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Annual author index Abe,T. 851 Bertram,J.S. 1107 Chang,F. 233 Davies,A. 2197 Aboul-Azm,T. 877 Bevan,D.R. 403 Chang,I.Y. 1633 Davies,D.S. 2221 Abu-Zeid,M. 1307 Bevill,R.F. 2153 Chang,L.-Y. 1989 Davies,R. 2381 Adlakha,H. 1535 Bhamra,R.K. 555 Chang,W.P. 923 Davis,B.B. 447,1235,2087 Adolphe,M. 767 Bhatt,T.S. 617 Chaulk,E.J. 857 Daya-Grosjean,L. 321 Afeefy,H.Y. 1599 Bignami,M. 87 Chen,C. 233 de Boer,J.G. 15 Agarwal,R. 1491 Binder,U. 1961 Chen,C.-C. 643 De Canniére,D. 241 Ahmad,S. 1261 Bingham,S.A. 683 Chen,J. 1503 De Flora,S. 1159,2187 Ahn,Y.S. 2329 Bird,R.P. 573,1863,2081 Chen,S. 1191 de Gruijl,F.R. 2169 Aiyar,J. 1159 Black,S.D. 1337 Chen,Y . 1273 de Kok,T.M.C.M. 1249 Akman,S.A. 1783 Blackburn,A.C. 1337 Chen,Z.Y. 675 De Lorenzo,F. 439 Alabaster,O. 887 Blanck,A. 171 Cheng,C. 2367 de Matteis,F. 2197 Albano,E. 799 Blum,M. 1713 Chenicek,K.J. 177,525 de Vogel,N. 303 Albert,R.E. 83 Blumberg,P.M. 2161 Chenna,A. 2361 de Vries,H. 1759 Alexander,R.J. 45 Bocckino,S.B. 1113 Cherrick,H.M. 1981 Dehaye,J.-P. 241 Alexandrov,K. 929 Bock,K.W. 453,691,2227 Chiappetta,C. 601 Del Carratore,R. 2175 Aligia,C. 1019 Bodell,W.J. 315,1937 Chiesa,A. 1083 DeMatos,P. 101 Alink,G.M. 719 Boesen,J.J.B. 2407 Chipman,J.K. 247,1667 Demkowicz-Dobrzanski,K. 1447 Amanuma,T. 1365 Bogdanffy,M.S. 2095 Chlapowski,F.J. 1651 Dempke,W.C.M. 1209 Amin,S. 2271 Bohr,V.A. 1967,1975 Chong,Y.C. 77 den Engelse,L. 987 Amini,S.B. 1509 Bond,J.A. 1143 Chung,F.-L. 1269,1909 Den Engelse,L. 2101 Anderson,J.N. 297,895 Bonin,A.M. 329 Cikryt,P. 807 Denda,A. 1227,1365 Anderson,L.M. 2107 Boobis,A.R. 2221 Ciroussel,F. 727 Denizeau,F. 2335 Anderson,M.W. 1583,2427 Borowski,P. 2403 Clark,R.E. 1095 DeRubertis,F.R. 541 Andersson,C. 1345 Bosland,M.C. 669 Claycamp,H.G. 1289 Desai,D. 2271 Andersson,R. 629 Bouchard,L. 341 Clayson,D.B. 1735 Deutsch,W.A. 259 Andrae,U. 373 Box,H.B. 2003 Coffing,S.L. 297 Devadas,K. 1273 Andreoli,C. 547 Boynton,A.L. 1107 Cohen,S.M. 1651,2281 Devereux,T.R. 2427 Anttila,S. 929 Brasitus,T.A. 45 Collier,J.M. 509 Devor,D.E. 1541 Appel,M.J. 1525 Bravard,A. 767 Columbano,A. 379 Dianzani,M.U. 385,1929 Applegate,L.A. 1557 Breitenstein,M.J. 1047 Comi,P. 883 DiAugustine,R.P. 2009 Aramaki,T. 827 Brendler,S.Y. 2435 Coni,P. 379,497 Dickey,C. 2041 Archer,M.C. 857 Brittebo,E.B. 2263 Conney,A.H. 947,2183 Dieteren,N. 2407 Arcucci,A. 439 Bronzetti,G. 2175 Coombs,M.M. 329 DiGiovanni,J. 177,525,617 Arlauskas,A. 329 Brouet,I. 1001 Coon,M.J. 2141 Ding,X. 2141 Asamoto,M. 1651 Brun,G. 2317 Cooney,R.V. 1107 Dipple,A. 2347 Aune,T. 779 Brunnemann,K.D. 2415 Cooper,D.P. 469,877 Diwan,B.A. 1351,1893 Aust,A.E. 637 Bryant,M.F. 1731 Cooper,S. 2335 Dlugosz,A. 2367 Baan,R.A. 457,1257 Buchmann,A. 477,691 Copple,D.M. 935,1277,2453 Dogliotti,E. 87 Babu,S.R. 1235 Buck,F. 2403 Coquerelle,T. 1989 Dominé,F. 2467 Bach,I. 2191 Buhler,D.R. 2375 Corbella,G. 493 Domingo,J. 2381 Bachmann,M. 69 Buonaratl,M.H. 621 Coscia,N. 2187 Donahue,P.R. 917 Badawi,A.F. 877 Burka,L.T. 1633 Costa,L.G. 417 Doniger,J. 1981 Bailey,E. 1091 Burke,M.D. 165 Costa,M. 555,1485,1763,2341 Doroshow,J.H. 1783 Bailleul,B. 349 Burlingame,A.L. 315 Cotta-Ramusino,M. 547 Downs,J.W. 1337 Baird,W.M. 297,895 Burns,D.J. 1113 Couch,L.H. 1887 Dragan,Y.P. 125,739,1389 Bakale,G. 1437,2059 Busk,L. 1345 Couri,D. 33 Dragsted,L. 629 Baker,R.S.U. 329 Butch,E.R. 895 Cox,J.E. 863,2415 Driver,C.L. 2107 Bal,E. 2407 Butler,T.D. 63 Crane,A.E. 119 Drouin,E. 1415 Balansky,R.M. 2187 Butterworth,B.E. 409 Craven,P.A. 541 Dunn,W.C. 1989 Bannasch,P. 271,232 9 Calcagnile,A. 87 Crofton-Sleigh,C. 2197 Dutrillaux,B. 767 Barat,N. 723 Calder6,J. 493 Cronin,G.M. 1869 Dutta-Choudhury ,T.A. Barbin,A. 727 Calvayrac,R. 321 Cross,D.R. 2471 Dypbukt,J.M. 417 Baret,A. 321 Cameron,I.L. 815 Crowell,P.L. 1261 Eacho,P.I. 2453 Barnes,T.S. 165 Campbell,H.A. 1389 Cruzeiro-Hansson,L. 2067 Earley,K. 1731 Bartsch,H. 727,929,1001,2317 Campbell,T.C. 1607 Csanddy,G.A. 1143 Eaton,D.L. 95,675 Basic,I. 811 Camus,A.-M. 929 Cummings,J.H. 683 Eberhart,J. 297 Batist,G. 1705 Canella,K.A. 2347 Curphey,T.J. 95 Egido,R. 493 Bauer-Hofmann,R. 477 Cantelli-Forti,G. 1403 Curran,B. 307 Egner,P.A. 101 Baxter,C.S. 83,189,1859 Cantoreggi,S. 193 Curto,M. 379 El-Bayoumy,K. 2271 Bayley,L. 483 Carbone,V. 1397 D’Agostini,F. 2187 Eldridge,S.R. 409 Beach,A.C. 1053,1731 Carey,F.J. 1035 D’Ambrosio,S.M. 463 Eling,T.E. 515 Beattie,C. 1743 Carmichael,J. 1035 D’Orazio,D. 1713 Elkind,M.M. 643 Beaumatin,J. 767 Carmichael,P.L. 1127 Dahl,A.R. 1633 Ellem,K.A.O. 183 Bechtold,W.E. 1217,1633 Carney,D.H. 1 Dahle,H.K. 1957 Ellul,A. 683,2353 Beecham,E.J. 1967 Carter,J.P. 2107 Daly,J.M. 1519 Enami,T. 1155,2133 Beehler,B.C. 2003 Carthew,P. 1917 Daniel,F.B. 1325 Engelhardt,J.A. 935 Beijersbergen,G.M.J. 1759 Castonguay,A. 341,1447,2137 Dashwood,R. 1121 Engels,W. 585 Belleli,A. 2293 Cecchini,E. 2175 Dashwood,R.D. 113 Ennever,F.K. 2059 Beltran,L.M. 177,525,617 Chakravarty,P.K. 2449 Datta,A.K. 283 Enzmann,H. 943 Benasutti,M. 1415 Chaloupka,K. 2233 Daub,G.H. 1775 Erexson,G.L. 1731 Benigni,R. 547 Chaney,W.G. 1829 Daubersies,P. 349 Erickson,L.C. 259 Berghard,A. 651 Chang,E.H. 1273 Davie,J.R. 573 Ericksson,L.C. 1461 Annual author index Erikstein,B. 1795 Garberg,P. 1751 Harvey,R.G. 1575 Ibeanu,G. 1989 Eskelson,C.D. 1811 Garland,E.M. 2281 Harwood,P.J. 1107 Iden,C.R. 2361 Evans,J.G. 1917 Gaylor,D.W. 2419 Hasegawa,A. 391 Idris,A.M. 1001 Evensen,@. 