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Preview Carmel Pine Cone 1992-01-23

I . .. I BULK RATE U.S. POST AGE PAID y~&! CARMEL,CA Permet No 149 I , Doris Day's Friends ........ Page 6 Golf & Travel. ................. Page 9 CV Connections ............ Page 1 0 Coast & Country ..... .... Page 14 ~ Star Journeys .. ........... Page 24 .. ~ Critic at Large-.............. Page 30 ................... Pllge 32 J~ Ticies~ Bpok ...................... Pllge 34 January 23, 1992 B~g ,... Monastery Beach plan shelved •. S t a t e abandons l o t· BY DAVID LELAND • director and now works in Sacra mento. SUSAN BECK .. Ifs a great victory for the grassroots efforts such as Bay School. City of STATE PARKS officials on Carmel. scuba divers and the board abruptly dropped ambi Wedne~ay of supervisors." said Doug Schmitz. tious plans for a $800.000 parking city administrator. ·1 think it was a· lot at Monastery Beach. citing con very tough decision being·n ew on the tinued community opposition. job and rejecting a long-time plan. A The announcement ends a six-year lot of kudos should be sent his way." battle between residents and the state. WhileThe Pine Cone was unable to which had leaned heavily on the area's contact Bud Whisler. who owns three land use plan that calls for removal of cottages at the·beach. his sentiments parking from the shoulder of High- were made clear durtng a recent public way 1. . meeting. . "My feeling is that after re-evaluation "We have been good custodians in it is not a project that we want to go preserving the land around the through with at this time ... said Don property. and we strongly support Murphy. division chief of the state the Save Monastery Beach Coalition. .. Park & Recreation Department. Last year the state Coastal Com .. People will pari{a long the sqo1:1lder tnisslOn sided with the state Parks - for now." Department. but had retnanded the Murphy said his ag~y did not plan back to the county for a last have an alternative plan at this time. ditch effort at a compromise. The surprising news caught 5t;h Su The matter was due to return to the pervisor Karin Stras.ser Kau!fman off commission this spring. g~ard. . At Bay School. which had fought '"It·s an encouraging new attitude on continuously against the plan. the STATE PLANS for Monastery Beach would have seen a portion of this 150-year the part of state parks." she said. "It news was welcome. old grove of eucalyptus trees near Bay School destroyed. As a result of\he state shows that the importance of intense really plea;;ed· with the deci "I'~ · dropping plans for the parking lot, beach-goers will continue to park on the public parttci))atton especially at the sion." Joan Lin&, director. "'I ap shoulder of Highway 1. (David Leland photo.) · beginning of how we can continue to preciate all the hard work and dedi do a good job... . before county supeiVisors earlier this vehicle accidents caused by shGulder cation that went into the campaign to Most recently the state had down month. a .p lan by Carmel for off- parking at the beach to warrant a stop the plan. · scaled plans for a double parking lot shoulder __p arking received wide- paved parking lot: '"On behalf of the parents and chil-. at the beach and sought a single. 75- spread report. Carmel officials lauded the decision dren of Bay School. we are happy that .lot affair in a grove of eucalyptus Those opposing the plan had con- made by Murphy. the former district there is not going to be a parking lot trees by Bay School. Unually pointed out that Caltrans supervisor for the Big Sur district. here and that the eucalyptus trees However. during a public hearing had not found sufficient evidence of who was this month was promoted to will remain ... Water district down to four options; dam still favored By PAUL WOLF • A new 24.000 acre-foot Los Padres the draft EIR/S was a valuable exercise. plant. which would be completed many darn on the Carmel River. At present. district staff is starting the years before any dam altema tive. A des al ZEROING IN on what will ·eventually • A new 16.000-20.000 acre-foot Los imposing task pf responding the volumi plant could be finished in as quickly as be a single-long-term supply project. the Padres darn on the Carmel River in con nous comments and criticisms on the three years. It could be the Year 20QO peninsula water district has pared down junction with a three million gallons-per draft EIR/S. The comments were sub before a dam is constructed. its list ofV!able options from nine to four. day desalination plant at one of three mitted last fall by various agencies and Basically. the three locations for a de the And finalist is still most likely to be locations on the coast. interested parties. The final EIR/S will salination facility are next to the Moss a new Los Padres darn on the Carmel .• A Canada ReseiVoir and a possible 3 include the resi>onses to the draft EIR/S. Landing PG & E complex. near at the River. whether or not the dam project MGD ~esalination plant at one. of the revisions· to the document. further study Monterey Regional Water Pollution Con would be launched in combination with a three sites. and a single recommendation to the board. trol Agency in Marina, and at a site in small desalination plant on the coast. The reservoir would be located near Near and long term Sand City. Nevertheless. the district has been un mid-Carmel Valley and would not a dam While at times it gets confusing. the der pressure from a variety of agencies to per se. Every winter. water would be simplest way to understand the water The desal EIR is scheduled to be re continue to study other alternatives be pumped from the Carmel River-to an open district's supply plans is to distinguish leased for public comment in April. fore it comes upwtth its~verall preferred canyon about a mile away. between the near term an.d the long tem1. The district is expected soon to finalize alternative"- a decision based on supply • A 7-10 MGD desalination plant and no The near and the distant often get mixed June 2 ballot question a.sking voters potential. cost. enviommentaJ impacts dam. . up. and that is natura] because there is whether the distrtct sho~ld move ahead and mapy otheP' ,considerations. The no-project alternative ts a require- some overlap. That is in the area ofd esali with expenditures for a final design on.a The district staff is ·now preparing t9 ment of the California Environmental nation: while desal Is the focus of the desal project. complete the final environmental impa~t Quality Act. · · short-term supply solution. It may CJ.lso The way the short- and the long-term 'One of the projects eliminated was a factor into a long-term equation. report/statement (EIR/S) on long-range would dovetail is if the long-range project supply prospects. It is a document that new San Clemente dam, which Wa$ ac · This the case. the final EIR/S for long- includes a small desal plant along with a tually rejected· four years. ago· for envi term supply plans will use the informa will study four candidates and a no dam. In such a case, the district-would project alternative. ahd will contai-n the ronmental reasons. According to Heruietta tion from the short-term supply review of wttJ! have laid much of the ground work final reconunendaUon to the water board. Stem. district senior project coordinator. a number of desalination alternatives. ~the short-term supply studies that fe><;Jis If all goes to plan. the board will chose the option hasn't been a sert us consid In a separate desal EIR. the dtstrtc~ Js on desalination. eration fo-: some time, but studying lt In studying three coastal sites for a possibly from the following by .late summer. .