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'1 • , I .. -' . " , ,. ' r • , .,: or ;, .. .' f- ~ ~, .rI ; - , - , ~ oj , , ~.­ ... ' .' .. " . ~. , ' , _ • .. -. 4, c~ .: ,,;',":-, ByT~·AId~ ~' .... i$'. ANYoNE ~~ sunSet ~QIl ~ ~ ~ wHo swing rosif drive down San Carlos Stied:~~the ~ aacI the ppQIg bole where the waH Df the stage house used to stand " ;.. .', o· '.'" pro.iCet " Ken ~ R~'.~OII8 ~;., . crews have nearly , ,- completed the fm .~..) .1 ..... 'oftlie' .I.'.!..V..~ ~,~ sh, in, ~ ... •. . reambovoaul ~t.". ..,nc .t . . '.i'll the process o' f taking dow,n the Rhoe ..- .... :.::~ by niN-.-. . " ~ . '-'--.... , ....... ~t-¥....,.., r.~. ;r.t ~.. . • C~on of the,s tap home -wil~. bepl' in ltOebtielen 'bas removed the asbestoS from tho:f tooPng aDd plaster on ~ iDlidi. ' : dIeater'. By COD trast the roof shingles ~ eooWniaatcd by ' ap ex'b~ 1_ 'COIICCOtraUon of Wenbain' , , " " , , asbes~. - ' creW, are JUuiaa'the iMP' of the ~ ''NiDety percent di Che visible ,demoli~ " non is die stage ~ area a@d tbe roof of the au4itorium," WenhBtB said. "The _ of it is interior stUff." ,- , -' , '-' ., . For'the next week ~r $0, wOrteD wip continue tm)ching aI~thc· M.issi~ S~ audi!brlom. . . 8i~ in otder to reconfi~ tItilities OIl th8t ~ide of1 he- . ,-"",_. ~ ~ ~ " . ' See rv~ 23A , PHOTO/c:ot6fFSY ~ ~TES , ' , • • • • • • i • i .. • f • • • • • 2A The Carmel Pine Cone january 25. 2002 , By MARf 8RO'NNfIElD . AN ATIOIttmY lIiIed to . _ $ 128 miI.Jion JDODeY. , . trust of DorodJy IDCl Haney Trace lied to its sole beoef'lCia But twice told IIoIpic:e it 't beDef.a.y - ry - Hospice Fouadatioo of the Central Coast - about its once in J\IIy 2001 a_nde aspti a in euIy 8e114ember - accorcIiIw c..rt ...... iDteMo1 iDheritance IDd UIed the IDoDcy to pun:bue • home to the pditioIl. Bieael coarKmcct tbat Fox bad told _ .' In filiDa the ~ ......y Steve Panoo, l'q)ftl8C'.iaa in Pebble Beach, accordina to • petition fded in MouIaey Hotpice it had DO in the truIt, but said he immedi- Hoepic:e, and attorney Jim Coot. lepte8cn'ina Fint National eoumy... Superic)r court last JDODth. Attomeys for Hospice ateIy '.m.ed Fox to tell Hospice about the trust BietJeI ' aeIrDd the court to order Poi to provide wriUen m- and the Trace Trust's DeW trustee, F' National Bank, .abeI mdccI.., DOtifyiDg the fOUDdltioo OIl Fox's behalf. deaQC ~ with the RuIa of Pro . Supai« Court Judge Susan n.upbiD6, for autborizatiOll to Hospice clmwr;ded Fox . u ..., wbic:b he did OIl COnduct ia, . .. *~ invoIviDa the boule, or ... he or .. or begin IcpIICtion against attorney David Fox. Sept I 1,2001, lOCI FintNatioaaJ BIIIk AcpJJod ia. I)Otify all .._ "multiple conflicts iutaOllt" IDd Larry Bqd, reprea1CIltiDc Fox, did not IJIIXW at the bear By theD, Fox hid IIready UIed the trust's money to buy • ~ .. to the laic. iDa. But a.ter be told The Pine CODe dill ,Fox did not do any- -, home in Pebble Bach, ~ to the petitioa. R,atber' dum ~ Tbey also ~ ,. .6 oriz~toa to ~ wIuIteYa' thina WI'OD& except not teU Hospice that the trust existed. IwncIina the .arts over to the foundation after DoIoday Tnce - Idima aecessuy ~ bite attomeyI , to NCCMI' dImages died, be took the $ 1.28 million IIlCl traDsferrecl it to die aesultiD&fiom Fox'i acboas. The judp ....... their requests ~ LaDe lnYestJnents LLC" - • limited l;.bility after. Dec. 21 ~ina in opeo court. compII1)' comprising the Trace Trust, the Dennis W. Fox Speaking on bdWf of Fint Natiooal Bank's truIt depart- ProfcssioDlJ Corporation IDd the Dennis W. Fox Professional ment, vice prestdent Susan Freeland said, "AJtbough we're ~ . . . PIM-:and~ IDOIt of it to pun:bue ,~ this ~ an 1. .......~ our ~ ~1IJ:iEd is_ cm .... • bouse OIl Malcbeta Lane in Pebble Be.eb, the attomeys up to hendIe Iheae nea. 0. ow:niditJa ~D is ..-c aUeged. to sure that Mn. Trace's wishes arc carried out while assurinI The home bid belon&ed to one of Fox's other clienls, the proteetioo of the trust's assets," accordina to the petitioa. potentially involving him in "mul- According to the ProbIte Code scctiOll cited in the peti- ctamaaes tipIe «JOfIicts of intuest." tion, the bank can seek twice the value oft he assets "It may have been worth sub&tantiaUy more than the pur- that "hid ~ in bad faith, wrongfully ~1eCI, taken IDd cbaae price ,paid by the LLC," the petition reads, which could disposed of," potentially 'e ntitling the trust to $2,566,000 f 1'5 also open the Trace Trust - and Hospice IS its sole bcnefi- ,from Fox, as well as compei)8ation for aU fees and expenses ciary - to lepl ~ by the former owners of the proper- incurred by the trust during the investigation 1Dd1ega1 action. ty. ' Biegel said he 8nd his client have been coopeQtive with 1 In additioQ, $60.000 of the truIt's IDOIIe)' waS uaecl' to· HOIPice and First National Bank so far, and hope the matter ~ ~ to ... , bpuae" ICCOI'CtiD& ,to lawyeQ fOl', 'can be cleared up without going to court. " i : Hoapice and Fint.N atiGnIl Bank - .w ott ·that will eilber ~ don't feel it's necessary to fde a lawsuit. If they do, ' t.e to be tom out or ~ly approved before the boUle we can't control that, but we are,frying in every way possible .can be sold, ........, die mt WIs' doae without permits. ·to be ~e and make sure Hospice is not damaged in j , But Fox consic1eR4 dae puIl1bue of the home • ec;Mmdany ,way; he said. "~ far they haven't been damaged except . 1 ;WC"hiel~ accordiaa tp ~I. , : ' for die ,failure to early notify. WeTe trying to step up and .., don'f ~ it WI! ,- JfJIJY,n.y i1IepI to actually make make things right - we're DDt making excuses." ht ~ but be tiavte ~ to Hospice," he said. Cook ~d the petition speaks for itself. . ~ be 1aa4 ....f a: .. 1be )XOpeIty. OUt of the name of the "We believe all. of the allegatiOD$ are supported by evi- lnist, that's • COiIYellioD Ind. crlminaf offense." '~, or the allegaUQIlS would not ~e been ~," he said. ' I . '" - . ' Pearson said the Hospice Foundation is working to ensure ~ = it receives the funds intended for it and is compensated fOr , + _~ ~ X + =-.'s. ~ +- + -.X + S ~ ~, + - X ,wbatever damages Fox's actions might haVe causecl ; K l' .1- .. . ft ' i • -. .1- ' ~ Hospice FouDdation is ta~ all Jle("essary Jteps to ',_ AJ ,- "":' -;£ , , ' : : ' . assure that the asSets Mn. Trace ~J.ended to go for its chari- 1i ,Malh8l ••H oa o.veloprnenfal' ,·tab!e "We VI AJ purposes ~ being protectecl"said Pearson. ' . • . VI believe at this point that all the assets have been accounted II learning II fot; and we will take all necessary steps-to ~ that any -I- "- _ clamali.! that HOIpi~ suff«eclbecaule, fdie ~aUeged - Improve oornpUtaHooat aIciIa ' + in the petition arc recovered." >< - DevelOp oonoeptuaI underatanclh& >< " - ImProve aoIvIn& + prob~.m + Bristow Mary Antiques .1. .1- Karen Warwick, B.9., M.S. 1\1 1\1 Mathematioa Learning &peCialist ARr ' SILVER •. PORCELAIN. VI VI : FURNITURE'. -EARLy AMERICANA -. II 8al-S76-4884 II -I· -t- , 420 P4cmc ST.) MONTERBY . >< >< = , Btwn Jefferson & Franklin • Plenty ofp arking. in back + -X + ~ ~ + - X + S; '> ...... + , 373-3494 THURS. TlfRU MON. ~1-5 PM • SUN. 1·5 fM ., W.", Y,., • tl BlIrk ,,1IIt IItI Charles T. Chrietzberg, Jr. OUt eDnr."I.nt LDUfIDn,: The Banker who Listens! Monfetey' - 649. . 