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- BULK RATE U.S. POSTAGE PAID ' CARMEL,CA Permit. No. 149 VO~UME 84 NO.3 On the Internet: www.carmelplnKone.com January 15·2.1, 1999 . . \ ' i ~ • I ~ Felonies in C a r m e l SHERIFF INVESTIGATES - ; .d r o p 40 percent CALENDAR SALES PITCH l I By KIRSTIE WILDF "W~UY.Quld-be soooooo happy if you - I would support our anti-drug spring sea By TAN..ARA GRIPPI The decrease "can be attributed to the I THE VOICE on the phone sounded son sports calendar!" the female gushed, effort we've put forth over the last several I like it belonged to a bubbly high school tellinB the businessman that the money CARMEL'S OVERALL crime rate years to increase patrols in the neighbor- cheerleader. he contributed to buy an advertisement dropped 30 percent in 1998, a reduction hoods," Poitras said. · I that police credit with increased awareness In 1998, the 'police received only three on the.c alendar would go to 'I support ''scholarships at in the community and boosted patrols. reports of stolen vehicles. The number was The Carmel· Police Department's year triple that in .1997. Carmel High." I . Good-hearted locals, in end r~port, titled "Part I Crimes," includes There haven't been as many stolen cars felonies such as rape, assault, burglaries because "citiZens .are not as willing to leave I cluding more than a dozen I businesses contacted by The and· vehicle thefts. It stated that such inci their keys in their cars," Poitras said. _Pine Cone, responded by dents were down 40 percent. Numbers re~ain low for me more seri The number of burglaries lowered from . ous crimes in Carmel. There were no giving checks ranging from 24 cases in 1997 to 16 reports in 1998 - a reported rapes or murders in Carmel in $70 to more; than $400 dur "significant" decrease, according to ing the past year to the Palmdale-based All Star Carmel Police Detective Sgt. Pete Poitras. See CRIME page 5A Calendar Co. But Lucy .Willman of The Tourists robbed at gunpoint Crossroads center shoppi~;~g accidentally sent her third check directly to Carmel o·n Casanova St£eet _.. . High week, and was ta~t .. ~-"·: oll~!'ld!!~~ '.•\,!i- ~.-•-. ~=cl .... ' , -- ·' ' " }. .... ... _,.. . - school repreJen~tive By TMAARA GRIPPI The two tourists bad just finished dinner called her to say CHS had at a downtown restaurant and were return nothing to do with All Star JUST AFTER hearing news of a 40 ing to La Playa Hotel via Casanova Street, Calendar Co. (A.S.C.C.). percent crime reduction, Carmel received just north of Eighth Avenue when they Willman really ·got miffed art unwelcome wake-up call Jan. 13: a heard someone behind them, when she learned that an.a d ~nning ...: -:.::. ..~. ..: -:- ... she bought in 1998 was not ~ masked robber held up two tourists at g'un . yelling !'hey, hey," Poitras-said. point as they were walking along Casanova They turned around to see a man in a ski printed on the calendar that ,.,., .........,...,.......( '..,,... ..lift. .:_ ::'_, ·,/.' .': . •;. .: . : ~!).<J~ .~ ;;·, ::,.;:;:~r,$ i:]i.:;;l was delivered to the high Street at 9:25 p.m. mask holding a gun who reportedly told L:;::. . .... . ... school. The suspect accosted the two men with them, "This is a real gun. I want your .--;-·.·;H~--:· ; .::.:.~ --=--~ ~~:.~.-lliiiiG a .45-caliber semi-automatic pistol and money." Advertisements on the CHS spring' athletic calendar took $142, according to Carmel Detective were sold to several local businesses. See CALENDAR page 6A Sgt. Pete Poitras. See ROBBERY page lOA Keeley: 'Drive a stake through heart of Hatton freeway' . . By PAUL MILLER posal once and for all. . be made on alternate proposals to relieve ed Governor Gray Davis said he was going "We should end four decades of dispute traffic congestion at the mouth of Carmel to direct the new head of Caltrans to review AssEMBLYMAN Fred Keeley said . about that freeway during the next few VaiJey. a number of highway projects around the this week that, with a Democrat in the months," Keeley said. "Once we drive a stake through the heart state - including the Hatton Canyon free Governor's mansion and a new group of After meeting with Maria Contreras of the Hatton Canyon freeway, hearts and way. state transportation officials in place, he Sweet -. newly appointed Secretary for minds can be focused on improvements to Sweet, who has overall responsibility thinks the time is right for Hatton Canyon 'Business, Housing and Transportation - the existing highway," Keeley said. freeway opponents to kill the highway pro- Keeley was optimistic that progress could Shortly after taking office, newly elect- See KEELEY page 6A \ On The Beach Highlights SEC1'JCt,l A NEWS· SPOAJS. QPINOJr. . .. it quits c~lls A lost and found angst ............... 2A Police log: sleeping on the job. ..... : . 4A. 8C after 13 years An architect tum& artist ... : .......... 11 A Sports: end of a losing I!Jtreak . . . . . . . . . 13A Letters, opinion ... . -.•........... . 14A. 8C By PAUL MILLER Gary Tate responds to tha Grand Jury .. 15A Pebble Beach Co. argues for subdlvi$ion 16A KELLY SORENSEN looks like a man who has spent a big part of his SECTJCI\! B: ARTS & ENJEBTAINI'liENT life· in the chilly and challenging Venerable Jazz Store gets new name . . . . 18 embrace of the .. Pacific Ocean. The Folk legend Mary McCaslin performs ..... 18 tousled b·Jonde hair, the perpetual tan, Book ccHiuthored by blind Pof:neranian ... 38 the relaxed attitude - all these things People & Places ...................... 48 indicate that Sorensen was born to Movies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . 48 surf. ~ cooks lunch for Jacques Pepin ... 78 But he is also a successful local Images by many Westons gathered ...... 88 businessman whose Carmel store, On The Beach Surf Shop, has been a fix SECTION C: REAL ESTATE ture on Mission Street since 1986_. No crawling required in this crawl space . . 4C · This week Sorensen reluctantly .P ost Ranch wins laurels .. ~ .. . . ·. .. ~ . . .. 4C announced that the ·Cannel store will The man who kept Point t.obos wild ..... 