TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorPrl anPtlant SSyystsetmaetmicastics ISSN1346-7565 ActaPhytotax.Gcobot.60(1)4:1-46(2009) Carex benkei,a Nevv Species of Carex(Cyperaceaej from Japan and China TAKAI]1ROSH[MIZti 3-2-1Ubzaki-nakamachi, Higashinacla-kttK.obe 658-O083,JLcpan A new species, Carex benkei is desuribcd on thc basis ofthe specimen from Mt, Tatta-san ,Kumamoto Pre{' K.yushu, Japan .lt is similar to C. bi"ownii ,but it differ sfrom C. brou,nii inhaving utricles l.4 times longer b,eing stipitate at the basc ,having a beak two times longer, the beak of the achene with or rarely without an annular appendage and the pistillat secalcs, excluding thc awn, two times longer .It is also similar to C. transvensa. but it differ sin having bidentate ,stipitate utricles, the beak ofthe achcnc with ot rare]y without an annular appendage, pistilla tsecalcs about twe timcs lunger, exe]uding the awn, and basal sheaths ltgh tbrown. Carex benke ioccurs in .lapa n<I/{on Sshhikuo,ku and Kyushu> and China (An- hui Province), A distributio nmap ofthe specics is given. A key to the three similar species is present- cd. Kcy words: Carex benkei, Carex brownii.Carex transyensa, Japan, new spccies ln 1981,lfound an unknown sedge inaswamp through fiel dand herbarium studics, are summa- surrounded by a fores tnear the coast on the Kii rized in Table 1. Peninsula ,western Honshu, Japan ,The plants, The lat cDr. J, Ohwi cxamined at least four hcre named Ctire xbenkei ,were similar to C. sheets o'f Carex benkei ,Mayebara s.n. (KYO, r[Uck., transversa Boott and C. brownii but the two sheets; TNS) and Shinagawa s.n. (TNS) and pistill astcealcs, exc]uding the awn, were about annotated them as CZire xhrownii Tuckerm, £ me- two times longer than in those two species (Fig,diocri sOhwi fl nov, and C]are xbrovvnii £ inter- 2D, K & R). The basal sheaths were light brown inedia Ohwi E nov. Neither name was ever pub- vs. dark purplish rcd in C. transvens' aand C. lished. brownii (sometirn ebrsown in C. broM;nii)(Fig. I also searched the Chinese literatu (ree. gLi.- 2G, N & U), The utricles were bidentat ein the ang et aL 2000), but was unable to find a descrip- unknown sedge, as they are in C. hrovvnii (Fig,tion that matched the feature osfC benkei .Here 2A & H). (larex benkeNs described as a new. In C. transversa, the utricles have been re- garded as bidentat (eOhw i1936, Ybshikawa 1958, Carex benkei Tak, Shimizu, sp. nov. (Fig s1., Hoshino et al. 2002) or bifi d(Franch 1c8t98, Aki- 2A-G & 3) yama 1955), although they are obliquely entire AfTinis thricihron,n iTuick., sed utriculis 4.t-6 mm ]on- (Boot1t856)inliving inFig.20. plants as shown gis, rostris 1.4-2.5 mm longis ,basi stipitatis, achaenis Sixty to cighty percent ofthe utricles split to be- rostris annulariter appendiculatis raro inappendiculatis, come bifi d(Fi g2.0') in dried specimens. If C. squam i sfeminei spraeter aristis 3-5.7 mm longi sdiffert. transversa is dried without pressing, the oblique 7)ij]u s.JAPAN, Kyushu, Kumamto Pref. :at thc foot utricle apex remains entire, Carex transveEs'a ocfaM.t 60 T8a0t trlal -aslta.n,6 ,JMuancngok u1,98 6S, h1ilrrnki .zSuh-itmhioz,t tK 8u6m-a2m9t3e -(shhio,lo- therefore distinctl ydiffer sftem C. brownii and KYe; iso- FU, HYO, KAG. KPM, MAK, OKAY, OSA, C benkei in thc apex of the utricle. Further difl SHO, Tl, TKPM, TNS, TUS). ferencesbetweenC.henkei C.brownii, and noted NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosclee tySociety ffoorPrl anPtlSyastnetma tSlcysstematics 42 ActaPhytotax.Gcobot vol 6e Herbs. perennial ,densely caespitose. Culms staminate, linea r,1,7-4. 