4600 Cr. PaelfJe -S55-4g00 '- ,ea .. mal 825-4-~OO Sallh SBA-LOAN ~Ress 422-4600 ' C,.UZ ~nta 8aA LOANBXPRBSS 469-geOO . , ... -- - - .- --._- -- ... -- .. \ -... .' January 25, 2002 The Carmel Pine Cone 3A LE' OVE -WATER TRANSF...--.. .. S SETTLED - By MARY ,BROWNFIELD The Monterey PeuinsuIa Water Manage-, as a penalty if they use too much water. ' trust account for,ROIeDtbaI to mOnitor Water IDem District board ofd in:dors vowed to , • Pay total attorney's fees of5173,OOO to use on the receiving propel ties. (AJthough THE cARMEt River gets some of its banning transfers outright. If they do, Rosenthal, as well as $2,000 into a trust ,Monterey Coun!y was ~ in the suit, water back, 19 building projects get theirs, a Peninsula property owners will be left with account for llotentbal to monitor water sav , See ROIlLES page 12A lodge owner can get out 9f the q>urtroom DO way to get any new municipal water. ings and 8DQthef 513,000 into a separate and back into his reDOYation project, and an , .. activist's ttomey' gets. almost 5200,000 in _ tdet:. ... Still Aching From Your Car Accident? legal fees, according to a court settlement Accordins to the settlement of Leeper's appro~ed Jan. 18. by ~ontercy County lawsuit, the county will: Superior Court Judge Michael Fields. • prohibit the tnmsfer of water credits in MHterey ........., CA A FREE REPORT, has been made avail The judge's okay ends tbc year 1000lcgal connection with deYel~t approval - _ Car Accidents are often niisunder able to the residents of Monterey that battle over the. private sale of 6.6526. acre law already on the county's books - but stood. Many accident victims are reveal ... nme ./ How To Know IfI t Is To feet in water cmlits by Robles del Rio Lodge must alJo apee that ~h "water saving . unaware of their rights. The pain Senle Your Case -owner· Glen Gurries in order to fmancc his mechanisms" cannot be used in any way to and misery from hidden injuries can be ./ How To Know IfY our Pains'May renovation project. , provide water unless the 'county flISt pre -weeks, months,- even years down the Be Permanent , The settlement was reached by Gurries, paLeS an EIR that addresses ~ibl~ impacts road. After an accident, many -feel frus ./ How Ttl Protect YOUR RIGHTS trated because they don't know how 5th District ,Supervisor Dave Potter repre on growth, the state cutback o~ on pwnp To get your Free Report MaIIecI To You they should feel and what they should senting the Monterey County Board ,of ing from Carmel River, the Carmel River Today, Call 1-800-556-0330 do. Find out wllat you need to know. .. Supervisors, and activist Ed Lccpcr, who aquifer and the legal J>asis for water trans 24 HR. RECORDED MESSAGE sued the county and Gurries in NoVember fers;'and 2000 to stop the transfClS. • release &he 6.6526 acre-teet it current- ' Leeper argued the' county failed to ade Iy holds to the 19 property owners who want quately addLess enviroIllJlental issues - par to buy it, after their, projects have been ini ticularly, negative effectS on the Cahnel tially approved by the, county. The county River - when the board of supe(visors will keep 15 percent of the transferred wa~r Oct. approved the deal 3-2 on 3, 2000. The from Robles - or 1.1744 acre-feet - to 'Monterey Penmsula Water r"fanagement allocate as it sees fit. District also approved the transfers 4-3 in, The settlement between Gurries and January 2001. Leeper requires Gurries to acquire 8.619 TtaDSfering water credits - a simple, .acre-feet of water credits and permanently nearly automatic process when Gurries fll'St retire ,them to replenish the Carmel River. began it in 1997 - became the fQCal point of Gurries has already obtained 7.23 acre-feet he~ted debate on the merits of moving water through conservation measures and retire credits from site to site, Proponents argued it ment of water credits at other properties. He Was about the only way to get water because also must deposit 535,000 into an account the Peninsula.was held hostage in a state of for purchasing the remaining 1.389 acre-feet perpetual drought by state Water bureaucrats, if it becomes available in the next year. If no while opponents said it to save any water becomes available, the money woqld ' fail~ water and ~ed ."water profiteering." ~ donated to a conservation organiZation of l.tI When it apprQVCd Gurries' transf~, the ~'s choosing. , "s upervisors said they would be the last. ' It also stipulates that Gurries: , "I~ should be emphasiZed that the board, • obta1n,si~ agreements from 12 of in approving' the ~ transfci, also ~und the water recipients aUowing Rosenthal and itself not t,o appr~ any more such. trans- LcqM:r to' monitor their water' use through fers," said Efren JiJesia, dep'\lty .coJlD'ty AI-Am {eCOl"ds. The property ownet'S also a counsel. "It' was unique , set of cir,?um- have to ~ to make c~blPioDS ~ con- ~ces."· " , 4! ", • 3C,I'Vation orgatlizations or·Leeper 'Choosing~ " ' I, f '. , ~' , . t • I \ :f I I, __ t., '- ~ 4A 1he Carmel Pine Cone c:Iocw uaIocbd IDCl . • Police' DOG• ." was DOled. & c.. II IJy : CitizeIl ~ hi DOte left for 0WMr. ' car bya iDto . IIot at AN ..abiDe C : Jleport of a PI leaf at a Sao c.toa wfWe ~ his blower in UIe at Forest ind Ocean. Area check Sherif/'s Log acc:ount at 0408 hours. Keys wen mrteYed and made, no iDdication' of anyone uaina a leaf returned to owner. blower. No merit ' CaraeI .,. : Penon reported a sub- C• •e I 1Jy-dle-Sea: Female tnosient ciJed ject folloMd him iDto town IDd confi'oBted him for drunk or disorderly anct ' detained IDd repnIiDg IOIDO maoey be owed. A verbal COD releuecl for intoxication in tiOOt of the poll ftontation ensued IDd penon advised subject offICe on Fifth. he was cal1ins the police. Subject fled area v PeMIIe Beada: A Sri' Lankan houseboy \ Novice dine and dasher forgets LD. prior to· officers' arrival. Person wanted the employed by' a Del Cicrvo Road resident left incident' ctocumea.ted should the subject follow the residence in violation. of the terms of his , . him into town ajaiD. U.S. tempoavy visa. His whereabouts are not HERE'S A I~ at some of the significant ting on the grass for over ID hour at Dolores Cal .eI-a.y-tlle-Sea: Citizen reported to knoCwn. .!.D..d. a report will be forwarded to INS. rIVe calls logged by the Carmel-by-tbe-Sea Police and 11 til. Upon arrival located a female aDd parIcina offICer' a possible Health and Safety area: Man turned in credit Department aDd the Monterey County Sheriff's male sitting on a pusy area adjacent to their Code violation involviq two subjects in a two cards he found alOllJ Highway I. Credit cards Department last week. parted vehicl~ and ta1kins about life in geoer tone blue 4x4 pickup. Cbecbd --entire beach had all expired in 1993-1994. . al. No suspicious activity noted or observed in front IDd surrouncIing area for vehicle with ...., Beada: Sometime over the past SUNDAY, JANUARY 13 the area. negative n:suIts. ... we'ck or