1957 Geacintov,N.E. 1817 Hasegawa,H. 2313 lio,T. 1663 Ewen,S.W.B. 165 Gelboin,H.V. 297 Hasegawa,R. 333,787,1043, Ikenaga,M. 1503 Ewertz,M. 2241 Gelderblom,W.C.A. 433 1427 llett,K.F. 663 Faa,G. 379 Gensler,H.L. 9 Hasegawa,T. 1155 Imaida,K. 569,913,2133 Fabbro,D. 1997 Georgiadis,C.A. 2183 Hashimoto,H. 787 Imamoto,A. 177,525 Fadlallah,S. 2335 Gerlyng,P. 1795 Haskill,J.S. 63 Imaoka,S. 979 Fahnert,R. 57 Gerson,S.L. 2137 Hass,B.S. 2419 Imazawa,T. 1379 Fan,C.Y. 361 Gerwin,B.I. 1359 Hatayama,I. 265 Imsiecke,G. 69 Fanick,W. 2403 Gescher,A. 1091 Hatcher,J.F. 955,1705 Ingebrigtsen,K. 779 Farber,E. 433 Giacomini,L. 379 Hattori,T. 2313 Inohara,H. 845 Farin,F. 675 Gibson,N.W. 425 Hautefeuille,A. 2317 Inoue,S. 1497 Farmer,P.B. 1091 Giglioni,B. 883 Hayakawa,H. 289,837 Inui,Y. 979,1789 Fasshauer,I. 1713 Gilissen,R.A.H.J. 1699 Hayashi,Y. 501,569,2133 Ip,C. 1167 Faustman,E.M. 1001 Gilmour,S.K. 51 Hayatsu,H. 1433 Isaac,E.L. 1907 Faux,S.P. 247,1667 Ginsler,J. 25 Hayes,J.D. 2255 Ishikawa,M. 1941 Fazal,F. 605 Giuliani,A. 547 He,S. 329 Ito,A. 1315 Fazili,Z. 1331 Gladen,B.C. 2009 Hecht,S.S. 1909,2271 Ito,K. 1497 Fedtke,N. 727 Glick,A. 2367 Hecker,E. 205,211 Ito,M. 1043 Felton,J.S. 621 Glickman,B.W. 15 Heflich,R.H. 819 Ito,.N. 309,787,1427,1513,1825, Fenton I1,J.W. 1 Glusker,J.P. 1775 Heil,J. 2389 2121 Fermifian,A. 493 Goldsworthy,T.L. 409,1011, Heitman,D.W. 815 Iwama,T. 873 Fernando,R.C. 1835 1389 Helser,M.A. 2277 Iwasaki,S. 1427 Fernie,S. 1735 Gooderham,N.J. 2221 Helvering,L.M. 935,1277 Izzotti,A. 2187 Feron,V.J. 277 Goodfellow,J.M. 2067 Hemenway,D.R. 1031 Jacob,A.K. 447 Ferranti,P. 1397 Goodwin,P. 1475 Hemminki,K. 593,1951,2463 Jacobs,A. 1095 Ferraro,T. 947 Goria-Gatti,L. 799 Henderson,R.F. 1633 Jacoby,R.F. 45 Fichtinger-Schepman,A.M.J. Gotoh,S. 851 Hendricks,J.D. 1639 Jagerstad,I.M. 2263 1209 Géttlicher,M. 807 Henneman,J.R. 1541 Jahnke,G.D. 2009 Finnegan-Olive,T. 947 Gough,A.C. 1035 Hennings,H. 2145 Jakab,G.J. 1031,1075 Fiume,I. 1397 Gould,M.N. 1261,1933 Hergenhahn,M. 211 Jaken,S. 1997 Flammang,T.J. 1887 Grabowski,D.T. 259 Heussen,G.A.H. 719 James,S.J. 2471 Flodstrém,S. 2299 Gradin,K. 651 Hewer,A. 2197 Jan Keizer,H. 1257 Foley,J. 2427 Graves,R. 1455 Higashi,K. 851 Jang,J.-j. 1541 Fong,L.Y.Y. 2153 Gray,T.E. 1725 Hii,C.S.T. 1907 Jansen,H.M. 987 Forsyth,C.A. 509 Grdina,D.J. 811 Hill,B.T. 1209 Jansen,J.B.M.J. 1525 Fortini,P. 87 Greim,H. 373 Hillebrand,M.J.X. 987 Jee,P. 1735 Fortuny,J.-C. 493 Griffin,K.A. 469 Hilz,H. 2403 Jeney,A. 773 Foster,C.O. 165 Griffith,W.C. 1217 Hindsch,K.-D. 2403 Jennings,G.S. 831 Foureman,G.L. 515 Grilli,S. 1403 Hirano,H. 851 Jenssen,D. 609,1719 Fournier,M. 2335 Grinberg-Funes,R.A. 2041 Hirose,M. 1513,1825 Jerina,D.M. 895 Francis,J.E. 247 Grivas,S. 629,1025 Hirota,M. 1829 Jernstro6m,B. 1549 Frandsen,H. 629 Grobholz,R. 2329 Hmieleski,R. 1031 Jiang,H. 355,905 Frank,A.A. 509 Groopman,J.D. 95,101,891, Ho,C.-T. 947 Johansson,G. 153 Fransson-Steen,R. 657,2299 917,1031 Hoffmann,D. 369,863,1957, Johnson,J.M. 715 Frederickson,S.M. 955 Grotmol,T. 1795 2415 Johnson,N.F. 2035 Frei,E. 867,1221,1657 Grover,P.L. 907 Hofmann,E. 1989 Jones,B.M. 1095 French,B. 1475 Grundel,R. 1873 Hogberg,J. 1751 Judah,D.J. 1853 Frenk,E. 1557 Guberman,R. 2293 Hogstedt,B. 153 Kadlubar,F.F. 663,917,1587 Friesen,M. 1001 Guengerich,F.P. 217,979, Holden,K.L. 1731 Kafafi,S.A. 1599 Fritsch,P. 767 1143,1789 Holder,G.M. 1199 Kaina,B. 1989 Frosina,G. 1371 Guerrasio,A. 883 Holmén,A. 153 Kalble,T. 563 Fuchs,R.P.P. 349 Gunning,W.T. 1583 Hong,J.-Y. 901,1409,2141 Kaliner,G. 943 Fujii,J. 1941 Guo,D. 1121 Honger,G. 969 Kalogeris,T.J. 297 Fujiki,H. 177,1841,2145,2443 Guo,Z. 1409,2205 Hoover,M.D. 1633 Kano,I. 1469 Fujimoto,J. 1503 Gupta,K.P. 131 Horiguchi,K. 1227 Karger,A. 453 Fujimoto,N. 1315 Gupta,R.C. 1053,1731 Horvath,E. 1937 Kasahara,N. 873 Fujimura,T. 2313 Gustafsson,J.-A. 153,171,1619 Hosking,L.K. 1209 Kasprzak,K.S. 283,1351 Fukushima,S. 1043,1513 Guzman,R.C. 1743 Hossain,M.Z. 1107 Kataoka,Y. 811 Fulton,A.M. 77 Haag,J.D. 1261,1933 Hoster,M. 2191 Kato,K. 579 Funae,Y. 979 Haboubi,N.Y. 877 Hotchkiss,J.H. 2277 Kato,R. 251,355,905,1301, Funk,M. 1549 Hacker,H.J. 271 Howard,G. 1035 1307 Furukawa,F. 569,1155,1379, Hadi,S.M. 605 Hrabie,J.A. 1893 Katoh,T. 851 2133 Hakoi,K. 1513 Hradec,J. 1657 Kauffman,F.C. 519 Futscher,B.W. 259 Hall,A.J. 891 Hruszkewycz,A.M. Kaufman,D.G. 63,703,1481 Gabrielson,E.W. 1359,1701 Hamdan,M.A.M.S. 1743 Hsieh,D.P.H. 2029 Kaufmann,W.K. 703,1481 Galeotti,C.L. 2175 Hao,W. 1615 Hsieh, Y.-C. 2053 Kaur,S. 315 Gali,H.U. 715 Happe,J.A. 621 Hsu,F.F. 1235 Kawabe,M. 1825 Galiégue-Zouitina,S. 349 Harbers,M. 2403 Hsu,S. 497 Kawamori,T. 2217 Gallo,E. 2175 Hardaker,K.J. 1383 Huang,M.-T. 947,2183 Kawanishi,S. 1497 Gallo,M. 1397 Hardman,W.E. 815 Huber,W.W. 1643 Kawanishi,T. 1155 Gallucci,J.C. 1337 Harris,C.C. 395,1359,1701 Hudson,G.J. 891 Kawase,K. 579 Ganther,H.E. 1167 Harrison,D.J. 2255 Husgafvel-Pursiainen,K. 929 Kawata,S. 2121 Gao,M. 1667 Hart,R.W. 2419 Hutter,K.F. 2435 Kelfkens,G. 2169 Gao,W. 519 Hartenstein,B. 1989 Iannone,A. 799 Kelley,M.R. 259 2482 Annual author index Kelloff,G. 995,1019 Laval,J. 1455 Malcolm,S. 1735 Moolgavkar,S.H. 1007 Kelly,J.D. 1639 Laver,G.W. 1241 Mallardo,M. 439 Moore,M.A. 309 Kennan,W.S. 1261 Lawson,T. 223 Malorni,A. 1397 Moorthy,B. 1191 Kenney,P.M. 1921 Ledda-Columbano,G.M. 379 Manabe,S. 827 Morgan,D.L. 2145 Kensler,T.W. 95,101,1783 LeDoux,S.P. 1967 Mandel,H.G. 1853 Morgan,R.G.H. 1519 Kerkvliet,N.I. 509 Lee,E. 2367 Manjanatha,M.G. 819 Morgenstern,R. 1719 Khan,W.A. 1491 Lee,M.-S. 2017 Manjeshwar,S. 2287 Mori,H. 2217 Kido,M. 851 Lee,T.-C. 2053 Mann,A.M. 1651,2281 Mori,Y. 2217 Kienzl,H. 1643 Lee, Y.-W. 555 Mann,D.B. 1529 Morichetti,E. 2175 Kiley,S.C. 1997 Lefrangois,D. 767 Mannervik,B. 1549 Morimoto,K. 1663 Kim,D.J. 787,1427 Leikauf,G.D. 189,1859 Manzo,L. 417 Morris,C.J. 621 Kim,M.S. 1981 Lengyel,H. 2403 Maples,K.R. 2035 Morris,D.L. 1 Kim,S.K. 1817 Lettrem,I. 1769 Marasas,W.F.O. 433 Morten,J.E.N. 483 Kleihues,P. 1171,2467 Levay,G. 1937 Marcus,C. 297 Mosebrook,D.R. 1075 Klein,C.B. 555 Levis,A.G. 1569 Margison,G.P. 483 Moss,J.E. 1035 Kleinjans,J.C.S. 585,1249 Levy,G.N. 159,1887 Maronpot,R.R. 1389,2427 Mostafa,M.H. 877 Kleman,M.I. 1619 Levy,J. 2293 Marsden,A.M. 1383 Mufti,S.I. 1811 Kligerman,A.D. 1731 Levy,L.S. 1667 Marsman,D.S. 1011 Mukhtar,H. 1491 Klish,D.S. 715 Lewis,I. 2221 Martel,N. 19 Mulder,G.J. 1699,1759 Knasmiiller,S. 1643 Ley,K.D. 183 Martinotti,G. 883 Miiller,C. 57 Knecht,K.T. 515 Li,D. 1191 Maruyama,H. 1365 Miiller,G. 57 Knize,M.G. 621 Li,S.-L. 1981 Mascharack,P. 1743 Miiller,O. 1903 Knudsen,L.E. 1285 Li,Y.Q. 361,2305 Mason,G.G.F. 1619 Miiller,W.E.G. 69 Koffel-Schwartz,N. 349 Liebross,R.H. 2113 Massey,T.E. 533 Murakami,T. 851 Koga,A. 2047 Liehr,J.G. 601 Masuda,T. 787 Murphy,L.C. 2081 Kohl,C. 1091 Lijinsky,W. 1101,1293 Masui,T. 1651,2281 Murray,A.W. 1907 Koike,A. 579 Likhachev,A.J. 1265 Matsuda,Y. 2121 Murray,B.P. 2221 Kok,F.J. 303 Lin,E.L.C. 1325 Matsumoto,H. 2313 Murray,G.I. 165 Kokkinakis,D.M. 759 Lin,R.I. 1847 Matsunaga,T. 845 Mustonen,R. 1951 Komori,A. 2443 Lin,X. 555,1763 Matsushima,Y. 501 Myrnes,B. 1769 Konishi,Y. 1227,1365 Lindeskog,P. 171 Matsuzawa,Y. 2121 Nagai,F. 1469 Kopp-Schneider,A. 973 Lindhe,B. 171 Mattern,J. 1947 Nagao,M. 793,913,1427 Koppang,N. 1957 Lindroos,P. 139 Mayben,J.P. 63 Nair,J. 1001 Kortenkamp,A. 307 Lineen,A.M. 1583 Mayol,X. 2381 Nairn,R.S. 1975 Kosahara,K. 2047 Ling-Ling,C. 837 McCrary,J.