5cm long ,1.5-2,7 mm 60-170 cm tall ,1--2. 6mm thick, trigonous, ridges wide, 1ight brown to ]ight greenis hbrown, pedun- acute, usually scabrous on upper halE Leaf cles O-2.S cm loll g1;ater asplikes pistil!at dc,ense- bladcs linear ,50-88 cm long ,4-8.4 mm wide, ly fiowered ,cylindrical to narrowiy cylindricaJ, scabrous. Basal sheathslight browii .Spikes 2-4, 2-4.6 cm long ,8-9 mm wide, shortly peduncled; upper ones usually approximate; terminal spike lowcst spike eften remote, peduncle short to leng fte'.E,T//mak.Z:tl'a'=' l /egg"gff;e・k t・ S .s,kv, :S-vl; FIG.1. Holotype of Carex benker (7lrkShimi x8u6-2P3 [KYO]). NII-Electronic Library Service TThheJea paJnaespeSaoncieestye Society ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics March 20Q9 SmMIzu-Carex benkei, a New Spccics 43 Flc] , 2L. 1 Ambma),xiH slt avmiienwate ofutr isc]ceaslcs ( (CA ,J , H& &Q .O b. abra =r =1 m1m )m,m), p] bsitfiild lapae txscca loefsut r(ieDlc, K& fr o]<r. n bsaairn e= s] prenci rmn)e,n la t(cOra' ls )paic,hkeenses (E ( ,LB ,&J &S Rb abr a=r 1 cm), upper part of lowest bract shcaths (F ,M & T, bar= 1 mrn) and basal sheatbs (G, N & U, bar = 2 crri). Ctvrex benkei (A-G: Mt. Tatta-san ,Kumamote Pre[' ,7lrk .Shimtzu 86-293 [KYO]) C.. brovvni i( 1[-N: Motcgi-cho, Techigi PreE, 7lrk. Shiniiz u08-120 [SHO] )C, transversa (O U: Kasuga-cho, Hyogo Pref. IZ imai s n rS]]O]). NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnSyts teSmaytsictsematics 44 ActaPhytotax.Geebot. Vol.60 FIG. 3. Distributio nmap ef Carex bankeiin Japan. (O.2- 1cm6 long); lowcst bract s11-44 cm long, to ligh tgreenish browni awn O-2.5 mm long, 1.6-7. 3mm wide, much longer than terminal Pistilla tsecales 3-5.7 mm long excluding awn, spike; sheath of lowest bract O.2-6.5 cm long , narrowly obtong to oblong, acute to obtuse or distinct ltyo slightly scabrous in the dista lpart. emarginate at apex; awn 1-4.2 mm long .Utricles Staminate scales 5=7 mm long excluding awn, longer than or nearly as long as scales, 4.1-6 mm scales and apex ofscales variable in shape, brown long, 1,6-2,3 mm wide, 1.5-2 mm thick, rhom- TA.BLEI.Cemparison o-liT].f)r.p-h-)logiculcharacters Carex henkeiand itsallies. T .. - ... C henkei C. brownii C. transversa Utricle length 4.1-6 mm 3-4.3 mm 5-6.5(-7. 5m)m apex bidentate bidentate oblique,entire beak 1.4-2.5 mm iong O.7 -12 mm long 2-3.8 mm leng base (whe nripe) stlpltatc not stlpltate not or slight[y stipitate Beak of a¢hene wi than nourl arrarel yapp ewintdhaogute an wit ho ut a n ananguclar append- w it ho ut an ananguelar append- Saminatc scale except 5-- 7min long 3-5 mm long 3-6 mm long awnPistil]atescaleexcept awnUppcr 3-5.7 mm ]eng 1.3-2. 