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Author Index Vol. 33, 1999 Caries Research LARNER OOS LIRR INEN PL TNi ERT BRR ENE Abstracts of the 46th ORCA Congress have their own Author Index Aeschlimann, J.-M. 446 Davies, R.M. 401 Jaeggi, T. 455 Aguilar-Avila, M. 140 Davis, B.A. 164 Amerongen, W.E. van 130, 387 Deery, C.H. 32 Kallestal,C . 93 AnalouiM,. 227 Deifuss, H. 135 Kambara, M. 473 Andersson, B. 148 Dénes, Zs. 191 Kawasaki, K. 275, 473 Ando, M. 220 Dong, Y.-M. 428 Keszthelyi, G. 191 Angelillo, I.F. 114 Kivela,J . 178, 185 Angmar-Mansson, B. 32 Eekert;G.J. 227 Kiyak, H.A. 333 Arends, J. 206, 214, 275 Eggertsson, H. 227 Klimek,J . 74 Arneberg, P. 66, 462 Eickholz, P. 234 Kolb, I. 234 Ashley, P.F. 401 Ekstrand,J . 148 Konig, K.G. 251 Atsuta, M. 366 Ekstrand, K.R. 41 Koo, H. 393 Attin,T . 135 Ellwood, R.P. 401 Kreulen, C.M. 130 Attrill, D.C. 401 Emberland, H. 23 Ericson, D. 171 Lagerweij, M.D. 220 Baelum, V. 252, 340 Larsen, M.J. 81, 196, 428 Balz, M. 372 Fang, D.T.S. 437 Leinonen,J . 185 Banoczy, J. 191 Felloni,A . 423 Lenhard, M. 234 Bartizek, R.D. 16 LEY 357 Beck, J.D. 16 Gabris, K. 191 Loftenius, A. 148 Beeley, J.A. 123 Gagliani, M. 423 Longbottom, C. 261 Beighton, D. 349 Ganss, C. 74 Lukantsova, L. 220 Beltz, R.E. 468 Gao, X.-J. 428 Luke, G.A. 123 Berrocal, R. 446 Garcia-Godoy, F. 423 Lussi, A. 261, 455 Biesbrock, A.R. 16 Geddes, D.A.M. 123 Lynch, E. 349 Birkeland, J.M. 267 Gente, M. 242 Bjorndal, L. 50 Gibson, S. 101 McClanahan, St.F. 16 Bjorvatn, K. 267 Giertsen, E. 23 Machiulskiene, V. 252, 340 Borges-Yaniez, A. 140 Gonzalez-Cabezas, C. 227, 357 Madléna, M. 191 Bornstein, R. 171 G6otrick, B. 171 Marks, L.A.M. 387 Borssén, E. 409 Gough, H. 123 Martens, L.C. 387 Bosch, J.J. ten 32 Gregory, R.L. 357 MartonS, . 191 Bowen, W.H. 1, 164 Groen, H.J. 130, 387 Matsumoto, M. 441 Brailsford, S.R. 349 Guggenheim, B. 446 Matsumoto, S. 366 Brambilla, E. 423 MatsumuraH,. 473 Buijs, M.J. 61, 88 Hajishengallis, G. 4 Maupomé,G . 140 Busscher, H.J. 403 Hamada, S. 441 Medrano-Ugalde, H.A. 140 Butler, J.E. 148 Hannig, M. 372 Mei, H.C. van der 403 Hassfeld, S. 234 Mejare, I. 93 Caplan, D.J. 16 Hatloy, A. 66 Michalek, S.M. 4 Cate, J.M.ten 61, 88 HaugejordenO,. 267 Minami,T . 441 Chen, H.Y. 349 Hellwig, E. 135 Miyazaki, T. 156 Childers, N.K. 4 Herrmann, E.C. 468 Mulder, A.F.J.M. 403 Christoffersen, J. 214 Hintze, H. 380, 415 Clark, D.T. 349 Holmen, L. 41 Nagy, G. 191 Coote, G.E. 196 Hujoel, Ph.P. 333 Neeser, J.-R. 446 Correia Sampaio, F. 66 Huysmans, M.C.D.N.J.M. 32 Nobile, C.G.A. 114 Cury, J.A. 393 Nordbe, H. 468 Iijima, Y. 206 Norde, W. 473 Damen, J.J.M. 88 Ikegaki, M. 393 Nyvad, B. 81, 252, 340 Danielsen,B . 415 Imwinkelried, S. 261 DarvannT, . 