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- - . . ". BULK RATE U.S. POSTAGE PAID CARMEL. CA Permit No, 149 I No.1 Oa tile lateraet: www.canlelpbieto.e.eom Juuary 4-10, 1001 r' , ,. • r •• L • J , '. I':., .. , ' j \.. . ) i • j , • ~, • i ~ 'No one~ to c mayor, on council April 9 , By TAN\ARA GRIPPI WITH mST a week to go .before the filing period clos es for the April 9 city election, no one has tossed a bat into the ring to challenge Carmel Mayor Sue McCloud or council members Paula Hazdovac and'rierard Rose. ' , McCloud, Hazdovac and Rose, .who are all up for reelec tion, are the only ones who have announced candidacy' and taken out papers for this year's election. While the Cannel Residents' Association bas backed at 'one, 9t '. least one council candidate ~ mayoral candidate . every election for many years, so far nq ~ne ftom that. orga nization has stepped forward with plaJU tQfl1Jli for office . . Former C~l ~K en~. 0 ~ t; ,ta"In$. in that office before ' to by, just vOtes in have '. • PHOTOIPAUlIvVUER 2000 said, "A . lot of pcbple- cd ~ [about running] but I haven't giveJrjt:muat ttioupt.. , ...... . Nv:;,nterey..Boy$~ lions and' seals were thickly dustered a.sus~ on the Coast Guar~ pier thi~ week, but the public C?':'ldn't.g~t "I'v~ got a good :iob, .. he said of his current work in near them. ~<i the'n~ to protect Coast Guard ships ~ke the 87-foot Hawksbllr~ the pier has been cloSed to VISitorS. , Brinton's hardware department. -' . Similarly,. city councitwon:. ~ UviDgston, who . ~ ' . .isn~bp,fOi~fqt , . .~ ' .~~ . _safe' " •- , , . ' nUl ,tot . offKi if ..... hni .oSred DO : I . , . . . , 4'. insi_.M.whO miafit~ Mc€loud. . I C-ilncert . "It halls, sea lions militaIy installations have ~. permanent, loioiDB.1Ile "As of ~. moment, I don't ICe .any cballenge to the. I Carmel Bach FeStival to fmd a new home for the nexf'tWo incumbents," Livingston said. "It~ aU Very ~." , .1 most .o ff l~mitsfor good seasons and cutting off access to one of Monterey's CM'president Monte Miller said be bas DO intention of . boP.es popular tourist spots. , /' running for office but aoniebody WilL " . , By eAUL MILLER "It's a fait accompli that we won't be able to use the Naval "People are being really quiet about it,. . Miller said. "I hope Postgraduate School this summer;" said .Willem Wijnbergen,' somebody'S' going tO'run just for the.s ake of competition." . AMID rigs 'CONSTANT from 'the President and the new executive director of the Bach Fest. Planning commi~ion chairman Frank Wasko, who ran for his top ~sen that the iUWon's global campaign against ter rorisJn ,will last for years, tiShtened security I1le8$UlCS at local See SECUJlI1'rpage 19A SeeELECl'10N page 19A Caltrans acts to stop trafjicjams in Highlands ' 'Blll'f or t,oxpayers lane during Highway 1 climbing construction ofter"fight over 'old . ' homes: S42,.OOO By TMMRA GRIPPI ACTING QUICKLY in response W By TAMARA GRIPPI complaints that Highway 1 construction work is causing major backups for Carmel WINNING THE lawsuit filed by Highlands residents, Caltrans has banned Enid Sales and a group called Friends right turns on red at Carmel Valley Road and of C _ I Cultural Heritage last month Highway 1. came with a price - the $47,424 Julie Gonzalez, Caltrans senior electrical Cannel paid to. def~d itself· ~,gainsi engineer, said she received numeroUS com . charges it bad unlawfully allowed the plaints about the traffic jams ·on Highway] traffic- demolition of historic homes. sou~ of Carmel - jams that got On Dec. 14 Monterey County much worse after climbing I~ copstruction Superior Court Judge Micl)ael Fields began at the beginning 01 December. . ., ruled in the city's favor when he con And Yankee 'Point resident Gayle cluded th~ was no evidence the city Lundquist told The Pine Cone that she's wit hadillegaUy permitted '~storic build nessed a major increase in Highway I con ings to be tazed. He dismissed the suit gestion ever since the dual right. . ~ lanes without letting it go to trial. , from Carmel Valley Road to Highway 1 , Most of Carmel's legal expenses • opened in November. . were paid to the firm of Kennedy, "This has hem absolutely incredible," Archer and Harray, s~cial counsel Lundquist said. "Sometimes the traffic is . • PHOTO/PAut,wtiER hired to defend the city. Some of the backed up as far as .. Po.iD.t Lobos, to the as The Signal at the intersection where Carmel Valley Road meels .Highway 1 now snows red money went to Carmel City Attorney Highlands Inn, even far as Yankee Point." arrows irstead of plain red lights, which indicates that'drivels exiling. Carmel Valley are no Don F~8n as well as to the private Most of the congestion 'has occuqed dur- . longer allowed 10 make right turns on red, according to Caltroos~ firm of Hudson, Martin, Fe~te and ing the afternoon from 2 to 4:30 p.m., r . , ,, Street. though it has sometimes been bad uring the while they have a green light.' - Apparently a lot of drivers hayen't City Administrator Rich Guillen morning as well, Lundquist sai . In response to the complaints, GonZalez noticed that the red lights have changed to noted that there\..ma~L.¥et be additional - She believes the problem stems from the said Caltrans changed the stop light to show red arrows. "Some peop~e are disobeying or legal fees the city will have to ~y in the two lanes of drjven continuously turning right red an:ows indicating that right turns are ille- they may not understand," she said. . Donati case. The city has sperit many from Carmel Valley,R oad onto Highway 1 and gal on red. Calu:ans has ordered a "no right Gonzalez said Caltrans may also consider occupying space that would otherwise be . turn on red" sign, which should. be ready in See PRICE page 9A available for drivers coming from points outh .. about several weeks~ Gonzalez-said. See STOP UGHT page 9A ' I . ' " '- • 2A The Carmel Pine Cone january 4, 2002 I /~----------------------------------------~~--~.- -~- ~Mi f~·~{-_- ~~~~~.- r---iy --,- ----~~----------~~.- -------------- i ~.'\ . Tetanus vaccine in"s hort SUPP" but E ·s are OK ·j .. • By N\ARY BROWNFIELD That sy of allOCItiog doses fOl' emetJeDCY use it depends on the depth of the wound, the type of wound and . Wen. DUE appears to be workins accordiiIg to Nowriaa. CHOMP the amount of rust." . . TO A nationwide shortage, Peninsliia residents can .order up to 300 cIoseI a montfl. Tetanus is caused by a strain of bacteiia, Clostridium summer due fOi a tetanus booster shot may have to wait until '1bat's a lot of rusty, nails you have to step OIl for 300 tellmi. which is commonly ~ found in soil. RUJt itself has to be inoc,dated. But anyone who steps on a.r usty nail aDd doses a month," ash e said. "NoW that itts s nothing to do with the coodition, which needs the vaccine immediately will get ~ KCOrding to being allocated little men fairlY, woe 'That a lot ofI JISty nails results in muscle paralysis. But an . Community Hospital'J pbalmacy director, Marlann . . . injury caused by anything that has been have "DO proble~ fillin~ patients' . N~ needs. Last)Uf, the Idpital's emer- in contact with soil, includiDa an· old . . While some believe the American military bas taken all gency room eclminiltered about 1,200 nail, could cause a tetmus iqfection. you have to step on for the available supply, the tetanus vaccine bas in fact· been dose. of the vaccine, she said. CHOMP "We're not too