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Caringf or OurP lanet JoyceH annam Reada ndd iscovear ll aboutc aringf or our beautifupl lanetE arth. .. . What is globalw arming? . Howc anw e keepo ur ptanetc tean? Reada ndd iscovemr orea boutt hew orld! Thiss erieso f non-fictiorne aderpsr ovides interestinagn de ducationcaoI ntentw, ith activitieasn dp rojecwt ork. SerieEs ditorH: azeGI eatches AudioC DP acka vaitable Wordc ountf or thls reader3: ,804 /ih Level3 \t/ irii{) l}r.r.tdwordS / 6Tl Leve[4 S floYo"L,9,,,*,,,,,. \i7 750 headwords v, r t)lror,,(tfA{)hG:e tty lmages {Satettitev iew of Planet Iitrllr \t(', hrr,.l, P a @fior O u rP la n e t JoyceH annam Introduction 3 1 UsingR esourceCsa refu[[y4 2 KeepinOg urP laneCt oo[ 8 3 MakingC leanE lectricityt 2 4 ReducinTgr avel 16 5 KeepinOg urP laneCt lean2 0 5 ProtectinPgt ants 24 7 ProtectinAgn imals 28 8 TheW ayF orward 32 Activities 36 Projects 52 Glossary 54 AboutR eada ndD iscover 56 OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS ( )x F( )t{l) An@ducffi@m I Nt\',t RstI\ I'tt ss ll|r\lr,rlr,,r\1,l1(r ,llyh r,rrrrrtlly) l) l('..11.,15l);l lsilltI 'Jvli(/ Ikl lrrr'lllrr\tr,rtr,!rI ' tt,./ \1,illt{ ow( l).ll()M: llrkR ulllepp.8. (.r(,rl ( I.rR rr(lotl Slrecl, ()\li)r(l ()x:l 6l)r' j t. ts..t, ( )\ lr,f(l I Il l ivcf\tl y l'R'\s t\ ll (lrl).t fl illenl (l l I ll(' I lniv('rsily l lr, llr/,li\lrr,\ xlil1,1rr i\ri'r Lrl r)l iilrl IIf ./illowinJgi r theirk in) r)l ( )\lorl ll llrl ltr.rst l(. l lnrvelsily s ol)i('(1i v(.o l (.x(ellcrr(c lt''1,rir\,r)lfrr, f .i)rxir/..I tk)l{lqrdltad nli( rlhttc ollyrightmqtffioll Il r1.\(.il1J].s (lrr)Llr\l)il).; ilrd edrk iltio!r l)y pul)lishing Alamy Pp.5( l'ictureC oDtlct),7( WayDeH utchinson),9( Helga rvorlrlwjrlt ttt Lutz/nood)1. 4( K-Photos/wiDtda rn), l5 (.JohnH ensall)1, 7 Ono ur planetE artht herea re manyb eautifulp laces. ()\l0r(l N(wY()rl( Uohnny Creig Travel Photography).2 0 (David Ball), 22 (Stuart /\il( i(l.ur(l (ll)("li)wD l)irres Srham HongKong Karachi K(Ferlalyn)s,l 2 €m3m (felonrsa)l,p ik3/1c o(Mmipkoes Ht iblli)n, )3. 32 7(P (Ehodtwoisrhdo PtH aorkldeirn)g,2 s8 Ltd); Sadtys, omeo f the thingst hat peopled o ared amaging ( rr .rL r I rI D)l )rr I N4ir(rli (l lMoll)ourne Mc'xico City Nairobi Getty Imagesp p.4 (CarlW arner), 10 (TorstenB lackwood/ Nr.w l)( llr Slr.ilrglriri'l:tjl)ci lbronto AFP),f 3 (FelipeR odriguezF ernandez/Photographer'sC hoice/ our planet.W e mustc aref or it, to keepi t safea ndc lean \\'rl lr 0lli(r.s i tl solar power station), 14 (Robert FrancisiRobertH arding Arrgcrrtin.r Arrstrirr llrazil Chilc CzechRepublic France world hnageryisvafisengi2l,5 tRoba nd Arn SimpsoirlVisuals for a[[t he plantsa, nimalsa, ndp eopleli vingh ere. (,r11\( (;il;rtcrnrh llul)grly ltrly.lilpan Poland Portugal Unlimited/periwinkle), 34 (Julian Sullivan);R obert Gilhooly \llrlt.rlr)r1 S(trtth Kr)rcr Swilzcrlnnd'l'hailand Turkey p.23 (Kamikatsur ecycliDg);O xford University Pressp p.3, I ll(f.Inc Vt('t nitll 6, 16,1 8,2 5 (oliveo il),2 6,2 9, 30, 35;P AP hotosp .19( AP/ Qiinetiqcom/Press Association Images);P racticalA ction pp.9 Whatb eautifupl tacesc any ous eeb etow? ox r or rr .rrrrlo x I'otu) li N(;t .tstt are registered trade nriuks (floatingg arden),1 1 (high house)S: till Picturesp p.12( Fred oI ( )\I{,r(l I Iniv('rs'ly I'rcss ir) thc IJK ilr)d in cemnin otl]cr Dott.Hamburg/Argus-foto),1 3 (Mark Edwards/solarc ooker), ( orilrllies 21 (RLSMSI ENAN-UNtsP),(3N2i gelD ickiDSon). Whatb eautifupl lacesa ret herei n yourc ountry? r) ( )\li )r(l I llt iv('l sil y I)rcss 2o I o With thankst o Ann |ullick fbr sciencec hc'ckine Howd o peopted amageo urp lanet? I lre rrrrrr':rrli rllls ol ll)c itulhol ltilve l)celt asserted |)rlirl)irse rirhl ()xli)rd tJnivcrsity l)f('ss( nuker) Howc anw e caref oro urp tanet? l;irsl l)lrl)lish(al ?oIo l()t.l l(,t:l ?