5mm long 1.5- 3mm [ong bra cptasrht eoafltohwest distinc" yto slightly scabrous scabrous or rarely smooth sm oo t h osrca rbarroeu]ys slightly usually smooth, Culm, uppcr half tuhsuraelely sreiudbgreosus, acuLe utshuraellcyrid gsecsaabcruotues, th r ee reindege sri dQgebt usaecu toer often Basal sheath ligh tbrown dark purplibsrh orewdn sometimes dark purplis hred NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics Mareh20U9 SHIMLzu-Carex benkei a,New Species 45 boid, ellipsoid or broadly ellipsoid, indistincttyKitamuro-gun, 27 May 2004, Tla kS.himizu 04-70 (KYO); trigonous, brown to dark brown, olivaceous F}uZniamkaomsohtio, M1i2y(amOaS-A c)hoi;,b iKdi,t1am7uMraoy-gu1n9,8 73,0K A,prS.e t1o938265,fK7 lustrous, distinct green, often greasily with (OSA)3,2522(OSA)7.2ik.Shimizu8Zij09 (FU,KYO, nerves, distinct lstyipitate, beak bidentat e1,.4- OKAY, TI,TNS). -Wakayama Prefi:Naka, Yura-cho, 2.5 mm long. Achenes somewhat loosely en- Hidaka-gun ,7 May 1905, T Hltra s.n. (MAK); ibid, ,18 closed in utricle, 2-2A mm long (excludi bnegak May 1906, Z Hbra 55 (MAK) ;Tahara, Keza-cho ,Hi- and stipe), 1.4-L85 mm wide, broadly ellipsoid g1a8sMhaimyur2o0-0g1u,nS,. 12;S 'Maayy8'5 i11i79(96K,Y TO ,FMIAijKi, )i-6O62S A(,HYSOH)O); i,bi-d,, or rhomboid, trigonous, beak with or rarely with- Kb iotoP rcftN ak achi ,Kcjh oku-ch o, Kit akuwa ta-gu n5,- out an annular appendage. Stigmas 3. 7 Jun. I996, T Fukuhara Z283 (KYO). --\amaguchi Habitat. Swampy grassland wsith d¢nse mix- Pref: TIanouchi, Kano-cho, Tsuno-gun, 10 May 1964, H. ture ofmany sedges, grasses and herbs surround- imsaki 31098 {Yamaguch iPrefectur aMluscum). Shi- ed by broadleave dforest sus;ually near the coast. koku. Kagawa PretL :Suribachidani, Takamatsu (Taka- Jinpanesename.Benkei-yawarasuge. matsu-shi, Miyawaki-cho), 4 JuL .1935, 7: [ijik e66251 (TNS).Kyushu. SagaPretLN:agashima, Takee-shi,7 Etymology. The epithet `benkei' relates the May 2001, S. 1'wamura 13265 (KYO) ,-Nagasaki Pretl: robust habi tof Carex benkei to Saito Musashibo Tamatsugeura, Mitsushima-cho, 22 May 2006, 7lrk .Shi- Benkei (1l55-11 8a9 J)a,panes ewarrior monk of mizu 06-I27 (KPM, KYO, TI), 06.128 (KYO) ;ibid, 30 the twelfth century, commonly known as `Ben- May 2006, TLrk .Shimizu 06-I39 (KYO ,TNS); ibid, ,29 May 2006, 7Lik.Shimigu 06-J41 (KYO);ibid.,10 Jun. kei' depicted big and as a rnan ofa great strength 2008,7ink,Shimiiu08-i43 (KYO);Konoseura, Mitsuhi- and loyalty. ma-cho, Shimoagata-gun 2,2 May 2006, 7kek S.himizu 06- Additional specimens exaniined. CHINA. Anhui 130 CKYO) ;ibid, ,3 May 2007, Hbshino et al. 21300 Prov.: 1940, Fl Maekawa s.n, (TT), (OKAY); ibidl, 10 Jun. 2008, 1lrk .Shimi2u 08-152 (KYO); JAPAN. Honshu. Ibaraki Pref: Zuiryu-cho, Hita- Itese ,Tbyotama-cho, Shimoagata-gun ,1 May 2003, Z c(hiKooYtaO-sh)i,,-Mi e1 JPruent, :2K0ai0ngo, ,7KZiiik n,Sahgiatsnhiizm uaet- cahLo K,i0t8a-mu1-31 1Iiknik-agnuon , !1Y440 1M2a57y43 195 5<, KZP SMh)i;n aSgahwiaaj sy,on ., K(atTsNuSm) ot.-oO-icthao, Prefl:Miyasako, Usa-shi,31May 2006, 7lak.Shimizu 06- r1e-9g8un1,,1l 2a6k SA.hpir.m i1i9u728,J -M2 HMI('SgluichOi )6;i49bji d(,O1,S8MAa) y;ib1i9d8. 7,4, Mlatyik. J44 ( KYO), 06-1 45 (KYO , T I) ;ib id, ,l g May 2008, 71ik. Shimi zu 8 Zl134 (KYO, TI),K.S eto3 260J(O SA) i;bid., Shimiitt 08-86 CKYO) 0,8J88 (KYO, TNS), 08-89 (KYO), 13May 1998,K. Seto 4PO18 (OSA)i;bid,15May 2004. 08-94 (KYO, TI); ibid. .26 May 2008, 1lrk .S7iimiiu OS- I02(KYO),08-104(KYO)0,8-I05(KYO,TT),-Kuma- nik.Shimizu04-37(KYO,TI),04-38<KYO,TNS); ibid, 26 May 2004,7lrk,Shilliiz0u4-6I(KYO,SHO),04-62 moto Prei: Mt. Tatta-sa nS,himizu-che ,Kumamto-shi, 3 (KYO);ibid.,S May 2005, 7lak.Shimizu 05-57 (KYO); Jun. 1986, 71ik ,Shimiz'u S6-292 (KYO); ibid, .7 Jun. 2004, ibid.,30 Apr. 2006, K. }2imawaki 14815 (KYO),14S16 Ch. Sato di M Baba 04-2 (KYO); ibid,, 4 Jun, 2005, Ttik. (KYO);Funatsu,Miyama-cho,Kitarnuro-gLi1n8,May ShinzizuO)--J37(KYO);Higo,Menda(Menda-cho,Kuma- 1999,K / }lrman eot3o226(KY O).3229(OSA) i;bi d, IS gun), 31 May 1931, K. Mti)'eba,' ,as' .