worried bec.ause it's scarce ever since manufacturer Wyetb-Ayerst, owned by keeps about 100 doses in stock and then rally uncommon anyway,'" Silva said American Home ~ abruptly 8DIlOUDCCd a year ago orders more as needed. I>Qctors should be able to provide that it woUld DO longer produce it, according to Aventis Doctors' offices and mgent care 300 doses a month.' tetanus booster shotS to their patieiits by PasteUr spokesman Lea Lavenda. That left Aventis u the facilities routinely refer .patients to 'the summer, Lavenda said,. "and we hope only provider of the vaccine for the entire United States. ciJlerBeOcY room for imnwlilte care - that by Dcc:ember there will be suffi-' "We were caught by surprise aDd uaabIe to immtdiately the tetanus vaccine must be adminis cient suppliei available to make up for fill in for the niissing supply. It 1akes approximately 11 tered within 24 ~ of sustaining a all the people ·who did not receive months to ~ a batch of tetanus vaccine, so we immc- wound ift he P.dieot his not been immu- booster doses last year." _ 'ciiatily began gearing up, but for the·1ut )'eU there has' not . nized - aooonIing to M~ Bay Urgent Care medical In the meantime, the CDC website carries a Q&A on the been an adequate supply of tetanus vaccine to meet the needs usisaaDt Jaime Silva. . tetanus wccine and UDder what circumstanoes it should be -of the country," he said. At the time, Wyetb-Ayerst cAlled its "A tetanus shot is good for 10 years, so ifit's within that taken during the Shortage. For more information, visit' to ·Diove "a business ~~iOD," according Associated Press limit we don't worry about it," he said "Then after 10 years, www.cdc.gov. . . reports. . . Although Aventis supplies the military and also sent extra Acc!dent reports could determine if do~ to New York and ~ew Jersey after the Sept. 11 teiror ist attacks, those represented a "relatively smaU amount" compared to overall supply, according to Lavenda. Aventis Californians-will have to '.hang up and drive' does not release information on how much tetanus vaccine it . distributes nationally. . Disease '~'In 20m we worked closely with the Centers for By N\ARY·B ROWr'-IFIELD out the state now contain specific questions about cell ana enouIh Control Prevention to put in place 'interim immunization phones "to see if there's ammo to pass a law like policies to make sure there was ~ugh Td [the tetanus DOES CELL-PHONE chatting lead to car accidents? that," Smith $Bid • . . diptheria vaccine for adults] to meet all the critical care That's. what the state wants to know bef<e it contemplates Although the CHP had been .voluntarily rec~g the role needs," he said "Td is being administered for severe restiicting cell·p hone use in cars as some other states have, of cell.phone usage in car accidents for about six months, an wounds, injuries that might expose someone to the disease, . according to California Highway Patrol Public Information Assembly Bill that took effect Jan. I requires the CUP and all in ERs and critical care facilities, but the CDC has t:e(:om Officer Vmni~ Smith. . allied agencies to report whether a cell phone was in use at mended suspending routine booster shOts until the supply is The automobile accident report forms published by the the time of an accident, if there was a cell phone in the car ' up." ~. - CUP and filled out by all law enforcement agencies through-· but not in use at the fime of the accident, or if no cell phone was in the car. The categories fall under the "inattentive" dri ver category, along with other distractions like fiddling with the ~o, fIXing makeup, brus~g teeth, reprimanding chil dren or eating. . The data will be compiled by the Statewide Integrated Annual Traffic Records System, which publishes reports on injury and fatal accidents categorized by vehicle make, age, month of the year, hour of the day, gender of the driver and many other factors. "We will see if the information we get is accurate," he said. "Not everyone tells the truth to the ~ops." But drivers may be eSpecially reluctant to admit they were dialing a pbone whtm an acciden~ occurred. , . . HOUSEWARES FURNITURE HARDWARE SilVerstone Utensils By Home·R ight 2-Speed Progressive .••••• 4070 Off Power Paint Roller Ii. battfry.powmd painting system. " ~.: .~ .;:; :.: --: ,:; • ~~." < ~ <' '", . Reg.89.99 .... : .. : ... Sale 69.99 . , ~ , All Sofas In Stock . . ....~. , Ceramic Canister Sets .S. ale 20~ to SO~ Off Reg. 29.95 .......... . Sale 19.99 , , .' "'~' Skill Tool Kit , ' .< ~,' <," ;f;-:- Drill. air gun inflator aAd flashlight Reg. 87.99 ............. Sale 74.99 . OXO Stainless Steel Mill' . Reg. 15.95 .........: ... W.7.99 GARDEN - The future of healthcare has.arrived. " All Accessories IndCRw Plants In 10" Pots BEDDING & BATH It's called PlanScape® (Fwniturt Depnnent only) lMp ~ plants give ill instJrrt effect. Repl Jacquard TowelS 25,. Off ·,Reg. 24;99 ........... Sale. 1 4.'9 from Blue Cross of Cal;for~ia~ . Chdosf from po in Gre,y.u ~urapceit. iConNs don lit . . --------.------.-------- Natural Pasley in .. in CIIIdon. Malaysian Claied. Bath Reg. 14.'99 ....... We 7.99 . : PotsIPlanters· y .., .......... 1. .....1 1_- 5.99 H.nd Reg.'l1 ;99 o· 0 0 • • •• We 3." Grell ~l Whit!. jade. rice Of imperial blue. Wash Reg. 7.99 . ~ ...... Sale All Lamps 25'- Qff ," Reg. 10.29 ......... Sale 5." Name 12" Reg: 15.39 ........ Sale 8." Address 16" Reg. 32.80 ....... Sale 15." . HARDWARE Cil¥ Zip . 15 ft. Outdoor Phone ( ) Birthdate: .E xtension ·Cord ".99 Reg. 24.9.9 ............ Sale Many more items on sale throughout the store • Umltecl stock on hand. - -. -- .. Blue Crou 01 California and Ie "'-.. HeaIIh InIuranoI ~ ore ild.p."delillilwl_ 01 Gifts Furniture .01. . ~. fIIu Ce rCoruo Au& AMuxo:icaiIaioInio.n B. lPueIo CnSrocaup ae nild 0 . r.eg Billlulell eCdr o..um ~e. mor 4ot r0e1 .~...riIwed N..ImIweo.r b,.,, I.n.cb. Housewares Hardware CYPRESS.C OAST INSURANCE 8ed& Bath Garden AND FINANCIAL SERVICES INC •. r REMARKABLE HOME & CARDEN STORE Willi. L ...., CLU, a..C, Mila -- ---.- ..... ~ ~ -:~ ~ ~ • . MoMthofCa ....... VaIIey •. 546Canne1RMcho5hoppinc~. 624·8541 - www.biinllot ... ~ CA Uc.1!WI1057. 0370018 P.O. Box 7~, carrnill-by-lhe-s.a, CA 93921 Open Moncby-FricUy ...... to 6:30 • ~ • u ... to 6 p..... • Swtd.y' •.1 11. to 6'..... • {NQrttJ West Comer 9th and Dolores) Cift wqp and local delivery waMble • ()peII yow Be ......... 3O-day ch.p ~ toct.y. .a~, ••2 .~' 0 ,' ~ • ,·aOO-.23-Un • , ( 1 ...... ".....4. .........· . --. . -- , _. ,- - January 4, 2002 The Carmel Pine Cone fIlA Carmelites get a lot of b. n g for their bucks, city' firefighters soy }, i I 1 , I I >-- " By M.ARY BROWNFIELD don't do anything but run a few fires and it," Jedinak agreed. "Our concern is ·.we're to a few ftres." _ J ,T HE .wby are we spending so much money?" sai<t not just $I) expensive department responding See FIRBF,IGH'FERS page 6A CARMEL Fire Department may , CFA member David Jedinak. "We clearly only respond to a handful of f~s each year, respond to numerous incidents and we do aU . but the department's $885,881 2001-2002 that at such a low cost. And that's one of the Car Accident? annual cost covers a, lot more than fighting reasons we have so few flfCS - it's like . " structure fU'es in the city and is low relative insutanQe.". , , to other departments, according to the Pacific Grove's ,f ire department - witt, . Carmel Firefighters Association. 