so UDknown penoo(s) stole a Bosch Cal -...y-dae-Sea: 1Wo subjects • Del . C........,aah Sea: Report of fraudulent table saw out of a building under CODJtruction CanIeI-IJy~: Contacted and warned Mar warned regardins sleeping in a vehicle. use of credit cards to purchase SI S9 .80 in mis on Padre Lane. three juVeniles for riding their skateboards in They were given directions to a local camp- cellaneous items. PebMe 1Ieada: Unknown pcrson(s) stole all M.umng the business area. grouad. . four hubcaps off a 2002 Ford GT C.,.eI-by-dae-Sea: Subject came into the CaI.1I 1Jy-dae-Sea: Report of loud drumI TUESDAY, JANUARY 15 parted in front of a Laurel Lane residence. station at 234S hours wanting to borrow money and bus coming from a Guadalupe resideace. Those responsible also tried Imsucccssfully to ~or cash • persooal check. She bad just Neighbor willing to iign a citation should the Cal aeI-by-Clle-8ea: Non-injury accident at remove a rear sliding glass patio door. . rdumecI from CHOMP. She was Pen a cow- music continue. Resident contacted and he . Mission and Ocean involvina a patrol vehicle ~ Bada: Laurel Lane resident report tesy tr8nsport by evening watch for ~lf-evalu- advised he would stop playing the music, eYeD and a Ryder movina truck. CUP DotirJed for ed that sometime before Christmas. unknown ation two hours prior. She apparently changed though it was the middle of the day, until he rqKXt. person(s) egged her vehicle while it was parked her mind and waJbd back to Carmel. She com- found a more IIIlicable way to play his music . Caa.eI""'~: Station tour for local Unattended in front ofher home. area: plained about her MCSD(Monterey County. without disturbing his -neighbor. No citation Tiger Cub Scout Troop. C ...... Chevys Restaurant manager Sheriff's DepaI1meot) arrest for burglary last was issued. CII"IMI-by-dle-Sea: Report of a female reported r~ female juveniles left without pay week which prevented her trip to Wales and Cal • ..,.-dte-Sea: Assisted CFD OIl a walking west on Santa Lucia attempting to flag ing for the food they consumed. However, one that the P.D. has not located her cat, which was rue aIarm at Mission and Fourth. Alarm was down vehicles. Area check made, GOA (gone of the juveniles left her wallet with\i~tifica­ lost some,t ime ago. activated by a S-year-old who pulled a manual on arrival). tion behind. Investiption continues. C ......e I-by-dle-&a: Assisted MCSD in pull station. There was no rue 8nd the child Car'IaeI area: Man-reported an unknowp searching for three or four males with ski was adInonishCd regardins the false alarm. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16 . mentally disabled . female, wandered o.-to maWs in the Crossroads. Several windows C. aeI-Ir.i-dle-Sea: Report that a group of Mission Ranch property and tried to open ~ were found shattered and broken.- juveailes were vandalizing • city tree on the C. ...e I-by-tM--Sea: Woman reported a door to one of the' guest rooms. .c ~ ..I -by~: Anonymous report of beadl at DeiMm-. Arrived. and COIdKted six male driving in a reckless manner in front Of . -C ...... area: Man arrested at CCloaclkiftoorwmear warrant. merchandise for sale pliced on top of a coarf . juveniles detained bya putins oKlCeI'. Group pthme .C armel post office while attempting to Pl. ace on .V ehicle stored at " . with a large store flag displayed on the back' ~.,.....".. Over a large log which She contacted the driver after he pubd Tow. the vehicle in front of·a San cartOi antiques someone. had. em:ted 9Jl the Iowa- balf of the and advised him of his errant driving. " Carael VaIey: Carmel Valley Road resi store. Owner said abc was not IelliDg any mer- beaCh. 'They obIcned what they ~ was Unknown driver was apparently in a hurry and dent repOrted seeing ID unknown male playing tut....... .. cJtaqdisc.from on top of her car IDd abe placed IDOtber suc:h los IDd atte+,.ed to push it 0Ya'• appeared insensitive to her ConcerDI. He said in the wood chip pile in her yard. v..,: . the store ~ on her wbicle OIl a It was ddetnuned.t hat the leis' was' in fad a he neva left the street. Una• ble to locate driver. CanIeI Carmel Valley Road iesi whim. She was adviIed tbI& telliaa··md ,dis- .. deM1Iee. Oraup canted DO ctanq.; to the.~ C• •e llJy~: S~ leported her dent ~ her sonviolate;d his probatioo'b)-' playing JDel'CiwMtise from on fait of'. .. ,.ted tnIe 1IMl-wu eomaeW ..... dleir ~. mother left a ~ Real resideDc:e to · go contacting her. wbicle ... diJpIayiD& ~ itore tJaa .. ..tYertiIe- . Caa II .,.. ......: R.eport of a green down to the beach and failed to return after one Carael VaIey: Suspect entered the page . ment of her business. ~ to be .in'viola- Acura that rolled away from its parking spot at hout:·She·called:~k within' a feW minUtes to , ofa MarquIrd Road ftsidepce apd took a nail tion of CMeC.". "" . ..., . . ..~ . '-' ·Mission and Ocean into. pII'bd vw. No dam- ~, .her modiet:had aeturned. '.' J'& SUIpeCt saw ~ 'worbn write e• • s.-: ~ report.of I ... 'Am ~ Wllried rePnfing eve OIl s-...C ".eI"'~e Sea: .AJmn activated at·,. two male subjects ~11UIplCi0UI while sit--. properly parkinJ a vehicle. - Antonio residence. .Officers found rear ,See POUCE LOG page 8B :' ~ -"r • - . • • • \ • THE lViACAZINE NEW YORK TntES CROSSWORD PUZZLE' .', ~~~--~~--~~----------------~--~--~~----------------------~ ------~----------~~~ ROUGH OunOOK "k ..., ..... be clrlWl "Ccnaia WItC .. ~ bIIhIobIft f7oec .... "fMI:y 41 __ 'llelMnll __ ·.11....,. ~ .-clm ttNic'-e .... UII4fwtJItt . Gpf !MiIe.of iIirtiaM- . at .. _ UI q.ict·stlit? II.M.;""o f ...C OI •. ..,. IIMIJ_M·. ....".".. ~ . ..., N'VIr. 1JKied'oI . . n .... nn. ... nAc:it~ na-w._lIi11& ,.,,, ...... .. l .. , ' January 25, 2002 The Carmel Pine Cone 5A South County cowboy ,w ants to fIX 'broken "sheriff'sdepartment By tMRY BROWNFiElD Once hired and trained, deputies will stick ing agency, 'but the gang unit. is nonexistent and the special around ifmanagers coriimunicate with them and unit is down to two guys," he smd. As A 26-year veteran of the Monterey give them more responsibility, according to Cronin and his wife, Sarah - a oLunt~er with MCSO's County Sheriff's Oepartment. who has worked Cronin, mounted patrol unit - live on a 4O-acre ranch in ,Bradley and in all'departments, Lt. C9m~ndey Jim Cronin "You need to let people know you' value their raise, lrCtin and show American quarter horses. Cronin, who believes he can stop the departriients "slow cor- contributions and get them involved. Rather "did a little bit of rodeo in college," said he came to the rosion of the.p ast 10 to 15 years" and repair the than always undertaking aspects of the job a cer- department all tho e years ago because "I like the country - damage. tain way, suggestions should be encouraged I'm a cowboy." "[ love the department - rve spent my even if they're not always used. Cronin tapped into that love by working with S~ .. Stacy whole adult life here," he said.' "I used to really "} task my sergeants with maintaining their Gregory to create the mounted patrol unit, staffed by 60 civil enjoy coming to work 'every day, but I haven't deputies - I expect them to do that kind of ians and four department members who donate their time, over the last couple of years~ With a little fine stuff, to see if there's a way we can make every- horses and equipment. tuning, this could have been a great department. . body happy," he said, which means giving , Assigned to a new job in December, Cronin now com But there's been a, lack of leadership. 