- ' .. Bates etters Mentored by questing Dear Editor: - to the Editor· WHEREAS (a begulllng ~ord that lets one know that sometht.ng is about to follow), all of us tq lovely carmel could be Letters to the editor are weloome. Views oo all dining and "lunching perhaps wtth Willis matters are ~table, followtng the guidelln~ of Hannon, or RobertMcDennott, or Francis good taste. While there ts no ltmtt on length. brmty 1$ ~ Letters are sub;,:ct to editing for style Moore Lappe' or Fr:ttjof Capra and Jerry and length. Each Jetter must oont.am Marne, address Mander and excitingly others, U: through and slfplture and must bet~ or legibly hand a '"window of chance" their projected printed A phone number is needed for vertfication symposium. hilltop. in Carmel Valley ls only. Anonymous letters, or those with no phone numbers will not be accepted MENfORED by questing, creatively al truistic patrons/patronesses as donors for a ·planned birth" of such. a valued Shrouded in fumes consortium of brtght minds. This has been slated for their necessary time-shared use for a long-awclited re Dear Editor. ·- treat; away from theclty, so as to allow In the .Ptne Cone issue of Jan. 2, Zad their follow-up and linkage of their ideas Leavy use~ the argument that TO BUILD to a promise of action. the freeway in Hatton Canyon would in- Then, and only then, With assist for duce growth. . .global concern, will the same hilltop not · · Then, three paragraphs ..later he said be consummated ~Into ownership of one :E that NOT TO BUILD the road would leave .• - y big city lawyer. . us with .;the verj values which draw Oh woe! If that were to happen, ho.w I people ·to this .area." hear then, mingled ln cresc.endo, a So, in either event he· states the truth: M~NfORS' l.AMENI' along with my own more peo.ple will come here: Seller's Remorse. . Let's enjoy the enormous, permanent, Marne Murray-McGuire open spaces we already have, and go on Carmel Valley with the construction of the freeway in the c~yon, for the people who are already A great getaway . .· here. . We humans, and Mother Nature, need Dear Editor: to be rid of the traffic jams shrouded in We recently took advantage ofan invita exhaust fumes. tion to Cannel residents from Inns by the Lois Starnes Sea to spend a night, free ofc harge, atone Founding Member of their inns. Citizens for Hatton Canyon We were gtv beautiful·room with a fireplace and kitchenette at Svendsgaard's Inn. We were treated just like any paying , Successful efforts guests by their friendly staff. This also included a very nice continental breakfast delivered to our door and a two for-one dinner at the Sea City Diner. Dear Editor: This turned out to be a double treat for .. ·"My handicap is 15!" On Jan: 7 the Board of Supervisors approved a resolution to request the· us as we had a plumbing problem at our house and had no hot water. Coastal Commission to defer a decision on the Monastery Beach· parking, and to We want to publicly thank Inns by th~ initiate the amendment process for the Sea for their most generous offer. It was a great getaway' I for us. Land Use Plan~ Many thanks to them for CRA seeks ·'Citizen of the Year' Mr. and Mrs., William-Daniel the unanimous vote on this subject. The Citizen's Coalition to Save Monas Cannel tery Beach was made up of many. many FOR1 HE fourth year the Cannel Resi Joyce Stevens; Jim Holliday. president of people who to achieve the results Big Sur Multi-Agency h~lped dents Association is inviting the public to the Cannel Residents Association; and just described. As Coordinator for the submit nominations for the Citizen of the two CRA board m~mbers, Jane Mayer. Citizen's Coalition, I want to thank all Advisoty Council s~ts Year award. Names and supporting infor longtime resident. and Clayton Anderson. who helped for your efforts, large tho~e . 31st meeting mation should be sent to Citizen of the originat?r of the award program . and small. ~Jan. Year Selection Committee, P. 0. Box 13, The C~alition is particularly apprecia Cannel93921. no later than Feb. 10. The Bob Campbell to talk tive of the efforts ofMayor Jean Crace and SuPERVISOR KARIN Strasser Kauff ·Winner will be announced at a celebration the City Council of Cannel-by-the-Sea, man is announcing the next meeting of at the Scout House. at 3 p.m. Sunday, .on mystery writing and to Ms. Molly Erickson of the City the Big Sur Multi-Agency Advisory Feb. 23. Planning Department for a lot of hard Council. The Citizen of the Year award honors work and leadership, and for the plan for The meeting will be held on Friday, Jan. the persons who have made· an· out~tanding RoBERT W. Campbell. Carmel's development of improved shoulder 31. at 10 a.m., at Preiffer State Park contribution to promoting the objectives award-winning author of mystery novels. parking at the beach. These efforts were Conference Room on· Highway 1 in Big of Cannel's Ordinance 96. That is the will speak to the members of the Cannel a major fact?r in achieving significant Sur: portion of the zoning code that states that Residents Association at 4:30 p.m. on results. . The Big Sur Multi-Agency Council con Carmel is .. primarily, essentially and Thursday, Jan. 30, at ··the Vista Lobos The articles in the. local newspapers sists of representatives of major govern predominantly a residential city." Nomi-· Park meeting room. helped to arouse public awareness of the mental agencies with jurisdiction in Big nations can be of someone who lives in Non-members are also welcome at the issues and this is very much appreciated. Sur. The council acts as an informal Cannel or in its sphere of influence. meeting, which starts with a hospitality The factor making the greatest difference review body for all development propos Previous honorees were: 1990, Enid period at 4 o'clock. the expression by the public of con als in Big Sur. wa~ Sales, for historic preservation, particu Under the title, ·u·s a Mystery to Me."" cern over the is_sue, and the willingness of The meeting is open to the public. - larly the First Murphy House and Flanders Campbell will tell how he goes about so many people to utilize the tools of Mansion; 1989, Joyce Stevens. partici constructing a mystetyand will also com democracy. Many thanks to each person pant in important community causes for menton Carmel and national He m~tters. for her or his participation. Please.i nclude your _ over 20 years: and, 1988, Councilman will answer questions. The Cannel author · · Tom Beardsley teleph9ne number with Jim Wright, for leadership in civic affairs bas won both of the mystery-novel pres Carmel .- :,.:. . . and P.articlpatlon in local government. tigious awards, the Edgar Allan Poe and · Y:9tLt.l.gt,t~rs ,'I _ · The Award Selection Committee consists the Anthony. and had a movie .s cript · .··.·. .> :·.' ::.: -..· ·.:·:': .-..·, -..: :.::. .<...· ..· •: " ;.-' " l·-.:; :· of the last two honorees, Enid Sales and nominated for an Oscar. . TheCarmelPineCone, Bill Brown.: .......................................E ditor and Publisher The-Carmel ;"f'Pine Cone MacM cDonald. ............................................ .ManagingEditor established in 1:915, is a legal newspaper for the City of David Leland ................................................... City Editor Carmel-by-the-Sea, the County of Monterey and the John Detro, Susan Beck. ...................................... StalTWriter State ofCalifornia, esta.blished by Superior Court Decree No.34750. Barbara March. ................................................ Columnist and Carmel Valley Outlook JoeGuzaitis,JamesP.Kinney,JoanSwartzPaonessa, .• The Carmel VaileyOutlook NathaliePlotkin ............................. ContributingWriters Karen Carlson, . is a legal newspaper of general circulation for Monterey Carol Marquart, Donna Stead.; .......................A dvertising PUBLISHED EVERY County and the State of California established Oct. 6, Jackie Martinez. ...............................P roduction Manager THURSDAY l961SuperiorCourtDecreeNo.62029. Cathy Blake, Mark Vogel.. .................................P roduct~on Fourth and Mission Billie Strong. .................