19 full-time paid staff, one part-timer and "You can't cut co&ts and main~ our about 65 -volunteers - has a budget of level of service," said CFD Captain and CFA $1,937,690 for 2001;2002, according to member Chuck August. The CFA comprises 'administrative secretary Paula Fry. I'tiFD paid part-time and full-time flIefighting per-, serves 17,000 residents and- covers 2.3 sonnel at CFD. . square miles. The comments came in re~nSe to city To back -..up its assertion that CFD is councilman Gerard Rose's recent report con already cost effective, the' CFA poin~ to the cluding that "the enormous e(pense of fir~ Ralph Andersen & Associates study com the protection and the possibility that there may missioned by city six years ago in which t· ',...-. be significant cuts in the city's revenue all consultants said they "did not identify a sin THE LIGHTS OF ROME , suggest that it would be prudent to at least gle area where costs of operations could or look at'the various alternatives for the city's should be reduced." firefighting delivery system." Rose s4ggest The Andersen study cited a workload of ed the city consider consolidating with other 526 calls for service in 1994 - 300 of which fire fighting agencies and eliminating or were medical,- and a 1995-1996 budget of combining high-level ~sitions, among other $773,932. That same year, Pacific Grove's options. A about Rose's report budget was $1,538,560. Carmel's average sto~y appeared in the Dec. 21 Pine Cone .. response time that year was 2.5 minutes, , "The thing that was most distressing to while Pacific Grove's was 5 minutes. the assOCiation as far as what The Pine Cone "Based upon the analysis, the Carmel-by printed was the 'enormous cost' of operating the-Sea Fire Department was found to be the Carmel Fire Department," August said. cost effective and an efficient provider of He pointed out that in 2001 CFD fire and emergency services to the commu responded to 600 calls for service, 300 of nity," the consultants concluded. whicb were medical emergencies while 122 With the March 200 1 departure of former were public-service oriented, according ,to Fire Chief Bill Hill and the subsequent inter the CFA. The remainder included structure ~m agreement with c.Y. Fire Chief Sidney and vehicle flIes, garbage and brush fires, Reade - whose current contract will expire bomb scares, hazardous material incidents, this' s~er - city officials have been Say beach/coastal emergencies and alarm activa ing they would take a look at how CFD Italian lighting Fixtures and Home Furnishings tions. might be better run. . From the people who civilized the world. , CFD also has automatic aid agreements CFA Acting President Ian Watts said the Open Tuesday·Saturday lO:30am . 5:3Qpm with neighboring fire departments and con ftrefighters simply want to be part of that 500 Polk St., Monterey, CA 93940 (831) 642-9026 • Fax (831) 642·9035 ducts frequent training and publiC' informa dialogue. , , Where Polk St. intersects with Alvarado, across from Ordway Drugs tion campaigns. The department has nine "We don't want to be adversarial - if Parking available behind building 'full-time staff, four part-timers and :15 "paid something comes up, we want to be part of ., . call" flfefighters who respond as needed. It I' , serves 4,081 residents in one square mile. "We don't want to debate Gerard Rose's report, we've just been just talking to a lot of _ --- people who have concerns about the cost and the negative tone on our department, like we .. _ LAVVAENCE .. ' '. The Carmel Pine Cone'" January 4, 2002 r ..~ by~tM-Sea: Child walked into the f his artwork. He sUd be toJ~ the perSon to I FouDdati aad id I ' . He taIaD& pbot .. aad ' left Police & been to the beach wi . did camera. Subject to deci~ to 10 back to the residence where they argue with gaUery owner about his right to were 'visiting but forgot where the residence tB pIaotogmphs. Subject was GOA (gone on Sheriff's was. Walked to Scenic Road but unable to arrival). Log locate his father. Oaild mel 'off"JCer walked to C ....... ...,.. ...e -Sea: Citizen reported a where he thought the bOuse and located his male !ieet heavily intoxicated aDd )'ellia& at mother. He was rel~ to his mother. . pedeltliaos. .A,r.e.a- c8be,c.b:c I. unable to locate. C ....... ....,.-dIe-Sea: Ocean ~ , gallery C. II Noced a whicle bloc - owner reported a verbal dispute with a·p enon who was outside his gallery taking photographS. 'See POUCE LOG page 9B Learn it: 911 is for e-m-e-r~g-e-~n-c-i-e.,s ( HEliE's A look ~t some of the significant ext;remely crowded conditions, ~wn limit .H appy "Birthday calls logged by the Cannel-by-the-Sea Police exceeded by at least four times at a DolOres bar. Department and the Monterey County Sheriff's Crowd thinned at request of management to DePartment last week. avoid CMC violations. The crowd was already posing a control problem. JANUARY 2002 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23 Canacl-by-tlle-Sea: Report of $289 in B. ar . ':- ';. ~ stereo equipment stolen from an unlocked Canael-by-tlae-Sa: check. Due to vehicle parked'at Mission and Ocean. Kaelyn Magee Jessica Stratton .DisaYoo Jeffi'ey Ralcfeldt Clara De Paolls GraceOweos Heidi Tima Nathan Menke Jeffiey Parra Christopher Fugitt Joseph Wandke Matthew Crawford Tiffany Lewis· Raia Shaefer Ashley Hutchins Ben Draper Aaron Uretsky , Ltn&ey Taylor U--RPII Ct'ANING Garrett Collins Christopher Elliott Stan Wyman Mathew Morgan save, Jim Fletcher Garrett Hambaro Lynette Strasser Marianna 'r"!'-" 20% TO 40% Eric Lind Lianna Petitt ~ichael PagneUa M~wether a. Andrew Eckles Melissa Pezzola Rachel Smelser Jcseph Seeno 1 Emma Hunt Nick 'Siegel Sarah Sayad Dan Draper I I AIR DUn CLIANING Jacob Robe Molly Hanmer Susan Smelser Albert Terris SAVI Torre Nichols Keely Scates Erin Cirimele Gina Phinny We'll clean out your furnace and, *5.0 • f ~ sys..... , Chloe Jankowsky Alex Schramm John Maurer Jes~ica Porter with our patented Roto-Care , t Kathleen McMurdo Todd Hamey Nicholas Beaudoin Kumiko Takahashi "11 ~ in your ducb, it'. in your "'. ..., N Nicholas Ashley Burnside Nataslta Nizet Sasha Seminel ~oggan a ••M E.ue Esme Nickerson Brianna Lackey Carl Vonsa1tza Andrew Smith . James Clark Laura Smith . Christine Handel Nathaniel Short Pick-up ! \- i J 3 i..B-. - b " Veronica Hills-Skerritt ~-t Gerald A. Tarsitano, D.D.S., M.S. V4 SAVE 'BfSRUGiIAsmI-s~" 1M Is ... .,..,• ..., A PROFESSIONAL DENTAL CORPORATION """'- you bring in, , «a. ._..,h .,l.. .d... . ' ....... Vblt .tn..It.,. ..... ..,... w...I.e", .. ............. 11 ....... ,.. Orthodontics Exclusively • Children and Adults Diplomate of the American Board of Orthodontics u,hoIde.,.:: ,~.~::~&,~Fiae". o..w. .:(arpet. Dud 26365 Carmel Rancho Blvd., 529 <;e8tnJ..AveDue, 646-2200 .i'_ScI .. 424-7303 C ......e I, CA 93923 Pacific Grove, CA 93950 .. 3.01 Dela VIlla 1INe., Man. ...y , (831) 624-7244· Fu,6 24-9405 . (831) 372-1566 • Fu 372-1560 , 011-' ..._ - i -..