1 think Jim Cronin deputies some authority to make decisions. mutes daily to Salinas for his work as' commander of the there's a better way k? do it."- ' _. "I'm not saying, 'Let the deputies run amok.' investigations divisiQn, where he oversees investigations for His solution includes better recruiting and retention of But if you don't let them make bad decisions, they won't the entire county, the forensic lab and the' evidence storage, deputies, improved communications, more training and more make any, and then they end up stagnating." facility. delegation of responsibility. His pbilosophy has helped the King City station retain and A second-generation Salinas resident who started his law even attract deputies over the last five years, according to enforcement career at the State Correctional Training Cronin. " 1" , ... ; •. I .. ·.:". ... Facility in Soledad in 1974. after receiving a B.A. in social "Down ill King City over half the deputie,s wanted .to , sci~ from CSU Fresno, Cronin became a deputy with the transfer out. Currently there's a waiting-list to people warit- 6eriff's department in 1976. He initially worked in the jail, ing to go to King City." , but was moved to patrol 18 months later. • Cronin s&d the sheriff needs to be in touch with the sta- Over the years, Cronin's assignments included the special, tions throughout the county and recognize that what works in enforcement unit, narcotics, field training, SWAT team and 9ne area might not work iii another. " ". the peer counseling pr~. While serving on the nucotics "Upper staff doesn't talk to lower staff - the chasm unit, Cronin found evidence of a multi-state metbampheta- , between the sheriff and his ~gement team and the rest of mine ring and was made a special deputy of the US. Marshal departments is just massive," he said Current sheriff-Gordon so he. could investigate across state lines. That investigation Sonne "never once sat down with me ,and asked, 'What &Ie resulted in'the convktion of the ringleaders and the seizure SouthCounty's.needs?," of a multi-ton shipment ofTbai marijuana from a ship in San He also said the sheriff needs to be willing to '''experiment Francisco Bay, according to Cronin. a little bit and give some authority to the station comman- He also put himself through intensive language training to dent" because Monterey County is "a big, very diverse coun- learn Spanish - a skill be-believes more deputies should ty and what's worked and is good for the Peninsula may not have, be good for North ,COUDty or work for South ~unty." "We need Spanish l~guage training," he said. ''We have In addition, Cronin said operations within the department 1-648-0604 DLI and MIlS here - some oft he premier language and cuI':' •.. . ~ to be run more smoothly between the stations, and spe- tuIal trai,ning Centers in the world - and we are not doing cial units need staff at each station. • . anythiQg. Half the people we serve are Spanish speakers." "We have gone on the record as being a community polic- But Cronin said his fIVe-year stint as commander of the Mon~ County Sheriff's Department ~tion in King City . taught himtthe most abouthow the agency 'as a whole should be run. ' "One of the things I've thought. over years is that we, have to keep our deputies - they are the largest expense - . and . PRE I N V E ,N TOR Y in the last two years we've spent' almos& $4 million training .. ~ people Who [~y] kft tbe4epartment," he said.· ; ".)1' ,~" . . The.high coa of IiviDg oftellaeads now recruits packing~ . .. c e e . ~g to Cronin, so hiring from within the county makes ' , , more~. And while some have argued that requiring new deputies to work in the county jail before putting them on patrol dis co~ges people from applying, Cronin, said the practice shoUld not change. HOUSEWARES FURNITURE HARDWARE . "I know it hurts our recruiting, but there's just not a good way to staff a jail - it's a tough job," lie said Hiring correc Progressiw Silverstone Sylvan~ fluOrescent tional officers instead of deputies often cuts costs because Tools Clealtlnce '• •• 50'- Off Ught Bulbs the pay is loWer, but little room for ~dvancement can lead to .. .... . 20 or 15 Watt ........ 5.99 ~:,,~-:: ~· ~t~ ~ '; .~ <' •• ;~'.~~:«~ unhappy employees who do low-quality work. . ;,/ . ,~ . ~~(:: , , ,t' All Sofas In Stock ?,' .. ~ : OXO Stainless Steel Mug Sale 20'-to 50'-Off RIcHARD Reg. 15.95 ............. Sale 7.99 LYON Satco Magnifying Desk Lamp BEDDING & BATH 1 9 1 3 200 2 Clamp on lamp Bonjour Millennium & Reg, 1Z99 ..... Sale 10.99 , Rlchard.E. Lyon. 89. :ruscany Sheets .•.. 50" Off a retired commercial artist HEARTH & public servant. died last All Accessories Friday at CHOMP rr(Jm Selected Fireplace (Furniture Department only.) complications after a fall. Tools As Marked •.• 50" Off Off 2$'~ He was born January Selected Spark Guard 10, 1913, in Fort Scott. Ka .. and lived in Carmel Screens As Marked . 50" Off valley'fOr 28 years. GARDEN Mr. ~on worked as a magazine illustrator in New All Lamps 25% Off 'Dr. Earth Organic ' , York City before and aft r Fertilizers ........ 50'0 Off World II. starting as a cover illustrator in the Asiaphile Waste Baskets "Pulp" fiction magazine industry. then illustrating HARDWARE & Tissue Covers ... 50'0 Off "Slick" publications. including the Saturday Evening Post & Vanity Pclir. He served four yems G.E. Fluorescent Light Bulbs ' on detached duty in North Africa and I~aly e1uring GIFTS 15/60,20/75 or 28/100 Watt - the War. in New York's Seventh Regiment. Hc Asiaphile lewelry' Super Long Life Barbecue Tools was later employed hy the Cenlml Intelligence I\gency. Wa 'hington DC. for ~2 years. retiring in Boxes ... '. . , ..- ... 50'70 Of.f .Reg. 13.99 .. "., . Sale 9.99 Gift Sets ......... 40% ,Off I n73, lie enjoyed tl1(' tlwClIl'r. th . (IriS. picl ying , Many more items on sale thr'oughout the store • limited to stock on hand. hridge. i 1I1d he follo\\'t'(1 1J1Iscb,,1I c\vidly cc.wh . , ' ~eC\s( )n, " Ill' ,ie.. survivl'd I>y <I <IdltgI1l<.:r. DcI)ordll. (It Coni!. Spilill d ~()II Alicll,wl. (If L()1'-1 ,\ngl'l('~, Furniture Gifts .1 ~(1n SI( ·phl'll. ,If (',trIl1l'1 '(IIIl'\ ,II \( I IWO qClrlddlih 1n(1) . 1r I \', Ill'" \ \ II< \ I"r~ . \Iin . Housewares Hdrd ..... are mn Illf'd III I Bed & Bath C,IIden :--. 11'1 n' 111,,1 '-., .,\ J( (' '-. \\ill I lV.1 )dd 1.111\ IdlY I REMARK BL~ HO~E _ ,21 '->.Illl1d<l, .II I I'll .II ~1. IJIII hldl) ~ 1 o~~ v;n.y • 8S~;" w~w.b,;,.on,.<om 1'111,,1111,.1 ( \111,111111 (dlll)l'1 \',111,'\' .... m'l S46C ,""I R",Jc, Shopp' •• (,nl" • 624 • , MOU • • 1111 1"11111\ ',1 I I\~( ".h 111<11 ,111\ 1111 111e Inti I I \ • eH 'Iii', 111111,'-.111 ..... ( 111 If) 1)( ".1 11\1\11111) Il(,~pJt," Oprr MMd,lY FrlUl) R ~ n tr 630' Ii. t "d.1Y B d '1 '. (, P 1; • 'I 1']( Y9 d m. to 6 pm . 