- -.........................T ypesett1ng Vol.78No.4 Laura Hamilton,.J an Peters. ............... Advertising Design January23,n92 Teiephone (408) 824-0162 Patti Saunflen. ..........A a:ounting & Personnel Su perviaor P.O.BoxG-t,Carmel-by-the-Sea,California,t392i. Gilda Soule. .....................A a:ounta Receivable Superviaor Fu ( 408) 624-8076 N anPietrowaki, ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES: MontereyCounty, $30/year; outaide Angela Stokea. .................R eceptionist and Classified Ada Pllblillt111111y8rowrt & Wilso,.,l,.c. Monterey County $42; out-of-•t ate $60; foreign $70. Robert Von•~en ........... ~·································Cireu.lation • c.liforrrill corpor•liott The Carmel PIDe Con.e/CVO utlook . .. Supes may Pull'trigger' on valley development By DAVID.LELAND In its road tmprov~ment plan, the county suggests the following fee structure to TRAFFIC CONDITIONS on ·carmel pay for road improvements: ~alley Road have deteriorated to the JX>int . where development in the valley may be deferred until the situation is remedied. • $20,000 be assessed for each new lot. . " The Monterey County Board of Super- • $15,000 be assess¢<) for each new visors will grapple with the situation at its visitor unit. meeting ·scheduled for 10 a.m. TueS(lay, • $1 0 per square . foot of commercial Jan. 28, at the courthouse in Salinas. . building area. "It basicaliy reiterates the Carm~l Vailey • $15 for a discretionary permit. Mastet:-Plan," said Gerald Gromko, county Not Included in the recomm~ndation public works director. referring to an before the board is the formation of an interim ordinance the board will consider. assessment district for current Carmel Still a rough· draft at press time, the Valley residents. proJX>sed ordinance would provide a fee The master plan: adopted .in 1986 to structure to pay for. the more-than $26 ·govern growth in the valley through the million in road improvements outlined in tum of the century, is quite clear that the Cannel Valley Road Improvement traffic must flow smoothly or building Plan, approved by supervisors in Decem can be shut down. THE CARMELCity'CouncU, Fire ChlefBlll Hill and a handful ofc itizens ber. The most recent study by puplic works .t oured a portion of the city this week searching for ways to minimize {dentified road improvements ·include indicates that, between 4 and 6 p.m., the 'threat of a catastrophic fire. An exampl~ where "everything has four-laning of Carmel Valley Road ($14. 5 traffic on Carmel Valley Road between been done light for a fire-safe house" was seen a this new home _on million): Rio Road extension and. signals Schulte and Robinson Canyon roads has Vlzscalno·A venue, where owners a fire-proof roof, flre lncorporat~d ($1. 7 million): . 'Carmel Valley-Road deteriorated to almost a stan'dstill. · re~lstant walls and Internal sprl~ers. ·According to.the fire depart channelization ($1.6 million): Laureles Carmel·Valley Road between Laureles ment, less thiPl 2 percent of Carmel residents have installed a Grade shoulders ($1.5 million): Laureles Grade and Ford Road is also experiencing residential sprinkler system, which provides the ultimate protection Grade passing lane ($3 mUl~on): andt. congestion during peak hours, ac·cording from a disastrous fire. (John Livingston photo.) Carmel Valley Road minor interchanges to a P.Ublic works report. ($4 million). City finances in good condition at mid- year .._. MIDWAY lHROUGH the .fiscal·year, actually increasing after a year of slow revenues increased in December and which ends June 31: commercial park the city is holding its own against a economic growth. January compared to fhe previous year. ing stall u~ permits at 23 ~rcent: buil.d recession -weary economy. . ·we are in good fiscal condition, con ..·considering the length and impacts of ing trades permits at 20 percent: and In truth, the optimistic mid-year report sidering the economy," said Doug Schmitz, the recession, we are in a good position at planning permits at 63 percent. indicates that. the city's revenues are city administrator, adding that sales tax the conclusion of the first six months of Schmitz pointed out that. despite those the fiscal year." low numbers, the local building industry · .. By collecting almost $1.6 million In is still doing better than last year. hostelry tax through December, the city "Building activity also to-have - appe~rs stands at 57 percent of its expec-ted fiscal picked up based on the December re- revenues. .p ort," he sclid. "Over the. past five years, the hostelry Despite the rosy report. said he Schmi~ tax receipts have ranged between 53-58 is still considering putting a tefl.lporary percent of budget at mid-year," Schmitz spending freeze on several programs and said. "' projects until later ·the fiscal year. i~ However. sales tax, reflecting a sluggish Schmitz said he is attempting to pro economy, are only 45 percent of the es vide a "safety cushion," but was unsure timatea budget, opposed· to standing which items the freeze would impact. between 50-52 percent at this time dur- "I want to stress that the temporary ing a healthy year. __ hold is a precautionary measure which I Interest income from city investments consider a prudent move-eonsidering the is also b~llish, according to the report. overall economic climate," said Schmitz. w1 th the income standing at 56 per~en t of A definite decision on the cuts will be the anticipated budget. made after a report is written regarding COUNTY SUPERVISORS this week denied an application for a 24-hour Shell gas Money garnered from the Pansini ~or­ the l.mpacts of the Carmel City Council's station at Rio Road, shown here in an artist's rendering. poration, which operates the parking lot decision to have a six-month trial period at the north end ofS unset Center and for of two-hour parking in traditional one Supes deny Rio Road seroice station the underground parking garage at Fifth hour zones in the commercial district. - Avenue anti Dolores Street is also ahead Loss in parking fines from that en of projections, at 52 percent. deavor is estimated to be about $36,000, By SUSAN BECK where the gas station would be located, is Through December, however. building Schmitz said. The Monterey County Board of Super a "mti'ed use area," and the job of the visors unanimously denied a request to supervisors is to make sure that the permits stood at o~ly 31 percent of their forecasted expectation for the fiscal year put a 24-hour· Shell gas station at Rio b.u. siness. that occupies, the lot is as -By David Leland - Road in Carmel Valley. compatible as possible to the neighbor- At the Tuesday, Jan. 21 board meeting, hood. Carmel Properties Co. recommended that She said that the former Arco station. City offers tree-saving tips at workshop the supervisors approv~ a Combined alerted the residents to the problems of DevelopmentP ermit, which wo~ld include noise and contaminants. Residents from a ·Zoning Permit for a mini-mart with four the neighbo'rhood opposed the plan at the By DAVID LELAND .scheduled in response to the Carmel gasoline pumps at the station. board meeting, and they ·were very well City Council's recent adoption of in The design included a 1,000 square foot prepared, said Strasser Kauffman. She CoNTRACTORs. ARCHITECTS. creased penalties for contractors' who building and four. two-sided fueling said ·they were professional and courte and designers gathered together this destroy trees. pumps. a 640 square foot retail sales ous: 1bey did a good job." week for an informal workshop on how· ·we want to educate people In the area, an office, two restrooms, utility and The motion for denial was made by they can minimize tree damage when construction business that we are here Strasser Kauffman because ihe 24-hour storage rooms. . . ·· a. the building homes in Cannel. to work with them," said Kelly. adding mini-mart was not compatible; d The original plan was a full-scale op Held at the Scout House, the infor that the penalty has increased from a eration with a carwash, six pumps, and intensification of use on the prope mal gathering saw about 60 building 30-day suspension of a contractor's She said there are ample opportun ties allowed for the sale of alcohol, said Peter professionals on hand to garner building permit to a maximum of 90 within walldng distance for food or a p Salmonsen, board member ofthe Cannel knowledge. 