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Carrier mobility and scattering lifetime in electric double-layer gated few-layer graphene ∗ E. Piatti, S. Galasso, M. Tortello, J. R. Nair, C. Gerbaldi, D. Daghero, and R. S. Gonnelli Dipartimento di Scienza Applicata e Tecnologia, Politecnico di Torino, 10129 Torino, Italy M. Bruna+ and S. Borini+ Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica (INRIM), 10135 Torino, Italy 7 1 We fabricate electric double-layer field-effect transistor (EDL-FET) devices on mechanically ex- 0 foliated few-layer graphene. We exploit the large capacitance of a polymeric electrolyte to study 2 the transport properties of three, four and five-layer samples under a large induced surface charge density both above and below the glass transition temperature of the polymer. We find that the n carrier mobility shows a strong asymmetry between the hole and electron doping regime. We then a J employ ab-initio density functional theory (DFT) calculations to determine the average scattering lifetime from the experimental data. We explain its peculiar dependence on the carrier density in 0 terms of thespecific properties of the electrolyte we used in our experiments. 1 Keywords: Few-layer graphene - EDL gating - Liquid gating - Transport properties - Scattering lifetime - ] Surfacemodification l l a h I. INTRODUCTION as liquid gating). Indeed, after the first results on stron- - s tiumtitanate[5],EDLgatinghassoonbeenemployedon e the prototypical 2D materials, first on SLG [6] and soon m Since its discovery in 2004 [1], graphene has attracted after on double and three-layergraphene (2LG and 3LG a widespread interest from the scientific community due . respectively)[7]. However,the properties of liquid-gated t to its peculiar physical and electronic properties. More- a few-layer graphene of higher number of layers have only m over, it has soon been discovered that graphene crystals recently been explored in our earlier work of Ref. [8]. In having a different number of layers effectively behave as - that paper we focused on the low-temperature transport d completelydifferentelectronicsystems,approachingbulk properties of 3LG, 4LG and 5LG. n graphite for a number of layersN &8 [2]. While a lotof In the presentwork,we focus instead onhow the elec- o effort has been devoted to the characterizationof single- c tric transport properties of few-layer graphene are mod- layer graphene (SLG), few-layergraphene (FLG) has re- [ ified by EDL gating at higher temperatures, both im- ceived a smaller attention [3]. Furthermore, most of the mediately above and below the glass phase transition of 1 investigations has been restricted to the relatively small ourelectrolyte. Wefindthatoursamplesshowamarked v carrier density range close to the Dirac point, where the 1 asymmetry in the response to electron and hole doping, relativistic properties of the graphene quasiparticle ex- 0 i.e. toapositiveornegativeappliedgatevoltage. Inpar- citations diverge more strongly from those of standard 7 ticular,whilethemobilityissuppressedinourdevicesby 2 semiconductors. bothpositiveandnegativeappliedgatevoltages,thesup- 0 The investigation of carrier-density ranges further pression in the electronic side is much more pronounced . 1 away from the Dirac point requires a larger tunability than in the holonic one. By combining our experimental 0 of the Fermi level in a reproducible way. This can be findings with ab-initio density functional theory (DFT) 7 achievedby the technique of electric double-layer(EDL) calculations, we determine how the average scattering 1 gating, which has been introduced in the field of solid- lifetime in our devices is affected by the strong modu- : v state physics since the second half of the 2000s. With lation of the carrier density. We discover that the asym- i respect to standard field-effect techniques, EDL gating metry in the response is even more pronounced for the X is able to access values of carrier density previously scattering lifetime than