50 KA RG £ R 1999 S. Karger AG, Basel Fax +41 61 306 12 34 E-Mail [email protected] Accessible online at: www. karger.com http://BioMedNet.com/karger Ohmoto, S. 156 Sampaio, F.C. 462 Veen, M.H. van der 220, 227 OoshimaT,. 441 Sasaki, H. 441 Verdonschot, E.H. 32 Sattler, A. 393 Villari, P. 114 Park, Y.K. 393 Scheie, A.A. 23 Parkkila, A.-K. 178, 185 Schlechtriemen, M. 74 Waller, E. 32 Parkkila, S. 178, 185 Schmid, R. 446 Wang, J.-D. 428 Pearce, E.I.F. 196, 428 Schulte, A. 242 Watson, G.E. 164 Pearson, S.K. 164 Slade, G.D. 16 Weerheijm, K.L. 130, 387 Persson, R.E. 333 Smales, R.J. 437 Wenzel, A. 380, 415 Petrucci Gigante, D. 66 Sobue, S. 441 Whitford, G.M. 462 Pieper, K. 242 Soet, J.J. de 130 Williams, S. 101 Pitts, N.B. 32, 261 Soetiarto, F. 248 Worthington, H.V. 401 Powell, L.V. 333 Staehle, H.J. 234 Stecksén-Blicks, C. 409 Yamada, T. 366 Qvortrup, K. 41 Stenlund, H. 93 Yoshida, K. 366 Stokroos, I. 275 Yue, L. 428 Raber, H. 171 Stookey, G.K. 220, 227, 357 Rajaniemi, H. 178, 185 Strijp, A.J.P. van 61, 88 Zimmerman, } Rarum von der Fehr, F. 66, 462 Strohmenger, L. 423 Raubertas, R.F. 164 Reich, E. 261 Takagi, O. 206, 275 Rosalen, P.L. 393 Tanagawa, M. 366 Ruben, J. 206, 214, 275 Thorell, J. 171 Russell, M.W. 4 Torre, I. 114 Rwenyonyi, C.M. 267 Tsuchiya, H. 156 Caries Res Vol. 33, 1999 Author Index Subject Index Vol. 33, 1999 Caries Research Acid 140, 366 Decision making 32 Histometry 234 Acidified fluoride gel 135 Demineralization 214, 220 Human saliva 140,178 Acidogenicity 428 Dental caries 4, 114, 171, 191, 242, 261, - Tlymphocytes 148 Actinomyces naeslundii 357 380, 428, 441 Hydrophobicity 441, 473 Adolescence 93 - fluorosis 66, 267 Hydroxyapatite 473 Adolescents 191 — plaque 428 Altitude 267 Dentin(e) 50, 61, 214, 275, 468 Incidence 93 Amalgam 357, 387 Detection 261 Inhibition 366 Amine fluoride(s) 61, 423 Diagnosis 252, 261 Intake 462 Animal models 164 Diagnostic systems 242 Interproximal caries 234 Antibacterial material 366 Diet 101, 349 Intraoral exposure 455 Approximal caries 93, 227 Digital radiography 234 In vitro lesions 206 Atraumatic restorative treatment 437 Disease progression 415 In vivo lesions 206 Disintegration 468 pellicle formation 372 Bactericidal effect 130 Italy 114 Biomarker 462 Early detection 227 Bite-wing radiography 340, 380 EDTA 275 Lactobacilli 191, 357 Brushing abrasion 135 Efficacy 171 Laser fluorescence 227 — behaviour 401 Electrical resistance 242 Lasers 261 Buffer(ing) capacity 185, 191 Enamel 61, 140, 196, 214 Lingual enamel 41 - effect 81 - dissolution 81 Liquid intake 267 — features 41 Litter effect 164 Candida/yeast 191 — maturation 242 Longitudinal studies 16 Carbohydrate 123 - pellicle, human 185 Long-term clinical evaluation 387 Carbonic anhydrase 178, 185 Epidemiology 74, 248, 267 Caries 185, 220, 393, 401, 409, 446 Erosion 74, 81, 135, 140, 372, 455 Mechanical property 366 activity 252 Eugenol 248 Methods 16 detector