atfirst,wetriedtocategorisethewordsontheimageundersomeexistinglanguage,takinginto accounteverypossiblevariation: Indo-European,Uralic,Altaic,Caucasian,Afroasiatic,Nilo-Saharan, Niger-Congo,KhoisanandAustronesian,togetherwithunclassifiedlanguages(BasqueandEtruscan), atotalof101languageswith261texts,asrelatedtotheperiodbeingstudiedaspossibleintermsofits making,thefourteenthandfifteenthcentury. Unfortunately,thefactthattheydidnotbelongtoany languagewasconfirmed(Vera2016,pp. 227–576). Afterexaminingthelinguistictext,adetailedandthoroughcryptologicalstudywasconducted, assuminganencryptedtext,andtakingintoaccountthepossiblecryptologicalsystemsthathadbeen employedinordertogeneratethetextoftheinscription. Oncethestudywascompleted,itcouldbe verifiedthatthesetisneithertheresultofanencryptionprocessnorthatofaconcealingone(Vera2016, pp. 577–787). The only possibility left was that the text consisted of a pseudo-random and meaningless generationoflettersand,therefore,itlackedanykindofsemantics,butanalysesprovedthecontrary: thetexthasitsownlinguisticstructure(Vera2016,pp. 788–98). At this point, and having thoroughly analysed every possibility and hypothesis, each one of themhavingbeenrefuted,andreconsideringthebodyofspeculationsandassumptionsonceagain, theBerberethnographicandlinguisticscopewasevaluatedindepthasthemostplausibleandprobable hypothesis,sincethedataprovidedbydifferentdisciplines(genetic,historical,archaeological,artistic, linguistic... )suggestanarrivalofsettlers,perhapsinseveralstages,totheCanaryIslands,atsome pointbetweenthefirstcenturyBCandthefirstcenturyAD.Nevertheless,priorcontactwiththecoastal areasoftheislandswhichwerefurthertotheeasthadalreadyoccurred(Vera2016,pp. 799–819). Finally,weconcludethatthetextoftheoriginalimageofCandelariaistheproductofputtingthe soundsheardbyevangelistfriarsintowritingbymeansofeitherRomanorLatingraphemes;these soundsbelongedtothearchaic-Berberlanguageusedbytheislanders,whichnolongerexistsinthe presentday. Indeed,wecouldnotdetectitduringthelinguisticanalysis,anddespiteofthefactthat weevencompareditwiththecurrentBerberlinguisticFamily,fromwhichwestudied18languages (Awdjila,Sokna,Siwa,Kabyle,Tashelhiyt,Djerba,DjebelNefusa,Ghomara,Ghadames,Teggargrent, Figuig,Tarifiyt,Chaouia,AdaghTuareg,TaneslemtTuareg,AyerTuareg,ZenagaandevenGuanche), since due to evolution and contamination (mostly from the Arabic language), we were unable to observeitsbelongingtosuchGroup(Vera2016,pp. 819–965). Havingdiscussedlexical,morphological,syntacticandphoneticaspectsofthisarchaiclanguage, aswellasconductedasemanticanalysisofthecarvingbothfromthenativeaboriginalperspectiveand theChristianone,wewillnowexpoundthemeaningofthelettersengravedontheMariancarvingof CandelariafromitslexicalvoicesandrootsoftheirBerberandInsular-Amazighlanguages(Vera2016, pp. 967–94). Religions2017,8,135 3of26 Religions 2017, 8, 135 3 of 27 FFiigguurree 11..V Virigrigninof Cofa nCdaenladreiala.r¿iNa. ic¿oNláiscodleásM dede inMaeVdililnaav icVeinllcaivo?ic1e7n3c0io–?1 715703.0P–r1iv7a5t0e. cPolrlievcatitoen c(oTlelnecetriiofen) ((MTeonrearliefse)2 (0M09o)r.ales 2009). 22.. PPrreevviioouuss PPrrooppoosseedd SSoolluuttiioonnss WWee wwiillll nnooww bbrriieeflflyyc coommppilielet htheep proroppoosesdedw wayasysto tou nudnedresrtsatnadndth tehien isncsrcipritpiotinoant adti dffiefrfeenretnpto pinotisnitns ihnis htoisrtyo,rwyh, wichhiwche rweegreen egreanlelyrablalyre blyaraeplyp laicpapblliecabbelcea buesecaoufsteh eoifr tvhaegiru evnaegsuse,ninesssp, iitne ospfibteei nogf btheeinrge stuhlet roefstuhlet eofffo rtthseo femffoarntys iollfu smtraionuys ailnludsctroinosucsi oaunsds chcoonlasrcsioouvse rstchheocloarusr soevoefrt htehey ecaorsu.rNseo towf itthhset aynedainrsg. Nthoattw,witehwstailnldclionsge tohuart,d wises ewrtialtli oclnoswei tohuar hdiigsshelyrtacotimonp ewtiittihv ea phriogpholysa cl,owmhpiecthitwivee cpornospidoesralt,o wbheiicnh lwinee wcointhsitdheer Atom baez iignh lionreB weribthe rthcoe nAtemxta,zaingdh worh Bicehrbhears cboenetnexat,m aanjdor wmhiilcehst ohnaes ibneethne ad mecaipjohre mrmileensttoonfet hine tMhea rdiaenciipnhsecrrmipetinotn oof fthCea nMdaerliaarnia i.nscription of Candelaria. 1. The first known solution belongs to Gonzalo Argote de Molina (1548–1596) and were gathered 1. ThefirstknownsolutionbelongstoGonzaloArgotedeMolina(1548–1596)andweregatheredby by Juan de Abreu Galindo, O.F.M. (ca. 1535–?) in History of the conquest of the seven Canary Islands JuandeAbreuGalindo,O.F.M.(ca. 1535–?) inHistoryoftheconquestofthesevenCanaryIslands (1676) (Historia de la conquista de las siete Islas de Canaria), a sort of Latin acronyms of devotional (1676)(HistoriadelaconquistadelassieteIslasdeCanaria),asortofLatinacronymsofdevotional fervour which are applied to four incomplete fragments (Abreu Galindo [1676] 1977). fervourwhichareappliedtofourincompletefragments(AbreuGalindo[1676]1977). Thus, for example, was proposed as the solution to the text on the neckline, TIEPFSEPMERI: Illustrata Es Patri Filio Spíritu-santo Et Pia Mater Eiusdem Redemptoris Iesu. Or for the lettering on Religions2017,8,135 4of26 Thus, forexample, wasproposedasthesolutiontothetextontheneckline, TIEPFSEPMERI: Illustrata Es Patri Filio Spíritu-santo Et Pia Mater Eiusdem Redemptoris Iesu. Or for the lettering onthegirdle,NARMPRLMOTARE:NostrumAltíssimumRegemMariaPeperitReddiditLibertatem MariaOmnibusTortisARegeErebia. Wewillleaveithere,asweconsiderthisisasufficientlygood illustrationofthewaytosolvethetextualgroup,andwhichhasbeenbroadlydiscussedalready (Vera2016,pp. 42–46,73–74). 2. TheproposalbyAthanasiusKircher,S.I.(1602–1680),gatheredbyJesúsAlonsodeAndrade,S.I. (1590–1672)inUniversalPatronageoftheHolyVirginMary,MotherofGodandourLady(1664) (PatrociniouniversaldelasantissimaVirgenMaria,MadredeDios,ySeñoraNuestra),andJuan NúñezdelaPeña(1641–1721)inConquestandantiquitiesoftheislandofGranCanariaand itsdescription,alongwithmanywarningsaboutitsprivileges,conquerors,settlersandother specialfeaturesinthehighlypowerfulislandofTenerife,addressedtothemiraculousimage ofOurLadyofCandelaria(1676)(ConquistayantigüedadesdelaisladelaGranCanariaysu descripción, con muchas advertencias de sus privilegios, conquistadores, pobladores y otras particularidadesenlamuypoderosaisladeTenerife,dirigidoalamilagrosaimagendeNuestra SeñoradeCandelaria),assuminganArabianlinguisticoriginforpiouspurposesonly,without anyscientificcontributionwhatsoever(deAndrade1664;deBéthencourtMassieu2004;Núñez delaPeña1676;Vera2016,pp. 51–55,74–75). Thus, we give the examples of the neckline and the girdle again: TIEPESEPMERI: Insignes Matris/Tipus Matris. In the case of the girdle, with the letters NARMPRLOTARE: Pronobisora,veladvocatio/Pronovisora,veladvocate. 3. OtherproposalsaretheLatinacronymsandpseudo-acronymsbyBartoloméGarcíaXiménez (1622–1690),whoneverintendedtosolvetheconundrumoftheletteringbuttoofferacompilation of pious and devotional lists to the people that, astonished, went to visit the Marian carving (Moure1991,pp. 49–54;Vera2016,pp. 55,60,75–76). Again, we compile those corresponding to the neckline and to the girdle of the statue, in the form of example of how he proceeded: ETIEPESEPMERI: Eccleciae Triumfantis In Excelsis {Preposita/Praeposita} Electa Sanctorum Et Patrona Militantis Ecclesiae Romanae {Infalibilis/Indefectibilis}. NARMPRLMOTARE:NonAmbioRegnorumMagnaPalatiaRequiroLitora MarisOceani{Thenerifensis/Thenerifensia}AdRusticosEdocendos. 4. JohnCampbell(1840–1904)madeastrikingcontribution,inArchaic-Basquelanguageandwith EtruscanandIberianinfluences. Utterlysurprisinginitsconclusion,wegivetheplainexample ofthefragmentsonthenecklineandthegirdle: (Campbell1901;Vera2016,pp. 77–78): TIEPFSEPMERIontheneckline,conveyingthewords: koientuponoentumeneraau: Koientu ponoentuMeneraau(DesireheargriefhearMenerathis): Letthis(goddess)Meneraheartheprayer,hear thesorrow(Campbell1901,p. 60;Vera2016,p. 77). Or,onthegirdle: (M/N)ARMPRLMOTARE,miraermitorisememagureeren: miraerimietorri semeetnagureerren(spectaclecauseplacecomesongiveourcompassion): Comingtocausetosetup aspectacle,togivethesonourcompassion(Campbell1901,p. 61;Vera2016,pp. 77–78). 5. AnadditionalproposedsolutionwasgivenbyAntonioMaríaManrique(1837–1907),whoassumesit isintheSemiticLanguage,bygatheringbiblicalpassagesordevotionalChristianones,whichapplies to two fragments on the garment. To be precise, the lettering on the neckline supposedly must conveythenameoftherepresentedfigure,andsowemightexpecttofindsomethinglikeMary,full ofgrace,whereas,onthegirdle,wecouldexpectittomeanOneGodandFatherofall,withoutfurther contributionsorbaseforhishypotheses(Manrique1898;Vera2016,p.79). 6. Anothersuggestion,includingasyncreticcombinationofSpanish,PortugueseandItalian,isthe oneproposedbyAlonsoAscanioyNegrín(1855–1936),whoprovidesthemeaningMESOBRA OGAJEfortheneckline,EVIIOJDENOVIAforthegirdle,oreventheauthoranddateLAFIXE SINESIVJZEAMCCXLIXforthebackofthecape(Negrín1899;Vera2016,p. 80). Religions2017,8,135 5of26 7. YetanotherproposalcomesfromFidelFitaColomé, S.I.(1845–1918)(Moure1991, pp. 65–67; Vera2016,pp. 80–81),atranspositionoftheLatinlanguagehighlymodifiedintoabiblicalsense, eventhoughheworkedononefragmentoftheinscriptionsonly,theoneonthenecklinetobe exact,ETIEPESEPMERI,whichofferstheredistributionofthetextSepieteripeme(protectand rescue me), referring to the invoking of the litany Turris ebúrnea (ivory tower) according to the SongofSongs8,4(Bible1611,p. 3L6r),orrather,Cant4,4(Bible1611,p. 3L5r)orIsaiah5,2, ReligiRonelsiR g2ei0olin1g7siR o,2 n8e0ls,1i g127i30,o 518n 7,s , 1 2830,5 11 73,5 8 , 135 5 of 257 of5 2 o7f 257 of 27 whichreadsEtsepiviteam,[...] etaedificavitturrim(andgatheredoutthestonesthereof(thevineyard) of[ .S..oo]nfa goSnsfod nS8bog,o uns4fi gl8S(tsB,o ai48nb ,tg( lo4Besw i1(8beB6,lr ie14)b 1 1(l(,eBB6 p 1ii1bb.16 l3l,1e eLp1 116,. 6r6p3)11L.,1 163o,, rLrp)p 6,r. . rao3)t3r,Lh Mo6rearrr2 )t,r ,hv Caoe;tarrhM,n e rCtaro ,4tau hC,n re4taer n4,(1 B,tC 9 i44a9b ,n(1l 4Be,t ip1(4bB6,pl ie14b. 1 1l6(,eB6 5p 1i1–b.16 6l3,1e 7Lp1 ;15,.T 6rp3)1vL. 1 ov53,re rL p)eI5 .sdo ra3)rai L aolIe5hsrra 2I)5is 0a,oa h02ri5 a ,5 I,hws,p a 25hi.,a,i 8cwh2h3, h55 w,i) c.2hh,i cwhh ich 8. reLaadrsset aElrydte, sast edEhprstiee vEsaimedttp sesiueav Epmlittit iv ,es- i[apet.mp .se.i]ae,v me[uit.t. , d.a e][eao .ed.m.-ti]a f, ai ec[cet.rda .ao.vi]efni idetc ytiatf uaimvceriatdrs viitmfiufitrcr toa(ruavimmnrirtd i(tL mgauana r(ttrdahii nnmgedra ea (tgdahna neodtrduhe etdgS r atpoehtduahe t enos ruttiehostden ht oeshstuceo attsn hrtteeohrsrnye et eisohsntfe otg(rnhteheeorrsefe e (tvlothiifhgne (eriet eoyvhouaiefn r vs(detiy)hnm a[eer. ye.vd.aa]i)nr na[de.ni).yn. d]a[ g.ra.d.n]a) d ab[ n.o.d.]u atnd butihltrb eaue ibtlotufw riala ettbgr oa)umw (tilBoeterw in)ab e (tltrBeso) , wi1(bbB6elyri1eb) 1 1Jl(,eo6B p 1si1.bé1 63l,1 eHMp1 1.,e2 63prv1Mn.; 1 3áM,2M npvod.;2 u 3MevrMz;e oM M21uv9oro9;eu r1Mr1á,e9 onp 91up19(r.1,9 e 6p91 512p, –9p2. 69–6p715).;, – 6wTp65vp7h–v.;6i 6eTc7e5hv; d–T,v6abve7leyve;d eT2wae0vlda0eva 5ye2l,ee0 opd 02f.a5 08el,0e 3xp5 5a2., ) 0m8p. 03. 5p58,)l3 .ep 5,.) w.8 3e5)p. rovidefor 8. 8L. at8hs. teLlyal8,sLe .tt talhtyseet,r Llymtiahn, suegtt hllmtyoei-, nu pmtlhsttueieh-ul petmdis-oenpuu-eslatdecciu-korpod-lsainonecy-ureamodconrosoyn -fanmlrycyos,rmmo wfnrs oL yhfmmareotr ismenL f a tratLwoninamdot i anSLinn padatatn einSndrip ps aSahrnnpe dcitasaa nhSrtiri psoychaainn nrcsrigasy ahrirrnr eycegliain gprrgrieooy lsuriignessliig iobmg ulrieeeos:al uimngsoii ennomagunet shiaa nbnmegoine ouaagntbn eoainubhgota uantb do,ut thtrheeteh sfrtruehaebrg e-fmdretah eifgvrnremaitessge i,mf onbrnateysgn ,TJ mtbosIsy,e- éEn bJ -ytHosP s,Je Eéobr -snHySéá E eJnHorPdnse-éeárM znnH dáMEeneRrzodnI reMá,áznnr oedM r(se1áouz9nr l2 Mát(2in1n–o 9g)(r2 1áw29in–n2h )2(i 1tc–wh9h) h2e,w 2ibcp–hyh)hi ,cww rhbaahy,s y ibewc yhoF af,wo yber axyeoyva fw emoeraxfp yyaelom exou,a fpwm aleeerxp,e a lpwemMr, eopw avplreeiryd ,o pew(vr Tfioeodúv rpei derfrooeev rsf iodpreo rfor thsei eltmehteptte hrlreeeit nMtlteeghtr aetoiren nílrgae it)n tho,tgenef rr o intonnhemg ect khonKlenei n icntrekhec lceohikn nenlelriey n’oc,se knw vloliyhnan,ere lwyir aoe, htn wtielwoyrhne,oe ,wr tiweonh rttoewe errieonlps trteiewen,rttpaotehtr riiepeontrntameetstri oaopatnrrrieeeos t npaausrotn iesao nsrpnieabos t lpsuaesor:ri esbaos llnpieb fo:t olshoersne:m i ob otnlhneT e:et I h oo-heEnna Roent hnEdhee,aS tnoh-hEndaePne, dt-hhM,a etn hEdeR, It,he sub-sduibvsu-idsbiio-vsdniuis vbTioi-Isdn-iEio Tv-nPiI s-ETEio-I-S-nPEE ET-PP-I-S-EMEE--SPEPE-REMPI--,SE MrERePEsI,u-R MrlIet,iE snruReglsIt ui,i nnrlt egtishn iuengl tpitinhnh egrt ha pisenhe pr tFahhoserrea ep sFvheeo rrrF aeyovsoreeuer vF yaeorrore uey vM oaeurrae ar yMyroe u( aTM raúyra ere( TyrMe ú(saT eprúryoe res( r Tspeiúsoe m rpe rsopeirres ems piepomrre ps ireem pre thatis,Youareamother’smirror(Túeresespejodemadre),whichisintendedtobeshowninthesame MarMía)a,M rfíraao)rm,íM af)r Ka,o rfmiríraoc )Kmh, fei rrKroc’ishmr evc rhKa’resiir rvac’stahi rvoeirnaa’rt,s iio oavrtna ieo,r lionsare,t ,ioe otlrhsn eee,l , os mterh ,oe etrl hmseee uo ,m tnrhenoe uar emtnu unornaartenlu fauortnaurlmnr faao lTtr ufImo-rEar TmlR IfE -oTESrImR--EEE PTRS-IE-M-EESPE-RE-REMPIS-,E -MtERhPEaI,-Rt M tiIhs,E a,t YthR iaoIsu,t, t iYhs,oa uYt oisu, You semanticlineasTipusMatris(ImageoftheMother)bytheJesuit(Morán1957;Vera2016,p. 81). are aa mreao art hem earoa ’mtrshe ome atrh i’mrser rmoo’tsrih rm(erTroi’úrrsr e(omTrrei ú(rsT r eeoRúrsreep les(eirg Tjeeiosoús npd eseee srj2 poem0s e1d aj7eoed,s R8rmdpe,eee )1la ji,m3ogd Rw5i rodae enldehi)sg ,r mii 2ecow0)nha,1shd 7 wi2ri,s 0ce8 h1hi), n7,i1 c,iwt3 Rsh8e5 ,ehn ili1nisid3gct 5iieeho nndn tsi des t2 one0in 1ddb7t ee,et do8 ns, hdbt1o3oee5 dwb s ehtn oos i hwbnoe ntw h sihenn o stiwanhm ent hs eiea ns ms etamheme sa eesn amstmiecam en tasinecm tica ntic 5 of 27 5 of 52 7o f 27 5 of 27 line lains leTi naipesu laTissn iM peTu iaaspts urM iTss ai M(ptIrumaissta rM(giIsem a (otaIrfmg itseah (goeIf emM tohafoeg tt ehhM eeo rofM )tt hbhoeeytr h M)t ehbroe)yt bhJteeyhrs e)tu hbJieety s ( JuMtehistoeu ( riJMáte ns(oMu 1riá9otn 5r( 7Má1;n9 oV 51re79ár;5n aV7 12;e 90Vr5a1e7 6r2;,a 0 Vp 12e.6 0r8,1a 1p6 )2.,. 08p11. 6)8., 1 p).. 81). Oncethoroughlyexamined(Vera2016,pp. 73–84)andasweprogressedwithourlinguisticand of Songs 8, 4o f( BSoiobfn lSego s1n 68g1,s 14 8, (,pB 4o.i fb3( BlLSeoi6 b1nrl)6ge,1 so11 r86, ,1pr 14a. , t3 (hpBLe.i6 rb3,r lL)Ce,6 ao1rnr6), 1t r o1a4r,t, hpr4ea. (rt3Bh, LiCeb6ralr,e n)C ,t 1 ao64nr1, t1r4 a4, (t,pBh 4.ie b3r(Bl,Le Ci5 b1ral)6en 1o t11 r46, I,1ps 14a. , i3 (apBLh.i5 b35rlL),e 52o 1r,r 6) w I1os1har, ii Icapshha. i35aL,h 52 r5, ),w o2h,r iwIcshha iiachh 5, 2, which crypOtanncOae lntyhOciotenir cctoheOau otnnghrahcooelluryy otgs heuhiosxgl,yrahoam elulyxlig naoehmexfldayti mhn (eVeexidmnea erm(adVb i 2een(0Vcrea1ade6 mr2 ,(a0 Vep 12ped60r.,1i a 7sp6 r32p,e –0p.g 817pa463.r), – 7dpa83enp4–dd.)8 .7 a4a3Nn)s –d aow8n n4aed)se paawonrsfoe dw gtp harerese op smwgsreroeiedg ssp rswwreeosidosgth errwtd eohsi uwtshferui dtolrhi utnw horgei uultrihrnis d lgotieinuucdgir asi ultcniiiancdst gt aiioucn nidas,nt ibdcu atnd reads Et sepirveiat dreeasam Ed,t s [s .E.e.p]t iesvtei pta ireevedaiaimtf die,ca sa[m .vE..i,t]t [ set.et.u. p]ar ierevditim itaf i ee(cdaaaminvfidi,c t [a g.tv.au.i]trt h reteitumr aree rd(di amoinfui d(cta agtnvhadiett h gstetuarotrenhrdeei msro eut d(hta eotnruhedeto gfst hta(otethnh seeet rsove ntidnhe seeo ryuteahtor etfdr h(e)et oh[ sf.e .t(. ovt]nh ianeen sevd yti hanreedrye)ao [rf.d .(.)t] h [a.e.n .v]d ia nnedy ard) [...] and ctrhyepcytrayrncepramytlaypancittiaraniylcny paaaitlstnayicaani tlaaiycclnosy aialislltn,eyi accas ltilaysil ons,o inaasfll ,yl ot ahsoflielfsp m ,oto haf s blestlmeh iobce aflmb emteh scebeoa emdmlcuia setbmri eoedecgni asadsmrreipdsegrre aeoddrgpi.d asoNerresddoeg.en dadNer.o d ooNvenfde oetr. nh oNetefh m ootehnf iceetsomh owue fmri ostsr h ewtiehsom o wffru thiohrsirt sthwfthueo orrfrtr uyhdt,rheeta rhdfn ueidcdrrea tddtheiixeeocdrana mit,dc iaoeptdniloi,e csna,to ifon, built a tower)b u(Bilbitb uali eltt o1 aw6 t1eor1w), (epBr.)bi 3bu(MBlielit 2b 1avl6 e;t1 oM11w6, oe1pru1.) ,r 3 (epMB .1i b239vMl9e;1 2M1, v6po;1p Mu1. ,r6 oep5u .1– r396eM97 11; 29,T v9pv;1p vM, .e p6eop5du.–a r66lee57 1 –;2 96T097v01;5v ,T ,e pvpepvd. .e8a 6e3le5d5 –)a2.6l0 e70 ;25 T0, v0p5v. ,e8 pe3d.5 8a).3l e5 )2.0 05, p. 835). bhuot wbthutbeto yut sth roebetlyhmuv eteray eita nmhr peeaaymriso n arb aiealn mesc m oaaalsi ln tech acoa atlisclto oe,naclalt 8esioc.oc ohftn ilao lpesLonocaf bts siosepotifelbno ynlps ,e so8oc ti.fhsbls esoelp8iea lbo.u mrL lslsteayuois osillsLbtduntloialyste-elisp u,mo tpsttslnyeihrooosou,eln n8upd tps.mshto otr iersoo-up aaenpmlrLdcttsooeria u-psodsoppelnot,tvsrdlisyyeoie- esmpu,rpod sedtovs thexos heouefet-revrr dad o meecot cmrmhro-ou oae vutlenc Lhterlircyeay-sroopm teniucct snhsyooero semuumfafe rdnr sohcspod oomeifl-s fu reaS t oorxochLpmsfrr.ia aeoysN htn tn,iLoo iinyessaarf thmx ytnaoih t,ndnrsc ,iyd aaswaf,trn r onSreodayrdpmn ywi and,S n igL pali lsaanrhtnedi lni cisg ahair onrcyudaisr nS rmgyp iaenrneaglin isrgihnei olgciug aasirob rmyuoiusen tamg n erinealngig inaiobguo ausb tmo ueta ning about emxaomevxpeaelomexsnap moteloefxp shala emoospfw p roh olfteo poshw o oso sowtfao lhvl tseofooo w alrsv opsteloor vRa oleesu blo pitgallrieiv ooopmnenbsr loa2twte0hb hmp1lahr7eret ,iom ,tec8 hb,a h fa1lstre3thd a,5mh agi aaftm fs,ste h atehrbhasnsae trtseh,west nahea,b i s srbedcf ereylbheeean ela agJy fesorcrmn lslafbye réegcea o nmdlHermetnletsaeyemh ,rnr ce lrdbnltovyeesyeán eea,mdn rsrJbfdeyotlroyrymesaan o ézgJdtost o emHthMensdrmeésaee,otr tnroHriernsptaánds eátnres,,ern o tx bdnir(dpts1yaá,r e o9te neizJess2mxdo d a2tMeserel,–éx zel)oiw yt ms HrMrw eeáeceemnohoxlhryrm tinea(crá 1álehcvnpy9nom,e l 2m(decb1e2dxoeyl9p–.izmy 2s)lw ec2Mcpwxu–aol.o)hyesm sxr iwocáep. hfnhdl e, ie (cxbx1h.ya9 ,m 2wb2py–a l)ywe w, oawfhy ei eco xhpfa ,rem obx5vpya oi mldwfe 2e,p a7 wlf yeo e,ro w pf reeo xpvarimdovep ilfdeo,er w foer provide for NuepxNtt,o ewNxthete, i xwswtN,ipe lwel o wxmietni ,owl tlwv. imelel oowmvnieo ltl voo me na o o tpnvor etao oo pp naor sotpaoprl oo afps otpahorrl es sof aoolplel rouft otssteoairor llsi unnfoot glwirtuo h ohstneinoio tcwl lhnuhtehhe t twdtie ieolc iehrnfhntfiiet necdwechrgriksh f id lofnwiiecinngfrthie f shdtoe hdeoewrn eslin lyfi teflwdnh yetfeeterri,e lcdos wyrnk mewi elnfhliyrc ingeeodk re fvmloere ieooln n yrtmne ewy tvfl h yorooeeoe,nrt v imhywlnneye reto h,reey ct ewvrpk horpelrehetirrornh eeyt peerpwt aeoo rro o tstoptihna wopirellnnoo yorwtsps, e p aieowarnrl psr othwaeerpe lerep orptw eaosr taesetis lwot iawnbotslie eo i a:nn rotseen arp prtoehrs eepst iaoobtnsilsoeei: nb hoslae nan: rtodehn, ep t thoohesne se io bhnlaeen: hodan, n ttdhhe,e t hoen e hand, the of Songs 8, 4 (Bible 1611, p. 3L6r), or rather, Cant 4, 4 (Bible 1611, p. 3L5r) or Isaiah 5, 2, which haveh advhiseac vduehis ssdaceviudsesc suudepsidss tc euoud pst uh stepiosd ttp ohuo iptsihn tpitoso. tpihnoitis.n pt.o int. sub-divisions uTbIs--Eud-biPv-diEsi-ivSoiEnsP iTo-InMs- uETEb-IRP--EdEI,-i- vPrSeiEEss-PiuSo-lEnMtiP nTE-gIMR- EiInE,- PRrtehEIs,e- urS pelEtshiPunr-algMts iinenE gF Rt ohiInr,e e r tvpeheshreu r yplaothsiuner agaFrs oieenr MeF tvohaererre y vyp eo(hrTu ryú aao sreueer eaMFsr oepar orMeyrv eas(rriTe yyúm o( epTurr úeaes re epr eoMsr pasroieyrm s(Tpierúme eprrees por siempre reads Et sepivit eam, [...] et aedificavit turrim (and gathered out the stones thereof (the vineyard) [...] and 3. TheInsular-AmazighProposalMaría), fromM KairMrícaha),re ífrar’)os, mvfra oKrmiiaMr tcKihaoirenrícra, h’)os,e rvfr re’aoslrs mvieaa, t Krtiohiiarnetc ,imh ooenror ,re’ osels r vue ea,n lrtsniheaae,tt itumohrneoa ,lrm oefro ou rernmelsn ue aT,nt Itun-hEraeaRt umlE froSoar-rlE mefo Pu rT-nmMIn- EEaTRtRIu-EIEr,S aRt-lhE EfaoSPtr- -iEmMs,P EYT-MRoI-uIEE, RRthEIa,S tt- hiEsaP,t Y -iMso,u EY RouI, that is, You built a tower) (Bible 1611, p. 3M2v; Moure 1991, pp. 65–67; Tvveedale 2005, p. 835). 3. Th3.e T 3I.hn Tesu h3Ilen.a TsIrun-hAlseaum rIl-naaAsrzm-uiAglaahmzr -iPaAgzrhomig pPahorz soPiapgrloho ps Paorlso apl osal are a mother’as rme iaarr rmeo aor t (mhTeoúrt’ hse ermre’sais rr ermeso pairre mrj(oTo orúdt e( heT emrúre’as sed ermrseepsi) re,e rjswoop rdhe (ejioT cm húdae ied smrr eieasn) d,et reswepn)he,d jiwoec dhdhe iti cosmh iba nidestr e siennh),dto ewewndhdn ite coidhn b titesoh seibnh setoa eswmnhdnoee w isdnen mtt ohina eb n teshta isecmh soeaw msenem isnae nmthtiaecn staicm e semantic Thefollowingproposa8l. waLsamstalyd, ethbey mthueltpi-hpisleouldoog-iasctraonndymhiss tfroormio gLraatpinh eanrdIg SnpaacnioishR ecyarersyGinagr creíaligious meaning about The TfohlTel ohfwoe lTiflnoohglwel o pifwnorgoliln popgowr sopiapnrlogo wps paoarlss ow ampla owassd aamlelsi n awbmedy aeaa st ds hb meTye i a bpptdyhuhe esitl lihbMponeylhe oal piittaglnhrhosiiees ilsT lot ao(p giaIslphmio nuTsigdatlsi oig p asMhleunto i soaldgsa ifttMnni rotshdiehtrsai ei s taaho( rtMsInogiim ssdTrr otia(a oitoIhgpphmrgueieihs roarsotea) ggofM rp ebrtr hIahiyoagopeeft n tgrrhtMhi ahrseIeace gor( pitJ MInoIhemhga seRoecanrutri)gehai o yteIbce g re(iRyooM)nsf e t batRyhGohcyeeereia osá ytrJMh neceGReís so1aea u tJG9 yrhei5cteesa í7rus(ra)M; ci GVtbí ao(yae Mrr rátcahnoí ae2r 1 á0J9n1e5s6 17u, 9;pi 5tV. 7 (e8M; r1Va)o .e2 rrá0an1 26 10, 91p56.7 ,8 ;p 1V.) .e8 r1a) .2 016, p. 81). (1962–), today’s main expert itnhrtehee frAagmmaeznitgsh, byla Jnogsué aHgeer,náannddezw Masoreánxp (1o9u2n2d–)e dwhiincht,h bey yweaayr o2f 0e0x7ample, we provide for (196(21–9)(6,1 2t9o–6d)2(,1 a–t9y)o,6’ dst2oa –myd),’aa styi onm’ds e aamxiynpa’ seie nrmxt p eiaexnirpn tte h eirnext pAitnhem rett ha Aieznm i Agthahmze li aagAznhmigg luhaazan liggagenuh,ga alguaneand,g g aewun, aadagsn w ede, xa awpsn oaedusx wpnedoxapuesdo neu dxinnepd doth euidnen dyitnhee eadt rh y ie2ne 0a yt0rhe 7a2e r0 (y G02e70aa 0r(rcG7 í2 aa(0G r0ca7ír a(c Gíaa rcía (García2010). ThissolutionfollotwhesO ltenhtcetees rtiahnmogr eoounlOig ntnhhecOleyae n n stechextechoa ktremholicouinnorgeeon hdoucOln lyg(unlV hyesclex,iye oraw atemnh hx2soiae0nwrmr1oee6deui ,nt gwep(eVhxpdolpe. y (rio7V nae3ut ex–2enra80radmp41 2)6rai e0,na nt1pnead6pddt,i. so (pa7hVnsp3a se.w– r r78aeae34r ea2–)p 0b8arp14oono6)gud s,ar st paneitbsspdhs l.w eee a7:dse 3o –wwpn8r ei4ott h)hpg ea rro oneousgdnrsr eeael disshn s wawgenudeidti hwps,t rtioiochtuh gear r no eludisnsr g elduin iwgstuiictihs at ioncud ar n ldin guistic and 20102)0. 