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CARBOHYDRATE RESEARCH ELSEVIER Carbohydrate Research 296 (1996) C7-C8 Author index Ahn, Y.M. 215 Kachurin, A.M. 261 Keister, D.L. 23 Bacic, A. 237 Kraft, G.T. 237 Barrientos, L.G. 39 Krishnakumar, R.V. Cl Bhagwat, A.A. 23 Bundle, D.R. 149 Lemercinier, X. 83 Liao, M.-L. 237 Cai, M.S. 229 Liao, W. 171 Castro-Palomino, J.C. 135 Lu, D. 171 Chiovitti, A. 237 Lu, J. 1 Craik, D.J. 237 Manzoni, L. 135 Das, S.K. 275 Martin-Zamora, E. 97 Defaye, J. 55 Montgomery, R. 183 Desai, T. 97 Mordarska, H. 55 Ding, P.Y. 229 Munro, S.L.A. 237 Dullenkopf, W. 135 Murthy, P.P.N. 39 Ekiel, I. 55 Eneyskaya, E.V. 261 Natarajan, S. Cl Neustroev, K.N. 261 Furneaux, R.H. 285 Osman, S.F. 23 Gamian, A. 55 Garcia-Jaldon, C. 249 Palcic, M.M. 203 Gigg, J. 97 Pfeffer, P.E. 23 Gigg, R. 97 Probert, M.A. 149 Gray, G.R. 215 Gray, J.S.S. 183 Roy, N. 275 Hemmingson, J.A. 285 Hindsgaul, O. 203 Saenger, W. 69 Hirayama, F. 69 Savel’ev, A.N. 261 Hotchkiss, A. 23 Scaman, C.H. 203 . Schmidt, R.R. 135 Ibatyllin, F.M. 261 Srivastava, O.P. 203 Steiner, T. 69 Janossy, L. 279 Szponar, B. 55 Jones, C. 83 Szurmai, Z. 279 C8 Author index Ulrich, J. 55 Wong, H. 285 Yang, B.Y. 183 Valentine, K.M. 23 Van Halbeek, H. | Zhang, J. 149 Vignon, M.R. 249 Zhu, X.X. 229 CARBOHYDRATE RESEARCH Carbohydrate Research 296 (1996) C9-C12 Subject index Acetone Capsular polysaccharide Crystal structures of hexakis-(2,6-di-O-meth- The structure of stewartan, a capsular poly- yl)-cyclomaltohexaose (dimethyl-a-cyclodex- saccharide produced by Erwinia stewartii strain trin) crystallized from acetone, and crystallized DC283 183 from hot water 69 Carrageenan, 4’ ,6’-disulfated, x-, and w- O-Acetylation Sulfated galactans from Australian specimens Full 'H NMR assignment and detailed O-acety- of the red alga Phacelocarpus peperocarpos lation patterns of capsular polysaccharides from (Gigartinales, Rhodophyta) 237 Neisseria meningitidis used in vaccine produc- Chemoselective glycosylation tion 83 Synthesis of tetrasaccharides as_ possible Actinomycetes metastatic inhibitors 229 Structural studies of the major glycolipid from Chiral myo-inositol derivatives Saccharopolyspora genus 55 The preparation of racemic and enantiomeri- Agar biosynthesis cally pure myo-inositol derivatives as interme- In vivo conversion of 6-O-sulfo-L-galacto- diates for the synthesis of phosphatidylinositol pyranosyl residues into 3,6-anhydro-L-galacto- 3-, 3,4-bis-, and 3,4,5-tris-phosphates and for pyranosyl residues in Gracilaria chilensis Bird, the synthesis of analogues of 1D-myo-inositol McLachlan ef Oliveira 285 | ,3,4,5-tetrakisphosphate 97 Allyl ethers Conformational analysis The preparation of racemic and enantiomeri- Conformational studies of myo-inositol phos- cally pure myo-inositol derivatives as interme- phates 39 diates for the synthesis of phosphatidylinositol Corn 3-, 3,4-bis-, and 3,4,5-tris-phosphates and for The structure of stewartan, a capsular poly- the synthesis of analogues of 1D-myo-inositol saccharide produced by Erwinia stewartii strain | ,3,4,5-tetrakisphosphate 97 DC283 183 Anomerization Crystal structure Mechanism of anomerization of cyclohexyl 2- Crystal structures of hexakis-(2,6-di-O-meth- deoxy-3,4,6-tri-O-methyl-2-—( N-methylacetami- yl)-cyclomaltohexaose (dimethyl-a-cyclodex- do)-a- and B-D-hexopyranosides under reduc- trin) crystallized