-A. 2375 Naito,M. 525 Kosaka,T. 2313 Link,C.J.Jr 1975 McCreary,R.D. 1437 Nakae,D. 1227,1365 Kotrappa,L. 2347 Linville,D.W. 935 McLellan,L.I. 2255 Nakagawa,A. 1469 Kovalszky,I. 773 Lipp,H.-P. 453 McManus,M.E. 1199 Nakamura,T. 837 Kovatch,R.M. 1101,1293, Little,J.B. 923 McMullen,E. 1241,1735 Nakano,M. 391 2107 Liu,J. 1847 McNee,W. 1035 Nakata,T. 1941 Krausz,K.W. 2161 Liu,L. 533,2137 Meerman,J.H.N. 751,1699,1759 Nakatsu,Y. 289,837 Kréa,S. 69 Liu,T.-M. 1817 Megosh,L. 51 Nakayama,F. 2047 Kress,S. 477,1903 Loechler,E.L. 1415 Mehrotra,N.K. 131 Nandi,S. 1743 Kriek,E. 987 Léfgren,M. 2463 Mehta,R. 1241 Narisawa,T. 2217 Krishnan,V. 2233 Loft,S. 1561,2241 Meijers,M. 1525 Narita,T. 265 Krokan,H.E. 1769 Logsdon,D.L. 2107 Melvin,W.T. 165 Narod,S. 145 Krzystyniak,K. 2335 Lohman,P.H.M. 457,2407 Mende,P. 2179 Naruse,T. 579 Kudo,H. 873 Lok,E. 1735 Mesirca,R. 1403 Natarajan,A.T. 1625 Kulesz-Martin,M.F. 2003 Loktionov,A. 19 Meyer,U.A. 1713 Neal,G.E. 1853,2381 Kulkarni,N. 995,1019 Loomis,C.R. 1113 Meyer-Siegler,K. 2127 Nechay,P. 1 Kumar,R. 1331,2179 Lord,P.G. 1383,2427 Michalopoulos,G.K. 139 Negishi,K. 1615 Kumar,S. 2021 Léser,E. 943 Middlestadt,M.V. 1185 Negishi,T. 1433 Kumari,H.L. 489 Lou,Y.-R. 947 Miller,B.J. 2471 Nelson,G.B. 1731 Kuppusamy,P. 395,1701 Loucheux-Lefebvre,M.-H. 349 Mills,K. 1035 Nemec,M. 205 Kurelec,B. 69 Loughlin,J.M. 1383 Mills,K.J. 1113 Nemoto,N. 2249 Kurian,P. 489 Love-Hunt,A. 101 Milner,J.A. 1847 Nera,E.A. 1735 Kurihara,N. 827 Lowry,D.T. 2145 Milo,G.E. 489 Nesnow,S. 1731 Kuroiwa,A. 851 Lu,S.-J. 857 Milone,A. 1397 Nettesheim,P. 1725 Kurokawa,Y. 333 Lubet,R.A. 1893 Minchin,R.F. 663 Neumann,I. 373 Kushida,H. 793,913 Luccioni,C. 767 Mirzayans,R. 1185 Newmark,H. 947 Kuykendall,J.R. 2095 Lucier,G.W. 2009 Misra,M. 283 Newton,M.A. 1933 Kwei,G. 519 Ludeke,B.I. 1171,2467 Mitchell,D.L. 1975 Newton,R.K. 819 Lachapelle,M. 2335 Luebeck,E.G. 1007 Mitchell,J. 51 Nicklas,W. 1835 Laconi,E. 2459 Lund,L.G. 637 Mitchell,J.M. 947 Nicole,P. 341 Lafleur,M.V.M. 751 Luscher,P. 227 Mitra,S. 1989 Nicotera,P. 417 Lakshmi,V.M. 1235,2087 Lutz,W.K. 193,2211 Mitsui,M. 1155,2133 Nilsson,H. 1461 Lam,L.K.T. 1921 Lyn-Cook,B.D. 1869,2419 Mitsumori,K. 501,569,1379 Nilsson,K. 1751 Lamers,C.B.H.W. 1525 Ma,Q. 2205 Mittelstaedt,R.A. 819 Ning,S.M. 1409 Lamprecht,S.A. 2293 Macatee,T.L. 1651,2281 Miura,K. 579 Nishida,T. 1941 Lankelma,J. 1249 Mackay,W. 1415 Miwa,K. 2313 Nishikawa,A. 369,1155,1379, Lapis,K. 773,1281 MacLeod,M.C. 1817 Miyata,R. 2313 2133 Lapré,J.A. 41 Maekawa,A. 501 Miyazaki,I. 2313 Nishiwaki,R. 2443 Larsen,J.C. 629 Magee,P.N. 2153 Mizumoto,Y. 1227 Nomura,T. 845,851 Larsson,P. 1345 Mahmoud,M.I. 1599 Molloy,C.J. 963 Norpoth,K. 57,2191 Laskin,J.D. 947,963,2183 Mahr,J. 477 Monden,Y. 1025 North,S.L. 283 Lau,H.H.S. 895 Makino,T. 2047 Mongeau,R. 1735 Norton,T.R. 107 Lautier,D. 227,1557 Malaveille,C. 2317 Montesano,R. 891 Novak,R.F. 2375 Annual author index O’Brien,P. 307 Phillimore,H.E. 1917 Riegar,R.A. 2361 Scott,F.W. 1735 O’Brien,T.G. 51 Phillips,D.H. 907,1127,2197 Rinderle,S.J. 1337 Segerback,D. 1587 O’Connell,S.M. 51 Phillips,R.K.S. 731 Rinehart,C.A. 62 Seglen,P.O. i795 O’Connor,P.J. 361,877 Pichiri-Coni,G. 497 Ringer,D.P. 107,1699 Seidel,A. 1549 O’Connor,P.J.O. 2305 Pieper,R.O. 259 Ritter-Hrncirik,C. 277 Sekiguchi,M. 289,837 O’Grady,J.F. 783 Pifol,C. 493 Rivedal,E. 199,1803 Sekijima,M. 787 O’Hare,M.J. 907 Pirollo,K.F. 1273 Rivenson,A. 369,669,1957 Self,R.R. 107 O’Neill,I. 683,2353 Pitot,H.C. 125,739,1389 Robertson,F.M. 51 Semple,E. 433 O'Neill, I.K. 395 Pivéevic,B. 69 Robinson, V.A. 2145 Shany,S. 2293 O’Riordan,M.A. 1509 Poirier,L.A. 1869,2419 Roe,D.A. 2277 Sharma,P.K. 1337 Oates,P.S. 1519 Poli,G. 799 Roebuck,B.D. 95 Shaw,K.L. 895 Ochiai,M. 1427 Pongracz,K. 315,1937 Rojas,M. 929 Shé,M.N. 1127 Oda,Y. 979 Pool-Zobel,B.L. 2435 Romero,A. 2381 Shellard,S.A. 1209 Odeleye,O.E. 1811 Popanda,O. 2321 Romert,L. 1719 Sherman,J.H. 83 Oesch,F. 271,831,1549 Popovich,I. 19 Roper,M. 621 Shi,S. 901 Ogasawara,H. 501 Popp,J.A. 409,1011 Rosa,S. 87 Shibata,M. 1825 Ogawa,T. 2047 Popp,W. 57,2191 Roseng,L.E. 1803 Shimada,T. 217,979,1789 Ohgaki,H. 2353,2467 Porsch Hillstrém,I. 171 Ross,J.A. 1731 Shimizu,T. 1941 Ohmori,H. 851 Portier,C.J. 973 Rossi,A.M. 1625 Shinagawa,N. 579 Ohno,Y. 333 Potten,C.S. 361,2305 Rossi,O. 1371 Shinoda,K. 569 Ohshima,H. 1001 Potter,M. 1681 Rovati,L.C. 1525 Shirai,T. 1043,1427 Ohta,T. 2443 Potter,P.M. 483 Roy,D. 601,1593 Shiraishi,A. 289 Okabe,S. 1841 Poulsen,H.E. 1561,2241 Rubin,H. 1873 Shivapurkar,N. 887 Okada,S. 391 Pour,P.M. 1829 Ruchirawat,S. 309 Shou,M. 1575 Okamiya,H. 569 Povey,A.C. 395,469,1701 Rumsby,P.C. 1917 Siddigi,M. 1331,2179 Okamura,T. 2281 Pozzetti,L. 1403 Ruocco,M.R. 439 Sidik,K. 135 Okazaki,S. 1825 Prakash,A.S. 425 Ruoppolo,M. 1397 Silingardi,P. 1403 Okudaira,K. 1663 Préat,V. 241 Ryder,L.P. 1285 Simons,J.W.I.M. 2407 Okumura,M. 1043 Pretlow,T.G. 1509 Sabbioni,G. 709 Singh,M. 1535 Okuyama,H. 579 Pretlow,T.P. 1509 Sabourin,P.J. 1633 Singh,V.N. 2041 Olson,G.R. 1325 Preussmann,R. 563,1331,2179, Sadler,V.M. 403 Sinha,D.K. 2449 Omiecinski,C.J. 675 2435 Sadrieh,N. 220 Sirover,M.A. 2127 Onodera,H. 501 Price,F.M. 1137 Safe,S. 2233 Skipper,P.L. 917 Orner,G.A. 1639 Prim,M. 493 Sagelsdorff,P. 969 Skog,K.I. 2263 Orrenius,S. 417 Primiano,T. 2375 Saglio,G. 883 Skow,L. 525 Orton,T.C. 1383,2427 Prinsen,M.K. 669 Sai,K. 333 Slaga,T.J. 1265 Orzechowski,A. 2227 Probst,M.R. 1713 Said,H.K. 1599 Slupphaug,G. 1769 Otsuka,C. 905 Prokopezyk,B. 369,863 Said Ahmad,M. 605 Smart,R.C. 1113 Ottova,L. 153 Prout,K. 1775 Saito,Y. 1663 Smerdon,M.J. Oughton,J.A. 509 Przybyszewski,J. 2003 Sakai,K. 579 Smith,A.D. Ouwerkerk,J. 1257 Pung,A. 1107 Sakai,Y. 1315 Smith,A.G. 247,1917 Overvad,K. 2241 Punnonen,K. 2367 Sakamoto,S. 873 Smith,C.A.D. 1035 Overvik,E. 1619 Qu,W. 519 Sakumi,K. 289,837 Smith,L.L. 2197 Pan,J. 901 Quinto,I. 439 Sakurai,J. 2249 Smith,P.G.J. 1879 Panades,J. 493 Rabes,H.M. 1177 Salnikow,K. 2341 Smith,R.A. 2281 Pang,J. 497 Rafferty,J.A. 483 Sanford,K.K. 1137 Smith,T.J. 901,1409,2141, Pani,P. 385,1929,2459 Rahman,A. 605 Sanner,T. 199,1803 2205 Paolini,M. 1403 Rahman-Mansur,N. 2127 Sannolo,N. 1397 Smith Jr,J.S. 189,1859 Parish,J.H. 605 Raicht,R.F. 45 Santella,R.M. 2041 Smolarek,T.A. 895 Park,N.