1T200h)1i.s 0T2 )sh.0o T1ils0uh s)ti.ois oT lsunhot ilfisuoo ltsnliooo flwnoul tsflioo otlwhnloe sfw ostahlslm eot hwseea sl mi stnaheeme la iesnsa letmih naeees clatihosnn eet hc caleous n cstociholneunc scsliuo ownsniecos l eunwxsspe iwo oenuexs pne wdoxpu eaon neudxdn p asdonh udaann rseddh a aasbrhneoad uar setbh toahaubreote tu teahtxb etto h toueentx t tte hoxent to enx t on textonthecarvingofOurLadycroysfupCbta-adnniavdlyiesilitacoircrnyi aapTcnrtbIyaa-eElnpiy-natsPalgiyEnsi,aw- tSlaiycErl iliPa ttcotin-rceMfya natlpEhynitnRseaaimnlIsty,,ah srlbaeieyslesliA,c ut oiaalmcflmt l ia tnaoehnzg feadi mgitlinyhsh sertbiemhlseage,cn a abapgrlmedhluc eroeaaad fmgsd .tee iehN sF ferdrooemoinrgsme earvbe reoegdtrchf ae yaetrdmohd.uCe eeN maad drno. e iainN ssMrer oywe aongrofeay r rt to(hdhTfee úmftduh e. erriNtemshs o we pnirsoo e rdrw tsoehiodfe rmitftchuhpaerr ttmfiehuo e nrirts,h dweerod dritcehad tificuoanrtt,ih oenr, dedication, the tchaertv hciean rgctvha iorenvf g ciOn aogrufv roiO nfL guaO rdo uyLfr a OodLfuya rCd oyaLf n aoCddfea yCln aodarfine aldC aberaleinaaidrn ibegael aibwnreigraiin twtbgee rnwiin ttirgeni tn twt ehinrnei t ittAneh nmet haiAnez m iAtghahmez ilagAazhnmig glhauaz naliggagenuh ga flguraoeanm ggfer u otafhmrgeoe mt Chf areton hmCaera yCtn haaern yaC rayn ary Islands,theInsular-AmazighlbaunMtg autrhaíeagy)e, .frreobmmua tKbi ntuih rtcae hsyt he arer’ eyscm voraalelbrimeniuca atttaii ionostnh na ae, osyoc f r oa rep lellcomesoescalst,l iiiteobnhcnl etea i moossn foo a lrp ouecoft ouisoplsnlnioenbscsal stetipiu obrsnrlooea pl lou soffotos irleopumdnot sis Too snpIivb-serEl oreRp p tErsohooSsepl-e uEodctPs oieo-ouMdnvr sesEo erRp v toIreh,orf te ph htohacisstoee ti uodscr,r o syYoeu,ov ruoaes ernf dhto hifse t hocirsoytuo, rrasyen, doa nf dh istory, and IslanIsdlsaI,sn ltdahnseI,d s Itlsnha,s netu hdIlnesa, sr Iut-nhAlsaeum rIl-naaArzsm-uiAglaahmzr l-iaagAznhmigg luhaanaz lgigagenuh.ga l guaean.g ge u. a ge. exaarme ap lmeso tohefe rxh’sao emmwxipa rtmrloeo srps o(loeTlfsvú he oeo freaw ex hspa oetrmwosop bp setllojoeoel m svds eoeo tlfmahv haaepodt r,arw o eapb) s,trl oweho mbashslo ie tclbmhvheae ei ttsna,h i aanpcstltr, ee ohaanbasrdsl leyh ebm dades tee tobnhm e bacoeteln,ne s asahctsrlro leahywat aerdnsldye ib,m n dei seote hnnmee xsc ottslrrnaeaemsatmtrereldeay sl,t yeedi dsmec ,moe aixmnsot trnpeiecxslm ettrrxeae. ltmyed ec,lo yim sc peoxmletrxpe.l mexe.l y complex. Wewillreproducehisproposalbyexplainingeveryfragmentonthegarmentinthefirstplace, We WwieWll wreei pwlWl riroeleld pwrureiocpledlr rouhedcipseu r pchoerdio shu ppicosre sop ahprlioo sbps pyao rlse obaxpylp o blesayxai nple ixlbnapyign l eaeixinvnpgeiln raeygivn feeirrnvaygeg r fmeyrva efgenrrmaty goe mfnnr atet gnhomtne o getnhna ertt m hogenae rngtmhta reienm ng tteah nirnemt fiteinhrn esttt h f ipienr ls fattihcr peset,l afpicrlesa,tc ep,l ace, Nelixnte, wase T wipiNulls em xMNto,ae vwtxerti e,os w wn(I emitl olwa magiN elpol oervmfxo ettop h,o voewn esM ae to loow nf tao hit lreopl r srm)aoo bplopuyrvot oteishop aoneoln sfJwo aetrolsh uf siaocio thrpl u( srMdtooiilopfoufnoretá sirwonasn l hw 1 fiw9oci5drhh7 e sid;lco yVihlf u fefdertrioriaofsm fn 2ew0 rwe1sivd 6hwee,i rlcpiyydh. e of8drlt1yoih)f m.eff err or epsmv rweo erpiyvdo eeosrlatyyhl oefwrrtoh epm erro eppvroeosrpayol oswathel ewr ep roposal we followedbyitsgraphemes,thesequenceoflexemesandthesemanticmeaningofeachsequence. follofwolefloodlw lboefywod il etlbsdoy w g biretyasd p ig thbsr yeagm prithaespe sgm,h rteahempse,h e stseeh,mq etu heseesen, q stcueheqee nou sfcee enlqe couxefee olmnefcx eleese m oxafene mlsde xeatsenh mdea n estdehs m eat hnsaeedn m sttiehcam enm tasieencam tmnicai ennmagtnie coia nfmn geine aoagcfnh oei nasf ecgeqha ou csfhee en qsacueceqeh.n u sceeenq.c uee. nce. have discussheadvh eua pdv ietso cd utihsscsisue dsphs oueaidpnv teut.o dp t ithsoci sut hspsiosei dnp tou.i pn tt.o this point. (N(Nec(eNkclk(eiNnlciekne)lc ei(knNT)leIieT)En cIPekTE)FlI PiESTnFEPeISEPF) EPSMTEFPIESPEMREMPIPEF.E MRS<REITOEI.P.iR n <M<IycT.Te Eei i<bRt ThybyIoie. e frbby< obbTseuǎ bigf bfb yh s selMafˇǎyb bb sebe ǎr xMMibfa> m.eesM rǎr[iiiTbne>> ·re.Y .iMd>[]T .-[(e [TV·r[BYTi·e·>]YB·r-.Ya []]B--][ 2[T-[·F[BB0·B]Y1]·-·-B6[]B[S-,F]] [·p--B]B[[-pF·F][B.S.]] ]-·7-(-B[[T3[SS]F–h·.·B ]8eB-(] 4[T.]SF) . h·a(aB(eTtnT h]hd.Feh era (ea tTFsuhFha enwteardh teeeFhu rrpaen rtrdtuhhoenueegrrdn retdeurhse nesrt dehetderh ewthieth our linguistic and pprrootetpcertcoiptotirenoocn ttoeipfoco rnttfohi ottoehnef cV e ttohiiVfroe gtni hVri ngeoi rifVM ngtiihrnaMegr MiyVan)ri ar(MyrgG)yicana)(rr Gr y(yMcGp)aí ataa(raG rcr2nycía0a)íara 1l(c2 1yG2í0,ia0 at1p i1r2c1pc10 ,í.a,1 a p4np1 1p2ap, 40lp..y –14p4s1111.i5, s4 44)p,–. 1– pa141l.5–5l 4) 1)o.1 .5f4) .–t h1e5m). became disregarded. None of them is worth further dedication, 3. The Insul3a.r T-3Ah. meT Ihanzesi gIunhlas Pru-rl3Aao. rmpT-oAhaszmeai lIga nhzsi Pughrlao Prp-roAosmpaola szailg h Proposal (G(Giri(drGldei(lr)Ge dN)ilreNdA()G lAReNi)MrR AdNMPlReARM)P RLNRPMMALROPMLRRTMMOLbAOuPMTRtRTA EOALt.RhT MR<EeANEyO.R. a< TEr<rNeAǝN. mm<RaaNarEr ǝiǝ.an mbmr< ǝǝNa rmǝs abbγ raǝǝǝǝ rrrbm c ǝγγmor ǝlǝ ulrγrbe tǝcǝmtmartri uroumγ>tntǝ.tu ta r[ator Rtrm>fa>· .Mr up.[>Rt]o[.t -R·as[[MsRBr·i>M··b]RM.- l[][]eBR-]- [-[·s·Γ[BRMBo··]Rl·R-R]u[]-Γ]-t][-i[-B·oT[[R·ΓΓnR·]R··-sR]R[ ]-T].[p] -Γ·-([rRS[·ToRT]h·p.R]·a -oR(r][Sis.T]n he.(·gdaRS( rS h][i.otnah hr(vgaeSi ren h[irgtna h rgt[eiht nh[egte h c[etohuer se of history, and exampleTsh oef f ohloloww tionT gsho epTl vrfhooeelp lafoo owsplalriolon wwbgl iaepnTsmrgh om eppt harfoodoaslpteal,o olba wswysa i alhnt shwag esm a p pbsar heodmeipelnao ob dlscoyealg e ltb aihwsyretl ay tapsh n dhemd iepl amohhdliooiselntgo obsilrsoytitrg o ataightsneretdda app ,n hhhidisies l treoho xlIirostgirtgoneoigamsrrcito aeiaogplny rhRd aecep orhyh miIesegstprn o GlIaregciaxonir.og ca írcRaai oepy hReeesry GIegsan rGacícaairo c íRa eyes García fofooodd]f o]iosifd soa]ona id nso] f baooilnsobi gd laoia]nbg ti laisoiogt bnaialon ittgn ioooawbtntoil aoitwgrnodawa sttrio adtowrhnsdea st trp hodtowhesoe aptr hrp)o deoo( soGrp r)toa)ho( re(GrcG )pí aaa(orG or2ccra0í)íara 1(c 1G22í,a00 ap 11r2.c11 03í,,1a 1p1p 32.,. ) 03p.3 11.1 1333,)1 .p) 3..) .3 13). (C(Cuuf(fCf ofu(nCf fout honf(efnC o ctutnhahfn efte dhocelane nc c’tsadah nnsleeidd d’csllaee esN)n’’ isLsdd esPl(exie1)dVts’ 9,sLie R6w d)sP2I ieLeNV–d) P)weRE,V )ItNi LNoLlRlPIdP IEPmNVa(VNE1yoERR9P’Ivs6NP(IINe 1N2NmE I9E–oPEPE6)aInE,NNF2i N ntP–tAoIEo )INPedN,I P axEFtaEET opAPypIdP.eF’Nr Ns<r(aoAN 1tLEyTmp 9NiEwI’.on6sF aI<T s2 uAimFtLan.–h AlNrw< )a eei,fLi nN TxoutnAwonpr. T r medi<eus i.xbaLnro aptryǎlnw ziu[eib’niiLns urtg bn int ·m oht ǎWirǝih n inbb alneǎ a ]ǎiw nntfn-nAbha[ǝi hg Reem nǝbǎiu xcn·AǎǝfaaNphab tzǎgm>e ǝd]ifne.rga- ant,i[ǝ[ hf zLtBǝa if>ǎ ine·nnlg·W.far B tdath[s>nhL ] ] ǝ.wgw-l-e ·an[[[Wu RLNainAtda>s··g]WmgN] e.-eu -[el[[xR]ya]aL,F-- pz g·a·[f]NWioRern-go[,u]·dh ]NN-man- [nwld]·R a-Tedean·v N]dsgw.e ue]ria-nyxas p g toehoetx,uhe pa enyonrdeu dpaen drrwd o 2iepan0dso0 t s7eihan xe(lp G twyhoaeueera cnyríd ae2ea 0dr0 27in0 (0 Gt7ha e(rG cyíaeara crí a2 007 (García hav2e0 1d0i)s.c Tuhssise ds2o u0l1up20t 0ti)oo.1 n T0t hh)f.oii Tssl lhpsooiowsli unss2to t0ti.loh 1une0t i)sfo.oa Tnmll hfoeoiws ll lissono wtelhu saet s tisoh tanhem esf eoac lmollionnewce ll iusan ssteh it oaehns ess ta chwmoene ec c eollixunnpsceiol ouaunssn sitod hwn ease nc wedoxn esp cheolaxuurpsneioo daun bansond wud at e snt hehdxae spr theoe aaxurbtne oo daun bat o ntuhdte s tthheaexr tte eo axnbt oount the text on [(BB·Be[]mB-[·Ne[BBr]c]·--Bi[[fNFu][-B]l[]-N·-i[B[nNF]]--]t·[[-ThFN[e]N].]- v-[(·T[NBiFc]et·]. To -m([r]BN.ey er(· cLBTmioef]ue .rm rld(c Bieinofreufc tmlith fhiueener lv ctieiinhtcfuee tt orlhv nrieiynca vt lLtoihlcoriteyrgo d vhrL yiotoc)f rtL tdo(ohGr roeydaf e L rttohcoefer ríta ndhe ate2oel f 0re lntti1hega1rehln, tela)pit gle(. hGrli2ntga)8ah rl(9tc Gl))íi .aga(G hr2cta0)íra 1(c 1G2í,a0 ap 1r2.c1 02í,1a 8p1 92., ) 02p. 18. 192,)8 .p 9.) .2 89). the carving thofe tOhcaeur rvc aiLnragvd inyogf o tOhof feuC rOca anLurdarv deiLnlyaag rdo iaoyf f Cb oOeaf inunCdrga e Lnlwadarrdeiilaytat erboineaf i inCbngea intnwhdgere ilwAtatremriniata t eizbnnieg ithnihn ge l a twhAnegrm iutAataezmgniega hizfn rig loathmhn eg l atuAhnaegmg ueCaa zafgirnegoa hmrf ryl o atmhneg tuhCaeag neCa afrrnyoa mry the Canary (Rig(hRti (gsRihdigte h(s Roitd ifsg eith dhotee f s octihdaf epet h eco)ea f Op cteahL)peM eOc) aL IOpNMeLR) M IAON NLIRNFMARRN AIINFANRREF ABIRANN IEPFABRFENM BIPAN FREPMFBFV NMREPF NRFV MFENVN VRE IFNNNV VANEIPNNVI IMANNPLVAIIMIFPNIILNMAIVFPLIIIINPMFIIV NLNIIPVFIIPII NPNIAIV INNPIPII.A PI NINA.I NPI.A N. (Right side of the cape) OLM INRANFR IAEBNPFM RFVEN NVINAPIMLIFINVIPI 3. TIshlea nIdnss,u tlhaer- IIAsnlmsaIunsaldlazasirn,g- dAthhs meP, traIhonzepsi gIuIosnhlslaas alrunal- lndAagsrm,u- Ataahzgmeie gaI. nhz s ilguahlna glrau-nAaggmueaa. zg ieg. h language. <NUIl-P<mUIA <ly-UNǝmnl.- <ymǎ[UǝrL nyal]- ǝn-ǎm[nfrMǝ aǎyrnr] ǝI nfaa[ǝne Nǎrbf rIǝ] aǝ-ar[en nIRbuafǝ ]ebǝ-rbin[ NI fuǝa-nmbe·Fubi ·f ǎbǝR-rimn ]ffu-w ǎm[bNrei nfǎf·w-.rB m Nfe·w( nwǎW.er iN n-f)iw.]wn -N[aeiFn w-bi].ni -iNb-[aiM nawbmai]ib -b i [ǝainRblmai ]fa -fb iǝm[ iFlnbi ·f ǝ Wwaflimi ifn]bf iǝbw [nliGibi fwbf]. ib-N i[nibNbi b w.b i·NbΓii-b.]ai b-N nb[iB>iib- .b.·a B[NinL-]>a]i- .-n[b [[M>MiL-. a]][]--nL [[[M>N]L-.[ ·]][MF- L[[]NR]]-- [][[]N-NM-[R]]]-- ][[[-RNB]·]-B-[]R]- We will repWrodeW uwceiel lwh riieslpl prrreoopdpWruoocdseea u wlhc biiesly l h p reiresxop ppprlrooaodsipnauolic nsbegay h l e ebivsxy epp relryaxo ipfpnrloaiangsingaml ie nebvgnye t er eoyvxn epfr rltyaah giefnmr iagnegagnmr mte eovennentr ttoy hin nfe r ttaghhgaeemr gmfeiarenrsnmtt top einlnna t tct hihene,e tgfhiarers mtf ipresnlta tcp ieln,a cthe,e first place, [N·F[·NR[]·FN [·RN·F][·· BNR[·N]·( FW[··BNR)·]](·B- W[[·FN()W]]-·-B[[)MF·](-]W][- F[[M)]R]--[]][M -F[[F]R]- ·[]W[M-R[TF]]] -h· [W[[eFGR ·]f]W] o--[[[lGN]Fl o·][·Ww-ΓG[]Ni]]-n- [[·[BgΓNG ·]pB·-]Γ[-r]B[-o]N[-·pM[BB·oΓ]]·s-]B-[a-[M][Ll-B [·w]FM·-B[]aL-]]s[--· N[[FmML]]·-a-F][[d-NB][-eL·[]B N-·bF[]By ]]-[- ·[N[tBBNh]··e YB][ -pN]][- Bh[[·B·YNiBl·o]B]·-Y l[]o[B-]Ng[-·N[Bi·BsY]]t·-. B][ a-N(][nY-B[]doN·.B uh(]]rY.-i s[oh(NtuYoea]rro. riu toh( reYg arhoraeutpa rr hthe era rIgt nacio Reyes García [N·Y]-[B·B]-[N].(Yourhearthousesthemostimportanttreasure,ChildYahwehoveryou,shiningtreasure. followed byf oitlsl fogowrlaleopdwh beeydm ibetssy, f goitthrlslae ogp wsrheaeeqpdmuh ebeensym,c iteeth ssoe, gf t srhleaeeqxp suehemeeqnmeucseee nas o,nc fted hl e oetxfh s eleeem qsxeueemsme naaencnsed t aio ctnfh d mlee texshaeeenmm isnaeengms t aoiacnfn dmeti actech amhen sesineaeqngmu ionaefngn et coiaecfc . m hea esceahqn suineeqgnu coeefn. ecaec. h sequence. housheos uhtshoeeus s mthehsooe sut thms eeimos m stptho oiesrm ttm apimnootsrp ttto arirnmetatap sntuort(rer 1tatear9,s neu6Cat2rs he–tui,r)l red,Ce a t,hsYo Cuidalrdhhae iw,yYl dC’eas hhYh mwioalvdheae hwiYrn e oay hveho exwourpv ,ey eehsrorh uotyi vn,io neisunrh , tg iyhsn ohteiurni neA,ga is nmsthurgiaern atezir.sni eugAgarhs etbu .rlu raeAeran.d s gbAueuunr re baud.ug epArenod, n beuan upno ruouddnrp e w nocono uaun rsops ucoecorinxe np cnosoocucneuir es nnccidoceneen sdcce ii enn cthe e year 2007 (García Aburdenuponourconscienceislikea(Nsteacckkloinvee)r oT(uNIEre(PscNhFkoeSliucEnklPedl)Mie nrTseE.I)RE CTI(P.NoI FnE<eStPTcErkFioP lSlyiMEnseuPeEbc)MbR h TIEb.fI RuE<srIPTǎ.d bFie < SnyTME)eiP be(yGMrbie >aEbf.r Rbcs[ íITǎa.f b ·Y<2s TǎM]0-bi1[ e B1yrM·,ieB>pbe]..- br[i[3 F>Tf1]. · -9Ys[[)SǎT].-·b·B[Y B]M].·- B[(eB]T-r·[hiBF>e]]. - -F[[[FSTa]·t·B-hY[e]S].r- · B[(BuT].n·h Bde(]Te -r[Fh Faet] th-hF[eeS ar·t Bhu]e.nr d(uTernh dete hrFe atthhee r under the is likies alii sks tela iakci ekss taola ivscketkear oacokv us etorrav scoehkur o roou vuslehdrr oe sruohsulo.d ru2Ce 0slrodhs1ne.o0 rtuC)sr.l.oo d TlnCe hstrorusinos.c tl hCs rs ooobullnu custhrutrd iocboelhun n sr)b ud fu(oceGrhnldl a)obe rn(uwcG)rí sdaa( Ge tr2nhca0)íera1 (cs 1G2ía,a0 amp 1r2.1ce 03í ,1la 1pi1 n92., ) e03p. 11a. 19s3, )1 t.ph 9.e) .3 c1o9n).c lusions we expound and share about the text on (Left side of the cape) FVpProMtecIRtioNnA of pEthrNoet pVVercioPtrtigoMeicnnt Ti oMofIn taE horePfy pt)VNh r(ioeGrMt gVeaicPnirtrci IgoMíRiann a 2V orM0fy R1t)ah V1r(e,Gy I pV)Va p(irIrGc.Ng í4aian1Rr c24 NMí0–a11 a21A5r0,)y .P1p) 1Vp(,G .I pM4ap1rc.4F í4–Ra11 I2450–)P.11 I15V,) .Np pI.A 4N14–15). (Lef(tL se(ifdLtee s fito(d Lfs eeit dfhotee f s oitcdhfa eept heoce)af pFctVehat)pehP eFeMc) Va cIFpPaRVerMNv)P iIAFMnRVg NIE PRoANMNf V AEIORPN uNMEVrNA TPLVI Ma EPEdNTMPyIVN ToEPMIfPM ECNPTPIaMRINn EPdMVPIeRRlPNa VIrVMRiIaVR P VVIbINRReIVViR nVIINgNVR IRwVANNIrPVRi VtNItANeIM PnRA VFiNPnIRMV IAt IhFMPPReIV FVIA RINPMmIII VFAPaRNzINViIgI NAPhI NIVAla NNngI AuaNg e from the Canary NTRHN.<Ffub-mirna. Nubiam(tGieirwdleen) NamA(RGbMiirr(GdPulRierrL)d wMNlei)AOw NRTi-AMAn(RRGPrEMRinr.L,d P<aMlRNeb)LOau MNrTǝiAAOmmRRT ǝMEAfb.rR Pǝ<iEr.RN .γBL a<ǝMirNbrǝ O-mamwrT ǝuǝAmtnbtRaǝ ǝErr>y b.γ .ǝy <ǝr[aNRr nγ ·amMǝrnrǝu ]umm-t[ttBa uǝr·tRrb>tγ.aǝ] -rr[[R >Γγ.·· MǝR[rR] ]-·m-[M[TBu·]·R-tRt[]aB].-r ·[(R>ΓS.] ·h-R[[aRΓ]r-·i·M[nRTg]]·- R-[[[Tt]Bh.· ·eR(R S]].h- [a(ΓSri·hRnag]r- i[[nTtgh· Re[ t]h. e( Sharing [the NTRNHTNNRT.H R<NNFHf.Tu N<R F.bH f<-umNF fbi.ur -<n mbFa-fi.m urNn ibaru-.n bmNai .i IuarNsnmblaaui n.bta idNmi esauw ,m tbtieh i e netawi mIaenemw nstu i e balneamiw rra - uemAbnrim r bw auaimrizrw i uwgbir-hi inrww l uariinnw-rn ,g wi au-rnbinaw ug,r i ena-i.bn , mu a rb ǝniuf ,rm iai. ǝb mBfuriǝ ibi.f -rBmwi.i ǝǝbBnf-riw biǝ.-ǝ ywBnyi ǝabǝnn-yw yǝnǝayunnyt a ǝnǝnyur γynt auǝntr γǝn ruγt ǝrγ un>. [F·W]-[B]-[R·N][N·B·(Wfo)o]-d[]M is] a-n[T o·bYfloi]goda[fWt]oi oiosd·n N]a tnio]s -w oa[bManlri dog]bsa-f [ltotiBihogode·anR ]t p iti]ooosnow [ar Wtan)o r (w·doGRbsaa l]rtir-dghc[saeWí tatpih oo·2enoY0 r p1t])oo- 1(o[w,GNr pa)a r].(rd -G3c[s1Rí aat3rh· )c2Ne.í 0 ap]1 o21[o0B,r 1p)] 1-.( [,G3 Yp1a].3r -3)c[.1Fí a3· R)2.0 ·Y11], p. 313). un>.u n[uF>.·n W>[.F]u -·n[[WBF>]·.]W- -[[[RB]F-·]·[N-WB[R]] ]-·-[N[[RNB]·]N ·-B[[]·RN (W·[·NBN)·]](· B-W[[·MN()WW]·]-B-[e)[M·]T (-wW[·]YM-i[)l]lT]] --r·[[[YeMWTp]· Y]r·-No[][Wd T]-u·[·[YWNMc]e ]·] N-h-[[[WMi]Bs- [··]pRMN-[r]B]o] --·p[[[RMWBo]·s R]·a-R[][lW B] b-[·[·yRWWR ]e] ··-xRY[[pWW]]--l[a[··WNYiRn]]]·i---Yn[[[NWR]g- ·[]eN·N-Yv[R]]]e --r·[[N[yRNB ]·f]]N r--[a[[]YRBg ]]·m[-N-B[[eFY]]n -·]R[t-[Y [B·oYF]]n-·-][R [ FtY·h·YR]e-]·[ YgFa]·R rm·Ye] nt in the first place, [[BB·B·B[]B-][·-W[B[BW]··-NB[W·][N]-B-[·[W·]NYB-[]·]·W-YN-[[W·Y]·WN-·[·WYN]· N·[·]WNN-[]Y]··TN[ [·N]WN]- [·[·R·TTNN·]]fΓ·--]oT[[ ][lRR.]lN -o(·[·IΓwR·ΓtT] ]·.ie]Γ .s-(d( ][I(dC.Rt I ab (tui·wIysΓitf s n f]dii .tsiao dsn( wndaI ggtwan ,trwi ihgsann nrepdig(e niahCc,an wgatgegu ,nmr(pn,f eCgdofgiae nrwurlotseege fne,pa’a, frs t ott g.t ho w shpprTneieoeeodh arws tweect.he ea)TeCpqe rnrL(oh. uhC.c dwPeTieaTlu lVenhdCnehrfe c’dRhf.jse e uCiTlo I lseCsNodhnhit’d fish e Ejll t uleiidhsCNekl)s ideexj hdtLuI eitPcjellsPhuimad)tkEe V sn eLl jPetF iudRtPskNalhs leIiVatete NkEh tn ’RlehFseIiEdkF erIatsNN e hAtFiat hdhtenaIENehPeetdFrNeh) T E sa ateFLIe.hPntr PahPm<e NdtaE LeVhw natrEPewhdRnarINae y FutItn aiN hwEA condre fIadEiN m Fnwty NthA nTeahoeIaiy.NefP nw b<woTELiǎfanaP. bw yyg<N n uL ooEǝ fwfr I ǎieFunfaAa nrc iiNǝh nbn Tnsǎtei>.b q<.b nu[LǎLǝebw· n Wǎnucfǝa e]r -. ǎi ǝ[nfRnant· Ni>ǝ b.n] [ǎ-tL>b·. W n[Lǝ]· -Wǎ[fRa]·- Nǝ[Rn]-t·N>. ][-L·W]-[R·N]- poefrfpepceetrrifpofeeenccr ttfaieivoopconnteiir doafane vivcl oaltoinivdioedo nisilds ila,ln vilaelnolnsniesddse, ssaials,rnl,ena da aen nas bddrsae, aal aamr[rn eBbe d faa(·o aNBl abrmr] abete- lha[cf maoNokl rmsb l ]feiato-n hl[wrfmFoeo ths)[]rh e fB-ooo[ Tt w·sNsrhBIue [htoEB ]·fhwTo-sfP·o[e eB]hsNrsF.uo].e wS (-] fYwsB[f-EheuN[oehPrFofu .fo]m]M er-Ys -sr[ [ueoFuo.ENr nfuY[]fcRffBl-·iereyoT[fI r·ruNuo .B.]b. nl.r u]Y ·< Yl(iT-oryTnB[oond]N u ieb.utle yruh(n]mry B- ero b[em doeenuFvbr nelumi]rcbync-ldis t[y efbtemoNurf nubr cbluy· reismuTifsd ǎnauLtr]eub l.sdonbt s hh(iree tnBmMid en anb e tvuoeise hmn mifhsarc etgtii ut e sn>hvb orchs.eieirca nitc yinnae[tfg bTt ouidLs enecr·lhlroYy ageniira)n n n]dcLa -(di as l[Gonto lhnBhlrefgiaidd e)·g ntB r cl (hhvoecaiG]et)infí-nc ) a[a(teg dtFG h(trolGe]ceerca-r íy)aa[enra S (ntrcL aGe·cídlBroaí anlrla] eird.a g )c2 lho( í0laTtfi1 ) ght 1h(he,Ge t p )Fae .(tar Ge2tcrh8íanae9rar )c2 l. í0 ulai1n g21dh0,et 1p)r 1 .( t,G2 hp8ae.9 r 2)c.8í a9 )2.0 11, p. 289). (Right side (oRf itg(hRheti g cshaidtp ees i)od Ofe Lt(ohRMfe i tg chIhaNetp RcesaiA)d pONee L)Fo MORf tL IhIAMNeE RcIBaNANpNRePA)FF ORNM LFI AMRRFE IIVBANNEERNPBAFN NNMPVFF RRIMNF I VAAREPFENIVBMN ENLNPIVF FNIMINNV AVRINPFIPIVAMIE PNLNIMII FPNLIINAVIFVNIINNI.P AVI PINPIMII PNLIAIIFPNIINA. VNI.P I NIPIAN. 2(0G1a12r,0 cp12í.a1 02,12 0p1072.,1 ) 02p.1 10., 172p,)0 .p. 7.2) .20 077)).. protection of the Virgin Mary) (García 2011, pp. 414–15). <Ul-m yǝn ǎ<rU aln<-fmUǝrl y- Imǝane yb ǎǝ rǝn na ǎnu<rfbU ǝailrn f- -Ifmmaǝre y bǎIǝa rǝne fn bwǎu rǝeb naninu .f f-bNǝmir wf Iǎ-iamr-e ifn bǎwa rǝe bfnnwiu.b ebN ani mw.f -Nim ǝ-wil niǎfiarf- iibf nnwiab we baniim.bb Nb aǝiwmbli.fi f-Nǝiil ninif ab fw iib -niiabb nwb a>iim.bb [.bL ǝNi]bl-ii.[f MbfNii -ni]a b [nwNi>-ia].b- n[[bLR>i].b] --[.[L MN]-i][ bM[Ni-]a] [-nN[R>].] --[[LR]]--[M] [N]-[R]- (G(Gara(mGrma(eGrnemtan ree(tmGdnetgea dnerem)gtd eEgee)deAn)gtEF eEeMA)Ad FE gFIMAReM)EF EMNIIRRAI (EENIFGRNNMIiE rIFI NdNNIMRlIIeIN EE)F NAFINM MFIRANEMEEARIIE A.MRF A<MREPÊRIER E.E aIL<AIf.ÊM.- Rm< <aEOÊÊ fIi T-r.am aeA<ffn-Ê -Rminm rEiae .finf r-i-<nmerǝNenim nnfiaer-nirǝe ǝifamnm-rnǝfee-m iy ǝ af>mbe-r. ǝǝe aem[ryEr >eγea].y-ǝ r[a[>reFEr .y] me]-[>-y[E[uM>.F]t-.]t ][-a[[ F[EE[rM]R>]-]-[.·-][ MN[ [F[FRR]]]] - ·-·[[M[NF[MRM]]]·-]-N [][[BF]R [·]R[R-·FN]·]-N]-[ Γ[]F·R]-]-[T·R]. (Sharing [the [N·F·R] [N·B[N·(W·F[N·)R]·-F][ F·[R]N-][ ·MB[N·]( W·B[[NR·)(]]W·--F[[·FF)R]]·-W-][[ FM[]N] -][[· GMB[R·](]-]W [-[N[RF)·]]Γ·--W[[]FF-[]]·B -W[[·GMB] ]]]--[ [[GM[NR]-·]]Γ[--N[[]LF-·[··ΓBFW]·]-B-[][ B]N-[·[GBM]-]][--]B[[-MN[·BL·]]·Γ-F [][]L-N-[·[BFN·Y·]B-]][-]-N[-[B[BM]··-BB[]B]]- -[·[[BLNN]·F ·]Y[.] N-]([-YN·[YBo]]u·--B[r[BB] -h··[BBeN]a] r-][[.tN N (Y·]Y.o ](u-Y[rB ohu·Bera] -rh[teN ar].t (Your heart [[MF]·Y-[[M]M-[[·MRY·Y·]Y·-Y][[-]R]M.[ -R·([YO·R·Y]Y·h.]Y ,]-( [.]OfR.i( nh(O·OYd, hif]hni.,n, g (fidfO iyninnohddug,i in fnyiingngofc duoyyroi oeonidnauug]sc ieiyrinssneo caatcurshnr eeeie asno asp bctserhrlesoiese gtta eahptsctheerti soeoip tontrpenho crt ettoao eipgwtocernatacoii ornttadinegsocst anta itisgnohuaansepgit npea asrsoigusntoa tprssiien)tut irs(possGtneut irs!aptsu)iret op(cirntGeísiar!ota)s in 2trt(i!ic0Gto)í1i anoa(1G n!r2,)c !a0p)í(ra 1.(Gc 1G32í,aa10 apr 31r2cp)c10.íí. ,a1 a 1p1 282p, 030p.1 –11p8118.4,, 3 1)pp–.8 pp83.4–. 1)81.8 483)3.– –8844).) . houses the mhosotu hismeosup tsoherset atmnhtoe stmtr ehioamosstupu isormerest,p atConhrhtet i atlmnrde otaY ststaru ehiramwes,pue Chorre hot,i avlCndehrt Y iytlradoeh uaYw,s ausehhhrwei no,e viChne hrgo i vyltderor euY ay,s aosuhuhrwi,en .es ihhAn igon bv itunerrrge da ytesornueu rau,es s.pu hoArinen .b ioAunurg rdb teucrnoren dausespcnuio reunen.p coAoeun rb oucuorrnd escncoin eusnpccioeen n coeu r conscience (Bac(kB ao(cBfk at cho(keBf oacthcfa kept hecoe)af pNcteahB)pe I eNMc)a BENpIIMe BA)I EMNN(IC BENAuIIEMf NfAI NPoENnEIE N RAtIhPFENeEMI PNRcIaEFVEnRMIIdPFFIlMEVeV’RFIsIFVF .s VM<iIdFNFIeV.Vǝ )F< bILN.Fb PV<iǝ VNbFyRb .ǝ ǝIib< NmNbyiEǝ ǝ ǝyNybmy bIǝiPǝi.m yEyAyǝP niyǝN.m- ynAEiǝ.ăI nyyFA-y Annǝiă.Nb- ynAeT ărǝn.ry be-< nefǝL răbmwryeeui rf ǝr ǝerbmwifen irim nfrǝ eiiw fb ǝiǎmwfb i i nfǝ ǝw ǎiffa ǝnt>. [L·W]-[R·N]- is like a stacki so vlieikrse olaiuk sret saahc skot uaolcvdkeie rsor svol.ieu kCrre oosaunh srtotr usaohlcld kose uuorlvscd.he erC rb soou.un rCrtdr oesonnhlt )osr u(uoGllcd haseu rrbcscu.íh arC db 2oeu0nnr1t)dr 1e(o,nG lp )sa .(ur G3cc1híaa9 rb )c2u.í 0ar1d 21e0n, 1p) 1.( ,G3 p1a.9r 3)c.1í a9 )2.0 11, p. 319). Uf>.U [fN>U.] f-[>[NW.U []·N-fY[>W]].- -[[[·WNYY]]]·---Y[[[YYW]-]][ -·Y[Y[DY]]--]][[ -YY[[DN]] -][][[-D-BY[[NY]·]B- ][][]-N-D-[[[BY]]N--·][R[]-YN-[·[BF]]F-]·-[R]-[B-[Y·[M·FNR]-]]·[-·-FTB[[M]W]·-R.[ ](M··-BFF[W]]e]--- [m[[·MFWFe]]r.]·- c-F[([iFW]fWu-][.leF · F(i]gnW].i - vt([ehWFe eg]r .eiv e v(figeWuci tgvroeeeer fygutr oiegLv feuote h rgtrdaoeet fo ttuwfoh g tahtehtoh et wa oietg th tenwohro nhairgtoae nlsw i.log ihrWgneohos etr.i )gewW sn(.Gi oleWlr a ewrsec.i líwlWa i2lel0 w11il,l p. 289). (Left side of( Ltehf(etL ecsfiadtp ese i)do Ffe VtohP(feL M techIfaeRtp Nsceia)dA pFe e VE)o NPfF MVVthPPIeRMM NcIaTRApIN e EE)A PNFN VVEMNPPMMPVIPITRRMI N VETARPI V NEEIMPNVNIPVNMIPRRMP NVITR RIA VVEPIRPVVVNIIMNIMVRFIPNRNIRIR A PNVIPV RVANVIPMIIVVAFIINMNR IRF PRNII V APNIPVIVANINMIA FNR I PIVNIAN forgifvoer gftoihrvege io fvtfohferee gtn hoisvfeef e eow ntfhfsheeeen nwosefehfv eweennrhs eeievtn weiersvh iceetarn i ueistsv ceei(adsrRu cbiistayge ui dhsts htebc edays uif btedshyaeeer d t ohfo ebfefa y Grft eh tooahedfre )G oc f(efaoG apGdra)e o or)(dfc G )OíG aa(LGo r2dMca0)íra 1 (c 1IG2íN,a0 ap R1r2pc1A0í.,1 a N3p1 12p,F 30p.R –13p 111I.4, A3 3)p–.1E p13B.4– N3)1.1 4P3)F.– M14 )R. FVEN NVINAPIMLIFINVIPI NIPIAN. NTRHN. <FNfuT RNb-HTmRNirH.n <NaF.. f Nu<F uNbfbu-Tmi Rbai-mHrmnN aitr.i. n Ne<awFu. febNuni u baab-mmmi a itbmri nier a wtu.i eNre nwwu aebimwni ai a-bmmnir r tbuni ir,er w awuberiunw w iia -immwn ǝ ir-bfnnri,ir .r a unBbr,iu baw -biw iumwǝ iǝni -fm nrǝi yǝ.r fynBra,ii .bna B- bwniubuǝ -tinw mǝ ǝǝryǝγnfy rǝaiy.n yB naibnu- twn ǝuǝrtnγ ǝ ǝryγy an nut ǝrγ If weIf p wIafey w paeIat ftyp ew anayettit oapetnnatt yetino oa tnttitho eteonn st<ttuihoUobe tnl sh-s tmtueao bns tyusthǝitbaeans lns tǎdutairinba satlst inatdaanfilǝns cdrtte aiiI asbnatleeca dtbenwi cbsǝeteena etbunwnebc teaeiw el fbln- etme ehatnwe lǎl asreto hlefllwne ut h seatoeinlol ls. unt oNhstli euwop stnriioo-osil pnnpuosart iso pobeprnidobos pu s apeopmrds ot e ouǝpd lpoti huf stfiepois d n ttp ho uwoi ptsihin bptitosbo ipitbnho.ti i sNn pti obiin-at n>. [L]-[M] [N]-[R]- un>. [F·W]-u[Bn]>u-.[ nR[>·FN. ·W][ F][·-WN[B·]B]-u-[·[(BnRW]>·-N.[) R]]-[ ·[FNM[·WN]] -·][B[-TN[·(B·YW·B]]-· [)(R]W[-W·[NM)]·]-N] [-M[][T-N[]·M-Y·[BT]]· -(·Y[W[BW]· )R]·[-N]W[ M][-·WN[]M-[]·T-R][-·M]Y[-B[]]W· -R[[B]·WY ·R][·-WN][ N]·[-RW][-M][-·R[R]W-·]N[-B·[Y]W· R]-[]·[BY N][]-W-][[-YN[·R]R]-·-[]N[F-R[·]WR ·N·[Y·BY]] ]] --[[[BYN]]-]-[-[Y[FR]·-R·[NF·Y·]R ] ·[YB]] -[Y]-[F·R·Y] and athnidasn todhni atsehn ,o iwdsn oeeth, nt wieesn, e owd nt eeteon ,t dewthn teidon t tkethon ti [dthnNha ktit·on F,t hkdt·Rha etit]hsn, p a[dkNti et,t esdh·B piaet·ist(st,Wp e wd iit)etee]ssl- pli[w-tFicst]e oew-ln[ liM-etccsleol] iw- nvc[oceeReldn]li--c vl[ceiFeonid·vngW eculide]in is lvg[tiGienucdgi] as- ul[tpiNiincps g·traΓioucp]a -ipas[cpBrthiop·c Baa ran]co-phda[pM c atrhhno] -edaa[ n Loctdhhu·F e tat]s h-ont[eaudN not ts]duh-t[iatenBsn otg·daBu ni]tn ds[gtiNan n·gYd ]i-n[gB ·B]-[N]. (Your heart [B·B]-[W·N][-B[Y·B·[WB]-·[·BWN]-]·[ NW[N]-··N[TY]]·[--WB[[RY·B···NΓW]-]][. · W[N(NIt]·· N Ti[sN]] d--·[[aTYRw]··-WΓn[R]in.