from acetone, and crystallized tive-cleavage conditions 215 from hot water 69 Cyclic decasaccharide Baker’s yeast Cyclolaminarinose. A new biologically active Synthesis and semisynthesis of a@-D-manno- B-C1 — 3) cyclic glucan 23 pyranosyl-(1 — 2)-a-D-mannopyranose octaac- Cyclolaminarinose etate 279 Cyclolaminarinose. A new biologically active Bast fibre B-(1 > 3) cyclic glucan 23 Structural features of the pectic polysaccharides isolated from retted hemp bast fibres 249 Boron trifluoride diethyl etherate Deprotection An improved method for the preparation of N-Trichloroethoxycarbonyl-glucosamine deriva- some ethyl 1|-thioglycosides 275 tives as glycosyl donors 135 C10 Subject index Dimethyl-a-cyclodextrin Glycosidase assay Crystal structures of hexakis-(2,6-di-O-meth- Synthesis of a-D-Glep-(1 > 2)-a-D-Glep-(1 > yl)-cyclomaltohexaose (dimethyl-a-cyclodex- 3)-a-D-Glep-, )O,-;C(OOCCHH , for use in the trin) crystallized from acetone, and crystallized assay of a-glucosidase I activity 203 from hot water 69 Glycosidation Synthesis of a- and B-linked tyvelose epitopes of the Trichinella spiralis glycan: 2-Acetamido- Erwinia stewartii 2-deoxy-3-O-(3,6-dideoxy-D-arabino-hexopyra- The structure of stewartan, a capsular poly- nosyl)-8-D-galactopyranosides 149 saccharide produced by Erwinia stewartii strain Glycosylation DC283 183 Synthesis of a hexasaccharide acceptor corre- ethyl 1-thioglycosides sponding to the reducing terminus of mycobac- An improved method for the preparation of terial 3-O-methylmannose polysaccharide some ethyl 1|-thioglycosides 275 (MMP) 171 Glycosyl trichloroacetimidates Farmer’s lung disease N-Trichloroethoxycarbonyl-glucosamine deriva- Structural studies of the major glycolipid from tives as glycosyl donors 135 Saccharopolyspora genus 55 Gracilaria chilensis Fluorescence-labeled oligosaccharide In vivo conversion of 6-O-sulfo-L-galacto- Synthesis of a-D-Glep-(1 > 2)-a-pD-Glep-(1 > pyranosyl residues into 3,6-anhydro-L-galacto- 3)-a-D-Glep,- )O,-CO(OCCHH , for use in the pyranosyl residues in Gracilaria chilensis Bird, assay of a-glucosidase I activity 203 McLachlan ef Oliveira 285 Galactans, sulfated 'H and '*C NMR spectroscopy Sulfated galactans from Australian specimens Structural features of the pectic polysaccharides of the red alga Phacelocarpus peperocarpos isolated from retted hemp bast fibres 249 (Gigartinales, Rhodophyta) 237 Hemp (Cannabis sativa) Galactopyranosylamines Structural features of the pectic polysaccharides Enzymatic properties of a-D-galactosidase from isolated from retted hemp bast fibres 249 Trichoderma reesei 261 Human serum transferrin a-D-Galactosidase Complete 'H and '*C resonance assignments of Enzymatic properties of a-D-galactosidase from a 2l-amino acid glycopeptide prepared from Trichoderma reesei 261 human serum transferrin | Gigartinales Hydrogen bonding Sulfated galactans from Australian specimens Crystal structures of hexakis-(2,6-di-O-meth- of the red alga Phacelocarpus peperocarpos yl)-cyclomaltohexaose (dimethyl-a-cyclodex- (Gigartinales, Rhodophyta) 237 trin) crystallized from acetone, and crystallized Glucan from hot water 69 Cyclolaminarinose. A new biologically active B-(l > 3) cyclic glucan 23 a-Glucosidase I myo-Inositol phosphates Synthesis of a-D-Glep-(1 > 2)-a-D-Glep-(1 > Conformational studies of myo-inositol phos- 3)-a-D-Glep,- )O,-CO(OCCHH , for use in the phates 39 assay of a-glucosidase I activity 203 |p-myo-Inositol 1,3,4,5-tetrakisphosphate ana- Glycan logues Synthesis of a- and B-linked tyvelose epitopes The preparation of racemic and enantiomeri- of the Trichinella spiralis glycan: 2-Acetamido- cally pure myo-inositol derivatives as interme- 2-deo,x6-dyideo-x y3-D--araObin-o-h(exo3pyr a- diates for the synthesis of phosphatidylinositol nosyl)-8-D-galactopyranosides 149 3-, 3,4-bis-, and 3,4,5-tris-phosphates and for Glycolipid the synthesis of analogues of 1D-myo-inositol Structural studies of the major glycolipid from | ,3,4,5-tetrakisphosphate 97 Saccharopolyspora genus 55 N-Glycoprotein Synthesis and semisynthesis of a-D-manno- Kinetic scheme pyranosyl-(1 — 2)-a@-D-mannopyranose octaac- Enzymatic properties of a-D-galactosidase from etate 279 Trichoderma reesei 261 Subject index Mannobiose, synthetic and semisynthetic Oligosaccharide Synthesis and semisynthesis of a@-D-manno- Synthesis of a- and B-linked tyvelose epitopes pyranosyl-(1 — 2)-a-D-mannopyranose octaac- of the Trichinella spiralis glycan: 2-Acetamido- etate 279 2-deox y-3-O-(3,6-dideoxy-D-arabino-hexopyra- Meningococcal polysaccharides nosyl)-B-p-galactopyranosides 149 Full 'H NMR assignment and detailed O-acety- Oligosaccharide synthesis lation patterns of capsular polysaccharides from N-Trichloroethoxycarbonyl-glucosamine deriva- Neisseria meningitidis used in vaccine produc- tives as glycosyl donors 135 tion 83 Metastatic inhibitor Parasite Synthesis of tetrasaccharides as _ possible Synthesis of a- and B-linked tyvelose epitopes metastatic inhibitors 229 of the Trichinella spiralis glycan: 2-Acetamido- p-Methoxybenzy] ethers 2-deoxy-3-O-(3,6-dideoxy-D-arabino-hexopyra- The preparation of racemic and enantiomeri- nosyl)-B-b-galactopyranosides 149 cally pure myo-inositol derivatives as interme- Partial acetolysis diates for the synthesis of phosphatidylinositol Synthesis and semisynthesis of a@-D-manno- 3-, 3,4-bis-, and 3,4,5-tris-phosphates and for pyranosyl-(1 — 2)-a-D-mannopyranose octaac- the synthesis of analogues of 1D-myo-inositol etate 279 1,3,4,5-tetrakisphosphate 97 Pectins 3-O-Methylmannose polysaccharide (MMP) Structural features of the pectic polysaccharides Synthesis of a hexasaccharide acceptor corre- isolated from retted hemp bast fibres 249 sponding to the reducing terminus of mycobac- Phosphatidylinositol 3-, 3,4-bis-, and 3,4,5-tris- terial 3-O-methylmannose polysaccharide phosphates (MMP) 171 The preparation of racemic and enantiomeri- Microheterogeneity cally pure myo-inositol derivatives as interme- Complete 'H and '*C resonance assignments of diates for the synthesis of phosphatidylinositol a 2l-amino acid glycopeptide prepared from 3-, 3,4-bis-, and 3,4,5-tris-phosphates and for human serum transferrin | the synthesis of analogues of 1D-myo-inositol Mycobacterium 1 ,3,4,5-tetrakisphosphate 97 Synthesis of a hexasaccharide acceptor corre- Polysaccharides, algal sponding to the reducing terminus of mycobac- Sulfated galactans from Australian specimens terial 3-O-methylmannose polysaccharide of the red alga Phacelocarpus peperocarpos (MMP) 171 (Gigartinales, Rhodophyta) 237 Precursor conversion N-linked diantennary oligosaccharide In vivo conversion of 6-O-sulfo-L-galacto- Complete 'H and '*C resonance assignments of pyranosyl residues into 3,6-anhydro-L-galacto- a 