5C hul its doors at the end of next month. DIGITAL ~TO/MU MIUER Kelly Sorensen (leftl giks some local surfing tips to Andy Palmer of los Angeles oher See SURF page 2A announcing that his Carmel store, On The Beach Surf Shop, will soon close. . . . . . . . . . . . ' ..... J '~ • f o I o t I~ • I ' • • • I 2A The Carmel Pine Cone january 15 t 19QQ Two hour quandary .over eflds in arrest found · w~llet By TNMRA GRIPPI old. Carmel woman who was no doubt .relieved that the police had been involved. WHAT BEGAN as a simple case of a man who found a wallet in the park turned SURF . . into a scuftle with police and ended with Great Loc~tion, Excellent Rooms, the man. being taken away in handcuffs, From page JA facing three charges. The Carmel Police seemed as surprised "From day one we were· about locals," Wonderful .Shopping. as anybody by the unexpected turn of Sorensen said, "but Carmel has changed events . and a lot of people don't want to come Perfectly located tp fashionable Nob Hill, exotic China~own, ." We wound up having t~ arrest him downtown much anymore!' because he would not give up the wallet," According to Sorensen, parking is the · fabulous restaurants, famous Union Square said Carmel Police Detective Sgt. Pete number one problem for a business that and cable cars: .. all right here. Poitras. relies on local residents for most of its rev According to police, Wayne George . enue. His other sto~e, on Lighthouse Call about our SPECIAL_P ACKAGES that include: Zekkey, 60, of Cannel, discovered the .wal Avenue in 'New Monterey, started out as a let in PiCcadiUy·Part on Jan. 10. H.e then little brother to· the flagship Carmel store, •· Parking • Breakfast • Wine Tasting • spent two hours in The Fabulous Toots but last year it did twice ~ much business. $50 towards dinner at Restaurant Oritalia Lagoon, trying to figure out what to do "Even people who live in Carmel or with the wallet and the $500 inside. Carmel Valley tell me they prefer driving He even discussed the matter with into Monterey than coming into Carmel," employees at Toots, who told:-hlm he Sorensen says. should tum the wallet over to police. His shop was a prime hangout for However, the man made it clear to the folks Carmel kids over the years, and On The at Toots that "he dido 't want to involve the Beach sponsored "a whole bunch of pI olice," Poitras said. events" at the Carmel Youth Center, he After two hours, the employees at Toots says. "But now the kids go to Alvarado 590 Bush Street at Stockton San Francisco 888. 242.7835 finally decided that it was time to inv_olve Street or Cannery Row, which they dido 't . .... Member of 1M Kimpt011 Hot~l Group the police. When Officer Dirk Stoddard do in the '&Os." . arrived on the scene at 4:41 p.m., Zekkey Sorensen· says he took a big risk when .• allegedly tried to slip out of the bar. he started the store at the tender age of 20 . "He· refused to cooperate and tried to He thanks former partner, Mike Locatelli, I' leave,'' Poitras said. "The officer had t.o and his then-landlord, Dick Bruhn, for physically detain him." helping him get the business going. Zekkey was arrested and charged with Won't Sorensen, who lives with his wife resisting arrest, misappropriation of found and two children in Pebble Beach, regret and possession of less than an not being in Carmel every day? p~operty ounee of marijuana,; Poitras said. "I sure will miss being able to run down Police returned the wallet to a 76-year- the street to surf after work," he says. . ' .. t. Large selection of styles & sizes. Finishing and delivery available. \ .. I . CLOHD ). ; 6T07PM ~~w FRIDAY PREPARE • FOREST AVE. • FW:FIC GROYE • 848-1880 FOR THIS SPECIAl Mon- ~ 10-5 • Sun 12.o4 EVENT! M M$rOdCMII~ •WO.,. Slme /Ia Cllh • Fnltq & Ollirl Mlltit SALE CONTINUES THROUGH MON.DAY, JANUARY 18TH, BUT SHOP EARLY FOR BIG PICfURE BEST SELECTION! SMALL BUSINESSES GET THE WITH MONTEREY COUNTY BANK CAFFE &. COMPANY OF CARMEL SEASIDE FABRIC STORl 246 CROSSROADS BLVD., CARMEL (831) 626-8400 1760 FREMONT BLVD. 394-2200 SELE~TED FABRICS Since their wedding day in 1994 overlook ing the Pacific, just off Ribera Road, Bill 50;1, and Marcia Liles dreamed of buying a busi ness and moving to the Monterey Peninsula from Texas. Wheri they learned that Caffe & Company of Carmel, a wonderful cof -~QL,-ENDS feehouse in the Crossroad was available,. they felt it would be ideal. Thanks to '~ - ~,$1 ~$1~-. Monterey County Bank, the Liles are living the dream! II! Bill, a retired ban.ker himself, YARD - :,...;~·PElt says "I know...b'anks and bankers all over the country, and Monterey County Bank and Charles Chrietzberg rank right .u p there with the best of them." WUU.. A Muda Ula Caffe A ComP.IIny CRAfT STORE 425 W;AS'RI . ST. . 644-0157 7~TO5N % OLDEST locALU'-0WNFD BANK IN MONTEREY CouNTY SBA PREFERRFD LENDER SINCE 1993 48 HouRS BA LoAN APPROVAL SE·LECTED CoNSISTENnY A F~IEND OF SMALL BUSINESS CRAFTS OF _. 60 I Munras Avenue, Downtown Monterey 6494600 3785 Via Nona Marie, Carmel Rancho 625-4300 ' ' SP'ECIALS! 1 · ~--5 ' . ~42 LighthouTshee A Hvoel.m, Paanc iBf1i1ci lGdiroogve 655-4300 Salinas SBA Express 422=4600 SJ••,..,:,, ,;. ;.,.,, tu ... n-.H•-, Monte~y County Bank HI tortcally. _ The Leader In SBA undJng For Monte~y County ____ Member F.D.I.C. • SBA Preferred Lender • Equal Housing Lender I t ~' _._..... __ ....... _,._......._. -.- . .. "' ..... ' t ....... . . ' .. . - • January 15, 1999 The Carmel Pine Cone 3A Council alters 'supportive' letter On dam to read as 'neutral' By TAMARA GRIPPI Other council members didn't see a acre-feet of water which could be made study the potential impact of traffic going need to change the letter, arguing that its available for development by the proposed through Carmel - motorists trying to WHILE VafiNG to approve a com messages made sense. "I would not change dam and how that water would be distrib avoid the back-up of construction trucks at ment letter on the latest environme'ntal a word," said Carmel City Councilwoman uted. , the Carmel Valley Road and Highway 1 study on ·.the Carmel River Da~ and Paula i-lazdovac. The city's letter also .asks that the SEIR intersection. Reservoir Project, the Carmel City Counc:;il Hazdovac ultimately voted with the rest decided Jan. 12 to make certain changes to of the council 'to approve the letter with the· "neutralize, the its statement on the dam. changes. Deadline for comments on Some speakers at the meeting also <J,Ues _st:~l:lm_ittiQg the supplemental environmental impact tioned whether the city's proposed letter report (SEIR) to the Monterey Peninsula was the wrong message. "I'm very ser~ding Water Management District is Jan,. 