· ·N(ΓgI,]t] . g [i(srNI etda· Taits w]p -dno[aRwiwn·eΓgnr,].i .ngT (grhIe,te a g itCsr pehdaoiatwlw dpe nojruw.i nsTetgrh ,l. ei gkT Crehe hteahi tlCe dp h Fojiuawldtseh tjr eul.ri s Tkateh n lteidhk Ceet hhtFehial ewdt h Fajeuayrts hoat fenl ridk a etn htdeh etw hFaeay wt hoaefy r oafn d the way of lexiclaexl ligecrxaoilc ulgaenrlx dogiucsra onsluud gnpsr dposusou prnstupdinposg prst ouiitnrp,t gihpitn o iostgur,o stiimeittns , s egitotth imisemto ,me emittsoi mes slottai emcimsmk eelspats oicc mrlokathsaec neskc rtsol ea thcnrcoeekcarhesese unwcrroceieehnt,h ecwC retheih wtinehldc i ste tYheh wm eath hisatweehn me sthtiehca mo enrv etaseilnerci mg tyriieocoau lnuri,ge tsslii-icoheg iuvrnieosail-nunieggsgvi- eatoerlnvuiesgaasis-neneulggivrse eail.nni Asggin eblgui sridnegn upon our conscience perfection avopiedr fipellcenrtiefoescnst, iaaovnnod iad av riopleile dnar feibelslacsnlt,mi eaosnn sfod, ara av ntrohdeio d aas rieble law nalmh ebsoa sf lso,m uar fn tffhedoror a. s trYehe woo asuh ebro aw o lsnmhulof yff soe burru. ft fYrhedoroe.su nYer w moounhurlos y ots nbubulefyf rae dbr seu.h nYri dnmoeiunnur gs mot cn ubalesny tad bb lsueeh )rai d(n sGeihnnai gnmr cicnuíaagsn t dc baleen )ad ( lsGeh)ai n(rGicníaagr ccíaan dle) (García resurletssr,u ealsntusd,rl te awssn,u edal n atwsdr,e e aw paneard era t wpriceaeu rp altaaircrreult yipilcsa aus rlrpliltakyeierca sluakyp li saenstarpaglkcey akia n bskopgovin eueaargtb k oaoaiununbr ogta su abhantsob e auoannlbudc staee erba snosn.fc e Caean bo cocnseflete aornao frccl ea elser ucoa blcfreh ieaba r brlc ibuelcreirab dablle,rii nepbcr)alr ila(bc,Gy iapbelar,lrr iapfccyuaíraeall , ryo 2fper0ur r1llafi 1uotyu,rl ep rorlgi.fr tui3 ucll1iar t9oglu )ri.r c lgaitilcu arlg ical 2011, p. 207)2. 01210, 1p1. ,2 p0.7 2).0 7)2.0 11, p. 207). (Left side of the cape) FVPMIRNA ENVPMTI EPNMPIR VRVIVINRN APVIMFRI PIVNIAN (Garment ed(Ggea()rG mEaAernmFtM eend tIg ReeEd()G NgEeaIA)rN mFEIM AeFnF MtIM ReEEd AINgRReIEE)N NIE.I I A<NFÊFMI M aFEf MA-ImRREE AEiNrIRe. InE<NnÊII.i <aFf-ÊfM-ǝ mmaEf Ae-imr Rae rnEiernIye.i > n<f.nÊ- ǝ[i E maf]f--e-ǝ[m mFa] re-ie[r Myae>rn]e.n y[[iRE> f.·]- N-ǝ[[EmF] ]][-e-F[[ FM]a-]r-]e[ My[R>].· N[[RE] ]·N[-F[F]] -][-F[M]-] [R·N] [F]- NTRHN. <Ffu b-mirna. Nubi am ti ewen am bir ur wiwi-n rn, abu i mǝfri. Bib-wǝn ǝyyan nut ǝrγ [M·Y]-[R·Y].[ M(O·[YhM,] -f·i[YnR]d·-Yi[nR]g.· Y(yO]o.[uh M(, O ifn·iYhnc,r]d e-fii[annRsgde· Ysiyn t]ogh.u e(y O iponuhrco, r itefneianccstrdeiesoian ntsgh ea seyg tpoahurineo itspnetrc csotrutieoepacnset eriasosg tntaih tiaienog snpatri! no)s uts(etGpc estaruiorspctneií traais og2tnai0ti!i1n)o 1sn(t,G! ps)a up(rGp.c eí1ara8rs ct23ií0–tai18 o214n0,)! .1p) 1p(,G . p1ap8rc.3 í1–a88 2340–).18 14,) .p p. 183–84). un>. [F·W]-[B]-[R·N] [N·B·(W)]-[M]-[T·Y] [W·N]-[M]-[B·R] [W·R]-[W·Y]-[N]-[R·N] [B]-[Y]-[F·R·Y] (Back of the( Bcaac(pBkea )oc Nkf tBohIfeM tchEae(Ip B ceAaa)cN pNkeN )Bo EINfM ItPBhEEIeMIR cAFEaMINp eAIN)VN ENIFINPBVEEIFMIR.P FE<EMINR AFǝIVbMNbIFNIiV VyEIF FIǝP.V mE<FNRǝ. yFǝ<ybMNib.ǝI iVA bybIn Fiǝ- VnmyăF ǝǝy. ym <ǝyNǝbi.yeǝ yArbribne. if-A nymnă ǝy-in m ǝǝăwǝbyye ifǝyr rbie.e fAr rmnef-i n mǝăwyi iǝǝfw beifr ref mi ǝwif [B·B]-[W·N]-[Y·W·N] [N·T]-[R·Γ]. (It is dawning, great power. The Child just like the Father and the way of Uf>. [N]-[WU·Yf]>-U.[ Y[fN>].- ][[-YN[W] ][-·D[YW]]-U-·[[YNYf>]]]-.--[ [[Y[YYN]]]- ]-[[-[YD[BW]· ]R-[·[DY·NF]]]--]-[[-[NY[MY]]-]]-[--[Y[[YBW]]· -R[·[DFB·F]·]-R]-[-[F·[NFM]].] --]([[-WMY[W]e]- -[·[gFBWi]v·-Re·[F F·Fr]]e-].f[ -uF([WMg].e e] (- tW[goW ievt he·gFa irt]ve -ew[fuF rhg]eo.ef u (itWggone e to thrgoae itsvt .hew aWrhte oewf uiwhggoienl loit groen sto.h raWets .ew Wwhoeil liw gnilol res. We will perfection avoid illness, and are a balm for those who suffer. Your only burden must be a shining candle) (García forgive the offfoenrgsfieov rweg htivheeen etohvffeee rno ifsftfeoe irnwsgs chieva eweun stehehvedeen rbeo vyfitfe e trinhs is etce af iewsua schrea edounf se bGevydeo trdbh i)yet ( tfiGehsa eacr raf eocuafís arGe do2of 0db G1y) 1 o(t,Gdh p)ea p(rfGe.c aí3aar1r oc23fí0– aG11 214o0,)d .1p) 1p(,G. p3ap1rc.3 í3–a11 2340–).11 14,) .p p. 313–14). 2011, p. 207). If we pay attIef nwtIiefo wpna etyo p atahtytee anstuttIiebfo nswntt aietono pn ttai htayoel a dtshtuitseebt nsasuttniabconsentt b iataoenlt ttdwihaieesl te dsanuins bactalseltn batchneeett w ibsaeoelt ledwunites iatoealnnln tsach pleel r b tsoheopetlwo usstoeeileodunn tu siao plpnl rttsooh p pethro soisospe lpdouso tuieionpdnt tu so pp t rhtoois pt hpoisosei npdto u inpt t o this point (Garment edge) EAFM IRENINI FMEAREI. <Ê af-m irenni f-ǝme arey>. [E]-[F]-[M] [R·N] [F]- and this onea, nwdea tnthedins td ho intsoe o,t hnwienea, nkwted tenh t dtahe titn,so dd o te hntsoiepn ,t ihkwte itne hi tktase t tnw,h ddaee tlt,lso -dpc teiohtsneipn ciikettsie t vw hietasedt lw ,ll -dicneeolglsn-upcciioestnetivi cciete asdi vpw lepiendrlgo ll-uiacnciogshntu iaccines aitdvpic etp hadrpeo l piaoncrugohtuas atcinashtnd iadc tn ihandpeg tpo hrueot aostcuahtns adtnainnddg t hineg o utstanding [M·Y]-[R·Y]. (Oh, finding you increases the protection against superstition!) (García 2011, pp. 183–84). lexical grounledxsilc esaxuli pcgaprloo gurtrniondugsln eisdtxu,s ipic tsap uslo opgrmptriooneurtgtinm iindt,egs si tsi tlus,a opictmkp ssoeo rctmtiominhetgeeisr mie tln,ae iscct ke ls aswo ccmkiotshhe ct etiormhheenee ssrce eelmna wccakeint shwt ci citoth hhree e tlsrhieegemni oscaueenm swt-ieacivnt hratei nctlhgi rgeeei lolsiisuegimsino-geau vnsat-iencvg raeenlliigsgeiinloigsu isn-ge vangelising (Back of the cape) NBIMEI ANNEIPERFMIVIFVF. <Nǝbbi y ǝmǝyyi. An-năy ǝberref mi ǝwif results, and rweseur aeltrsseu, platnas,rd ta iwncudel r awaerrseleuy alp straspe,r e ptaainackurditnl iawcgru elaly aba rsrolpeuy ep tsa aapkrneitn aiacgkbu isanleabgnro lcauyeb t so oapufne ta a a akcbnlisen aeagbnr esacereb n boocuifbe ta l oia ccfnla ae laa ,c brplseereraa nrbyecierebr lfboiucifbl aa loli ,ccr pl alerilat,a urpyerregrar ibfycuieablrl l foiucrl al loi,t rup lrrigtauiycreagrlif cuall or liturgical Uf>. [N]-[W·Y]-[Y]-[Y] [D]-[N]-[Y]-[B·R·F]-[M]-[W·F]-[F]. (We give refuge to that who ignores. We will forg ive the offens e w henever it is caused by the fear of God) (García 2011, pp. 313–14). If we pay attention to the substantial distance between all the solutions proposed up to this point and this one, we tend to think that, despite its well-conceived linguistic approach and the outstanding lexical grounds supporting it, it sometimes lacks coherence with the semantic religious-evangelising results, and we are particularly speaking about an absence of a clearer biblical, prayerful or liturgical Religions R20el1ig7Ri,o e8nli,s g1 i23o0n51 s7 2, 081, 71,3 85, 1R35el igions 2017, R8e, l1ig3i5o ns 2017, 8, 135 5 of 27 5 of 52 7o f 27 5 of 27 5 of 27 of Songosf 8So,o f4n S(gBosni b8g,ls e4 8 1(,6B 41i 1b(,Blo epif b 1.S l63eo1L n116g6,r s1p) ,1. 8 o,,3 rpoL4 .fr 6 ( a3SrBtL)ohi,b6 neorlgrer),,s r1C oa86rat,1 hn4r1eat , (r t4Bph, ,.iCe b43ral ,Le( nCB 6t1ir ab64)n,1l, et1o4 4,r 1 ( ,p6Br 41a.i 1bt3(h,BlL eepi6 rb1.r, l )63eC,1 L oa115r6n,r 1pt)r 1a.4o ,t,3 rh p L4eI. s5 r(3a,rB Li)Cia b5oharlrne ) 5 Ito1,s 4ar62 ,i1, Ia 4s1wh a,( ihBp5ai.,ihc b23h l5,Le ,w 5 12r6h,) 1iwoc1rhh, Ipisc.ah 3i aLh5 r5), o2r, wIsahiiachh 5, 2, which reads Erte saedrpeisva Eidtt s es aEempt i,sv e[i.pt. .ie]v aeimttr eea,a ae[md.d.i.,s]f i [ ecE.t.a.t v]a s ieeetdt p tiariufvieercdiaratidi vfemisiact ma E(tvaut,ni [rtsd. ret. i.pugm]i rave rtt(iih atma eneer add(ema idgfn i,aoc d[tua .hgv.t.e ai]trt thee htdteue asroreteruodditnmi fotei uhsc( eaatt vnhsthitdetore gnt esuoaetfrtso hr (ntitehmehrseee rd (tevah ooinenfur de(et ty oghtafahe r(te dvth hs)ietn er[o ee.vn.dy.i]e ano sareu dtnyth)da et[r hr.d.ee.)o ] s f[at .(o.nt.n]hd eae s nv tdihn eeryeaorf d()t h[e.. .v] iannedy ard) [...] and built a tbouwielbtr u)a i( ltBto iawb teloerw) 1 (e6Br1)i1 b(,Bl ebpi ub.1 il36letM1 1a1 26,t v1opw1;. ,M3e prMb)o. uu(23BivMrltie;b 2aM1l vet9oo; 9 1wMu16er,1 orep1)u ,1p( rp9B.e 9.6i 1b1359,lM– e9p6 1217p,6v; . p1T;6 1pMv5,.–v po66eu.57e 3–r;d eM6Ta 71vl2;e9v vT 92e;v1 e0M,vd0 pe5aoep,lu edp.r a6.2e l580 e1–30 92655907), 1.0;p ,5T .p ,v8 pp3v..5e 68)e.53d –5a6)l.7e ; 2T0v0v5e, epd. a8l3e5 2).0 05, p. 835). 8. La8s.t ly8,. L thaesLt lmays,u ttllyhti,e- p tmhsee8u u. mldtiuo-pL-latsaice-srputolsdyneo,uy8 -t.mdah coesr- oamLfnrcaourysomlmttnliy -syL,p mfatsrhtesoieu nmf d rma ooLnmu-adal tct iLiSrn-oapp ntasaiyennnumd isad hsnSo dpf-cra aaoScnrmrprioysa nhinLny iacgsmtah irrns rec yflaairirgnonridmgyo iuS nrLsepg ala mitrgnieneiiolsa ihugan nsiicon damug rsS rea pyambiannoenigunais tngr h iena lcbigago riauorbytuo isnu gmt reealniginiogu as bmoueat ning about three frtahgrmethee rfnerteas g,f rmbayeg nmJotses,né b ttHshy, r eJberoyens áéfJrn oHasdgéeem rzHnt ehMeánrrntoensderá,eá nbfznrdy a M(e g1Jzomo9 sM2reéá2n no–Htr )s(á e,1w nr9bn h2y(á1i2 cnJ9–hod2),s e2 wébz– y )hHM iwwecohrharn,iyá ácbn hnoy ,df( 1wbee9yzxa2 ayMw2m –oao)pfy r wlá eeonxh,f a iw(ecm1hxe9pa, 2 pmlb2ery–,op )wvlw ewied,a hwyepi crefoooh fpvr , e ribxdoyave m iwfdopaerly ef o,o rwf eex parmopvilde,e w foer p rovide for the lettethrien tlghe etot enler tittnheger inonnegc tokhnlteih n tenhe e eloec nntktleleyicrn,ki enwl igonthh neoeel nryo el ,net thwtlwyteeh, o rnewi nreinhecg tke teorwlriennpo tert we hionteoant etnliiyrnoep,tcn erwkserl pthiaanrerteeeriot e oapn ttnosiwols yasno,ri sbewi n lapehtr:eoe eros rppsneiro btetswhltseaeio:tb i ooloiennnn:et stoe h hrnaepar ternohe dnpeta,e o ott sihhnosaeeinbn shld eaa,: n rtoedhn e,p ttohhsees iobnlee: hoann tdh,e t hone e hand, the sub-divsiusibos-nud biTv-Idi-sEiivo-iPnsE iTo-InS-E ETP-sIP--uMEEb---PESdEREiv-PIS,i- sErMiePosE-nusMRu lTtIbEi,In --RrdEgeIi- s,viP unriEesl ttis-ihoSunenElg t Pp Tiin-hnIMg-r Et ahiE-snPeRe tE pIFh,-h oeSrrr eEpeasvPhsuee-rlrM at FiysnoEoerguR eF viIaon,er rrr eet e vhyMseoeurua plyr tayhiorn ure(ga T aM súirene a e FrMtryhoe rsae(e rT pvpyoúe hr(r e Tr syraúieoess umee p r aFpeorrsoree r p s eMoiverema rsr piyyer mo(euT p úare re er Mes aproyr (sTieúm eprrees por siempre María), MfroarMmía a)K,r íifarr)co,h mfer roK’msi rv cKahMirericarah’trsieío avrn)’a,s, r f oviraroat emrioilMas nKeta,i, oir ortínhcra ,h)ee ,o e lmfsrrre ’oeos, lm rtvsehea Ke,ur timniharncteoiha ormteenur o,u’r sroane rlvn ufaeaolnrtsriunaemra,t ia ttTohul nIfer-o,a E morlR mrfoo Eer rTSlems-I euE- E,TnP tRnIh--MEaeEt SRmEu-EREroaSPIrl,-e - fEtM ohuPranE-mtMnR i asITE,,t IuRtY-hrEIoaa,Ru ltt EhfiosaS,rt- Ym EisoP ,uT -YM I-oEuER REI,S t-hEaPt- iMs, EYRouI, that is, You are a moatrhee aar’r sme maot imhrerorot’rhs e(mTr’úisr rmeorairerr ser( Toeasrú pm ( eeTojroúteh s dee eerrs e’ampssr eameej sdoaipr r dmeerej)oo, or m wtd h(aeThed rmúir’c seaeh )drm, e irwssier )eihr,ns oiwptrcee hh(jnTo iidc úsdhe eied n irms tete saoin nde bdstrepeee)ne d,sj dohw t eoodhdwe bi ctmneoh a si bdinhser o te ishwn)h,et nwoe sn wiahndmin cet hedhin e sit s etosh mi abnemae tse neasnt hmsidcoeee mw dsna etnm oitn bia cten h tseihc s oawmne isne mthaen staimc e semantic line as Tliinpeul iasn sMe T aaistpr uTissi p(MIumsa atMrgilesai n to(reIfi m sta ha(seIg mTMe iaopogfut ethsl hio enMefr e)tM ah bateoyrs tiM shTt he(iorpIet)mhu Jbesaer ygsM) ue tb hiaoyttfe r ( ttiMJhhse ees(o I uMrJmeáitosan tug( hM1eiet 9or o5()fMr 7tbá;hy noVe r t1Meáh9rneoa5 t1 7J2he9;0 es5Vr1u7)e6 i;bt r,V ayp(M e .2t rh80oa11e r2)6 áJ.0, en 1ps 61u. ,9i8 tp51 (7.)M .;8 V1o)er. ráan 21091567,; pV. e8r1a) .2 016, p. 81). Once thOonrocOuen gtchheol ytrho eouxrgaohmulygin heOelxdyna ce(mVex iaetnhmreaodi rn2 o(0eVuO1dge6 n(r,hV caple yep2 r t0e.ah 1x7 o26a3r0,–mo 1p8ui64png,). e pha7dlpn3y .(–d Ve78 ax34esa–)r am8wa 4n2ie)n0d ap1e an6drsod, (pgw Varpseee. rs wp7as3ree 2o–d p0g8 1wrr4o6e)i s,gta sphrneep ddos.su a7wers3d i l–wt ihw8ne4 goi )tupu hairr snoo tldguiicn rra eg alssnui snwdiegsd etui cpwis ratiointcghd ra oenusdsr e ldin wguitihs toicu ar nlidn guistic and cryptancarlyypcirttiyacnp aatanlynaialtyliycs iiasti,nc aa calllryn yosapifls yt,ta shanieslalm, loay flibl ct teirohccy feaap mtmnthaa eenbl mydaescl iyisbasrime,te ciagceal a mlad rondiesfa e rdltdeyhig.sse iarNmser,ogd abnaelredeld c .oo aeNffmd tot.he hnN eedemmo iosn rbfeie se tg ohcwafae rmomtdhree teih dmsd . f iw uNsirsrooe trwhgntheaeorr rf odtdufhe erd ttdfhh.u ieeNcrmrath otd ineioesren d wd,oi cefoa drtthitichoea nmtf,iu o rinsth , wero rdtehd fiucarttihoenr, dedication, but thebyu trb etumhte aytihn er eyam s raeaim nc aobailunsle tc aatt sihoc eoany l l ceorocfel tbmlipeuocoantt is intsoohi nbfea lyspeo ofars se opsmcliooubasltlslieienio bc nstlaoiseos l u npsato ri ooloucpfno tosilpol seonpecsdsrts oi iopbponrlvoeo es opersf odo ts plheuooedtv si eoscorionb vustle ehrrps e esr t oohcolpoeufo u tcsirhooesinedus ts roo sorepfvy reh,oo rifpa s nttohhodsieres y tdoc, oroayunv,r desare n tdoh fe hciostuorrsye, oafn dh istory, and exampleexsa oemxf pahmloewsp lo etfos h osoofw lhv oeetwxo aa s mtpoorlp vosleobe sllave omepfe ra xhto ahpobmawrlteop, m btlaoel ses t msh hooaa fltts v,hh ebaao setaw, e hpan ats rosc oh lbsbeaolaeselre vmlbnyee ctedahln eeap amctrr,lo loeaybans lrs delhtyemrama sd tt eoebhdnmea,set ot,in rsna a cssettl exerhdtaaar,tre selim ydsb ,eeed ielxesynt m re cecxoomltenmraeseprltmyrllyae ec txldeoy.d em cm, poiosmle nexpsx.tl terraxet.me de,l yis ceoxmtrpelmexe.l y complex. Next, wNee wxNti,le lwx mte, o wwveiel lwo mnil olt ovmN eao e opvxnert, o towpon oea ts wopa lraiN olf loppe mrxro otsso,opa vwlolue sfe toao iwroln nfs iotlo olwr l muashto opiilcovurhnoet i pdwoooinnfhsf aiewtcorlh hs fa oidw crpih ifrsd foodeeplrilufsyoft es wifoarrsilnod fwm weolir yhde s viefocrelhlyoru ymdft riioo ofetfnmvhe rewe serr hyv wp ieocrirohdtyhp e doeloyirtsfh fapfeerlrr roows mpp wero oeisdvpaeeol rlswyya e lfo rwtohmee r e pvreorpyo ostahl ewr ep roposal we have dihsacuvhseas devdies cduupiss cstueod sts hueidpsh puatoovp iet nth odti. si ts hpciuosis nphsteoa.dvi n eut .dp i stocu tshsiesd p uoipn tt.o this point. 3. The I3n. sTu3h.l eaT rIh-nAes mIunlaaszrui-glAahrm -3PAa.r zTmoihpgaeohz si IPganlhrs o uPp3lroa.o rsTp-aAhol esm aIaln zsiuglha rP-rAompoaszaigl h Proposal The folTlohweT ifnhogel lpfoowrloliopnwogs iapnlrg ow Tppahrosoes pamfool aslwldaoalew s wb imTnyahsg at ehdmp eefrao opbdlplyheoo i wtlbsohayileln o twgpgh iheaps istrpl ooamhlpnoialodgods ilhaesolt ig bswaitysona trdt siha onhmeg diprsa atdhhopieirlsh iotboeolygror rgiItoaghisgpnetrh a aapecpnhiroh diIl e goRhrnle ioIasyggtceoniissora ti G coRaigaonerry dacRe ípehashy iGseetrsao rIrGcgioíanagra crcíaiapo hReery Iegsn Gacairoc íRae yes García (1962–)(, 1t9o6d(12a9–y6)’,2s t– om)d, ataioynd’ sea xymp’(sa1e im9rnt6 ai2eni–xn )pt ,he etxeropt dA ei(an1mryt 9t ’a6ihsnz2 em i– tgAh)ah,e mi tn loAaa denzmxagigpyauh’ezasr i glgtma ehin,na glai atnunhn adeeggx uwAepa,mea garsenat e,zdi xnai gpnw thodha u elswan Aendaxgmsep udeoaa xzuigpninego t,dh uhae nelnda ddy niee ngwda ut raiha ns2eg 0 etey0hx, e7epaa no(yrGud e2aan 0wrrd0c a2e7ías0d ( 0 eGi7xna p (rtGochíuaearn ycdíeaea dr 2in0 0t7h e( Gyaeracrí a2 007 (García 2010). T2h0i1s20 s0)o.1 Tl0uh)t.i iTso hnso ifslo usltoliolouw2nt0s i1fo ot0nhl)l e.fo oTwslahlsomi swt hes2s oel0 i lt1nsuh0aete)mi .aos Tsean hm tlfhiionseel e lslco ioaonwlsneu st ctah iltsoueh n stechi oofseonan lcmcslool uwenws celisil onu etnexshsi peao w osns uatsehmn weedxe e c pa loeinonnxudecpn l soaudhuss a aintorhndened saa c sbnwohodneau cs rtelhe uxt ahasprbieoeo o utnauensbxt do wtt uhoaetenn e t dthxe epxs htot eaouxrnnet d oa nabn odu ts thhaer ete axbt oount the text on the cartvhine tghc aeor fvc Oainrugvr in oLgf a Oodfuyt hrOo eLuf acrC adLaryvna iddonyfeg l tC aohorafefi na COc dbaaeunrelvraidn ireLngilaag a dw rboiyearf ii tonbOtfgee un iCnwr agiLnrn i awdtttdeherylnieat troAeiinfanm Ctbihanaeze niin tgdhAghee ml walAaarriznmiaitg gtauebhznea ii gglniahengn fgltrwahuonearmgi gtAu teeta mhnfgre aeo iz nCmfi rgat ohnhtmh aeler ayA tnhC mgeau naCazagairgenyh a f rrlyoa mng uthaeg eC farnoamry the Canary IslandsI, stlhaIens dIlansns, udthlsae, r tI-hnAesm uInlaasIzrusi-lglAaahnrm -dlAaasnz,m gitghauhzea I iglIgsanelhnas. nugl adulnasarg,g- utAeha.m eg eIan.z si ughla rla-Angmuaazgieg.h language. We wilWl reeW pwreoil dlw urieclple rrheoipdsr upocdreWou phceioe sws hapiillrs lob rppyero peosWrxpaopoled lsb auwayilcn i eeblil nxy hrpg iees lpeax pvirpnorelioadrnypiung ocf irseneaav ghgle imebrsyvy ep e fnerrrxtoya pp ogflonmraas iteganhnlmie ntb eggoyn an eetr vxmtohepnerel yan tgh itfna eriiran ngmg gatmeh renmeevt nf eeiitnrnr ysot tt ni hfpnr eta lh tagfhecimre esg ,etf a inprrtsml tao ecpnnel ,att h cinee, gthaerm fiersntt pinla tchee, first place, followefdo lblfoyow lilteosdw g breaydp ibhtsye gmitrseaf osgp,lr hltaohepwmeh eseedesmq, buteyhsef e,oni ttlscshleoe egq wo rsuafeee pdlqnehu xcbeeeeymn m oicetfees sls ,eog atxfrhn ealeemdp x shteeehesmqme au esneesesdn ma, c tnteahhd neoe t tfssih celeee mqm xsueaeeemnmantneciacisenn matoginfc eo d lamfe n txeheieanaemcng hs ieeo nssmfge aeq aonaunfdc ethe intca hsc cmeeehq .s e sueaeemnqniuancneegnt. ioccfe m.e aecahn isnegq uoef necaec.h sequence. Religions2017,8,135 6of26 (Neckli(nNee)( cNTkIelEicnPkelF)i nSTEeI)PE MTPIFEES(RPNEIFPe. ScM<EkTPlEiiMnR yeIE.)e Rb<(TbNITI. Eief <Pc yTksFeiǎlS bibnyEb eeP M)bfM beTs ErǎIifERb> P.s I .ǎMF [bT<Se T·EYrMiPi ]>Me-y.[ reBi[Eb>T·BR.b· Y]I [-.fT] [ -F<·[sY]TBǎ-][ib·-B S[ y·B]MB-e·[]BbFe. ]b]r-(-i [T[>FfS. h] ·seB-[[ǎ T]SFb.· ·Ya B(tMT]]h-.h e[eBre(rT ·iBuF>hn.]ae - td[[hFFeTera]·r -Yt [htuS]he-·ner[B Bd]ue·.B rn (]dT-te[hhrFe e] t-h[FSea ·tBh]e.r (uTnhde eFr atthhee r under the protectiopnro otpfe rctothtieoe cnVt iioorfng ti hnoef MtVhiaerpr gVryio)nitr ( egMGcitnaia orrMncyí )aoa r(f p G2ytr)0ha o1e(rtG 1ecV,cía iatprri gocp2nií0.na 14o 2M11f 0,4t a1hp–r1e1py ,5V .) p) 4i(.pr G1g.4 ai4–nr11 cM45ía–)a. 1 2r5y0))1. 1(G, paprc. í4a1 240–1115,) .p p. 414–15). (Backofthecap(eG)iNrdBleIM()G NEir(AIGdARlierMN)d NlNPeR)AE LNIRPMMAEORPRMTRF(GALMPiMRRrIdEVLOl.MI eTF<)AN OVNRTaFA.rEA(ǝ<GR.Rm N<MiEr Ndǝ.P bbla<RerǝbN)Lǝr im NaMyγrA ǝǝOǝrmRmb TmǝM Aǝruy bRPγtǝyREtǝrai.Lr . rγ <M>AmǝN. rnOu[ aR-mtTrnt·ǝaAMăumrytR>]t -.aEǝ [r[Bbb.R> ǝ·e<.R· rrMN[ ]rRγ-ea][·ǝf-rΓM[ǝrm·B Rm]m·-Ri][ -uBǝ][-Twbt·[Rt·ΓǝaRi]r·rf-R ]>[γU.Γ] . (-ǝ·f[S[Rr>RT h]m.··a-MR[ruT]i]n.t· -Rtg([aSB ]r[.h·t >Rah(.Sr ]e[-i hnR[aΓg·r·M iR[nt]]gh-- [e[[TB t·h·RRe ]].- [(ΓS·hRa]r-i[nTg·R []t.h (eS haring [the [N]-[W·Y]-[Y]-[Yfo]o[dD] i]s- [faoNno d]of-]ob[ oliYisdg ]]aa- ni[tsiB o oa·nbnRl ti ·ogoFbwa]lti-aig[orMfandots oit ]odot-nhw][ We ita sopr w·aodFnosa] r rto-)dh[ bf(FseolG i]otpg.hadoae(r]otW cirpioís)oan e(oa G2rngto0)i a owv1(rbG1ecal,íriar agdper asfc.2ut í30tiagoh11 nee231 0p),tt .oo1op wo1.t r,ha3 )par 1(dt.3G s3)w .a1t hhr3ceo)í .pa igo 2on0ro)1r 1(eG,s p.a.Wr c3í1ea3 w2).0i l1l1fo, rpg. i3v1e3). theoffensewheneverit(Cisucfaf uosn(eC dtuh(bfeCyf cuotafnhnfe tdohfnleeea ’trcsha oesnfi cddGael(neo)C ’ddLsu)l Psef(fiV’Gd soR easn)iIr dNtLcheíPEae)( VN CLc2RaPIu0PnI1VfNEfd1 RoPl,EeInNpNN’ sptE IEhsP.INieFdE3 AcI1ePPa3)NNn E–LdTEP1PlI.N4Ve F<)’EA.RLs IwIsNFNiAduTEe .Nr N)<i TnLLIP.nPw <iEV uLbPR wǎNrIbiNunE n nIErǝFiiN n AbǎnIfǎNPaib EbT ǝnǎPn. ǝbN<t > LǎnE.fw ǝa[IL F uǎǝ·Af WnarNti >nǝ]-T.nn[ [R.ti L> <b··.NLW ǎ[wbL]-] ·-unW[ ǝRr ]iǎ·-nN[fRna] i-·ǝ Nbnǎ]t-b>. n[Lǝ ·ǎWfa] -ǝ[nRt·>N. ][-L·W]-[R·N]- Ifwepayat[tBe·nBt]i-o[Nn[B]t-·o[B[FB]t]-h·-[B[NeN]-]s·[-uTN[F]b].] s--([t[BFaNe]n -·mT[tNi[]aeB.r ·l(Tc·BBdi]f]e.ui -s (l[mtB Nianeen]r m-ctc[hieFefeu[r] Bbc-vl [ie·iifNBcnuttw] l·ot-T rh[ienNy]ee. tLv](nh-Bio[ceareFt d vlo]ml -iroc[ytefNthr oLtcer·hioTyfersu] dLoe.l t o(loieuBnrfrd etn tti hahomoelfen e ltevrishtgcieecphir ftetnuro)toarl e (ylpriG nn loLi aagtsolrhhe rcletddií) ga v o(h uifG2ct ptt0)aho 1(rretG1cyo e,í a taLpterh orc.2 rnií20sdaa81 lpo291 lf0),oi .tg1p ihnh1.e t,t2 )ep 8t(.9eG r2)na.8 ra9cl) í.la ig 2h0t)1 1(G, pa.r c2í8a9 2).0 11, p. 289). (Right s(Ridige( Rhotifg sthihdte es icodafep teoh)fe O (tcRhLaeipMg chea )tI p NOseiRL)d AMeO (NoL RIfMFNi gtRh RhI eNAtI AcsNRiaEdApFBeReNN )o FIPfOAR FtLE hMIMeBA NR cEIaFNPBpVFNReME)PA NOF NRM LNFFM VRVR E FIIINANNVAE ERNBNPAVNI NMNIPNFLVFRAMIIF NPII AIRNAMEFVPBVLIIMNIPEFINPLI NNFI FNMVIIPVNI IPRIAVNIF NIVNAP.EII P PNNIIMA INPLNIVIA.F IINNN.A VPIPIMI NLIIFPIINAVNI.P I NIPIAN. andthisone,wetendtothinkthat,despiteitswell-conceivedlinguisticapproachandtheoutstanding <Ul-m y<ǝUnl< -ǎmUr l ay-mnǝfn ǝy rǎǝ rIna a eǎnbrf ǝaǝ<rnn UIfuaǝlbre-mi bI fa - ǝeymnbǝu nǎǝb rnǎi< u frfUw -bamlien- mnff ǎ-ǝ.m r rNy fI ǝǎwawnree i bfǎ-nwi rnǝ. aenNannu bw.fb ǝiNbiir- fwiaI-nammiae- ib bǎǝn irlǝabi nff bfwauiim bbne in a wǝf.m -lNiimfb fǝwb iǎl iinirbf- fif.win w Nnaibe i wb nbbi.iiib bb-N a.ba nwNmib>ii ..- ǝ biN[lnLii-fai]a f- bibn[ iMni>-ba .w] n[a [L>imNb]. -b [][ǝL-iMl[b]iRf-.] f[] NiM[- Nni] b] w[-iN[-iRab]n]b--[>iRb. ].[ -LN]-i [bMi-]a [nN>.] -[[LR]]--[M] [N]-[R]- lexicalgroundssupportingit,itsometimeslackscoherencewiththesemanticreligious-evangelising [N·F·R][ N[N·F[·NB·R··(F]W ·[RN)]] ·-B[[NF·(]W·-B[M·)(]W[-]N[ F)[·]R]F--[]·[FR-M[]]F- ][· [WMN[R]]·] [ B-N[[·[GR(F·W]F]·-W-·[[)RFN]]-]· [W ·[FΓ[GN]]]-- ][·[-[BMB[GN··(B]]W -·]Γ[[-NR)][]-M]·-[-Γ[B[]F]F·--B][·[-LWB][-M··[FB]M ]]]-[ -[G][[N-RM[]L-]][]--·N-[[F[BF]L···-ΓWB·[F]N]-] ][-] [B[-N[N[·GBB·]Y]·]-B--[][[B]-NM [·B[B·N]Γ·-]B][ ·-LY][[-N·B][F-N··[]BYB-][]].·N- -B[[(MB]Y]--·[[oB]NBu-][·r-]LB [. N·h]F( eY[]]a-N.or [tN(u· YYr] o]-h-u[[BerBa ··BrhBt]e ] a-[r[NtN ·]Y. ](-Y[Bo·uBr] -h[Nea]r.t (Your heart results,Raenligdionws 2e01a7r, 8e, 1p3a5 rticularlyspeakingaboutanabsenceofaclearerbiblical,prayerfulor6 loift 2u7r gical houses thhoeu mhseoosus tts heisem tmphooer smtta ionmstt ph tiroomeruatpsasoeunsrrtt teath,nr eCet a mhtsrihuoleodsraute sY ,sui meCarshehp ,wti ohlCredethh aYm inoladovth s eYtwtrr aieeymhahows puuoeo,vr hrseet h,roa iCvnynethoir nuit lryg,d eo s atYuhrsi,eaun ahsrishwenui,g nerCh eitn.h r ogAievla d etsb rruYue yraareosdh.uu ewAr,n ees .hbuh Au pionrov dibneneur gno ry u dtuorerup necao, o usnsnuph soroicuneni.rie nA nocguco bernt u rscercoadinesesnunccr iueee .np Acoen b ouurdr ecno nuspcoienn ocue r conscience structure. Nevertheless,itmustbenotedthat,inmanyofitsresults,referencestotheVirgin,theFather structure. isN leikvee rat ihsste alliceikksse s loa,i vk iseett r aam oc sukut raso ctvs kheb rooe uvo inleusdro re l toirsekushde.ro Cauts hholsdatnoeatutr,cr lskdoii.n sl eoC rsvlmsiuoek.n craeC ht noar ouybo nsulr tt o srarsfudcoh kelcio tn hsuos)u vlb drc(eueGehrrsr daoubs.ueurl tncCrrsí )d,oas e(hn rnG2eot0)rfua eo1(lrrlGd1c ese,ína uraprsc cc..2eh ís3C0 a b11o tu291onr0), t d.t1rp heo1.nel ,3 )spV 1u(.9Gi cr3)hg.a1 irb9ncu),í. ra td h2een0 )1 1(G, pa.r c3í1a9 2).0 11, p. 319). (God), Yahweh, the Child, the light, the dawn, the candle, the mercy, the heart, the forgiveness, Father (God), Y(aLhewfte hsi,(d tLheee f(o CtLf ehstfiihdtld ees, itcdohafeep tleohig)fe hF ttchV(,a LetPph ecMeefat )d pIsFaReiwVdN) ePnFA ,MV ot (hfEPIL eRNMte hcNfVaeIt RnA PscdNi MadlEepAeNT,e tI)ohVE fEeFNP PVtmMVhNPeePTrM MMccIy aIPETR,p ItPINReh N)eE A V FMhP VReNEPaVPNMrItMRI,VV P tIhPVIIRNReMRN fRVVoTANrIIRgV VEiEAvIPNNIePVNnVRVIeMNNPsIsMMR P, AINFTRPRI VAIVE IPPPRMIVNVVFIIMNMRVIPIIF ANIPRRNIRIV N VPNIR VIAVANPINVVIA IINMNR FNRI APPIVVNIMIAFNRI PIVNIAN theoffenseortheillness—unmistakablyChristianreligiousterms—areusedexplicitly. Also,without the offenseN oTrR thHeN Nil.lT n<RNeFsHTfsu—RN bHu. -n<NmmF.if riu<snFt aabfk.u- maN NbbiulT-rymbnR CiaiH r.ha nNmNrais.u . t ti<bNia FiNneu faw urbTme ieRlb ni aHg-t mmiia Noem iuwtr.i sn < beetaFeniw.rrf Numaeu mnusrb — b- awbmima iiarriw re mbun iui-a rrnst . iew u Nrderni ww ue,w xbeaip-iinbwn l aiu acimr i-mnitn l ,ym t bri.a nǝAiberf,wu lrsaui oe.bir n,B u mww i abiǝii mt-wfmhwr oiiǝb.