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Preview Carlos Howard Funeral Home hearing

ere Wet COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA “nate Rep 80, Depariment of Health Profestons eet “ie ar me Ti anesee ae Fanomry £8, 2012 Orbos A Hissad FSP. (Catlos 8 Tiasrd Funeral Home cearoen war, 136 Wea Steet ‘7igh 3901 984s ian 1997 Norfolk, WA. 27506 RE: Notices of Foran Hear License 2 0502-7900T0 — Care # 140095, 133855, 184615, & L402 License #0501 00065 — Cae #3092 Daa Mr. Tar On Dvcemiber 19, 2011, the Viginis Bosod of Fuadrat Directors und Vnnbelmess (Bota) neeived Stelter inteang thal you andthe Carles A Monel Panett Horne sony hare vile eran swoon of ts Cade of Vieni (1950), as amended, Based onthe evidence coneiete, having detaioed ta! ‘roa pone aststatol danger tothe pubic health sn aly, te Bond voted ta warmly stepend your fewase {e ented frre services inthe Conamonweahh of Vingini peating a heating, PRcliveincuedidely i alt lucene to Jou to serves Fuseaa service provider uc he yoniself ont as fancelservice pave nthe Commons of Vicinin. tv aden, the Beatd vexed to sorumarily suspend the license of te Ctl A. owned Fuad Home for the reasons stat wave It shall te usleil fy the Cerog A. Howard Fosezal erne to ope ut ldielf noc as af nea service ety, Hovioood are Notes of Hearing mul Sten of Fariculms, ‘ive Imari will beheld betoce the Virgina Hood uF Panel Direslons and Rexbalmes (‘Bnont"} on Mach 8, 2042, at 22:00 pom. al te oles ofthe Depts of Heath 2eofessions, Pair Crate, 9960 Mingle Pci Suite 29, Lensca, Virgina, ‘Yos lave the lellowing rights. wong others: 9 Be represented Ly legal connscl ta have wPneas sbpoersel v3 your betel, o preseot docuarenliry evidence and to crosexmuina adverts wutaeaes, Should you nish to snlgoena witcess, requests for myosin must Le ent in welting in fc00tdanve Wik yrenclaced stations for Regvesting Subpocnas ‘Yon fave the right to inieration oF wich the Roard wil eel in wuking ite decision, Pear tn Ha hearing it sf: Bou intention to cistribis te enclose docamentn to the areaabers Fa Dad who will cotsket fs asi. These ocaments are exclosed guly witk the nrfgival notice sent by certifi sal, Whiek ye way be required fo clatin atthe post offiss, JC yoa lave any ubjestions fo te meas, pleas "oO ea ay meas bat dca gt UN Se wa B ot rat a ysis man = Pos each ood ni ‘eon vekarsnrwaine salty the Yupmie Road of Furetal Dirvtor at Ebates fa viting, t 9960 Mayland Dive, Suite 390, Beara, Giymia 28231, before February 28 20LL. A. copy of may yates objections mast sa be sent © Bere Onpor Achuiiomion Sprvishst, Adranisttive Proceedings Division, at te satur address aad to Jes Scliesarant. Assislagt Atortey Gets) 909 Bust Main Steet, Riche, Vigiuia 23219. IF you do nol ‘object te hls ropored dtibullon before Febroery 23,2012, te Board wil aauee thst you have no objection le Te Dou! uemnbeet prior review of the documents. Pailue to object to the disibuion prior to he heating ‘wil ete: your sight eaneeL ny intersation conned bese dana a lke being, Furor. to fwiltate thie hearing, the Road requests lbs you provide to Yeter Opper, Adjudication uti, Alrvinisative Proceedings Division, Depumament of Feat Pratexiany, 860 Mayfand Driv Shite 100, Horio, Vigna 20214, [8 eoples efang dacoments Yon intend te tatvedare fle avkdenes at least fo (J) sine