15. concerned about the next-to-last para a · During its meeting, the council ~leted graph," said Linda Anderson, "In my opin paragraph near the end of the city's pro ion, that can only be read as a statement ef posed <pmment letter asserting that "the total support for a 24,000-acre-foot dam on city is pleased that the proposed Carmel the Carmel River." WE TAKE PRIDE {N OUR WORK & ·. YOUR HOME. River Dam and Reservoit Project will Council members were careful to add a Serving develop a legal long-term water supply and paragraph -at the beginning of the letter Carmel • Pebble Beach • Monterey • Pacific Grove provide adequate drought protection for explaining that the council hasn't taken an · citizens Qf the Monterey official stance on the dam since 1994. · for over 6 years ~xisting Peninsula." The council also voted to include a LocAL REFERENCES AVAilABLE The scrapped paragraph also included request for analysis of how the dam would statements asserting "the city ~s also affect the sand at the mouth of the river. Call Martha Rogers pleased that the proposal will restore a con The city's letter -written by Carmel Tete: 394-9213 • Cell: 812-3035 stant streamflow in the Carmel River envi Assistant Planner Chip Rerig - asks that ronment. This benefits fish, vegetation, the supplemental environmental impact CALLS RETIJRNE.D PROMPTI..Y riparian habitats, as well as the overall aes · report include more information about 799 thetic quality of region." Some council members ·argued that the scrapped paragraph implied that the city officially supported the dam project. "It seems a little simplis tic," said Carmel City Councilwoman Barbara Livi,ngston. "But there are no guarantees. Does the city council really believe all that?" While the current city council has not taken an official stance on the dam, the 1994 council voted unanimously to support the Los Padres Dam, which was essentially the same project. Canfaly .... fcibrics Livingston, who voted to support the dam in 1994, and leathers app••.d Jo told the council, "I have to the frames gives eadi '. . tell you how much I regret that vote. I chalk it up to pie(e of furnihn a political naivete." lleaulr.11iat clstindiYt is . - .- ~ ...... the ..~ .....,.. is •p allI lllki, Paradise Half at Price· Monterey and Santa . Cruz County residents - now's the time of the year 'Mlen you can enjoy all the pleasures of Ventana at half our normal room rates; The Japanese baths, continental breakfast, wine and cheese reception, the beauty of Big Sur. Indulge 'in the experience known the WOOd over. Cal row. ~ VEN·TANA S'-ft BIG SUit C. •II•'• C11111, 26201 WEIII•dae l1llnal. WEll Clala ._ ...._ .. .. - ••ltnll'l) Tel831.667.2331 Fax 831.667.2419 t: &&tei:Jip.aW,•12·S,_s• • t (111)62H155 l • . I • . .. . . . . ·' . 4A The Carmel Pine Cone· january I 5, 1Q 9Q Yule trees nearly fuel big bonfire Police& HERE'S A look at 50me of the significant calls logged by the Cannel-by-the-Sea Police Sheriff's Log Department and the Monterey County Sheriff's Department last week. • SUNDAY, JANUARY ·3 Carmel-by-the-Sea: Assisted in arrest of a purse snatch suspect at Carpenter and 6th. Carmel-by-the-Sea: .T ransient was sleeping in courtyard at Great Western B~nk. Move'd on. Carmel-by-the-Sea: lnfonnation passed on from city hall that the owner of a store at San Carlos and 7th may be living at the store. Knocked several times but no answer. All lights were off, but music could be heard inside. Owner called a short time later stating he had been inside working late. Forward to city hall code enforcement. Carmel-by-the-Sea: Security check at Piccadilly Park found one ground lamp knocked over. Public works notified. Carmel area: Hacienda Carmel resident reported hearing someone yelling, "No, no, give me my money!" The yelling was CQming from the hills to the south of Hacienda Garmel. She then heard what she thought was someone getting hit. Area check made, nothing found. Carmel VaUey: Cachagua Road resident reported finding what appeared to be a harvested and abandoned marijuana growing Qperation near her property. Carmel Valley: Individual reported unknown person(s) stole her purse while she was attending a New Year's party at the Plaza Linda Restaurant. Big Sur: A fire was reported in Mill Creek drainage, on a Dempsey Flats property. The' property owner w.as contacted while maintaining the fire, which was being used to clear brush. He was cited for having the fire without a permit. Carmel area: Summit Field Road resident reported that his mailbox bad been vandalized during the night. . See POLICE LOG page BC Simplify your life. p At California Closets, we offer a complete range of quality closet, pantry, garage, home office and other storage solutions designed to give you more room . in your. home ...:- and more space in your life for other things. · Call for a free in-home tonsultation: 620-0146 Come See our New Shqwroom · · n- L~ BarnyarJ M. SAT 10 • 6 26366 CarDiel Rancho Lane Carmt~l 626~361 SUNDAY 10 • 5 Simplify Your Life FREE GIFT when you use our Birthday Registry 50 years behind the times and proud of .it! At F1nt National Bank, GoOd·Old-Faabloned .Service is the cornerstone of our philosophy. As a locally-owned bank, we offer the local knowledge and personal attention you deserve. Our team of local professionals are here ~hen you need them ... local people serving local people. Yes, wen ave all the modern· conveniences -ATMs and 24-hour telephone service-but unlike many banks, we want to see you in the branch and show you what we do best... rea1 people offering real service. ~' our staff of experienced local professionals show you the way· banking should be. If your bank isn't giving you the old-fashioned kind of service you deserve, come see us at First National. We'll give you bad the Good Old Days! -- . .. ..