-ǝu nfiBnrtr i i r.bǝun yB-r,w yiawbaǝb-ninwuw n ǝǝiiuy- nnmyt ǝaǝǝrynnfryrγ ,i na .a nubB tuin bǝ u-ir wtγm ǝ ǝǝrnγf r ǝi.y Byaibn- wnuǝnt ǝǝryγy an nut ǝrγ theintetnhtei oinnteonftipuornno> ov.f o p[kFruio·nWnvg>ou].k- an[i[nB>dFg.]e ·- Wa[b[R Fda]··t-eNWe[bB]ai] ]n-t-e[[[BN Rfiun]u··-N rBf[ntuR·>]h(r ·W.teN h[rN[)]eF ]dr-·· B[[eWdNMt·e(a]tW·]-auBi-[li[n·Bl)(wT ]>wW]-·-.[iY[ iMt)tRh]]h[ -F·] N[ii-[·Mtt[WWss]T a]·a]·-Yu[N-[uN[tT]Bh]t ··-h]oYB[[-oMrW[·],(R r Ww,]·[·-NNwWe[)B ]]u]e--·· N[[nRuMM[d]N]n -e]][d·-r-[MB[[lWeiTB·n(r]···We-YlRR[i jBn]]u]) -·e]s[R-[[tW[WWj ]oMu n·s··Y[]NRetW-] []po-]T-[-·hn[RN[·WMiYel]]o-]-·p][ lY[-WoRh[[]gBW-i··iNl[·YcoNR·aN]]l]l- ]o [-][gN[-[BR[WiM]c]·--Na[·[]RRlY-][] ·]NB--[[[·BWF]R ]·]-R·[ [YBY·[Y]]W]--]-[[ [NY·FR]]·-R]-[-[F·[RYW··R]N ··YY] ]]- [[BN]-][-Y[R]-·N[F]·R [·YB]]- [Y]-[F·R·Y] elemente:letmheenstt:r tih[kBei· nsBtg]r-i[pkWi[rnBe·gsN·B e[p]B]nr--·e[[cBYWsee]·-nWo·[NcWfe·]Nt -·ohN[]fYe t][·h-NnW[eYo· Tn·[u·NBWo]n-·u]B[ ·Rn“[N]N- Y·“[Γ]WY· H]T[.NH ]W·(-NWI·[TtRH] []iH-·Bs-[Γ”[ Y”·dR],B,.·a “W·“](wΓ-הI[]tnו·W. הN iiי(sn””I·] Ntg,d, [(,ai(N Y]sYwg- a[rd·anTYheahiaw]w·nw-Wte[ gnpheR,·iho) Nn·g,wΓ) agr,]]een, a. r[a g (nNo.t Ir Tdtpe·o Tdahoidstwe ]w - dpdC[eoaoRrhwww.r· idΓTlenod ]rhwir. .n ej d(uiT gItCsht,hw t hgiei nsil rilCi t edkdthahhe ajt iiewut nlp hdrsnoee ttji w ghunlFiuesegkatrlet,a r. h l getriTehk rgrheee ua eatF tnlhC aapdethr o hFtiwehladreet hrajwu.en rTasd tyha t lneohi kdfCe e t whthihaledey w Fjouaafy stht o elfir k aen tdh et hFea twhaeyr aonf d the way of theologtihceaol-lomgeicdapilee-mrvfeaecdltiiueopsnveea ra,flpve uwceortsiihdfeoe, icin cwltl hianohv—eniosc isahid,vn — aiolnislidndnp p ei aislsetlrpsrene,fi eetaaosec nsbft odi,a hoaf lan mnahr vdaea f v vioaanpori rbnie egtdar gha lfiS ome Slbcsleean tefmiml oewomsrniis h ttt f,iahoio cacv or snr sourtodeihofd o fwoaoe tisrrshlteel.—so n wYa— es wbohsuuaswoaf,lf rs smea a uoruns .nff ndfoYlue pyraro n rrt.bu hoeYpur ona orroso doubenue arnwlnnl yoom h cmnbueo ulfa uynosrbrs ucdb tltfeeue fhbnea rweor db ms.aei elY tnues hwho sm wuitshn uurboii c estnos hhtnuag b lf sscyfeheau abrinnc. us dYhihrnldeiogn)eu ni(crnGa mognan ducrlalycsentí )b adb (u leGer a)da (esrGnhci íamnari ucnísgat cbaen ad sleh)i n(Ginagr ccaían dle) (García vowels.voTwhealst. iTs2h0aw1t 1hi,sy p w.2t h20h01ey271 0),Ht .h1p ee1. ,b2 Hpr0ee.7 bw2).r0 e7pw).e op2pe0ol1pe1l,es p ism.i m2p0pl7il2)fii.f0 ie1ed1d, ipitt . ww20iit7thh) . tthhee cocnosnosnoannatsn “tsYH“YWHHW”, Hhe”n,ceh eonucre our disregarding this theonym in the Insular-Berber language and, therefore, present in the expression disregardingthisthe(Gonarymme(nGinta (ertGdmhageerenmI)nt EesenAudtlFg aeMerd)- g BEIe(ReAG)r EFEbaNMrAemIrF NIelMRaIn nE tFI gNMReu(dIEGENagNAageIrI) eRmN FEEaMIeAIn n.FE Fdt<MA M,ÊeREtd haIAEgRfeIe-Rr.Em) e E<NEf ÊIoi.AIr Nre<aFenÊfIM,- n mFpai M frI f-Rie-mrEǝsEeAem nNinrnReIeti NE naifInnrI-. eǝ iF<t ymhfÊM>-eeǝ . aE m[aefAE-rxem]eR p-ya[ ErF>rieIre].. es-y [[ns<E>MiÊn.o] - i][n [a EfF[f-R]-]ǝ-m-·[m[NFM ]ei]-r ] [e[ aMF[nrR]en]-·y iN[ >Rf].- ·ǝN[[mEF]]] e--[[ FFa]]r--e[yM>]. [[ER]·-N[F] ][-F[M]-] [R·N] [F]- underlying in the fragment IAEB, which corresponds to the right side of the cape. underlyinginth[eMf·rYa]g-[m[RM·eY·n[Y]Mt.] (-I·O[AYRh]E·-Y,[ BfR]i,.n· Yw(dO]ihn.h g(i,Oc fy[hiMhno,ucd ·fo iYiinnrn]grd-ce[ iryRnseoagp·uYs oye ]is[no.n M u(tdcOh ris·eeYnh atpc,]so r-ref[eoisRtnat htesd·hcYeeisten]i r.ogtp ihn( rgyOeo h oatphugetrc,a ostifintiiinoendcscndrett e iiasnaoogusngfaep siyaten hgrotsshuaettie inisc tnpuisaorctppno resete!ruea).sc pst(teeiGitsroi sanotthrn iacte!igí )opa an(r iG2o!n0)tsa e1(trcG 1cts,iíua oapprn cp2e íra0.as g11t a21i8ti0,3ni o1p–sn1t8p !,4s .) pu) 1(.pp G8e.3 ar1–sr88tci34íta–i)o. 8 2n40!))1. 1(G, paprc. í1a8 230–1814,) .p p. 183–84). (Back o(fB tah(cBek a cocakfp teoh)fe N tchBaepI Mcea)(E BpNIae )cBA kINN MoBNfEI MIEt hIAEeP(B INEc aARaNcpFNkEeM IN)oP IfNEEV tIRBhIPFIFeEMV MRcFEaFI.pVI M <eAIN)FI VNVǝNIbNFFBb.V EIi<M IFyNP.E Eǝǝ<IRbm NAbFǝǝiNM ybyybNI Viiǝ. E myIAIF PǝǝVnEym-FRyn.ǝi ăF.y< yMNyA iǝInǝ.Vb b-AenIbFrnăirV y-eyn Ff ǝ ă.ǝm bym<e iNǝr ǝǝrbyǝewebyfr biirmf.ie Afiy nm ǝǝ-wmin iăǝfǝyw y yiǝfib . eArrne-fn măyi ǝǝwbeirf ref mi ǝwif 4. Our Proposal for a Solution 4. OurProposalUffo>r. a[NSU]o-f[l>WuU. t[f·iYN>o.] ]n-[-[N[YW]]--·[[YWY]]-· [Y[YD]U]--][f[-Y>Y[N].] - [[][NY-D[]Y] ]--[][[D-WN[BU]·-]·Y[-fRN[>]Y·-.F] []-[Y]-[N-[Y][B-M]][·--RY[[]WB-]·F[ ·W[R·]DY-·[·F]]MF--][][-Y]-N[-[M][F]-W-][][.Y- Y·[(F]WW] ]-[-[D·e[BFF ]·g]]R--i.[[ v·NF(FeW] ]].r-- [e[e(MY fWug]ig]-ev-[e [eB gW t·iroRve· eFf·tFu h]r]g-ae-[etf[F u Mwt]go. h]e (- toW[th Woaie gtt · nhFgwoai]vrh-te[ eoFws .r]i heg.W fon(u Woeigg reween s toig.ol rli We vtshe.e a rWtwe fweiul lhgw oei ltilgo ntohraets .w Whoe iwgnilol res. We will 4.1. Philolofgoricgailv Ee xtfpholreag nofiofavfrteegin otinsvhe eeo wfto hfthfheee enon Dfsefevei nfewfrfeso hreire etwgn niitsehv vFeecenr atraueh gvisemtee ordies ff nif obtectr ynasig susoti ehsvfc eaeetwdh u fth eeshb eaeIeynndr oe stobfhvcffyre eeGi rnptf ehostiaitedeo r i)nwf s eo( haGcf reaGa nuooresfcd veGíd)ea r o( b Gd2iyt0)a i1t(rshG1c ec,ía aafprue cp2asír0.ea d13o 2 1f1b 0,3Gy 1p– ot11pdh,4. )e p) 3(f.p G1ea.3 ar3– r1o1cf34í aG–). 1 2o4d0))1. 1(G, paprc. í3a1 230–1114,) .p p. 313–14). 4.1. PhilologicalExplaInf awtieo npaIofyf w atIhtefte ewpDnaetyi ipfo faaentryt ete oann ttttthieFoenrn Itasf iutg owombn tes ehtt onpae tna tsshytuioe aabf lsts Ittudtfeha binwesnsttItteiainao anpnsnlcca t detiryoa iib psl at ettdthaittioewensn nctseaeutein bobncsne eatt atlwblon et etthtiehwaenel es adseoulinllsub ttashtalitneloa tcnnsheoste i lbpa uselrto todiwlopuinseottsiesao nepnnd rcaso el uplp bptroheo sttepoew sdoteohs ueleiunspd t p aituooolpln i ttn shtho tipe s tr shpooiopsliuo nptstoie oidnn tus pp rtoop tohsise dp ouipn tt o this point We will follow, as a general rule, the wide lexical compilation by Ignacio Reyes (García 2011), and thisa nodna etn,h dwis te ho tinese no,d nw eteo, w ttehaenni ndtdek t nt othdh ti hasto tio,n tndhkeea it,nsn hwpkdai ettt t,he htd eaiitentss,s d o dpw nteioetesel ,ptl wi-hitctiseoen w nikttec setne lhwlid-vac etteo,lod ldn -t clechioesninpnigvcikuete etdiish vi tltaeiiscntd ,w g a dlpuieenlpislgs-prtucoiioctiase nact cihpitce sp aia vrwnpoedepad lctrl hloh-icean ao cgonnhuudc aite sstnithtvidaecen tdaohdp uleiipnt nosrggtuoa utansicdsthatii nnacdg na idpn ptghr oe aocuht satnadn dthineg o utstanding Wesuwppilolrftoedll obwy ,oathsear gamenaezirgahl rduicltei,onthareiews i(dBaeslseext i1c8a9l0c, o1m893p;i ldaet iConalabsyanItgi-nMaoctiyolinRsekyi e1s89(8G; aDraclílaet2 011), lexical glerxoiulceanxldi cgsar slo uguprnopduosnr stdiunslpe gsxp uiiotcp,ra ptilti on gsrgroto iminut,glen ei tdtxii tmiss,c oisaetmul ss pgeolaprtmicoomkuerstetn iiscmdn olsgaeh sscieut krl, apsei ctnpc kscoosoehr mtcewionreihegttnieh mirc ttee,he n iswetc lessiato ehwcmmk itsteah htncei om ttsihhceeee mrs rse ealelaninmgcctkieiaocs nwu rctseioic-tlhehi rgve etiraohleinuegng sicsoe-eeelu mivwssai-anientngvhgt a ietcnhl igreseei nsllieiggsm iinoaugn st-iecv raenliggeioliusisn-gev angelising support1e9d82b; yDoelthheeurrea m19a8z4i,g 1h98d7i;c Ftiaoidnhaerribees (1B87a7s;s edte 1F8o9u0c,a1u8ld9 31;9d51e–C19a5l2a;s Hanetait-hM 2o0t0y6l; iNnsakïti-Z1e8r9r8a;dD 1a99ll8e–t1982; results,r aensudrel twssu,e la tansr,d ea wnpdaer wtairceeru e aplsarauerrl lpttyisa c,s uraptlnieacadruklr lyweian srseuglp yal eat rssabep,k oapeiunnaatgdkr at i iawnncbgu eao l abuaabsrrteoel ayn upn csta e paar beontiasf ca ekuabni lncscalegeren l aoaycrbf ees oa pro u cebftl aia ebak acnlirinl ceeagarab lrbas,e beiprbnor lbacuicieytba eoallri,nfc f pua aar llbc,a olpsyererea nalrrifcyetuuerel rrob gfofiuirb cal ll a ioicctlrl uae llrai,g trpuiecrrraag blyi icebarllfi ucal lo, rp lriatuyregrfiucal lo r liturgical Delheur1e99199, 8240,0129; 8P7rR;aesFlsiageii odenths a2e0lr.1 b72e,0 801, 318;37 5R7 i;tdteer Fanodu cParuasldse 12905019–; 1R9o5b2le;dHoe 1a9t4h42, 0109469;;N Taaïitf-i Z1e9r9r1a; dTa1i9n9e-8C–h1e9i9k9h, 2002, 5 of 27 2008; van Putten 2 014 ). 1998–1999,2002;Prasseetal.2003;RitterandGottfri2009;Robledo1944,1949;Taifi1991;Taine-Cheikh of Songs 8, 4 (Bible 1611, p. 3L6r), or rather, Cant 4, 4 (Bible 1611, p. 3L5r) or Isaiah 5, 2, which 2008;vanPutten2014). 4.1.1. TIEPFSEPMErReIa ds Et sepivit eam, [...] et aedificavit turrim (and gathered out the stones thereof (the vineyard) [...] and built a tower) (Bible 1611, p. 3M2v; Moure 1991, pp. 65–67; Tvveedale 2005, p. 835). 4.1.1. TIEPFTShEeP rMooEt R[TI·Y] (García 2011, p. 604) in a Berber language like Ayer Tuareg transliteratedly takes 8. Lastly, the multi-pseudo-acronyms from Latin and Spanish carrying religious meaning about a graphemic form <ti>, phonetically /ti/, masculine singular noun meaning father. TherooTth[eT c·oYn]so(Gnaanrttcahílar lee2ex0 ef1mr1ae,g p[mF.·eG6n0]t 4(sG,) bainryc íaJao B2s0ée1 rH1b,ee prr.n l4aá8nn3dg) eiunza TgMaemolriaákzneig (Ah1ty9 f2er2or–mT)u Cwaerhneitcgrhatl,r Mbayno srwloicatecyor a otatfe kedexslay tmhteap klee,s wae provide for graphemforicmf o<erfmfeg<>t,i >w,hpichthho cena elnet tibtceea ralilnrytgic/ uotlnia/ tte,hdme aanfsteeccruk alliinnn eae bosbnirnleygv,ui awltaihorennr epo rutownceoms sin eotafe nr/fpifnr/ egatsaf at/ifto/h naerns. da,r aes p ios scsoimblme: oonn the one hand, the Thperaccotnicseo inn apnrotatol-Bleesxrubebem-rd e(iKv[oFiss·isGomn]a T(nGIn- aE2r0-cP1í3Ea,- pS2.E0 5P16-1;M ,TpaEk.Rá4Ic,8s r 32e0)s0ui5nl)t,iT nthagem i rnae ptzhliagec hpetmhfreranostem o Ff oC/fr/ee vwnetirtr hya ol/puM/ a, rojuer sMoticfacieroyd t(aTkúe esres por siempre the formby <ae flifpe go>b,stwruhctiicoMhn acpraíhnaa)s,b efer, oaamsri tdKieci urfcrlhaoemter’ dsd veavafroteiiadrtiinaognn ,o aofbr bveerlsleaevr, iittahyte it omhneo prseor uouncndens a/stgu/o rfaanl/ dffo fr/pmlaa cTsinI/-gEf R/itE aoSnn-E daP, -aMsEiRsI, that is, You labiodental phonemaree a/ fm/. oTthheur’ss, mthirer oprr (oTdúu cetr eos fe stpheej o pdreo mceasdsr ei)s, w/efhfiecgh/ i>s i/netfeeng/d e>d / teop ebge/ sh> o/wepne fi/n. the same semantic commonpracticeinproto-Berber(Kossmann2013,p. 56;Takács2005),thereplacementof/f/with Morphologically, itl icnoer raess pToipnudss Mto aat rvise r(bIm maegaen oifn tgh teo M reovtehael/rs)h bowy /tdhisec oJevseru. it (Morán 1957; Vera 2016, p. 81). /p/,justifiedbyalipobstructionphase,asidefromdevoidingofvelaritythesound/g/andplacingit The lexeme [S·B] (García 2011, p. 586) in Tuareg languages such as Ayer or Tawellemmet is onalabiodentalphonemOen/cfe/ t.hTohrouusg,hthlye epxraomduincetdo f(Vthereap 2r0o1c6e,s pspis. 7/3e–f8fe4g) /an>d /aes fwege/ p>ro/greepsesged/ w>i/the poeufr/ l.inguistic and represented as <ăsab>, where the consonant /b/ becomes unvoiced and might sound like /p/. The Morphomloeagnicinagll yo,f itthcicsro yerpxrptearsnepsaosliynoidnti,sc a t aonnoaaulvny,es iirssb ,a admlolle eoascfn etnihnte/gvmitro gbirnee.c vaemale/s dhoiswre/dgiasrcdoevder. .None of them is worth further dedication, The lexTehme neex[St b·sBeug]t m(tGheneaytr, cMríaeEmR2a0I,i1 nc1a ,na spb .ea a5cs8so6ull)mecientdio Ttnou baoerf e apg pohlsaosninbgeltuei ca segoxelpusrteisosusnicosh np aorsfo tpAhoeys peerdro oporevreT nrao wtuhnee lM lecaomruymr, see toifs history, and represe/nmteadriaa/,s in< ăwsheaixbcah>m ,thpwele huse norcfel ehatohnw ep rctooon nsuosnlovcnieaa tanio tpnr /oobbf /ltehmbe e Ctchaoanmta, reaiassn hu panesv obopeileec nead sc lwaeanerdllly a mds eitgmhheoitrn ssthotrruaetnee-ddvo, lwiiske eel x/trpem/.ely complex. Themesaynsitnemg o{af, tih, uisN} eceoxxmpt,rp ewasrese iwdo ntilo,l tamhneo ovfiuev eno-,nvi ostwoa eadl o pslyreossctpeeomnst a/ovlf if trohgrei ns Lo.alutitni opne owphlei c{ha, dei, fif,e or,s uw},i dcoeulyld f rleoamd etov ethrye other proposal we interpretationh oafv ae v dailsuceu cslsoesde tuop / et/o o twhiisn gp otoin at .v ocalic closure when listening to the vowel sound /a/ Thenextsegment,MERI,canbeassumedtobeaphoneticexpressionofthepropernounMary, in the first syllable, while /ia/ merge in the second syllable of /maria/, and although the diphthong is /maria/, in which the unclean pronunciation of the Canarian people as well as their three-vowel broken, it wou3.l dT hleea dIn ussu tloa rt-hAinmka azbigohut P trwoop osespala rate vowels with a sound produced by the same system {a, i, u} compared to the five-vowel system of the Latin people {a, e, i, o, u}, could lead to vocalic closure and closer to /i/ than to /a/ or /ia/. We must note that if we examine (Vera 2016, pp. The following proposal was made by the philologist and historiographer Ignacio Reyes García the inte3r2p4r–e4t4a) ttihoen Moafriaanv Eavlaunegeclliocasle btiobli/cael/ texotws biny gSationt aLuvkoec, awlihcercel owseu craen wfinhde tnhel idsitfefenrienngt ltinogtuhiseticv owel (1962–), today’s main expert in the Amazigh language, and was expounded in the year 2007 (García sound/foar/misn otfh Meafirrys’st snyalmlaeb, lwe,e wleharinle t/haiat /it mis ewrrgietteinn aths e/mseercio/ nind tshye lKlaabblyeleo fla/nmguaargiea,/ <,maenrdyeamlt>h (oSuBgI hthe 2010). This solution follows the same line as the conclusions we expound and share about the text on diphtho1n99g5)i,s evberno kwehne,ni tthwe cooumldmolena rduleu fsotro Betrhbienrk laanbgouaugtetsw spoecsiefipeas rthaatet thveo fworemls /mwaitrhi/ sahosuoludn bde upsreodd, uced the carving of Our Lady of Candelaria being written in the Amazigh language from the Canary generally /mariam/. Another option is to guess the lexeme [M·R] < [m-R] (García 2011, p. 556), with bythesamevocalicclosureandcloserto/i/thanto/a/or/ia/. Wemustnotethatifweexamine transliterated Igsrlaapnhdesm, tehse < Ianmsuǝrla>r, -aA vmerabzailg shi nlagnuglaur angoeu. n meaning grace/joy/cheerfulness/complacency. (Vera2016,pp. 324–44) the Marian Evangelical biblical texts by Saint Luke, where we can find the In such case, the voWwee lw /ail/l wreopurlodd buec elo hsti sb py raopphoesraels ibsy, a etx tphlea sinamineg teimveer yas f raa sghmifet nfrto omn /tǝh/e t og a/er/m beyn t in the first place, differentlinguisticformsofMary’sname,welearnthatitiswrittenas/meri/intheKabylelanguage, frontality occuforsl,l orewsuedlt ibnyg iints /gmrearp/.h emes, the sequence of lexemes and the semantic meaning of each sequence. <meryem>I(fS wBeI co1m99b5in),e(deN veeeacnckhl wionnehe)e onTfI tEthhPeeF pScrEoemPvMiomuEosR neIl.e rm<uTleein tyfsoe, brwbBe efw rsobǎueblrd M loabnetrgaii>un.a /[gtTie-·esYp]se-p[f-Beă·scBai]fip-[-eF{sm]-te[hSri·a/Bmt].te hr(}Te/.h feo rFmather under the /mari/Tshheo vuolwdebl ebeutpwsreoedteen,ct g/ipoen/n aeonfr dathl /lefy /V m/irmagyina b rMeia uamrnyd/)e .(rGAstaonrocodíta ha 2es0 ra1 o1pp,r optinpou.n n4c1iis4a–tti1oo5ng) .ua ieds, swthheerelaesx ethme esh[oMrt· vRo]w<el[ m-R] (García/ă2/0 m11a,y pdi.sap5p5e6a)r, (bwGetiiwrtdheleetn)r aNthnAes lRpitrMeercPaeRdteiLndMg gOanrTadAp fhRoleElom. w<eNisnag<r cǝaommn sǝorbn>ǝar,n tγasǝ, vrt hemursbu apttlraorsv>io.n k[gRinu·gMla a]r -n[nBeow·Ru ]vn-o[Γcm·aRlei]c-a [nTi·nRg]. (Sharing [the closure phenofmooedn]o ins adnu oribnligg athtieo nsh tiofwt farrodms t/hae/ ptoo o/re)/ (inG athrecí far a2g0m11e,n pt ./ s3a1p3/) .> /sep/. For the rest of this set, in the first cas(eC wufef monig thhte l ceaavned liet ’su nsicdhea)n LgePdV, R/tIiNe-EpNf-sIePpE-mPNerEi/I FbAutN, Tin. <thLew sue croinndn i obpǎtbio nnǝ, wǎfea ǝnt>. [L·W]-[R·N]- would get the [fBo·rBm]- /[tNie]--p[fF-]s-e[pN-m·Te].r /(.B Teh me emrceiafunli ning othf et hveic ftiorrsyt vLaorridat oiof nth we oetuelrdn bale ,l iignh tth) e( GSVarOc ísay n20ta1c1t,i cp . 289). (Right side of the cape) OLM INRANFR IAEBNPFM RFVEN NVINAPIMLIFINVIPI NIPIAN. <Ul-m yǝn ǎr anfǝr Iaeb ǝnubi f-m ǎr fwen. Nwi-ina bib am ǝliffi n wibbib. Ni bi-an>. [L]-[M] [N]-[R]- [N·F·R] [N·B·(W)]-[F]-[M] [R]-[F·W] [G]-[N·Γ]-[B·B]-[M]-[L·F]-[N]-[B·B] [N·Y]-[B·B]-[N]. (Your heart houses the most important treasure, Child Yahweh over you, shining treasure. A burden upon our conscience is like a stack over our shoulders. Control such burden) (García 2011, p. 319). (Left side of the cape) FVPMIRNA ENVPMTI EPNMPIR VRVIVINRN APVIMFRI PIVNIAN NTRHN. <Ffu b-mirna. Nubi am ti ewen am bir ur wiwi-n rn, abu i mǝfri. Bib-wǝn ǝyyan nut ǝrγ un>. [F·W]-[B]-[R·N] [N·B·(W)]-[M]-[T·Y] [W·N]-[M]-[B·R] [W·R]-[W·Y]-[N]-[R·N] [B]-[Y]-[F·R·Y] [B·B]-[W·N]-[Y·W·N] [N·T]-[R·Γ]. (It is dawning, great power. The Child just like the Father and the way of perfection avoid illness, and are a balm for those who suffer. Your only burden must be a shining candle) (García 2011, p. 207). (Garment edge) EAFM IRENINI FMEAREI. <Ê af-m irenni f-ǝme arey>. [E]-[F]-[M] [R·N] [F]- [M·Y]-[R·Y]. (Oh, finding you increases the protection against superstition!) (García 2011, pp. 183–84). (Back of the cape) NBIMEI ANNEIPERFMIVIFVF. <Nǝbbi y ǝmǝyyi. An-năy ǝberref mi ǝwif Uf>. [N]-[W·Y]-[Y]-[Y] [D]-[N]-[Y]-[B·R·F]-[M]-[W·F]-[F]. (We give refuge to that who ignores. We will forgive the offense whenever it is caused by the fear of God) (García 2011, pp. 313–14). If we pay attention to the substantial distance between all the solutions proposed up to this point and this one, we tend to think that, despite its well-conceived linguistic approach and the outstanding lexical grounds supporting it, it sometimes lacks coherence with the semantic religious-evangelising results, and we are particularly speaking about an absence of a clearer biblical, prayerful or liturgical Religions 2017, 8, 135 5 of 27 of Songs 8, 4 (Bible 1611, p. 3L6r), or rather, Cant 4, 4 (Bible 1611, p. 3L5r) or Isaiah 5, 2, which reads Et sepivit eam, [...] et aedificavit turrim (and gathered out the stones thereof (the vineyard) [...] and built a tower) (Bible 1611, p. 3M2v; Moure 1991, pp. 65–67; Tvveedale 2005, p. 835). 8. Lastly, the multi-pseudo-acronyms from Latin and Spanish carrying religious meaning about three fragments, by José Hernández Morán (1922–) which, by way of example, we provide for the lettering on the neckline only, where two interpretations are possible: on the one hand, the sub-division TI-E-PE-SEP-MERI, resulting in the phrase Forever you are Mary (Tú eres por siempre María), from Kircher’s variation, or else, the more unnatural form TI-ERES-EP-MERI, that is, You are a mother’s mirror (Tú eres espejo de madre), which is intended to be shown in the same semantic line as Tipus Matris (Image of the Mother) by the Jesuit (Morán 1957; Vera 2016, p. 81). Once thoroughly examined (Vera 2016, pp. 73–84) and as we progressed with our linguistic and cryptanalyitic analysis, all of them became disregarded. None of them is worth further dedication, but they remain as a collection of possible solutions proposed over the course of history, and examples of how to solve a problem that, as has been clearly demonstrated, is extremely complex. Next, we will move on to a proposal for solution which differs widely from every other proposal we have discussed up to this point. 3. The Insular-Amazigh Proposal The following proposal was made by the philologist and historiographer Ignacio Reyes García (1962–), today’s main expert in the Amazigh language, and was expounded in the year 2007 (García 2010). This solution follows the same line as the conclusions we expound and share about the text on the carving of Our Lady of Candelaria being written in the Amazigh language from the Canary Islands, the Insular-Amazigh language. We will repRreoldiguiocnes 2h0i1s7 p,8r,o1p3o5sal by explaining eRveelrigyio nfrsa 2g01m7,e 8n, t1 3o5n the garment in the first place, 7of26 5 of 27 followed by its graphemes, the sequence of lexemes and the semantic meaning of each sequence. Religions 2017, 8, 135 5 of 27 (Neckline) TIEPFSEPMERI. <Ti yebb f sǎb Meri>. o[Tf ·SYo]n-[gBs· B8],- 4[F (]B-[iSb·lBe] .1 6(1T1h,e pF. a3tLh6err ),u onrd erra tthheer , Cant 4, 4 (Bible 1611, p. 3L5r) or Isaiah 5, 2, which Religions 2017, 8, 135 5 of 27 protection of the Vgirrgaicne /Mjoyar/ych) e(Gerafurclníae s2s0/1c1o,m pppl.a 4c1en4–c1y5.).I n srueacodhf sS cEoants gsees,p 8itvh, i4et e(vaBmoibw, l[e.e. .l1] 6/e1ta 1a/,e dpwi.f i3coLauv6lirdt) t, uborerr irmlaot s(hatenrbd,y Cgaaatnpheth r4ee,dr 4 eo su(iBts it,bhalee ts t1to6hn1ee1s, tph.e r3eLof5 (rt)h oe rv Iinsaeyiaahrd 5) ,[ 2..,. ]w anhdic h (Girdle) NAsRamMePRtoiLfm MSeoOnagTssAa 8Rs, hE4i. f(<tBNfirbaolremǝ 1m6/ 1ǝ1/b, ǝptro. γ3/ǝLer6 /rm)b,u oybtrutfa rirrleraot>a tna.dh t[tesaRo rEwl,·i MttCe yrs]a)e- opn[(BBictv c·i4iRbut, l ]er4e-as[ m1,Γ(B6r·,Re 1i[bs1]..-lu,.e[ ]pTl et1.·it R6n 3a1]Mge.1 d,(i2i Snfpvihc.;/ a a3MrvmLiinot5e gutrru )r/[ reto.rh ri1em 9 Is9 (a1ai,na pdh p g5.a ,6t 2h5,e– rw6e7dh; oiTcuhvt vtheee dstaolnee 2s 0t0h5er, epo.f 8(t3h5e) v. ineyard) [...] and food] is an obligation toIwfraewraddess ct hEoetm psebopoiirnv)e i(tdG eaaemracc,í h[a. .2o.]0 ne1te1 a,o epfd.it f3hi8c1.ea 3vp)i.tr L etauvbsriutroliiyulmt, s a(t aehtnloeewd mm egraeu)tn lh(tBteis-rip,ebdswle eo euu1d6tw 1otho1-ae,u cpslrtd.oo 3nnoMeybsm 2ttavhsie; n rfMer/ooofmt u(i-tr heLeep a 1vet9iifnn9-ăe1 yas, anaprpdpd -).S { 6[mp.5.a.–e]n 6rai7ins/;hd mT cveavrre}r/eydi.nagle r2e0li0g5i,o pu.s 8 m35e)a. ning about (Cuff on theT chaenvdolbewu’sile tsl iadb teeo)tw wLePre)Ve (nRBIi/bNplEe/ N1a6In1P1dE, P/pNf. /3EMImF2Aav8yN;. MbTthe.o rL<uueLaenrswe dtf lr1ueya9 r,gr 9sitm1tnho,ne eop in dmpbts.ǎua ,6b slb5t niy–a-ǝ6 ppJ 7soǎr;efs oTauén v dǝHuvnonee-t>aercn.cdi ar[áaLotnline·odW y2nem0]z-a0 [sMi5R d,f· or,Nporw.