11111, 1,1I11lil \1,l\l1e', II (Jllrtll «(,l'liitl :-,(I\e)(11 (II ,/ GIft IIIlilp and local dl'h ryavailable· Oprn yow B I'I'e, ,)n dJ> c,h alb" (H( ,j"t Iml.1V .. , '1Ir~ill~ I'() H(), 1111 \Ie 111\ Il'\ q jqL! " 614. The Cannel Pine Cone january 25, 2002 u CA E I , ·1 : By tMRY BROWNFIELD threat." ·It means no tolerance.o ft he for several mon ,according to -I To that end. the poiie)' uses a broad Coco. their reteareh, she and I IN J WHAT otrlCials tout as a proactive measure taken by cruel and mean behavior another administrator, Paul Behan, t defmition of~t: . only a few schools in the United States, the Carmel Unif"led . "Verbal or pJrysical conduct relat- could not' (met any Ies of simi School District board of directors last week unanimously ing to an individual's gender, rice, .f... h esca la tes to some 'to" he' lar policies and bad to draft the DeW approved a new policy to prevent harassment and bullying of religion, ancestry, national origin, WnlC OJ t rule from scratch. . ---students at the district's eight schools. ethnic group, marital or ~ntal sta- Differentiating between teasing things you've seen on-lhe - "Students have the fundamental right to a safe aDd secure tus, physical or mental disability, age, and harassment or bullying can be environment," the policy reads. "Students and parents place . economic status, sexual orientation or tough, but administrators .t hink the news.' · their trust in school officials to take all reasonable steps to the perception of one or more of such new policy will do die job.- ,.-- provide a setting that is free of humiliation, intimidation and characteristics." _ Debbie Coco "Sometimes parents or even teach- ers have difficulty knowing where to The pOlicy .i s triggered draw the line - sometimes they go with 'kids will be kids,' . - THE LIGHTS OF ROME · whenever any such behavior - so this will def"lne what is accepted and what isn't," she is severe enough to affect a eXplained. "It's COllUJlon for kids to tease kids. Having fun is student's learning ability, one thing, but we have to draw the line at long-term. harsh opportuniti~s or academic bullying and taunting." . ., - peJformance or creates an Although the district-wide policy descri~ methods for . . ,_ .... intimidating or threatening students, parents and teachers to report incidents by educational ·environment. approaching someone they trust, determines hoW aD investi Bullying "occurs -when a gation should be conducted and identifies po~ible discipli student is intimidated by nary ~ons - ranging from warnings to expulsion.-ea.ch . verbal or physical conduct school will wort the policy into its own specifIC rules, or actions by one or more according to Coco. Doing so should. help stop harassment persons," including hazing: and bullying of particular students as they moVe through the "It means no tolerance of school system. the cruel and mean-behavior . The board ''wanted to make sure' there was privacy and which escalates ' to some of security for the·v ictims, and that they dido't have to relive the the things yo~ 've seen on the situation over again from one school to the next," she said, news," said CUSD's new "This creates an opportunity to monitor that behavior, which director of 'curriCulum and can begin in elementary school." instruction, Debbie Coco, The schools will tailor how they handle incidents and dis Italian Lighting Fixtures and Home Furnishiiiis ' "It was initiated by the board ciplinary action to the ages of their students, according to because they want to inake Coco.. . From the people who civilized the world. sure kids feel safe and 'feel "Children learn from their mistakes, but at the same time Open Tuesday -Saturday lO:30am -5:30pm good ~bout being here." if a'difficult, extremely harsh situation exists, it needs to be 500 Polk St., Monterey, CA 93940 (831) 642·9026 Fax (831) 642-9035 o· The board enthusiastical flagged so it can be handled correctly," she said. Where Polk St. inte~sects witb Alvarado, across from Ordway Drugs Parking available behind building ly supported the policy, Although the new 'policy has already ~n. approved by the which has been in the works district, board members must still review and approve the schools' site-specific plans at their' M~ch meetitig. Coco said she is ''thrilled'' about the new poJicy. . -"We're not only in th~ business of educ!l~irig children, but teaching them how to be kind, considerate and supportive of one another," she said. "Differences are to .be appreciated, not rejected.'" . '0 - .... ;-.. • . :.,- . ' . -." . -' New Breast (ore (enter Open House for the Public Friday, February 22, 3:30-6:30 p.m. 1035 Cass Street, Monterey Living with Introducing the Central Coast's most.comprehensive . Multiple Sclerosis Breast Care Center for the prevention, diagnos~s, The Church of Carmel Mission treatment, and recovery of breast cancer and breast Learn management s~ls for the'W ayfarer 'Basilica . disease. Join Us for a look at the latest technology and multiple ;sclerOSis, a chronic disease IA United MethOdist ChurCh, . Sat. Mass: 5:30 pm fulfills patient-driven care availa&le to women. For more which inhibits signals between ~ Uncoln & 7th, Sunday obligation. , infonnation, call 625-4506: ' nervous system and ' Carmel-by-the-5ea Sun. Masses: 7:00, 8:00, . 9:30 8 11 :00 am and 12:30 the brain, Adult Oasses SUnday 9 AM & 5:30 pm. SUnday Worship 10 am Confessions: sal 4:00 to 5:00 . Saturday, February 16 SUnday SChool fOf ~11dren lOAM Days before Rrst friday and 10:00 •.m .-12 noon Ages 4 thm Sth grade Holy Days 4:oo,to 5:00. Main conference rooms • Child care provided Mass at Big SUr: SUndays 625-4505 624-3550 at 10:30 am. Speaker: Barry Riskin, M.D. www.churchoftheWayfarer.com RIo Road, Qlnnel All Saints' Sl Chapel J~hn's Episcopal Boning Up on Osteoporosis 1490 Mark lbomas Dr. I M,cIical aspects of running Church Monterey Traditional Tuesday, February 12, 7:00 p.m. Sunday Eucharlsts'at 8 am, Saturday, February 23, 9:00 a,m.-12 noon Episcopal Worship 9:30 am Patio Service Conference room B • $10 (bring one guest free) 1928 Prayer Book 10:30 am and 5:30 pm. I Motivation and mind games Preregistration required • 625-4835 Eucharist Thursdays at noon. Sunday: 8:00 & 10:30 a.m. Sunday nursery care TUllday, February 26, 7:00 p.m. Community Hospital's osteoporsis team will provide at 10:30 am service. Wednesdays: 10:00 a.m. current infonnation about treatment and prevention of Music at all services. 375-4463 Conference rooms • For information, call osteoporosis, Participants willieam exercises, body Dolores St. & 9th Ave. 