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• I A I -- BULK RATE j U.S. POSTAGE PAID I· CARMEL,CA ' I) Permit No. 149 .. ~,': . ·V oluae 89 No.~ On the Internet: www.carmelpiaecoae.com January 31-February 6, 2003 . . ,- . ~ ~ - , - - • " :.· r ) . . ) , rl , ' .' Coastal fix . Repair of mammoth prOportions ' By TNMRA GRIPPI moves in two A HUGE crane loomed over Cannel Beach this week as the city prepared to contend with numerous three- to five-ton boulders that had been balancing precariously since rough directions winter storms dislodged them. ... The City is waiting for an emergency permit from the California Coastal Commissiqn to lower an excavator onto the beach with a 150-ton crane in By TA/IMRA GRIPPI· order to move the large rocks into a '· .'T here are · stable pile . THE CALIFORNIA State Assembly approved Carmel Public Works Director Jim a bill Thursday setting two-year tenns for-eight Cullem explained that during the some pretty members of the California Coastal Commission - storms, the high waves stripped the the lawmakers' answer to a recent appeals court beach of its sand, dislodging some of ruling that the powerful state board is unconstitu- big stones in the rip-rap boulders that had been tional. . stacked 20 years ago to support the Meanwhile, the state Senate appears poised to eroding embankment. . approve legislation setting four year tenns for the there.' · The shifting pile of rock, "left majority of the coastal commissioners. Senate _ Jim Cullem some high-perched boulders that President John Burton championed an amendment could flatten somebody in a heart- to the legislation introduced in the Senate a week • · l.· _ beat," Cq.lteni said. . · ... · · · ago that would double the length of the proposed ·l'Kt<I~IIQ:"\ti!hfADI'$'t.t .¥ . . tJfidamage--during a tenns for commissioners. . .r.-_a.j~~•• ~fff~~~~lai:JJ;:-c:~v~'!f:~~-.a. f9ngn~ The longer tenn so\uti.on-'!~the VJP,POrt ~hlte ~~~~~~!djUi·~~wm~~~~~-~·moom~~~-· State Senate's ~ ~:e~urce .committee tbis caim - "the perfeCt' -~ .. · week. That bill could reacll the Senate floor as repairs," Cullem said, noting that the next window of oppor early as Monday. . tunity would not open for at least another month. Once the legislation passes the Senate, the two Granite Construction won the $120,000 job to reset the houses will negotiate over the ultimate length of rocks at tbtee plaees alQng S.cenic Road 12th and PHOTO/PAUL MILLEII betw~en terms. Because the bills were proposed during a 13th avenu~ repair-the rock foundation .of a sea wall Granite Construction crews made preparations for a major repair project .i" near 13th Avenue. on Carmel Beach Thursday afternoon. The cily hopes to use a 150-ton See APPEAL page 8A Time is of the essence to protect locals - especially curi crane to lower this pieee of equipment onto the beach. ous kids - from danger, Cullem said. "There are some pret Squirrels stage Carmel comeback ty big stones in there. The best thing to do is to stabilize them." . The city council will be able to review the repair plan at its upcoming meeting. By TAMARA GRIPPI larger litters and can reestablish themselves more quickly. Funds for the emergency repairs will most likely come At o,p.e point, D'Ambrosio asked the Department of Fish from the city's stonn damage reserve account. Since Cannel CARMEVS GREY squirrels, which could be seen and Game if it would be possible to transplant some squirrels Beach was not declared a natural disaster, the city is not eli -scampering along telephone wires and chattering in pine here. . gible for a reimbursement from the Federal Emergency trees before the entire population was -wiped out by disease "I understand the reason why they didn't want to do that," ~anageD)eflt~gency. · in the 1980s; are making a comeback. See SQUIRRELS page 8A Residents in the southern end of toWn say they are delighted to see a few of the fluffy-tailed critters once again making themselves at home in Cannel. A group of unofficial squirrel watchers have counted as niany as eight squirrels living in Mission ·Trail Nature· Preserve, according to Carmel Assistant City Administrator Greg D'Ambrosio. And several Carmelites, including city councilwoman Barbara Livingston, are proud to have a resident squirrel once again living in their trees. · ·. ''The sighting of just one squirrel in our yard is cause for great celebration," Livingston said · · Residents are starting to recognize ~e tell tale signs of their nimble neighbors - chewed up pine cones and a liyely chattering overhead. ''They've .been very busy," said Maiy Jaue Sligar. "We hear t1lem arguing w.ith the crows." . - -· In the mid-l980s. Carmel's entire squirrel ~on was killed off by a mange mite epidemic, according to Lisa Hoefler of the SPCA of Monterey County. nature "Unfortunately it's one of those things does in termS of gcles," Hoefler explained. "When the population gets too dense-more than the carrying ~ity of the land Clll bwcUe----these diseases spread lib wildf'rre." Hoefta- . 11le ~ killed squirrels aU C'Nt:l tbe ......... IDd . • far 80I1b .. 811111 Cnlz, IS yan ... .._ .........1 e8rol dllllllv •Iiiii to Jtlltm ._,etve&~ 111e liblyhlve .. ..... . . v..a_,..._IOII.., . ~~·'. · '· ~- Hoder lli4. . · ' · ·· · l~ •rtei,.-Sciw• w grUt#. ftll•, •• a• C~l l•..l.l.l•i :i·'-a·, ;lll(i~ beea slow ••• . Wi..lli.• '-Iller Carmel's gtf!l( ~irrels, a ~ ~ of locals, en fird - typany just two t.bia. By ~ blve ly returning to the city after being Wiped ~ by an epidemic. ) 2 A The Carmel Pine Cone January 3 l, 2003 New DMFPO president pUts fire, woter ond traffic of top of list to.~d~ By PAUL MILLER "When you look at video ·from the an agreement signed by ~P.W. CEO Bill Huckleberry Hill fire, you nave to be just Perocchi in October 2000. · A FORMER attorney with the U.S. Air amazed at hpw quickly fire can move down "It is very important to the people of Del Force, Jim Nero, was elected president of the a street - it comes at you like a wall of Monte Forest that the cap on hotel rooms be Del Monte Forest Property Owneryassocia flames," Nero said of an .inferno that injured honored, that hiking and equestrian trails be tion earlier this month. He succeeds Paul 18 people and destroyed more than 30 hill maintained, and that operations at the exist Woudenberg, chaplain at the Robert Louis side homes on a dry, hot day in May 1987. ing equestrian center aren't reduced or elim Stevenson School, as head of the group tha~ He said he would coMinue the DMFPO~s inated before the new one is finished," said represents more than I ,500 homeowners in · aggressive program, along with the Pebble Nero, who is an avid rider and hiker and is a the upscale community between Carmel and Beach Community Services District, of member of the Pebble Beach riding and trail