m With unyielding patience, we have conquered the past twelve years And through it all we always saw thefuturefrom afar. In return we have evolved, expelling adolescentfears, Now we arefaced with endless possibilities: to climb, to remain, tofall? And so it is inevitable that relationships willfade That decisions you will make may not always result in the best. It is equally undeniable that newfriends shall be made That every decision-bad or good- ultimately serves as a test. Sofear not this world that so many render 'real' Sieze every experience possible, andfrom these grow within. Do not let life surpass you, do notforget tofeel And celebrate your knowledge, celebrate where you 've been. Hilary Gardiner Dave Rapoza o? "Gable Coit^enies Departments English PS 2 IC Gc€cl Times Science Foreign Language Math Social Studies Health/Gym Electives M Library PS. 81 Faculty Special Education r 93 95 Superlatives Pfi. VQ. 17 J1 ermals PS. 33 54 v$^<pcrts $ Pfi. 96 111 denier year Events VQ. 55 65 Clubs 05 And fJraanizatiens PS. 66 86 Aiemcries Di frem the past PS. 112 127 l^irectcry [ PS. 136 159/lP'S % c Freshmen PS. 161 175 Sophmores Lnderclassmen Juniors Seniors 5PIFT N U\u)jm/2xyojmAAvob &\^xi &fUDAAAxxAid. (jUnd. G)m/ee Katie & Sara BScrappy & Us, aww! Sarah, Sara, Katie, Hobbs, Li y/'^^^MM k Erica is so hot S1iT^^K~T-a- 3 fife Hot IVIamas!! Aww, Justin & Erica actually getting along! Friends May TfOfiieat Jtihiof'SeMor Ikta, PfOiH 200h Princes: Kevin Stempie, Conor Seip, Dan Seip, Kurt Peterson King: David Wadsworth Queen:Taryn ManiD Hot Boys - Kevin, Tad, Damon Princesses: Francesca Maciion, Lindsay Holibs, Amy Maimberg, Saraii Morrison Danieiie. Mr. A, Scrappy, a Katie Jim & Eriiia. Corey & Lisa, David a Scrappy, Justin a Erica, Sarah a Dereic, Conor a Katie WM, Scrap, Jacq, Katie, Steve S., Erica, EriKa, Saraii, Caitlin, Cariy, Lisa, Lindsay, Jacque, Taryn KailStepli, Andrea H