'WorShIp the Lord In the 625-6226 • ~arking is limited. Please carpool. mechanics, and lifestyle and dietary modifi,c ations to 624-3883 Beauty OJ Holiness" prevent or reduce their risk for osteoporosis and fractures. Join usot Christian ScIence carmel .., services • Sunday Church 8 Pres~erlan -Unll All classes listed are held at Community Hospital.. Sunday School 10 a.m. Church CoffihffiMunity HOSPpitai ' I • unless otherwise noted. Classes will be ca~lIed 48 Wednesday Testimony Meetings Ocean at Junlpero, f t e onterey eninsu a hours before course date if less than five people have ~ 7:3b p.m. every Wed. Evening . cannel-by-the-5ea registered, Also 12 Noon 1s t Wednesday 831-624-3878 I ' ~month t Innovative healthcare with a human touch Contemporary Worship Reading Room open 9 to S ServIce at 8:30 AM Sunday &H olidays 1: 30 to 4:30 91\'adltlonal ServIce at 10 AM Monte Verde St. btWn. 5th & 6th t Children and uth fI'H PIrtdnI enIer on ~ St. SUnday School at 10:00 AM aass 6l4-J631 9 Adult at 8:30 AM January 25, 2002 The Carmel Pine Cone 7A a boo a .d films is a journ y 0 Michael .Saso and his pilgrims , ~ MARGOT PETIT NJCHOlS sion and welcoming us as Americans," be American students. "But they learned to be HE said. The compassion exemplified in better people, too," Father Michael said CALLS, it a 'nte of Buddbi~ teachings is woven into the rich He holds an M.A. from Yaid and a Ph.D. ~" a pilgrimage of iorti, which tapestry of these trips that usually accommo from London's School of Oriental and African he leads to the top of the world. date 12 travelers. Last October's trip topped Studies. Then he joined tJJe Jesuits , Michael Saso~'a Roman Catholic out at 21 peopLe. in Los Gatos 8nd was sent to China to teach. priest who lives in Cannel Valley Father is 'much mote than a tour guide. It was in Hsinchu City in Taiwan in 1961 that and assists at St. ADaefa Catholic He's been raising funds since 1993 to build he was ordained. 36 years later, in 1997, he Church in Pacific Grove, will be schools and clinics in Tibet, and has so far left the Jesuit order and ' ~ame "just a teaching a course 011 euItural history completed, in 1999, a six-room school, a teacher," but then was reincardinated by the of China iild Tibet .. CSUMB Iart dRc-room bouse for teachers and a small San Jose Diocese. He still works for the ing Feb. I. After tbIt, hell be lead hlJruy. in the North East. The schoOl was Jesuits and in the future wiD rtstart teach!ng ing·two 14-daY tripI t!) Tibet In thie . bu!h .f ~ • ~ cost of S36.~. "These in Beijing and also in Macao . . SlIIIlDleI', aDd he'D make a special buildinp are silop)e mud block and cement The Saso family bas deep roots in journey to Mt. K.i'ub ~ tbc ~­ block ~ with tarred asphalt paper Carmel-by-the-Sea. "The family had been em part ofT ibet ill May,.t akjD& with roofs and wood bco.ams, and furnished with coming here s~ the 1950s," he said. "I was him young people aDd men and desks and chairs," he said. OIl my way to Yale in 1963 when'my Dad women ofv.yiDa IFL The Shuiliu~ clinic - OIl ~ Luguhu, bought the Periwinkle and Sea Urchin cot "TbeIe ., DOt toun, .,. piIarim- just over the Chinese border in Yunnan tages OIl Scenic Road. After ~ I lived here. ages; Father Micblel said: "We visit Province, was begun in 2000 and will be fm in tbe ~ in Sea Urchin and came acred p1ac:el; there are 0IHite 1ec ished this year. He has started collecting now home every Christmas. Mom,a Dd Dad were tures; we pray with the nioftb." And, : for anotber school in Litaog in Eastern Tibet. . in ~winkIe." It was in Sea Urchin that he while those who accompany Father Through the Institute ofA sian Studies out wrote aU his scholarly boob and· those on Michlel to I bag in Central Tibet of Chicago, and for the Association of Jesuit meddation. AU 1.2 of his books are available will be of cfi,fl"aeot faiths, some even Colleges and Universities, Father Michael at The Pilgrim ~s Way bookstore in Carmel: ran agnosti~ "everyooc has a deep~ previously language cOurses in Beijing, e spiritual experience," he said. "It's teaching Chinese language and history to See TIBET page 8A very 1IlOYing." -Father Michael has been taking , fK)TOjNJCHAEI. SASO people to Tibet since 199~.: "The QUICHSILUER view of Tibet from' inside is, quite Teenage monks surround two pilgrims from CSUMB, a diffcaeut than imagined - a culture student and an administrator, They are shown on the FftST PHOTO ~ of an 11th century monastery in Sajya, a 1 1-2- surviviDg with·· Bqddhist compas- day jeep ride from Lhasa, flllD PROCESSI:06 2-4 HOUR SERUICf BEAUTIFUL PENINSULAAND COASTAL SCENIC PHOTO .NOTE CARDS Cabinets CHOOSE FROM OVE.R 100 IMAc;iES.B Y Cyp~ess LOCAL PHOTOGRAPHER DANIEL DAN80M 3l5-1"7 , .60e LlGJlTHOUSEAVEMUE , Bath & Kitchen Cabinetry . COME' SEE OUR PACIFIC GROVE, CA 93950 WI""doU( .DlsplAy vvvvw.q u leksiI verfast Featuring CabInetS by: 570 California Ave., Sand City 831-394-5900 www.cyprcsscab.CQID " ' ,- I CARMEL~J\Y-TH_E­ ·S·EKS ,ON'LY ARTIST . ' , ,',. . WHO WORKS' IN '. . " TOOTHPASTE. (WHEN DID YOU LAST HAVE YOUR TEETH· CLEANED & CHECKED?) RON L LESUS. D.D,S. GENERAL & ESTHETIC otNTISTRY MONDAY -THURSDAY (6:30 AM· 2:30 PM) SW CORNER OF LINCOLN & 7TH AVENUE CARMEL·SY-lHE-SEA.624-8361 .A ARaN OVERHEAD DOOR Presents a FREE seminar on: "What To Do A·btHIt Civil Judicial Corruption in Monterey County" Wednesday, .January' 30th. " The DoubleTree Hotel, MOBterey 6:30PM. .9 :00PM ~ ;.. and- , t AttorneyBusters Goes Live Talk'Radi Starting Monday, January 28th • 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. • KNRY 1140 AM Sit in, Tune in 'and Can In, for a discussion of the racketeering games played on the pubJic by some of the "Good Old Boys" attorneys and orne judges of Monterey County, • If you have experienced it frrst hand, you will fmd out that you are not alone. If you haven't, you will be shocked. Come See Out Showroom 90 Days Same 8S Cash 64 -DOOR ( Log on to AttorneyBusters.com, post complaints, contribute and fmd out more about 87" ~h~f ;~:f!!'Mft~ what Monterey County n wspapers are too scared to tell you. 0,,_' Oa .... D• •' Toll Fr• • 1 -334-DOOR (aee7) \ For more information, please caD (831).484-7516 234 RAMONA AVENUE MONTEREY CA. STATE Lie - ;~l-I AT&T fans· & celebrities welcome! 471 WillOW STREET SAN JOSE, CA. (408)997 ·DOOR ,NEAR BIROI \3~b: 8A The Carmel Pine~ one January 25. 2002 I the POUP' will visit 11 umpo ....d e S . , Sajya mcms""Y, mel the 14th I Century . 0yIDIIe. Also OIl itioer· ~! 