Pacific Grove. making sure· undeveloped lots in the forest association. · Nero said that during his year as president don't become overgrown fire hazards. He also said the DMFPO would cont~ue of the DMFPO he would "do everything in Nero also said his group would be close to support the P.B. water reclamation pro his power to· maintain _the wondrous beauty ly monitoring the Pebble Beach Company's ject, which has drastically reduced use of of Pebble Beach" - a goal that includes pro plans for new hotel rooms, a new golf course drinking water on golf courses in Del Monte tecting open space not only from develop and a relocated equestrian center to make Forest. "Some of that water should be made ment, but from fire. sure they are carried out in accordance with · available for remodels and for building homes Qn vacant lots," he said. Nero listed several other concerns that would be at the top of his agenda: • Improvements to the congeste·d Highway 1 - Highway 68 interchange; • Better cell phone high-speed internet, servtce; • Quick~r ambulance response times; PHOTO/PAUl MillER ,' • Completion of expanded facilities for ' Jim Nero the Pebble Beach Community Services District; . ing vice presidents John Bailey and Rick .. • Undergrm.:nding of utilities whenever Verbanec, secretary Jacqueline Seaton and possible; and treasurer Gary Hornbuckle. The officers, • Adoption of short-term rental regula along with seven other .DMFPO board mem tions for the entire Del Monte Forest. bers, are elected by property owners in Del "It will be -a chafienge to follow the Monte Forest. strong leadership of Paul Woudenberg over The board meets the second Monday of the past two years. Buf I'm going to try," every month at 4 p.m. in the conference Nero said. room at the PBCSD offices at the corner of Along with a new president, the DMFPO Forest Lake Road and Lopez Road in Pebble elected its other officers for the year, includ- Beach. Enjoy Lunch in Downtown Pacific Grove at one of our fabulous restaurants .... - American Red··cross Standard First khaki's ••• :'\ re you recentlY ,,·ido\\''ed '? Aid with AED ~ ~ the best· (Automated External Defibrillator) Join Picking Up the Pieces in men's Saturday, February 1, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. $35 • Preregistration required • 625-4708 clothing Thursdays, February 2D-March 27 10 a.m.-noon • HPC meeting room A Learn American Red Cross Standard First Aid to prepare for emergencies of any kin_d. $40 • Preregistration required • 625-4708 Picking Up the Pieces is a survival course for women who have lost a spouse. Participants receive ledge practical, usable information to help them manage this l difficult time. er ' I Women in Transition: Menopause, Oiteoporosis, HRT Saturday, February 15, 10 a.m.-noon Main conference rooms. No rtgi_ltrlttoa required. For more information, call 625-4505. An opportunity to hear physicians discuss menopause and current trends in relieving symptoms. Questions are welcome. Speakers: Stephanie Taylor, M.D. Tricia Markusen, M.D. ~ Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula• li•N'S CLOTHIER OF CARMI!L Innovative healthcare with a human touch lll1n ~ barnyard I ~ shopping viii All classes and support groups listed are held at Community Hospital unless otherwise noted. The Hartnell Professional Center, identified as HPC, i located at 576 Hartnell Street across from the. main po .t office Exit ~ 1 at C.mel valley Rd· • on Carmel in downtown Monterey. Classes will be canceled 48 hours before course date if le than five people have regi tered. Rancho Blvd.; right on Clr'mel Rancho Lane• . .. r • january 3 1, 2003 The Carmel Pine Cone 3 A TREATED WASTEWATER COULD FLOW .T O LAGOO II Bonu~ for threatened fish number of federal agencies weigh in on any Carmel River tant resource and a conservation of a resource - a big deal Lagoon project since is habitat for the threatened steelhead in this area - and .it's preservation of wildlife habitat," he trout. The department of fish and game, the regional water. said. "That's just a few of them." • By f'MRY BROWNFIELD quality control board, the state health department, and coun ty environmental healtlt and THREE OUT of every four .weeks between April and water resources would also 1 November, the Cannel Area Wastewater District pumps want to look at the proposal. 1 reclaimed water from a high-tech treatment plant to the golf Von Dohren said the j courses of Pebble Beach. The water is used for irrigation but, plan's many benefits pose a I · because of high mineral content, has to be replaced with strong argument for its drinking water every fourth week. During that week, the final implementation. stage of the tre_atrnent plant shuts ~own, and the treated "It's reuse of an impor- wastewater flows out to sea. Last summer, Roy Thomas of the Carmel River Steelhead Association · asked CAWD General Manager Ray von Dohren if that week:s worth of reclaimed wlter could be used to · enhance the environment of the Carmel River Lagoon for the benefit of steelhead trout and other fauna and flora, which suffer when the river ' dries up every summer. "I started investigating to see if putting the treated wastewater into the lagoon would be feasible and practi cal under current health requirements, and it is," von Dohren said. "Everyone ·I PHOTO/ PAUL MILLER talked to was enthusiastic The wastewater plant off Highway l could start pumping treat The Carmel Pine Cone Real Estate Section about it." ed water into the Carmel River Lagoon as soon as this summer. The California It's where buyers and sellers meet! - Department of Fish and Game, the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District, the steelhead association and state parks all reacted positively to the idea, according to von Dohren. "We never got anybody negative," he said. The CAWD board of directors voted 4-0 Jan. 23 to hire Calmer Engineering, from Lafayette, to study the feasibility -· of pumping treated wastewater into the lagoon. Several agencies have already contributed cash to help . pay for the $8,000 study, which will examine design, water quality and other issues. The steelhead association pledged REAL ESTATE $1 ,000, as did the water management district, and the Pebble ON THE PENINSULA. Beach Company contributed $2,000, according to von BY JOHN S. LEVINSON Dohren. "I think it would really help the lagoon because treated "STAGING" water would be better quality than the runoff that goes in YOUR HOM~; there now," von Dohren said of the anticipated 10 0-to-125 Here's a relatively new acre feet that could go to the lagoon. . tenn. "Staging" your home Delivering the water to the lagoon might not be too cost means preparing it to look ly, because the sewage treatment plant is just a few hundred especially appealing to potential