-- -..... . ... .. .. . ' ,. FIRST NATIONAL BANK HISTORICALLY m E LEADI!R IN LOCAL BANKING MONTEREY • SAUNAS • CARMEL RANCHO • WATSONVILLE SOLEDAD 373-4900 7S7-4900 626-2900 728-226S • 678-2609 \ . - ....... .... \ _First Natlona.l Bank Of Central California • M mber federal DeP.OJit l~surance Corporation • Member federaJ Reserve System .. - . . . . . . .. SA 1999 'All we can do is to make it as difficult 9 J ·t h i s as possible when ' t t e v e JP>··Jr o e e they (those crimi <C nals) do come here.' f o r e s t · f o r y e a r s - Sgt. Pete Poitras o til CRIME lg ts a From page JA F thee .. . e. 1998, compared with one <0>~ -n c e x t c c e n t u r y reported rape in 1997. The ye·ar of 1997 was also 9 homicide-free . . Poitras · also credited 9 Carmel's citizens for being s a m c e o more vigilant. "They tend e "'to call us more if they J~~iee something suspi g cious," he said. ta The percentage of those serious crimes solved by ;) police went down from 38 ll - percent in 1997 to 21 per cent in 1998. . a d A tough towa 1r ~ for criminals ;! ~- "Part II" crimes .it' ll - including forgery, fraud, ' .. embezzlem nt, vandalism, narcotics and domestic ·.l incidents - went down 17 1' percent in 1998. I · "There's not much we can . do to reduce Part II I crime," Poitras said. "All we can do is· to make it as 1 difficult as possible when. they (those criminals) do , come here." Reports of embezzle ment decreased from six cases in 1997 to just two cases in 1998. Carmel experienced a similar re-. duction in fraud cases: only one in 1998 compared to five.in 1997. Vandalism remained dead even with 17 reported . cases in 1997 and again in 1998. Narcotics cases in Carmel · increased from only one case in 1997 to six in 1998. Part II crime solved by Carmel police increased from 68 percent of cases resolved in 1997 to 81 per cent last year. Trees mean open space and natural beauty. To protect this treasure, Pebble Beach Company has already: Poitras said that Carmel e Created the International Audubon Society's first California Cooperative Sanctuary golf course. was lucky that its police e Spent $1 millio-n to fight pitch canker, a fungus that could destroy 85o/o of California's Monterey pines. officers have the time to e Deeded 900 forest and coastal acrts in permanent nature preserves. pursue investigations of all crimes and attempted We now proposeJimitiog future growth in the Del Monte Forest ef!e" "'ore. crimes in the city. The detective pointed to . a recent case of what police believe was an aborted rob Our Proposal: · bery attempt at Le Bijou Fine Jewelry store Dec. 21. Reduce Density 65% - 316 homt'S and a golf In that case, three suspects rourse attempted to lock the own instead of 889 homes rhat maximum wnirig ers in the store while a now allows. fourth man stood on the street as a lookout, accord Deed More Open Space - another 400 acres as ing to police. permanent nature preserve - keeping more than However, after one of 1,300 acres of natural open space within Del Monte the owners managed to slip Forest, forever. out of the store, all four of the suspects fled. After a Proua More lila - We will plant a healthy new resident supplied the police title in the Forest for auy rnatu1e title ~ and with the full license plate s:M: 20,000 trees that old plans would have mnoved. of the suspects' car, Poitras has been able to track down one of the men. Al~ugh no crime had actually been committed, police are taking the inci dent seriously and want to · se~d a strong message to would-be criminals, Poitras said. I I ~!:!!~~ ~<:?;:!f~~!. "If you commit a crime in this town we will chase. we you.u ntil catch you," he www.pebblebnch.com f said. ' ' 6A The Carmel Pi~ Cone January 15, 1999 CALE.NDAR down, saying, "I already bought an ad in to local businesses, including Caf6 the calendar." Gringo, Toy in the Attic, Tony's Frame From page JA Schmidt ~d ·the contract he signed Shop, Mediterranean Market and Andrew Willman thought sh~ was dealing with Carmel High · indicated the school would be getting two T. Jackson art studio. . kids. The invoices came complete with chirpy handwritten scholarships from A.S.C.C., one for $250 "I spent over $400 on a color ad," m,essages like, "Lucy you're the best!" and little smiley and one for $500, plus a fee of $300. Jackson told the Pine Cone. "1\vo little face drawings that looked like they could only have come Linda (:arr, bookkeeper at the high bouncy gir!s came in and picked up the from a teenage girl. school, said she received only one check check. They told me I'd get three copies, Willman called the sheriff and deputies visited Carmel for $300 in 1998. but I didn't see any." High Attlletic Director Hans Schmidt to begin an inv~ti­ The terms of the contract were disput Wiliman said she, too, was promised a. gation of the calendar company. ed by Sandy Thacher, ·office manager of calendar showing her ad. She says she A.S.C.C., who·s aid the company "always didn't receive it. Coatract expired signs two-year agreements." She refused Complicating the confusion among ~hmidt told The Pine Cone that he did sign a contract to disclose the amount of money the com advertisers, boosters and Carmel High is with A.S.C.C. in early 1998 for one spring-season calendar. pany had sent to Cannel High. Although the fact that Schmidt apparently signed But last year he decided not to do any more business she ·acknowledged that her salespeople another contract with a ·competitor of ·A .S.c.c., with them. "I told them very clearly mqre than once that have very young-sounding voices, "They the CommerCial Newspaper we were not going to get involved again. I know they do not pretend to be students. They always Service out ·of Meridian, Idaho, to do a PHOTO~STIE