for the mobility. In addition a r a unattainable inchemically undoped insulatorsandsemi- difference in the carrier-density dependence of the scat- conductors [4]. This strong increase in the tunability of tering lifetime emerges between 4LG and 5LG. Finally, the carrier density in a field effect transistor (FET) ar- we propose a qualitative explanation for these findings, chitecture is made possible by the strong increase in the in which we link the asymmetry in the transport prop- gatecapacitance. Inturnthisisobtainedbysubstituting erties of the material to the asymmetry in the physical thesolidgateoxidewithaliquidorpolymericelectrolyte dimensions of the active ions composing our electrolyte. (this is the reason why the technique is also referred to II. DEVICE FABRICATION ∗Electronicaddress: [email protected] +Current address: Nokia Technologies, CB30FA Cambridge, We obtained the few-layer graphene samples via me- UnitedKingdom chanical exfoliation of highly oriented pyrolitic graphite 2 (cid:894)(cid:258)(cid:895) (cid:894)(cid:272)(cid:895) (cid:2878) (cid:1848)(cid:3008) (cid:1835) (cid:1848)(cid:3051)(cid:3052) (cid:2879) (cid:1848)(cid:3051)(cid:3051) (cid:1835) (cid:1848)(cid:3051)(cid:3051) (cid:44)(cid:81)(cid:71)(cid:88)(cid:70)(cid:72)(cid:71)(cid:3)(cid:70)(cid:75)(cid:68)(cid:85)(cid:74)(cid:72)(cid:3)(cid:71)(cid:72)(cid:81)(cid:86)(cid:76)(cid:87)(cid:92)(cid:3)(cid:11)(cid:72)(cid:16)(cid:18)(cid:70)(cid:80)(cid:21)(cid:12) (cid:894)(cid:271)(cid:895) (cid:16)(cid:16)(cid:20)(cid:16)(cid:22)(cid:22)(cid:25) (cid:16)(cid:27)(cid:16)(cid:16)(cid:17)(cid:21)(cid:21)(cid:28) (cid:16)(cid:22)(cid:16)(cid:16)(cid:20)(cid:20)(cid:17)(cid:19) (cid:19)(cid:19)(cid:19) (cid:14)(cid:24)(cid:20)(cid:20)(cid:17)(cid:19) (cid:14)(cid:20)(cid:21)(cid:21)(cid:27) (cid:14)(cid:23)(cid:25)(cid:22)(cid:22) (cid:25) (cid:2869)(cid:2871) (cid:54)(cid:12) (cid:23)(cid:47)(cid:42) (cid:3400)(cid:883)(cid:882) (cid:80) (cid:24) (cid:72)(cid:3)(cid:11) (cid:55)(cid:3)(cid:32)(cid:3)(cid:21)(cid:28)(cid:24)(cid:3)(cid:46) (cid:81)(cid:70) (cid:23) (cid:68) (cid:70)(cid:87) (cid:88) (cid:81)(cid:71) (cid:22) (cid:21)(cid:17)(cid:24) (cid:70)(cid:82) (cid:93)(cid:3)(cid:11)(cid:81)(cid:80)(cid:12) (cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:20)(cid:21)(cid:17)(cid:17)(cid:17)(cid:17)(cid:24)(cid:19)(cid:24)(cid:19) (cid:54)(cid:75)(cid:72)(cid:72)(cid:87)(cid:3) (cid:21) (cid:894)(cid:282)(cid:895) (cid:19)(cid:17)(cid:19) (cid:16)(cid:19)(cid:17)(cid:24) (cid:16)(cid:22) (cid:16)(cid:21) (cid:16)(cid:20) (cid:19) (cid:20) (cid:21) (cid:22) (cid:19)(cid:17)(cid:19) (cid:19)(cid:17)(cid:24) (cid:20)(cid:17)(cid:19) (cid:20)(cid:17)(cid:24) (cid:21)(cid:17)(cid:19) (cid:91)(cid:3)(cid:11)(cid:80)(cid:80)(cid:12) (cid:42)(cid:68)(cid:87)(cid:72)(cid:3)(cid:89)(cid:82)(cid:79)(cid:87)(cid:68)(cid:74)(cid:72)(cid:3)(cid:11)(cid:57)(cid:12) FIG.1: (a)AFMtopographic imageincontact modeof a3LGdevicebeforePES drop-casting,and(b)zoom onitsupperleft corner. Inset shows the height signal step in correspondence to the graphene edge. While signs of electrical damage occurred duringpreliminarymagnetoresistance measurementsappearinthelowerpartofthedevice,theentiremiddle-to-upperregions arefreefromwrinklesandfolds. TheAFM-estimatedthicknessagreeswellwiththeresultsobtainedviaopticalcharacterization. (c) Sketch of a complete device after PES drop-casting. Gate voltage is applied between the platinum wire and the negative current contact. (d) Sheet conductance vs gate voltage transfer curves for a 4LG sample in the [-3V, +3V] range at room temperature. Top scale shows thecorresponding induced charge density estimated from DSCC. (HOPG) and transferredthem onto standardSiO on Si corresponding to a 3LG sample [16]) estimated at the 2 substrates. The number of layers of each flake was de- edge (see inset to Figure 1b) agrees well with the results termined by optical contrast analysis [11]; Raman spec- obtained from the optical characterization. troscopywasalsoemployedtoindependentlyconfirmthis