á]m 8-nh3 eL5(1r)ae.9t a2ins2 –ta)hn wed shShipcohar,nt bivsyho wwcaaerylr yoifn egx raemlipgiloe,u ws em peraonvinidge afboor ut [B·B]-[N]-[F]-[N·/Tă8]./. (BmeL amaysetrdlcyiisf,u atlph iepn emthaeur lvbtiiec-tptowsreyeu eLdnoort-dha ocefr opthnreey ecmteesdrt hnifaentrhlo g lrlmeieagtet hneL tfrda)ri atn(fiGggnom a lolaroenncnwí datth si2Sn,e 0p gbn1ay1ecn ,coJi kopsnhls.is é n2oc 8eHan9 roae)r.nrny nlitynás,,ng wt dhreheuzleis rgMepi ootruworásvo nmo i(kne1ita9nen2rgp2in–arge) n twaaetbhwiooicunvhts o, abcrayel iwpcoasys iobfl ee:x oanm tphlee ,o wnee hparnovdi,d teh ef or (Right side colfo sthuert ehcaprpeheee )nf rOoamgLmMene InoNtnsR,d AbuyNr iJFnoRgsé tI hAHeEesrBhnNiáfPntFdfrMeoszmu RMtbhF/-eodVa ril/EávenitNtsto ei( o1rN/in9neV 2Tg/2I IN–oi-n)EnA -w tPtPhhhEIeeMi-c fSnrhLEae,I PgcFbk-mIyMlN iewnEVneRaIt PyoI/,n I so rlNaefy ps,eI uP/xwlIat>AhimneN/gprse .li e entp,w tw/ho.ee iF nppothrreorrtvaphsiredee ertFe aofstoriteorvo nefsrt ahyroiesu paroes sMibalrey: (oTnú t heree so pnoer hsiaenmdp,r teh e <Ul-m yǝn ǎr anfsǝert ,Iainebtth hǝeen lufiebtrtsie tfr-cimnags ǎe orw nfw ethemne .in gNehcwtkill-eiinaneva e obniitblyu a,n mwMc hhǝasaleurinrífbaefgi)- ,detn wfdi rvw,ooi/m siibitno ibKtenie-bi rprT.pc fINhr--esEeiet r-bapP’stiE--i voam-nnaSer>sEir .Paa i[/tr-LiMeo]b -npEu[,MoR to,sI]rsi, ni [erbNletlshse]eu-:e, [ olRtsthni]ene- ctg omh nieno dor tenho euep nthpinaohannrtad,us,wr eta heFl eofwo rerovmuer lTd yIo-Eu RaEreS M-EaPr-yM (TEúR Ie,r tehs apto irs s, iYemoup re [N·F·R] [N·B·(Wg)]e-[tFt]h-[esMufbo] -r[dmRiv]-/i[stFiio·eWn-p ]Tf I-[-sGEe]-p-P[-NEm-·SeΓEr]-/P[.B-MT·BhE]-eR[MmI, ]re-ea[asLnrue·MiFl nat]i ag-nm[rNgíooaR tfi)]ehn,-lt [eif hgBrtrihe’oo·sBnem fism] p 2r Ki[0shrN1trir7roa·v,cYr s8ah e(,] reT-1 iF[r3úaB’5ost ·rei Bevrov]ean-ser[ rNeiw asyp]too.ie uouj(o nYla d,dro oeeub rMmr e e,ahaldsireneryae,r (t)ttT,hh wúee hmeSriVecoshOr pe i ossur yin nsnniteteamantcupdtrrieaced lf fotoorr mbme, TshI-oEwRnE Sin-E tPh-eM saEmRIe, sthemata ins,t iYco u 5 of 27 houses the most importanMt atrríeaa)s,u frreo,m C hKilidrc Yhaehr’ws evha orviaetri oynou, o, srh leiilnnsaeiern ,ea g tsa ht Tmere imoaptsuhouserr reMe’. s u Aamnt rnibirsuar rto(udIrm er(naTal gúu fe poe oorrfmne st ho eTues IprM- eEcjoooRtn dEhseeSc rim-)eE nabPcdye-r M eth),Ee wR JehI,si tcuhhiat it(s Mi sin,o Ytreáonund 1e9d5 t7o; bVee rsah o2w01n6 ,i np .t h8e1 )s. ame semantic TheFather(God)reveals/showstheVirginMary,maintheologicalexpressiondemonstratingGod’srole is like a stack over our shaoruel dae mrso. tCheorn’tsr moli rsruocrh ( bTuúr dereens) e(sGpeajrRoce díliaeg i2moln0ias1n d21er0, e1 ap)7s,,. w8T3, 1i1hp93oiu5c)f .sh SM iosna itgnrstise 8 n(,Id m4e ad(Bg teiob o lbfe te h1 se6h 1Mo1w,o tpnh. e i3rn)L tb6hyre) , ts hoaerm Jreeas tsuheiemtr (,aM Cntoairncá tn 4 ,1 945 (7B;i Vbleer a1 621011,6 p, .p 3. L851r).) or Isa5i aofh 2 75 , 2, which (Left side oaf sthoer icglaiinpnee a)a nsF dTVicPpaMuusI sMReNaotAfriM sE (NaImrVya,PggeM iovTf etIhn Ee tPMoNomOMthanePnrcI)ekR bit nhyVdo RtrhfVoeru IorJVgeemhaIsNudlHyisRt e iEN(mxMta s.AmoeIprPniáinVvnteiI htd1M ee9 (aF5Vsm7Ree,;cI r[V oa.P. en.2I]rV d0ea1tN c 26aa0I,e As1dpe6ipNf,,i. c wp7a.v3 e8i–t1m8 t)4u.i )rg arhinmtd d( aaesnt dew cgeta psthoreomrgedere osuste dth we sittohn oesu trh leirnegouf (itshtiec v ainnedy ard) [...] and NTRHN. <Ffu bm-meiarnnain. gN,uablsio aimn tthi eewSVenO asmy nbtiar cutirc cwfroyiwrpmtia-,nnoOT afrh nlnSyec,oi eFtan iatbcght uhsao en8rirb oa,m u(ul4Gyi gǝls(tofhBi rdaslii ,y)b. t ao filBeewlnxil b 1edaor-6smfw)1 g(ti1ǝBhnr,na ieepbc mdǝe.l ey3( i VbnyL1ea6e6tcn1rhraa)1 emn, , 2V oup0erit. 1r d3rgǝ6aMiir,s ntγphr,2 epeavg.r ;a,p7 MrC3hd–aore8anud4str.) e e 4Na t,1n ho49da n9( t1aeBm, si o bpwfalp eket. h e 16pes65rm1i–ot16g ,i7 rsp;e w.sT s3voeLvrd5te hrwe) d fioutahrlr e tIo hs2uae0rir0a l5dhin,e 5pgd,.u i 2c8ias,3 ttw5iico)h. n ai,nc hd un>. [F·W]-[B]-[cRo·Nm]p uO[Nlns·ocBer· y(tWhtoo)r]a-o[duMgd]h-o[lyTn ·eeYxm]a mo[Wrien·eNled]x -(e[VMmbe]ure-cat[ra B2ytt·0hpRt1erht]6aye e,na [pdWearepnlsy8m· .dER i.7 ta,t]i3 -cits–n[h eWaL8 pen4aai·v)lassY ei tlat]xlya n-yees[ ad,Nim cms toa,h] e,l-sa el[[ elR[w. l.Ycm. ·]teoN] iu efop(]t lnG ttrahi o[e-aeBopgdrmf]irscf -eeií[ pcsauYbasoed]v2es-ciod0[staF-i1 mtbaw·1uRcl,eerir·tr Ypohdismn.] oio ys6 lu(rum1aer4tng sil)do ia,nf nrgrwgdsoa uethmhpdiise cr.trL ohieNcapd, to aoioinnnnsuede taad ton whfdoe i vt sdhSteeoeprnm aetnhs ii etssh hwec rocoeauorrfrt rhs(yte hif nueo grvft ihrnheeeilyrsi gtadoriodreyd)u ,[is .c .aam.]nt iaedona ndn, i ng about [B·B]-[W·N]-[Y·Wvac·Nrryi]ep [ttNyan·oTaf]l-yB[Rieti·rΓcb ]ae. nr(Iatll ayisns dgisau,w aanlgli enosgf, s tguhrecemaht e apbxsoebawcHmuaetromp . gtblTeheug hseida elyoti r sCfarrT h heetuiogmolwadawa rrejteidu rhntg)sero t(e,d aBeslA.si oi k Nbfyleravl eaoe terhg nc1 emoaeT6 l F u1lepoae1nafrtc, ohrt ttpseiebho,r.g le nbe3amomy Mnor d Ji2f tost thvh shpw;aéee oMt ow,HsT rsaoaateisyhubwr nrlhofeeeáfua ln1srsl et9dobh9mleeeu1zerm,t n iMpdo epcneotld.s,er 6áiaacp5nrsa–rl tyow(6i1 op7d9en;o 2elT,sl2m ev–advo)s newoiesnvdthreaiacrlt heet ,d2h b0,e y0 is5 cw ,oe puax.ytr rs8 eoe3m f5 o)ee.fx l yah mcisoptmolerpy, l,we xae.n pdr ovide for perfection avoid illTnebegsusgt, aatrnhgder yaer ner tea,m bKaaalmibny foalers ,t hTao uscneo wzllaheboct tsiuoofrnfe trho.N feY 8eeoTpx.uxa otarm,s moswLniabpezlayll siewe gtb sluhisy loortl, dflmBt uehhnetoeoir tmov hwbmneeue s ursotl otenlfp t btr istreto-eooo pamrlp sivasnoeh eMpgusi near dooodi onpnrp -gor ooat occhvcsbacraeenoollr e dn,n fmlotieyeshrc) m e tkw(sh Glsoiacr nlafotiurte,ru ttoc aieorímosansnn e hl i Lywnao,as fhtiw itbinshche higeeas nrtrdnoea di crpft lyfwehSe,a rpeosrama lniwynndi ictisd dehfereo pmlcryramoe rfntrraysottimirnoagn te esvr deae,lrr iyeigs i pooetoxuhstsesr riemb mpleerea:o lnoypin onc sogtahm lae wbp ooleneu xet. hand, the 2011, p. 207). <ie>x,amphpolense otifc haollwy /toi /s,olavse aa mproorbplehhmoalN vothege axidtctti,,a hs awclrsueee eshl ws eafemrsidal lb eg umenmspeuton etbvono -ceft dlts ehopi,v aniobsir sys ltpyios oJo e ondaissn espTémtir .Iv H-ooEepne-osrPsnustEraáfa-lfinS tfdexEodePrpz, - sM rioMsol EnueoRxotritáIuor,n nenr m e(wi1senu9hl2ylittc2 hihcn–eo )gd m fiwiifnrpfhs eltiterhcsxhep .w , ep brihdysro eawlnsyea fyFr ooormfe ve eexrva eymroyup loaetr,h ew eMre a pprryroo (pvToiúds aeelr efwos rep or siempre (Garment esdiNgnege)x uEtl,Aa wrFeMm we /IitRllo EmmNoeIvNoeIf o FinnM tdoEi sAat iRpnrEcoItp. go<esÊan lad ffh-oeamrrv. s eioTtr hdlehueinist snilcoeiug tnstfi e-svwǝreemidhnsM iegucs a hphaor r ínadtaeo pi)ytf, he ft>feher.t rio o[ssnmE ewpt]c h-oKik[dieFilnrie]ntcc-l.[yohe M neforr]sn’o ts[lrm Ryvu,· a Ncewrtvi]iahe o[trenFiyro]e nF-o ,tat whothero ere rilpnsGretoe,o prtdhpoerhse aamtlsa owtfirooeeun unsn danrianet uproasls fibolrem: o TnI -tEhReE oSn-eE Ph-aMndE,R tIh, eth at is, You 3. The Insular-Amazigh Proposal [M·Y]-[R·Y]. (Ohm, fhiena,dvthiene dgV iysiocruug isinnse,cdrge rauaspcees t, otah tneh piesrxo ppteorcietnisots.n i oangatihnsatt srusepuseebrm-sdtibitviloeinssi!oa)tr nh(eG e Taa Iom-rnEcoíe-taPh iEe2nr0-’SS1s E1am,Pi nip-rMtrpoL.Er 1 uR(8Tk3Iú,e– r ’8eser4seG)us. loetssipnpegej oli ,ndc eth hmaeap pdtrheerr)a, 1sw,eh vFieocrrhse veise 3ri n0y,toeun adreed M toa rbye ( sThúo ewrens ipno rt hsiee msapmree semantic 3. The Insular-Amazigh Proposal (Back of thein cathpee)f rNagBmIMeEnIt AdeNsNcrEibIPinEgRFthMeIAVInFnVuFn. c<TiNahMteǝio bafrnboílial b)oy,y w fǝrGiomnlmaigǝnb y eKpry iraieiros.lc p AThtoheinspera-u’nsAls ă wvMnyaag raǝseitb arlmt:eiisrFoa r(ndeeIam,ef r o amebrgy niee oltǝosthfwe, et,M hi tfpeh a heMri ilmeoo,tlohofroegerri )sut bthn yoanu nathdthue ah rsJaietslst ffouoourirtin om(dgM rTaoIp-rEáhnRe rE1 S9Ig-5En7P;a Vc-Mieor ERaR e2Iy0, e1ths6 a,G tp ai.s r8,c 1Yía)o. u 3. The Insular-Amazigh Proposal Uf>. [N]-[W·Y]-[fYau]-o[Yur] w[Dit]h-[NGo]-d[Y(B]-i[bBl·eR1·F6]1-[1M,p]-.[WF2·rF)](-(1[NF96]e.2 t(–iWm)aT,r eethe ao egasd i ,fmvaoMeyol l’trasoher wfemiuOrai’g:annsei icgm nnte ovip ert exrhrtnohopoirapesr t(toor Titwsu eúaighnn leho i wrt mlehiygsae gnsee rAoxsmapramteemaisjao.ad im znWedi eegba edmhp y wu (altVddaihlrneleD erg )ap,eu uhw2ami0ghl1oei6(cl, To,ha gpv niipvsds .tei wn7eat3dnae–adsn8 l de4ehxe)i2 pdsa0ton ot0uodr5n i ,boadesge rwsdah peoi nhpw ertnrho geIign ryen tesahasceeri dos2a 0Rwm0ei7ety h (esG eso mauGrraca nílraictn iícga u istic and forgive the offensep w.h1e3n0e8Tv)he,re ti htf oeislll ocaawtuinisneVdg ubpylrg otahpteao fseraaelra wodf asG)s. omdT2)ha 0(di(1Gs1e09a w)b6.r cy2Talíi– yhant),h ie,2s we t0 aos 1cepsodr1 hlTwya,u iyippltpooi’tpusoual o.snnm l 3gd Maf1iaolso3yialtn–blti otar 1tieinw4casx d)i(psa.nI nehmthtraihatsel gyte iosnesaw ri ostmifoh,h tgeeaoh rllelAlaie nMpomeefho x aeattpzhrhsi r eegItermhgh)sne s bl abicayoceon inctnoghac u/emRla utJeeigesey eisd-eou,p sinais ftsGnr- es(dwaMeg rpeawco r-íeradamxás epn ede orx1.- up9iNn/5ood7.un; n aVedn eoderdf a s t hi2hna0e r1tmeh6 e ,a i pbsy o.ew 8ua1otr ) rt2.th 0he0 f7tue (xrGtth aoernrc ídae dication, If we pay atBte(on1tt9hi6o2on–p t)ot, i totohndesa syfuu’bsl lsmytaaanigtnir aeelxe dpwiesrtiatt hninct eht hbeeei ttmAwhem2pe 0eoca1narz0 triaO)agv.l nlhinT ntc chhlgeeaie bsnoto shugsffooo tutl Olruhautohgutetuieierooag ,yn rnLha se anlr faypedod mrlwye lowxo aphoawaionfems ssr C eieeatnxdhasiepn etuda odhsp u(aea cVtlnmsoaoedlr bertlieeh aaeldc ii e2nst bnii0 enpoe1 ei noa6tnnshi ,gn ogept thf rwp y ae.pe r vc7aioeot3rstd n–es28icn0Tbl4 0ulI)ie7En sa i (PnostGoFhndaleSs uar EwctsAií PowaemMn eesax E pzppiRrogorIuhog,p nrledoassn saegendudd a o wsgvheieta hrfr r eoto haumber oltciuhnotegu t urhCsieesa t tnieocax fra ty nho dins tory, and and this one, we tthe2ne0d1c 0to)ol. ltTahhriniosk rs tonhlauetct,ik odlneins fpeoiltoleof wittshs wetheieml ls-caaomgnIesec,l cetalerhiinnyvvedpee e csdtnaa,a slntri thvtnahheigloney euIu gincxti gsoisaoctunhmi fcalc ap wOlnaurlap-ueesAlpsiyro o mrsonLopifsasaa t, zhcd wafihoygole wl ahr oeno tlfxtdfah o pCn t etohshgauoeleunamln advotdgt eueeb e ltaaares.n r ctop aidaannrm sodebhbeieab nliderngeemicg s aar btewuhgosraaueitrtt,td oetaehfnsde th. iht naeNe sxto tshb neoeeeqn e Aun o efmc ntlaheczaeeirmglyh i sdl aewnmgoourtnahsg tferu afrtrteohdme, ri sdt heeedx tiCrceaamtnioaenrlyy, complex. lexical grounds souftphfipet otcriantrignvgien ilgte, moitf e sOnomtusre wtLimiatdheyss luoafcc khCs abcniobdhleeilcrabeaIrsunlil-actaWt enhbt dhewee eosiwin,ytl hotgi hl rg Nlte ewhir meceIerxnap iasttlsr,iteu oneswmldni ageaa urn isn-wcnA iet fiaii mtclh chl ciraamesoenz llpAoiilcggervemcohie,otp ailuwooaoznsnnsih-g a getihloovlu e bfaaa lynag app ngeleors.egx soolups ipsiallboiaigntlsieeunga li rf sngfroogoilcr mue astv loietolahrunnyest id foCrpnadar gnowempavhrooeyisnct eihtod odn noiaf vlft,eherres gtwhaierdm eceloynu tfr rsionem toh fee v hfeiirrsystto oprtylha, ecare n,p dro posal we results, and we arIes plaanrdtisc,u tlhaer lIyn sspuelaark-iAnmg aabzoiguht laann agbufsaoegelnlexoc.awe m oeWpfd la eeb csyw lh eoiiaatfls lrvh ergeore r dwpabirpi sbothcolduei cumssaocsleeel, vsd ph,e riut ashap y ep pe trsorroefo putqbhoull iesoesam rnpl cl oibettihy unoa rtfetg. x ,l iepcaxaslea l hminaeisns gba eneevdne trchylee f asrrealmgym adneetnmitc o omnnse ttarhnaeti negdga, r omifs eeeanxctt hrien sm ethqeeuly ef incrocsetm .p plalecxe., andesWseen wtiailll creopreroedxupcree hssisio pnroopfoMsaal rfbiooyll (leooNxgwepycel.kadil nibniyne )ig t sTe gvIEreaPrypF hSfreEamPgMemsE,e tnRhtIe .o sn<eT qtihu eye engbcaebr m off e snleǎtxb ie nmM theeser iaf>ni.r ds[t T tph·Ylea] sc-[eeBm, ·Ba]n-[tFic] -m[Se·Ban].i n(Tg hoef eFaacthhe rs euqnudeenrc eth. e Next, we will move on to a proposal for solution which differs widely from every other proposal we folloWweedw boyu iltds glirkaephtoempoesin, tthoeu steqthupareotntctehect eoio(flNn el exeoxcfe ke3tmhml. ieTen eVsehs)i e[a rF gTnI·indIGnEs t]MPuhaFleaanS rrsEyd-eA)Pm [(MmSGa·anEaBzrtR]icicIgíc. a hmo <2 uPeT0lari1d on1ypib,n eopegbsp brao.e lf4 pf e1lsa4aǎc–cbh1e 5 dsM)e. wqeuriiet>hn. co[eTt.h ·Ye]r-[tBh·rBe]e-[F]-[S·B]. (The Father under the have discussed up to this point. differe(Nntecoknliense:)t hTeIErPoFoStE[PYM·D.E]R(IG. <aTrci píayroe(2tbGe0bci1tr i1dfo ,nlsep ǎo) .bfN t 6hMA1e4 ReV)rM,iir>agP.i Rvn[T eLMr·MYba]Or-iy[nT)B A(·tBGhR]ea-E[rfF.c oí]<a-rN[ mS2a·0Br1<ǝ]1.ym , y(p Tǝphdb..e ǝ>4 rF1, 4aγa–tǝsh1rea5 rm) .Bu uentrtdbaerre> r.t hl[eeR x·Mem]-e[B,·R]-[Γ·R]-[T·R]. (Sharing [the The following proposal was made by the philologist and historiographer Ignacio Reyes García mperaotneicntigonfe oefl itnhge fVuilrlgeinno Mugahry.)I t(sGpahrcoínafo e2ot0di1c] s1is,m (paGnap iy.or 4dbu1lline4g)d–a 1tNei5roA)gn. o RtoMawtParraRdnLss MtfhoOer pmToAaortR)io E(nG. <afNrrocaímar ǝ2/m0i1i ǝ1db, ǝp/r. t3γo1ǝt3rh) .me aubttbarre>v. i[aRti·Mon]-[B·R]-[Γ·R]-[T·R]. (Sharing [the 3. The Insular-Amazigh Proposal (1962–), today’s main expert in the Amazigh language, and was expounded in the year 2007 (García of/ii/(Ginirtdole/)i /N,AthReMvPoRcLalMicOpTrAogRrEe.s s<fNofroaod(Cr]mǝ uimsf/ fa ǝno/b noǝ bttrloh iγge/aǝ cteria /onmn,d autlonetwt’dasar str>hid.d se[ eRts)h ·hLeM iPpf]toV-o[fRBrr)oI· RN(mG]E-a[tNΓrhc·IeRíPa]cE -2o[P0TrN1o·R1nE,] aI.p Fl(.AS /3hNd1a3/rT)i..nt <ogL t[whtheue lrainbniail bǎb nǝ ǎfa ǝnt>. [L·W]-[R·N]- /pfo/od,]r iess aunl toibnliggaitnionth teowfianrdasl tpheh poonoer[)tB i(cG·Bsa]/-r[ciNTíe(aChp] -2ue/[0 Fff.f1]o2 -1o0l[I,lnN1t op0 wtw·.)Th .3i ]eonT1. ugc3h(Ba) lip.dsne rdsmobolpeeelru’oscfts iiosfaouilldnl lw oe ifnw)oa Llstelh PomdewV vabRsidc yItteNho trbeEhy ysN eL atImohrProedeE o pPoltihfNn [tielFhEo ea]Il Fsoe< tAgtehirN[sneΓt Ta c·alF.o nl<]nidgLc=h lwhut)i[us sX(it Goro·inFranis]rno cwgií abre aǎ 2epb0xh 1npe1ǝor, uǎpIgnf.a nd2 ǝa8 anc9ni)to.>d . R s[hLeya·Wrees] a-G[bRaor·uNcít]a t- he text on (Garcí(aC2u0ff1 1o,np th.e4 8c1a)n,dwleh’si cshidceo) rLrPesVpRo([I1BnN9·d(B6ERs2]N-i–tg[o)INh,P ttt]Eoh -st[PdehFiNda]ep-ye E[r c’NeIsoaF pf·rm ATvot]haiNs.ni ei(ntgT Bic .oee ao< xnpmfLp eoOewe)vr rcuuOeti rr fiLru/ noiLMln n tainhn, diIe i Nytnb hA ǎReotbm hvAf einaCcNǝztfaoo FiǎgrnRrfyhdma LeI lǝAalo<narnErftdg>>iB aou.,N f[a /bLtPghef·eF/Wien, M, eag]ti-ne n[RrwdRnlF ·arawNVilnt aEtl]gie-sgNun hea txNig)np (eV oGstIuhaNner AcdAíeaPdm I2M i0an1zL 1itIgh,F hpeI N .y l2aeV8naI9grP) u.2I a0Ng0e7IP (fIGrAoaNmrc. ítah e Canary li[kBe·BK]-a[Nby]-l[eF,]S-[iNw·Ta]o. (rBTe umnezrcaifbutl. inA tnh<eoU 2tvl0hi-1cmet0ro )ry(.py RǝT oniLhgs oiǎhssrIritd s sb al sooainilflnd iufttdǝehtyr iseo o, I ienfatst he etfthebrohn elIǝeal nnocls awruluiopbgsloeahi t)trtfh )--O[ Ame(F GLsm ]ǎaMar(amrG z cfIewíiaNag lre hiR2cnn 0ílAe.aa1 NNna12s,gw F0 putR1ih.a- 1 ie2gIn, 8Aecap9o. E )bn. .Bi cb4Nl u8aPs1miF)oM ǝnmls ieR fwfaFi nenV i eEnwxNgpib otbNuoiVnb.dI NN aiAn bdPi -IsaMhnaL>r.Ie F[ LaINb]-oV[MuItP ]t Ih[ NNe ]tI-eP[xRIAt] -oNn. (Right side of the cape) OLM [INNt<h·RFUe·A Rl-cNm]a rF[ vNyRiǝ·n nBIgA ·ǎ( WEro fBa )WnN]O-f[PǝeuFr Frw] I-MLa[iMlea lRb d]r Feyǝ[pVn RoruE]of-bN [dCiF u f·aNW-cnmeVd] h IǎeN[irlGsa Af r]pw-iPra[eoNI nMbp·.eΓo LNi]sn-Iaw[FglBI ibN·w-BiynV]r -eaiI[tx PMtbepIin ]lbN-a [iaiLInnmP·i FnIt ]Aǝhg-l[e NiNef fvA.i] e -nm[rB ywa· Bzfirib]ag bg[hiNm bl·.aeY Nnn]g-ti[ uboBain·-Bg at]enh- [>efN.r go[]La.m r](-m Y[tMhoeune]r t[ C Nihnae] na-tr[haRtre y] -f irst place, find/discoverintheform<af>inBerberlanguageslikeFiguig,Kabyle,Chaouia,Tunzabt,Teggargrent <Ul-m yǝn ǎr anfǝr Iaeb ǝnubi f-m ǎhro Ifu[swNslaee·sFnn ·td.Rh Nse], wmt[hNiofe-os·i BtnlI ln·iao(msW wbupile)oba]dr r-ta [-abFmAny]tm- ǝ [ittMlarsiefz ]fagi isgr [unahRr p w]el-ha,[ ienFCbmg·bhWuiielbads]. g, YN[teGha.i he ]b - w[siN-eeahq·n Γuo>]ev.- ne[[BrLc ·ey]B- oo[]uM-f[, Ml]se hx[]Ni-en[mL]in-·[egFRs ] t]-ar-[enNads] u-t[rhBee·.B As]e mb[Nuar·ndYte]in-c[ uBmp·Beoa]n-n [oNiun]rg. co(oYfn oesucairce hnh ceseae rqtu ence. or[ND·Fje·Rbe] l[NNe·Bfu·(Wsa),]a-[mF]o-[nMg]o [tRh]e-r[sF,·Wori]s e lh[liGsokeue] -sa<[eW Nssu tt·feaΓh>c w]ek- i [mnoiBlvlo·A eBsrrtew] (o-piN[mudrMreopj icd]solk-haru[tloLciaoune·nrFle dth]< )e-t ir[irsTNfse >.apI ]ECsr-iuP[onoBrnpFe·StSo,B riECs]owa lPh [lasiNM lub,d·cywE YhY Re] hab-xIi[hu.pcB wrh<l·daBeTehia]nni -l o)[liy oNnv(eeGwg]rb . a esbyr(v oYtceuhfío ra,eus y s2ǎr chf0 boirh1n ane1Migasn,m rigepdt r.ete ir3n>re1.tia n9so[)guTn. r· Yeth.] A-e[ B gb·auBrr]md-[eeFnn] -ut[ pSino·Bn t] ho. eu( rTf ichrosen t Fspcalitaehnceecre, under the ofhoausveos itcheed mfoosrt mimp/oVrt-af/nt, twrehaseurree,t hCehilvfidoso lYllw(iokLaweehe lwafet mde ssht aibi pdocgyrkveh o ei otttroves fcby e gtroeti ruhooadn,ue p s rrohcho fsai ephntpmhopieneuee) glV sdd F,ite rVrtrbghesPayi.en sMC u saMoerIpneqRah.tu NrrAeyeoAr) nlb es(c usGuEeric sNadoh.ref Vcn bTlí uePauhxr Mp2deeo0emTnnfi1I )1en o s,E(ua G pParl panNclr.edo cMn4x ít1saehPc4 me2iI–eR 01nse1 e5cV1mwe),. R paoVn.u t3IliV1dc9 ImN). eRaNn inAgP oVfI MeaFchR Is ePqIuVeNnIcAe.N beis [liSk·eB a· (sTta)c]k( oGvaerr coíuar 2sh0o1u1l,depr.s. 5C8o6n)t,NrowTl sRhuHicchNh(( NLb,.ue ei<fnrctFdk fetslunhiind )eb ee(-)G A(m oGTayfiir IrertcEndhríPaaleTe .F 2 )ucSN 0aNaE1uprP1Abee,M )igRp aFEM.l mVa3RP1nPI R9.tgM i) L<u.e ITMawRig NOeeynTAe bAba emEbRc N Eofb Vm. isr<Pǎ eNbuMs raTM <rwǝIe emisErweiP >ǝiN-.bb nǝ[bM Trri n>·PγY,I, ǝ]Ra-ar[b BVmuv·R eBuir V]tm-bt[IaFVǝr]f>I-rN.[i S.[R ·RBBN·i]Mb. -A](w-TP[ǝhBVne· RI MFǝ]y-a[FtyΓhRa·eRnIr ]Pn-u[IunTVdt·N Reǝr]Ir .Aγ t(h NSeh aring [the meani(nLgeftto spidueri foyf, athme ocnagpeo)t hFeVrPsM. TIuhRnepNN>rp.AoT thR e[oEcFHtn·NiWoNeVnt].i P-ocf<[ofMBF foto]fdhT-ur]e[Im R i VbsE·- NiammPrng]Nii igornM[nbh NMlatiPg.· BalIaNoRr·t(ysi uWo)eV nb(tR) Gih]t V-oaae[wmMrIfiVca ír]rtIa-dsiN[ st2Te R0vtw·hY1Noee1]w n,pA p[oeaWoPplmrVb.)· N 4 yI(bM1G]ia4-ra[Fp– MruR1hcr5íI]e a )-rw.P[ e2BIis0V·wiR1sNi1]- o,nI n[Ap Wrc.N ne3·,R1 aa3]g-b)[a.u Wi ni· Ym]-ǝ[fNri]. -B[Rib·N-w] ǝ[nB ]ǝ-y[Yya]-n[F n·Ru·tY ǝ]r γ asNaTmRHerNe. a<iFdfufo br-tmheirnpar.o Nnuunbci iaamtio tni[ Beo·uwBfn]et->hn[.W e( Ga[cm·FiNor·W dn]b-ls[ie]orY-) [n ·uBNWar](n -AC·w[NtRRusi]·,wfMN f[j uNioP]- snnR·tT[ LNtra]hn-Ms·[e,BR sOac·e·(aΓbWTenu]nA.d) (]iRilI -entm[E ’Mist.sǝ h s]<fd-ireNda[iT.wse a·eB)nrY tǝiLi]bnm/ P-gew[V ,Wǝ gRǝ/brn·IǝN,eN rabǝ ]tEyyγ- p[NyǝMoaarwIb n]Pm-be E[rnrBu.Pe u·TtvNRttha i]ǝEaer r>tIC[γiF.Wn h A[giR·lNRd·tM ]hTj-ue[.] sW-<t[L Bl·iYw·kR]eu-] [t- Nh[rΓien] ·-FRn[aR]it- b·h[NTǎer·b]R an]n[.ǝB d( ] ǎSt-fh[haYea ]rǝw-inn[aFtgy>· R.[o t[·fhYL e·] W ]-[R·N]- twuno>o. cc[Flu·Wsi]v-e[Bb]-i[lRab·Nia]l c[Non·Bso·(nWa)n]-t[sMpa]en-fr[o[dfBToe·cd·tBYth]i] o]ei- sn[n W [aaWntv·u Noo[·riNBbd]nl-· ]iBi[i-glnY[]lanM-g·t[WeiNost]h-sn·][N,- e Bat[m]oF·n Rw[]dN-] ia[ anNr·r[TdteW·os ]Ta -t [t·]bhRR.ha e(]e·l BΓ-mp[ue]oW . fo nmo(r·rIv)Yet tro (]hicG-sioi[c fasdNueerald ]cw w-iín[asnhR o oit2·nh uNs0geun1 ,]vf 1d fgie,c[r r/pBte.oa .p]Y rt-3y/ [op1Y u,Lo3]rswo)- o.o[r eFndrt· l.hRoy Tf a· bYhttuhe,]re aCd etehtnteihlr mdne ajuuls sltit gb lehi kta)e s (thGhiena iFrncagíta hc ea2rn0 da1nl1ed,) p(tGh. e2a 8wr9caí)ya. of en[Bd·Bo]f-[tWhe·Npr]-o[cYe·Wss,·Nth]e [Nfin·Ta]l-[vRo·wΓ]e. l(Ib2t 0eips1c eo1dr,maf pewc(e.nCt s2iioun0snf7og fa),f .ovtg eonrrie dtaih nt(i Rlepl/ niocgeswahsensetp,rd ./asl inTe.d’dhTse e a hs orCiiedfsh aetiw hl)bd aeLo lj PmuucaVsl dftpoR leriiI m)ktN heO poEtshLlNeyeM wIFtP hhaIEtoaNhP tseRNutrhAf EafeenNIrFdw. FYA tRhhoNo euI lTrAwe .oa Epn<yBLlh yoNwo fb nPuueFr rtdMiiencn snR miF buVǎsEbt bNneǝ aN ǎsVfhaiIn NǝinnAtg>P c. Ia[MnLd·LWleI)F] (-IG[NRaV·rNIcP]ía-I NIPIAN. ofpetrhfeecstieoqnu aevnoicde ilwlnoeussl,d anbde a/ret ia- ibeaplm-f -fsoer[2 pBt0h·/1Bo(,1Gs]em,- a[ pwNre.mh a]2o-ne0[ <sFni7Uun])tf- .glf [e-eNmdrT.g· h YTyee]oǝ).F u nE(arB ǎA toehrn F emalrMyne (rbf GǝcIuRirorf uddEIale)N eniinbs ImN tbǝuhrnIes ium Ftv bbMimeci tEfaio-n ArsmgyhR i wǎLnEroiiIn trf.hd gw< cpoÊeafun ntar.hd ifNfiel-e mcew)at ( etiGiri-ronieannanralcno líbniiag i fbMh- tǝa)amm (rGye ǝ, aalrirfcefíiya n >2 .w0 [1Ei1b],b- [piFb. ].2- N[8M9i) ]b. i[-Ra·nN>]. [[LF]]--[M] [N]-[R]- or20e1ls1e, ,pT. 2h0e7F).a ther(God)fillMaryw[iMth·Ypu]-r[((iRRGfi·icYagar]htm.[i tNo( Oesn·niF,hdto·, eR efr i]odn afgd[l Nesitnho)· geBEw ·ycA(oWaitFuphM )ei]nt)- h[cIOFrRee]LaE-o[MsNMtehs I ]eINt Nhr[IeRRm Fp]A-reM[oNaFtEn·eFWcAiRtniR] og InE[AGf Iao.E] gr-<Ba[ÊMNNin a·PsEΓtfF R-]sm-MuI[,Bp Ti·eRrBrheFs]net-Vi[ntFMEiiao N]ntf-h-! [ǝN)eLm r(·VGFe]Ia -Na[rNrcAeía]yP- >[2IBM.0 ·[1BLE1]I], F-[p[NIFpN]·.-Y V[1M]8I-P3[]BI– [·8NBR4]·I)N-P.[ NI]A ][.NF ](.-Y our heart (God)i(sGbarrimmemnitn egdwgiet)h EpAuFriMty IaRnEdNgrINac<[IeM U.Fl(AM·-BYmlaE]l-c A[oykRǝfR ·notYEhhf ǎ]o Io..tru h( s<saOeeeÊns hs cf a,tǝea hffrmpi-e nIm eamad)e nioinNbrtsg ietBǝc nyinsImnoMuauipb rE ofiei-rnI fǝ tcc-aAmmroneNneta ǎ sctNarero sreEfr eawtdIyshPuae>eEnr n.p eR.t[r, E NoFwCt]Mwe-hi[ctiFIitlh-Vdi]oi- ntInY[hFMa aaVe hbg]Fww iab[.iRe no <ha·srN Nmtod vsǝ] suǝ eb[rlipbFin efyi]frc -oisyl utun i,ǝt dwsimoehniidǝbn!yb)i nyi(bGgi.. atNArrecina íbs-anui 2-ăra0eyn.1 >A1ǝ.,b [bpeLurp]rr-.de [1efM 8nm3 ]u –[ipN8 ǝo4]wn)-. [ ioRfu ]r- conscience in[Mth·Ye]v-[eRr·sYe]s. (oOfht,h fiendAinngn yuonuc iinactrieoansUebsf[ y>tNh. te·[Fh Np·eR(r]Bo-]Ata[ eW[cncNktig·i sY·ooBe nl]lfi·- k( a[GWteYgh aaa]e) -i]b sn[-ctYr[saaFit]cep ]ksl-[e u[Do)tMp vo]Nee-]r[rM sBN [toRIiua]Mt-]irr[o- yYE[snFhI]!(· -o)WL[A u(BuGlN]·dR kaeN[r·rGF1scE.],]í -a-IC2[[P MN26oEn0–·R]1Γt3-rF[1]8oW-,Ml) [ pBs·(IFpu·BVB]c.i -I]h1b[F- F8[blVMe]3u.F– r1](8.d-W 6[4e<L1n)Ne.·1) F gǝ,(]Gib-pv[ba.eNi r Frc]ye-í2[f auBrǝ )2gm·,B0e ǝ]1t y1o[y, N tpih.· .Ya A3t] 1-nw[9-Bh)n·.oB ă y]i-g [ǝnNbo]re.er sr(.eY Wfo umer i w hǝielwal ritf althou(gBhac,kin olfi gthhet ocafpthe)e NlitBuIrMgEicIa AlafNonrhNUdgoiEfuvb>Isei.Pe bts[EhlN itRech ]Foae-f[ MlfmWeanIor·VssgYetIu ](Fwi-Lmm[VhYepFeef]ont.-n r[e<sttYvaaiNed]nt riǝet[ o iD bttnor b]ief,s-i a[ wtcsNyhau eeu]ǝr- esmp[c,eY ardCǝe]p y-hbf[eyeyiB)lr id ·t.FR h GYAVe·Fo anfPd]he--Maw[ntrMheă IoheRy]f - FNoG[ǝvaWbAoetderh· )rFeEy rr(]oNeG-uh[fFV a,a m]rssP.ch ifMí(i oaWnǝu Tiw2nneI0 gi d1gfE 1tiiPvrn, eeNpa mrspMeue.f r,uP3eg1I. Re3A – t V1ob 4uRt)rhV.d aeItVn w IuNhpoRo niNg no uAorrP ecsVo. nIWMsceiF ewRncIile lP IVNIAN Uf>. [N]-[W·Y]-[Y]-[Y] [D]-[N]-[Y]-[Bifs·oR rli·gIFkfie ]vw -ea[ e Mts htp]aea- Nc[oykWfT foaeR·vntFteHse]re-n N[owFtui.]ho r.