(nK.YO [tw oshccts], TNS). May 2004, 7tik.Shimizu 04-33(KYO);ibid,,6 jun.2008. 7lrk,Shimizu 08-138 (KYO);Yaguchiura, Miyama-cho, Key to separate Carex benkei ,C. bro}vni aind C. transversa 1. Apex ofutricles oblique, entirc; upper part oflowcst bract shcaths smooth or rarely slightly scabrqus; ridges ofculms usualLy smooth and obtuse, or onc ridge auute, in upper half ,,........,......,, .C., .t.r.a.ns,v,e.Ts.a........ 1. Apex ofutricles bidentut eup;per part oClowcst brac tshcaths distinct tley slightly scabrous or rarely srnooth; ridges ofculms usually seabrous and acute in upper half ,..".,....-...........H....,.,.-.v..-.., .2...-,...........-.,,,..".... 2. Staminat escalcs 5-7 mm long excluding awn; pistMate scales 3-5.7 min long excluing awn; utrielcs 4,1- 6 mm long .beak 1.4-2.5 mm long ,stipitate at base; beak ofachenes with or rarely without an annular ap- pendage ..,..."...,,..H........"....,.......,,,..-....,.--,,...".,,...-...-.,.. ,CH. -b.eHn,k,e-iw..........,,.,,....-..H,.-..,,.."...,,,, 2. Staminate scales 3-5 mm long excluding awn; pist i1lat escales 1 ,3 -2.5 mm long excluding awn; utricles 3-4.3 inm long ,beak O,7-1,2 mm long, not stipitate at base; bcak of achcnes without an annular append- age.....m......-.......",,.........,,,,,,-.....,.,,,............-,..,,."..H.."............"..,,..H".,,..-..,.,...............,-..,,.-Cbrolvnii NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics 46 ActaPhytetax.Geobot. vol.6e I am gratefu tle Prot N. Fukuoka, University of Hyogo, Boott,F. 1856. Carex. bi:Gray,A. Ced. )A,ccountsof for critically reading the manuscript. My thanks are also the botanical specimens. Narr. Exped. China Japan due te Ch. Sato and M. Baba, Kumamoto Prcf, fbr guid- 2: 322-329. ing me in the fiel dand for providing specimcns, to M. Franchet, A, R, 1898, Les Cat'e xde IAsie Orientulc. Arakunc, Oita Prefi ,forgiving localit yintbrmation, to S. Nouv. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat ser. 3, 10: 39-111. IwamuTa, Saga PTe.C Land to K. Yamawa'k[ib, cMhiieg iPref .for IIoshiii To,,, T. Masaki &M. Nishimoto ,2002, Illustrat- providing specimens, to T. Neguchi, Prefi ,for ed Sedges ofOkayaina, Sanyo Shinbunsha, Okaya- guiding me to and for providing useful informatio na,nd ma, (i nJapancsc) to Pro'E H, Ikeda and Dr. A. Shimizu, Universit Myuse- Liang S,-Y. ,L.-K, Dai. Y.-C. Tang & P.-C. Li. 2000. um, UniveTsit yof Tekyo, fbr searching the literatu rone Carex. in: Dai, L.-K, & S.-Y. Liang (eds .F)l,. Reip. Chincsc sedges. Ithank the directo rasnd the curators of Pop. Sin. 12(2) :S6-528. HYO, KPM, KYO, Tv{AK,OK AY, OSA, SIIO,TI,TKPM, Oh",i,J.1936.Cyperaeeaejaponica1c.Asynopsisofthe TNS for permittin mge to examine specimens. Caricoidea eof Japan, Mein. Coll. Sci .K}Joto lmp. Univ., Ser. B, Biol, 11: 229-530, References YoshLkawa, j. 195g. Iconcs of Japancsc Ca"ex, vol, 2. IIoku riku no ShokubuLu no Kai, Kan azawa. (i nJapa- Akiyama,S. 1955. CaricesoftheFarEasternRegionef nese) As{a, Hokkaido University, Sapporo. (j nJapanesc) Received September 8, 2008; acceptedJanuar}, 6, 2009 NII-Electronic Library Service