Afterwirebondingwedrop-castedtheliquidprecursor number and to determine the stacking sequence [12–15]. of the polymer electrolyte system (PES) onto the com- Allthesamplesthatwillbediscussedinthefollowingare plete devices in the controlledatmosphere of a dry room 3LG,4LGand5LGpresentingBernalstacking. We real- in order to avoid contamination from water molecules ized the electrical contacts for the four-wire resistance and other chemicals that may affect the performance of measurements via the standard microfabrication tech- the electrolyte. We employed the same Li-TFSI based niques, i.e. photolithography, Cr/Au thermal evapora- PESusedinourearlierexperimentsongold[9]andother tion and lift-off. Subsequently we patterned the devices noble metals [10] due to its record amount of charge in- into a Hall-bar shape by reactive ion etching. An ad- duction. Figure 1c shows a sketch of a device, where the ditional windowing was finally realized on the device by few-layer graphene flake acts as the working electrode of photoresistinordertoleaveuncoveredonlyapartofthe the electrochemical cell, while a Pt wire is immersed in contact pads (for wire bonding) and the gated channel the PES and acts as the counter electrode. The elec- over the flake. The photoresist mask was hard-baked at trical connections for longitudinal (R ) and Hall (R ) xx xy 145°C for 5 minutes to improve its electrochemical sta- resistance measurements are shown as well. bility. Figure 1a shows an AFM image of a complete de- vice after it underwent a preliminary magnetoresistance characterization, while Figure 1b shows a magnification III. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS of the upper left corner of the device to allow for eas- ier thickness determination. The AFM characterization shows that the device is free from intrinsic defects such We performed gating and transport measurements in as wrinkles and folds. The flake thickness (≈ 1.4 nm, a Cryomechr PT405 pulse-tube cryocooler. After PES 3 drop-casting the devices were rapidly transferred inside Sheet carrier d ensity (e-/cm2) the cryostat in order to minimize their exposure to air. -4x1014-2x1014 0 2x1014 4x1014 6x1014 8x1014 We left the devices in vacuum at room temperature for ) S a few hours to degas before performing the actual mea- m T = 220 K surements. The gate voltage was then applied at room e ( c temperature both in form of ramps and step perturba- n 10 a tions, and the response of the samples resistance and of ct u the gate-current was recorded. Slow gate-voltage ramps d n were employed to assess the ambipolar nature of the o c field effect in all our samples. It means that we always et detected the electron (hole) conduction in the channel e Sh (a) uponapplicationofasufficientlylargepositive(negative) 3LG 1 bias between the gate electrode and the sample. Step- 4LG like gate-voltage applications were instead used to allow 5LG ) fordouble-stepchronocoulometry(DSCC)measurements -1s103 1 abletodeterminetheinducedcarrierdensityinthechan- -V 2 nel of our devices. A detailed analysis of this technique, m c tmheenctso,mapnadristohnesawsistehsstmheensttaonndatrhdeHreapllroedffuecctibmilietyasuarned- bility (102 purely electrostatic nature of the gating technique can o M be found in our earlier work [8]. The total sheet carrier (b) density in the system n2D is determined by adding the 101 induced carrier density to the pristine density measured -4x1014-2x1014 0 2x1014 4x1014 6x1014 8x1014 by Hall effect. Sheet carrier density (e-/cm2) Figure 1d shows a typical sheet conductance response of a 4LG device both as a function of the applied gate voltage and of the induced carrier density in the FIG. 2: Electrical transport characterization of the device [−3V,+3V] voltage range. The small negative hysteresis at T = 220 K, below the glass transition of the electrolyte. between an increasing or decreasing gate-voltage ramp Sheetconductance(a)andmobility(b)vscarrierdensityn2D is typical of electrolyte-gated graphene devices and can for 