1 da}rs. "We really don't want to ·be the Valley Properties Owners Association. of coffee. . • l "Construction is always injurious to enforcer or the heavy hand." The property still maintains the origin He ~id Shell agreed to downscale the, trees, that·ssomethJngyou can'tavoid,. . A total of 160 ·Invitations were sent 1969 use permit allowing for a gas station, station after opposition from ~alley s~ct_C ity Forester Gary Kelly. "But out. wtth about 60 of those responding, bQt the situation has changed because of homeowners, which was approved by the there are things that can be avoided. .. Kelly said. the residential property adjacent to the Monterey County Planning Commission Root destruction, damage to_ tree The city Is surely taking a conciliatory lot. on Dec. 18. trunks from ·heavy equipment and attitude toward the building industry. · The owners can continue to pursue However,itwasnotscaleddownenough, areful scrutiny as to where toxic ·we want to learn from people in the putting a station there, but any other said 5th ptstrfct Supervtsor Karin Strasser atertals are du~ped were JX>inted industry• • Kelly said. "We want to learn business that is qutc:ter and has limited Kauffman. ·o t as examples of prudent building what we can do to ma.\te theirJ ob easier. use would be well received by the board She said the property comes under the b Kelly. while sWl protecting the environment. .. said Strasser Kauffman. ' jurtsdlctlon of the c;armel Valley Master I part. Kelly' saki~·~ workshop was She said, "Every gas station has to be on Plan. which dictates that the guiding tts be$t behavior because they are watched prtilctple ts compadlbllttywtth residential .,Y closely the residents and the county use. .,_,.... ' Cannel and the Crossroads. Sli:UJ. January 23.199~ The.CarmelPineCone/C"'!_~~~k 3 .J I - .-- -_.._..........----- ---~ ~-- ~~-----------""'"';=...--~- ~-~--- .; .. . . Resident- busineSs cooperation The statement continued: "Using a vari Poitras sa~. . ety of methods. Qfficers placed ...a great It ~s fitting that Wednesday's work emphasis on . reducing reported clime shop focused on the dynamics of team help lower crime rate, say police during 1991. The development of a Busl- building. Watch .commander William . . ness District Crime Prevention Program, Uretsky said from headquarters that one o use of footbeats, and a variety of crime third of the work force at a time (1 By JOHN DETRO Ibis reduction,· the report said, •ts the prevention programs as well as proactive · officers) periodically gets involved in sucp NEW METIJODS p1::1t into motion by direct result of extra efforts made by patrol tactics~ combined to brtng about training ~ssions. · members of the Cannel-by-the-Sea Po the desired results.'" Cannel Police Department helped reduce lice Department and the outstanding co - lbese happen at differe~t places, • Sgt. local crime substantially last year, t,he Earlier this week. Poitras praised citl- Uretsky explained, '"depending on logis operation and assistance of the residen agency announced Wednesday. tial and business communities." .zens whose telephone calls to the de tical needs. Bit by bit, the entire depart An official statement from those quar partment helped officers nab two alleged mentleams about new laws, dealing with ters said .. more serious crime" (including The news bulletin caiTied no ·names. purse-snatchers-near Cannel Post Office. people, new tech_nologies, investigative rape, robbery, burglary; auto~theft, arson)· Howev~r. such materials normally are (See separate story this edition.) "'That's procedure, defensive tactics, marks wasdown 11 percentin 1991 ascompared. prepared by Detective Sgt. Pete Poitras the sort of response that lets criminals manship, effective supervision, other wtt.h the preceding year. for approval from Chief Jack McGUvray. tools. .. I<J:tow they won"t do. well in our city,'" And '"less serious crime· (vandalism, They and Police Capt. D9n Fuselier were meal skips at restaurantS, bad checks, so in an agency training session Wednesday on) totaled 28 percent less than 1990 at Laguna Seca conference facilities arid statistics. unavailable for comment. Drive on over to· Monterey Mattress with ."Pops"Panda ... . YO·U ·HAVE OPTIONS! ... forward,· Stra~ight Cost-Effective . Solutions · Protecting Your · Family & Assets . REFINANCING? Wm. Scott_Bray James Booth . LONG TERM CARE INSURANCE 0 Nursing Home • Home Health Care . .we make loans that ·make sense. . LIFE . IN~RANCE low Cost Term • Universal life • Whole life • Mortgage life HEALTH INSURANCE PLANS ,., Individual & Group • Medicare Supplements t:tDARMEl Jerry.V anderslice .DISABILITY INCOME • ANNUITIES All Occupations • 625-3939 AGENCIES MORTDADI MONTEREY~NSUMNCE ( 408)373-4925 10 Bonifacio Plaza • Monterey r 200 Clock Tower Pl., Cannel C 0 R P. .0 R A T 0 N I • SandwichesThe Way You -. -;~~ :· ~ IJke Them, Made Fresh! ~~ Fresh Deli Salads Home Style Soup & Chili . BBQ Meats-to-_Go Hot & Hotdogs H~Jllburgers Lunch Meats & Cheeses Fine Wines & Beer USDA Cho.ice Iowa Cor.n Fed Beef Fresh Local Seafood · Farm-Fresh Produce Hot Coffee &. Fresh·D onuts Hours: Mon.-Sat. 7:30a.m.- 8:00p.m: Sunday_8:00 a.m.-7:00p.m. . . In a hurry? FAX your order-to-go! 624-0728 Carmel's Favorite! .Italian K11.its and Sportswear FREE PARKING 62.-3821 • AMPLE FREE PARKING ., With Validation (408) 625-6969 At the Corner of 6th Ave. & Jtmlpero .St. • Carmel 4 ~ For .L ooks Above Par• •• \ I Janell Malek I I . . Community involvement key to substanc·e-abuse .. education • " . r,- 'f early ll)te~ention, as well as discipli~~ By DAV)D LE~D and referral. · · The new regime is the byproduct of the ALMOST A quarter century after drug· over-zealous teachings of the '70s, which usage became rampant in American so- sometimes actually served to encourage Wrap yo,ursel;f in · ciety. heath educators are still struggling children to experiment. anq the l6w-key to stifle the disease in young .people. appr~ach of the '80s. pure Icelandtc wool Cannel, where the school district this · ·· "We are trying to .help ~ds clarify their or cotton 100% year hired a drug-education specialist. is values anq hope that they will come to the · no different. . ·conclusion that·d rugs are bad for them,· sweaters from · .. We want to reduce the risks of young says Malek. who was initially hired by the people getting involved with chemicals district three years ago to oversee various . Hilda of Iceland!' . that will harm their bodies," explains health programs. ' Janell Malek, a public health nurse. who Schoolcurrtculuminvolvesapproprlate is overseeing the CUSD's Drug, Alcohol educational programs for grades kinder and Tobacco Education (DATE) program: garten thrC?ugh high school. Counselors '1be best way to reduce drug use am·ong . also visit site-s and teachers undergo young people is to direct our efforts at comprehensive drug-education classes. education and have clear poliCies." Bnt perhaps the most innovative pcirtlon ~nded, in part, by a $28,000 state- of DATE is its thrust toward home and federal grant, the program includes community involvement. · components that support prevention and Continued on page 8 Ocean Ave. btwn.San Carlos & Dolores· Carmel· Open 7 Days· 625·4150 . . You need not go to . Los Angeles, San · F~ancisco, ., Palo Alto, New York ... ~ .. , for.your Oriental .Rug Needs Conway of Asia has bee~ on the peninsula for 25 years with ~alleled exper~se in antique., semi-antique & contemporary Oriental :.ugs. In today' s wotld you must ~et yourself apart and strive for excellence. We offer you service, selection., quality, and value Professional design assistance available. We are Simply the Best January 23. 