-. ..... .,c-~ 116_ ..' .........., .. Visit our website at www.mtybaysmiles.com THE NEW YORK TiMES MAGAZINE CROSSWORD PUZZLE - DROPPING THE BALL By ELIZABETH C. GORSKII Eoom rt Wu 5HoATZ sana ACROSS ... ·'Luckofthe MShockini lDanny who i~,Che Draw" sinler 95 The industrialized "Good lime IshmKli1a seGcueraI nations 'Chlrlie's Got the dwelled assembly? "Pxkin, ' Blues" 7 Fluffy scarf 51_-80 (classic I.They're not on ,CaItIoriz.e ,ues! lOWilh 61·00wn. computer) the list liMa abbr. ora s&arI 1956 SlPostpaid ene. III New pedometer II CoIorIdo.nllive SOftllitlc 5511'51 piece of reading IlCom servill, 130uy wilb a cool cake I030rpn knob U"U(e_a job? 57 Crackers ' 104 Huler dram" "Gomer's TV "Chasms 105 They can make · .4 Mythical ft'1OIISte'r, ladyfriend A How some waves .'J-teKuriaJ ltORen lipas J*Hb count as a I07Ccnain drink 16 Time to celebrale 11 In-flight iolO, for . wnial orders I7CU(koo short 6J Urban dwellin.s 110 On the beach 1l'Born, t)ll the n House ~ praya' 67 When IU Some are famous society page 13 "11W's eaouJll. I " . stralocumulus 115 --tJU~ 15 Cry hen shanly JUtss .'. clouds are most (motley) ,b tfore 16-00wn 14 london resident common 116 Super dupers? D''They'1l never 16 Shoot one under ""Everythin,'s 117 Declaration that \uspect me'" nUke some· ftCw, loin, 10 beOK!" leaves one in a 31 Gossip fodder lawns 7tDevildo, "':nd'.) 3JDdivery notice? , I lICally? III 71 Ships' quarters 118 Market dose , _34Ciood buddy 19 Kind.of 73Some draft picks 11' Oscar winner 35Thesaurus wds. cannonball 74Subdillision of a Jackson 36 Fulcrum locales 30 Debussy's "Clair Ie gion. tn :anc icne 118 Numbers !ames J1Quantityofdala dt Rome 121 School of 31 Boaaload 31 Global 15 B.:k bones Buddhism commerce or,. 33620~ns cthie eMDICl e "Whole 122 filhng pro. for J9"Star Trek: The ,,''Out!'' short Nele Gentralion" 5t.Andropovand 74 Exam for a doc· 90 _ Prei. Chilean '18 Degrees for attys. , 31 Pays back 7911 may come wilh I23Child with crew member o.,arin to-« leader succeeded 4O8Eeltaadncosrh iint a a key ~sjbjJides, ) 43 Audiophiles' 61 See ID-Across 77 Blown away . by Allende Itt ~tock elchange cradiliOl\ally buy 41 Poetic dusk ' ~lGymnastics ~h_s 6lB. &-0. slOp: 19l.an<llocked land 95 Marshy area 41 Jazz singer James legend .... .Retalionships Abbr. III Half 0( a 19.5.5 45 Philly Icam IS Expect DOWN 446'1 nbJer user 64 Whala celebrant • Son of " Thundered merger: Abbr, 46 German 87 Lctiers at 1 Noted bolin, Puente and may doal 81 Celebration fJ7 Dominm-cd. 111 Sellout sign , cathedral city, Buckingham family Jackson 16-00wn accessory with "if' 47 Silly P\lly Palace l_-Rooter SI Before: 6SSuperslu Il Buds may be " Red-faced? 111 Model HUlley, to ........... _. ....... _.. . --.. .. container 81Smalllypes J Celebrllory air adjustments, u in produced in them' friends , •• Ninn~s .. Son of Odin ' sIMi Sf ics "Boiled II. Kind of- rehearsal 84 Bull markets 1I1fruity drink , HEmul ... : rcl.e lelvi,. specc S4_ P.k 6Ilettcr opencr IIlSuper power? Rembrandt 6 Battery part S6Heap . " Scampered ""No more!" IMOcor,ia el ai" - 114 George W. . to Answer to pUzzle on page 19A 93Biou iMiliRg site 51 Means _ end 72 Mirxle-..- "El"'t once: Abbr. George , , . '" January 4, 2002 The Carmel Pine Cone - 5A i.. F _ Serra (hool·prin£ipa "chlld endangerment' charge; Dio ese stands behind "fof '~ ~er serra PINE CONE STAFF REPORT filed. If charged, Hi . would libly f~ misdemeanor School," Chandler told The Pine Cooe. rather than felony charges because no injuries occ~ UBut if the allegations are true, this never should have C ARMEL POLICE are seeking charges of child "These two students aren't exactly the angels of Junipero happened." he said JqlectIendangerment and battery on school grounds against Junipero Serra School Principal Vuginia Higgins based nn complaints from two male students that she pulled their hair laSt in separate incidents November, according to Detecti~ Sgt: Terry Chandler. "Basically, the complaint was she apprrlached them dur 11 ing the lunch hour, engaged them in conversation aDd,. for no I apparent reason, grabbed -their hair and pulled them up," ~ said "One she took with her to her office to talk about his . behavior iI\ class, but with the other, she jUit yanked it apd wa1ked away." Although one incident occ~ Nov. 27 and the other the follawmg day, the parents of-the students came to ttie police department separately to register their compl.aints Nov. 28. Higgins was placed on administrative leav~ shoitiy .after the incidents, he said . Cbandler interviewed students, school officials and wit nesses before submitting his report to the Monterey County District Attorney Office last week. ~ P'I Hew Two separate iavestiptiou The Diocese of Monterey also-conducted. an internal investigation into the complaints, according to attorney AI ~ and found-no fault with Higgins' actions. f!uun . ( "The Cannel·Police Department has investigated the mat ter, and school staffhas coo~ted fully in that investigation. The diocesan office has also thoroughly investigated the STAHL MOTOR COMPAN¥ incident," he said ..' 'The ~ff at Junipero Serra School and the officials at the pastoral office are fully supportive~ the . W" appwdate pwt "abuJiu,fe principal at the school, and she bas been asked to remain on as principal." Chandler said the district attorney's office -received his report Jan. 2, but has yet to decide whether charges will be \\ESTERN FLOORS IS .4 98 Frempnt Street • Monterey (331) 375-2456 Carpet • Laminate • 'Wood Area Rugs • Ceramic Tile Vinyl • Drapery ~ Miniblinds 527 Ramona Ave. 925 D. Playa Ave. Monterey Sand City 6460976 39~1047 ~/' ~DAv! - CALL-US .... · family and operated own~ with over I ~ years experience · free estimates · Non-invasive microwave or Bora-foam treatments available · Senior discounts / 384-2000 COMMUCIAl • REIIDOITIAl • REAL EsrATI 10 % Off TOTAL SERVICE IIITM tHIS AI) ---- . . . , ~ r ' 6A The Carmel Pine Cone . Januory 4, 2002 ·Youngest sheriH's candidate says his door .would .always be open By MARY BROWNFIELD . felt SPD was too traffic-enforcement oriented ' hllr'tS, but so.did the closure of Ft Ord. at the time. "We used to go to Ft. Ord all the time and MAINTAINING YOUTH-ORIENTED programs, fill , "PatroUing the treets of Salinas, I startod would get retired military who were still pre~ ing more than 30 vacancies and convincing deputies to stay, to feel guilty beca ) was not doing what I ty YC?Wlg," Villegas said. "So maybe·w e need and rebuilding special units for gangs and other crime prob , wanted to do in crime prevention," ~ said. to hit some bases ,outside 'Monterey County." lems would top Sheriff's IBvestigator Steve Villegas' list of The sherift''s depaa tment better suited him In order to builddtis narcotics unit, current priorities if he is elected sheriff next year. because it was moro focused OIl crime than n Sheriff Gordon Sonne has removed deputies An investigator since 1985 who first joined the depu;t t:ra1rac, and three Oft patrol from special units dealing with gangs and plent as a deputy in the jail in 1977, Villegas said he also promoted to 9w1~lguor violent crime, according to Villegas, but the wants to bave administrators who are need for them has escalated. respected by the hundreds of deputies . "We have a g8l)g problem - it's huge - who work for the sheriff. 