-H. 1981 Rajalakshmi,S. 497,2287 Sarasin,A. 321 Smolowitz,R. 505 Park,S.S. 297 Randerath,K. 125,1191 Sarma,D.S.R. 379,497,2287, Smolowitz,R.M. 2395 Parker,P.J. 1997 Rani,A.S. 2021 2459 Snedeker,S.M. 2009 Parshad,R. 1137 Rao,M.S. 265 Sato,K. 265 Snyder,C.P. 165 Pashko,L.L. 1925 Rao,P.M. 497,2287 Satoh,K. 265 Sohani,S. 2087 Paterson,M.C. 1185 Raso,E. 1281 Sawamura,R. 391 Somich,G.A. 1509 Pathak,D.N. 1593 Ratnayake,W.M.N. 1735 Scala,G. 439 Sone,H. 793 Pavanello,S. 1569 Ravelingien,N. 241 Scates,D.K. 731 Sone,T. 2017 Pearl,L. 2067 Reade,P.C. 783 Scatolini,L. 2187 Spiegelhalder,B. 1331,2179 Peéar,S. 205,211 Reddel,H. 1359 Schara,M. 205,211 Spigelman,A.D. 731 Pector,J.-C. 241 Reddel,R.R. 1359 Scharping,C.E. 1199 Springer,D.L. 1529,2375 Pegg,A.E. 1455 Reddy,B.S. 995,1019 Scherer,E. 2101 Spurr,N.K. 1035 Pelling,J.C. 2075 Reddy,J.K. 265 Schilderman,P.A.E.L. 585 Srivastava,S. 1273 Peltonen,K. 2347 Reddy,T.V. 1217,1325 Schiller,C.D. 1091 Stacchini,A. 883 Pennetier,J.L. 321 Reeves,P.T. 663 Schlatter,J. 2211 Stampfer,M.R. 1137 Penning,T.M. 1575 Reichert,W.L. 1475 Schmeiser,H.H. 1221,1657,1835 Stancel,G.M. 601 Pepin,P. 341 Reifferscheid,G. 2389 Schmerold,I. 895 Standeven,A.M. 1319 Perchellet,E.M. 715 Reith,A. 1957 Schmieding,W. 57,2191 Stanley,L.A. 2427 Perchellet,J.-P. 715 Rendell,N.B. 2221 Schrenk,D. 453,2227 Stapley,R. 1241 Perera,F.P. 2041 Rexroat,M.A. 935,1277 Schroth,P. 867 Stavenuiter,H.J.F.C. 1699 Périn,F. 723 Reznikoff,C.A. 447,955 Schulte-Hermann,R. 1643 Stegeman,J.J. 505,2395 Périn-Roussel,O. 723 Rhim,J.S. 1137 Schultz,M.E. 2395 Stein,J.E. 1475 Perrin,J. 811 Rice,J.M. 1351,1893 Schulze,J. 1961 Steinberg,P. 271,831 Persson,L. 153 Rice,R.H. 2029 Schiirfeld,C. 2191 Steiner,S. 119,969 Petroni,D. 883 Rich,K.J. 2221 Schutte,B. 585 Stenius,U. 1751 Petruska,J.M. 1075 Richardson,F.C. 935,1277,2453 Schwartz,A.G. 1925 Stephens,R.E. 33 Pfau,W. 907 Richardson,K.K. 935,1277 Schwarz,L.R. 373,807 Stevsner,T. 1967 Pfundstein,B. 563 Richter,E. 1961 Schwarz,M. 477,691,1903 Stiborov4,M. 1221,1657 2484 Annual author index Stober,J.A. 1325 Tong,Y.A. 1273 Wang,L. 233 Yang,J. 1743 Stokke,T. 1795 Toraason,M.A. 1047 Wang,L.W. 2041 Yang,J.-L. 2053 Stoner,G.D. 1583 Toshkov,I. 271 Wang,M. 1909 Yano,K. 699 Stopera,S.A. 573,1863,2081 Tricker,A.R. 563 Wang,X.-W. 555 Yatsunami,J. 1841,2443 Strawhecker,J.M. 2075 Trudel,L.J. 917 Wang,Y. 1583 Yeoh,G.C.T. 1519,1879 Suga,T. 265 Trush,M.A. 1075 Wang,Z.Y. 901,1491,2183 Yokoyama,Y. 265 Suganuma,M. 1841,2443 Tsai,W.H. 139 Wani,A.A. 463 Yoshiji,H. 1227,1365 Sugie,S. 2217 Tsao,M.-S. 1705 Wani,G. 463 Yoshimi,N. 2217 Sugimura,T. 793,913,1025,1427 Tsuchida,S. 265 Ward,J.M. 1541,1893 Yoshimura,H. 569,1379 Sugiyama,T. 1941 Tsujii,T. 1227 Ward,T.H. 483 Yoshizawa,S. 1841 Sun,J.D. 1217 Tsujimura,T. 579 Ward Jr.J.B. 1 You,M. 1583 Sun,Y. 1503 Tsujiuchi,T. 1365 Warngard,L. 657,2299 Young,T.L. 2041 Sunahara,G.I. 1083 Tsuruga,N. 579 Warren,B.S. 1265 Youngman,L.D. 1607 Suzuki,K. 1941 Tsutsumi,M. 1365 Wassén,C. 153 Yuan Wang,Z. 947 Suzuki,M. 913 Turesky,R.J. 2353 Wassermann,K. 1285,1967 Yun,C.-H. 217,1789 Svetek,J. 211 Tyrrell,R.M. 227,1557 Watson,A.J. 483 Yura,J. 579 Swaminathan,S. 955,1705 Uchiyama,S. 333 Watson,R.R. 1811 Yuspa,S.H. 2145,2367 Swann,P.F. 2067 Uemura,D. 1841 Watson,W.P. 119 Zabezhinski,M. 19 Swedmark,S. 1719 Ueno,Y. 787 Watta-Gebert,B. 943 Zacharias,D.E. 1775 Swenberg,J.A. 727 Ugarkovi¢,D. 69 Weaver,R.J. 165 Zajdela,F. 723 Syrjanen,K. 233 Umemoto,A. 1025 Weber,W.W. 159,1887 Zalatnai,A. 773 Syrjanen,S. 233 Upadhyaya,P. 2271 Weghorst,C.M. 1541 Zang,E. 369,995 Szallasi,Z. 2161 Ushiyama,K. 1469 Weisburger,J.H. 669 Zangar,R.C. 2375 Szeberenyi,S. 773 Vaca,C.E. 593,2463 Welch,K. 9 Zapisek,W.F. 1869 Szeverenyi,N.M. 277 Vahrenholz,C. 57,2191 Weller,R.O. 1171 Zarba,A. 891,1031 Taieb,A. 321 Vainio,H. 929 Wells,R.L. 643 Zarnegar,R. 139 Takahashi,A. 1663 Vallis,K.A. 1035 Wenders,J.J.M. 585 Zeindl-Eberhart,E. 1177 Takahashi,M. 569,1155,1379, van Balderen,P.J. 303 Wetterhahn,K.E. 1159,1319, Zenser,T.V. 447,1235,2087 2133 Van Benthem,J. 2101 2113 Zerban,H. 2329 Takahashi,S. 913,1427,1513, van Dam,F.J. 1625 Wey,H.E. 189,1047,1859 Zhang,J. 1921 1825 van de Poll,M.L.M. 751 White,A.D. 1095 Zhang,L.-H. 609 Takahashi,T. 1663 van Delft,J.H.M. 1257 White,I.N.H. 2197 Zhang,L.-X. 1107 Takashima,Y. 1365 van den Broeke,L.T. 1759 Whorton Jr,E.B. 1 Zhang,Y. 703,1481,1503 Takeyama,H. 579 van den Ende,A.M.C. 1257 Wiench,K. 867 Zhao,Q. 233 Tamura,K. 1227 van der Leun,J.C. 2169 Wiener,F. 1681 Zhao,R. 1817 Tamura,S. 2121 Van der Meer,R. 41 Wierckx,F.C.J. 1759 Zheng,G. 1921 Tanabe,F. 1433 Van der Meeren,A. 1359 Wiessler,M. 867,1221,1657, Zhitkovich,A. 1485,2341 Tanaka,T. 2217 van der Schans,G.P. 457 1835 Zhou,S. 901 Tang,Z.C. 887 van Garderer-Hoetmer,A. 1525 Wild,C.P. 891,2101 Zhu,Q. 233 Taniguchi,N. 1941 van Gog,F. 751 Wild,D. 709,1713 Zhu,S. 1725 Tannenbaum,S.R. 917 van Golen,K.L. 125 Wildschutte,M. 917 Zhuang,Z. 1763 Tarroux,P. 321 van Leeuwen,F.E. 987 Williams,D.E. 1639 Zijno,A. 87 Tatematsu,M. 1841 van Loon,A.A.W.M. 457 Williams,E.D. 1039 Zou,Z.-Q. 1273 Tates,A.D. 1625 van Maanen,J.M.S. 1249 Willis,J.K. 1217 Zukowski,K. 2017 Tatsumi,H. 1941 van Nesselrooij,J.H.J. 277 Wilson,G.L. 1967 Zweier,J.L. 395,1701 Tee,L.B.G. 1519,1879 van Poppel,G. 303 Wilson, V.L. 395 Zwickenpflug,W. 1961 Teitel,C.H. 663 van Schooten,F.J. 987 Winterwerp,H.H.K. 2101 Zwijsen,R.M.L. 1913 Tempero,M.A. 1829 Van Veld,P.A. 505 Winton,D.J. 361,2305 Ten Hoer,F. 585 van Zandwijk,N. 987 Wise,C.K. 1887 ten Hoor,F. 1249 van Zeeland,A.A. 1625 Witiak,D.T. 1337 Tessitore,L. 385,1929 Varanasi,U. 1475 Wolf,C.R. 1035 Thamavit,W. 309 Vedejs,E. 1261 Woo,A. 1705 Thenet,S. 767 Venitt,S. 731,2197 Woodin,B.R. 505 Thielmann,H.W. 2321 Vermeulen,E. 2101 Woutersen,R.A. 1525 Thierau,D. 373 Veser,U. 807 Wu,C.