1992 TheCarmelPineCone/CVOutlook · 5 plastlc and fabrtc models. computer simulated dlssec after the pet recovers .from anemfa. Relapses can oecur, Doris Day's .· tlon. s, and computer programs for conducting expert- e'pecially if the cat Is stressed, but otherwise there are ments. · . no symptoms to Indicate that the pet ls a carrier of the , Best Interested? Wrtte •Alternatives to Dlssectloo.• HSUS parasite. HemobartoneUa cannot be transferred to hu- · Youth Education Division, 67 Salem ROad, Est Haddam, mans. . . to ~ Friends CT06423. .Be sure have y9ur cat checked I?Y a veterinarian every six months or so. to ensure hls physical well-being, and ANEMIC CATS be sure to run a blood test to check for anemia. Did you lqlow that fleas can cause anemia In cats? By Doris Day !Jl Certain .parasites live the blood streams of animals . WHY DOES YOUR CAT PUJUt? 1 and can bring about the destruction of red blood cells. Most people would say the answer Is obvious: Cats purr Theseparasltescanbetransmlttedtoyourpetbyinsects ·because they are happy and contented. Surprisingly.. that bite or suck blood. like fleas, Ucks, mosquitoes and that is not always true. Cats also purr when they are In Alternatives to dissection mites. • pain, Injured, in labor, and even dying. It seems that One such parasite Is hemobartonella. It attaches to the purring signifies a.f riendly social mood%. In the case of a · INVIEWofourcontlnu.tngawarenessofanlmalwelfare edge ·of. the red blOod cells. giving them an unusual traumatized cat. it may Indicate a need for frlendsQlp or. Issues, many students these days are expressing oppo shape. The eat's spleen destroys these odd cells, which with a }lappy ~t. It may be his way of saytng thanks for sition to dissecting anlmals ln biology classes. And many results til severe anemia, yellow mucus membranes and . kindness given. · teachers are accepting these ethical objections bya llowing the an enlarged spleen. These changes typically make That's it for _this tlme-. See you next week! alternate projects. . pet depre~. weak and feverish, and you may notice •Alternatives to Di8sectlon, • a teaching packet made that your eat's eyes are yellow. (Written inooilabora,tion with Judy Rt#>y, director, Doris available by the Humane Society of the tJnited ~tates, Hemobartonella In ~ts ts called feline Infectious ane- Day Pet Foundation, Los Angles). · offers· students and teachers a humane substitute to mla and most·c ommonly affects young male cats. It Is dissection. It contains lessons and activities designed to responsible for 10 percent of all feline anemia c'ases. meet the educational objectives-of dissection Without · Infected cats must be treated or the disease can be fatal. harming animals. · Recreatiori.al activities start .in January Treatment usually includes oral antibtottcs and steroids. Also included ~ a comprehensive list of resources Like malerta in humans. the hemobartonella parasite The City of Monterey Recreation ahd community - Including books, catalogs and teaching aides, such a9 remains· In the ~lood stream of the carrier animal even SeiVices will be offering a variety of recreational. activities especially designed to appeal to all members· oft he family. There are after school programs and sports activities for the .. kids. .. programs for active seniors. traditional special events. and a number of other fun opportunitiesforeve:ryone. are Classes scheduled to begin durtng the week of Jan. 6-10. Formoreinformationcall646-3866. IJrinc.efQtJian HAIR STVUNG • HAIR REPLACEMENT By Michael Maryk 624-814.1 Mission Street btwn. 5th I 6th • Carmel • I ~ . 8 ~Carmel Plne"Cone/CV Outlook January 23, 1992 / . .. Peninsula sfmmering point and pour over 2 cups ofw ashed chopped BASIC MAYONNAISE herbs ofc ho~ .Let stand coverf!dfor 10 to 20days. Strain (BLENDER OR POOD PROCI'B&Oit) through a cheesecloth or coffeef ilter into sterQized bottles Yields about 1-1 I 2 cups. Combtne one • Palate and cork or cap. Can also put a sprfB tn the bottle. Forf ruit vinegar. or lemonj uice salt and whitep epper t aste .tn the vinegars sub~tpute 2 cups of rip € fruit. (such as berries, a jar of a blender or the bowl of food p r with the pears, peaches, etc.) that have been cut tnto Into small steel blade. Cover and blend for a few Seconds to pfeCes.and brutsed by stirring wit.h a spoon to release combine, then with machines stQl on. slowly pour one to jlavor6 but rwt comPl.e~ely mashed. . · By Chef Wendy Brodie one arid a halfc ups ofa ny oa (try olive oa. or halfm ad oa and half a strong nut oil). The less oa that ts added the The task of combining these oils and vinegars ts at hand softer the mayonnaise wal be. For a dres,sing, I usually or should I say the wrtst with a whip and bowl (a blender thin out the mayonnaise wit.h rrwre vinegar or lemonjufce ends up creating a thicker emulsion). The standard .vote for .the Green. \s I Part H or sometimes with a little milk. Transfer mayonnaise to a Vinaigrette has been one part vinegar or lemon .juice to . bowl and the canvas is now yours to go wild with. two or three parts oil, a ltttle freshly ground salt and A couple of years ago I entered a spinach salad ron test THE VAST array of tantalizing salads is endless With pepper, a little Dijon mustard. However, It Is really a which I was luckj enough to wtn a trtp on the Orient .all the possible taste combinations of the v~riety of oils, matter of your own taste. Sometimes a. very fine Express, so I thought I would include the recipe called vinegars and dressings that adorn the greens: When balsamic vinegar may. need very little oil. The creative selecting olls \Ye find we have choices of vegetable oils Popeye Salad s~ce lt had olive oil, sweet pea.s, and process Is in your hands to mtx and match oils. vinegars, . mussels. such as: soya, sunflower, safilower, -.coconut, com, mustards, herbs, flowers, fruit. spices etc. peanut, 'rapeseed (canola) and grapeseed, avocado, mus- With the addlflon of adding either egg yolks and or Ingredients (per plate ): . tard, pumpkinseed, cottonseed, sesame; palm,. the In whole eggs and changing the propei:U6ns of oll and · 1 cup spinach . . .,I dispensable olive oil. and the nut oils (walnut, hazelnut, vinegar. mayonnaise Is obta~ned. Making your own · 5 mussels tn shells (that have been steciTned in white «:tfmond, pistachio and plneseed). mayonnaise as with the oUs, vinegars and vinaigrettes wine, ·shallots, basil and cil~ntro and chilled} Storage ofo il is· important so that oxidation ls slowed so can ·have .many variations, by adding mustard, ·garlic. l/4cuppeas that the oil does not become rancid. Store covered ln a shallots, herbs etc. _ on pate. 12 dark and cool place. If stortng in the refrigerator, w~lch C~ntlnuecl the prolongs the ltfe. oil may ~come opaque. ~· In this day and age when we. are concerned .. with W € 11~ Ftqhtmq Fvr Your Ltfe . ~ cholesterol on.e .leans to selecting olive oil and the low ·.·.···.: .. saturated fat oils. However With all these choices more doors open up when you realize that you can make or b~y .We Pack• •• s~i41!1Jo)t ·. ... . herb-infused oils. lS.·:··· .., ~~ _e1 Aa~ HERB INFUSED OILS Mail & Ship! ·. ~·... ~~ #llf"c-iJ . .. . ·. . To make one quart of herb oa. Chop 1 I 2 cup of herbs ..~.o . ·.·~$s·,· · Aro -: · (such as basil, cilantro, thyme, rosemary. dill, sage, .A,. A.·:t ..~. ~b-.··· ..· . 