buyers-:-brighten yards away. . ing rooms, painting, adding But· firing up the final stage of the plant to put the water flowers, and other decora through a tertiary treatment process - which brings it to a tive touches. In a recent high standard of purity - isn't free. Von Dohren said the article, Dian Hymer had this price, about $12,000 per week of operation, could come from to say about "staging": river augmentation funds available from various government "A homeowner in Aptos, California learned the hard agenctes. way what a difference stag . While von Dohren hopes to have CAWD-treated water in ing a home for sale can the lagoon by this summer - perhaps through a pilot pro make. She listed her home gram to test the practice - he admitted such a timeline is for sale last year with an optimistic. agent who told her to do · "The study would take two to three months, but the big nothing to get her home ready for sale. The agent concern is what environmental work we might have to do insisted that it was a waste because of other agencies," he said. "I hope we don't have to of time to fix a house up for do an EIR, which would take another year." sale because the buyers State parks· owns the lagoon and surrounding land, and a , would surely want to redec orate to suit their own tastes. After months on the market without even a nibble from an interested buyer, the home was withdrawn from the market. The owner then consulted a different agent. This agent detailed all the cosmetic improvements that needed to be done in order to sell the home. "The home was re-listed after all the suggested improvements were com pleted. It Sold with multiple offers the first week it was on the market --the second time. It also sold for more than the list price." Yes-it is worth prepar ing your home for sale. And yes, a s'easoried real estate professional can offer prof itable advice about "stag ing" your home. Questions? Call John Levinson at 659-8002. [email protected] peninsuTarealtor.com John Levinson is a Rea/to with The Mitchell Gro~p. ·' 4A The Carmel Pine Cone January 31 , 2003 intent was mailed 01/06/02. Vehicle towed. The Carme&-by-tlle-$ea: Camino Real resident 1989 BMW 325i contained trash, c.o ins, hats, reported 1 limb fallin& on a utility line at her Police.& CDs and boxes. . ' neighbor's home. Line appeared to be TV or Carme&-by-tlae-Sea: Contacted a subject at telephone and was not pulled from the house. Missiqn and Sixth and advised him of the CMC She said she would notify her neighbor. Sheriff's Log regarding camping ~ public. He was provided Carmel-by-tile-Sea: Acacia resident information on where to camp. advised her cat was missing. She was con Carmel-by-the-Sea: Female called and cerned her neighbors might have been keeping. reported she was notified by her bank that her cat because of ~ P.roblems. Neighbor someone attempted to use her debit card num- • refused to answer the door. Dispatch called at ber at a Best Western Motel in the Carmel area. 1900 hours and the resident said police vvould She did not know the exact number and bad LeWd messages no way to a woman's heart See POUCE LOG page 6B blocked the card. The funds had not been taken from her accovnt. Advised her that if she had' further informa BIG · SUR ·I tion about which motel was HERE'S A look at some of the significant SUNDAY, JANUARY 19 ipvolved then she should con RiVER I N N calls logged by the Carmel-by-the-Sea Police Cannel-by-the-Sea: Vehicle' parked at San Department and the Monterey County Sheriff's Carlos and Eighth was found to have $1,075 in tact the department for further investigation. Department last week. outstanding parking citations on file. Letter of t-· y,, two fOr One • i I Wtnt to Btnk •ltlt II•/ • Lunch! Take a ride down the beautiful Big Sur Coast- Enjoy lunch for two .... Out Conrenla11t Loettlo111: Charles T. Chrietzberg, Jr. the second lunch Uon'ta.-ay ·is on the houseJ The Banker wbo Listens! 84-9-4-600 lunch offer available monday rhrougb friday throu8b March 30 ·a room for two Crova Paef-flc dinner for two 655-4-goo . Car-mal breakfast for two. 62.5-4200 STAY FOR THE NIGHTI &ltmal-by-tha-~aa 626-8999 I ~allnae SBA LOAN EXPRESS 422-4600 c,.uz g..nf'a lodging oler available thursday through sunday through Much 30 holidays SBA LOAN EX.PR.I!SS 4-69-geoo r.BitJ Sur 1tiver 'lnn flll'l'llr~ Butln•••, '~111111 .-- I' tn Lllfenlng[• ':=---- -~----./ ~ ------..___ ~---- ·~ 1:=5) ~ .. • -..,I Member F.D.J.C. 25 scenic ~es south of Carmel on Highway One in Big Sur SBA Preferred Lender 800/548-3610 831/667-2700 Equal HousJng Lender . www.bigsurriverinn.com THE NEW YORK TIMES MAGAZINE CROSSWORD PUZZLE I . THIS'LL ONLY HURT A BIT BY NANCY SALOMON AND Boe PEOPLES I Eon:Eo BY WIU' SHORTZ ACROSS SS Crooner with a 118 Elocutionist's 29Starof 1 Preparati~n for megaphone phrase "Youngblood." surgery, perhaps 56 Prima ballerina lll Stone marker 1986 32 Rocker Olenn Sit won't keep you 57 One and only 123 Disease fighter 33_Graham, up 59 Census datum 124 32-Down, ' 1940's-50's • 10Nurses 60 Preachers' targets bandwise Cievelarid QB 14 Divers' gear 62 Driver's job 12STaken in 34 Kind of position 19Low woman? 64 Lines of thought, 126 Body of art 35 Angels' playing for short? lOOften-quoted line 127 Mach 2 fliers field 6S Something to shoot 21 Reason for 128Carne up 36Raines of"Hail the for compensation ll9Goesoff Conquering Hero" t 68Jiffy 22 Former Integra 38Declarer 69 Some jeans maker 41 Hawkish deity DOWN 73 Most impertinent Pasta l3 Slapstick, e.g. .. 42 shape 1 Store sign 2S It may be picked up 78 Compressed 43.W hat the Queen lFools in a locker '81 Lab sound turns into in "Snow 3 Hitting opportunity 84Sticker W\ite" 26Lightly bite 4 Bellini heroine 86 Fit for farming 44Planting 27 Canine;s coat S 'The Gremlins" J l8 Skiing·s tyle 87 Sushi offering 46 Bow and arrOW author 90 Calls it quits earner ... 30 Gridiron feint 6 E-mail address 47Gawk. 93"Wow!" 31 Satirist Freberg ending, maybe 48 Letters on some 95 It's done with a 3lBehaving 7 Machine piece PUf!lPS twist sheepishly? 8Back 49T. . 96 Company with the 37 Painter Andrea del old mascot Little 9Untamcd 51 Like non-oyster months Oil Drop IO"Enough already!" II 39 Somme saison 52 On the other hand' 97 "I wanna!" 