-W. 2053 Thijssen,J.C.P. 1625 Vinas-Salas,J. 493 Wu,M. 863 Thomas,B.J. 1101,1293 Vincens,P. 321 Wu,Y. 233 Thomas,D.J. 447 Vineze,I. 773 Wurzer,J.C. 2127 Thomas,G.A. 1039 Vineis,P. 2317 Xu,X. 1389 Thomas,P.E. 1409,2205 Vistisen,K. 1561,2241 Xu,Y. 1269 Thompson,H.J. 1535 Vodiéka,P. 593 Yabe,T. 787 Thrall.B.D. 1529 Vogelbein,W.K. 505 Yada,H. 1513 Thurman,R.G. 519 Volm,M. 1947 Yagi,H. 895 Thurmon,J.C. 2153 Vrieling,H. 751,1625 Yakushiji,M. 1941 Tillapaugh-Fay,G.M. 277 Vuillaume,M. 321 Yamada,J. 265 Timar,J. 1281 Wacker,C.-D. 2179 Yamada,S. 1043 Timmerman,A.J. 457 Wada,O. 827 Yamada,Y. 1171 Tjalve,H. 1345 Wakabayashi,K. 793,913 Yamamoto,K. 1497 Tjonneland,A. 2241 Walker.C. 25 Yamamoto,S. 251,355,905,1301 Tjotta,K. 779 Walker,M.P. 2009 Yaman,S. 57 Todd,G.C. 935 Walker,S.E. 525,617 Yamanaka,K. 391 Toftgard,R. 651 Wall,K.L. 519 Yamasaki,H. 19,145 Tohyama,K. 827 Walsh,A.A. 2029 Yamashita,K. 1025 Tokumo,K. 1019 Wang,C. 1503 Yamazaki,H. 979,1789 Tomasi,A. 799 Wang,C.Y. 2017 Yamazoe,Y. 1307 Tomatis,L. 19,145 Wang,E. 2205 Yang,C.S. 901,947,1409,2141, Tompa,A. 2435 Wang,J.C. 251,1301 2205 Annual subject index (+)-Anti-B{a)P-N*-Gua analysis of norharmam inhibition of dibenzo[a,e}fluoranthene—DNA mutagenesis in E.coli plasmid 1415 adducts 723 analysis of Sudan I-DNA adducts 1221 (pre) Neoplastic lesions assay and human biomonitoring 1053 loss of peroxisomal enzyme expression induced by peroxisome proliferators 265 assay storage phosphor imaging technique for DNA adducts 1475 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydro-7, combined with immunoaffinity purification for O°-methylguanine 12-dimethylbenz[a]Janthracene, carcinogenicity modulation by fluorine detection in DNA 469 substitution 1337 detection of DNA adducts induced by fecapentaene-12 aerobic 1,2-dithiole-3-thione, enzyme inducer, inhibition of aflatoxin-induced decomposition 395 determination of malonaldehyde-modified hepatic tumorigenesis 95 2'-deoxyguanosine-3’-monophosphate/DNA 593 1 ,2-dithiole-3-thione, predicts chemoprotection of molecular dosimetry of DNA adduct enrichment procedures 2459 aflatoxin —N7-guanine aflatoxin—albumin adducts 101 in urothelium/exfoliated cells in aristolochic acid I treated rat urine 1835 1-MethyI-1-nitrosourea of DNA adducts induced by Fenton-type oxygen radical-generating effect of age at induction of mammary carcinogenesis 1535 system 1127 1-Nitrosopyrene of DNA adducts/tRNA adducts by N,N-dimethyl-4-aminoazobenzene -induced mutations in hprt gene 819 1657 11-Methylbenzo[a)pyrene of styrene-oxide-treated DNA, identification of N?-substituted 2’ bay region distortions 1775 deoxyguanosine-3'-phosphate adducts 315 12-Deoxyphorbol 13-esters technique, covalent binding in DNA by o-phenylphenol 1593 tumor promotion 2161 ? 4,4'-Methylene-bis(2-chloroaniline) 12-O0-Tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate contributions of human liver cytochrome P450 enzymes to N-oxidation -induced transformation in murine epidermal JB6 cells, carba- 217 prostacyclin inhibition 1859 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone -induced transformation sensitive, murine epidermal JB6 cells exhibit -induced DNA strand breaks, glutathione modulation 1447 arachidonic acid metabolism 189 biliary excretion in rat 1961 inhibition of intercellular communication 719 correlation between DNA methylation/hepatocarcinogenesis 2137 neutrophil activation of epidermal cell toxicity 1671 metabolism, kinetics/enzyme involvement in lung/nasal mucosa 1409 ornithine decarboxylase induction in specific subpopulations of epidermal 4-Aminobipheny! cells 51 —DNA adducts, application to immunoaffinity chromatography 917 phenotypic expression of epidermal—tumour cells 1301 administration, effects on DNA adduct levels and acetylator phenotype 1,2-Dimethylhydrazine 1887 -induced colon carcinogenesis, effects of aspirin 541 4-Nitroquinoline 1-oxide -induced colon carcinogenesis, pectin/guar gum dietary supplementation mutation spectra of guanine adducts in E.coli 349 815 4,4'-Methylenebis(2-chloroaniline) treated rats used for colon carcinogenesis, ear tumours 493 —DNA adducts, characterization 1587 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D, 5’-Amino-5'-deoxythymidine protective role in rat colon carcinogenesis 2293 carbamoylation reactions of N-methyl-N’-aryl-N-nitrosoureas and pheny! 1,3-Butadiene isocyanates 699 interspecies comparison of biotransformation 1143 6-Mercaptopurine 1,4-Dichlorobenzene enhancing effect on focal lesion development in cirrhotic liver 1365 administration, mitogenic stimulation of hepatocellular proliferation 409 7,12-Dimethylbenz[ajanthracene 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin -induced mammary tumors and DNA adducts inhibition by garlic 1847 promotion characterization of altered hepatic foci in female rat 1389 -induced ovarian cancer, manganese superoxide dismutase expression 2-Acetylaminofluorene 194] treated rats, aryl hydrocarbon/polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon levels in 7-(4-oxobutyl) guanine polyploid/diploid hepatocytes 807 formation in hepatic DNA of N-nitosopyrrolidine treated rats 1909 2-Amino-4-(5-nitro-2-furyl)thiazole 7,12-Dimethylbenz{a)janthracene transformed bladder cells, ras activation 1651 abrogation of killing and neoplastic transformation of C3H10T1/2 cells 2-Aminofluorene 643 —DNA adducts, mouse urinary bladder —age/sex/acetylator phenotype chemoprevention by curcumin 2183 159 with ras oncogene activation, transplacental/transgeneration effect 19 2-Bromoacrolein 8-Hydroxydeoxyguanosine thymidine adducts 2361 formation within mouse DNA by UVB/H,O, 2003 2-Nitrofluorene induction in Ah-responsive mouse liver by iron/Aroclor 1254 247 photoactivation in rat: covalent binding to RNA/protein 1759 production in DNA by chromium (VI) and (V) 1667 2-O-Octadecylascorbic acid 8-Hydroxyguanine assays suppression of spontaneous hepatocellular carcinoma development 913 phenol sensitization of DNA to oxidative damage 1289 2’ Deoxyguanosine-3’-phosphate ; 8-Oxodeoxyguanosine levels N?