'h· oregano, etc.) and put in blender with 1 I 2 cup ofo il blend -. -·-O.Af· '"· ~hen add this mixture to 3 cups of oil, pour into l!i lrJ covered jar and. let steep for 1 0 to 20 days, th.en strain Mail & Parcel Receiving Packaging through a cheesecloth or coffee filter and store covered. crushed I:JStainps Shipping For variations add spices. chilies, garlic, shallots etc. with the chopped herbs. . This should keep about 2 to EJIPac 3 months. (Some qutckiy blanch the chop~ herbs to retain the bright color. I also save the herb~ after they are strained off and rub on chick~ or ftsh.-) · (!~: I Cop~es f~l Fax = Now for some discussion on vinegars. Vin aigre (French), !!! OHice Supplies as ~Notary which means "sour wine" .. is broadly defined a liquid - =:2 Gl consisting of dilute acetic acid. They are obtained by a . Money Transfer E!c., Etc.~ Etc • . double fermentation process. Vinegars are best stored at room temperature, covered and dark place. Ah, UPS Authorized Shipping Outlet in~ 0 . the difficult selection process again. .. shall I use a wine ·"'ee~: . Vinegar (c hfUllpagne, sherry• .r ed. or white), the wonderful • , . 'J)er, . MAIL BO:x;ES .. , Italian .balsamlcs from Modena. a elder. spirtt malt or. ETC~ :·.·.·~~c~• .,.. · , rice. Then ·there are the flavored vinegars such as the • herb-infused or fruit. Like the oils one cah make their •'a We're The Biggest Became We Do It Right own flavored Vinegars. CARMEL CARMEL VALLEY PACIFIC GROVE American Heart HERB-INFUSED VINEGARS/ FRUIT VINEGARS Association ~ I 2• 25 Crossroads Center 316 Mid-Volley Center Forest a preacott i . For quart of v.tnegar. Heat 4 cups of wine vinegar to . 625-2800 625-5574 372-44t..ftlt 1HE~ Mon .. frl. 9~ • 5ot.1~ Mon.·Frl. 9-5:30 • 5at.10-6 Mon.·Frl. 9~ • Sat. 1""" · • ORIG. LARGE o(~ofS~ DRESSES .SELECTED ·SELECTION 100% CafTON • OF SPORTSWEAR • FLANNEL $49 DRESSES GRANNY GOWNS SAMPLES/ $39 50.-75~ff 50;_75~w SLIGHTLY IRREGULAR/ I CARMEL STORE ONLY GREAT DOORBUSTER SAVINGS OCEAN AVE. & DELORES CUSD drug-education program . . pacP Continued from 5 Malek adds.t hat Cannel's drug-alcohol "1be school acts as a catalyst,· explains problem Is no worse than any other - Malek. adding that parent ed.ucation is of community. prime importance. "Drug use anywhere can't be measured, To that end, the CUSD will present but we 5ee enough evidence to be con drug-counseling experts Marie Retherford FISH MARKET cerned,· says Malek. who earlier this year and Katherine Weller from 7-9 p.m. during began educating parents to the reality · the week ofFeb. 11 at CannelH igh School. that LSD is making a comeback:· · The currtculum will center on recogniz .Pacific Grove's Only ing drug behavtor in teenagers and better Of prime concern to Malek is the idea . communication skills. The cost is $40 per that some parents still consider alco.hol Fresh Fish·M arket! couple and $30 for singles. For more to be socially acceptable·a nd OK for kids information call 624-3544. to imbibe upon. l.,flter this year, .:Pre.paring for the Drug-. Free Years" will be offered to patents of But CUSD administrators say they are . Cannel Middle Schoof parents. e~couraged by early results. Overseeing· the CUSD efforts is the · .. We do have evidence that we are begin Health Advisory Committee, which is ning to affect members of the commu comP.<>Sed of school personnel, law_e n- nity," says MalVin. Biasotti, director of forceme!lt agencies, parents, business . pupil/personnel services. "More students owners, church groups and local pr()fes-. ~re deciding they ar~ not going .to use." sionals. CitY Council to hear Commerical zoning recommendations Jan. 28 0 ~ THE CARMEL.CitY Col;JnciJ will review • Update the city's code and genera] cALL TO ORDEit and discuss th~ planning commission's plan to reflect community needs and commerical zoning study dWing a special . val~ 373-8006 . . meeting next week. . . •~emove cumbersome elements from 0 'The freshest fiSh The ~eeting is scheduled for Tuesday, the code. Jan. 28. in the council chambers at city • Remove inequities from the code. .. . in·r ._acific Gr_:qv~t' _ hall. • Simplify and streamline the applica After perusingthedocwnent. the council tion process. may provide policy direction. The planning commission began r.eview The planning commission's intent in of the commercial zoning last January, preparing the study, which is more than and eventually conducted eigyt meetings a year in the making. was to: on the subject. . rilE A MATIEL TOYS FACTORY OUTLET STORE Visit ,~'The Barbie ·st.or~". now open PEBBLE BEACH, CALIFORNIA TOP P.G.A. TEACHING PRO JOHN GEERTS EN, HEAD PRO at 'I'he ..T oy·C lub . ·= · POPPY IDUS GOLF COURSE Learn golf at its be_st! we also carry a variety of popular items: • Hot Wheel Cars &: Playsets ..• From top P.G.A. Teaching Professional, John . ' Geertsen, Jr.,personal instructor to Mike "Radar'' • Hook Figures &: ~laysets Reid. Enjoy an unforgettable experience in • Ki!Jer Tomato Figures · beautiful Pebble Beach, California! • One of ·the largest Barbie ALL CLINICS INCLUDE: selections on the peninsula • Small Classes~ Max. 4-1 Ratio • Easy- to- Und~rstand Funda~entals, • See'ri Say Preschool Toys Golf Book, Video Swing Analysis & Instruction Video • Disney Infant &: Preschool Toys • Green Fees, Carts, Range Balls, Playing .Lessons and Lunch Daily (Selected clinics include resort accomodations & gounnet dining.) · . • Porcelain &: Collector Barbie Dolls Mon-Wed .• Sat. 10-6 • Thurs-Fri. 10-9 • Sun. 11-5 1992 GOLF CLINICS AVAILABLE: • 2 1/2 & 3 1,'2-Day Weekend .Clinics at beautiful Poppy Hills Golf Course AMEmrAN£_ TIN fANNER\'. • 3 & .5-Day Pebble Beach Clinics • Outlet Center .·. . ~ • 5-Day Waikoloa, Hawaii Clinics • 5-Day "Ultimate Junior Golf Clinic" 125 Ocean View Blv • Private ~ssons ~ Custom Prpgrams Pacific Grove, St 649-875 8 TheCarmelPbaeCone/CVOutlook January23.1882 .. --- / .. ~ A recent -visit to The M.andari~~ brought back old I Golf& memorie . of course. and happily: Mamdame Chiang's influ~nce is still there and the ioo!fis just as exciting as ever. If there is a drawback. it's the size ofthe restaurant. Travel Extrflvagant space was once popular, but today The Mandarin seems to have seen its tlme- but only from an ir;t terior design poln t of view. ' Don't be dissuaded. The Mandarin minced ·squab, ..... By Ray A. March Mongolian beef in a noodle basket. Yin-Yang prawns, asparagus with mushrooms and Mandarin glazed ba nanas are excellent. This is where real northern Chinese cooking began. and this is where it remairfS. · Hong KoniJ pleasures Shirley.ong-Torres THIS l(ME last yea1 we were suggesting domestic While on the subject of food. pick up MSan Chin~se travel ophons during Desert Storm. The best bets with Francisco ~hinatown, A w~rour." This book is by a fore.ign flavor were in San Francisco, especially the Shirley Fong-Torres. the titeles; "Wok Wiz." Mandarin Oriental, Tommy Toy:s and the Asian Art - "San Francisco Chinatown· gives the history and per Museum. . . I sonal insights into S.F.'s most colorful neighborhood. I It's purely coincidental, but we're back again with more Using rna ps, Ms. Fong-Torres'd escribes how to find more on travel with an Asian flavo;. Tbis time it's Hong Kong than 50 different points of interest in Chinatown. She and San FranciscoL What a di~encea y~ar makes. gives recommendations on ·how. to see Chinatown by Those who have been there wt erstand when we walking, and where to eat. There's even instructions on say it takes a day or two to ~djust. o Hong Kong.