11 First-aid supply 40 So-called page- 531bomas Nelson 98 As written 110utlet insert , 41 oPnreesrc hooler's 101 Ssimzeawlli dsere sses, 13 Prison tenn PVuagginei'as"" In_ 771lT Pwasot-at ismhaep ues. s. 8812 VHianitra cgoel owrh eels 94Foraimgiinlyal clyha ot wned lOB Lboinogkestro arte a I instruction 103 Detailed 14 aWftoerrd" boehf"o re and StNRAesSeaAr'csh_ C ente. r Open winner 83 Antlered Eurasian cthoem Cpaadniyll ac 109BDaosuebblaeldla'sy 4SSporty Chevy, 74COOI descriptio.n 15 Battery part 58 0dd mannerisms animals ?3Sk.ipped 110 Speed demon informally 75 Poetic adverb 107Lift 99f1ockey no-nos I 16M uch-hyped 61Eggon 8S Knife pitched on 113Busyas_ 47 Comparatively 111 Mother of Helen of 76Putaway I 00 Junk bond rating contests 63 Driving hazard . TV 114 Garb for grads superficial . Troy 77Russia's ltar-_ lOlFlap 50 Round opening? Ill Monkeyshines 17 Onetime capital of 66 "-on a hill news agency 88Peepers .t030reat time 116 Fair-hiring lettcr:s 113 Potential life aver Poland cannot be hidden": 79Family name in 89Prize since 1949 104Caused 119Man-_ IIFiUed to exec s Matt. 5:14 Olympic kiing lOS Baseball bigwigs 120 Vietnam's 115 Jane Eyre's pupil 91 Bunde tag vote Dinh Diem . Answer to puzzle U 1936 Olympics 67Loaded 80Move, in Realtor· 106Miloof"Uly ses," on page 7A 117 Strip lighting hero 70Thrill peak 9lChurch reading 1967 Ill Bam denizens / ' I - - - -- - - - ~~ - ,. January 3 1, 2003 The Carmel Pine Cone 5 A Close vote in fOvor ·o f C.V. homes By MARY BROWNFIELD of a replacement plan for the oaks, and said Car Accident Report "" Something You Should Know th~re would be drainage, erosion and traffic D EEPLY DIVIDED over whether problems. The homeowners group said an Monterey Peninsula, CA· A FREE REPORT, has been made avail building two houses on one parcel is justi EIR should be conducted. able to residents of the Monterey Car Accidents are often misunder fied by an existing law or sets a "distressing Representing the Kennys and McFarland, Peninsula that reveals... · stood., Many accident victims ·are precedent" that could yield defacto subdivi attorney Myron "Doc" Etielll\e said they .I How To Know IfI t Is 1ime To unaware of their rights. The pain sions all over Monterey Co\mty, the board of were well within their rights to build, had and misery .from hidden injuries can be Settle Your Case .I flow To Know IfY our (.Pains May supervisors voted 3-2 this week to allow two spent $138,000 for numerous studies and weeks, months, even years down the Be. Permanent homes to be built on $ 30-acre parcel in the promised to record a deed that would prevent road. After an accident, many feel frus .I How To Protect YOUR RIGHTS hills above mid-vaJley, further development on a property which trated because they don't know how To get your Free Report Mailed To You The o\vners of the lot, which is adjacent could legally accommodate eight homes if it they should feel and what they should Today, Call 1-800-556-0330 to the Tierra Grande neighborhood, received were subdivided. do. Find out what you ne·ed to know. .. 24 HR. RECORDED MESSAGE ·.permits for one 4,029-square-foot house Assistant planner Timothy Johnston rec with a 732-square-foot garage for John and ommended the board approve the project, Martha Kenny, and a 6,907-square-foot since current county code allows up to four I house with a 1,332-square-foot garage and a residences on one parcel and all environ d 600-square-foot guest house for Barbara mental concerns were addressed and mitigat I Mcfarland. They also have permission to ed in the 54 conditions of approval. A remove 35 oak trees out ofmore than 2,400 forester concluded replanting 35 oaks on a on the land. parcel with "thousands" would not be neces On Jan. 28, .t he Rancho Tierra Grande ~' and since it is a steeply sloped canyon, Association asked sui>ervisors to overturn· most of the property will remain open space. the planning commission's approval of the Representing the Rancho Tierra Grande plan, alleging that unrelated people building Association, which appealed the planning separate homes on one property is basically commission's approval, Charles Ludeman Cypress Inn Hotel a subdivision and therefore violates the said supervisors should only allow one moratorium on dividing lots in Carmel house on the property. Valley. "~s is not ag land, it's not affordable cannels Landmark Hotel The group also complained about the lack See BATTLE page 7A since 1929 Now Open for Dinner Tea · LE's ~Afternoon ~ ~M ·7·N ights a Week! Early Bird Dinner- $9.95 -Served from 1:oo to 3:45pm Daily ·EST. 1955 4:30pm to 6:00pm • Includes Soup or Salad ·(Reservations required) WITH YOUR CHOICE OF: Prime Rib or Beef, Fresh Pacific Salmon, Fillet of Sand· Dabs, Lamb Shank Lincoln and 7th, Carmel Spinach & Cheese Ravioli OR Chicken Picata . lkhind thl· llot!·, Bn·ath • 6~:'-(,7XO Ol'l '\ Box Y, carmel, CA 93921 l>olon·' hl\\11. :'lh ,'i,. hlh • ( armd - \\11)\11' 800/443-7443 (CA) 831/614-3871 .. The world's ~ largest women's .' ) fitness & weight loss franchise! Guinness World Records 2002 "30 Minute Fitness & Weiaht Loss CentersN call: 647-t9oo www. curvespacificgrove. com C 2002 Curves International PEBBLE BEACH" on CANNERY ROW 70 50% & OFF SELECTED APPAREL BIG SAVINGS ALL DAY EVERYDAY New Merchandi se Weekly . Visit Pebble Beach on Cannery Row. The perfect place to find genuine qualitY souvenirs from the world famous Pebble Beach Resorts and courses. Located at the comer of Prescott and Cannery Row. Store Hours: 11 a.m- 7 p.m., Daily (831) 6~2--6442 f. , I., I I I • I .. -· 6 A The Carmel Pine Cone January 31, .2003 L o w i n t e r e s t r a t e s s a v e c i t y $ 4 7, 0 0 0 f ' - " By TNMRA 'GRIPPI 1. that money will be added to the city's capital improvement ~ better offer, the firm revised its proposal, according to a I, reserves. staff report written by Guillen. I THE BRJGHT spot in the troubled economy - record The council was pleased to learn the good news after Ultimately, the city was more impressed with Western low interest rates - will produce more than $47,000 in sav months of disappointing sales and hotel tax revenues. Municipal Securities' offer, particularly because firm would I' ~ngs for the City of Carmel. .. We're looking at every financial structure we have in the not penalize the city.for retiring its debt early. Under the cur Last week, the city council approved a refinancing plan for city to find ways to save money to prepare for the upcoming rent plan, the city will finish its payments in 20 I 0. Rio Park, which the city purchased for $1.75 million in 1990. budget and for years to come," Guillen said. "We have to be ''The fact that Western Municipal Securities quoted the Originally financed with a City-backed bond issue,~ Rio as creative as we can." best rate they could get from the beginning speaks volumes Park will now have a mortgage from Western Municipal At the Jan. 22 council meeting, merpbers unanimously about how they do business," Gu'illen 's report stated. Securities that will cut the interest rate from 7.4 percent to endorsed the proposal from Western Municipal Securities. In 1990, the city bought. the six-acre Rio Park - strad 3.7 5 percent. Another firm, Brandis-Tallman., originally approached the city · dliJlg the Carmel River between Larson Field and the Carmel . By reducing its annual payments, the city will save a total with an offer that would reduce the i'nterest to 4.3 percent sewage treatment plant - to ke~ it from being developed. t j of $47,650. Carmel City Administrator Rich Guillen said.