11')': Tbc Neji K. .... gI8cier. Iakei, II "Zen is for E\U)'ODC" is selling like hot- Zonskapa's meditation cave, and the Nun's, cabs, be said '. , temple in I,ha.. .. His latest, "Mystic, Shaman, Oracle, BeCauae the elevation in l,hag is a little Priest," will soon be published, and he is cur ow:r 11,000 feet, be says it takes two to tine rently writing mother on Tibetan tbangku days,t o become acclimated, and recomr,_ds (scroll paintinp), "Life and Death in the that, three weeks prior to the trip,' pilpims Sky; Sacn:d People, Places and Art ofT ibet" eat "lots of garlic" to avoid mountain side He wiD soon open a,.'ogb shop here in the DCSS. Drinking quantities of tea with supr village. on Dolores between Fifth and SiXth, 00 arrival helps, too, FatbeI' Michllel said. for next to 1Wo Sisters DesIgn in Pantilles Right now, Father Mim.cl is looking Coptt'" ' ' . I , grants of up to $2,000 each which will be, I 1997, Father Michael Came back to used as scholarships for ~ people who look after "Venerable Mother," as be calls CIDIlOt otherwise aft'ord the two-week trip, his mother, Mn. Beatrice Saso, Who now which totals $2,300 per young person, and lives at Hacienda Carmel in a unit near his. $2,800 for those who require less spar~ Although he resides here nine months of accommodations. These-fees include airfare, .e very year. three tnOQths a year are devoted trmsport; lodging and food. Readers inter to his guided pilgrimages to Tibet ested in contributing to a grant; or in IDllking ltiileraries of the journeys will include a trip, should tel~ ~ Micb8el at ., Lhasa's Jholcang Temple, Tibet's most sacred (831) 625-7635 or send an e-mail 0 site, Potala Palace, Barkhol markets, and [email protected]. He also has a website: Sera and Drephong monasteries. By jeep, www.aarli.com. . , Carmel Stone DEUYERY BY CLARK TRUCKING Arena Sand • Boulders • Decomposed Granite ARROYO SECO ROCK 831-385-3204 King City, California Will Clarlc ItOTOICOt.«7£SY ~ So\SO The -Potala Palace in Lhasa is a dramatic backdrop for Father Michael Soso and' camel on a recent trip to Tibet. "I . t Is 411 science, the study of a lifetime, In which you may exhaucsatl hy"o,u ~H, but never your subJect. It Is a contest, a duel , or melee, for courage. skin, strategy and self control. It Is a test of tem per, a trial of honor, a revealer of character. It affords a chance to play the man and act the gentleman. ·It mui"ls going Into God's out-at-doors, gettfng dose to nature, air, exercise, a sweeping of the mental cobwebs, ~sh ~way genuine 'recreation of the tired tissues. Jt Is, a cure for care, an antidote ,to worry. It Indudes companionshIp with friends. sodallntercou~. opportunI- ties for courtesy, kindliness and generosity to an opponent. It-promotes not . , only physical health ·but,m oral 'force. , It D.R. Forgan I. I Richard Warren, Real Estate' A member of The Mitchell Group •• .ad.t he humaa race. 626-1516 w.rw.JUdrtlrilTWtlrrtll.CO'" , , &. BtI1' AccmIit«l· EWIIiIfB Qa,.. • .AIIV DocIotrIIe D9- In" Hotel ~yprtJS a.'fa Stadat LotDu brJIWk • ~ by PIwctIdIIg AltorwyI. " yr. ProgrrIM ofStutly . , c..rs ·- CAREERS IN ·TH' E,,L AW Ii""" 1M. ... 1929 . J_ ,: -aty %081 Sa~, ~,- lO 'Lm.-N8OI .. Afternoon Tea .. at M .terey Collep of Law fomt D.J9 Stnt4 2:00 If J:45"" • DUcoveT lite wide nlllge'o fc l:uwn tIWJllQbIe with II (~mJliraf) Doctor of Jurisp~ • Discover answers to your questiollS fro"" tIJe Director' ofA dmissiollS, pmctitioners and alumni 7th, Lincoln and CQrmel Box Y, 0Irmtl, CA 9J921 1'l1li P ....... It tree of~"'" ... RaERVATlONS ARE REQUIRED \ I () \ I I IH' ( () I I I Lit I \ \\ 8001443-7#3 (CA) II 4114 \\ l' "t I ,.; 1111, I ill" t In I. \ I n II fl n \. ( it I i to r 1\ i.1 I) ~ \ q /I 831/624-3871 d(~ I I ~ -.~ - ' .' H I • I . . ......,. .. ~- "·4- ~ 100001)' 25, 2002 The Carmel Pine Cone 9A 'J Sfipes: No ' until. General Plan approved Vcilley~ s~bdivisions By f'MRY BROWNFIELD Plan update, which is scheduled to be' approved by October THE but could take much longer. 1999 ban on new subdivi~ According to BaUman's report, the Carmel Valley Blue sions iQ Carmel Valley will not be lift Ribbon Traffic Co~ttee unanimously recommended tem- . ed.w hen bighway improvements anbe porary restriction of "further commercial and residential mouth of, the V-'ley fmalty untangle . land subdivisions impacting traffic volumes on Carmel the traffic snar:l, Monterey· County Valley Road until new land use and infrastructure policies, supervisors decided Jan. 22. environmental analyses, .00 financing mechaniSlI)s are Although traffic jams· were: what developed and adopted through the General Plan Upd8te." triggered the Subdivision moratorium The board unanimpusly agreed. ; rrrst "! in the place, ~ ban won't be lift "I don't upport n\Qratoriums without a fixed ~te for the ed until water, sewer, flood control-4Ikt' resolution of the· problem, but the text before us is C&,!lSistent futUre development are addiessed in an. : with what w' need to be dOing," Potter said. '1'he Cannc~l approved General Plan Update. ' Valley Mastet~ Plan is a fatally flawed ~ocument at· th~· In December IJupervisors were-told· moment, and'~re are specific reasons why it doesn't work that. two, segments of Carmel V~lcy any more. 1 think we need to contemporize the PIa:n." Road were overlOaded in 200 I, ca~ the "level of service" to drop. TIie { Carmel Valley Master ~lan says wIien rQad conditions worsen to that extent, $ktW the board must hold a public bearing., PHOTO/PAUL MUER . Although comments at the bearing f were limited to traffic and the morato- The completion of the climbing lone on Highway 1 (above) is one 0 the things that riilin, Monterey County Public Works has to happen before superviSOJ:s I.ift a moratorium on subdivisions in Carmel Volley. iICIN CARE " MASS.~f Director Lew Bawnan asked the beads feeturlng . of environmental health, water resources, and dangerous traffic conditions on Carmel Valley Road. pl~g building, and die General Plan update team to weigh in on ''We came about ·1 inch from being rear-ended," said EPICUREN Skin Care P~ucta N.ncy A live protein enzyme program land use and inftasttucture constrairits'in the Valley, too, Holtrop. "The car behind us gC:lt creamed by someone Based on current county policy, planning director ~~ going 66 mph. We at least.ne¢ a double yellow line there and - INTRODUCTORVSPECIAL - Hennessy estimated 6io single-family oo91es, 280~. to decrease'tbe speed limit to 45 mph," from Quail Lodge to experience the rejuvenating effects units, 455 visitor units and 115,000 square feet of commer- All Saints"School. . cial space could be deVeloped in the valley and surrounding . Bauman said when PG&E rooves· utititie$-'under&round,. o.. -f th:, e.. _a.n'.t: l- .;.·a-nln.gS ."C·~ . .I C; Eplcu",," fa,c i.a l . areas if limits on water and roads did not exist. plans for turn lanes ~tween Rancho. San..C arlos ~oad and. ~ (~.) '.~:::' But sUch deVeloPment could not occur if it woutd result in Dorris Drive, and'a stoplight at vra Mallorca will pr~. . : .... -E.jra,""~31,2fI02·.,·. contamitlating ~ ground under septic systems in the valley, Other speakers argued the CVMP methOds for lOO~toPng ... .=-~ - .·626-SKIN~546) according to Waltc;r Wong, director of environmental health, traffic are out4ated. a contention with which·B~~.agreed. and residents have never shown support for a sewer system. Several attorneys representing pro~ ~ and 4evel- "-'. "In the 19708 and 1985 this was·thorolJ,ghly discussed," open asked that the moratorium~ expiratJon ~: tieditO the ........ Wong said. "Aiid'b.tith·~· t)~r~)e··.drnnokt <rejected~~.'·comp~etion -of road impro~ts ratber'1biilfthe G~neral bringin' . , _ . . . -. :;':--,~ fco.n c.e'm's'· " ; '. . . ." . ~. ~.J.!,,~' ~'t ' --;. . \.:. ~ I' . . , . Wong illlO .. ' .' '.