()12 20lt 20lo |)9U7654:t2 No unauthorized photocopying All right s rcseryed. No prrt ol this publication may be rcpr(xln(ed. storcd in l retrieval system, ortEnslnitted, in rny loLm or by aDy mcaDs. without the prior pemission i D wril ing ol Oxford University Press,o r as expressly Ix,rnritled by llw, or under temrs agTeed with the appropriate rcprographics rights organization. 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Usflng lBes@qffi@@s WeA llN eedW ater Cameffiqilry \7ater is one of the most important natural resources on Earth.W'en eed fresh water to drink, and we need it Ourp tanetg ivesu s manyn aturarl esourcelsik ea ir to grow and cook food, and to wash. Plants, animals, to breathea ndw atert o drink.l t givesu s plantsa nd and people all need water to live. animalsto eat,a ndc oa[a ndo il to makee lectricity. About 70% of Earth is coveredw ith water, but most We needt o usea [[ theser esourcecsa reful[y. of this water is salt water in oceans.P eoplen eed fresh water to drink, but only about 3o/oo f Earth's water is fresh water. In some countries there isn't enough water. Sometimes,p eople have to travel a long way to collect water, or they move to a new place where there is water. RenewabRlee sources Some natural resources,l ike water, sun, wind, soil, animals,a nd plants, can replacet hemselvesn aturally. They are called renewabler esourcesT. hey will not run out if we don't use them too quickly. If we use them carefully,w e will have lots of theser esourcest o use for a long time. /1 / NonR- enewbal eR esoruc es Pollution Sfe use fossil fuels like coal, gas, and oil in power Sometimesw e make our resourcesd irty. This is called stationst o make electricity.\7eu se electricity to power pollution.S(/e pollute the air when we use fossil fuels \We lights. Refrigerators, televisions, and computers all to make energy like electricity. pollute water when neecie lectricity,t oo. Many people use electricity to we put waste into it. People,a nimals, and plants all cook and to heat their homes.\ (/e also use electricitv need clean air and water. to power some vehicles,a nd we use oil to make WhatC anW eD o? gasolinet o power cars and other vehicles. There are lots of ways we can help.'Wem ust keep The problem is that thesef ossil fuels cannot be water clean,a nd we must not waste it. Some charities replaced,s o when we have used them all, they will are helping people to collect and store water.T hey are run out. They are called non-renewabler esources! also building new dams, wells, and pumps, so that and we are using them too quickly. people can have clean water nearer their homes. We must use non-renewabler esourcesc arefully, h V|AAt7h,e f ourc ountrietsh atu sedth e most and we must not waste them. Scientistsa re mvesugaungw ays to use renewable resources,l ike sun, wind, and water, to make electricity so that we don't need to use so many fossil fuels. \il7ec an also try to use less electricity. Got o pages3 6-37 for activities. [fr@@pf@,nqgm PilonffiC@@il Scientisttsh inkt hat Earth'sc limatei s changinga ndt he weatheris gettingm oree xtremeT. heyt hinkt hatt his is happeninbge