·. After Brandis-Tallmari was inform~d the city had received County zoning still allows for c~n~ction of eight houses J ' on the property. • • The city orig.inally planned to use the land for a ball field and other recreation with improved trails. It has never been • i annexed to the city. /1• E • f • A • 1·· t • I• fJ • A' f. • f.'~ ,.,.~------ ~1 AntiqUe Furn~ure, Lighting, Traditional Arts of Japan and Publications ~ Deidre (Bunny) D . Farrar 240 The Crossroads Shopping Village Carmel Deidre (Bunny) D. Farrar, 54, passed LEAVING FOR JAPAN ON OUR SEMI-ANNUAL BUYING TRIP away on January 14 'I in Phoenix, Ariz. INVENTORY REDUCTION SALE after a courageous 50o/o 65°/o TO OFF SELECTED MERCHANDISE battle with cancer. She liv~d in La Jolla, Calif. from 1969 to 1984 and spent the past nine years in Carmel, Calif. Bunny is survived by her daughters, Nicole Fahrer and Caroline Farrar of Scottsdale, >+ 4-+ Ariz., her mother, Marjorie Hermie, sister, • l Ricke Ellis of Palm Desert, Calif., and her · sister Nancy Hermie of San Diego, Calif. Her infectious personality touched many lives and she will be missed but never forgot ten,. She was an active tennis player at the Beach and Tennis dub and worked with many charities. while in La J alia. · Memorial services are scheduled for Sunday, Febru~ry 2 at 1:00 pm at the Mission Gardens in Santa Cruz Memorial Park., 1927 Ocean Street. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the American Cancer Society, c/o Jill J Chamblin (602) 381-3082; 2929 E. 1 · lhomas.Road, Phoenix, Ariz. 85016. • ~ ~............. ~ . r ,. I Mercedes-Benz of Monterey ' 498 Fremont Street • (831) 375-2456 nw. W~tlon, cell 1·800-FOA·UERctDES, Of' vlsi1 MBU~com. ,. january 3 1, 2003 The Carmel Pine Cone 7A • • u 'l ·BATTLE During the appeal, numerous Tierra Project supporters characterized many of administrative officer Sally Reed cautioned Grande residents. and some environmental the critics as fear mongers engaging in a the board against changing • requirements From p11ge SA · and land-use groups, including the Sierra malicious campaign ' against the property midstream. Club, .a conservation group from Elkhorn owners. "I hate to see someone come in and read· housing, it's not the same family or even rel Slough and LandWatch Monterey County, "In this case, we have been asked to par the rules, and then have us decide maybe atives, and they're not lo~-term owners," he said the approval constituted an "end run ticipate in an effort to poison the well of pub they shouldn't apply in this case," she said. said. "These are unrelated parties." around the subdivision moratorium" and lic opinion against these people," one Tierra "People come it) to the planning department, Ludeman said 257 Tierra Grande resi could leaa to unprecedented levels of devel Grande resident told the board. "We are in and we should be able to tell them what the dents signed a petition asking for one house opment if every owner of a large parcel in full agreement with the planning commis- · rules are." and th~· 800-member Carmel Valley Monterey County asked permission to build . sion's approval. Support the rights of owner Reed suggested the board direct staff to Association supported the appeal. multiple homes. ship they deserve and we iQ Rancho Tierra look into the implications of the county '• Jan. 28 did not mark the first battle · "To approve this is to tum a blind eye to Grande enjoy." code, after which supervisors could decide between the applicants and the RTG the precedent it will set," said the Elkhorn Fifth District Supervisor Dave Potter said to change it. Association. They faced off before the board Slough representative. "You will have 350 he could support one house on the property, Ultimately, supervisor Edith Johnsen and in March 200 l over water rights and later parcels doubling and quadrupling." but feared· separate parties with separate board chairman Fernando Annenta sided • . I regarding a "non-access strip" that seemed to Others· raised the specters ·of development homes on one parcel could lead to the "cor with Lindley, and the board voted 3-2 to deny the owners access to their property. A on par with Carmel Valley Ranch and what poratizing of single-family neighborhoods." deny the appeal, approve the permits and Superior Court judge decided that matter in might happen if Berwick Canyon caught on Approval, he said, would·. set a "distressing accept the deed restriction on the property. ·favor of the Kennys and McFarland m fire while hundreds of people were· on the precedent." l October 2001. Kenny/McFarland parcel. Supervisor Lou Calcagno . ·~ said the county code which Answer to This Puzzle W~k's Still too mony cors on Rood entitles such development c~v. should apply to large farms, •. not smaller parcels. "As supervisor, I should By f'MRY BROWNFIELD should have been. follow the rules and regula And the numbers are even higher now, tions· and pol\cies . set in the THE BAN on new subdivisions in according to a report submitted by public book, and would have to go Carmel Valley will cont\tme, the Monterey works director Lew Bauman. In 2002, traf with staff," he said. "But Co~ty Board of Supervisors unanimously fic counts were 298 vehicles per day too looking at it from what's decided this week, because traffic counts on high between Ford Road and Los Laureles really right and what's Carmel Valley Road are' still too high. '-- Grade, and 37 1 vehicles per day too high wrong, I would have no The board originally adopted a moratori between Rancho San Carlos Road and problem setting it at one um on new residential and commercial sub Schulte Road. house and if they came back divisions in 2000 after hearing complaints According to the Carmel Valley Master with a subdivision, I could about traffic problems in the valley. Plan, once traffic in the valley reached the support two houses." The ban was extended again in 200 l, traffic threshold, development had to be "The people attempting when an average of II; 667 cars traveled each stopped until the Hatton Canyon Freeway to build these two homes day on Carmel Valley Road between Ford was built. Since the demise of the .'freeway have spent a huge amount of Road and Los Laureles Grade - 67 more project, according to Bauman, supervisors money and a lot of time to than the county wanted. Even more were set. different criteria to replace that old lan use a small part of their using the valley road between Rancho Carlos guage, settling on the completion of .the property," supervisor Butch Road and Schulte Road: a total of 16,537 on Lindley countered. an average day, 197 more cars than there S.ee BAN page BA Before the vote, county SIMPLE BUSINESS PLAN: PERSONALIZ.ED SERVICE. VAST RESOURCES. I • Highly personalized service for individuals and small businesses • Business Accounts and Lending· GREATER BAY BANK • Real Estate and Construction Loans '• Non-Profit Serv.ic es C ARMEL' • International Banking A DI,V ISION oF CoAST CoMMERCIAL BANK • Personal Investment Programs 620-0140 Now open in downtown .C armel-by-the-Sea on Mission between 5th and 6th. ~ MliJonu • ~ FDIC \ \ 1 ' \' '' ' ~ I ' I I I I : ~ ' I~ I \ I ' '' I ; \ \ i ~ \ '· I I \ I ' I I \ ' ' ' ' ' 'I '. 