-substituted adducts, identification by styrene-oxide-treated DNA 32p. in lung DNA of butanone,4-(methylnitrosamine)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-treated postlabelling 315 F344 rats/A/J mice 1269 2'-Deoxyguanosine a Glutathione S-transferase oxidation with hydrogen peroxide, nickel(II) and |-histidine enhancement aflatoxin B, alteration in diethylstilbestrol exposed rats 2375 283 a-Thrombin reactions with pyridine ,2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4, 5-b] and morphological transformation BALB/c 3T3 cells, human 1 DNA 629 6-Hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl 2’-Deoxyguanosine-3'-monophosphate coenzyme A, hypomethylation during hepatocarcinogenesis 497 determination of malonaldehyde-modified by *?P-postlabelling 593 (4C)}3-BHA 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin dose-response study following oral administration on covalent aflotoxin toxicity in epidermal cells 2029 binding —forestomach protein 1663 *2p-Postlabelling DL-Ethionine-supplemented analysis of mammary glands DNA adducts parous mice/nulliparous mice choline-deficient diet, persistence of cholangiocellular/hepatocellular treated with benzo[a]pyrene 2009 lesions 271 2487 Subject index L-Histidine Airborne particulate matter and nickel(II) enhancement of 2'-deoxyguanosine oxidation with inhibition of intercellular communication 719 hydrogen peroxide 283 Albumin A simple assay containing S-phenylcysteine: biological markers of exposure —benzene for DNA—protein crosslink detection 1485 1217 Abasic sites Alcohol methoxyamine modification protects CHO cells 87 effect on O®-methyldeoxyguanosine formation 1171 Abberrant crypt Alkylated DNA correlates with tumour incidence in azoxymethane/phytate treated rats molecular dynamics 2067 1509 sequence-selective depurination, DNA interstrand cross-linking/DNA formation, effect of high-/low-risk diet 887 strand break formation 425 Aberrant crypt, foci Alkylating agents associated with increased c-fos expression in preneoplastic lesions in upregulation of O°-alkylguanine—DNA alkyltransferase expression 483 colon carcinogenesis 573 Altered hepatic foci ras oncogene expression 1863 growth in rats, endosulfan 8 and a 2299 Acetaldehyde promotion characterization by 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin in reaction kinetics of DNA—histone crosslinking 2095 female rat 1389 Acetate Amine 12-O-tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13, gap junctional communication regulation mutagenic, structure —activity relationships 709 in embryo cells 199 N-nitrosobis(2-hydroxypropyl), mutagenicity in V79 cells 223 Acetoxime N-nitrosobis(2-oxopropyl), mutagenicity in V79 cells 223 metabolism by cytochrome P450 enzymes to propane 2-nitronate 1091 Amino acid Acetylaminofluorene —DNA crosslinks, analysis induced by nickel/chromium compounds promotion, choline enhancement of liver carcinogenesis 385 1763 Acetylation polymorphism sequences required for O°-methylguanine—DNA methyltransferase human, role in metabolic activation of quinolone, activity 837 2-amino-3-methylimidazo[4,5-f] 1713 Aminobiphenyl Acetylator phenotype adducts, inhibition of DNA replication 751 and DNA adduct levels following 4-aminobiphenyl administration 1887 Amosite toxicity Acrolein human and asbestos-exposed mesothelioma cells are resistant 1359 thymidine adducts 2361 Analogue Active oxygen species genotoxic potential 2197 generation in vitro by potassium bromate interaction 333 Angiotensin Adenocarcinoma interaction with styrene oxide by mass spectrometry 1397 sex-dependent metastatic preputial gland, development/characterization anthracene,7-bromomethylbenz|a} 1281 involvement of prostaglandin E, in ornithine decarboxylase 905 Adenylate cyclase activity Antiestrogens in liver membrane during hepatocarcinogenesis 241 polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon carcinogens in breast cancer cells Adrenalectomy 2233 tumour promotion 1925 Antitumour-promoting activities Advancement strategies of hydrolyzable tannins in mouse skin 715 of short-term mutagenicity tests 1403 Antitumour agents Aerosol inhalation expression of ribosomal phosphoprotein 259 formation of aflatoxin B,—-DNA adducts 1031 Antitumour cytotoxicity Aflat—oa xlbiumnin adduct pregnancy-induced of T cell-rich fraction against mammary molecular dosimetry predicts chemoprotection by 1 ,2-dithiole-3-thione adenocarcinoma cells in rats 2449 101 Antitumour drugs Aflatoxin — N7-guanine effect of topoisomerase poisoning on DNA repair replication by molecular dosimetry predicts chemoprotection by 1,2-dithiole-3-thione mammalian cell extracts 1371 101 aprt gene Aflatoxin B, Chinese hamster, mutations recovered after carboplatin exposure 15 —DNA adducts formation following aerosol inhalation 1031 Arachidonic acid —DNA adducts in parenchymal/non-parenchymal cells, in vivo formation effects of butylated hydoxyanisole in relation to gastrointestinal cell 831 proliferation 585 -induced gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase positive hepatic foci, inhibition Arachidonic acid, metabolism by low protein diet 1607 exhibited by 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate-induced transformation a glutathione S-transferase alteration in diethylstilbestrol exposed rats sensitive murine epiderma 189 2375 regulation by SV40 urothelial cells 447 administered in methyl-deficient rats, liver DNA adducts 1241 Aristolochic acid I bioactivation by lipoxygenases, prostaglandin H synthase, cytochrome treated rat urine, **P-postlabelling in urothelium/exfoliated cells 1835 P450 monooxygenase in tissues 533 Aroclor 1254 bioactivation in bovine olfactory mucosa 1345 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine induction in Ah-responsive mouse liver 247 dietary casein on carcinogenesis initiation 171 Ha-ras codon 61 mutations in liver tumours 1917 dietary effect in weanling rat liver 1853 Aromatic hydrocarbon receptor binding Aflatoxin-induced electronic/thermodynamic aspects 1599 hepatic tumorigenesis, inhibition by enzyme inducer |, 2-dithiole-3-thione Aryl hydrocarbon 95 levels polyploid/diploid hepatocytes in 2-acetylaminofluorene-treated rats Aflotoxin M, 807 in human breast milk 891 Aryl sulfotransferase IV Aflotoxin toxicity covalent