WLDf haven't printed any more calendars, because I haven't sent say they are calling on behalf of the fall season calendar. The Pine Cone · All Star Calendar Co.'s-Darrell them any of our team schedules,'' he said. school," she said. up spoke to Kyle Johnson, production man Green picked checks in According to school officials, boosters who raise money Young-voiced females named Bambi,. ager at Commercial Newspaper Service; Carmel January 14. for Carmel High were dismayed when they tried to sell ads Shayla, Olga and Tracie, who work in who said his company "had 1oo many in the high school yearbook; businesses kept turning them Southern California successfully soJd ads . problems in Carmel. We aren't doing any 1 calendars with them now." Out of the revenue from· 17 Carmel business ads printed on that calendar, Cannel High School receiv~d about $175, according to the bookkeeper: . . Congratula' tions Picking up tbe· checks Word traveled fast· around Carmel this week among businesses and boosters who were suspicious of the calen dar solicitations. The Pine . Cone was alerted by Peninsula Residents- Mediterranean Market General Manager David Townsend that All Star Calendar Co. was picking up a check Jan. 14. The driver, Darrell Green, also called on Caffe and Co., Blue Dog Gallery and Trotter Gallery, whose owner asked Carmel police to investigate. . . Green told The Pine Cone that he's had soroe trouble .·• Together We Reached Our delivering the calendars to schools on time. "I just dropped-off 500 calendars to a school for a sportS season that is almost over," he said. ''They should have been Heliv- 1998 Conservation· Goals! ered in November." . · One of the owners of All Star, Jesse Moers, acknowl edged that late calendars have been a problem, but he said ... it was the schools' fault. "They sometimes don't send us ~· '-t~ ·their schedules until half-way through the season, so in I those cases we·c an't help being late." But Moers vigo.-ously defended his company. "We ~erve 1.400 schools in 10 states, providing them with money for .o ur hard work conserving water . athletic programs and scholarships," he said. He "was adamant that Schmidt signed a two-year contract and that l during 1998 paid off. Together, a spring sports calendar will be printed, containing all the ' we were able to stay within our ads that have been sold. Moers also pledged that· Carmel High will get $750 in reduced allotment of water from the scholarship money in time for the spring awards banquets State Water Resources Control Board in at the end of the school year. Carr asks loeal businesses who want to support the Until we firi.d a long-term 1998. ~ 5chool to buy an ad in the yearbook. That•money goes • directly to Carmel High, she said. solution for our water supply, we will continue to work together on a _ KEELEY vigorous conservation program. From page JA for state highway construction and who oversees Caltrans, "Thanks to your efforts · As you are well aware, Cal-Am has told Keeley she would "work with him" to eliminate the we were successful in been working hard to conserve water Hatton Canyon freeway plan, according to Keeley. Keeley spoke highly of an alternate plan offer~d last 1998. Let's keep up during the last couple of years and has year by a group of business owners from The Crossroads the good work." been ·reaching out to the community to Shopping Center - including four-laning Highway 1 between Carmel Valley Road and Ocean Avenue with implement conservation measures underpasses replacing the existing traffic signals. Judith L. Almond A vocal freeway supporter, Chuck Poland, reacted wirh mandated by an order from the State Mailager dismay to Keeley's statements. "Since he is from Boulder Water Resources Control Board. The Creek, Keeley will apparently oppose anything that would ! improve our quality of life," Poland said. goal was ambitious, but in 1998 we made it together. We can't rest on our laurels .... WE MUST KEEP TllpRSD~Y, JAN. 21sr, Devvy Kidd, from the Wallace UP THE GOOD WORK! Remember, the mandatory conserVation Institute wtll be speakmg to the Carmel Republican measures are still in effect. Women Federated at. a lui)Cheon at 9uail Lodge Val~ey room at 1 1: 30. Ms. Kidd wall be spe_akang about protectmg our U.S. Constitution against treaties not ratified by our U.S. Congress. For reservations call Kathy Fosmark 831- Ca~~~m 373-523K W.ter conservation is just one way works with you. to protect our natural resources. www.calamwater.com [email protected] KITCHENS • BATHS RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL (831) 646-3200 CREATIVE DESIGN 455-2149 . --=~" California.-American Water Company I ' Peninsula's partner in protecting the environment since 1882 P.O.IIo• 71M•11!1Relro8CIAvenue J ~kale J. "Use Water Uc .• 47R:Jae Wisely" I I january 15 , 19¢9 The Carmel Pine Cone · 7A ·ry 's Wood window policy \ es under scrutiny . By JANIARA GRIPPI ing wood windows had been adopted with ·- out a formal review process. . Tired ofC Ooking? AFTER · LlSTENING to a Carmel "There was never a vote on this sta.ndard homeowner's appeal to. use wood-and-alu condition," said City Councilwoman Su~ 2-for-1 minum clad windows in the renovation of McCloud. "It' was ·added by staff with no our dinrWrs Tty her home, the Carmel City Council this public debate. So i have a problem with the week agreed to-casK-the planning .. commis-· process." sion to reconsider its recent requirement Carmel Assistant Planner Chip Rerig that all-wood windows be used in new con said that staff added the standard condition struction. within the last two years at the request of Voting 3-2, the council deCided that the the planning commission. planning commission should also take Some council members weren't con another look at applicant Ann Solon's vinced· that the al~minum clad windows request, in light of the fact that Solon's were a good.fit for Carmel. "Do we want designer had new information about state our village to look plastic?" asked City of-the-art clad windows. · Counci1woman . Barbar~ Livingston. "Do Solon told the council she hoped to we want it to look forever young? I don't install the clad windows in an attempt to think so. We want it to show age." avoid the continual repairs and costs Carmel Mayor Ken White wondered aoke incurred by her wood windows. how to maintain fairness if tlie city changes Solon's designer, Marjorie Ingram, told its policy. · Evenin~s council that she could understand why "What are we going to do about all t~e silver or white windows were problematic, those people who did follow the rules?" "but why can't aluminum clad windows be White asked. "Technology has leaped Dlttlltr TML • Thurs. 