<e nsn(F hWtefoovuue e t lrbhgd -ieietmv r seisusi .r rbcCneasfaouutn.as gtNneerd touti lbao bsy li ut d htcahiahmset t baf weutnaihr crdoe eoe w inbfg e)Gen nt(oowG draeae)ms er(.cG n Wíb aaai rrel2lc 0uwítah1ri 1 el2lw, 0 spo1iw.1l u3,i 1t-pin9op )nr.. ns3 ,1p 3ar–bo1up4 o)is . medǝ furpi. tBoi tbh-wis ǝpno iǝnyty an nut ǝrγ theVirgin,grace. forgive the offense whenever it is causeadn bdy tthhie(IsL f fo eewanfrtee u o,sp fwin adG>yee.o tadoe[t)nfFt e(d·tGWnh ttaeoi]ro - ctc[nhBíaa itp]n o-2e[k 0Rt) h 1t·FhNe1V a,s ]tpPu , pMb[dN.se It3s·RaB1pnN3·i(tt–WiAea1 il4 )t Ed)]s-. N i[wsMtVea]lPn-l-[MccTeo·T YbnIe]c teEwi[PvWeNeed·MNn l a]iPn-l[IlgMR tuh ]iVe-s[ tRsBiocV·Rl auI]pVt ipIo[NrWnoRsa· RNpch]r -o A[apWnPodV·sY etI]hdM-e[ uN FopRu] -Itt[o sRPt ta·IhNVnid]sN ipnI[oABgi]N n-[t Y ]-[F·R·Y] 4.1.2. INf wAeR pMaPy RatLteMntOioTnA toR Ethe substlaenxNatinicTaadRll dtHghirsiNost au.o nn<n[cBFdee·f,sB ubw s] e-ube[t -wWptmepen·ioNerdrnn]t t -aiao[n.Yl gltN ·ht Wihiutn,eb· k Nisit o t]sah lom[uaNmtt i,·to eTdi tn]eei-smsw[ ppReeir·stnΓo el ]p aa.i otcm(sIks twe s bid scei roludl h-apucwe rotr onnew inctnihecwgiie,sv i gw-epnrdoie t arilhnintn t,pt ghoauewb iusesret i.im c Tm aahpnǝe ptfCirrciho. riaBledcli hibjgu- aiwsontuǝ dlnsi kt- heeǝ veyth ayoenau Fgntase ttnlahiusneitrnd ǝaginnr γdg the way of and this one, we tend to think that, dreeussleupnxli>tit.sce ,a i[altF sng· wdWro pewu]el-lnr[e-Bf dcea]ocsr-tn [eisRo cupne·pNai avrpv]te oiodcri[ud Ntli ilinna·lBlgrgnl· u(yeiWtsi ,sss i,pt) tia] ec-sna[ oadMkmp ai]pnre-erg[t Toia maa ·bYbcaeoh]ls mu al[ta nWf aocdrkn· Ntst ahh c]boe-oss[ oehMe uwen]trc-hsee[tonB a osc·nRufed fa ]fwi e ncr[ilg.Wte hY a ·ortRueh]rre- [ bosWnieblmy·lYi cba]aun-[lrtN,di pce] nr-ra[e mRyli·eugNrsifot]u uble[ sBo -aer] s- vlh[iaYitnnu]i-grn[geFgil· ciRcsaai·lnYn dg] l e) (García lexicTahl egrroouontd[sM su]p(Gpoarrtciínag2 i0t,1 i1t ,sopm. 5e[rtB5ei1m·sBu)e]li-stn[s Wl,a Kac·nNak2dbs]0 - yc1w[oYl1eeh,· Wpeaor.rr ·ee2Nni 0pn]c7 ae[)ArN .w til·cgTiute]hl-ra [itRrahl·nyeΓ ]ssT.ep u(meIntaa zkinsai tndbigactw ,raenBblioeingrugibto, eaugrnrse- caaeatbv tpsaeeongnwgoceererli. iso sTeifn hdaeg ci Cnlehatilhrdee rju bsitb lliikcea tl,h pe rFaaytheerrfu aln odr t lhiteu wrgayic oafl Surebsgurlotsu, panMd zwaeb -aOreu paargrtliac,ualadrolyp tsspethaekpifenorgfre mactbiooonuf tat hvaoeni dga bri(lGaslnpeaenhrscmsee,m e aonneftd a < ea mcdrlege >aae br)f earEorlm Amb iFfbotMrlhi tce hIaRosls,iE enp NwgrauIhyNolae sIrr ufFfuffMeelm roE. riYA nloiRitunuErer Iog.bn i<elcyÊlao lb anufgr-dminen gi rmeunsnti b fe- ǝa mshein ainregy c>a.n [dEle])- [(FG]-a[rMcí]a [R·N] [F]- 2011, p. 20[7M). ·Y]-[R·Y]. (Oh, finding you increases the protection against superstition!) (García 2011, pp. 183–84). (Garment (eBdagcek) oEfA thFMe c IaRpEe)N NINBII MFMEIE AANRENIE. I<PÊE aRfF-mM IiVreInFnViF f.- ǝ<mNeǝ babrie yy> ǝ. m[Eǝ]y-[yFi].- [AMn]- n[Răy·N ǝ]b [eFr]r-ef mi ǝwif [M·Y]-[R·YU].f >(O. [hN, f]i-n[Wdin·Yg ]y-[oYu] i-n[Ycr]e a[Dse]s- [tNhe] -p[rYo]t-e[cBti·oRn· Fa]g-a[Mins]-t[ sWup·Fer]-s[tFit]i.o n(W!) e( Ggaivrec írae f2u0g1e1 ,t op pth. a1t8 w3–h8o4 i)g. nores. We will (Backf oorfg itvhee t hcea pofef)e nNseB wIMheEnIe vAerN iNt iEs IcPauEsReFd MbyI VthIeF VfeaFr. o<fN Gǝobdb) i( Gy aǝrmcíaǝy 2y0i1. 1A, pnp-n. ă3y1 3ǝ–b1e4r)r.e f mi ǝwif Uf>. [N]-[W·Y]I-f[ Yw]e-[ pYa] y[ Dat]t-e[Nnt]i-o[nY ]t-o[ Bth·Re ·sFu]-b[sMta]n-[tWial·F d]i-s[tFa]n. c(We bee gtwivee erne faulgl et hteo stohlaut twiohnos ipgrnoopreoss. eWd eu pw itlol this point forgive the aonffedn tshei ws ohnenee, vwere itte insd c atuos tehdi nbyk tthhea tf,e adre osfp Giteod i)t s( Gwaerllc-ícao 2n0c1e1iv, epdp .l i3n1g3u–i1s4ti)c. approach and the outstanding If we lpeaxyic aatlt genrotiuonnd tso stuhpe psuobrtsitnagn titia, li td siostmanetciem beest wlaecekns acollh tehree snocleu wtioitnhs tphreo speomseadn tuipc rteol itghiios upso-ienvta ngelising and this onrees, uwlets t,e anndd t wo teh ainrek pthaartti,c duelsaprliyte s iptse awkeinll-gc oabnoceuitv aend alibnsgeunicseti oc fa ap pclreoaarcehr banibdli tchael, opurtasytaenrfduiln ogr liturgical lexical gro unds supporting it, it sometimes lacks coherence with the semantic religious-evangelising results, and we are particularly speaking about an absence of a clearer biblical, prayerful or liturgical Religions 2017, 8, 135 Religions 2017, 8, 135 5 of 27 5 of 27 of Songs 8, 4 (Bible 1611, p. 3L6r), or rather, Cant 4o,f 4S o(Bnigbsl e8 ,1 46 1(1B,i bpl.e 3 1L651r1) ,o pr. I3sLai6arh), 5o,r 2 r, awthheirc,h C ant 4, 4 (Bible 1611, p. 3L5r) or Isaiah 5, 2, which Religions 2017, 8, 135 5 of 27 reads Et sepivit eam, [...] et aedificavit turrim (and gathreeraedds o Eutt tshepe isvtiotn eeasm th, [e.r.e.]o fe t( taheed vifiincaevyiatr tdu) r[r..i.m] a (nadn d gathered out the stones thereof (the vineyard) [...] and Religions 2017, 8, 135 5 of 27 of Songs 8, 4 (Bible 1611, p. 3L6r), or bruaitlht ear t,o Cwaenr)t (4B,i 4b l(eB 1ib6l1e1 ,1 p61. 13,M p2. v3;L M5ro) uorre I1s9a9ia1h, p5p, .2b 6,u 5wil–th6 ai7 ct;h oTw vevre) e(Bdiablele 2 1060151, ,p p. .8 33M5)2. v; Moure 1991, pp. 65–67; Tvveedale 2005, p. 835). reads Et sepivit eam, [...] et aedifica8v. it tuLrarsimtly (,a nthde g amthuelrteid-p osuetu tdhoe -satconroesn ythmerse offr o(tmhe Lviantei8ny.o a far dnS)Ldo [an .S.sg.tp]sl yaa 8nn, ,d it4sh h e( B cmiabrulrelyt i1i-n6pg1s 1er,ue pldi.go 3i-oLauc6rsro ),mn oyerma rnsai tnfhrgeo rma, bC oLauantt itn 4 ,a 4n d(B Sibplaen 1is6h1 1c, apr.r y3iLn5gr )r eolri gIsioauiash m 5,e a2n, winhgi cahb out built a tower) (Bible 1611, p. 3M2v; Mothurreee 1 f9r9a1g, mppen. 6ts5, –b6y7 ;J Tosvév eHeedranláen 2d0e0z5 ,M p.o 8rá3n5) .( 19r2e2a–dt)hs rwEethe s ifcerphai,vg bimty ee awnmtas,y ,[ .b.o.y]f eeJtox asaeémd Hipfielcear,nv wiátn etdu prerrzio mMv i(odarneá dfn og r(a1 th9e2r2e–d) owuth tihceh ,s tboyn ews tahye roefo fe (xtahme vpinlee,y wared )p [r..o.]v aidnde for 8. Lastly, the multi-pseudo-acronyms ftrhoem l eLttaetriinn ga nodn Sthpea nnieschk clianrer yoinnlgy ,r welihgeiroeu tsw moe iabnnuteiinlrttpgh ar e aet oblteawottuteieort)rn i(snB gaib roelen p 1toh6s1es1 inb, eplec.:k 3olMinn 2et hvo;en M olyno,e uw rheha e1nr9de9, 1ttw,h peop i.n 6t5e–rp6r7e; tTavtivoenesd aarlee p20o0s5si, bple. :8 3o5n) .t he one hand, the three fragments, by José Hernández sMuobr-dániv (i1si9o2n2 –T)I -wEh-PicEh-S, EbyP -wMaEyR oI,f reexsaumltipnlge8 ,i .nw teh Lpea rpsotshvluyridab, s-etdeh f ieFov orimrs eiuovnletr i T-ypIo-suEe -uaPrdeEo M--SaEacrPryo- Mn(TyEúmR esrI ,e fsrr eopsmourl stLiineamgti pninr ea tnhde pSpharansiesh F ocraervreyri nyogu r aerleig Mioaursy m(Teúa enriensg p oarb soiuemt pre the lettering on the neckliRneeli goionnlsy2, 0w17hM,e8ra,er1 í3ta5w), ofr oinmte Krpirrcehtaetri’osn vsa ariraet ipoons,s oibr leel:s oe,n t hthee m oontrehe r hueManen nafdrara,ít augt)hmr, aefre l onfomtsr m,K b iTyrc IJ-hoEesRré’E sH Sv-eaErrPniaá-MtniodEneR,z oI ,Mr t heolarstáe in,s t ,8h( Y1eo9o fm2u22 6o–r)e w uhnincaht,u bryal wfoarym o Tf Ie-ExaRmESp-lEe,P w-Me EpRroI,v tihdaet fiso,r Y ou sub-division TI-E-PE-SEP-MERI, resualrtein ag m inot hthere’ sp mhrirarsoer F(Torúe veerre sy eosup eajroe dMe marayd (rTe)ú, werehsti hcpheo rali esrs etiit enaem trmeipnnrogedt h eoedrn’ tsto hm beie rnr soehrc ok(Twliúnn ee ir noes nt helysep, sewajomh deeer emse tamwdraoen )i,tn iwcte hripcrhe itsa tiinotnesn dareed ptoo sbseib slheo: wonn tihne t hone es ahmane ds,e mthaen tic María), from Kircher’s varpiaatriotinc,l eort ehlelsiewn, eot hmaesa mTniopwruehs o uMnhanatsar/tiwsu r(hIaoml foaogwremn osf / TtthIh-eeE MRowEotSnh-eeErrP.) -bBMye EcthaReuI s,sJ uteehsbauol-itdifn tii stev(h,M iaYsesiooo tTrurná ia pnTnu I1ss-9f EMo5-7rPam;Et Vr-aiSest Eri(aoIPm n2-Ma0/g1Eem6 R,o /fpI ,t. h r>8ee1 s/M)u.n lot/tihnbegre )it nbw ythe teehn ep hJersauseit F(Moreovreárn y 1o9u5 a7r;e V Meraary 2 (0T1ú6 ,e pre. s8 p1o).r siempre are a mother’s mirror (Tú erceso ersopneajol daen mdOanldacrbee) it,a hwlonhraoicsuhag lihss,l iywn eteexnamdmaeidyn etcodo bn(Ves iesdrhaeo r2w0thn1 6ein, fp otphrm.e 7 s3a/–mnM8/4ea) .sr Oaeíanmn)d,c af eanr ostth imwco reKo piurrcgohhgelryre’ sse sxveaadmr iwaintiiteohdn o,( Vuorre rleialns 2ge0,u 1tih6set, i pcm pao.n r7de3 –u8n4n)a atnudra al sf owrme p TrIo-EgrReEssSe-EdP w-MithE RouI,r t hliantg ius,i sYtiocu a nd line as Tipus Matris (Image of theT cMhreyoptchoteanrn)s aoblyny iatthnicet a aJlnesraoulyoitst i(s[MR, ao]lr(lá Gonaf 1rt9ch5íea7m;2 V 0b1eer1ca,a p2m0.e15 6d7, 4ips)r. ei8ng1ac)tr.rha ydreepe Adata .mh nNaaotlgoyhgneiteari’ rcso Bmaf netihrarrbeloymersr i( sTils,a ú anw elglro ueorsatf eh gts hepfueeajmrodt h dobeepe rmtc sdaamedthdreeei) c,dva witesirhorbenicga,h al rids eindt.e Nndoende toof bthe esmho iws nw ionr tthhe f usarmthee rs edmedainctaicti on, Once thoroughly examinepdr o(Vneormbau i2nt0 a1tlh6m,e ype par.e n7mi3n–ag8in4o )f aafsno rdat uacnso awltleeec iptsirotohnge rooenfs sepewodsh wsoibiwtlhei tohsuoarl ultbitrniluaoigntnn uessti lh saitpetsiey rcTro aaiprpnteoeudmdss e aMdginr aao trpavishse re(a Im mthciaoecgl elfce ooocrfut mitrohsne<e M eoorfofe t>phh,eoirses)tvs obiebrynyl et, wh asehno Jedleun stuioitn (sM porroápno 1s9e5d7 ;o Vveerra t 2h0e1 6c,o pu.r s8e1 ).o f history, and cryptanalyitic analysis, all of tihnemla nbgeeuxcaaammgeeps ldelisisk roeefg Ahaoyrdweer dtTo. u Nsaoorlenvgee atoh fp etrhfioebnmlae lmisv wothwoartet, lhai ssf uhdratrhso epberexpO deaennemdcd cepial cletneahastdori loorytonfh u,dhe geoshmwolyou t nneosx dtsaromabltveeinced oe,a dmi sp ( eVresoxeb/trrlaeee mrm2/0 e1.tlh6yB,a epcts,op iamd. s7e p3hsl–ae,8xsi4t .b s) eaennd c ales awrley pdreomgroensssetrda twedit,h i so uexr tlrinemgueilsyt icco amndp lex. but they remain as a collectivoonc aolfi cNpaoepsxstei,r bwtluee r ewsomillula tmiyoonlvesae dpornuo sptoot oase ptdhr ioonpvkoesora flt thfhoeer cspoohuluortsnieoec ntroi ycfw psNhht/aeiiscanxthrtao,/ l rdywy.iif,te fi ecaw rnasidln wl a mliydosevilsye, ofarnlol mtoof eatvh peerrmoyp oboteshcaealr mf poerr odspoisolursetaiglo awnr dewe hdi.c Nh odnifef eorfs twheidme lyis fwroomrt hev feurryt hoetrh edre pdricoaptoiosnal, we examples of how to solve a problemThh taehvalete ,xd aeissm chueasss[ eMbde] eun(pG ctaloer acthríaliys2 pd0oe1im1n,to.pn .st5ra5t1e)dc, oisn evxetyrbesumta hestalhy<ve -eycm o dmr>iespmctuhlaesexisn.ep doa sus spae tsocso itvlhleeiscp tpiroooninn oto. uf npoinssitbhlee ssuoflfiutxieodns proposed over the course of history, and Next, we will move on to a proposal for solution which differs widely from every otehxearm pprolepso osaf lh wowe to solve a problem that, as has been clearly demonstrated, is extremely complex. formofthesecondpersonfemininesingularyou/toyou,whichisphoneticallywrittenas/m/. 3. The Insular-Amazigh Proposal 3. The Insular-Amazigh Proposal have discussed up to this point. Next, we will move on to a proposal for solution which differs widely from every other proposal we Theroot[F·R](García2011,p. 487)adoptsthegraphemicform<ffer>inlanguageslikeFiguig, The following proposal was made by the hpahvileo dloigsTcisuhts eas enfoddl luhopwis ttioon rgtih opigsrr opappooihnseatr.l Iwgnasa cmioa dRee ybeys tGhae rpcíhai lologist and historiographer Ignacio Reyes García Siwa or either Algerian or Moroccan Berber languages, corresponding to the verb form meaning to 3. The Insular-Amazigh Proposal (1962–), today’s main expert in the Amazigh langu(a1g9e6,2 a–n),d to wdaasy ’esx mpoauinn dexepde irnt tihne t hyee aAr m20a0z7ig (hG laarncígau age, and was expounded in the year 2007 (García collect/treasure.Phoneticsbyabbreviationallowsustoshiftfrom/ffer/to/fer/,usingthevowel/e/as The following proposal was mad20e1 b0y). tThhei sp shoilloultoiognis fto alnlodw hsi tshtoer sioagmrea plihneer a Isg tnhae3c i.c ooT n2Rh0ceel1y uI0ens)si.s o TuGnhlasai rsrwc- síAeao meluxatpizooingu hnfo dPl lraoonwpdos s sthhaale r esa amboe ulitn teh ea st ethxte ocno nclusions we expound and share about the text on aconsonantalaidfor/fr/,andwhich,bylabialocclusion,canberetreatedtoitsproto-Berberform/pr/. (1962–), today’s main expert in the Atmhea zciagrhv lianngg oufa gOeu, ra nLda dwya so fe xCpaonudnedlaerdi ai nb tehine gy ewarrt i2htTt0eeh0 nec7 a if(rnoGv lalitonhrwgceí aioAn fgm Opaurzorig pLhoa sldaalyn w gouaf asC gmea nafddroeem lbary it ahth ebe eC pinahngila owrlyor igtitsetn a nind thhies tAormioagzriagphh elarn Iggunaagcieo fRroemye st hGea Crcaían ary Thegraphemicformoftheroot[L](García2011,p.546)inKabyleorinHoggarTuaregcorresponds 2010). This solution follows the same Ilsilnaen adss ,t hthee c Ionnscululasri-oAnms wazei gehxp laonugnuda agned. share a(1b9o6uI2st–l at)hn, etdo stde, axthyt e’os nI mn sauilna re-xApmerat ziing hth lea nAgmuaazgieg. h language, and was expounded in the year 2007 (García to<el>, which, inturn, canbeconsideredas/l/inourinscription, wherethevowelwouldactas the carving of Our Lady of Candelaria bWeien gw iwll rriettperno dinu cteh eh iAs mpraozpiogsha ll abnyg euxapglea ifn2ri0on1mg0 )e.t vhTeehrW iyCs e afs rnowaalguirlmytli roeennp tfr ooolndlo utwhcees hgthaiser mpsareomnpteo ilsnian tle hb eay sf eitrhxspet lpcaolianncicnel,ug s eiovnersy w fera egxmpoenutn odn a tnhde sghaarrme eanbto iunt tthhee fteirxstt opnla ce, asupportforthepronunciation,thereforeprovidingtheverbalmorphologywiththemeaningtobe Islands, the Insular-Amazigh languagfoel. lo wed by its graphemes, the sequence of lextehmee fcsoa larlnovwdin etghd eo b fsy eO mitusa rng Ltriaacp dmhyee moanfe isCn, gatnh odef eseleaaqcruhiae snbecqeeiun oegfn lcweex.r eitmteens iann dth teh eA smemazaingthic l manegaunaingge ofrfo emac hth see qCuaennacrey. We will reproduce his proreploasteadl /bryel aetx(iNpveleasci.nkliinnge )e vTeIrEyP fFrSagEmPMenEtR oIn. t<hTei gyaerbmbe nf ts iIǎnsbl a thnMede sfri,ir >t(shN.t epe[ TIclnak·Ycsliue]n-,l [eaB)r ·-BAT]I-mE[FPa]zF-[iSgSEh·BP l]Ma. n(EgTRuhIea. gF<eTa. tih eyre bubn dfe rs ǎtbhe Meri>. [T·Y]-[B·B]-[F]-[S·B]. (The Father under the followed by its graphemes, the sequTephnrecoetr eoocotfi tloe[nxM oefm· Tt.he]es( DVanierdlgh itneh uMer seaer1my9)a8 (n7Gt,iapcr .cmí2ae0 a22n0)1iinn1g, t phopfe .e B4ae1cr4hb– sep1errW5qo)lt.uae ene cwtngiociulnela . rgoefe ptghreoiv dVeuisrcguei nsh tiMhs eaprnryoo)p u(oGnsaarrlec fbíeayr 2rei0xn1pg1l,at poinpwi.n o4gm1 e4av–ne1,r5y). fragment on the garment in the first place, (Neckline) TIEPFSEPMERbIu. t<iTfit hyeebp(brG efifi rxdsǎl<eb)t >MNiAesrRai>dM. dP[eTRd·YL,M]i-n[OBf·oTBrA]m-R[FsE]-l. i[<kSN·eBa<].r tǝa(mTmh ǝe tb.ftF.oǝualrltt o>hγweǝrirne udmt(n hGbudeyietrt rvdia terltse>hr g)y.e rN[aTRpAe·MhgReg]Mm-a[rBPegsR·Rr, Let]nh-M[etΓO s·sRieTn]qA-gu[RTue·nlERac.r ]e<. oNo(Srfa h<lreaǝtrximimenm gǝ etb.[t.tsǝah raet n> γdǝ rt hme ustetmara>n. t[iRc ·mMe]a-[nBi·nRg] -o[Γf ·eRa]c-h[T s·Req].u (eSnhcaer.i ng [the protection of the Virgin Mary) (GianrcTíua n2fz0oo1ad1b],t ipsipn a.n p4 ol1ub4lr–iag1la5,t)iw.o no mtoewna.rdWs ethoe bpsoeorr)v (eGtahrecída r2o0p11p,i npfo.g( oN3do1]e3f ci)stk.h alienn peo)br leiTgfiIaExtiP<oFntS >tEoiwPnMatrrdEasR ntIhs. el<i ptTeoiro ary)t ee(bGdbag rfrc aísapǎ 2bh0 e1Mm1,e iprci.> 3. 1[3T)·.Y ]-[B·B]-[F]-[S·B]. (The Father under the (Girdle) NARMPRLMOTfAoRrmE.s <lNikaerǝ<(Cmmu ǝfftb. t.oǝunrt iγt>hǝ,erT cmeagnugdtatlarerg’>sr .es [inRdte·Ma) gL]a-P[iBVn·,RRmI]N-e[ΓEa·nNRi]In-P[gETpiP·RnrNo]at.E e(fcIeStFmihAoaan(rNlC ieonTufmg .tf hf<a[ etnLoh Vnnwe eiturrhg/ errinei ncl aMantniea ddbrlyǎte)bo’ s (wn Gsǝoiad mǎrecfea)ín a Lǝ .2PnW0Vt1>eR1. ,[Im LNp·apWEy.N 4]t-I1h[P4RiE–n·N1Pk5N]o)-.Ef IFANT. <Lwu rinni bǎb nǝ ǎfa ǝnt>. [L·W]-[R·N]- food] is an obligation towards thet phoeorl)a (t[GtBea·rBroc]-ína[Ne 2,]0-w1[F1h], -ip[cN.h 3·Tk13]e.)e .( pBse mtheercliefuxle imn tehe[M vic·Tt.o]r,ys Lhoifrtdi nof[g Bt(hG·fBreio ]re-dmt[eNlrent])h- a[NleF l]Aim-g[RhNitMd)· Td(PG]lR.e a(LBrsMceeí mamO 2ieT-0roAc1ip1fRu,e Elpn .i. n v<2 Nto8h9wae) r.ve ǝilmct/o ǝry/b ǝLtroo rγdtǝh ore f mthue tettaerr>n.a [lR li·gMht])- [(BG·Rar]-c[íΓa· R20]-1[1T,· pR.] .2 (8S9h).a ring [the (Cuff on the candle’s side)b LacPkVsReImNEi-N(oRpIiPegEnhPtv NsoiEdwIeFe olAf/N tohT/e. a<cLnawpdeuw) rOhineLnrMei ,b IdǎNubR enAtǝo NǎtfFhaR eǝ nIfmoAto>aEd.r ]B[k LiNes· WdPan(Fs]R -Mto[irbRge lhRi·sNgstFa ]sVot-iinodEn,eN / to otNfwt /tVahrpIedNa sc rAtathpPeoe IfpM)o tOhoLreLI)F Mfi(IGNn aIaVNrlcIRvPíaoAI 2wNN0e1IFPl1RI,/ A piI/AN. 3Ei.1 sB3N). PFM RFVEN NVINAPIMLIFINVIPI NIPIAN. [B·B]-[N]-[F]-[N·T]. (Be mercifull oins tt,haen <vUdiclta-omfrty ey Lrǝotnrh dǎa rot fa ctnohfenǝ rest iIedareenbra ltǝ lhnigeuhbat)ib f(b-Gmrae rvǎcrií aaftw 2io0en1n1. o,N fpw.t h2i-8ei9ns)a<o. U(buCilnb-umd fafs m yo/ǝn ǝtn ltt i/hǎffreii ancnnat wonfǝdi/rbl Ietba/’iseb, bs.a i Nǝcdnhei u)ib ebLiv-iPa ifVnn-m>gR. Itǎ[NhLr ]eEf-wN[sMoeIPnu] .E[n NNPdN]w-f[EoiR-rIi]Fnm-Aa NbiTb .a <mL wǝluif frii nnn wi bibǎbbi bn.ǝ N ǎif ab iǝ-natn>>. .[ [LL·W]-[]M-[]R [·NN]]--[R]- (Right side of the cape) O/LmMo tIuN[tNR/A·,FwN·RhF] Re[rN eIA·BtEh·(BeWNc)oP]-nF[sFMo]- n[RMaFn]V t[E/RNt]/- [N,Fa·VWsINi]s A[tGyP]pI-M[iNcLa·ΓIlF]w-I[[NBBit·V·BhB[]IN]l-P-a[[·INnFM N·g]R]-uI-[]P[F aLI][gA-N·F[eNN]·sB-·[.·TlN (iW]k]. -e()[B]BC-e·[ BhFm]]a -eo[[rMNcuifi·]uYa l[,] R-iu[n]Bn- t[·dhBFee·]W -vr[giN]co t][oe.G rs(y]Y a-L[oNosurer·dΓr ih]oe-ef[ satBrhot·eB f e]-t[eMrn]a-l[ Lli·gFh]t-)[ N(G]-a[rBc·íBa] 2 [0N11·Y, p]-.[ B28·B9])-.[ N]. (Your heart <Ul-m yǝn ǎr anfǝr Iaeb ǝnubi fs-umc cǎers fhswoivueesne.ts r Ntahwne sim-fioonrsamt bimaibtpi oaormntsa ǝn/lti tft/frie> na/s wuθr/ieb>, bC/ibhhi./ lNd> iY∅ ba.ih-wIatneih>s .o f[voLer]rh- c[o(yMeRuorsui]tge ,as[ hsNi tnthh ]isen-ti[ hdimRnae]got -s otatrf l ielmtahospeufo rtrcehta.a epAnect ) bht urOaernaLdsgeMuner sueI,Nph CoeRnhrA ieolbdNu yrYF cdaRohi nwsIsAcecuhiEes nBosvcNeeed rP yFoMu, RshFiVniEnNg tNreVasIuNreA. PAI MbuLrIdFeInN uVpIoPnI oNurI PcoIAnsNci.e nce [N·F·R] [N·B·(W)]-[F]-[M] [R]-[F·W] i[sG li]k-[eN a ·sΓt]a-c[kB ·oBv]e-r[ Mou]r- [sLh·oFu]-ld[Ner]s-.[ CB·oBn]t r[oNl s·Yuc]-h[ Bbu·Br]d<-e[UnN)l] -i(s.m G l(i Yaykreoǝc unaíar sǎ t2hra0 eaca1knr1 tfo, ǝ vpre .rI a3oe1ub9r) ǝ.s nhouublid fe-rms. Cǎro nfwtreoln s. uNchw bi-uinrdae nb)ib ( Gamar cǝílaif 2fi0 n1 1w, pib. b3i1b9. )N. i bi-an>. [L]-[M] [N]-[R]- are numerous, even though the lexeme is clearly the main element indicating the contents of the houses the most important treasure, Child Ya(hLweefht osvidere yoofu t, hseh incainpge )t rFeaVsPuMre.I RAN buAr dEeNn VupP[oNMn· TFou·IR rE] c Po[(NNnLseM·cBfite·P (nsWIicRde) e]V- [oRFfV] -t[IhMVeI ]Nc a[RRpN]e-)[ FAF·VWPVP]M IM[GIRF]-RN[NIA P· ΓIE]V-N[NBVI·BPA]MN-[TM I ]-E[PLN·FM]-[PNI]R-[ BV·RBV] I[VNI·NY]R-[NB· BA]P-[VNI]M. (FYRoIu Pr IhVeNarItA N inscriptiononthegirdleofthestatue. is like a stack over our shoulders. ControNl sTuRchH bNur. d<eFnf)u ( Gba-mrciíran 2a0. 1N1,u pb.i 3a1m9) .t i ewen am bhioru usNers T wtRhiHew mNi-on. s <tr Fnimf,u pa obbr-utma ini rmtn tǝaref. raNis.u uBrbeib,i -Cawhmǝil ndti Yǝeyawyhweanne h an omuvt e brǝ iryrγ ou ur, swhiinwini-gn trrnea, saubrue. iA m buǝfrrdie. nB uibp-own ǝonu rǝ ycoynasnc iennucte ǝrγ Thelexeme[R](García2011,p. 573),beingitsgraphemicform<ar>,whichcanbepronouncedas (Left side of the cape) FVPMIRuNnA> . E[NF·VWP]M-[BT]I- [ERP·NN]M [PNIR·B V·(WRV)]I-V[MIN]-R[TN·Y A] P[VWIiM·sN lFi]k-Ru[enMI a >P ]s.- It[Va[BcFN·kR· WIo]Av ]eN-[r[W B o]u·R-r[]R s-h[·NWou]· lYd[]eN-r[s·N.B C·](-oW[nRt)·r]N-o[l]M su[]Bc-[h]T- [b·YYu]r]- d[eF[nW·R) ·(·NYG]]a -r[cMía] -2[B01·R1], p[.W 31·R9)].- [W·Y]-[N]-[R·N] [B]-[Y]-[F·R·Y] NTRHN. <Ffu b-mirna. Nubi /amer /ti be[ywBm·eBne] -aa[Wnms· Nobfi]r-v [uYorc· Wawli·iNcwc]i l-[onNs ru·Tnr,]e -a[wRbu·iΓt h]i. o m(uItǝt fiasr ind. yaBwidbni-ifwnfigcǝ,un gl rtǝeyy[a,By(tcL ·apBoeno]rf-w rt[n eWesusrip.td· NToeǝh nr]oγ-ed[ f YC st·hhtWioeld ·tN chjau]ep s[taeN d)li ·kvFTeeV] -trP[hbReM e·FΓxIa]Rc.te hN(pIettAr/ iua snEn ddlNae wtsVhsne/Pi ifwMnngaTo,y tIg o riEfne PatN pMowPeIrR. T VhRe CVhIVildIN juRsNt l iAkeP tVheI MFaFthReIr PanIVd NthIeA wNa y of un>. [F·W]-[B]-[R·N] [N·B·(Wa)]d-[iMve]-pr[seTirt·fYyec]to iof[nWT au·vNaor]ied-[g iMlllna]-en[sBgs,·u Raan] gd[e aWsres· Rau ]bc-ah[lWma· sfYoHr]- t[ohNgo]sg-e[a wRr,·hNAoN ]sy ueT[frBfRpe]oerH-r.r[ fYNYeTco].at-u i[<worFF no·efR naull·lv Yeybom ]ib- dmum irlidlrenentne.as m.s ,N uasnutdb b iae r aaem sah bitnai limenwg f oceran nt hadomles)e b(wGihra our scruí awff eirw. Yi-onu rr no,n layb buu ri dmenǝ fmriu. sBt ibbe- aw sǝhnin ǝinygy caann dnlue)t (ǝGrγar cía [B·B]-[W·N]-[Y·W·N] [N·T]-[R·Γ]. (ItI fi2s 0dw1a1we, npbi.n r2gi0n, 7gg)r. eaatl lpotwheer. Texhpe Crehsisldio junsst laikbeo thvee Fattohugener> ta2.h n0ed[1Fr 1,t·,hW pew .]w -e2[a0By7]w -o)[.fo R u·Nld] [hNa·vBe·(W/)n]--[aMr-]m-[T-p·Yr]- l-[mWo·Nta]--e[Mr/],-[B·R] [W·R]-[W·Y]-[N]-[R·N] [B]-[Y]-[F·R·Y] perfection avoid illness, and are a binalma focrc othrodsea(G nwachreom suewfnfiett rhe. dYgotueh)re oEnAglyFr bMouu rIpdRenEo NmfIuNsctIo bFne Msao sEhnAianRnin[EtBgaI l·.cB a<]nÊl-ed[ Wxlaeef)(·- mGN(mGa]e -aris[rmrYec·neíoWannr ti· Nefr-d]ǝo g[moNete)s· TEa]rA-oe[fFRyM>·Γ.N ] [.IE AR(I]ERt- [NiMFs] Id-NP[aMRwI LF]n MiM[nRgEO·,NA gT]RrA e[EaFRtI] .-Ep <o,Êw earf.- Tmh ei rCenhinldi fju-ǝsmt leik ae rtehye >F.a [tEhe]-r[ Fan]-d[ Mth]e [wRa·yN o] f [F]- 2011, p. 207). [M]-[R[M]-[·MY]]--[[RF·Y·R].] -(O[Lh],- [fiMnd·iTn.]g- [yRou], iwnchreearseest hthee dpriopthecttphieoornfn e[aMgcgtia/·oYinna] se-at[/v Rsou·imYdp ]eii.lrg ls(nhOteittsh,iso,d, n faiu!nn)ed d(i Gtanorgae r ryaceo íbsauae l2immn0c1 bfro1elr,aa tpsnhepcso. es te1,h 8wes 3oph–uro8o ns4tue)dc.f fteliriok.n Ye aoguari nosntl ysu bpuerrdsetnit imonu!s)t (bGe aar schíian 2in0g1 1ca, npdpl.e )1 (8G3–a8rc4í)a. (Garment edge) EAFM IRthEeNIfNorIm FM/(EaB/AacRakEn oId.f , <taÊht eat fhc-ameps eia)r meNneBniIt Mifm-EǝemI ,Aet hNaerNeeyEn>Id.P [EEoR]f-F[tMFh2]0e-I1[VpM1I,hF ]pr V[.a RF2(sB.