binding of N-hydroxy-2-acetylaminofluorene to rat liver 107 in epidermal cells by 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin 2029 hydroxylamines/hydroxamic acids sulfation in liver cytosol Ah-responsive 1699 } mouse liver, 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine induction by iron/Aroclor 1254 Ascorbate 247 reduction of chromium(VI) in rat lung 1319 AIN-76A diet Asphalt fume condensates effect of fat on cellular proliferation in mammary gland/intestinal crypts inhibition of gap junctional intercellular communication in human 1735 epidermal keratinocytes 1047 2488 Subject index Aspirin Bladder cancer effects on 1,2-dimethylhydrazine-induced colon carcinogenesis 541 benzine-induced, role of N-glucuronidation 1235 Azaserine-induced pancreatic foci Bladder cells response to raw soya flour 1519 2-amino-4-(5-nitro-2-furyl)thiazole/formamide ,N-[4-(5-nitro-2-furyl)-2-thi- Azaserine-induced pancreatic tumours azolyl] transformed, ras activation 1651 effect of cholecystokinin/bombesin 1525 Bladder DNA Azides promutagenic methylation damage from bladder cancer associated with mutagenic, structure —activity relationships 709 schistosomiasis 877 Azoxymethane Bleomycin phytate treated rats, aberrant crypts correlate with tumour incidence -treated cells, nucleosome rearrangement and repair patch ligation 135 1509 initiation of hepatocellular foci 703 Azoxymethane-induced Blood group-A colonic aberrant crypts, evidence for ras gene mutation 2081 bearing glycoproteins from pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomas 1829 Bombesin BALB/c 3T3 cells effect on azaserine-induced pancreatic tumours 1525 human a@-thrombin promotes morphological transformation 1 Bovine olfactory mucosa Bay region distortions bioactivation of aflatoxin B, 1345 11-methylbenzo[a]pyrene 1775 BPDE-I-induced Benzene modification inhibition of replicating DNA of S-phase cells 489 -exposed markers, DNA damage sister chromatid exchange frequency 57 Breast cancer cells 1 ,4-bis[2-(3,5-dichloropyridyloxy)], tumour-promoting/hepatocarcinogenic polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon carcinogens as antiestrogens 2233 effect in N-nitrosodiethylamine initiated rats 1893 Breast cancer tissues biological markers of exposure: S-phenylcysteine in albumin 1217 composition and turnover of phospholipids and neutral lipids 579 Benzo(a)pyrene Breast epithelial cells —DNA, increased binding through (+)-anti- O®-alkylguanine—DNA alkyltransferase depletion by O°-benzylguanine benzo[a}pyrene-7 ,8-diol-9, 10-epoxide 297 1743 —DNA adducts, DNA polymerase action 2347 Butadiene metabolites -induced tumorigenesis inhibition by myristicin 1921 (urinary), species differences 1633 2 P_postlabelling analysis of mammary glands DNA adducts parous Butanone,4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1- mice/nulliparous mice 2009 inhibitory effects of diallyl sulfide 901 chemoprevention by curcumin 2183 metabolism and rabbit nasal P450 2141 cytochrome P4501A induction in tissue 2395 treated F344 rats/A/J mice, 8-oxodeoxyguanosine levels in lung DNA quinol diglucuronides in rat bile following intratracheal instillation 403 1269 treated mouse skin, stimulation of transforming growth factor 8; mRNA tumorigenicity, effect of sulindac/oltipraz 341 concentration 83 Butylated hydroxyanisole (—)-Benzo[a})pyrene-7 ,8-diol effects on arachidonic acid/linoleic acid metabolism related to stereoselective metabolism by human lung microsomes/peripheral blood gastrointestinal cell proliferation 585 lymphocytes:effect of smoking 929 Butylated hydroxyanisole Benzo(a)pyrene diolepoxide glutathione S-transferase/glutathione peroxidase modulation in murine —DNA adducts identification/detection by conventional fluorescence extrahepatic organs 2255 methods 1817 c-fos expression polymerase ativities on modified DNA 1529 increased associated with aberrant crypt foci in preneoplastic lesions in Benzo(a)pyrene metabolism colon carcinogenesis 573 in psoriatic patients peripheral blood lymphocytes, influence of coal tar therapy 1569 Benzo[a|pyrene phenols in vitro enhance peroxidase-mediated glutathione conjugation 515 C-Ha-ras wild type Benzo(a|pyrene-7 ,8-dihydrodiol frequency, tumour promoters dieldrin/phenobarbital 477 peroxidase-mediated glutathione conjugation by benzo[a]pyrene phenols C-myc gene in vitro 515 tumorigenic activity from T-cell leukemia 883 Benzo|b)fluoranthene C3H10T1/2 cells administration, DNA adducts and sister chromatid exchange induction in abrogation of killing and neoplastic transformation due to rat 1731 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene 643 Benzo[c]phenanthrene diolepoxides C57B1/6J mice glutathione conjugation by human glutathione transferases 1549 flow cytometric analysis of thymic lymphosarcoma induced by N-methyl- Benzo{c}phenanthrene-3,4-diol-1,2-epoxides N-nitrosourea 509 diastereomeric, modified DNA, selectivity of polyclonal antibodies 895 Caffeic acid Benzoyl peroxide and o-dihydroxybenzene, influence on forestomach carcinogenesis 1825 copper dependent site-specific mutagenesis in supF gene 1783 causes metal-dependent damage —cellular/isolated DNA through HO, Betal quid carcinogenesis— VIII formation 1497 carcinogenicity of 3-(methylnitrosoamino)propionaldehyde in F344 rats Caffeine 369 -derived N-nitroso compounds 2179 Bile effect on pancreatic carcinogenesis 1379 effects of familial adenomatous polyposis on rat intestine 731 Calcium chloride Biliary excretion inhibitory effect on gastric carcinogenesis after treatment with N-methyl- of 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone in rat 1961 N'-nitro-N-nitroso 1155 Binding sites Calculus formation cromium—DNA/protein in intact cells 2341 relationship to carcinogenesis in urinary bladder administered Bioactivation thymine/melamine 1043 N-nitrosomethylbenzylamine, modulation by diallyl sulfide in vivo 2467 Calf serum of aflatoxin B, in bovine olfactory mucosa 1345 spontaneous transformation of NIH-3T3 cells 1873 Biological markers Caloric of exposure—benzene: S-phenylcysteine in albumin 1217 restriction/ageing, modulating effects on cellular Biotransformation