'Public safety has.t o be and the sheriff's department no 'longer has a were "Let's work together and get this gang unit. We really getting a handle on the number one issue in department back in line again," he said. gangs Ind it's been deteriorating. We' have to all areas oft his county, "I'm going to be a fair guy, approachable, service is running get that gang unit back working again," he who will listen to the concerns and make and we're still very , office." _ said. , Steve Villegas a fair decision. That's the message." In addition to his work in the department, . i . , shorthanded in patrol. I Recruiting woes years of coaching kids in football and track- '" I Bom into law enforcement There are not enough Althou~ the sta~ing incident in the and-fie'id have given VillegaS an idea of how to keep children I Villegas, the youngest of the eight can jail occurred more than 20 years ago, off the street and invOlved in constructive activities, instead deputies on the street - I didates for the top-cop job at age 47, has Villegas said it still motivates his desire to of getting in trouble. crime increases, but been married for 25 years 'and is a father make the job as safe as possible - some- "Being that I cater to kids, 1 want to keep those programs of three children aged 24, 22 and 19. A manpower doesn, 't.' thing that can only be done by having [sucb as DARE] intact," he said. ") don't want the programs Salinas native and son of a police officer, more ~ople on the force. to sufft:r where we educate kids on drugs and gangs." - Steve Villegas he received a RA. in criminal justice "Public' safety has to be the number.. , Most importantly, Villegas said, he wants to be accessible from Sacramento State and is working to one issue in all areas of this county, and to the deputies and the public. complete the master's program in public we're still very shorthanded in patrol," he ") want them to know that someone will finally listen to administration through Golden Gate University. said. "There are not enough deputies on the street - crime them," he said. ") know what they are fighting for, what the . After an inmate stabbed him in the neck with a pencil, increases, but manpower doesn't." issues are." '" Villegas, left the sheriff's department in 1978 to work for The same goes in the, jail,. he said, where a few deputies P.o. Salinas But he returned as a deputy in'1982 because he are responsible for hundreds of inmates. "The jail is such a mess right now - it's so understaffed FIREFIGHTERS ge~ - and I'm just waiting for a deputy to killed in there," he said. Requests for more help go unanswered, according to Fro", 1HIge 3A CARMEL VALLEY MANOR Villegas. "I just don't want to see anybody else get hurt." . A Lifo Cart Community With: . Hundreds of eligible employees used to take the -depart Carmel City Administrator RJch Guillen said CFD's ment's tests for new recruits, but "now we're lucky if 100 future will likely be broached when the city council contem • Abundant .S unshine show up," he said. The cost of living in Monterey County plates next year's budget. While handing over the operations • Exceptional Snvices of the fire department to another agency - which would • Marvelous Neighbors make its staff employees of that agency - or leaving it as is • charmiizg Residences AILING HOUSE are also options aired in Rose's repOrt, Guill~n said the city will probably focus on saving money by contracting with • Complete Health Care Package , PEST CONTROL CDF or Carmel Valley for administrative services. 8545 Carmel Valiey Road • carmel. c.~ 9.3923 In fact, the city is already saving money by paying about call £0( a tour (831) 624-1281 IJo.tllStl2;C:;XlII~ $74,000 for Reade, according to Guillen, versus paying a fIre chief $105,000 and an assistant chief another $90,000, plus benefits. "And 1 don't feel that current relationship has hin • dered the fire department's operations," he said . . "Obviously whichever way we go, we will want as much particip;ltion as possible from the f'trefighters, the communi The .ore thing_ chang., ty, the city council - all the usual players - and we'll just ea ..... the ••r e .... 1 Drug Ito. .. see where this all takes us," he said. .tays .......... Serving the Carmel Area Since J 946 One of the issues on· which the Andersen study, Rose's . ..tI .............. eo ••• ...c. ...... . report and the CFAagree is the deteriorating state of the fIre xpe. .. Complete fest Control station. Built in 1937, the fIrehouse "is unsafe and fails to r.lc. ' Night Service AwIilIIbk comply with current ADA standards," according to Rose. the Car• •' D. ........ has ....n 624-8211 Six years ago, the Andersen consultants concluded, "The fire station ,is old, crowded and is in need of structural provltl. .. ow c• ••u nlty San Carlos & 7th • Cannel improvements to meet current seismic' safety standards." with ••n c. 191 O. That study recommended improving the station rather than building a new facility in Carmel. Rose said, "It is time to ,. , make repairs to or the replacement of the fIrehouse a priori- . ty." , ,M onte The Del Assisted Residential ~. l t , Plea. . stop by and 1M for yourself, or caU 624-3819 for prescription price quotes and complimentary delivery. CWaIN"T'"E R· NEEDS: Umbrella. ~ Flashlights • Ball. ... r I , Our backup generator allows us to ..r ve the community during poww fallu ..... , Serving"·' . Pen.insula , Reside'nt's No.SujJermar"et ~ since 19 4 GROCERIES - MRAT - WIl'iES - LIQUORS GOURMET SHOP W.11 fill, deliver, bin monthlyl a~ Cbarge AC(:OUM Welcome . (Ix's & Sundry ......) Located at' 111.9 David · enue ... HOTEL OR HOME DEUVERY Ocean Avenue at San' Carlos in beaut1fo~ Pacific Grove , '624-6441 Carmel-by-the-Sea + Hours: 8 am - 10 pm, Doily For informelfion pl~els~ Celli G~624-6441 Meat 624-6263 PhaIIhOCY: 9 am -,6 pm, Mon.~ ri. 831- 75~2206 ' Wine 624-9463 Cheese 624-5939 " , , I • January 4, 2002 The Carmel P""e Cone 7A .A year of disagreements for Carmel and Coastal Commission By TANARA GRIPPI tages on Scenic Drive in order to build their retirement home. WHILE THE City of Cannel and the Instead, the commission told- the PACIFIC GROVE MEDICAL CLINIC California Coastal Commission agreed early Shellooes to come back with redesigned on that 2001 would be-the year the city plans that would preserve the cottages. The would fmalJy fmisb its local coastal pro- Shellooes did as they were told and u1ti- gram, there would be little else the two mately won the approval of.the coastal com- 'groups would agree mis~ion with their on all year. -, ~,.. ...........- --................................... """"!". ..............~ ~ new plans. Michael Mahig, MD Debra Falcone, Throughout the Unfortunately for Internal Medicine MSN, ANP-C, CDE year, .t h~ coastal -them, their revised COIDDllSSlon took a . plans did not con- Nasser, MD close look at issues io form to city develop- ~ahmoud ( Internal Medicine Cannel - ranging from the-p8rking ban on ment rules in several ways and have yet to be to Scenic Road whether demolitions of older approved - by the Cannel Planning We offer treatment of common heart-and lung conditions, homes should be allowed. Commission. In many cases, the coastal" commission gastrointestinal conditions, arthritis, diabetes, high cholesterol, and its staff acted to supersede Carmel's PuUiaI the pial? -=- , hypertension; as well as common skin conditions authority sending letters threatening Later, the coastal commission, concerned enforcement action and overruling Carmel's about damage to Cannel's "community and minor surgical procedures. decisions at coastal commission hearings. character," paid increased attention to any ~ do .complete pbysj&als, s&hool pbysuals, firefighter pbyskals el&• •. The saga seemed to begin in December demolition applications for ,older homes. 