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Carpenters and Builders - Wood Tools PDF

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P1:FCH GB106-FM GB106-Miller133(8) October15,2004 23:0 CharCount=0 AudelTM Carpenter’s and Builder’s Math, Plans, and Specifications All New 7th Edition Mark Richard Miller Rex Miller TLFeBOOK iii P1:FCH GB106-FM GB106-Miller133(8) October15,2004 23:0 CharCount=0 VicePresidentandExecutiveGroupPublisher:RichardSwadley VicePresidentandPublisher:JosephB.Wikert ExecutiveEditor:CarolLong EditorialManager:KathrynA.Malm DevelopmentEditor:KevinShafer ProductionEditor:AngelaSmith TextDesign&Composition:TechBooks Copyright(cid:1)C 2005byWileyPublishing,Inc.,Indianapolis,Indiana.Allrightsreserved. PublishedsimultaneouslyinCanada Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproduced,storedinaretrievalsystem,ortransmittedinany formorbyanymeans,electronic,mechanical,photocopying,recording,scanning,orotherwise, exceptaspermittedunderSections107or108ofthe1976UnitedStatesCopyrightAct,without eitherthepriorwrittenpermissionofthePublisher,orauthorizationthroughpaymentofthe appropriateper-copyfeetotheCopyrightClearanceCenter,222RosewoodDrive,Danvers,MA 01923,(978)750-8400,fax(978)646-8600.RequeststothePublisherforpermissionshouldbe addressedtotheLegalDepartment,WileyPublishing,Inc.,10475CrosspointBlvd.,Indianapolis, IN46256,(317)572-3447,fax(317)572-4355,e-mail:[email protected]. LimitofLiability/DisclaimerofWarranty:Thepublisherandtheauthormakenorepresenta- tionsorwarrantieswithrespecttotheaccuracyorcompletenessofthecontentsofthiswork andspecificallydisclaimallwarranties,includingwithoutlimitationwarrantiesoffitnessfora particularpurpose.Nowarrantymaybecreatedorextendedbysalesorpromotionalmaterials. 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Trademarks:Wiley,theWileyPublishinglogo,Audel,andTheBooksThatWorkaretrademarks orregisteredtrademarksofJohnWiley&Sons,Inc.and/oritsaffiliates.Allothertrademarks arethepropertyoftheirrespectiveowners.WileyPublishing,Inc.,isnotassociatedwithany productorvendormentionedinthisbook. Wileyalsopublishesitsbooksinavarietyofelectronicformats.Somecontentthatappearsin printmaynotbeavailableinelectronicbooks. LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2004110825 eISBN:0-7645-7981-9 PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 iv P1:FCH GB106-FM GB106-Miller133(8) October15,2004 23:0 CharCount=0 Contents Acknowledgments xiii About the Authors xv Introduction xvii Chapter 1 Nails, Screws, Bolts, and Other Fasteners 1 Nails 1 ThePennySystem 3 NailCharacteristics 3 SelectingNailSize 12 DrivingNails 13 Screws 16 Material 17 DimensionsofScrews 18 ShapeoftheHead 18 HowtoDriveaWoodScrew 18 StrengthofWoodScrews 21 LagScrews 23 Bolts 23 ManufactureofBolts 23 KindsofBolts 27 ProportionsandStrengthofBolts 27 Fasteners for Plaster or Drywall 33 ExpansionAnchors 33 HollowWallScrewAnchors 34 ToggleBolts 36 HangerBolts,DowelScrews,andToggle Studs 37 FramingFasteners 39 Summary 39 Review Questions 40 Chapter 2 Wood as a Building Material 41 Growth and Structure of Wood 41 Softwoods and Hardwoods 41 v P1:FCH GB106-FM GB106-Miller133(8) October15,2004 23:0 CharCount=0 vi Contents Lumber Conversion 43 Seasoning of Wood 44 MoistureContent 47 Density 49 Strength 51 Deadwood 53 VirginandSecondGrowth 54 TimeofCuttingTimber 54 Air-DriedandKiln-DriedWood 54 SapwoodVersusHeartwood 55 Defects and Deterioration 55 DecayofWood 57 NuclearRadiation 63 Weathering 63 InsectDamage 65 Summary 65 Review Questions 65 Chapter 3 Lumber, Plywood, and Other Wood Products 67 Standard Sizes of Lumber 67 Softwood Lumber Grades for Construction 68 Stress-GradedLumber 68 Nonstress-GradedLumber 69 AppearanceLumber 70 Plywood 77 TypesofPlywood 