8A The Carmel Pine Cone january 3 1,· 2003 ... .PEAL . sati~ the appeals court's concern that the ~few oft he people who spoke · Legislature - responsible for appointing against the bill had problems in ProM page 1A f eight of the 12 coastal oommissioners - ' has general with the.c oastal commis special session of the Legislature, they will become effective too much power over the commission because 90 days after receiving the governor's signature. it can fue a majority of the members at any sion· and felt this was the appropri . -..... The 3rd District Court ofA ppeal's Dec. 30 ruling that the time. ate -vehicle to address them. But the commission violates the state constitution's Separation of The legislation, which passed the Assembly Powers clause because it exercises law-enforcement powers on a 48-24 vote - would not affect the Ig over- majority ofp eople fell the appe.flate but is controlled by the Legisla~ became fmal Jan. 29. nor's ability to appoint and fire commissioners court made one simple statement of . However, the coastal commission, which has a meeting ''at will." ' a problem and this bill.wi/1 fix that ., set for next week in San Diego, is not in any danger of being "A few of the people who spoke against the stripped of its powers in the immediate future, according to bill had problems in general with the coastal problem and nothing else.' the California Attorney General's office. commission and felt this was the appropriate - John Laird Tom Dresslar, a spokesman for Attorney General Bill vehicle to addr~ss them," Laird said. "But the Lockyer, said he believes the stay of Judge Charles majority of people felt the appellate court Assemblyman John laird Kobayahsi 's original judgment against the coastal commas made one simple statement o a problem and ·Potter said he was curious to find out if the sion will remain in effect until the entire appeals process has this bill will fix that problem and nothing else." LegislatuFe 's fix will be enough to satisfy the court. Speaking been completed. Support in the Senate for longer terms may be based on to The Pine Cone from a conference in New Orleans, Potter His office plans to file an appeal to the state Supreme the belief that four-year terms would create an even greater pointed out that the legislation should make some provision Court by Feb. I 0, Dresslar said. independence from the Legislature, said Syrus Devers, leg for removing commissioners who turn out to be unsuited for The ongoing court battle has particvlar importance in islative aide to State Sen. Sheila Kuehl, the Democra.t from the job. Carmel, ..w hich lies entirely in the coastal zone, where the Santa Monica who authored the bill. "What if a person turns out to· be rude to the public, abu coastal commission has final jur'isdic~ion over everything "This will create greater stability," Devers said. sive, racjst,' and you don't know this when you appoint from parking rules to the square-footage of new houses. Coastal commissioQer and 5th District Supervisor Dave . them?" Potter argued. "You have to be able to take them out." · Potter said he expected the commission to move ahead with A simple fix? business as usual at its meeting next week. BAN Assemblyman John Laird, who represents the Monterey Peninsula, said he felt confident the two-year term would SQUIRRELS Frompage 7A climbing lane and other "capacity-increasing improve From page JA WE HAVE RELOCATED! ments" on Highway 1, as well as construction of center, D'Ambrosio said. "They don't want to ruin the gene pool or turn lanes at several intersections on Carmel Valley involve themselves in the natural regeneration." Road. Those projects have been completed. · · Now that the squirrels have begun their return, both But they also decided the moratorium couldn't end • Distressed Hoefler and D'Ambrosio encouraged Carmelites to help until the county's updated Ge~eral Plan was passed, • Limestone • Antique m.ake sure their little guys stay here. . since it will include new rules limiting subdivisions and Countertops Terracottas "They can be killed off all the time by cars," D'Ambrosio addressing traffic in Carmel Valley. •. Fireplace Mantles · • Handmade Tile said. "People should be cautious and observant." Bauman said there isn't much. public support for • Custom • Installation And Hoefler noted that squirrels can also be killed by increasing the capacity of Carmel Valley Road and, Limestone & Travertine • Sealing & kindness. "I would caution people not to get involved in given the proposed General Plan's slow-growth poli Patterned Floors Restoration Specialists feeding them," she said. "I know it's a fun hobby for a lot of cies, .it's likely very few subdivisions will occur in. the people, but it really causes problem." valley over the next 20 years. Con. Lie. #780580 I. Feeding leads to overpopulation, which leads to the dis In the meantime., the 3-year-old moratorium will stay Visit Our New Showroom! ease that wiped out the squirrels in the first place. in effect, after .the board voted to aecept Bauman's For now, Carmelites are just enjoying the sights and report and maintain the status quo. Mon.-Thurs. I 0 am - 4 pm • Friday I 0 - I sounds of the chipper critters. Prior to the board's vote, Carmel Valley resident Joe Satur~ay appointments .. "We've been without these guys for 12 years," said Ken Hertlein criticized the public works 'department for not 7t!t & Dolores, Cannel (831) 624-8659 Otrich. "It's really nice to hear the chirping in the trees reporting current Carmel Valley Road traffic counts to again." the Carmel Valley Land Use Advisory Committee and the traffic committee 5th District Supervisor Dave Potter convened to address such issues in the valley. "I wish the information could have been presented to In a financial environment them for some feedback," Hertlein said. where only your needs GRAND OPENING FEB. 1o rH! are certain, we're offering cfm4 o/ guarantees .. Carwul ~.S~dtr • Guaranteed • Flexible premium -ULTIMATE THE WEIGHT MANAGEMENT · . 