causeE arthis gettingw armerW. hyi s this happeninga,n dh owc anw e keepo urp lanetc oot? TheG reenhousEeff ect ExtremWe eather llarth getsh eat from the sun. Some of the heat escapes into space,b ut somei s trappedb y a blanket of gases. Scientistst hink that global warming is changing our This keepsE arth warm enough for us to live here, climate and making the weather more extreme.T his is and it's called the greenhousee ffect becausei t works a problem for people, animals, and plants. like a greenhouse. Hurricanes are getting more dangerous.I n 2005, a huge hurricane hit New Orleans in the USA. About \$ t\ 2,000 peopled ied, and most of the city was flooded. There are many rivers in BangladeshT. here are always - floods in the rainy season,b ut the floods are getting worse. Every year, some people die and thousandso f people loset heir homes. GlobalWarming tr4)*''J 'When we use fossil fuels we make a gas called carbon ''5(J, In Bangladessho, me dioxide. Scientistst hink that we are putting too much -peopte makef l.oating carbon dioxide into the air.T he carbon dioxide gardensT.h eyg rowf ood increasest he greenhousee ffect and Earth gets on them,s ot hat theyh ave warmer.T his is called global warming. foodd uringth ef loods. lrr thc SaharaD esert in Africa, there is not enough nrirr and the desert is getting bigger. Peopleh ave left tlrcir homesb ecauset hey can't grow food.The Gobi l)cscrt in China and Mongolia is also getting bigger. I )cscrt sand blows all the way into cities in North l(orca and South Korea. Meltinglc e l,hrth is gctting warmer and the ice is melting at the North and South Poles.A s this ice changest o water, tlrt' scu lcvcl is getting higher.This is dangerousf or Iow r'orrntricsli ke Bangladesha, nd for low islands. 'l\rvrrltr is u country in the PacificO ceana nd it's made WhatC anW eD o? ul gnrrrpso l'islands.P artso f the capital,F unafati,a re ttuw ottly l0 ccntimetersa boves eal evel.S cientists Scientists are investigating ways of predicting extreme weather so that people can be ready for it. Charities tlrtrrkt ltnt thc occanw ill soonc overt he land,a nd llte pcoplc wlro livc thcre will havet o move to other are working with people to build stronger and higher homes.T hey are also giving people specialr adios so ItttUlltt'lcrlii kc Ncw Tcaland orAustralia. that they can hear about extreme weather and move to a saferp lace. Our planet has natural ways to reduce carbon dioxide. Oceansa nd plants use carbon dioxide, so we must protect our oceansa nd plants. $(/em ust try to keep Earth cool by using fewer fossil fuels and producing lessc arbon dioxide.W 'en eed electricity, but we can make it without using fossil fuels. Instead, we can use nuclear energy, or natural energy from the sun, wind, or water. ) Got o page3s 8-39f ora ctivities. MaffingC trXeon Eil@ffie@ Scientistsa re investigatinwg ayso f makingc lean electricityt hat is not madew ith fossilf uels.T hisi s importantif we wantt o reduceg tobatw arminga nd pollution.H owi s electricitym adei n yourc ountry? NucleaErn ergy Nuclear power stationsm ake electricity without using fossil fuels.T hey don't put carbon dioxide into the air, but they produce dangerousr adioactivew aste.T his SolaEr nergy waste is put underground or under the ocean, where Another way to make electricity is to use the heat it must stay for thousandso f yearsb efore it's safe. from the sun. Solar power stations only work well If there's an accident at a nuclear power