3LG (green), 4LG (red) and 5LG (violet) devices. The strongly asymmetric response of the system to electron and be attributed to carrier transfer from the metal contacts hole doping is readily distinguishable. Dashed lines act as due to capacitive gating [17]. This also accounts for guides to theeye. the minimum in the conductance curves being shifted to negative gate voltages (indicating that the sample is n-doped). In fact Hall effect measurements performed immediatelyafterdrop-castingshowedanativep-doping is beyond the scope of this paper and has been detailed of the sample, as is to be expected in the case of traces elsewhere [8]. Here, we focus on the regime around 220 of residualwater adsorbedat the graphenesurface. Two K, i.e. where the sample is still relatively close to room other features clearly emerge from these curves: first, temperaturebutthePEShasalreadyundergoneitsglass both for electron and hole doping a sharp slope change transition. Thisensuresthattheionmovementinsidethe arises for intermediate values of the applied gate voltage electrolyteiscompletelyfrozen,thusminimizingthefluc- (VG ≈±1.5V). This behaviorhas alreadybeenobserved tuationsinthechargedensityaccumulatedatthesample in 3LG [7] and linked to the rise of interband scattering surface. due to the crossing of a Van Hove singularity when the Figure 2a shows the dependence of the sheet conduc- Fermilevelcrossesthe splitband T . Second, while the 2g tance on the sheet carrier density n2D at 220 K, as de- curves are symmetric for low values of the applied gate termined by DSCC, for both the 4LG and 5LG samples. voltage, a strong asymmetry emerges for higher values. Data from a 3LG sample are shown for comparison, but The electron-doped branch saturates at almost half the will not be discussed due to the small number of experi- sheet conductance value with respect to the maximum mental points. In the case of 4LG, the behavior at 220K one in the hole-doped branch, even though the induced closelyresemblesthe responseto the gatesweepatroom carrier density is estimated to be significantly larger. temperature. In particular, the sheet conductance on Wethenstudiedinmoredetailthetransportproperties the electron side shows clear signs of saturation already ofour samplesfor few selectedvalues ofthe appliedgate at relatively small values of carrier density, while on the voltage. Foreachofthesevalues,thevoltagewasapplied holesideanincresingtrendisobservedintheentireden- at room temperature in order to measure the DSCC re- sity range. As a consequence the maximum conductance sponse,andthesamplewassubsequentlycooleddownto valueontheholebranchisalmostthreetimeslargerthan thebasetemperatureofthecryogenicsystem. Ananaly- the one on the electron branch. Interestingly, the asym- sisofthetransportpropertiesofFLGatlowtemperature metryismuchlesspronouncedinthecaseof5LG.Inthis 4 case no sign of saturation is evident also on the electron Sheet carrier density (e-/cm2) side and the maximum conductance in the hole branch -4x1014-2x1014 0 2x1014 4x1014 6x1014 8x1014 is only about twice as big as that in the electron one. 102 Thisdependenceofthedifferenceintheasymmetryon the number oflayersis presentalsoin the dependence of themobilityµ=σ2D/(en2D)onn2D,asshowninFigure )e m 2b. The mobility decreases at the increase of the carrier densityforbothelectronandholedoping,independently e / ( of the number of layers. However, in the case of 5LG 101 the mobility rapidly reaches saturation. In the case of m / t 4LG instead, the mobility decrease is significantly more (a) pronounced, and signs of saturation are present only in the hole branch. 