~ It's not how to use the book, plus great. recipes in the·ba~k. the )~-bour flight, three movies and four _quarts ~f Martin Yan writes in the. preface: "It is a timely d_rinkfng water it takes to _get there. u·s·t he unexpected expression ofa talented; resourceful. and knowledgeable · iinpact the city has on first timers. professional. and most certainly_ ,.a and enjoy- . ~aluable Sure, Hong Kong is a city of_contrasts; old world and able resource for aeyone interested in Chinatown:" . new, rich arid p~r. a grand mix of Brttish expats and We agree. · · · hard working refugees. downtown basement bars fea turing Scottish Loch chilled' or baked right next to ~treet- level Chinese restaurants lit up like Macys at Christmas. Hawaii Golf a c!ty on t~e brink of China's rule. Hong Kong is also the An update on American Hawaii's golf cruise. The city of the future. It's a trade city. ·a city of C()mmerce cruise. which is :April 25 through May 2, offers various wh.ere even culture becomes consumerism. As someone · golfing opportunities. including a tournament and golf once wrote, it's straight out of the moVie "Blade Runner... sessions.. · · · . ·' See 'for yourS:elf. Each evening at dusk head for the Signed on to discuss how to choose the proper equip- penthouse Harlequin Bar at the Mandarin Oriental. Not mentis Raymond Chester. manager of Lake Chabot Golf (Ec!.i~r's Note: Ray A. March of Ca~l Valley is the ·only is theviewofthe city's high rises and Victoria Harbor Course in Oakland. and Dr. J . Mitchell Peny. author of author ofC alifornia Golf [Foglwm Press. San Francisco], mesmerizing; the Petrossian caviar and iced vodka makes ·unleash Your Greatest Potential, .. discussing mental a comprehensive guide to the state's golfc ourses, and the it a pe~fect wedding. A romantic perspective, ify ou will. co~ditlons needed for optimum level of performance. forth(;omingAParadise Called Pebble Beach [GolfDigest]. Another great seat for watching the "architectural Fans o(the LosAn~eles, or is still Oakland, Raiders will ahistoryofPebbleBeach.Heisalsoa.frequentcontributor action" by night is "level eight", as they say. at the rem:mberChestersname.Chesterwillbeplayinginthls totheRobbReport.) · . Conrad's Pacific Bar. (You expect mini s·pace ships to . years AT&T Pebble Beach Pro::.Am. . . spurt out of the Bond Centre building anytime). Of cours~, as previou~ly Jl)entioned, George Fuller, Give extra bags to Goodwill a The Conrad is the international subsidiary of Hilton author of Hawaii Golf. will tell about how to get- on Goodwill Industries is putting out call for paper . Hotels USA. but there's a diflerence...:... on the upper side HawaH's golf courses and what d~ expect ~fore teeing . and piastic bags for use in their stores in Monterey lofthescale. FromitsperchatPacificPlacenotonlyisthe off. This cruise holds all the promise of an unusual and Santa Cruz counties. Grocery bags will be viewtnanydirectionstunntng,soareallitsappointments. .golfing vacation. For more information call 800-765- recelved.at Goodwill stores and Attended Donation Hong Kong is constantly recreating itself, and the year- 7000• Stations throughout the area. old Conrad Is a perfect example. Pacific Place is a high Hll1ftf2TC:, ~S=AL E -== rent. prestigiOus business and shopping complex. Cor- On Uonctl'llfw'.. :F:* '-Y 3, 1112. pora~J: ~5S :· he_adquarters_. resturants. more shopping. are only~ elevator's ride from the main lobby. to the County Courthou88, lac8t8d ~~ ~~ ~~:.:, Back to the Mandarin Of!ental. momentarily. It's easy to see why this hotel is consi. dered.o ne of the best in the ,S,ta.te, Doef edCaa.llinfocr.n, iaas, dCulay laipfoporninita· worl d - alo ng with Its sisters in S.F., Bangkok and ed lrUIIee. willll at public auction Uni.., Singapore. It's the service. Underline that. Laundry ~to othef ~ ihe~ ·biddSerta,t esin. d lapw.fyu.l ordered for next day delivery come_s back the same day ..,.. a1 lhe time of ule. the tolow it t t N h ino deW:Iibed ,.., property situated ..... w~n ou . o extra c arge for one day service. Freshly in the County of Monterey, State ot starched hand towels at turndown. In the Mandar.i n CtCHaWliitto: mPiallr_ce.,l Bd.n ·acrsi bsehodw ans otonl omWasp. Grill, unob~trusive tableside attentiveness. No speeches filed April 2. 1878, in Volume 13,. PENDLETON. about luncheon specials. On and on. If the Mandartn pfiaagt eo f3 8th• eo Cf Po8u1ntt8y1 RMeacposrd, einr, tMhoen O ..f.- · seems older, less splashy. that's its tradition. · rev County. CaliiOfnia. APN: 189- t91-UI. Last November President Bush, on CBS news beamed Commonly known as: u ONCE-A-YEAR to the Far East. said "What recession?" Could he have Panetta Rolld. Carmel Valley, CA. Said sale w1fl be made without been thinking of Hong Kong instead of the U.S.? c:ovenant Of ..,r.,~. axp~..-d Of Not necessarily Lmportant trivia. but at least puzzling: ·oimr pelniecdu.m rbetoen-dceinso, toti tslea,t ispfcy ctnhrde"~" FALL SALE On United flights to Japan, tomato J,_.ice is the mos.t ligatiOns secured bv and ~· popular drink. On flights to China and Hong Kong. apple ~ ~ ~t ~:o"~-::t.: juiceismosti_n.. defilllnd. "Idon'tknowwhy,"astewardess Stohrsir.l eyd aUteudl le~n1e2x19 0P. .lmanedr. raesc otrrdsueesd;· NOW MOVES TO• •• explained. -419110, as Document No. 211 Reel 2413 OR. Page 1085 in the oflica of the Monterey eounty ,.. 40-600/o OFF The Mandarin Revisited COfdef. . . The a!"o~nt owing on the Back in San Francisco. sub;ect obltgahon is: Principal The Mandarin restaurant has been a fixture for more $125,0Q0.00; Interest $13,780.27; Late Charges 1-0-; Advances than 20 years. Cecilia Sun Yun Chiang took the risk and . $12,858.33; Anorney's Fees $2.700.00; Costs 11.850.32; lnt on becameJhe leader in the preparation ofn orthern Chinese Advanc:es $1.~21.28. Once a year Pendleton marks down a selection cuisine when she moved from Polk Street to the ornate You are in def.ult under a Deed of Trust dated ~12190. Unless of men's & women's fall merchandise and lavish dining rooms at Ghirardelll Square. . When _you take . atelion to protect your was It? 1968? Pfoperly, II may be sold at a public to 40-60% off regular prices. sale. If you need an uplanatton of She was doing her own shopping for fresh vegetables the nature of the pr,oceeding This is the only fall sale of the year, against you. you lhould contact a along Grant Street years before Alice Waters had an &aww-. . so hurry while quantities last. inkling of what locally grown ingredients can do for a Callfomla Truat Oeeda, Inc., 125- 12th Sl .• Sle. 111, ~ All sales final. dish. ~. CA 844107, (415) ~44-2812, Mandame Chiang set the standards for what quality (S) Herb Leibowitz, Vice Prelidenl, Dilt~: 12130/IU.· . and exclttng·Chlne~ cooking should be in this country. ASAP43754 CAIV'ItL • WALNUT CRttA • SMII'MI'4C15CO She's retired now and the restaurant has been sold, but Publication Dates: Jan. G, 18, 23, 1882. that's not the end of the tale. (PC112) In the Village of Carmel-by-the-Sea PENDLETON. CRUISES PEBBLE•BEACH TOURS CARMEL - 6th &: San carlos -( 408) (i25-9SOS AMTRAK . AIRLINE 626-2000 626·2000 On Lincoln St., North of 7th Ave. Cortile San Re~o - Court of Flags January 23,1992 TheCarmelPlne~one/CVOutlook 9 .. - • a a a a a 5 \1 .. ' t k ~· Photo h e aring set for Feb. (rates 11 opportunity ..ng ANYoNE WHO would like to summit a photo By SUSAN BECK with the court's order to bring the water sysfem up graph depicting their idea of Carmel VaHey life is to the Monterey County Health Department's standards e.Qtouraged to send it along with a short discription. DoNALD GATES. 74, owner of the Cachagua Mutu~l and for selling securities without a permit. , name of the photographer and a telephone number ·. Water Co., is out of jaiL . -1" Wunderlicl) warned Gates in May that any failure of for confirmation. Bail was set at $25.000, and Gates is to appear in ·court 'probation would be treated, '"with great severity." He · Mail photos t~ Carmel Valley OutlQ9k. P.O. Box G- on Tuesday, Feb. 11 to determine if he is in violation of could possibly be sentenced up to three years in state 1. Cannel. 93921. probation, said Brenda Smart~ court clerk. prison. . . He wa~ arrested for fail. ing to appear iIn court on Gates claims that the -water system is fully restored. .c v Thursday. Jan. 16. ·Superior· Court Judge :William "All seven wells plus a spring provides plenty ofw ater to Wunderlich put him on probation in May for not comply- the homeowners." He said it cost him $10,000. · "I think there is a lot of confusion and different points ..