proliferation/transformation 2419 interspecies comparison of 1,3-butadiene 1143 cAMP Bisphenol A diglycidylether effect on morphological transformation/gap junctional communication in treated mice, molecular dosimetry of DNA adducts 969 hamster embryo cells 1803 2489 Subject index Cancer cells Chemoprevention stress response a factor in genetic instability 2407 by curcumin on benzo[a]pyrene/7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene 2183 Cancer incidence of mammary carcinogenesis by hydroxylated derivatives of d-limonene differential in intestine 2305 1261 Cancer prevention of smoke related DNA adduct formation in rat lung/heart 2191 comparison of selenium/sulfur analogs 1167 of smoke-related DNA adduct formation 2187 Cancer susceptibility Chemopreventive agent relationship to debrisoquine hydroxylase polymorphism 1035 cellular transformation inhibition by triphenylmethane 1107 Cancer-initiating potential Chick embryo liver fumonisin B mycotoxins 433 in vivo formation of chromium (V) 2113 Candida albicans Chinese hamster ovary cells as promoter of oral mucosal neoplasia 783 mutational specificity of chromium (VI) compounds in hprt locus 2053 Carba-prostacyclin repair of mitrochondrial DNA after DNA damage 1967 inhibition of 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate-induced transformation Chloroform in murine epidermal JB6 1859 inhibits development in rat liver 1325 Carbamoylation reactions Chlorophyllin of N-methyl-N’-aryl-N-nitrosoureas and phenyl isocyanates to inhibition of quinioline,2-amino-3-methylimidazo[4, 5-f]—DNA binding 5’-amino-5’-deoxythymidine 699 1121 Carbon tetrachloride protection against covalent binding of cirrhosis, modification of diethylnitrosamine-induced hepatocarcinogenesis quinoline ,2-amino-3-methylimidazo[4,5-/] to rat liver DNA 113 773 CHO cells induction of lesions in rat liver 793 protection by methoxyamine modification of abasic sites 87 Carboplatin exposure Cholangiocellular mutations recovered in Chinese hamster aprt gene 15 lesions persistence in choline-deficient/DL-ethionine-supplemented diet Carcinogen— DNA adducts 271 formation, O-acetylation of N-hydroxy arylamines 663 Cholecystokinin Carcinogen screening effect on azaserine-induced pancreatic tumours 1525 complementary value of K, test 2059 Cholesterol Carcinogenesis dietary, promoting effects on pancreatic carcinogenesis initiation, influence of dietary casein with aflatoxin B, 171 Cholestyramine Carcinogenic effects dietary, promoting effects on pancreatic carcinogenesis of coal tar pitch in rat respiratory tract by intratracheal instillations 233 Choline transplacental of nickel(II) acetate in F344/NCr rats 1351 deficient diet, nucleotide pools in rats 2471 Carcinogenic risk enhanced liver carcinogenesis 1929 transgeneration transmission 145 enhancement of acetylaminofluorene promotion of liver carcinogenesis Carcinogenicity 385 modulation in 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-7 ,12-dimethylbenz[{a]Janthracene by Choline-deficient fluorine substitution 1337 glutathione S-transferase expression in oval/ductal cells 1879 of 3-(methylnitrosoamino)propionaldehyde in F344 rats 369 DL-ethionine-supplemented diet, persistence of Carcinogens cholangiocellular/hepatocellular lesions 271 target cells for cytotoxic effects in murine small bowel 361 L-amino acid defined diet dietary iron deficiency inhibits rat Casein hepatocarcinogenesis 1227 dietary, aflatoxin B,, initiation of carcinogenesis 171 Chondrocytes cDNA SV40-transformed rabbit 767 isolation/characterization for mouse O°-methylguan-i DnNeA Chromium methyltransferases 289 (II) compounds defining in vitro cross-linking conditions of Cell death proteins—DNA 307 interpretation of labeling indices 1007 (V) in vivo formation in red blood cells/chick embryo liver 2113 Cell kinetic analysis (VI) and (V), 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine production in DNA 1667 during 1-hydroxyanthraquionone-induced carcinogenesis 2217 (VI) compounds, mutational specificity in prt locus of Chinese hamster Cell proliferation ovary cells 2053 ethinyl estradiol-induced in rat liver 2381 (VI) reduction—chromium(V), DT-diaphorase involved? 1159 of rat tracheal epithelial cells, effect of sodium selenite 1725 reduction by ascorbate in rat lung 1319 Cell transforming potential compounds induced residual amino acid—DNA crosslinks analysis 1763 of low-density lipoproteins 1913 Chromosomal translocation Cell tumour development dependent neoplastic development: plasmacytomagenesis in mice 1681 sequential changes in glycogen content/glucose transporter Chromosome aberrations expression/enzymatic patterns 2329 following cytotoxic therapy in patients in remission from lymphoma Cellular catalase activity 1095 difference between xeroderma pigmentosum/trichothiodystrophy 321 Cigarette smoke Cellular membranes—IV promoting effects on respiratory tract carcinogenesis following interactions with spin-labelled phorbol esters 205 diethylnitrosamine treatment 569 Cellular membranes—V Cirrhotic liver interactions with spin-labelled phorbol esters 211 enhancing effect of 6-mercaptopurine on focal lesion development Cellular proliferation 1365 effect of fat in AIN-76A diet on cellular proliferation in mammary Cisplatin resistance giand/intestinal crypts 1735 expression following exposure to fractionated X-irradiation 1209 modulating effects of caloric restriction/ageing 2419 Clofibric acid Cellular senescence hepatocellular turnover contrasted with peroxisome proliferation 1011 induced by X chromosomes 555 Coal tar pitch Cellular transformation carcinogenic effects in rat respiratory tract by intratracheal instillations inhibition by triphenylmethane, a chemopreventive agent 1107 233 Cervical cancer Coal tar therapy cell lines, status of p53 gene 1273 doesn’t influence benzo[a]pyrene metabolism/DNA adduct formation in Chemical carcinogens psoriatic patients peripheral 1569 and overnutrition in diet-related cancer 2211 Coenzyme A sequential combined tumourigenic effect 1981 hypomethylation during hepatocarcinogenesis 497 2490

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