79 GradesofPlywood 79 Particle Board 79 Lumber Distribution 82 RetailYardInventory 82 ImportantPurchaseConsiderations 86 Engineered Lumber 87 Summary 88 Review Questions 88 P1:FCH GB106-FM GB106-Miller133(8) October15,2004 23:0 CharCount=0 Contents vii Chapter 4 Strength of Timbers 89 Tension 89 Compression 90 Working Stresses for Columns 91 Shearing Stresses 92 Horizontal Shears 94 Transverse or Bending Stress 96 Stiffness 96 Modulus of Elasticity 100 Beams 100 AllowableLoadsonWoodBeams 100 BreakingLoadsonWoodBeams 102 DistributedLoad 102 CantileverBeams 102 Wind Loads on Roofs 104 Definitions 106 Summary 108 Review Questions 109 Chapter 5 Mathematics for Carpenters and Builders 111 Arithmetic 111 ArithmeticAlphabet 111 NotationandNumeration 111 RomanNotation 113 Definitions 113 SignsofOperation 115 UseoftheSignsofOperation 116 Fractions 117 Decimals 122 CompoundNumbers 126 Ratios 127 Proportion 127 RuleofThree 128 Percentage 128 PowersofNumbers(Involution) 129 RootsofNumbers(Evolution) 129 P1:FCH GB106-FM GB106-Miller133(8) October15,2004 23:0 CharCount=0 viii Contents Measures 131 LinearMeasure 132 SquareMeasure 133 CubicMeasure 133 DryMeasure 135 BoardorLumberMeasure 136 LiquidMeasure 137 MeasuresofWeight 137 TimeMeasure 139 CircularMeasure 139 TheMetricSystem 140 Geometry 142 Lines 142 Angles 142 PlaneFigures 143 Solids 146 GeometricalProblems 146 Mensuration 167 Trigonometry 182 TrigonometricFunctions 182 Functions of Numbers 197 Summary 197 Review Questions 197 Chapter 6 Surveying 199 The Level 199 ConstructionoftheWyeLevel 199 LinesoftheLevel 201 AdjustmentsoftheWyeLevel 202 LevelingRod 205 MethodsofLeveling 206 DirectionsforUsingLevel 209 TrigonometricLeveling 211 The Transit 212 ConstructionoftheTransit 212 LinesofaTransit 218 AdjustmentsoftheTransit 219 P1:FCH GB106-FM GB106-Miller133(8) October15,2004 23:0 CharCount=0 Contents ix AdjustmentsoftheCompass 221 InstructionsforUsingtheTransit 222 Gradienter 224 CareofInstruments 224 The Stadia 225 Other Devices 226 Laser Levels 227 Summary 232 Review Questions 232 Chapter 7 The Design Process 233 Design Considerations 233 An Example of Design 236 ConferencewithBuilder 236 ChangesAgreedOn 238 Summary 240 Review Questions 241 Chapter 8 Building Specifications 243 Example of Specifications 243 Introduction 243 HeightofCeilings 243 InterpretationofDrawings 244 Conditions 244 Mason’sWork 244 Foundation 245 Chimneys 245 Mortar 245 InstallingDrywall 245 Tiling 245 OtherFloors 246 Coping 246 Timber 246 Framing 246 SpacingandBridging 247 Partitions 247 Lumber 247 P1:FCH GB106-FM GB106-Miller133(8) October15,2004 23:0 CharCount=0 x Contents SheathingandSheathingPaper 247 ExteriorFinish 247 Shingling 247 Flashing 248 Flooring 248 WindowFrames 248 Sash 248 Screens 248 Glazing 248 Blinds 248 DoorFrames 248 Doors 249 InteriorTrim 249 Stairs 249 Mantels 249 PantryCabinets 250 ClosetShelving 250 Plumbing 250 ElectricWiring 250 WaterPipes 250 KitchenSink 251 WashTrays 251 BathroomFixtures 251 Painting 251 ConditionofBids 252 Summary 252 Review Questions 252 Chapter 9 Architectural Drawings 255 Use of Drawings 255 Reading Drawings 255 ProjectedViews 255 TopVieworPlan 256 Right-EndView(Elevation) 256 Left-EndView(Elevation) 258 Sections 258 P1:FCH GB106-FM GB106-Miller133(8) October15,2004 23:0 CharCount=0 Contents xi DirectionsofViewforSectionalViews 259 TheScale 260 Drawing Development 262 Graphic Symbols 267 Summary 278 Review Questions 279 Chapter 10 Building Styles Explored 281 The Two-Story New England Colonial House 281 A House of Modern Architecture 284 The Contemporary House 285 Utility Pole-Type Building 287 Summary 291 Review Questions 292 Appendix Construction Hardware 293 Index 349

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