2°/o Annual Interest llle Church of Carmel Mission • $1 ,000 minimum £t Bonus* 3D-MINUTE fiTNEsS FACIUTY FoR W(JMEN initial premium the Wayfarer Basilica . •.G uaranteed interest &en:is. alolffl will not help you .rtain thecutves you desitel • Issued to age 85 (A United MethOdist Church) Sat Mass: 5:30pm fulfills rat'-.f or five years First 50 Charter member receive 50% off one-time Uncoln 8 7th, Sunday obligation. .. enrollment fee! First-visit discounts always available! ! Carmel-by-the-Sea Sun. Masses: 7:00,8:00, 5.5°/o * Th~Power Rate 5SM Annuity I 9:30 a 11:00 am and 12:30 guarantees your initial (based on 12 month enrollment - low monthly rates!) t Adult Classes Sunday 9 AM a 5:30pm. ctedited interest rate for a Fun • Fast • Effective • 1-on-1 Nutrition Counseling Sunday Worship 10 am J' Confessions: Sat. 4:00 to 5:00 · . iull five years, even if market No men • No mirrors Sunday School for children lOAM PLUSl Body Wraps - Lose 5" -25" in just one hour! Days before Arst Friday and rates go down. Ages 4 thru 5th grade Holy Days 4:00 to 5:00. *An Annual Interest Bonus is Child care provided • Guaranteed access 224 crossroads Blvd., carmel Mass at Big Sur: Sundays added to the bose credited 624-LADY (5239) 624-3550 at 10:30 am. rote to give the growth of to your money www.churchofthewayfarer.com Rio Road, carmel your ~a head slart. After the first policy year, up With the current rate of to 15% of total premiums Join· us at St John's Chapel carmel 3.5%, you can lock in at / paid may be withdrawn 1490 Mark Thomas Dr. 5.5% on all ~ium without penalty. Two Girls Pres~erian the/ .f Monterey payments mOde in Church From Carmel Gr$t five Traditional )4800. . Ocean at.J unlpero, Episcopal Worship SPECIALISTS IN HOUSECLEANING } cannel-by-the-Sea 831-624·3878 1928 Prayer Book Power/Rate Annuity Bonded • Free Estimates . a ssM •• S~nday: 8:00 10:30 a.m. EST. 1979 t Contemporal'MW Orship Wednesdays: 10:00 a.m. Policies are 11sued by Alllanz Life Insurance Company Service ·at 9 t Traditional Service~ 10:30 AM 375-4463 of North America (Form Number P6900N) t OUidren and Youth Sunday School~ 10:30 AM ~the Lord In the aass Beauty of Hollntss" t Adult at 9 M1 Chrtstfan Science .. $ervlces . ·ADVERTISE -... Sunday Churdl and .. ::-. YOUR CHURCH .; .. .... sunday School 10 a.m. Monte ¥enle 5I. btwn. 5th 8 6lh EVENTHEREI CYPRESS COAST INSURANCE .AI.. -. .- ..... - Wednesday Testimony Meetings + AND FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC. 7:30 p.m. every Wed. Evening L • c•Pc, ~ ..... Willi•• CLU, MaA ' Also 12 Noon 1st Wednesday $20perweek II-~ SO MANY DIRTBALLS each .m onth Call Alex CA Uc. IOAII1057, 0370018 Readilg Room open 9 to 5 P.O. Box 7408, Carmel-by-~ea, CA 93921 SO LITTLE TIME 624-G162 (North West Comer 9th and Dolores) Slllday. Howdays 1:30 to 4:30 Weekly or every other week - we'll tailor our Una*l 5I. btwn 5th 8 6lh C8alt 62a-1o1a • (8~1) •2s-1o88 ... services to meet your needs. J • 624-3631 1·800.92~-u. . 626 4426 flftiWtdl. I I I ·' • I /' ~; I 9A The Carmel Pine Cone January 31, 2003 t:P'IJAukt'~ c.A1eMaget AT&T SHtrrfLE EN ROUTE Doing Carmel 2003 ~usiness·In By Lar.r. y ·Hoover, CBA President The AT&T is just around the next fairwaY. The As President of CBA, I want to thank our members for the job you . Carmel Business Association and the Innkeepers have all done. I Jl.ave great pride in this organization and even Association ·have collaborated this year to provide though this year will be very challenging, we as an organization shuttle service.f rom Carmel to Pebble Beach for are prepared to help you get the most out of your membership. As you .know, the CUA"ent economic situation is at an all time low. visitors and locals alike_T he shuttle will be operated I The Guide to Carmel It requires each of us to look at doing business outside of the Thursday thru Sunday from 6:30 am to 4:30pm. norm. We need to be creative in our approach and the decisions goes to press April 11. ·1 The shuttle costs $5 a day for unlimited rides to we niake. You cannot sit back and hope that things will get bet To be included in this ter. YOU need to make the difference! Now more then ever we and from Pebble Beach. You can buy your ticket and need to support our fellow members with referrals. The Guide to extremely effective board the bus at the kiosk in front of Saks Fifth Ave. Carmel is your biggest asset. Use it every day, read it often, offer marketing tool, at the Carmel Plaza. Tickets are also available at the it free to your customers. We cannot afford to let our visitor, our customers, shop, dine or sleep elsewhere. Your listing in the join the CBA today! CBA office on San Carlos between 5th & 6th, Guide is duplicated on our web page. This is a very effective tool upstairs above the Hog's Breath. to you. Is your listing up to date? Are you offering specials or added value? We want those on our web page. •Let us know. The Visitor Center receives request for Guides everyday. We keep a Calendar of database on t:Qose that we bulk mail. CBA members can access those addresses free. These are visitors planning a trip to our area. You have a great opportunity to market them with your 2/1 Futures Open House; carmel Valley; information. We are in contact with Graham & Associates on a weekly basis. We have a new format to our w.eb page in place and Art of Food Catering 4: Classes, Galante Vmeyards, 1-5 pm; 800/GALANTE we are currently working on reformatting text and updating Wendy Brodie, carmel, 62&9000, 2/3 Carmel Women's Club, Celebrating the ·tOOth information. Our first bay area radio campaign is targeted to Cooking Classes/Catering Anniversary of CBTS, Lunche9n, Poetry Reading begin in February. We will have requests going out for special john Saar Properties, J.R. Ro~, and Fashion Show, 624-2866 promotions in conj~ction with this campaign. Take advantage Carmel Rancho, 277-3464, Real Estate Sales 2/3-2/9 AT&T Pro-AM Golf Tournament; of this opportunity. We have one of the hardest working boards jon Sathert~Erlandson, Carmel, 625-6163, Pebble Beach; 649-1533(info) www.attpbgolf.com; around. I invite you to come to our Mixers, our Ribbon Cuttings, our Board Meetings and our Quarterly Member Meetings through Arcblted . S00/541-9091(tickets) Nails by Letta at Beauty Plus, Lena Sugh4li!, 2/8 u. 11y H fmann!Bill Cun1ift Tb j a Blues Co out this year and meet them. GET INVOLVED and SUPPORT . Carmel, 624-7342, Full Service .Salon n..O 0 e- e azz .; YOUR FEUOW MEMBERS. Make this your goal for 2003. Slender Lady of Carmel, Sara sender, Crossroads Shopping Center; 624-6432; Carmel crossroads, 624-5239, www.thejazzandbluescompany.com .· FREE OR ALMOST FREE MARKETING Welgbt Loss/Nutrition Center 2/8 Carmel MUsic Society; Violinist Ruth Waterman; The CBA continues to be one of your best marlc:eting tools. Please use your mem ---------------~~ Golden Bough Theater; 625-9938 bership wisely and often. 