days before the hesring, lense edvise us whether you plan tv be pret far the hearing no eter than Rebruary 25,2012. Sturerely, hho. Lisa, Tbe, Executive Dicoior Soard of Funeral Directs and Timhaloers Enelones te: Meher ofthe Bourd of Fune-al Dipectos ad Babalaers Sars» Buuuing, Director, Adinishoive Pmevetings Division Jace Sebtesanane, amis Atfrey Gearust errs ppe, Adjutcation specialist Auto: Sellers, Investigston, Division of Ratincement ares Seley, Jovestignter, 1 sieon of Eaborcenent P.9E VIRGINTA: BEFORE THE BOARD OF FUNEWAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMIERS CARLOS A, HOWARD FUNERAL HOME Visense Nos 5U1 09601 Case Nos: 140982 EOF BEARING Pousiant 0 §§ 22-400, 2.2-4724(6), ard 341-2404} ofthe Code of Virzinia (1950). as amended (Code), Cater A. Howard Foueset Home, wih, pio to it somory suspension by the Board of Pune Diertors ont mbalers on January 17, 2012. ed Liocuse No, 0591-00601 to provide Fonea sevites in Virginia, iscaeby give oto that a forme administitive ear will beheld inthe peesexice fa patel ar ‘qrocom ef "te Virginio Board of Monet Dizectons aud Rembatmnets. ‘The hearing wilt be etd on Mardi, 2012, at 12:00 pam, at Uh offices of the Department of Health Profssions, Virginia Roctd of Funeral Vise, Si Dicer and Hmbslmers, Pulser Conte, 9960 C8 D1, Meacio, Viggiain 23234, a1 wick tine Carlos A, Uoward, F.3.P ae onmer and manger of record of the Cinlan A. Howard Paneral Re me, wil tw forded the ppoxtanity tb hearin pereon by counsel ‘Atte heazing, the Corlos A. Howard Funeral Home ls the felling ight, swt ect: he right le representation by coun’; the right 1 have witaeasee suhposoned and to present wins on is halt, ‘horight pein docomeatary evdeuc: and the spl fo croseesanine adverse wees, If Mr, Howard sive amy witnesses tw appear oa the fils bebaf, he aust notify the Ditetor of Adminisative ~toceeings,Uspatnent oF [est Hrdesions 9960 Mayland Dime, Sue 309, Henin, Virginia 23233, in scvondanee the oseutios fur Reaves Sobposuas 3F the heating is Lo Innate tate evidence ‘hat Cevtos A. Howord Funecel Home 13x Wo ceutnin Laws and repute goveaning tha pmoetice of Feral serese in Vigna, ux ore fly #28 forth in tho Sistem of Poatontvs beow. okee of Foon Heating Cates A Howacl Poms Aaa regener STATEMENT OF PARTICULARS The Sua allege tt 1. The Carle A Howard Fant Home, Norfok, Vegan on or sont Jay 13.15, 201, ay Save vo 68 54.-28062), 20) a (26) and 541-2811 ofthe Code, at 1 VAC 65-2010) and (0) af the Regul of the Viepiiu Nour of Funeral Service Dicectors and Bmbahnes (Regulations) in Ha ie owns and manager of rend Carlee A. Home, FS.P, tne the yan oft doses, Clin A to he Nix Nx Func Tomes, Pitadeghia, Peansyhaa, 45 ps eodtion andor iopeny behead: 3. Thobody,okkoughembulmed ved ia Pbifedlphin with unig bul marks on i fav aking estcatve work mcossuy bore he ty ck be lee, The decodes sea ao be re eum and et fllet mast the Een had ibe led, LHe body as bo leaking, emboli, 2A te contiing he vise of the dovesed was given to the sa of Nix de Nec ner Homes, Philadephia, wit intetions tht te box be dliven othe amily, eying thi ths be contsiued yer effects, shea, én fact, he box contained the iniatines and ethee opens ofthe deceased FOR THEROARD “Vingiia Board ct Funerel Diresiors rca Fubar ENTEREN; ifistia—

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