10-13 45LLGG T = 220 K IV. DISCUSSION ) 10-14 Aswehaveseen,threepeculiarbehaviorsemergefrom (s t the carrier density dependence of the mobility. First, µ decreaseswith increasingn2D for both electronand hole (b) doping. Second, this dependence is strongly asymmetric in the signof the chargecarriers. Third, this asymmetry 10-15 -4x1014-2x1014 0 2x1014 4x1014 6x1014 8x1014 is less pronounced in the case of 5LG with respect to Sheet carrier density (e-/cm2) 4LG. We first consider the decrease in mobility. In SLG the mobility is expected to decrease moving away from the FIG. 3: (a) Dependence of the mobility-over-scattering life- Diracpoint. However,in2LGand3LGithasbeenshown time ratio, µ/τ, as function of the carrier density n2D as es- that the different density of states leads to an increasing timated from DSCCmeasurements andDFT calculations, in behavior, albeit in a smaller range of carrier densities units of the elementary charge divided by the electron mass. than the one considered in this paper [18]. On the other The behavior is symmetric with respect to electron and hole hand, it is known that in two-dimensionalelectron gases doping and strongly depends on the number of layers only (2DEGs) in general, and in graphene in particular, a re- in close vicinity to the Dirac point. (b) Average scattering entrantmobilityatveryhighcarrierdensityisassociated lifetime τ vs carrier density n2D calculated by dividing the to a crossover from a dominant scattering by screened experimentally measured mobility by µ/τ. The asymmetry Coulomb charges to a scattering dominated by surface of τ between electron and hole doping is enhanced with re- spect to that of the experimental mobility, and a qualitative roughness (for 2DEGs in semiconductors [19]) or short- differencein theresponse of 4LG and5LG is also readily ap- range scatterers (in graphene [20]). parent. Resultsare reportedfor 4LG(red) and5LG(violet). Inorderto disentanglethe contributionsto the mobil- Asin Figure2, dashed lines are guides to theeye. ityduetothechangesintheDOSfromthosearisingfrom changes in the scattering rates, we combine our experi- mental results with ab-initio DFT calculations [21, 22]. and correlation terms we adopted the local density ap- The bandstructure of 4LG and 5LG under strong dop- proximation(LDA)andthehexagonalBrillouinzonewas ing conditions is calculatedby using the all-electronfull- sampledwitha28x28x1meshofk-points. Atotalenergy potentiallinearisedaugmented-planewavemethodasim- toleranceof10−8Hartreewasusedforobtainingthecon- plemented in the ELK code [23]. We model the FLG by vergence of the self-consistent field calculations. building a 3D supercell with a value of the c-axis lattice Itiswellknownthattheeffectivemassm∗isnotagood constant larger than 20 ˚A so that, in order to avoid in- quantity for the description of the massless relativistic teractions, the periodic images of the structures are at quasiparticlesclosetotheDiracpointofgraphene. How- least 10 ˚A apart. Independently of the number of lay- ever,anexpressionforthemobility-to-scatteringlifetime ers the layer to layer distance is taken equal to 3.35 ˚A ratiocanbeobtainedknowingthetheoreticalbandstruc- while the in-plane lattice constant is fixed to a = 2.46 tureandtheexperimentalvalueofn2D accordingto[26]: ˚A. As a first approximation we simulate the effect of the EDLgatingbyintroducingextrachargecarriersinto tbhaecksgyrsotuemndtcohgaertgheer(Jweiltlhiuma cmomodpeeln)s.atAingmhooremcoogmenpeloeutes µτ = τ1eσn22DD = n2eD Xi (Nk4iNsvF2iNi) (1) model, that takes into account the intense electric field at the EDL/graphene interface [24, 25] goes beyond the whereN andN arethevalleyandspindegeneracies, ki s scope of this paper. In order to describe the exchange respectively,v isthe FermivelocityandN the DOSat Fi i 5 the Fermi level of the i-th band. The strong asymmetry of the conductance, the mobil- Unsurprisingly, the symmetry of the bandstructure of ity,andthescatteringlifetime betweenelectronandhole FLG aboveand below the Dirac point is reflected onthe doping in both 4LG and 5LG can instead be related to symmetric dependence of the ratio µ/τ on the carrier the asymmetry in the size of the ions composing the Li- density (Figure 3a). Thus, the strong asymmetry in the TFSIsalt. Infact,thestandardionicliquidsusedinEDL doping dependence of the mobility cannot be attributed gating literature (e.g. DEME-TFSI), have cations and