·0e N7<am)Nc]. k [ǝi Fgbo]hbf- tit hyne e ǝecmdapǝaye)yv iNo. wABIneM-ln,EăpIy eA rǝhNbaeNprrEseIf/P mEe/Ri ,FǝaMwsIifVi sIFVF. <Nǝbbi y ǝmǝyyi. An-năy ǝberref mi ǝwif [M·Y]-[R·Y]. (Oh, finding you intchreeasceassU tehf>ew .p i[rtNoht]e-tc[htWieon·pY ar]ge-[apYino]-ss[tiY tsi]uo p[nDeru]s-tn[iNttiiol],n-[c!Y)o ](m-G[Bpa·roRcs·íFae] d2-[0Mb1y1],- t[phWpeU·.F g1(f]Gr8>-a[3.aF p–r[]8mNh. 4e(]e)W-m.n[ Wtee esg·Ydi<vg]e-ae[ r)Yr >eE]f-uA[igYnFe] TM t[aoD wIt]Rh-e[aENltlN e]w-mI[NhYomI] -iFeg[BMtn·oTREru·eAFsa.]Rr -We[EMgIe. ] ow-<[rÊWili lna ·Ff-]m-[F i]r.e (nWnie fg-iǝvme er eafuregye >t.o [tEh]a-t[ Fw]-h[oM i]g n[Ror·Nes.] W[Fe]- will (Back of the cape) NBIMEAIy AerNTNfuorEagrIiPevgEe RtohFreM ionfIfVeCnIseFenV wtFrh.a el<nNMevǝeobrr biotic iycs acǝnamuBsǝeeydry bbi.ye rAt,hnae- nfnedăary< [ oMaǝf rbG·eeYf>oor]drr-gei)[n iRf(v G·mTeY aati]hrs .c ǝeh(í wOaoef lhif2hfe,0 n if1yisn1et ,d.w piTnhphge.n iy3seo1vwu3e r–io n1iutc4 rli)sde. acscaeous nstehvdee bprytr ottthheece tfiepoahnr roaafg sGaeionds)t (sGupaerrcsítai t2io0n1!1), (pGpa.r 3c1ía3 –21041)1. , pp. 183–84). Uf>. [N]-[W·Y]-[Y]-[Y] [D]-[N]i-n[Yto]-<[Bn·Rar·Fm]I-fp[ Mwrlem]- p[oWatya· Fra]et-t>[eF.n]Tt. iho(Wne etmo g etihvaeen srineufgbusgoteaf nttoth itaehl aedtx iswptraheons cisegi nobone(rBt,ewase.cIse kfWpe wneoe ceaf wi lpatlh ilatllehlyy e ca iastmotpelepnu)ott iiNrootnnBa snIt Mopt —rtEhoIejp u AossusNtebldNsik tuEaepnIPt tthiEoaeR lt hdFpiiMrsse tpIavVonioiIcnFeutV sbFe.t w<Neeǝnb balil yth ǝem soǝlyuytii.o nAsn p-nroăpyo ǝsbeedr urepf tmo it hǝiws pifo int forgive the offense whenever it is caused abyn dth teh fiesa or noef ,G wode )t e(Gndar tcoí ath 2i0n1k1 t, hpapt,. d31e3sp–1it4e) i. ts wUelfl>-ca. on[nNdc ]te-hi[vWise od·Yn l]ei-n,[ Ygwu]e-i[ stYeti]nc d [aD pto]p- [trNhoia]n-ck[hY ta]h-na[dBt, · tRdh·eeFs ]op-u[itMtes ]tia-t[snW wd·ieFnl]lg-- [cFo]n. c(eWivee gdi vlien greufuisgteic t aop tpharot awchho a ingdn othrees .o Wutes twanildl ing one—becauseoftheparticularspotwhereitisplacedonthegirdleoftheMarianimage,sinceboththe If we pay attention to the substanletixailc dali sgtraonucen dbse tswuepepno artliln thg ei ts, oitlu stoiomnest ipmroeps olascekdfos ur cgpoliev htxeoe i trcthehaenli socg feprf eoownuisninetth d w sthh seeun pesvepemor raittni nitsig cc airtue, lsiietgd si oobuym ste-heteiv mfaeenarsg oelafl icGskionsd gc) o (hGearrecníac e2 0w1i1th, p tph.e 3s1e3m–1a4n)t.i c religious-evangelising necklineandthewaistareseenasprivilegedareascomparedtotherest,thecapeandrobe,gathersthe and this one, we tend to think that, dersepsiutelt ist,s a wnedl lw-ceo narcee ipvaerdt ilciunglaurilsyt iscp aepapkirnoga cahb aonudt athne ra eoIbsfus uwetlsntetsca p,en a aodnyfid naa gtw ct eleen aatriroeenr p btaoirb ttlihicceua slla,u rpblrysat saypneetriafaukll id noigrs tlaaibtnuocrueg tbi caeantlw aebesnen aclel tohfe a s oclleuatrioern sb ipbrloicpaol,s pedra uype rtfou tlh oirs lpitouinrgt ical followingelements: thiswomanisholder-fortunate(blessed/sacred)-you-possess/treasure-kinship-relatedto lexical grounds supporting it, it some times lacks coherence with the semantic religioaunsd- ethviasn ogneeli,s wineg t end to think that, despite its well-conceived linguistic approach and the outstanding women-except,againasyntacticSVOform,whichmakesusthinkaboutthemainbiblicalandprayerful results, and we are particularly speaking about an absence of a clearer biblical, prayelerfxuicl aolr g lritouurngdicsa sl upporting it, it sometimes lacks coherence with the semantic religious-evangelising phraseatthebeginningoftheHailMary(Isaluteyou,Mary),atextbyLukefoundonverse28,chapter results, and we are particularly speaking about an absence of a clearer biblical, prayerful or liturgical 1 (Bible 1611, p. F2r), Haile thou that art highly fauoured, the Lord is with thee: Blessed art thou among women (Ave gratia plena: Dominus tecum: benedicta tu in mulieribus) (Tvveedale 2005, p. 1308), first partoftheHailMaryprayerasweknowittoday,alongwiththepartabouttheencounterofMary andIsabel,whichincludesthesalutationBlessedartthouamongwomen,andblessedisthefruiteofthy wombe(Benedictatuintermulieres,etbenedictusfructusventristui)(Tvveedale2005,p. 1309),ofLuk1,42 (Bible1611,p. F2r),ofwhichHailMaryentirelyconsisteduntiltheturnofthefifteenthcenturyinthe absenceofthesecondpartHolyMary,MotherofGod,prayforussinners,nowandatthehourofourdeath untilthattime(Graef1968,pp. 226–29;Leclercq1913;Miller2004,p. 54). Thus,themeaningofour Religions 2017, 8, 135 5 of 27 Religions 2017, 8, 135 5 of 27 of Songs 8, 4 (Bible 1611, p. 3L6r), or rather, Cant 4, 4 (Bible 1611, p. 3L5r) or Isaiah 5, 2, which of Sornegasd 8s, E4t (sBepibivleit 1e6am11,, [ p....] 3eLt 6aerd),i foicra rvaitt htuerrr, iCma (natn 4d, g4a t(hBeirbelde o1u6t1 t1h,e p s.t o3nLe5s rt)h oerre oIsf a(tiahhe v5i,n 2ey, awrdh)i c[.h.. ] and readsb Euitl ts eap tivowit eera)m (B, [i.b..l]e e 1t 6a1ed1i,f pic.a 3vMit t2uvr;r Mimo (uarned 1g9a9th1e, rpedp .o 6u5t –t6h7e ;s Ttovnvese ethdearleeo f2 (0t0h5e, v pin. e8y3a5r)d. ) [...] and b8u. ilt aL atoswtleyr,) t(hBei bmleu 1l6ti1-p1,s epu. d3Mo-2avcr; oMnyomurse f1r9o9m1, Lpapt.i n65 a–n6d7; STpvavneiesdha clea r2r0y0in5,g p r. e8l3ig5i)o. us meaning about 8. Lastlyth, rtehee fmrauglmti-epnstes,u bdyo -Jaocsréo nHyemrnsá fnrdoemz MLaotirná na n(1d9 2S2p–a)n wishhi ccha,r rbyyin wg arye loigf ieoxuasm mpelea,n wineg parboovuidt e for threet hfrea glemtteenritns,g b oyn J tohseé nHeecrknliánned oenz lMy, owráhne r(e1 9tw22o– )i nwtehripcrhe, tbatyi ownas ya roef peoxassmibpllee: , own et hper oovnied eh afonrd , the the lestutebr-idnigv iosnio tnh Te In-Eec-PkElin-SeE oPn-Mly,E wRIh, errees utwltion gin itne rtphree ptahtiroanses Faorere pveors syiobul ea:r oe nM tahrey o(Tnúe ehraens dpo, rt hsiee mpre sub-dMivairsíiao)n, f TroI-mE -KPiEr-cShEePr’-sM vEarRiIa,t rioensu, oltrin egls ien, tthhee mphorraes uen Fnoaretuverra ly foour mare T MI-EarRyE (ST-úE Per-eMs pEoRrI s, itehmapt ries , You Maríaa)r,e f rao mmo tKhierrc’sh meri’rsr vora r(Tiaúti eornes, oesrp eeljsoe d, eth mea mdroer),e w unhincaht uisr ainl tfeonrmde TdI t-oE RbeE Ssh-EoPw-Mn iEnR tIh, eth saatm ise, sYeomu antic are a mlinoteh aers’ sT mipiursr oMr (aTtrúi se r(Iems easgpee ojof dthee m Madorthe)e,r w) bhyic thh eis J ienstueint d(Medo troá nb e1 9sh57o;w Vne rina 2th0e1 6s,a pm. e8 1se).m antic line as Tipus Matris (Image of the Mother) by the Jesuit (Morán 1957; Vera 2016, p. 81). Once thoroughly examined (Vera 2016, pp. 73–84) and as we progressed with our linguistic and Ocrnycpet athnoarlyoiutigch alyn aelxyasmis,i naelld o (fV tehream 20 b1e6c, apmp.e 7d3i–s8r4e)g aarndde ads. wNeo nper oogfr tehsesemd iws iwtho ortuhr fluinrgthueirs tdice adnicda tion, cryptbaunta ltyhiteiyc arnemalyasinis ,a asl la o fc othlleemcti obnec aomf ep odsissirbelgea rsdoeludt.i oNnosn pe roofp tohseemd iosv wero rtthhe fcuoruthresre doefd hiciasttoiorny,, and but tehxeaym rpelmesa ionf haso wa tcoo lsloelcvtieo na porfo bploesmsi bthlea ts, oalsu thioans sb eperno pcloesaerdly odveemr othnest rcaotuedrs, ei so efx htriesmtoeryly, caonmd plex. Religions 2017, 8, 135 examNpleexst ,o wf he owwil lt om soovlev eo na tpor oa bplreomp othsaalt ,f oars5 s hoofa l2us7 t bioenen w chleicahrl yd idffeemrso wnisdtrealtye dfr,o ims eexvterreym oetlhye cro pmroppleoxs.a l we Next,h wavee w diilsl cmusosveed o unp t oto a t hpirso ppooisnatl. for solution which differs widely from every other proposal we of Songs 8, 4 (Bible 1611, p. 3L6r), or rather, Cant 4, 4 (Bible 1611, p. 3L5r) or Isaiah 5, 2, which have discussed up to this point. reads Et sepivit eam, [...] et aedificavit turrim (and gath3e.r eTdh oeu It nthseu slatorn-Aesm thaezriegohf ( Pthreo vpionseayla rd) [...] and built a tower) (Bible 1611, p. 3M2v; Moure 1991, pp. 65–67; Tvveedale 2005, p. 835). 3. The Insular-Amazigh Proposal The following proposal was made by the philologist and historiographer Ignacio Reyes García 8. Lastly, the multi-pseudo-acronyms from Latin and Spanish carrying religious meaning about T(1h9e6 2fo–l)l,o twodinagy ’ps rmopaoins aelx wpearst mina tdhee bAym thaze ipghh illaonlogguiastg ea,n adn hdi swtoarsi oegxrpaopuhnedr eIdg nina ctihoe R yeeyaers 2 G00a7r c(íGa arcía three fragments, by José Hernández Morán (1922–) which, by way of example, we provide for Religions2017,8,135 (19622–0),1 t0o).d Tahy’iss msoaluinti oexnp feorltlo iwn sth teh eA smamazei glihn ela ansg tuhaeg ceo, nacnldu swioanss e wxpeo euxnpdoeudn din9 a otnfhd2e6 syheaarre 2 a0b0o7u (tG tahrec tíae xt on the lettering on the neckline only, where two interpretations are possible: on the one hand, the 2010)t.h Teh cisa rsvoilnugti oonf fOolulor wLsa dthye osaf mCea nlidneel aarsi ath be ecionngc lwusriiottnesn wine ethxep oAumnda zaingdh slhanargeu aabgoeu ftr tohme ttehxet oCna nary sub-division TI-E-PE-SEP-MERI, resulting in the phrase Forever you are Mary (Tú eres por siempre the cIasrlvainndgs ,o tfh Oe Iunrs uLlaadr-yA omf aCzaignhd elalanrgiua abgeei.n g written in the Amazigh language from the Canary María), from Kircher’sse vqaureiantcioeno, nort ehlesen, ethcek lminoereo ufnthneatMuraarl ifaonrmim TaI-gEeRiEsSc-lEePa-rM: YEoRuI,h tahvaet bise,e Ynobul essedwithuniquenessamongthe Islands, thWe Ien wsuillla rr-eAprmoadzuicgeh hlaisn pguroapgoes. a l by explaining every fragment on the garment in the first place, are a mother’s mirror (wTúh oelreesk einspsehjiop doef mwaodmree)n, w,ihnicoht hise rinwteonrddesd, tBol ebses esdhoawreny oinu tahme osnamgwe soemmenan.tic Wfolel owwileld r ebpyr oitds ugcrea phhise mpreosp, othsael s beyq ueexnpclea ionfi nlegx eevmeersy afrnadg mtheen ste omna tnhteic gmaremaneinntg i no ft heaec fhir sset qpulaecnec,e . line as Tipus Matris (Image of the Mother) by the Jesuit (Morán 1957; Vera 2016, p. 81). followed b(Ny eitcsk glirnaep)h TemIEePsF, SthEeP sMeqEuReIn. c<eT oi fy leebxebm fe ssǎ abn dM tehrei >s.e m[Ta·Yn]t-ic[B m·Be]a-[nFi]n-g[S o·Bf ]e. a(cThh see qFuatehnecr eu. nder the Religions 2017, 8, 135 Religions 2017, 8, 135 4.1.3. LPRVeliRgioInNs 2E0N17I, P8,E 13P5N EIFANT 5 of 27 5 of 27 5 of 27 Once thoroughly examined (Vera 2016, pp. 73–84) (apNnrodetc eakcstl iiwonnee )o pfT rtoIhEge PrVeFisrSsgEeiPdn M MwEiatRrhyI )o. u(<GrT alii rncygíeaub 2ibs0 t1ifc1 s,a ǎpnbpd . M 41e4r–i>1.5 )[.T ·Y]-[B·B]-[F]-[S·B]. (The Father under the of Songs 8, 4 (cBriybpleta 1no6af1l 1yS,io tpnic.g 3asLn 86a,r l4y), s (oiBsri, bralalelt h1oe6fr 1,t1 ThC,eh apmen. lt3be L4xe,6ce o4ramf) m ,(S eBooei[r nbL drgl·eiasFs t r1]h8e6(,eg 1Gr4ap1, a rr,(C drBopctaei.eíbnd ac3ltt.eL 2i4oN 501n,r 16o 4)o(11n Gfo(,1e Btrp,i h r iop.Ibdefs. 5l l Vaeet34ihi )La7r1 ehg)N66mir 1in5An)1 , ,i M ,RAso 2p Mr,yaw . wr reP3yoarhL)Rrt Thti5(LhcuGerhM )raaf ,uro rOCecrrg ítTaIahsnAi ea2strR 0iw 4a1Ed,h1 r.e4 i,d5< t p(t,Ni Becp2naia,.b tr4wailǝoe1smh n41<i–, 6c ǝ1h1lb5f1 )ǝu,. r >p γ,. ǝa3rLv 5merru)b toatral rfI>osa.r im[aRh·mM 5e,] a-2[n,B wi·nRhg]i-ct[oΓh· R]-[T·R]. (Sharing [the reads Et sepivibt ueatm t,h [e.r.ye.] a erdte sma eEdatii fnsiec paaivsvi itta te uacrmorail,mlc [ec. c.u(.ta]mi noeudtn la gaeoatdtefih /faiepcmrroaeevsdaasis dtois bust/usl tEet rto trhc sisemkoe splu tu(ioapvtnniiooted nsne ga.tsa(hmf WGoteph,or ierde[er.oro]d.me .fpi]l ds(e oae t )oahtsy u neeNatt d ev orAdt RiabhnioelRnfeileiv igcsMygseaactiaovortrPrni niidosRtbte )n 2htse L0[ u et.t1Mi.ro h7t.rw]c,eOi p o8rama,ehnuT ro1 dd(orA3fa ss 5n(n eR ttedh hEto eeig. cf vap <aitohnNhlolieeyrsayr)tre aao(ǝdrGsrmd oy/)au, r [ǝt.ca .lbtí.fnha]ǝu de ar2/ n s0γ,td1oǝe n1rv, e emspn t.u h3tteh1tra3oero)u>.f g.( th[hRet· hMvein]p-e[yrBoa·rRtdo])-- B[[Γ.e..·r]R ba]en-[rdT ·R]. (Sharing [the 5 of 27 built a tower) (Bexibalme p16lbe1us1i l,o tp fa .h t3ooMww2e rtv)o; ( MBsoioblvuleera e1ra c61 hp191ar9o,i1 spb, ml.p e3pmaM. l 6l2tbo5hvu–wa;i6 tlMs,t7 ;aauo Tstus ovhrtwveaoee s1rte 9)rbdf a9o(eaBo1neld,ines b]p f 2locipes0lr .e01am 6a5n6r5,1 l(/o–py1Cb6f,. lu / 7dip8g;fe3 .fiaT mn 53tovi)Mtono.ov nn e2t /hsevttoopde;rw faaM/c atlSa.eeroond du2nds,0r gltie0ehss 5’ 1es8e, 9 p,xsp 9oi4t.d1or 8,er(e B3)mp) 5 i(pLbGe)..Pll aey6Vr 51ccR–6ío6aI1mN7 12;p,E 0 Tp1lNev1.x Iv,3P .ep LEe.6 dP3raN)1,l3 eEo) .Ir2 F 0rA0a5tNh, Tepr.. , < 8CL3a5wn).ut 4ri,n 4n (iB biǎbble n 1ǝ6 ǎ1f1a, ǝpn. t3>L. 5[Lr)· Wor] -I[sRa·iNah]- 5, 2, which 8. Lastly, the muNlte8ix-.p t,s weLuead wsot-liyallc, mrtohonevy mem ousn ltf itr-oop mas e puLrdaoTtopih-noa8e sca.ar rnloo dfnoo LytSram p[ssRoatslnl ]yufi(r,st Goihtomha ncer a cLwmríarahyutii2ilcnnt0h ig1-a( [pdC B1nrsi,·udefeBfplf uei]fSg.- rdpo[is5Noona 7w-un ]a4t-siihc[)sd Frehmpeo] c-lrnecy[aeNaay nsfnrmrred·rTieonynlsa]emi tg.dn’fs s ( rsgeaB ot s vEhbemird eoteem r uelsyLtiee)tgr rp a LaoicitoivntPifhuniusVte sl laeR ir itam nnIpemNd rert,a hoa ES[etpn.Npe .voi.d]anIis cPnegagttiE lo sr aarPwhaebyNd po ecLi hufEaoirctiIr craFdyvA foiiontfN rtgtmuhT err. re<<eiltmLiăegwrr i(n>oauanul idr nsli inggmTanhatetihw )ab en(rǎeGeiblndla e gnromc ǝuaí taǎbm t fo2haeu0e tǝ 1tsn 1tot, >np.e .[s 2L t8·hW9e)r.]e -o[fR (·tNhe] -vineyard) [...] and three fragmenhtsa,v bey d Jitoshcsruée seHs eferdran guámpn edtone tztsh ,M ibsT oypur oJáaoinnrs eté(.g1 H9a2es2r–an)á mtnwhdarheseicezcu h fM,lr iabnogyremá wsnei[ naBn(y1gt·Bs9 uo,]2 l-fb2a[ yNe–rx )J]n aow-o[m(sFRhué]pii n-gcHl[ehhNae,,t c r· wbTcnsyio]eád. m nw(peBdb rpaoueeoya fizvml n ttioM hedyafre eicoten iorcxffgwuáoaanlrpemt rhi en()p)e1 (tl9OBveh2i,eeL 2b wrvM–lbei)ec 1 tiwIponN6rhr1ytoRi1h cvLA,eh iopdN,rs .edb a3F ymofMRo fw ert2I hAvaleay; E enM BtogeNforu nuePaaxrgFlea Mel mi1g<9 phR9ătl1eF)r ,u,V( pGw>Epa,eN.rm c6p íN5erao–a V26vn0I7iiNd1;n 1TeAg, v fPptovoI.re M2 e8dL9aI)Fl.e I N20V0I5P, Ip N. 8I3P5IA). N. the lettering on the ntehcek llienttee orinnlgy ,o wn hthereleo n vteewcfoko lriinnttehe eorpnvtrleheyret,a b wlteiaohtntneedrsre ia(n ttrgwhe i oonpn goi nstosht(<reiReUbrp iplngele-rrhe:mes ctoot k annsylti i)ǝidtnonhleeon e8 ǎ vsoo .roe fn ada nlrt/nyehebLf , eeh ǝpawl raosco tnvahIslapesdyeedire,,bb e)ttfl hheoǝOtw:ener L outomMnhb i ueint hfIltn-Nteemio- rRpopu ǎAnsrnreeeN .uft hwadFtaRoienon- dnaI.A cs,N r tEaohwrBneeiNy -pimPnoaFss Msbfirib obRlm eaF:m VoL nEaǝ Ntltiihfn feN ia noVn nwdIeN i SbhApbaPainbnIdM.i ,sN Lhthi I cFeba IiN-raryVni>InP. g[IL Nr]e-I[lPiMgIiA]o [uNNs.] -m[Re]a-ning about 3. The Insular-Amazigh Proposal sub-division TI-E-PE-sSuEbP-d-MivEisRioIn, r TesI-uElt-iPnEg- SinET Pthh-eMe rpEohRorsItau, s[rbNee- sFd]uoi(vlrGteiivsnaiegrorc n iyí<na oTU ut2Ihl -0a-Eem1r[ -ep1NP yM,hE·pǝFr-anaS·.rRs E5yǎe]P 6r (F [1T-aNMo)núri· feEBenǝvrR·ree(i rIWstI ,sa y ptreh)ofoe]bourr-s e [r uǝsaFeminlre] tefu-mi r[n<MbMapgiigrn a ]femir >-n ym[,e R t(nw h]Tǎ-terú[hs F,pf i ew·cbhWrhyeersa ]nw J pso.[ eoeGNs réF fi]ws o-Hin[reiNed-mevir·npeΓinnarr]á e -ybn T[oBiadbu·weB aaz]rem- eMl[ lM Meǝolm]iar-fár[fmyLin n· e(F(T t1w]ú-9T[i 2uNeb2rab]e–r-is)[eb Bpgw. o·NBrah ]insi cibd[ehNim-,t a·hpbYnrye]>e - .w[ B[La·By]-] [o-M[fN ]e ]x[.N a(m]Y-[opRule]r- , hweaer tp rovide for María), from KircheTrh’Mse v afaorrílailao),tw iforionnm,g o pKr reiorlspceho,Aes trahy’lsee w vrmaaTorsuir amaet riuaoednngnMe,, aoibastryru aeí ratla)hsp,le e aff, r orptothrhimmeci ll[ m oKeNTloiIpo·r-FrgEcle·ahihRR scueo]tEeur naSd’[snsNn-e aEsvrd· tiPBat ughhr-·rh(iMeiaWas tmlttE iobf)ooRo]res-nirIs[to,m,F i igotdt]mh rh-rTe[a apeeMIptot -l lhrEshi]este eReta,,[t rn YREevt htIrSo]e gie-tu-nr[rnE bFmegaPa· Wctoso-hiuMrno]aer eE tRtu[,hG RienCenyI]n h,d-ne a[itslieNhtdc cuGa a·kYΓrtta la]eiairs-lnhs c[,fwe BíoYaa ·eroBo fhmnua] -o lr [yTvaM,eIw -rw]E -ya[hRoyLeEu·rpF,Se ]s-l -Eaht[wicNPne-oi]Mn- ai[gnnBE ttd·ReBrerI]ma,p st[rehuNearat·eantY. t is]iAso-,o[ nYBbvsu·eoB rruad] r-ee[nN p u]o.p so(sYnib ooluuer:r ohcnoean trshtc eie nocnee hand, the are a mother’s m(1ir9r6o2r– ()Ta, rúteo edar aemsy oe’tssh pmeerja’os i dnme eimrxrapodtrehr r(eetT)r ,iúe nw/ et thrhheeisecr eheA.s pimIseta jiarconez atd iaeneg n mhmbd oealetaddhenre xegtr)op’u,s hrbwa meogeush iesssri,hecer iasohdos rn twl ihdb(iskTen y ie wún m iam ntaeo esr sstente thaesad cie xnemek psssd ppoao oevomtujorefontrs e tab dud honseebueeet msd- rmtdh p rsaiiaoehhndvanworo istuetsunhni)ilc,rodee iewe nmn,yr hCseTte.hia hIcC-/reihEl oid2s -nnia 0PsYt/m0 rEia7.on-eh lSt( wessGEuenePamchdr-h eMoca bdvínauEe t trriRo cdy I ebo,n eur) e, s (sshGuhoialwntriicnnnígag i ni2tnr 0te h1tah1eseu, s prape.mh. 3Are1a 9ssb)eeu.m rFdoaernnetv iuecpr oyno uo uarr ec oMnascriye n(Tceú eres por siempre line as Tipus M20at1r0is). (TIlmihniaesg sea oso lfTu tithpieou nMs Mfootlahltoerrwi)s bs( Iytmh teahTg eshea Jeomefs letueh xlieitle n iM(nmeMe oa eotashrs [etá NhrTn)ei · pb1 Fcu9yo·s5( nti Y7sMhc ;)el l]Viua kJts(eeerGi risoasau a ns (i2rItstmac0 w((cí1MLaak6eg e,oo 2ef evp tr0ox eá.1fsr pn 8i 1tood1 h,1uue)e9p.r n M5 o.Msd7fho ;5oaa ttV6uhrhní3eleedadr)r ) )e,cas r ibhaf ss2rpy.ao 0f Creomt1e)ho6u naeF,Kn b tpVJridoer.oP scul8Mi uht1sn ieu)ttI.hrc RA (’hesMN m btveoAuaaxrrr zátdiE aineogNnt ni1h)oV 9 (n5fPG,r7 Moao; rrmVTc eíIela CrsE ae2eP ,02 nNt10ht11Mre,6a pm,Pl .pI Mo3R.r 18 eo9V1 ru))Ro..n cVncIaoVtuIiNrnaRlt hfNoe rAmP TVI-IEMRFERSI- EPPIV-MNEIARNI, t hat is, You the carving of Our Lady of Candelaria being written (NiLnTe fRtth Hsei NdAe. m <oFaff zutihg beha - rcmelaa aipnr megn)uao .Fta hNgVeerPu ’Msbf rmio IaRmirmNr o tArthi (e TeE wCúN aeeVnrnePa saMr emysT p Ibe jiEor PdueNr m MwaPdiwrIeRi)- ,n Vw RrhnVi,c IahVb iIusN iiRn mtNenǝ AfdreiP.d VB tIioMb -bFweR ǝsInh P oǝIwyVynNa inInA ntNhue t sǝarmγ e semantic Once thoroughly exaOmninceed th (oVreoruag 2h0l1y6 e, fxpoaprmm. 7in3<–ei8dn4 i(fi)V afe>nOrdaan sa2cs0ea 1 wtm6he,o a pprspocruo.u 7ggl3irhn–eles8ys4 see)ixd naa gnwmudii tlnaahser odwnu (oerV ulpeinnrroagmg u2rei0esa1stn6isce,i ndapgn pwd.g i7 at3hp– oa8tu4t)r h aleinnbdgo utatisos mwticeo afpnardor garveisnseewd hweritehw oautre rliinsgsutoisrteidc aanndd Islands, the Insular-Amazigh language. NTRHunN>.. <[FFf·uW b]--m[Bi]r-ln[iRan·.eN Na]su Tb[Nii pa·uBms·( MWti a)e]t-wr[iMse (n]I -ma[Tmag·Y eb ]oi rf [ tWuhre· NMw]io-wt[hMie-nr])- [ rbBny·,R ta]h beu[ WJ ei s·mRu]iǝt-f [(rWMi. ·oBYri]áb-[n-Nw 1]ǝ9-n[5R 7ǝ·;N yVy]e arn[aB n2]-0u[1Yt 6]ǝ,- r[pγF. · R81·Y).] cryptanalyitic analyscisr,y Wapltlea onwfa iltlyhl iertemicp rabonedacualycmseie sh ,dp isari lseplrs reeoorgfvp ateorhdcdser.aemyIldp fb .bt wyaNe neceoaaxnalmpyrelci eatoh iidcfna iitiasnshnregeeaum g/lenyavf >s/ire.sid rs [aeyw,B[ sFd a·foB·./lrW rla]N pt-ogh[]/ofWm- [fntBaueh·egN]rn e-toa[tmh] Rfi-oen [ ·tYnrNb,h ·ewdetW]ch meaeed[·mN N wiigcse]·aa oB wr[tdu·Nmi(ooiWls·denrTrtn,e)]h g]t-g- [ei[faRnMtur· dr/Γt]the]-ihn.[de eT( i.rIfp ·tiY Nr diip]ssoe t /d nd[p,Waeilcww aao·cnNtfhei ione,t] h-nrg[ee,,M mgt]hr -ei[easBt fi ·wpRroos]w trt[eahWrn. fd·TuRhrt]eth-h [CiWerhdr·i Yldvd]e o-jd[uwNiscte]a -llt[ii/kRoei·n /Nt,h ]e F[Bat]h-[eYr ]a-n[Fd· Rth·eY w] ay of but they remain afso lbalou wct oetlhdlee cbyty io rientsm goafri anpp ohasses miabe lmsec,o itslghloehelcu ttstiheoiboqanunuv steoe nftpa hcrpceeoq oyopus fos rilirseebeemxlddeea maiosnoevm[ sleBau roa·stB n rito]eadh-pn [ eoeWtcs rhp ofcepe·leoNlc rnesutoe]ciro-sptms[nioYoeo ana sn·nWveoo otdforii ·c idNfht o myii]pvlOs l[oelentNionarsek rscsn·eystTieibh,n, ] / tale-ghean[e R ond/cosr·do faoΓo fu rel]oueu.ra r gsa(tcIeih ahbot l n anyioslses mfa e d qlx hpaifuaoewirersmnonn ttpoihiccnnoreooygess.m ,e,de gdw ap(r Vnheiolaodeevt rs repau,ro fo2 fwe0trrhe1.tre 6hY. ,rT ocpouohpureu . go rC7nshh3elyi– ll o8dob4 cufj )uar hdalsitenes nldvti okm oareluy sut s,hw ttei ab eoFne npa datr hsohegrinr aeinnsdsge tcdha enw dwilteah)y ( ooGfu arr lciínag uistic and examples of how to seoxla(vNme epacl kepslri nooebf )lh eTomwI Et PhtoaF tSs, EoaPwlsvM ehit aEhasR i pnbIr.e toehe<bxnTela eimcC mlyeap eantlbrhealbsayr ty o,fd faI esshsmǎl obahown anMpds st esotberr,f reaeshiec>to2nate.li0 dv vo1c[n,ieTl 1n e ia·,asgYa vp reo]p/.l-xi yr[d2etBo 0rndib·el7Bclielm)npre]m.ye -mee[spopFls ytn,]t/ a- ahsc[nntaaSoradts·amBl, aytra]erpie.setd lsi e(ac,huT x ibalahs.at sn e.l e mabxFle tyfaerostenrhim s tec,hr el oaeluslyalen r wocdlyofeh rmtod h tsepehumlmefe foxe rbn. .e sYtcroaaumtre eod nd, liiyss rbeeuxgrtdarerendm emedul.y sN tc booenm ae ps holeifn xti.hn egm ca nisd lwe)o (rGtha rfcuíart her dedication, Next, we will movep rooNnte ectxotit o,a nw p oerfo wtphioel lsV amilr ofgovinre s Moonlau rtytoi)o a(nG p wTarhorhcpNeiícaoerh so2x ad0tol,1i tffw1of[e,reN rp sswp]o w.il( luG4li dt1mai4eor–loncy12v í w50afer)1 h.o2o1 im0n,c 1p h t1e.o dv,2 aie0pf( r7fpG.ye)r.ar 5o osr6p tmw1hob)eesiudrnai steltp lffretyoohod rfuepg rsyonoeo s)mdlr auEel it emAnwivoaFeenliMar n ywn goIahRsutihc EahaeNg rd ecIpiNosfrlfoIlleei prkFcsoMte iswoaTEnilaAd wweoRlefeyE l pIlf.er oo<msmÊsmi b aelfeve-tme Trs youi lroauetrtnhienoegnir sifpn- ǝrpomtrhpoeeop saofarosleer ywmd> e.o [vEe]r-[ Fth]-e[ Mco] u[Rrs·eN ]o f[ Fh]-istory, and have discussed up toh tahv(iGse pidrodisilnceut). s NseAdR uMp PtoR Lth<MiasˇO npT>oA,inoRtrh.E ea. vv<eeNn daairssǝcmu<s( sǝe)bndǝ> ru ,γpaǝ ntrod mt([hiGMtuiasit·st rYpama]ro->ei[sn.Rnu [tt·f.RY fie·e]xMd.x g(fa]Ooe-m[)rhB p,Ed ·fRlAeien]isF-cd [tMoiΓinfc· g RhIs R]yoi-noE[wuTgN ·uitRnIolN]ac .rsr Ie(o SanFlsvhoMeaeusr EntainhA spegR o rp[EorrthobIv.tel eee <crmÊtbi o satnhfm -aamget,aa iiannrseis nnth gnsauist p hfbe-ireǝssemotnivet eic oralnerh!aee)ry r(le>Gy/.t adh[rEeecr]míe-a[.o F2n]0-s[1tM1ra, ]tp e[pRd.,· N1i8s] 3 e[–xF8t]4r-)e.m ely complex. food] is an obligation towards the Tphooer)l e(xGeamrceía[ Y20]1(1G, ap[rM.c 3ía·1Y32])-0.[ 1R1·Y,(pB].a. (c6Ok1h 4No,) ffei inxnthtd,Aei nw ycgeea y prw,oeuTi)l a liN nwmcBeroIelvMlaesemeE osI mn tAh teeoN tp aaNr onpEtderIcoPHtpiEoooRnsg FaagMlg afarIoiVnrT sIustFo asVluruFept.gei or<lsnNat inwtǝigbohunbiaci! )hgy ( e Gdǝsiamfpfrecrǝreíyassy ew2in.0 it1Ads1en,l -ypn pfăr.y o1 m8ǝ3b e–ev8rr4ee)rf.y motih ǝewr pifr oposal we 3. The Insular-Amaz3ig. hT hPer oIpnosusalal r-Amazigh Propo3sa. lT he Insular-Amazigh Proposal (Cuff on the candle’st hsiedetr)a LnPsVcrRibINedENgrIaPpEhPeNmEiIcFfAo(NUrBmfTa>c.. <k <[a LˇNoywf]> -ut[haW rhesi a·naYcvna]seip-u [bdeYfǎ)fii] sb-xNc[ nuYfBǝos]Is rMǎ[eDftdahE] eIu-ǝ [npANpt ot>N]o-s.[ N s[YtLehE]s·i-WIss[PB ipv]E·-RoeR[iR·npFF·tM]eN.-r []sIM-Vo]nI-Fa[VWlFp·.Fr o]<-nN[Foǝ]ub. nb(Wii nye tgǝhmiveeǝfi yrreysfitu. gpAee nrtos-n otănhya tǝ wbehror eigf nmorie sǝ.w Wife will The following[ Bp·rBo]p-[oNsTa]h-l[e wF f]oa-[slNl om·wTa]idn. e(gB bpey rm otehpsrieocn ispfgauhull iwlilanoar ltoshm gemi evs/aTtit cdohateonem r dbyfeoy .hLl ltioPohsrtwhedo oirponinfUho gteigfh lt>proei.a crl eopoa[ftoNgeplhrlrioegy]ns-rsita[v asWlIae plgln itwn·eghdYaahea ]ck ht-so)i[ii fo Ysmn(f eGt]Rgona-a[,rsedYrieywoec ]we íg ebas[hr D yaG2em np0]ta-he1ah[rv1Neyece, rír p]aa p -Ii hp[.gtY i2npils]o8al- 9lyc[coBa)i.gouv· Ri sosRe·tcFde aa ]yb-lne[yiMdcs t hGc]h-eli[ao sfWretscoau·írrFar io ]eo-fg [tGFro]ao.pd/ ()haW (e/Gre aiIgngricvnoíeaa rc rd2ieo0efu1 rRg1fee,o yptreops i.tt h3Gta1oat3 r–bwc1íeha4o ) . ignores. We will 3. The Insular-Amazigh Proposal (1962–), today’s main( 1e9x(6Rp2ei–gr)th, ittn os ditdhaeey ’oAsf mm thaaezin icg aehxp plea)en rOgt uLinaM (gt1h e9I,eN 6a A2Rn–mdA), NawtzoFaidgsRa h eyI xlA’asp EnomfgBuoauNrnigadnPigv eFeeedMx, t paihn neeR rIdtoFtfhf Vwwfieen Enaey tsN sehpe a ee awrNx y Ahp2 Vae0montI0utNeae7nvzn Ae(ditGrgiPe oihdaItnM r lii csatníLo nac Itag thFhuuIeseNa e ysgdVuee baIb, yPras Ittn2 ah0Ndne0 tIwf7iPea a(aIlrGA sd oaNeifsr xG.ctp aíoaond uc)e n( Gdbeeatdrwc iíenae t2nh0 ae1l 1yl ,te hpaepr .s2 o301l0u37t– i(1oG4na)s.r pcírao posed up to this point expressedas/ei/,afeaturethathasevenbeencontemplatedbytheaforementionedTuareglanguages. 