4 • 9 • Fri. • Sun. 4 • 10 • 5tMidaJ BrunCh 10 • 3 • ~ld Molldap approved if the color doesn't reflect?" ahead and almost passed us up in a few Ingram showed the council samples of short years." 1732 Fremont Blvd-. • Seaside . ·899-9919 gw _glad windows manufactured by the The commission has already scheduled ~ Pozzi Company. "Clad products offer a bet a workshop on window materials for 2:30 . ter life cycle and maintenance," Ingram p.m. Friday, Jan. 29. said. However, a planning report contended that recent improvements to seals on wood windows have cut down on maintenance costs. and made furn iture,-hand selecied'/ro;. Modern wood windows are available that are resistant to small shops throughout_,the country! decay · a·nd weather, the · report said. Some council · members were disturbed that the "standard condition" requir- The Years By Myles Williams From the start of Social Security, payroll deductions have been invested in Government bonds. The Social Security Trust Fund now exceeds $560 billion. This huge sum has inspired calls to allow people to shift some of their Social security accounts o mutu· al funds· and other investments. These might earn more but there is no guarantee against losses. January ClearaltCJ! . The American Association of ' Retired Persons (AARP) warns of a concerted efbt by financial intefests to take cmr part of the $560 billion. "Wall Street has mounted an elaborate campaign to promote privatization by pr<> ~pg millions of dollars to politi- .... Sans. think tanks and (front) organizations." MAP says . ••• Peter Chesner has transformed Newton Borough, Pennsylvania. by planting hundreds of trees that now enhra its atree1s and parks. Not just sycamores, but species like Kwanson cherry trees and Bradbd pears from China were planted, and elms bred from the tree under which WiiQITI Penn signed a treaty with the Indians. Chesner began planting in 1h 1950s when he ran a hottMavefn. Now '"85:ne has recruited many people, from chl dren to senior citizen~. to main tain his legacy. No one knows how much hcea hr•a spent on plant· lnga. 'Who if anyone knows what I did," he -.. "Just so they appreciaellhe trees.• ••• Remember When? . December 27, 1932--New'rortc'l Aldio City Music Hall staged iiS grwld opening. VPPLETON'S FU,RNISHlNG & INTERIOR DESIGN P.O. Box 1200 Cannel-By·T he-Sea C:alifom!.a 93921 1 299 LIGHTHOUSE, MONTEREY • 831-649-3083 • OESlGN SERVICE AVAILABLE • MON • SAT 10 - 5:30 • SUNDAY \2 - 5 (401) 6;.c4-8336 sw. c.. l.JcetwMI24-hr. • ....... ...... ----------------~~------~~~~~- ~-,~·~~~~--------------------------- .. . SA The Carmel Pine Cone january 15 , 1999 St. Bernards ready to assist police in disaster CARMEL VALLEY MANOR A Ljfe OZre·CommunlfJ' With: By KIRSTIE WILDE • Abundant Sunshine ''SAFE'' Center • Exceptiona7 services THE SEVENTY-TWQ volunteers who make up the • Marvelous Neighbors Someone you lo.ve can h.a ve a beautiful day! Carmel St. Bernards are about to take on even more • Charming Residences . responsibility: to help the police and fire departments com • Complete Health Care Package Offering daytime municate with local residents in the event of a disaster. According to Becky Hanna, chair of the St. Bernards, 8545 carmel Valley Road • carmel. CA 93923 services for frail adults the city is now div.ided into six zones, each with a leader can for a tour (831) 624-1281 while the caregiver is who will act as a communications link between emergency away, 'at work, or taking personnel and the volunteers in the neighborhoods. In the event of an earthquake or a storm that knocks out care of errands. .. electricity; gas or water lines, the police ~ill have their AILING HOUSE hands full and won't be able to respond to the smailer NEW EXTENDED HOURS needs and concerns of citizens. PEST CONTROL ·"If the city is made aware of a person who might need On the campus of Salvation help, like an elderly person who needs medicine from the ·Army's Center pharmacy, the police could call the zone leader who could (408) 899-4911 ask a St. Bernard to do the errand," explained Hanna. "Or ir'the police need sandbags, they might ask if there is a val~ (Colifornia S1a1~ Lic~nse 270708452) unteer with a truck who could go get them and help set them up to prevent a house from flooding." Zones and leaders are as follows: • Z9ne 1: Bounded . by the city limits on the north and east, Ocean Serving .the Carmel Area Since 1946 Avenue on the south ant1 Complete Pest' Control CARMEL VAllEY'S lOTH ANNIJAL includes Torres Street on q the west. Leader: Noel Van Night Service AvaiiDble V.illaye :Jl .