dye 437 Exposure 462 Microhardness 140 diagnosis 32, 340 Microradiography 206 epidemiology 16 Fingernails 462 Milk 446 excavation 437 Fissure enamel 41 Minerals 428 prediction 428 Flavonoid compounds 393 Mucosal immune system 4 prevention 333, 423 Fluorescence 261 — immunization 4 rate 93 Fluoride 16, 23, 66, 148, 196, 462 Multi-centre study 171 Cariostatic effect 393 intake 267 Mutans streptococci 191, 357, 423, 441 Carious dentine 130 release 88 - lesions 50 retention 61 Non-cavitated caries 252, 340 Carisolv 171 rinse 61 Nutritional status 66 Casein 446 toothpaste 267, 401, 409 Chemo-mechanical removal 171 uptake 88 Occlusal fissures 196 Children 101, 267, 340, 409 varnish 333 Odontoblast 50 Chlorhexidine 156, 333 Fluorosis 114 Oolong tea 441 Citric acid 372 Optics 220 Clinical trial(s) 130, 171, 415 Geriatric population 333 Oral microbiota 446 Clove 248 Gingival bleeding 23 Orange juice 81 Cohort 93 Glass ionomer cement 88 Compomer 387 pH 81, 185 Composite 366 Hardness 140 Phenol red 366 Computerized histomorphology 50 High-performance ion-exchange chromatog- Plaque 88, 446 Confocal microscopy 357 raphy 123 — index 23 Contact angle 473 — liquidchromatography 156 - microflora 349 Cytokine 148 Histology 41 - pH 23 KA RG £ R © 1999 S. Karger AG, Basel Fax +41 61 306 12 34 E-Mail [email protected] Accessible online at: www. karger.com http:// BioMedNet.com/karger Polyacid modified composite restoration Restorative materials 130 Sugar(s) 101, 123, 409 387 Retention 156 Surface microhardness 372 Polyphenol 441 Root caries 275 Prevalence 267 Technology transfer 32 Prevention 16 Saliva 4, 156, 185 Teenage 93 Primary dentition 101 — secretion 178 Tertiary dentine 50 Progression 93 Salivary clearance 123 Toenails 462 Pronase 468 — flowrate 23,191 Toothbrush abrasion 455 Propolis 393 - micro-biota 23 Toothbrushing 101, 349, 409 Protein(s) 446 — pellicle 140, 372 Transmission electron microscopy 372 - adsorption 473 Scanning electron microscopy 372 Trona 267 Public health dentistry 114 Secondary caries 357 Pulsed amperometric detection 123 Secretory IgA 4 Ultrastructure 41 Severity 267 Unerupted third molars 41 Quality of care 32 Silver-supported filler 366 Quantification, in vitro 220 Single sections 206 Validity 234 Quantitative analysis 156 Smoking 248 Virulence antigens 4 Social class 101 Radiography 93, 380 Sodium fluoride 61, 148 Water fluoridation 114 -, dental 415 Soft drinks 81, 140 Wetting 473 Rats 164 Solubilization 468 Window 214 Raw food diet 74 Split-mouth design 387 Reliability 252 Statistical methods 164 Xylitol 23 Remineralization 206, 275 Streptococcus mutans 4, 366 Reproducibility 234, 261 - sobrinus 4 Restorations, primary dentition 387 Sucrose 349 Caries Res Vol. 33, 1999 Subject Index

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