2l-amino acid glycopeptide prepared from pyranosyl residues in Gracilaria chilensis Bird, human serum transferrin | McLachlan ef Oliveira 285 NMR spectroscopy Full 'H NMR assignment and detailed O-acety- Reductive cleavage lation patterns of capsular polysaccharides from Mechanism of anomerization of cyclohexyl 2- Neisseria meningitidis used in vaccine produc- deoxy-3,4,6-tri-O-methyl-2-( N-methylacetami- tion 83 do)-a- and B-D-hexopyranosides under reduc- Nuclear magnetic resonance tive-cleavage conditions 215 Complete 'H and '°C resonance assignments of Resonance assignment a 2l-amino acid glycopeptide prepared from Complete 'H and '*C resonance assignments of human serum transferrin | a 2l-amino acid glycopeptide prepared from Nuclear Overhauser effect human serum transferrin | Complete 'H and '*C resonance assignments of Rhamnogalacturonan I a 2l-amino acid glycopeptide prepared from Structural features of the pectic polysaccharides human serum transferrin | isolated from retted hemp bast fibres 249 Rhizobium meliloti Oligomannose type Cyclolaminarinose. A new biologically active Synthesis and semisynthesis of a-D-manno- B-(1 > 3) cyclic glucan 23 pyranosyl-(1 — 2)-a-D-mannopyranose octaac- Rhodophyta etate 279 Sulfated galactans from Australian specimens C12 Subject index of the red alga Phacelocarpus peperocarpos Thioglycosides (Gigartinales, Rhodophyta) 237 N-Trichloroethox ycarbony|-glucosamine deriva- tives as glycosyl donors 135 Saccharopolyspora Tin-mediated alkylations Structural studies of the major glycolipid from The preparation of racemic and enantiomeri- Saccharopolyspora genus 55 cally pure myo-inositol derivatives as interme- Stewarts wilt diates for the synthesis of phosphatidylinositol The structure of stewartan, a capsular poly- 3-, 3,4-bis-, and 3,4,5-tris-phosphates and for saccharide produced by Erwinia stewartii strain the synthesis of analogues of 1D-myo-inositol DC283 183 | ,3,4,5-tetrakisphosphate 97 Structure Transglycosylation Structural studies of the major glycolipid from Enzymatic properties of a-D-galactosidase from Saccharopolyspora genus 55 Trichoderma reesei 261 Structure determination Trichinella spiralis Sulfated galactans from Australian specimens Synthesis of a- and B-linked tyvelose epitopes of the red alga Phacelocarpus peperocarpos of the Trichinella spiralis glycan: 2-Acetamido- (Gigartinales, Rhodophyta) 237 2-deoxy-3-O-(3,6-dideoxy-D-arabino-hexopyra- Synthesis nosyl)-8-D-galactopyranosides 149 Synthesis of a hexasaccharide acceptor corre- N-Trichloroethoxycarbony] sponding to the reducing terminus of mycobac- N-Trichloroethoxycarbonyl-glucosamine deriva- terial 3-O-methylmannose polysaccharide tives as glycosyl donors 135 (MMP) 171 Trichoderma reesei An improved method for the preparation of Enzymatic properties of a-D-galactosidase from some ethyl 1-thioglycosides 275 Trichoderma reesei 261 Tyvelose Tetramethylhodamine Synthesis of a- and B-linked tyvelose epitopes Synthesis of a-D-Glep-(1 — 2)-a-pb-Glep-(1 > of the Trichinella spiralis glycan: 2-Acetamido- 3)-a-D-Glep-O-4(CH , ),C OOCH , for use in the 2-deox y-3-O-(3,6-dideoxy-D-arabino-hexopyra- assay of a-glucosidase I activity 203 nosyl)-B8-D-galactopyranosides 149 Tetrasaccharide Synthesis of tetrasaccharides as_ possible metastatic inhibitors 229

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