station, in places where it's very sunny all year long. dangerous radioactive waste can get into the air In many countries, people use solar energy from and travel a long way. In 1986 an accident happened solar panelst o heat water in homes, offices,a nd in Chernobyl in Ukraine. People died and many more swimming pools, and to power watches, calculators, people were sick.A bout 336,000 people had to move and road signs. away to new homes. Scientists are working hard to make nuclear power stations safer. Ins unny countriesy,o uc an cookb yu singo nly heatf romt hes un.A t[ youn eedis s unshine anda solarp anet! WindE nergy Energytr om Water Wind turbines use the \il7ec an make electricity by using energy from energy from the wind to moving water in rivers, lakes,o r oceansT. his is make electricity.'Wec an called hydroelectricity. The first hydroelectric power build wind turbines in station was built in 1882. It was a simple water isolatedp lacesa nd also wheel. It made enough electricity for 250 light bulbs. in the oceans.T hey can The biggest hydroelectric power station in the world be useful in colder today is the Three Gorges Dam in China. It can make countries where there is enough electricity for whole cities! not enough sunshine to use solar energyt o make electricity. Germany, for example, makes 6o/oo f its electricity in wind farms. All around the world there are more and more wind farms. GeothermEanl ergy Geothermal energy comes from the heat that is trapped underground. Hot water and steam from underground can be used to heat buildings, and to make electricity. In Iceland there is lots of hot water underground. Geothermal power stationsm ake about 25o/oo f Iceland's electricitv. lP!r. l:>t In 1966, scientistsi n France started to make Hotw aterf romt he electricity using energy from ocean tides. Then other Svartsenggie othermaplo wer scientists used energy from waves.S cientists are now stationi n lcetandis usedt o ilitffi investigating better ways of using energy from tides fitta no utdoopr oo[.lt 's and wavest o make cheap and clean electricity. enoughfo rs wimming. I Got o pages4 0-4t for activities. What CanW eD o? It's very difficult to stop traveling, but we can think carefully about the way we travel. For short journeys, Mosto f ust ravelt o schoool r to worke veryd ay.M aybe we can walk or cycle.T his is also better than sitting we travelb y cart o go shoppinogr to visitf riendso, r by in a car becausee xercisei s good for us.W 'ec an share ptaneto go onv acationW. hys houldw e trave[l ess? cars or use public transportation for some journeys. \We can try to use small cars becauset hey use less fuel than big ones. We should also reduce the number of vehicles that we make, becausew e use fossil fuels to power the factories where we make the vehicles. Some people try to fly lesso ften, and if they have to fly, they do something called carbon offsetting. They find out how much carbon dioxide their journey will produce.T hen they pay to plant enough trees to use all the carbon dioxide that the journey made. TheP roblemw ithT ravel Cars, planes,b uses,a nd ships all put carbon dioxide into the air. This increasest he greenhouse effect and makes our planet warmer.V ehiclesa lso pollute the air with other gasesT. his makes our cities dirty. Airportasr eg ettingv eryv ery busyA. bout5 9,000in ternationaI passengetrrsa vetl hroughth e main airporti n NewY orke veryd ay.

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