2010). This solution< Ufo2ll0-lm1o0w )y.s ǝT nthh ǎeisr s saaonmlfuǝetr il oIinanee fb ao ǝsll nothuwebs ic tfoh-nmec 2 slǎu0ar1sm 0fiow)e.n elTsinn hw.e iNs ea swseo xtilhp-uieonti uacoo nnbnd ifbc oal Iluaanflnmo sdwidwo seǝ ntsh lhp isatfi ahfrswiyee on e aasn aetbwetxmoe,i puwnbeottb e iluTtioi bhtnnhne.eed ne N t t aodafeiso nx tt bhltotdlhi eo o- tes ahwnsh nuci inao>nbrk.ngs e[ ctt Laahplu]nbar-stoo[tiiM,puao dlotn] e d sts[sha Nipwsle ti] wteat-ee[ neaR xicxstt]es p -om bwoneuae tdnlwled-ec baeoynnn dctaeh lsilevh t hepadrehe isl liaoonbllguooutguiiiotss ntttih sca e pna trpdeop xphrtio ososatneoc dhri ouagnprd tao tp hthhee iors u pIgtosntinaanct idoi nRge yes García Thelexeme[F](García2011,p. 481),meaningtofind/discoverandwiththeform<af>isfoundin the carving of Our[N Lt·haFde·R yc] ao[rNfv iC·nBag·n( Wdofe) l]Oa-[ruFia]r- [bLMeaid]n y[gR ow]-f[ rFCit·aWttehnn]ed e[icGnlaa r]rt-vih[aiNen bg·AΓe ]iom-nf[g BaO z·Bwiaug]nrr-hi[ dt MLt lteaalh]nend-i[x sgyLii uno c·oFana ft]lgeh -g,e[C eNw r afoAr]enu-o( d[mt1nmBee9dna·l6 Bsazdt2 ]rhis – gtiue[ao)hN ,p tC bthp·loYeaaiodinnn]nra-kgat[gyirB unt ’yh·aswgB ag m]rite-ti,[ ,t ad Ntfiiertneo] nss .me po(iximnY tpte oeeht uihtretirtsem Ci whnAeea seatnm lhrllata-ea rcc zyAoki ngsm chcea oilzhvaieengrdhge u lnliaancngegeg uw uifsiarttoghicme t ,ah aptenhp sdere o mwCacaaahnns ataeirnxcy pdr eo tluhignei dooeuudtss -itenavn tadhneign yegle iasirn 2g0 07 (García BerberlanguagessuchasFiguig,Kabyle,Chaouia,Tunzabt,TeggargrentorDjebelNefusa,among Islands, the Insularh-oAuIsmsleaasn ztdihgseh, m tlhaoesnt gI niumsaupgolear.rt a- Antm traezaisguhr el,a ICnshglaiulndad gYse,a .ht h wee hIn osvuelrla eyrx-oAiuca,mr lse ahgsziurniolgitunshg,n l adtanrsned g2as su0uwu1pare0gpe )a.eo. r.ArT et h ibpniusagr r sditotie,cln uui tutl iaspooronlmny f eosotpulilrmeo acwekosnsi n lstagchci eeakn bssca oecmu othe ae lnrine aneb casese wnthcieeth co otfh naec c lslueesmairoaennrs tb iwcib erle ieclxiagpl,i oopuurnsa-ydee varanfundlg soehlria slriitenu gar bgoicuatl the text on others,oralsoas<uf>inAwdjilaor<if>inSiwa. We will reproidsu lickee ha iWsst apec rkwo opivlole srrae olp ubrroy sd heuoxcupelld aheirinssi .n pCgroo enpvtoreosrlay lsW ufbrceyah g w ebmxuilperl dlnraeetin pno)ir nrn(oeG gtdsha uueerlcvc t geseía ,arh yar2imn s0f dr1pea1 nrwg,ot mp epi n.oae t3 hnrst1eahet9 l epo )cb .anfa yir rrt tvsehictixe nupp ggllla aaarocirlnfmey i, O nsepgnue tre a ivnkLe iatrnhdygey f a rfobairfgos umtC tpae alnnantdc aeoeb,ln as rteihnaec beg eaoirfnm ag ecwnletra iirtntee rtn hb eiib nfli irtcshate lp, pAlarmcaeya, ezrifguhl olarn ligtuuarggiec aflr om the Canary Theconsonantalgroup[N·T](García2011,pp. 569–70)inHoggarTuaregisexpressedas<ent>, followed by its graphfeoml(loLewes,f ett dhs eibd syee iqotusf egtnhraceep choaefp mlee)ex seF,m VthPeesM fsaoIenlRqldoNu wteAhnee cd Ees Neb omyVf ailPtensMx tgeicTmr aIm epEseh PaaenNnmidMne gstPh, oIetRhf see eV amscReIhaqsV nlusaIteeVniqncdI ucNmsee,R netohaNcfne el . ie AInxngPes mVuolfIea Mesr a-aFAcnRhmdI s atPehzqIieVug seNhen ImlcAaenaN. ng utiac gme.e a ning of each sequence. (Neckline) TIENPTFRSHEPN(NM. e<EcFRkfIul.i nb<e-T)m i TiyrInEebaPb.F NS/fE uesPnbǎMitb /a E,mMRa eItv.ri ie<e>rTw.b (iN[ae Tynle·e fYcaobk]mrb-l[im n Bfbe· iBm)sr ]ǎ -Teub[aIrF E nM]w-Pi[neFiSwgrS·BiE>it]-.oP.n M[ b(TrTenE·hYfi,R er]a I-mbF.[ Bual<yt· TBhi sei]me r-W[t yFǝtuelf]eenbr- d[idwb.Se o·BirBfnl li]t bst.rh -ǎheew(bep T ǝrghMonredo eǝuFurynaicy>tedh.a /henfi[riT r snm·u Ypunlr]tyd- o[eǝepBrrs oγ·tBtsa h]abe-ll[ iFbs]hy-e [eSdx·Bopr]l.a tio(nThihnaegv eFeadvteeherepyr rfuoranogtdsme.r etnhte on the garment in the first place, protection of the Virguinnp> Mr.o ta[erFcy·tW)io (nG]- o[aBfr t]ch-í[aeR V2·N0ir1]g1 i,n[ pN Mp·B.a 4·r(y1W)4 I–()fG]1-5[apM)wrr.c o]eít-ae[ cT2tg·0iYoa1nt]1 h ,o [efpW rtph·.eN a4 V1l]l-i4r[–Mgt1ihn5]- e)[M.B ·aeRrly]e )m [(WGean·Rrtfcs]oí-al[lW io2nw0·Y1e1]td-,h [ pNebpy]. - si[4tRes1q ·4gNu–r1]ea 5pn[)hcB. ee],-m[Yew]s-,[ etFh·Reo ·sYbet]qa uinencteh oef lecxoemmpelse atend pthheo sneemtiacnstic meaning of each sequence. (Girdle) NAR[MB·PBR]-L[WM(GO·NirT]dA-l[eYR)· EWN. A·<NNR]aM [rNǝPm·RT/ L]ǝ-M[lbRpǝO·urΓ T-]γă.A ǝr(rIR- tim Enis.-u (ed<GtnaNtwiairpardn>reilǝ.npe m[)g-R (, N ·ǝgM)bArneǝ]Ra--rt[e M Bγip-·ǝoPRirwfR]- -meeL[rnΓM.u t·TRt/Oth]a.e-Tr[ >CATT.h· RhR[iRlEe]d.·. M j(v<uSoN](sh-Ntwa[a Blrerieik·cǝnRlekmg ]/lt -ih [[nǝteΓhe/b ·Fe)Rǝ ari]Tts -hγ[IeTEnǝr·Pro Ra Ftmn]S.d cuE( otStPhtnhaMeas rwri>Edin.aR eyg[IrR .oe[ ·ftMd< hTe]a i- [syBes·Rbo]b-b [Γfy ·Rssǎ]ob-[m TM·eRe]sr.i c>(hS. oh[alTar·irYns]g- b[[Btuh·tBe ]-[F]-[S·B]. (The Father under the food] is an obligationp teorfwofeocadtr]ido isns t aahvneo opidbo loiilrgl)na (teGisosan, r atcnoíwda maa2rr0dee1 sar1 etb,h apieln. m pf3too e1fooor3drrc)]) t.o i(hsnGo assaneor wcnoíbahalon i2 gst0aau1tlfi1foee,nr lp. e tY.mo 3ow1uea3rnr )odt. nsa ltych tbei unprogdpoerrano)s t (meGvcutaoisorticn cbíi aeon fa2g ts0hh1seiu1 nV,pi inprpg.g o 3icnr1a tn3M)d(.Kla er)oy (s)G s(mGaracarínacín a 12091919,, pppp. .41349––145)0.; Kossmann (Cuff on the ca2n0d11le, ’ps .(s C2id0u7eff)) . o LnP VthReI NcaEnNdlIeaP’nEs dPsiNdSeEtr)I oFLoAPmVNR(eTCrI.N u<1fLE9f wN9o7nuI,P trpEhinPep nN.cia E4bnI6ǎdFb3lAe –n’N6sǝ4 Tsǎ)i..fd a<e WLǝ) wnLetPu>mV .r [iRaLnyI(·nNWGic Eib]or-Nǎdn[bRlIse P·in)NdE ǝNe]P ǎ-rANfatRE hǝMIenFtAPt>wR.N [LoLTM·.pW <OsL]eT-wu[ARudR· oNrEi-n]v.- n<oiNw baǎerblǝs mn/ǝ ǝǎ/bfaǝa rǝ snγtǝa>rn. m[aLui·dWttaf]o-r[>rR. ·t[NhRe]·M- ]-[B·R]-[Γ·R]-[T·R]. (Sharing [the [B·B]-[N]-[F]-[N·T]. (B[Be ·m(BG]e-ar[crNimfu]-el[ nFint] - et[hNdeg ·vTei)]c .t E(oBAryeF pmLMroeor rdIncR iuofEufn Nlt [chiBnIieaN· BetthtIi]e oe-Fr[ nnvNMiaco]lEt- flo[AiFrtgyh]Rh- etL[E)No Ic(.ro·G dT<n a]Êo.srf o c(atBíhnfae-ea m 2men0t ete1isrrr1cne/,in afpulln/ .ll i i2 iganf8fh-n o9ǝttod)h)m.d e (]/ eGv iniasac /rrtaceon.írya Tyo> b2h.L l0e[iog1Ersa1d]ht-, i[opooFfn .r]t - t2ht[8eoMv w9eo)]taw. e r[rdRnes·al Nlt/ hl]iăe g [/phFot]m)o- r()aG y(aGrsaceríracv í2ae0 21t0h11e, 1ps, .ap 2m.8 39e1)3.s )u. pporting (Right side of [tMhe·Y c]a-[p(RRe·)Yi gO]h. Lt( OMsihd ,I eNf inoRdf AitnhNge F ypcRoauu pI riAepn)Eco OrBseeNLasMfPeosF rtIM(hNRte hR iRpgeArFhoV/Ntt erEsFc/itNRdio ef nINo Ao laVlfEgo ItBawNhiNneAis PntcP FgasIMpuMipet e),LR rOIasFFtnVLiItNdMiEoNVnb I!I yN)PN ((IRaGCV NbAuaIbNIrNfPcrfA eíFIoaAvRPn 2iN I a0tIMhAt.1 ieL1nE ,Ic BgFpaNInptNhdP. V1elFe8MI’g3Ps– r IsR o8iN4duF)IeVp.P )E IL/ANPeN ViNi./R VINiInNEtAoNPI/PIMeEi/PLNIFaEnINIdFVAsINhPiITf tN.i <nILPgwIAtuhN er.i nni bǎb nǝ ǎfa ǝnt>. [L·W]-[R·N]- <Ul-m yǝn ǎr anfǝr Ia<eUb( lǝB-nmauc kybǝ i onff- mǎtrh ǎaern cffawǝpre eIna) .e NNbs BwǝoInuMiu-nibnEdiaI f /Ab-<meiUNbn l ǎNat-rm/m Ef tw IyǝoPǝleEin/nfRf a.ǎi FNnrnM ta ww/nIi,Vif-bǝwiInbrF aiiIVtba hb.eF iNb.bg < riǝa eNnbmaiuǝ-t babǝenlibri f>fiv- f.myi o[ [n LBc ǝǎ ]aw·mr-Bl[ iifM]ǝcbw-y[b]aNye i[pnbiN].-e.. [AN]NrF-t[n]uwiR- -b[rni]Nei--ă-i,a·nyTwna ]ǝ> .eb b.( iB[ewbLre ra]o m-emu[fMe l rmǝdc]li ii[fhf uNfǝailw ]vni-n[ei wfR t th]ih-bee bvifiibcnt.o Narlyi fbLoior-ramdn o.>f.A t[hLfet]e -e[rtMetrhn] ea[Nlu l]isg-u[hRat)]l -(García 2011, p. 289). [N·F·R] [N·B·(W)]-U[Ff][>-N[. M·[FN]· R][-]R[ W][-N[·FY·B·]W-·([WY] ][)-G][-Y[]F-][ ]N[-D[·MΓ]-]][- N[[BR]·-B][-Y][-[F][N-·M[W·BF]·]-·RR [L[·]FG· F][]-N]-[-[M[N·NB]··-Γ]([-W]W[-B[)B··]BF-·[B]]F- ][[]-FN-[[]MM.· Y(]]W]- [-[L[eBR· F·g]B-]i[v-]F[-eN[· NWr]e-]f][.u B[g((·GYeBR o]]it- ugo[[ rhNNt thh· ·ΓaYseti]a] d-r-w[t[eB Bh ·oo·BB f] i]-gt-[h[nMNeo r]]c-e.a[ sL(.p Y·WeFo)]u e-O [rwN Lhi]Mel-la[ rBIt·N BR] A[NN·YFR]- [IBA·BE]B-[NNP].F (MY oRuFr VhEeaNrt NVINAPIMLIFINVIPI NIPIAN. modificationsingraphicformofletterssuchas<u>and<v>inthosecenturies, wewouldobtain houses the most impoforrthgaonivute st etrshe eat hsouef frmeen,o sCseth wiimlhdep Ynoeravthaewnr tei htt rioesva cesaruu ryhseoeo,u duC ,sb hseyihsl itdtnh hYieen afgmeh awtorrs eeotha fi s mGouvropeedor.)r Ayt(aoG nbuatu, rtrscrdhíeeiaann s2i unu0rgp1e o1,t< n,rC Ue pohalpusi-lu.mrd r3 ceY 1oy.3 naǝA–hsnc1w biǎ4eeur)nhr. a cdoenev nfeǝ rur y pIoaoune,b os uǝhnrin uciobnnig s fct-rimeena ǎscure rfew. eAn b. uNrwdein-i unpao bni bo uarm c oǝnlisfcfiie nn cwe ibbib. Ni bi-an>. [L]-[M] [N]-[R]- <lpvrinenipepneifant>. ThemeaningwouldimplyasemanticssimilartoAccumulatingthingsrelatedto is like a stack over our sish olIiufk lewd aeer s spt.a aCcyko naottvtreeornl otsiuuorcn hs htboou utrhlddeee nrss)u .( bCGissota anlrintckríteoai aal 2 lss 0udt1aci1schkt, ab pounv.r ce3der1e bn9oeu)). tr (w Gsheaoerunclí daael 2lr s0th.1 Ce1 ,os [npoNtl. ur·3oFt1li· o9Rs)nu]. c s[h pN br·uoBrp·d(oWesne))d] (- G[uFpa]r- t[coMía t] h2 i[0sR1 p]1-o,[ iFpn·.Wt 3 1]9 [)G. ]-[N·Γ]-[B·B]-[M]-[L·F]-[N]-[B·B] [N·Y]-[B·B]-[N]. (Your heart loveinthedeepestplacewherewhatonelovesmostiskept(afigurationoftheheartforoccidentalpeople) (Left side of tahned c tahpies(L )o eFnfVet ,Ps wiMdeeI t ReoNnf dAt ht oeE tNchaiVpnPek)M t hFTaVIt P, EdMPeINsRp(MLNiteePAf tiI tREss iNwdVeVeR lPVol-fMcI VotThnINIec eERcivaPNpeN deAM) l PiFPnVVIgRIPuM MihVsFotRIiuRRcVs INae IspPVA ptIIhV rNEeoN NRmaIcNAVohs PN taA Min mPdTVp tIoIh rMEetaP FonNRut tMIts rPtePaaInIVsRudN riVenI,AgR C NVhIi lVdI YNaRhNwe Ah PovVeIrM yoFuR, Is hPiInVinNgI tAreNas ure. A burden upon our conscience thisoneoverthereisrootedinme,orelse,Thosewhofilltheirheartandlifewithlove,theyareinMe,with NTRHN. <Ffu b-mlierxnNiacT.a RlN gHurNboiu. an<mdFsf u tsi u bep-wmpeoinrrn taianm.g N bitui,r bi tiu saroN mwmT ietRwit Hieim-wnNe es.r n n<l a,Fa cafmkubs ub bc -ioirm h muierrǝrn fewrani..ic wNeB iiuw-bnb-i twi rhanǝ mt,nh ia seǝtb ilysu iekey emwai anmae snnnǝt taufaircctmik .r ǝ o eBrbvlγiieibgr r- i wuoouurǝ rsnw -s ehiǝvwoyauyinl-adngne err slnni.s u,C iatno bgǝnur tγr io lm suǝcfrhi .b Buribde-wn)ǝ (nG ǝayrcyíaan 2 0n1u1t, ǝpr.γ 3 19). amorecomplex(S)VOsyntacticformthanothershorterfragmentswewillsee,owingtotheuseof un>. [F·W]-[B]-[R·rNe]su un[lN>ts. ,· Ba[·Fn(W·dW w)]]--e[[ BMa]r-]e[- R[pT·aN·Yrt]]i c[u[NWla·Br·Nl·y(]W -s[pM)u]e-na][->Mk[.iB n]·-[gR[FT ]a· W·bY[oW]]u -[·t[BR Wa]]-n-[·[N RaW·b]N-·s[YeM] ]n-][c[-NNe[ B·o]B-·fR[· R(a]W ·cN[l)eW]]a- [r·M[ReBr]]] ---b[[[(WiTYLb·]el·Y-iYf[ct]F]a -s·l[[R,iNW dp·Ye]r·- N]a[o yR]fe- ·N[trMhf]ue ]l - [co[BaBr]p ·-lR[eitY])u ]Fr-[g[VWFiPc··RaRMl·]Y I-R[]W N·AY] -E[NN]V-[PRM·NT]I E[BP]N-[YM]P-[IFR·R V·YR]V IVINRN APVIMFRI PIVNIAN [B·B]-[W·N]-[Y·W·N][ [BN·B·T]-][-W[R··NΓ]].- [(YIt· Wis d·Naw] n[Nisn·ugTf,] fi-g[xrReea·sΓt[ ]Bip.n o·(BwIat] ed-i[rsvW. dTea·rhNwbe ]niC-ai[nhlYigf·loW,d gr jm·ruNesast]t lo[piNkfoew·p Ttelh]ar-e.[c RFTea·hΓateh]n .CeN dr(hI Tatipl nRdirsd Ho j dutnNahsowet. u lwn<inkiFane.yf gut T,oh hfgeb re-Femaamttih rpeenoaraw na. eniNnrd.g u Ttbhihseie wafComahuyi lntodid f ejuwisnte npli kaaesm stha ebg iFeras uthrree rfw eairnwrdiin -tnhge rt won,a tyah boeuf i mǝfri. Bib-wǝn ǝyyan nut ǝrγ perfection avoid illness,p aenrfde catrieo an baavlomid f oilrl nthesoss,e a wnchdao la lsruet ofaf ebtrhap. leeYmroaf efucocrctr iu otonhmnol yasu vebl owuaitrdhid ooiel nslnnu moeffsfeusr,ts .rat Ye nbaodesu aaur rs roehi naienl sbyian iblngmuu crnH adfo>neer.nd a t lhmv[eFo)eu ·s(nWesG twa a]b-nhre[c odBaí sa]sn-u h[ofRifnte·irNon. ngY] ocE[auNanrr d·oBtlnhe·l)(,y W(s Gbi)una]r-cr[dceMeíanw] -mh[eTur·seYt y]b oeu [aWr sht·rNinea]i-ns[ugMr ce]a-ni[sBd,l·tReh)] e( rG[eWawrc·iRílal] -[W·Y]-[N]-[R·N] [B]-[Y]-[F·R·Y] 2011, p. 207). 2011, p. 207). yourhea2r0t1b1e, apl.s o20(7M). t6,19–21)(Bible16[1B1·B,]p-[.WA·4Nv])-,[Ya·sWw·Nel]l [aNs·tTo]-t[hRe·ΓC]. o(Imt ims daanwdnoinfgL, ogrveeat( pMowt2er2. ,T3h7e– C4h0i)ld just like the Father and the way of (Garment edge) EAF(MG aIrRmEeNnItN eId gFeM) EEAA(BRFiEMbIl.e I<R1Ê6E 1Na1fI-,Nm(pGI . iaFrCerMm3nrnEe)iAn aftRn- ǝeEdmdIg.be e<e )aÊc ra EeauAyfs->Fme.M [t Ehi rI]eeR-yn[EFnaN]pi-r e[efIMr-Nfǝien]mIc t[FiCeRoM nh·aN Erraei]vAs yo[tR>iFdf.E] o -i[IlrE.l n]t<-ehÊ[saFs ,t]a -afr[-nMemda ] sa ior[reRen an·,N nbaa]is lmf[s-Ftǝ ]famo-tree td haoirsneey wn>uh. om[ Esue]-fr[foFeru].- s[YMpou]a rs[ osRna·Nlgye] b su[For]df-en must be a shining candle) (García [M·Y]-[R·Y]. (Oh, find[iMng· Yy]o-u[R in·Ycr]e. a(sOesh ,t hfien pdrinotgteh cyetoiuoPn ai nuacg[lriMaeniane·sYsetls] e- st[tuhRtpee· erYprs]rs.ot( iR(ttOeimcohtni,o! 6f)ni, n( 1aGdg5iaan–ri2gnc 3ísyat)o s2u(uB0 ip1inbe1crl,rs eept2ai1p0tsi61.eo s111n 1,8t! h)p,3 e–p(. G8p2.4r0aPo)7r.t3c) e.ríc a)t, i2or0no1 oa1tge, adpinpasn.t 1d s8ub3pu–ei8rl4tst)vi.t pioinn!)h (iGma[rCcíhar 2is0t1],1,a npdp.s 1ta8b3l–i8sh4e).d in (Back of the cape) N(BBIaMckE Io Af tNhNe EcaIPpEe)Rt hNFeMBfaIIMiVthIEF,IV[ .A.F.]N. (<aBNNbaoEcǝuIkbPn bEodifiR n ytFg hMǝetmh IcVeǝaryIpeFyienVi). FwNA. inB<thN-InMtǝăhbEyabI n ǝikA byeeNs rgǝNrim(euGEfiǝ nIamyPrgymEii (R.ǝC ewAFnoMtnil f-e 2IndV,ăg7IyFe) )V(ǝ BEbFieA.b r<FlrNeeMf1ǝ m6bI1Rbi1i E ǝ,yNwp Iǝ.iNfmT I4ǝ FyvMy)io.E rAAtnRh-eEnIGă. y<o Êsǝp baeefrl-rmaecf cimroerind nǝiwin fgi-fǝ me arey>. [E]-[F]-[M] [R·N] [F]- Uf>. [N]-[W·Y]-[Y]-[YU] f[>D. []-N[N]-[]W-[Y·Y]-][-B[Y·R]·-F[Y]-][ Mt[oD]-S][-aW[Nin·F]t-U][J-Yo[fF>]h-.][ n.B [N((·WRJ]n-·eF[ 1W]g-5i[v·)MYe( ]B]r--e[i[YfbWu]lg-e·[eFY 1]t-6]o[ 1 F[tD1]h.,a ]-(ptW[ pNwe.h] -Log[ Yi1[ivgMr]e–-n [rL·oBYer1·fe]Ruv-s[g·.)FR e,W] ·a-Yt[oemM] .wt oh(]Oi-nal[ltgWh w, o·fhFitnoh]-d e[iigFrnn]gp.o ya(rWeossus.ea iWgngiceevrs eew. arsielelfs u tghee tpor othteactt iwonh oa giganinosrte ss.u pWeres twitiilol n!) (García 2011, pp. 183–84). forgive the offense whenfoervgeirv iet tihse c oafufesneds eb wy hthene efveaerr oitf iGs ocdfao)ur (sgGeidva ebr cythí ateh 2oef0 ff1eena1rs, epo fwp G.h 3oend1)e3 v–(eG1r4a i)rt. c iísa c 2a0u1se1d, pb(ypB .ta h3ce1k 3f e–oa1fr 4 to)hf. eG coadp) (eG) aNrcBíIaM 2E01I 1A, NppN. E31IP3–E1R4F).M IVIFVF. <Nǝbbi y ǝmǝyyi. An-năy ǝberref mi ǝwif If we pay attention toI tfh we es upbasyt aanttteinalt idoins ttaon tchee b seutbwsetaeInnf t waialell tdphaiesy tsa aontltuceetni botienotswn p teroeo ntph aoels lse tudhb Ueus stpfa>o tn.lo ut[ iNttaihol]i -nds[ siWps pot·ariYnno]tpc- e[oY bs]ee-d[tYw u]ep e[ Dtno ]a -tl[hlN itsh] -pe[ Yosio]n-l[tuB t·iRo·nFs] -p[Mro]p-o[Wse·dF ]u-[pF t]o. (tWhise pgoivien tr efuge to that who ignores. We will and this one, we tenda tnod th thinisk othnaet, ,w dee stpenitde ittos twhienllk- ctohananct,de di tvehesidps ioltienn eigt,us w iwsete itclel -nacpdop ntorco etahivcihend ka nltihdna gttfhuo, rdeigs eotisivucpet aisttptheaep in tordsof fiwaennceghsl e la -wcnohdne tncheeeviv eoreu ditt s liitsna cngaduuiissnetgdic b ayp tphreo faeacrh o afn Gdo tdh) e( Gouartsctíaan 2d0i1n1g, pp. 313–14). lexical grounds supploerxtiicnagl igt,r oitu snodms estuimppeos rltaicnkgs ict,o ihtl eesrxoeimcnacelet gi wmroietushn ltadhcsek s ssu ecpmophaoenrrtteiicnn gcree i ltwi,g iiitto hsuo tsmh-eeev stIaiefmn mwgeaees nl piltsaaiiccynk rgase t lctieognhioteiuroesnn- etcove a twhnegit eshlu itsbhisnetg as netmiaal ndtiisct arenlcige iboeutsw-eeveann aglel ltihsein sgo lutions proposed up to this point results, and we are parertsiucultlsa, ralny ds pweea kairneg p aabrotiucut laanr layb rssepesenuacltkes i,on afg na ad cb lwoeuaert a earrne b apibbalsrietcinaclcu,e lpa orrfal yya e scrplafeenuaadlr koe tirrhn bilgsiit bauolbnriogceaui,c lwt,a aple nr ta eaynbedsre ftnuocl t eoh roin fli kat u tchrlgaeitac,r adelre sbpibitlei ciatsl ,w perally-ceornfucle oivre ldit ulirnggiucaisl tic approach and the outstanding lexical grounds supporting it, it sometimes lacks coherence with the semantic religious-evangelising results, and we are particularly speaking about an absence of a clearer biblical, prayerful or liturgical Religions2017,8,135 10of26 Religions 2017, 8, 135 10 of 27 4.1.4. OLM 4.1.4. OLM Theconsonantallexemeorroot[L]<[H·L·H/L](García2011,p. 546)correspondstotheverbal The consonantal lexeme or root [L] < [H·L·H/L] (García 2011, p. 546) corresponds to the verbal formmeaningtobeginTamazightfromCentralMorocco,withthetransliteratedgraphemicexpression form meaning to beg in Tamazight from Central Morocco, with the transliterated graphemic <all>andaphoneticswemayassumetobe/al/. Thetextonthecarvinghasonlytwo<o>vowels,one expression <all> and a phonetics we may assume to be /al/. The text on the carving has only two <o> ofthemherebyconsideredasasound/o/,arareoneinpercentageterms,asignofhowuncommon vowels, one of them hereby considered as a sound /o/, a rare one in percentage terms, a sign of how it isulinncgoumismtiocna lilty iss plienagkuiinstgic.alTlyh espseoauknindg./ Toh/e dsoouesndn o/ot/ rdeoaellsy nboet lorenagllyi nbethloengp riont oth-eB eprrboetor-lBaenrbgeura ge (Healtahng2u00ag5e; K(Hoesastmh a20n0n5;2 K01o3ss,mpapn.n1 27001–37, 1p;pK. 1o7s0s–m71a;n KnoassnmdaSntnr oaonmd Setrro1o9m97e,r p19.9477, 2p;. P47r2a;s Psera1s9se8 419,8149,9 0), and1s9o90it), manady scoo imt meafyro cmomteh feroamss itmhei laastsiiomniloatfio/na ouf/ /aour/ forro fmromth teheso suonundd/ /ăăɁ//, ,wwitiht hthteh peuprpuorspeo osfe of achieavchiniegviangg rae agtreeratvero wvoewlehla hrmarmonoyn.y.A Assa ac coonnsseeqquueennccee,, iitt ddooeess nnoot tseseemem vevreyr yunulinkleilkye lfyorf oa rthairtdh ird listenliestretnoerb teoa bbel eabtole ctaop ctauprteurseo usonudn/d o/ol/l/.. The lexeme [M] (García 2011, p. 551) expresses as <-m> the possessive pronoun in the suffixed Thelexeme[M](García2011,p. 551)expressesas<-m>thepossessivepronouninthesuffixed form, second person, feminine singular you/to you, phonetically transcribed as /m/. form,secondperson,femininesingularyou/toyou,phoneticallytranscribedas/m/. This way, we have /ol-m/, <olm>, meaning We ask you for/we beg you (addressed to the feminine Thisway,wehave/ol-m/,<olm>,meaningWeaskyoufor/webegyou(addressedtothefeminine subject that is the Virgin Mary), with a (S)VO syntactic form, an expression that is typical of prayer subjectthatistheVirginMary),witha(S)VOsyntacticform,anexpressionthatistypicalofprayer repertories, and that we can find, for instance, in the Salve Regina (Hail, Holy Queen) prayer: Ad te repertories, and that we can find, for instance, in the Salve Regina (Hail, Holy Queen) prayer: Ad te clamamus (To thee do we cry, which, in Latin, acquires the sense that we are begging while screaming clamamus(Totheedowecry,which,inLatin,acquiresthesensethatwearebeggingwhilescreaming and wailing) (Hexter and Townsend 2012). andwailing)(HexterandTownsend2012). 4.1.5. INRANFR 4.1.5. INRANFR The lexeme [M·R] (García 2011, p. 556) in the Berber language from Central Morocco becomes <Timheralne>x,e am pelu[Mra·lR n]o(uGna mrceíaan2i0n1g1 s,tpon.e5s5 e6m)bienddthede iBnetor bteher lgarnougnuda gtheatf,r olimke mCielensttroanlesM doo,r odcemcoarbceatceo am es <imrtaernr>it,oray porl uprroaplenrtoyu, ans ma feoarnmin ogf fsetnocninesg eomr bboeudnddeadryin wtoallt.h Iet gisr oculenadr tthhaatt ,itsli kpehomnieletsict otnraenssdcori,pdtieomna irsc ate aterr/iimtorrayno/r, pwrhoipcehr tiys, pahsoanfeotircmalloyf cfleonscei ntog o/irnbraonu/n pdaroryviwdeadll .thItaits bcilleaabriatlhitayt iist srepdhuocnede.t iWctirthan tshcer ispatmioen is /imrcaonn/so,nwahnitcahl riosopt,h woen ehtaivcea l[lMy·cRlo] s(Geatrocí/ai n20r1a1n,/ p.p 5r5o6v) iadlesod wthitaht ab isliambiilaalri tmyeiasnriendgu, acse dit .hWasi tthhet sheenssae me consoofn taenrrtiatolrryo/aorte,aw/reeghioanv/ceou[Mntr·Ry.] (García2011,p. 556)alsowithasimilarmeaning,asithasthesense ofterritorTyh/aer reoao/rte [gFi·oRn]/ c(Gouanrctíray 2.011, p. 487) adopts the graphemic form <ffer> in languages like Figuig and Siwa or in Argelian or Moroccan Berber languages, corresponding to the verb form which means to The root [F·R] (García 2011, p. 487) adopts the graphemic form <ffer> in languages like Figuig protect/keep warm/take shelter, as was the case with the aforementioned to collect/treasure. Phonetics by andSiwaorinArgelianorMoroccanBerberlanguages,correspondingtotheverbformwhichmeans abbreviation allows us to shift from /ffer/ to /fer/, the vowel /e/ serving as consonantal support to /fr/. toprotect/keepwarm/takeshelter,aswasthecasewiththeaforementionedtocollect/treasure.Phoneticsby By bringing the elements above together, we would obtain the phonetic expression /inran-fer/ abbreviationallowsustoshiftfrom/ffer/to/fer/,thevowel/e/servingasconsonantalsupportto/fr/. or /inranfr/, and it would be our choice to drop or not the supporting vowel for the pronunciation of Bybringingtheelementsabovetogether,wewouldobtainthephoneticexpression/inran-fer/or the final /r/. The sense of the phrase, Protective wall or Wall that gives us shelter, might slightly evoke /inranfr/,anditwouldbeourchoicetodropornotthesupportingvowelforthepronunciationof the Christian phrase applied to the Virgin Mary as Hortus conclusus (Cant 4, 12), A garden inclosed is thefimnya sli/stre/r,. mTyh sepsoeunses; ea ospfrtihneg sphhurta uspe,, aP frooutnetcatiinv esewalaeldl o(BribWlea l1l6t1h1a,t pg. i3vLes5ru).s Isnh Geltreerg,omriuigsh Ntysslisgehntulsy (ecva.o ke theC33h5r–isctai.a 3n94p)h, wraes aelsaop fpinlide dthteo utshee ofV wiraglli/npaMneal rtoy masakHeo rretfuesrecnocnec tlou sMusar(yC (aPnetlt4o,m1a2a) ,2A001g)a,r idne tnhein scelnossee dis mysoisft here,rm beyinspgo au pser;oatescptorrin, egspsheucitaullyp ,waitfhou an tthaeinolosegailceadl m(Beiabnlein1g6 r1e1la,tped. 3toL v5irr)g.inInityG. rAe gdoifrfieuresnNt syesnsseen us (ca.3o3f 5t–hcea e.x3p9r4e)s,swione a/ilnsroanfifnrd/ mthigehut sbeeo, afsw iat lils/p palnaecletdo bmetawkeeerne tfheree pnrceevtioouMs easrpyre(Psseilotno mOaLaM2, 0a0n1d) ,tihne the sensfeoollfowheinrgb eoinneg IAaEpBroNtPeFctMor—,ewsphiecchi amllaykwesi tith aall tthheeo mloogriec aaplpmreoapnriiantge—re, lPartoetdectto thvei rtegrirnitiotryy.,A thde iafrfeear, ent in the (S)VO syntactic form, in a begging or pleading-like tone rather than a praising one, as in the sense of the expression /inranfr/ might be, as it is placed between the previous expression OLM, previous example. andthefollowingoneIAEBNPFM—whichmakesitallthemoreappropriate—,Protecttheterritory, thearea,inthe(S)VOsyntacticform,inabeggingorpleading-liketoneratherthanapraisingone,asin 4.1.6. IAEBNPFM thepreviousexample. The lexeme [Y] (García 2011, p. 613) in its transcribed graphemic form <i>, and phonetics /i/, is 4.1.6f.oIuAnEdB iNn KPFabMyle introducing a clause, meaning the relative pronoun who/which. The consonantal root [B·B] (García 2011, p. 452) presents the verbal semantics of Thelexeme[Y](García2011,p. 613)initstranscribedgraphemicform<i>,andphonetics/i/, owner/proprietor/author/master, follows a pronoun and is represented as <bab> and, consequently, we isfoundinKabyleintroducingaclause,meaningtherelativepronounwho/which. can make it sound as /bab/. This root is rather close to [B·B] (García 2011, p. 452), with <ebb> form in GThhaedacmoenss, oonr a<nbtaablb>r,o qoutite[ Bsi·mB]ila(rG toa rthcíea pr2e0v1io1u,s pon.e in4 s5e2v)eraplr leasnegnutasgetsh feromve Crbeanltrasle Mmoarnotciccos, of ownemr/eparnopinrgie ttoo rc/aaruryth/hoorl/dm/parsotveird,e/fsoulplpoowrts/taakep rreospnoonusinbilaitnyd, thisatr iesp, wrehsoen htaesd thaes a<ubthaobr>itya anndd, icso inn scehqaurgeen tly, wecaanndm isa ktheei toswonuenrd, saos w/be aabr/e .inTchluisdrionogt bisotrha tehxeprrecslosisoentso i[nB t·hBi]s (cGaaserc iína o2r0d1e1r, pto. 4co5n2)v,ewy itthhe< seebnbse> ofof rm inGhthaids afrmagems,eonrt <bbeattbebr.> T,hqius iwteosuilmd illeaardt oust htoe tphree vpihoounsetoicnse /ibnabse/ voer r/aelb/l.a n guagesfromCentralMorocco, mean ingtocarry/hold/provide/support/takeresponsibility,thatis,whohastheauthorityandisincharge

roots of their Berber and Insular-Amazigh languages, with the previous . is in the Semitic Language, by gathering biblical passages or devotional
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