2000· when the coastal coriunission rejected Preservation activist Enid Sales and-others Accepting Medicare & most insurance plans. Bill and Mary Louise Shellooe's plans ~ urged the commission to impose a mO,ratori- already been approved by the city - to 505 Central Ave., Suite 201 831.645.9990 See COASTAL page 8B demolish Sea Orchin and Periwinkle cot- Pacific Grove, CA 939?0 [email protected] , Dead pre~idents made millions for Bixby Ranch owner '\ PAUL MILLER ~y Convaniant LDClltJong A SERIES of stunning real estate deals to ~IVIJ YOU • •• engineered by a speculator from Las Vegas UontAtey _s hocked the real estate. industry and horri fied open space. advocates last year. Brian 849-4-600 Sweeney, fresh from a tti1iinphant real estate maneuver in Santa Cruz County that netted PaCific Crove him more thaD $20 million~ set his sights on B,ig Sur, where the famous Bixby Ranch was 655:.4900 for sale. By the time the dust had settled, he earned .another $24 million and the California Legislature was scurrying to pass Ca~rnal . legislation to stop Sweeney from striking 8Z5-4goo again. The Pine Cone's reporting of his -real , ~allh"g estate maneuvers was picked up by nearly all - J1 - the state's major 'newspapers and became SBA LOAN EXPRESS one of the biggest ,environmental stories of 422-4800 the year. Sweeney's solid-gold secret: He uncov ~ntll ~tuz ' ered a series of f~rgotten deeds at the Salinas SBA LOAN EXPRESS courthouse that showed Bixby Ranch had 469-g8OO been subdivided long ago. Sweeney kept the deeds hiddep from Bixby Ranch 's form~r _owner, Peter Funt, and used them as leverage in negotiations with open space advocates who cringed at the thought of nine expensive homes on 1,200 acres of exquisite Big Sur Member F.D.I.C. SBA Ptef'erred Lender scenery. ~ Equal Hou-sinS Lender See SWEENEY page 4B ... Qualified. Skilled• "ililable. .4, At Heartland Home Health Care & HOlpice, , (formerly HomerHealth Plus), we have CARING professionals that can provide: • 24 hours-Tdays a week' Private Duty Home.care Services· Home Health Aides • Homemakers • Comp~nions • RNs, LVNs, Rehab Services & Iv-fherapy • Diabetic Education • Cardiac Services • Hospice Services H"- - ~land ot Medicare Certified ot State Licensed ot t;aI: U Insured otJCAHO Accredited ot ot '. HOME HEALTH CARE & HOSPICE For a Free Assessment, pleale call (831) 373-8442 '. • ,, , ' 8A The' Carmel Pine Cone Jan}'Ory 4, 2002 When b or's d th -wos Ih odd-- wn f 0 • • • • By MARY BROWNFIELD , To SEE how the world changed in 2001, consider the response to the death of a luckless black bear who wandered into tody oftbe bear's carcass and held a special burial ceremony / Carmel May 23, took refuge in a tree and somewhere on private property on Cannel Hill, where they then died when felled by a fish and game . sang, drummed, danced, prayed and ~ offerings of warden's tranquilizer dart. t;erries, salmon, honey, abalone shells, tobacco and sage to In less than 24 hours, an impromptu the bear's spirit memorial was erected at the foot of the Today, retllD$Dts of the makeshift memorial at the base of tree tree where the bear died. Demands were the are still there. And i'eminiscences of the bear's brief made that the, city cOuncil hold a service visit and subsequent death still take place in living rooms and create a permanent monument to the and at coffee-shops. Carmel residents, like most Americans, Carmel Bear. Eulogies and tribut~s poured wish ~ death of a bear bad been the ~ddest event of 2001. in to The Pine Cone, which printed some a in special, two-page tribute. Hatton Canyon suit' As the days went by other saddened res idents mourned Carmel's bear by wri~g poems draw and leaving flowers, tobacco, to be heard-in - ings, pictures and other offerings at the base of the Ocean Avenue p~. "' . The unfortunate bear had made its way PHOTO/PINE CONE FILE Monterey County from the ~ stopping to raid food tables at Laguna Seca during the Nascar races Carmel's blaCK bear wandered ·through yards and hotel parking lots the morning there, dumpster-diving at Tarpy's of Nv:Jy 23rd, befc:;>re taking refuQe in a N-onterey pine. The bear later died after Roadhouse and appearing nCar Foothill been hit with a tranquilizer dart fired by a fish and game worden. . By TANARA.G RiPPI Elementary School off Highway 68. Early . CITIZENS FOR Hatton Canyon, the. pro-freeway the morning of May 23, Pebble Beach residents reported see calls, Carmel police officers located the bear and followed it group challenging the sale of Caltrans' right of way to ing it near Macomber Estates, and after receiving several 911 from yard to yard on Lincoln, Fourth and Casanova to Ocean state parks, bas agreed to move the lawsuit froni Santa Avenue. Clara to Monterey County. ~ \. The bear ran down ~ an~ scrambled up a 70-foot Christine Gianascol, one of the attorneys represent . Monterey pine, where it perched and rested for hours as law ing Citizens Jor Hatton Canyon, said her clients were_ 'Happy - enforcement, forestry and fire officials, along with PG&E willing to move the suit to Monterey County in order to workers, members of the media and the public; gathered see expedite the hearing process. below to what would happen next. New Year The state attorney general's office had filed a motion Some suggested luring the bear down with bait or waiting for a chan,ge of venue and Gianascol said her clients it' out, while one enthusiastic forestry employee volunteered from the ., to go up in the city's Hi-Ranger to coax the be'ar down . wanted to avoid .additional hearings that could delay • their actual case from being heard. PG&E cut·p ower in the area so the it wouldn't electrocute businesses in .. ) "We didn't want to incur a lot of fees and costs on itself. In the end, California Department of .Fish and Game that issue so we stipulated with other parties to' go wardens decided ,to hit the bear with a tranquilizer dart. Downtown Pacific Grove! ahead and file in Monterey County," Gianascol said. "In . They created a cuShioned.landing area around the base of exchange for doing that, the state agencies have agreed the tree, hoping the bear would fall without being seriously to expedite the hearing process so we can get things in injured. a little quicker time frame." But the dart scared the bear even higher into the tall pine, and minutes later it lost its balance and fell into a yard below Gianascol said she original,ly filed in Santa Clara . county in an attempt to provide the most convenient with a great crash. It died on its way to a Carmel Valley vet. place fer the other counsel - whose offices are locat- In addition to the memorials, some distressed Peninsula ed in San Francisco. i- - residents vociferously lambasted fish and game, the sheriff's However, the state attorney general's office - rep deparlment and Carmel police and fire officials for their resenting the California Department of Parks - want handling of the incident, insisting they should have left the ed the case heard in Monterey County because the bear alone to come down whenever it felt so inclined. I property in question is located here. ~ -----B,h and game quickly responded that it would consider I "Either place was appropriate," Gianascol said this • I howOest to handle future incidents involving bears, which week. "Arguing about where it [the case] would be are common in the Sierra but unusual in Monterey County. . heard would have delayed this considerably and cost Two-and-~-half weeks