· Bibber. Ciir 624-8211 • Zone 2: West of Zone 1 and bounded by Junipero San Carlos & 7th • Carmel on the east, the city limits to the north, Monte Verde to . ·M onday, Jan. 18th the west and O~ean Avenue . I" Leaders: Maureen and ~ 5:30 - 8:30 pm Larry Borden. • Zone 3: Casanova THE ROY WOODS BUILDING lies on its eastern boundary, the city limits on the north, in the Heart of the Villaae the Pacific Ocean on the west and Ocean Avenue on To benefit the Cannel VaJley the south. Leader: Barbara Community Park Addition Brooks. • Zone 4: Bounded by Sponsored by Carmel Valley Village Ocean Avenue on the north, the ocean to the west, the Improvement Committee city limits on the south and includes Monte Verde. ·GOURMET FOOD and WINE TASTING . Leaders:- Paula Weber and LIVE AUCTION and SILENT AUCTION Shirley Humann. • Zone S: Includes Pete De Vries & Les Boswell, Professional Auctioneers .. Lincoln to the west, the city limits to . the south, Ocean PAT DUVAL • MASTER OF CEREMONIES ~e No•-Superrnarllet Avenue to the north and GROCERIES - MEAT- WINES- LIQUORS Exotic Vacations • Weekend Escapes • Romantic Dinners Mission Street to the east. GOURMET SHOP Leaders: Louise Tanous and Chef fot an. Evening • Other Fine Services • Door··PriZe-s Diane Wolcott. Charge Accounts Welcome HOTEL OR HOME DEUVERY $25 per person includes Commemorative Wine glass • Zone 6: Ocean Ave lies to the north, the city 624-6441 ADVANCE TICKET SALES AVAilABLE AT: boundary to the south and Groceries Meat 624-6263 east, and includes Junipero 6~-6441 Carmel Valley Market • Los Laureles Lodge Wine 6M-9463 cb·ae 6z4-5939 to the west. Leaders: Pat Cannel Valley Business Service • Valley Lodge • Sweet Retreat Steele and Lou Ungaretti. · Mailboxes Etc. - Mid Valley • First National Bank - Cannel Rancho Volunteers are stilJ need ed. Call Hanna at 624 6549. In-home care· is still the prefe"ed choice for home af it's best health care serving the Central Coast for nearly half a centuy. Visiting Nurse Association gives you the advantage: Free assessment • • Complete Home Care Service • Adult Day Care Assistance with bathing, dressing, meal preparation, • Rehabilitation Therapies • 24-hrs/7-days a week medicines and more • All ages and diagnoses • A.M. wake-up and • P.M. tuck-in service Hourly care o·r live-in placement • Coordination of insurance "CareProvider&:.' • Victorian Home Care, Inc. VISITINC. ~LRSE ASSOCIATION MONTEREY SALINAS HOLLISTER I AND 375-9882 758-8302 637-6724 655-1935 HOSPICE "Old Fashioned Care in a Modern World" JCAHO AccREDrrw · • MEDicARE CER77FIED • .. . . .. . . . .. . .. - January 15, )~ The Carmel Pine Cone 9A fully through the contract as I initiale'd my understanding Coffee Break of each paragraph. (Well, my ""SOrt or• understanding; I likened it to that first exposure to long-division in third grade.) The entire sale took about a half-hour. · With my purchase in hand, I looked around Macy's a Get By BEVERLY BORGMAN bit, then walked out past Paul's desk. At that moment a lit rid tle old lady approached him, and with a quavery voice and of those heavy accent began the inevitable questions ... Oh, poor creepy Mr. Vu, I thought, he's really earning his money today. unwanted 'Cellfisb' at last· Later gu._$1~ift .... - _ All three of my kids were delighted when they heard the your-nome·· ·. How DO they DO that? The headline in the San Jose news -that Mpm had stepped up to the plate. "You'll love or businessl ·J iiil• .I Mercury News last week said "Cell phone market it," said one. explodes," and I'm still trying to figure out how they knew · "I'm sure ·I will," I said staunchly, "but I intend to use it CASNER I'd finally gotten around to buying a cell phone and sign .only for emergencies, not casual conversation." ing up (or service. She just smiled. Could there have been a reporter hanging around the ~INATII\IG COfJIPANV desk at Macy's, or is it just that I'm a "cutting edge" kind ·•~#li.~~-t!It:fi.ti!!,@,J:f,#ij!~!!ll!i::p;f.~'-~ of gal? : The truth of the matter is that I've been promising MONTEREY • 373·6400 myself for months that it was time to come into the $AUNAS 757-6000 Nineties, particularly since the year 2000 is just around the corner. Well, I'd figured, I'll get through Thanksgiving, then Christmas. And I mustn't get sidetracked from that big New Year's Eve in front of the TY. I'd found a dozen reasons why I didn't ·NEED ~cell CARMEL VAllEY'S pbone: It was expensive. It was som~thing else to carry Rio HisTORIC ROBLES DEL LODGE around in my already overload~rse. And while it might • be handy in an emergency, I didn't drive that much at night, 1928- -SINCE and even in the daytime, I rarely wandered far from home. Besides, I told myself, they're a nuisance. Well, maybe Offers Pine Cone Readers .... not for the caller, but how many times had my writing or dining or bathing been interrupted by a son on a cell phone, Dine & Doze Special $99 + tax calling to say hello" as he tooled merrily down the ·~just highway. Or as he· sat bored, in gridlock, and wanting Dinner for Two (Including Salad & Entree) someone to talk to. c;ootc1es • Herbal • Heating Pads • Lip-Balm • · On the other hand, my daughter who commutes from · Overnight Stay In One of Our Romatlc Rooms Toys • Toothpaste • Souveniers • Eye Drops • Mouthwash • Santa Cruz to Silicon Valley also checks in from her car Continental Breakfast Moisturizers • Phone Cards • Nasal Sprays • Video Rentals occasionally, providing me with the joyful experience of • Sodas • VItamins • Caps • Hair Brushes • Newspapers • knowing that my own fles11-and-blood is in a rainstorm on THE RIDGE REsTAURANT &. ROBLES DEL Rio LoDGE Magazines • Beer • Sweatshirts • Film • Shoe Polish • Pens the highway known as·"Killer 17." 200 PuNTA DEL MONTE • CutMEI. VALLEY • Notebooks • Imported Candies • Ice Cream • Antacids • Flowers • Cosmetics • Cigarettes • FAX Machine • Xerox REsERVATIONS: 659-3705 SUNDAY 'DIIlU THURSDAY The advantages Machine • friendly People • ... Lott•ry Tick.U. too! However, the advantages of cell phone ownership could OFFER EXPIRES J 31 'J'l no be ignored. And lon~r so on January ·2nd I marched up to the young man behind the GTE desk Meet Your NeW Neighbor in the Cellar at Macy 's and said, with a certain degre'e of .belligerence, "OK, tell me how this thing works, what I have to do, and please, no surprises." Paul Vu couldn't have been nicer. With the calm ness of someone talking a jumper off the roof, ·he explained everything - initial and monthly costs, coverage area, how the little . gadget worked. He even took me out the door to demonstrate the better underneath the green awning reception outside a concrete building, and had me phone • Accept ~ost Rx insurance home where my own • Complimentary delivery service scratchy voice on the answering machine came • No standing in line through distressingly loud • Personalized services and clear. Wynwood js an assisted living residence for older individualized assistance with their unscheduled • Items to meet all your needs Paul explained that a 911 call is free, that the first adults who need a little help with daily life. ~ needs '24-hours a day, even as their needs Not only do we flO your ... p~scriptions minute of any call is free. I offer a beautif'·u l, home-like environment that is chjlllge. If you or someone you love is interested we deliver thnn liS weD! won't turn this into a com mercial for GTE and quote staffed with caring, experienced professio.n als in assisted living, we invite you to discover all that Serving the Community Since 1910 prices, but the promotional committed to maintaining qualily of life for Wynwood has to offer. tJIJ special was indeed an 1asl, r!ourltllll.t, 1a.