to features in the bandstructure. However, the clear re- anionsthatarebothmadebycomplexmoleculesofcom- ductionofµ/τ movingawayfromthe Diracpointcanbe parable size [4]. In the case of Li-TFSI instead, the Li+ partly responsible for the similarly decreasing behavior cation (inducing electron doping) is significantly smaller of the mobility. than its anion counterpart (inducing hole doping). This We finally extract the average scattering lifetime τ by characteristiccanallowittopackattheelectrodesurface dividing the measured mobility by the DFT-determined bothwithhigherdensityand,moreimportantly,incloser ratio µ/τ (Figure 3b). In this case, the asymmetries in proximity. Thisinturnenhancesitscharge-inductionca- the electron- and hole-doping branches are magnified, as pabilities with respect to the anion, as demonstrated by well as the difference in the behaviour between 4LG and ourDSCCmeasurementsonbothgraphene[8]andnoble 5LG. In 4LG, the scattering lifetime monotonically de- metals[9]. Ontheotherhandthisfactmostlikelymakes creases across the entire electron branch, while rapidly its efficiency as a scattering center sensibly larger than saturatesafter aninitialdecreasein the hole branch. In- that of the bigger TFSI anion. stead, in 5LG τ shows a nonmonotonic behavior in the electron branch, decreasing rapidly for small values of carrier density and increasing for larger ones, while in V. CONCLUSIONS the hole branch it appears to be monotonically increas- ing. In conclusion, we characterized the electric transport This very peculiar behavior cannot be simply asso- propertiesof4LGand5LGfield-effectdevicesinthevery ciated with modifications in the DOS, nor to a pure high carrier-density regime achievable by EDL gating, crossover from screened Coulomb scattering to short- both above and below the freezing point of the elec- range scattering. Instead, an intrinsically surface- trolyte. We detected a peculiar asymmetry in the re- sensitive, asymmetric scattering mechanism is required sponse to hole and electron doping in both the conduc- to account for our findings. In the following, we pro- tanceandthemobilityofthesamples. Bycombiningour poseapossibleexplanationthatisdirectlyrelatedtothe experimentalresultswithab-initio DFT calculations,we physical implementation of the EDL technique. extracted the dependence of the average scattering life- As we mentioned earlier, when the gate voltage is time on both the number of layers and the carrier den- applied, the solvated ions inside the polymeric matrix sity. We haveinterpretedthe resulting trends as primar- densely accumulate in close vicinity (. 1 nm) to the ily due to the microscopic properties of our EDL gating graphene surface, thus building a nanoscale capacitor technique, i.e. the capability of the ions composing the at the electrolyte/graphene interface. Since it has been EDL to act as extra chargedscattering centers for carri- shown [27] that charged impurities in close proximity to ers at the surface of the device. In particular,the strong the graphene surface create scattering centers for Dirac asymmetry between electron and hole doping has been quasiparticles, we can assume that the ions constituting associatedwiththedifferenceinsizebetweencationsand the EDL itself may behave in the same way. anionsinthesolvatedsaltLi-TFSI.Theseresultsarerel- As long as the electric transport is dominated by evant in the framework of understanding the non trivial screened Coulomb scattering, the average τ of the sys- modificationsthe EDLtechniquecausesatthesurfaceof tem is determined by a competition between two contri- graphene and other two-dimensional materials. butions. On one hand, the increasing number of charge carriers introduced by gating improves the screening ca- pabilities of the 2DEG and would enhance τ and µ. On Acknowledgments the other hand, the concomitant increasing number of defects introducedbythe presenceofchargedionsatthe graphene surface would decrease τ and µ. 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