later, individuals representing sev additional money." eral Native American tribes obtained permission to take cus- The lawsuit alleges that the new state law requiringl 'Caltrans to sell Hatton C3!1yon to state parks is uncon The Church of Carmel Mission stitutional because it doesn't meet the state constitu the Wayfarer . Basili(a tion's strict requirements for converting highway land to - parks. (A United MethOdist church) • Sat. Mass: 5:30 pm fulfills Gianascol said she hopes the lawsuit will be heard Uncoln & 7th, Sunday .o~iigation. by early to mid February. For now, she's waiting for the caimel-by-the-Sea Sun. Masses: 7:00, 8:00, 9:30 ell :00 am and 12:30 response of the state agencies named in the suit ' Adult Classes Sunday 9 AM _ e 5:30 pm. . Caltrans, state parks and the state coastal conservancy , SUnday Worship 10 am Confessions: Sat. 4:00 to 5:00 - which are due Jan. 11. SUhday School for children lOAM Days before Rrst Friday and Mean~hile, state parks officials are moving forward Ages 4 thru 5th grade Holy Days 4:00 to 5:00 . •1 to complete documentation for the transfer of the prop t Child care provided Mass at Big Sur: Sundays erty, which they had hoped to complete by the end of 624-3550 at 10:30 am. this month. . Rio Road. carmel www.churchofthewayfarer.com Gianascol said she has no plans at present to ask for ' All Saints~ . Sl John's Chapel FOR INTERIORS a court order to stop the transfer. "They [state parks officials] are probably optimistic Episcopal 1490 Mark Thomas Dr. on the time line," Gianascol said. "'We're monitoring the I ; Church Monterey Shutters· Draperies • situation to see where they are. Even if the transfer were Traditional . to go through, it could be undone." , SUnday Eucharists at 8 am, Episcopal Worship Blinds • Shades • Verticals 9:30 am Patio Service 10:30 am and 5:30 pm. 1928 Prayer Book Valances· Bed Treatments ' Eucharist Thursdays at noon~ Sunday: 8:00 a 10:30 a.m. Accessori~s • WalJpaper CATERING Sunday nursery care Wednesdays: 10:00 a.m. / at 10:30 am service. Complimentary Music at all services. 375-4463 Shop-at-Home Services Dolores Sl & 9th Ave. " WOrship the Lord In the ... And much morel 624-3883 f!eauty Of Holiness" . Having an AFFAIR? Christian SCience Join us at Weddings, Birthdays, Anniversaries will dol " Carmel . Services Our profesSional, reliable staff of fidelity e Presbyterian bonded chefs, walters and bartenders Sunday Church Sunday School 10 a.m. Church· will cook, serve, walt.wash, polish, mop and walk the dog'" Wednesday Testimony Meetin~ Ocean at Junlpero, Thomas Gainsborough 7:30 p.m. every Wed. EVening carmel-by-the-Sea CUSTOM INTERIORS Also \2 Noon 1s t Wednesday 831-624-3878 f. . Sat. 10:008. . S:OOpIII \ 1831-476-4714 each month ~ ~ Contemporary Worship Rea"lng Room open 9 to 5 Motmrcv Couttty's IbttIr-PouQiaI Frtortty Pealer free consultation Service at 8:30 AM Suhday & Holidays 1: 30 to 4:30 Traditional Service at 1'0' AM IIItwtor •• Sodety Cnde!tIaJtd • Slatt e.t. -11. .. ." Monte Verde Sl btwn. 5th 86th ~ Children and Youth 468 lighthouse Ave. Free ~ rkIng enter on Uncoln Sl Sunday School at 10:.00 AM 624-3631 ' Adult Class at 8:30 AM Monterey · (831) 655-26~3 -. " january. 4, 2002 The Carmel' Pine <;one 9/\ STOPLIGHT· IDe However, once the climbing project is f"JDisbcd, keep the climbing lane project simple. "We wanted to focus tbiai maging traffic on that sedion of Highway 1 will be a thing . OIl one only," Nichols sai4, "We decided ~ tum pack- Fro.'~IA of the past, Nichols said. The climbinB lane is scheduled for eta or two way left tum lanes would be better addressed in a cbansing some of the signal timing to give more time to the completion by the end of February'. ~ project" nortbbound Highway 1 driven and less time to the right tum , Nicbols explai..,.A that keeping the level of traffic flowing lanes from Carmel Valley Road now that the duel right tum 'Left laud tiuw, on both Cannel Valley Road and JJe wanted to focus on one lanes are finished ' In addition,' Highway 1 drivers bave Highway I is a balancing act. ' COnstruction OIl the COUDty-sponsored climbing lane P!9- also complained to The Pine Cone h . I Jfii d 'ded h "People on Cannel Valley road bave ject - to cmate a aecond aorthbound lane on Highway I about baCkup caused by drivers making t l~g on y. e . eel t at been $COding us congratulatory notes between Carmel Valley Road and Morse Drive - began just left band turns frotn Highway I onto turn pockets or two way left like cra;zy," Nichols said. "If you're a after wort on the duel right tum lanes was completed in Atherton Drive and Mesa Brive. Since · , CJU1DC1 Valley Road commuter you like November. _ there is no shoulder while the climbing turn lanes would be better what's going on,'ifyou're a Highway I cnmiDa Now tbat- the merge point for traffic out of lane co~on is under way. doZens commuter, you think something is addressed in a later pro- Carmel Valley bas shifted to Highway 1, it's underitandable of motorists are forced to wait while a Unbalanced" that Highway 1 congestion is iDcreasing while Carmel Valley lone driver waits for a chance to make a ·eel. , . -; Nichols said the hope is that com- J Road's traffic improves, .1£COI'ding. to county engin ee r Nick left tum. .p letion oft he climbing lane project will Nichols. . Gonza1ez said there are no immedi- - Nick Nichols improve conditions for everybody. ate plans to -restrict left hand turns from "The best thing is be patient, be to Highway I - even after the climbing said. "Let us fmisb our work. AB soon PRICE lane is completed. as the highway configuration stops changing we will try to "We have looked at that - taken counts, looked at ~i- do the balancing act with signals to coordinate with Carmel FroM JA ' . JIII6~ dent history and there is nothing to give us the backing to Rancho and Rio Road so that everybody gets an equal actually prohibit these moves ....G onzales said. "The volumes break." thousands of dollars defending itSelf against other legal of left turners are very low." "But it will take some trial and error," be added; claims flied by Sales and her allies. Nichols said the county made a conscious decision to Guillen said the city always tries to· av- '(1 litigation, if it ,~can. ''We always try to work it out beti we get to the court- rooms,'· be said. . Mare than S42,OOO in 13 ' fees is ~o insignificant . sum in a small town like Carmel. Guillen explained that the money could com~ close to paying the annual salary and benefits of an entry level employee. J . "Or it could have gone to SHINCA deferred maintenance," Guillen said. "It's money we ·WlSH WOULD UKE TO ·YOU A could have spent elsewhere." The $42,000 notwith SlapP9. standing, things could have ' Slea~tk9 I turned o"t much worse for the city. If Carmel had lost . g. CP/lO~peItOU~ the lawsuit, the judge could have requirec;l the city to pay cMew gje(1/( the legal fees of Sales apd her supporters. Sales Imt filed the law suit in October,~ 998 which 626-SKlN (7546) pointed to the demolition of the Donati house as a prime e~ple of the city allowing its cultural heritage to be destroyed. aLLEY In 1999, Judge Robert tLLAGE ELF YOUR FRIENDLY O'Farrell agreed that the TOR AGE city acted correctly in allow ing ··the demolition of NEIGHBORHOPP ! Donati's house. More than Units from 5x5 to 10 x ·36 ·three years after the case mea, was ftrst Fields sided 6.8 BILLION DOLLAR BANK with the city on the overall MOf'd~y - Friday • 7:30AM • 5:00 PM issue. . Saturday· Sunday· 8:00 AM· 3:00 PM While the city is relieved that the lawsuit is oyer, offi 15 Delfino Place cials know this won't be the last time the city is taken to Carmel ValleY,CA court. (831) 659-5322 "I think litigation is always there," Guillen said. www.selfstorage.net/valleyvlllagel "We always have to deal Owner Dodie Williams with It." Packing &.S IIipplng Made Easyl ~ • Highly personalized service for individuals and small business Self Serve.C olor Copies • Business Accounts and Lending Faxing Packaging • Shipp'i~g • Real Estate and Construction Loans Computer Rentals VARMEL . • Non-Profit Services Authorized Shipping Center · Faa U S Postal, Ex, UPS • International Banking A DIVISION OF COAST COMMERCIAL BANI( DHL & CA OVERNIGHT - • Personal Investment Programs 620-0ILlO Now operN{l downtown Cannel-by-th'e-Sea on Mission . between 5th and 6th. MBMWBR oJ 'FDIC The Cro5lroads, Carmel * Asset size as of 9/30/200 1 COMMERCIAL & .. 