2/14-16 Monterey Co. Vintners and Grower's Assoc. t LiSting in the Guide to Carmel - Free Passport Weekend; Self-guided tours and tasting: t listing on the CBA website; wwW.cannelcalifornia.om · Free winemaker's dinners; 375-9400; t Referrals from the CBA office - Free Join us for the ART of networking on . www.montereywines.org t Display your rack cards at the Visitor Center on San Carlos btwn 5th & 6 -Free Wednesday, February 12th from 5 to 7 p.m. at 2/16-18 Monterey Symphony Concert IV; Pacific Grove t Noteworthy items in the monthly CBA NeW-sletter mailed to 500 people - send the Fingerhut Gallery located on San Carlos Middle School Auditorium; Sut'l 3pm, Mon 8pm; in your press releases. - Free between 5th & 6th. EddisoQ. & Metrose will. be 624-8511· t Mailing labels for visitors planning a trip to Carmel · Free catering the event. The whole CBA membership 2119_24 Annual Masters Food a Wine; Carmel Highlands; t Networking with fellow members at monthly mixers, refreshments included -$10 is invited, including caricatures, impressionists, 0- ; www.highlands-inn.com or t Membership mailing labels, exc~usive for CBA members · $35 62 1234 old masters and contemporaries. Members $1 0; t Flyers in the CBA Newsletter - you supply 500 flyers and we insert them and non-members $15. www.hyatt.com send them out to 500 people.-$50 ----------------.. 2/20-3/9 "MEDEA"; Cannel-Pacific RepertoryTheatt~e; t Sponsor the CBA Newsletter - your business card size ad on the front of every THANK YOU Golden Bough Theater;·622-0100 newsletter sent out, 500-$125 2/22 Steinbeck's CententWil Birthday Celebration; t Business card size ad on the tBA page in the Carmel Pine Cone that comes out A special thanks to the businesses that donated a door prize for pur January mixer: Cariigg's of Salinas; Open House; 796-3833 the last Friday of every month -$100 . Ca·rmel, March Hare, On Angel's Wings, Porta 2/24 Harrison Memorial Ubrary Lecture Series, t Your CBA staff, board of directors and fellow members working dirtctly for -PRICELESS · Bella and Town & Travel. 624-1615 The Cottage Restaurant Marjorie Fiorenza ••• where favorite breakfasts served A~@~~~ Carmel~ ar~ ALL DAY from 7:30 a.m. . . A realtor you can count on! ~~~~ 7 days a week Whether you are buying or selling, you can Above. B Beyon·d Bankingw 7:30 am -3:00pm be assured of the very best service from an agent Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner who will go the. extra mile to make your dreams come true. 26380 Carmel Ranchq Lane, 831.626.2900 Be sure to caU: 831.622.9809 or 1.800.440.9110 Lincoln Street btwa. Ocean & 7th ~ www.cottagerestaunnt.com (831) 625-6260 A}Vl14}VDA Be a part of_ The to C•rmel COLOR 59£.: fui~e Unique Clo~hing "The best little resource in town COPIES for locals 11ntl visitors"! END OF SEASO~E ·· Contact us now for inclusion In the 2003 edition No Manipulation • One coupon per order • tn-Houle prlnlng ody Save 30 to BAY PUBLISHING • Not good wMh W'l OCher ofl8r • Expn. 2-28-03 C 0 M P 1 N Y i Carmel Plaza ~RINT& ~o~v....,;. .· . ' Phone 831-373-8949 Fax 831-373-0290 (831) 620-0980 ..... f / : 1 t • I • I I j t I • . • ' ' , ,.. ~ t • , I 1 , • .. ' ··ALAN H. CORDAN REALTOR P.O. Box 7496 ~CA93921 Business: (831) 62s-4393 F~imJle (831) 62s-439S Home OfBce: (831) 625-1964 Toll Free: (888) 333--SOLD (7653) EmaJl: lofoeconlao.com Website: www. conlan.com .. ·' I • - . ' 10 A The Carmel Pine Cone janlpry 3 1, 2003 " I. I Masters of Food and Wine gathering draWs near · "" ' ' t ... By MARGOT PETIT NICHOLS gious restaurants ~ere and abroad. An ~vita­ $2,500 each for a place at the table; this year . An innovation this year will be Thursday "I . tion tp participate in this five-day spectacu it's even more. · nigh~s' "All Ladies Night'' fuo~sing event T' S A gathering," according to lar is highly coveted. From the opening reception the evening bringing together female chefs, vintners and Highlands Inn General Manager .Andrew The very, very special Jame$ House of Wednesday, Feb. 19 wi~ 50 celebrated sommeliers presented by Highlands Inn and Davidson, speaking of the up-coming 17th Rarities dinner features 22 rare wines paired wineries alongside 13 world-renowned chefs the San Francisco Bay Area aff"tliate of the annual Mastel'S of Food & Wine, a premier to a dinner prepared by Gary Danko of Gary preparing their signature dishes, to the fmal Susan 6. Komen Breast Canc.er Foundation. of U.S. culinary event. "But it's not to make Danko in San Francisco, Todd English of noontime event Sunday, Feb. 23 - th~. For a booklet listing all events, partici money." · Olives .and Figs, and pastry chef Gale Gand Seafood Market Grill - all events will be pants and ticket prices, call (800) 401-1109 Tickets to any of the 19 events run from ofTru in Chicago. It will cost a pretty penny attended by gastronomes and oenophiles or go online at www.mfandw.com for infor $100 to $350 per person per event, yet the because of the wines selected by Director of who often ttavel great distances to come to mation or to order tickets. high artistry inherent in its culinary and wine Wine Bernabe De Luna. the Masters at Highlands Inn Park Hyatt. · personnel and costly ingredients of its din Only 24 dinerS can be accommodated at Parents Night Out Feb. 13 at Rio Grill. ners, luncheons demonstrations and wine the glamorous James House dinner in the tastings are not inexpensive. archit~ctural jewel adjacent to Highlands Inn The gathering will bring line c·ooks, sous on the cliffs overlooking the Pacific. The Rio chefs, master sommeliers and 33 · culinary 1918 house was desi~ed by Charles GRILI.:S ftrst ever '"Parents Night of two salads, three entrees, and three artist chefs from some of the most presti- Sumner Greene. Last year diners paid Out" is set for ThurscJay, Feb. 13 with a de.sserts. Reservations can be made for 5:30, VaJentine theme, allowing parents to enjoy a 6:30 or 7:30p.m. and children of all ages are romantic dinner together while their children invited. Cost of the evening is $95 per fami play, create crafts and ~njoy fun food it) the ly, inclusive Qf oqe child, plus tax and gratu private Santa Fe Room at the Grill super ity. Additional children are welcome at a cost vised by VIP childcare service. provider, of $15 ·per child. Corporate Kids Events. · For information . and reservations, call · Executive Chef Sherman Johnson will 625-5436'. prepare a three course dinner with a choice OULL CARMEL VALLEiY Visit JouUian's New Village Tasting Room in the '.'Joseph DeMaria " bullding ofc lassical stone design. Jou//ian specializes in estate-produced . Sauvignon Blanc. Cabernet Sa~ignon. s Carmel·Valley only Zinfandel and Monterey Chardonnay. 2 Village Drive • Carmel Valley (831) 659-8100 • Toll Free (866) 659-8101 -· ----------- .. ..... ~ I I I I I .I a friend I I to lunch I • I I I I

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