· -Carmel ofv iew, which are rather narrow," said Gates. ·Last year V~ey when .the pipes broke, the residents_w ent into a panic Connections and hired an attorney. . It's all an emotional thing." ¥ istoriCal Society In Dt:;cember 1990 a numberofwa!.erpipes froze when the temperatures' reached a record low in the area. Most Meets By Kathleen Tarp oUhe r~side.nts'were without water for several days and .t some for over a month. · · When Gates refused to fix the system, the residents THE CARMEL Valley Histc;>ricat Society meets cy youth ceilt-er reported him to the MontereyCountyHealthDepartment every Tuesday evening at 7:30.p.m. at Rosie·s Cracker who subsequently provided bottled water with a $5,009 Barrel at the end of the village. Take a right off offers aCtivities state grant. Cannel Valley Road on Esquiline Road and cross the of It was also discovered that the main source water to bridge. the residents was supplied by a well that was in com .. for everyone The current projects are raising funds to buy the plete disrepair. Bank ofA merica building for· the society's museum, In addition, Gates was chargep with violating state and workingw.ith local decedents oft he Rum sen and GET READY for the Acn~N be~use it's all hap Eselan tribes to gather historical information. I securities laws. About 10 years ago he started selling pening at the Carmel Valley CommunilyYouth Center! For more information call Stewart Clough, chair· Jots in Cachagua and. ~thout a permit. he sold share~ MONDAY EVENINGS: WEIGHT WATCHERS! Want to man. at 659-2629. · in the mutual water company worth $5,000. - Superlor Court Judge William Wunderlich handled get rid of that Holiday excess? A new Weight Watchers the criminal case in May and placed Gates on felony group may be forming. If you are interested. please call probation. Ann Good at 375-3050 for more information. . Bud fucker, a homeowner, said that Gates was given MONDAYS AND WEDNESDAY~/3-5 p.m.: KARATE, until. the dtlddle of December to take care of everything. FOR KIDS! Nell Miyamoto, black belt, instructs chil Only the wells,.w hich were repaired by the residents, dren in the art of self discipline and self defense. Low had been finished. Gates did pay for ·t he work. said rates and an outstanding class. Call Neil to join at 626-· 1\.lcker, but none of the other 14 .items listed to bring the 0427. system up toT itle 22 standards, such as putting exposed TUESDAYS/9:30-3 p.m.: ART FOR ADULTS! Learn to pipe underground, had been done. · draw on the powers ofthe right side ofy our brain. Anna Gates is now acting as his own attorney, and prior to Forman teaches this creative art class for adults for no · charge. Please call Anna at 659-3533 for more infor- being jailed he said, "I don't mind going to court. I plan mation. · , to educate the people about the system. It's all based on .T UESDAYS AND THURSDAYS/6:15-7:15 p.m.: feelings. llook at it as a rather mine( problem, actually. JAZZERCISEf Shenj Cosseboom leads this exerciseI I would be happy ifthey (residents) weren't upset. If it's J dance class and will get you fit in a hurry! Laugh and ignorance ofthe situation, I will be happy to clear up the 1dek with the valley's.fit! Call Sherry for more informa- matter." " tion at 659-3290 orj ust come at 6:15p.m.! · 9n Jan. 3, Superior Court Judge Richard Silver or WEDNESDAY EVENING/7 p.m.~ ALCOHOLICS der~d him to pay $5,000 in legal fees to Jane Haines of Pacific Grove, who represents the residepts, and toset ANONYMOUS! Jhis group has been meeting at the aside $3,000 for the-water company to-use for emer community center for years and invites everyone to attend and share in the 1\velve Step Program to a better gencies such as the freeze last year. life. ·. Before being arrested, Gates was given an opportunity TUESDAY EVENINGS/7:30-9 p.m.: YOGA! Wendy to sit down with _Deputy District Attorney Doug Matheson. Keystone invites everyone to learn about how to relieve · Diane Popowski, deputy countY ~ouncil, Haines, and the stress in your life once and for all. The class is sev~ral of the water company's homeowners to work out excellent and will teach you breathing and relaxation a solution to the discrepancies in Gates efforts to meet techniques, which will help you lead a ·healthier and the courts demands. happier life. Judy Highley, the court appointed-water system op FRIDAY & SATURDAY DAYS AND .EVENINGS: The erator, which Silver ordered necessary last year. said community center is available to rent for parties, wed that Wunderlich and Silver made every possible effort dings. picnics, you name it!_T he entire facility is avail not to put Gates ln jail. able at minimal fees. .. Mr. Gates is·still saying he doesn't have the money to SATURDAY MORNINGS: CREATIVE DANCE FOR make repairs," said Highley, ·however, he owns real CHILDREN! Jeri Saia encourages children to express estate in various places in California. We feel it's not themselves through dance. She has two classes, one. for financial, but that he does not want to do it. He doesn't 2-1-year-olds, and one for 5-7- year-olds. If you'd like appear to realize the necessity of meeting the court . your child to attend, please call her at 659-0534. deadlines." nJTORING FOR DYSLEXIC CHILDREN: Mary Lou The main concern for the homeowners now is that Berta Will help your child read! She has ,performed unless the court decides to protect the water 'company miracles with hundreds of children in the valley and -there is nothing they can do if he just leaves. \..... would love to h,elp your child have the gift of life. If your · Both Tucker and Highley said that the homeowners child has any problem learning, call Maty at 659-2305 are very disappointed with the situation. Gates made to arrange for an appointment. promi~ after promise, which.never happened. and both MONDAYS 1liROUGH FRIDAYS: ENRICHMENT FOR agreed that even the courts cton't se~ to be able to get ' . him to take care of business.· · CIOLDREN! Diane Holmes teaches children before school and after school the joys ·of art, history, culture, and Carmel Valley current events. If your child is an "Early Bird. . or "Late Valley Cinellla Feature$ • • patnttng Bird• at Tularcitos ElementaiV School, call Diane at 659-2794 for more information on this fabulous class!· ·helps local. rrtusic Upcoming classes include: Life Drawing for children! BILLY BAmGATE with Dustin Hoffman. Bruce This class will be taught by Janice Elizabeth. incredible Willis. and Loren Dean plus Frankie and Johnny t eac her's . portraiture artist. Look for more det aUs in the Pine Cone. with AI Paclno and Michele PfeiJler are the features Belly DanclD&l Let your libido flow and get in shape at this week. AN OIL painting of a Carmel Valley scene by Andre . the same timet The class should be starting on 1\lesday The cost ls $1 Monday through Thursday and $2 evenings In the near\ future. More details will be In the on weekends. · Balyon sold for about $4,000 In an impromptu auction at the Balyon Gallery in Cannel on Sunday, Jan. 19. Pfne Cone at ·a later dat~. Vall.ey.Clnema1s located at the Mid Valley Shop- 1 Half of the proceeds were-donated to the Monterey IF YOU ARE INTERES-,.,.D ~!~CHING ACiAss Of ping Center on Carmel Valley Road. · Branch oft he Music Teachers' Association ofC alifornia, more Information about any of the classes call Kathleen For.JD()te lnfonnaUon about show umes call625- Tarp at 659-3983. Anything can happen here. ..n ns ls 9996.". . a non-profit org~ization' devoted to maintaining the highest standards in music instruction. Carmel Valley! 10 TheCarmelPineCone/CVOutlook January23,1992 ·~ · ...,

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