~ ' ~~, ~ . ,~uie " of tCstrietioD the state~· on Cal-7' - ... . !! ~'. I. , rdim'tile '8dcr Carmel Rjver and stiffer requirements f(jr'-Pi~ WcIJ;, water resources agency general manager Curtis Weeks said • the Valley - much of which is prone to flooding - also lacks a comprehensive flood control plan. . I The General Plan Update will integrate solutions to.many development issues, according to ~istaDt county idininis tratoNim Colangelo. Development more intense than single family homes on ·lotS of record requires:' extensive study" of how best to create the necessary infrastructure arid serviqes. . Several Prado del Sol residents aired their grievances avet: / CARMEL ~LLEY MANOR A lifo ~art CtNnmunity With: • Abundaif{ Sunshfnt • Exceptional Services • M~eloU$ Nefghbo;s .. • Channing IWidences • -..J' .. >. ~ comp'lete i(~ Care Pa~koge '8545 Carmel Valley 'Road'. carmel. CA 93923 fonJour(83J) .Zlt ... t..-'l;:cr.. ~ho . :-"-' .. . , , ,I t .. , lOA The Carmel Pine Cone f I Chefs Fleming and Serrano lead cast ofijtchen avants ! Mil~er, all-~tar ! r Highlands Inn prt!pares for 16th Masters ofF oot! & Wine ! I . 'Women's Health By MARGoT PE11T NICHOlS SeIItJe); RickBdp (PIcific's ~ Highlands Inn, Carmel); Ben Fonl (CUIwick. Beverly Hills); Ken FnDk (La T~ You PROBABLY DeVa' bemI of die 'Iapioca Wars up Rutherford); Sadro Ga""'-., (Notdl. aDcago); Gale Gmd • Osteoporosis at Hip"nck Ian. becalne dIat's die sort (Tha. 0Ucag0); Michael· Ginor. HudsoD I of behiDcl-dae-sceaes happening :--- dw vaUey Foie Gras. (Ferndale. N.Y.); I ". M,nopause ing the Masten of Food ..W me ·ssem BIIbua Lynch (No. 9 Park, Boston); . t blage - to wbidl the public is ·not privy. Mart ~. (Coyote Cafe. Santa Fe. ·PMS Bv5)' year duriftg the penultimate N.M)~ Elizabeth Schemer (pacific's week of FebaJaq\(Feb. 21-24 Ibis. year). Edae. Highlands Inn. Carmel); and R. • Fibromyalgia IDahI· .. Imf. .y s host.. ~,oo.e_ of ~ Kdt Toney (1be-0leese Shop, CumeJ) superstars of the cuIiJuajr and wiJlCl!lMk .. . - pUrm to the wiDes of 40 acclairrwl • • Weight Loss ing world for a four day. ~ night wineries fi9m irouDd the world. ' . extrav~anza of eating aod drinking the 'Ibis year, lead chen Mark Miller. very best of food and wine. ~, and Julian Semmo (Picasso at only Chefs. vintners. gastronomes . and . the 8ellasio. Las Vegas) 'wiD not pi&. oenOphiles come together from across the ',sebl cooking demonstrations ($150). but country - and even from around the will prepare luncheons ($125). as well. world - to savor the best of die·b est. An added vaJ~ been arranged by The Inn now is gearing up for next · 'Samietz: SJgned cookbooks by Miller .and month's 16th annua1 event, and the epi Fleming, and autographed aprons from curean elecincity emanating from the Serrano will be·given to spectators at their Highlands is already Plpping through the individual demos. ' . . CORNUCOPIA culinary world. A luncheon ($125) Friday, Feb. 22, This week. while going over the list of will be presidCd over by Mark Miller, .Mark. Miller this year's participating great chefs and 'Michael Ginor; Sandro Gamba; and Gale .COMMpNITY MARKET ••• vintners with Highlands Inn general man · Gand. ager Ulrich Samietz, we learned that at Dinner Friday, Feb. 22 ($250) in the will F"mil, Owned & Oper.tetl SiJUe 1977 the 2000 Masters, Chef Jimmy Sneed, of Fireside Room, be prepared by Jean The Frog & The Redneck. ·R estaurant, Jobo (Everest, Chicago), Eric Ripert (I.e 26135 Cannel Rancho Blvd. (ncar Brintons) Store hours: Moo-Sat 9am-8pm. Sun lOam-7pm . Richmond, VA, had planned to plate up Bernardin, New York City), T~ashi 625-1454: • www.carmc:lhcaltb.com an unusual tapioca-infused concoction Yttgihashi (Tribute, Mic~gan); David with his entree. But then it was learned Pasternack and Joe Pasternack (Esca, that Claudia Fleming, pastry chef from New York City), ' Barbara Lynch; and Gramercy Tavern, New York. New York, Claudia Fl~ming. . was preparing a tapioca-centered dessert. The same everiing~ across the highway "Sacre Ble ..! This must not happen!" ric in die fabled James House, an eight ocheted through the dining rooms and ;.;....;..:...- - --' . COUI'Se Rarities Wme Dinner featurqig the twp salons at the inn. Tapioca with c0urs 'mat .of 23 -wines selected by Highlands es! It was unheard of. Neither would back ~~ . 'diRJcfor ~ ~ will . JJI"PaR'd down. Chef Sneed needed his tapioca. . be by. Chefs Patrick. O'Connell; . ..c n.e Pastry Chef Fleming would die without Inn at Litt1~Washington in VllJinia), hers. · George Motrone ' (Redwood Park. San How did ' it turn out in the end?·' Francisco), and Elizabeth Scherber, . Amicably, Samietz ~d. · Chef Sneed, Highlands Inn's very own pastry chef. being the gentleman ~ is, graciously Tab for each of.the 24 diners is compara withdrew the tapioca side dish from his ble to the cost of two St. John's ladies' menu, only gnashing his teeth slightly. jackets an~ skirts or perhaps six pair of and Chef Flemmg sailed into the home Salvatore Ferragamo men·s dress shoes. stretch.o f culinary home runs with hers. In other words, it cOSts a stylishly covered No tempest 'in a "teapot this: arm and a handsomely dressed leg . .But Duplic~on of featuml ingredients is not keep·in mind that the wines are truly rare. the spice' of life in the culinary world, and Thete will be a 1900 ChAteau Cheval it just doesn't happen at the Masters. But . Blanc en magnlUrt serv~ . With the sixth . . . bOnhomie prevails, and ~s momentous . course. . .. ~ty for ~ chen to cook togeth- Julian Serrano A Saturday, Feb. 23 luncheon ($125), er and horse around afterwards is almost a will feature Claudia fleming, Jean Jobo once-in-a-lifetime.e xperience. for' participants. (Everest, Chicago); Eric Ripetl (Bernardin. New York City); and Ken Frank, (La Toque, Rutherford): . It all bePa" . \ The Grand Finale dinner on Saturday, Feb. 23, will have, Opening night's "All Across America" ·food and wine ' as master of ceremonies, Harvey Steiman, editor at large for sampling ($150) is set for Thursday, Feb. 21 - a gala fea ·Wine Spectator magazine. Tickets cost $300. Chefs of tile turing tidbits from chefs Joe Bastianich (Italian Wm~ evening are Ken Orioger (Clio, Boston), Takashi Yagihasbi, Merchants, New York City), Danielle Custer (727 Pine, Shawn McClain (Spring, Chicago), George Morrone, Patrick . O'Cormell, Rick Edge, and EJ.izabetb. Scberber. Biggest bargain and more fun than a barrel of fish is' Sunday's closing event, a noon Seafood Grill ($125) at which countless fish and shell fish dishes will be set out, buffet style, for p~cipants to help HOMEOfn-fE themselves several times fRIDAY WINE TASTING S~RIES over, while wines are wru poured at table. Chefs Feb 22 (Red) Bordeaux Blending Seminar· be Julian Serrano, David Mill' 22 Tasting lOI-Wine Tasting Basics·· Pasternack, Joe Bastianich, Mq J (White) BordeallX Blending Seminar Ken Orlnger, John Scherber Mq 17 Chardonnay Blending Seminar (California Market• . : FrIday evellinp from 6:30 - 7:30 Highlands Inn, Carmel). Sl~da• •, Don-refuadable Shawn McClain, and • Re.serwJlioftS'tlre ' 3Opp •• Runs 6:30 -8 pm Stephen Durfee (CIA, Greystone, St. Helena) RESERVE TODAY! Wine asdngs Wine tasting will be held each day of the Master: From Newberg, Se!! MASTERS page J JA ...

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