~l,i~o~u•J enticement (and might those we ser.ve. Wynwood residents ~,~_e ive Memor.y.. Care Services also available. · Jrimd/1 '~I'ITict explain that Mercury News Full-Service Pbannacy headline). Pricina Competitive "0K, where do I sign?" .• WYNWOOD My sales resistance had t l' 1" "" I'' '' HARDEN RANCH melted. • DD 1 r\1'''\t ~ \\' '' '' ' Alternlltive Uvillg Services "I have to activate the WE DEUVER phone first," Paul told me, 1M StaJUIQrdfor QluJ/Uy of l4fe In Assisted Uvlng and that would take about 10 minutes. It was a wel- 290 Regency Circle, Salinas come recess from the inten- (RCFE Ltcense Pendtng) sity of this momentous VIsit our website ai www. assisted. co"' commitment; I ran off to I ,starbucks for a shot of rein forcement. Upon my return, .Paul - gave e m _new_. phone umber. and took me care:- . . ' .. . . .. ' ... . .... . . •, ·· · ··~ · ~· · ·~ 10A The Carmel Pine Cone January 15 , 19QQ ROBBE Michigan - called Carmel Police when they returned to La Playa. _ . Officers immediately responded by combing the sirea on Fro~~~ page lA foot and- in patrol cars, but the suspect was nowhere in I The robber reportedly instructed the men to open their sight, Poitras said. · SCHOO LIES wallets and drop their money onto the ground. Only one of Because of the nature of the robbery, police have few the men had cash - $142, which he willingly gave up. leads at this point. "He didn't touch anything," Poitras s~W­ Then the suspect told the m~n to "take your wallets and "It appears that he picked up the money and fled, but where 0 18M by Jolvl P. WOOd run." The men - who were visiting the area from or how he fled, we don.'t know." .. The victims' description of the suspect is also sketchy: a 5-foot 11-inches to 6-foot tall male wearing dark cloth Contact Bill Sisk at ing and a ski mask, who speaks with an Hispanic accent. MY TEACHER CALLED ME While street robberies are relatively rare in Carmel. ((B31) 625-1013 Poitras said, they often occur in clusters. .LETHAfZGtc• TODAY, BUT I "We can more than likely expect a similar. crime to for your Insurance OfON'T HAVE THE ENERGY TO occur," he said, asking residents to keep their eyes og._~-~;·'- and Annuity Needs LOOK UP WHAT IT MEANS. - - - Look .to ••• G CCIIFSI~ \ ' · CYPRESS CdAST INSU~ANCE &F INANCIAL SERVICES. INC. For Assistance and Added Value } ~ .T he Church of Christian Science Are You Losing Your the Wayfarer Services HMO/J_JOS/PPO (A United Methodist Churcl1) su-ndays 10 am. Sunday Worship Sundays at 10 am at School 10 am. Wednesday Health Insurance Coverage? thl~ historic church at Uncoln evening testimony meet)ngs 8 and 7th In Carmel-by-the-Sea. pm. Reading room open •• or Oasses tor adults at 9 am and for youth .and children at 10 weekdays 9-5 am (nursery care prOVIded). (Wed. 9-7:30) Two-Girls Medicare Supplement Youth Fellowship 6 pm. Sun. a holidays 1 :3Q-4:30. Health Insurance? Chlldren·s cholr and weekly Monte Verde Sl North of From, Carmel preschool programs available. Ocean Ave. btwn. 5th 8 6th 624-3550 SPECIALISTS IN HOUSECLEANING All Saints' Carmel Mission Bonded • Free Estimates . Contact Cypress Coast for a Episcopal Church Basilica EST. 1979 FREE CONSULTATION s"unday Eucharists at 8 am Sat. Mass: 5:30 pm fulfllls and 10:30 am and 5:30pm. Sunday obligation. Sun. Masses: On Your Health Insurance Eucharist on Fridays 7:00. 8:00. 9:30 a 11:00 am and 12:30 8 5:30pm. Confessions: at 7 am and Thursdays and Medigap Options. Sat. 3:30 to 5:30: days before Arst · at noon. Sunday nursery Friday and Holy Days 4;00 to care at 10 am service. 5:00. Mass at Big Sur: Sundays at Dolores St. & 9th Ave. 10:30 am. 624-3883 Rio Road,,Carmel LOCATED AT MISSION & 8TH CARMEL-BY-THE-SEA Shoreline - Community ADVERTISE .-... J·. ; :-:.: --.- • .-.. . .I ~ . YOUR CHURCH -- Church I . ...... .... EVENT HERE! CYPRESS COAST INSURANCE Sunday Services: AND FINANCIAL SERViCES SO MANY DIRTBALLS · 9 and 10:45 am William l. Sisk CLU, ChFC SO LITTLE TIME Pactflc Grove High School Call Gilda · lie. #OA91057, 0370018 615 Sunset Drive Weekly or every other week. - we'll tailOr our P.o. Box 7408, Carmel-by-the-Sea, · Padflc Grove 624-0162 services to meet your needs. . CA 93921 (Mission at 8th) 655-olOO 626-4426 (831) 625-1013 • 1-800-923-LIFE We are pleased to annormce the opening of our center on· January 18, 1999 a joining together of Jdlled practitionen.o f both modem and anc~nt healing •y•teim ' I ... f FOR INTERIORS Donald K. Bruce, M.D. Internal Medicine Window Coverings • comprehensive one-on-one evaluations emphasizing individuality and the integration of the body, mind Bedspreads David Dansky. M.D. Integrative Medicine and spirit. Draperies Area Rugs Vijaya Stallings, M.A. Ayurvedic Practitioner Acceaaoriea • detailed planning for t'!e enhancement of your life, Wallpaper Kalyani T. Gilliam L.Ac. duease prevention, spiritual and emotional health. Certilied Roller, Movement And much more ... a Speeialiat, Acupuncturist · • workshops in yoga, breathwork, nutrition, Kay Brownfield Holistic Practitioner movement, meditation and intimacy Michael Eqliah, C.M.P. ...-Mauap Practitioner Hours: Tuesday-Saturtlay 10am-5:30pm 6ari1ara Careaga,ID5. CCID & Carole Ray. IDS Assc. ·' 222 Forest Av.-ue, P8clflc Grove, CA 13850 (831) 375-~ - ..... ~ I.JththouN Ave. Moi!Wrey • 655·2675 . 'L ' .

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