625-2800 RESIDENTIAL PICK·UP \ \ 1 I'" I, \ " I \., " I \ I I I ' I I I I I ( , I' I \ I I \ \' I • .. • t •• t. 10 A The Carmel Pine Cone Januory 4, 2002 ------------------------------~--~~--------------------------------------------------~----------------------------------~------------- ~ Rob Sayder is President of LTC Legacy Group here in Cannel. After nearly 20 years as a physical therapist and president of Progressive HealthCare, Rob ba$ served over 15,000. senior clients, making him one of the area's most knowledgeable experts on long tenn care issues f,cing seniors today. As a C~rtified Senior Advisor and a Certified Elder PJanning Specialist, Rob is ,uniquely qualified to advise seniors on their long term care options. Reb Sayder, PT, CSA CEPS Certified Seaior A~r • Certifled Elder PlallDiDg SpedaHst o Your options when protecting against long term care costs ' THE 12 TH Annual Rio Resolution Run brought out more , . than 1,000 runners New Year's Dc;Iy - despite ·threats of O' Maintaining your independence and choices . , rain - and raised an unpreceden1ed $25,000 for Suicide Cl \YbY Medicare and otbe~ medical inSDnnces don't pay Prevention Service of the Central Coost, according to run o ))!lIlgerous myths of long term care, . ' found.er and restaurateur Ton,[ Tollner. TIJe fun run/walk led a care participants through Mission Trail Park and Carmel streets S biggest mistakes in buying long ter:m protection before ending at Larsen Field. Walkers and runners of .011 o When long term caremsunnee isn't right- ages - including Carmel River School firs~rader Emmett Ferry Iright) - enjoyed ' brunch after the run. Respecr, ·PlofedIng your Legacy with Dignity and Tollner said he was impressed by the par Fmancial & Insurance Services ticipants, the record ' : Lic. # 00011880 number of sponsors' .--, a who supported the run this year, and his fjrS" less vol!Jnteers who kept everything running ~ smoothly despite hav ing to serve breakfast to thousands inside the mall at the CrossrOads Shopping Village. "It has grown con- PRELIMINARY I sistently ~ we've prob . City of Carmel • Tb.e Regular. Meeting , ably given $150,000 January 8, 2002 ~ 1Uesday • 3:30 PM Open Session Support to charity since we Broackalt date: Suday, ...r....,a .r y 13, 1001 • 8:00 L • ., KMST Cb• •a el16 started this thing - it's ",",.earmelcalifonda.eom , . Pine Cone awesome, Tollner CitY Hd - Fat Jlt f/MtHIIC Strert 6mrqllQc,. 1NISggt/1 Artua II advertisers.- said. "It's so cool I. Can to Order because evefYbody II. Roll Call was so positive and, 'III. Pledge of AUeaiaace Shop locally. considering the weath- · - IV. Extnordi.ary BaRBell -I, er, the volunteers w~re A.Presentation of Certificates of Appreciation to .Ralph Tober and Wendy Banks for dteir efforts on· the incredible.• Historic Preservation Comniittee. V. AB ..u llCemeBh from Closed Saaloa, from City Council Me.ben and tbe City Administrator A. Anriouncements from Closed Session . JC . B. Anno\Ulcemea.ts fto,m City Council representatives on outside agencies , . c • .C . Announc:emettts ~ the-City Admipistrator. • Report on the Sunset Theater R~tion Project . • Report from Police Chief Rawsen 00 community pblicing. VI; Apparaaca VU. COMent Catndar .I A. Rati.fy the mioutes for the meetittgs of NQVember 15, Decem6er 3, DecenJber 4 and December 6, 2001. . B. Ratify the bills paid for the month of December 200 1. ' , C. Adopt Reso.lution No. 2001-176 authorizing the acquisiqon' of a Canon 1R3300 digital copier/printer/' scanner for the Public Works and Forest, Parks and Beach Departments from IKON Office Solution at a price not to exceed SlO, 10 0, ~laring the old copier as surplus and authorizing its disposal by trade-in. auction, sale or salvage, and authorizing a tnnsfer of funds. (Continued from.December 4,20(1). D. Adopt Resolution No. 2002-0 I authorizing the acquisition of a speed monitoring", t3iJer for the Police Departmept from U.S. Traffic Corporation at a price not to exceed $7,700 using California Law . Enforcement Equipment Program' (CLEEP) grant funds. " ' ~ . E. Adopt Resolution No. 2002-02 supporting the extension of the Montere/"C' ounty Abandoned Vehicle Service Authority Fee: F. Adopt Resolution No. 2002-03 acceptfug with ~titude a donation in the amoUnt of $1 ,000 from the YelloW Brick Road .Benefit Shop to the Seniors Helping Seniors Program . . G~Adopt Resolution No. 2002-04 approving an application for grant funding ~iri the State ofCalifomia Department of Parks and Recrealion Riparian and Riverine Habitat Program under the Safe · I Neighborhood Parks, Clean Water, Clean Air, and Coastal ProtectiOn Bond Act for the Fourth Avenue Eucalyptus Tree Removal and'Riparian Habitat Restoration Project. H. Adopt Resolution No. 2002 05 authorizing the sale by commercial auction of one 1994 Ford Crown Victoria unmarked police sedan as surplus equipment. I.,Adopt Resolution No. 2002-06 awarding to Mack 5 a Professional Services Agreement for project management services during the construction phase of the renovation of the Sunset Center Theater. J. Adopt Resorution No. 2002-07 supporting Proposition 42, the Transportation Congestion Improvement • Act, on the March 5, 2002 s~ewide ballot. . VIII. Public Hearings .. A. Consideration of an appeal of a Forest and Beach Commission deCision denying an application to " remove one Monterey Pine located on the east side of Carmelo between Eleventh and Twelfth Avenues. The owner/appellant is Silvio and Angele Borello. ' . IX. Ordinances -None X. Orden of Council . A. Receive report from Council Member Rose on the state of Carmel's fire and ambulance protection. B. Receive repOrt on the Certi ficate of Occupancy procedure for new businesses. C. Scheduling of futur~ Council meeting~ - please bring your date books. XI. Resolutions A. Consideration of Resolution No. 2001-173 amending Policy C96-01, (Formal evaluation of Appointed • Officials. City Administrator, ity Attorney, City Engineer. and City. Treasurer). (Continued from • - December 4, 200 I). XII. Adjournment , • , i !, I' ·'·I11,,·'III~ If :h, ( 11-' (,11'1 II.' !II Ill' k id III th, ( ::, I:.tlil ,<11111 rI ( fl.iI) h,'I, ,11,' "k',flllc'.!!-or "'1, • 1111 I-{I I 1 I \Il \111 IllII \I,ln .:;. ~lItl2 • IIIl \(1;" • ~: \11 p.m .• ( If. Il,ill I ,'11, II ( 1'.llnl','" • ... , •

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