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Carbohydrate Research 1996: Vol 282 Index PDF

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CARBOHYDRATE RESEARCH Carbohydrate Research 282 (1996) C3—C4 Author index Albersheim, P. 1 Haines, A.H. 293 Harding, S.E. 223 Barker, C.J. 81 Hashimoto, H. 207, 299 Baudry, M. 237 Hicks, K.B. 65 Bellamy, F. 237 Hiromi, K. 171 Benedetti, E. 41 Hirst, P.H. 81 Bouchu, M.-N. 237 Hiruma, K. 299 Briggs, J.C. 293 Howard, E.I. 25 Chang, Y.-T. 81 Iacomini, M. 325 Cheetham, N.W.H. 13 Irwin, P.L. 65 Choi, Y.S. 113 Jain, R.K. 101 Chung, S.-K. 81 Jane, J.-l. 157 Coleman, A.W. 125 Jumel, K. 223 Darvill, A.G. 1 Kaneko, Y. 113 De Rango, C. 125 Kawanishi, M. 207 Descotes, G. 237 Keeling, P.L. 157 Dianez, M.J. 137 King, G. 65 Di Blasio, B. 41 Kong, F. 315 Du, Y. 315 Labouriau, M.L.S. 325 Estrada, M.D. 137 Lam, K. 13 Lambert, P.A. 81 Fabre, L. 307 Lerner, L.M. 189 Fernandez-Bolanfios, J. 137 Lépez-Castro, A. 137 Fernandez-Bolanios, J.G. 137 Lu, T.-j. 157 Fiani, M.L. 285 Freeman, S. 81 Mao, W. 315 Matheson, N.K. 247 Galbraith, L. 263 Matta, K.L. 101 Galdiero, S. 41 Mentzafos, D. 125 Garcia, S. 137 Michell, R.H. 81 Gardiner, J.M. 81 Miles, C.T. 149 George, R. 263 Mimura, T. 113 Gibbons, W.A. 41 Mitchell, J.R. 223 Gorin, P.A.J. 325 Grigera, J.R. 25 Nagahama, T. 171 Guillen, R. 1 Nakashima, H. 113 Noel, T.R. 193 C4 Author index Ohnishi, M. 171 Solomons, K.R.H. 81 Spiers, L.D. 81 Parker, R. 193 Steiner, T. 53 Pauly, M. | Suganuma, T. 171 Pedone, C. 41 Pedotti, S. 41 Tamura, J.-i. 299 Pérez, S. 137 Teixeira, A.Z.A. 325 Popescu, C. 307 Terzis, A. 125 Potter, J.J. 181 Travassos, L.R. 325 Poyner, D.R. 81 Praly, J.-P. 237 Uryu, T. 113 Riccobono, F. 285 Vecchio, G. 41 Ring, $.G. 193 Von Itzstein, M. 181 Rizzarelli, E. 41 Voragen, A.G.J. 271 Ros, J.M. 271 Roussel, C. 307 Wilkinson, S.G. 149, 263 Winn, A.M. 149 Saenger, W. 53 Wyklicky, J. 263 Saviano, M. 41 Schols, H.A. 271 Yamamoto, N. 113 Schwalbe, C.H. 81 York, W.S. | Singletary, G.W. 157 Yoshida, T. 113 Smith, A.W. 81 Yuasa, H. 207 CARBOHYDRATE RESEARCH | ELSEafV IMEN R Carbohydrate Research 282 (1996) C5—C9 Subject index Acetolysis Amylopectin The acetolysis of D-galactose diethyl dithioac- Maize starch fine structures affected by ear etal 189 developmental temperature 157 Acetylation Amylopectins The acetolysis of D-galactose diethyl dithioac- The chemical structure of amylose and amylo- etal 189 pectin fractions of starch from tobacco leaves N-Acetyllactosamine during development and diurnally—nocturnally Chemical synthesis of a hexasaccharide com- 247 prising the Lewis* determinant linked B-(1 > Amylose 6) to a linear trimannosyl core and the precur- Maize starch fine structures affected by ear sor pentasaccharide lacking fucose 101 developmental temperature 157 Albedo The chemical structure of amylose and amylo- Extraction, characterisation, and enzymatic pectin fractions of starch from tobacco leaves degradation of lemon peel pectins 271 during development and diurnally—nocturnally Alditol, N-( p-nitrobenzyloxy)amino- derivative 247 Improved protocol for the formation of N-( p- Anti-AIDS virus activity nitrobenzyloxy)aminoalditol derivatives of Synthesis of sulfated octadecyl ribo-oligosac- oligosaccharides | charides with potent anti-AIDS virus activity by Alditol sulfonic acids ring-opening polymerization of a 1,4-anhydro- Sulfoaminoglucitols: synthesis of 2-amino-2,3 ribose derivative 113 (and 2,6)-dideoxy-p-glucitol-3 (and 6)-sulfonic Anti-HIV agents acids and X-ray crystal structure of the mono- 4-(Arylamino)phenyl a-D-glucopyranosides as hydrate of the 6-sulfo derivative 137 potential anti-HIV agents 293 Aldohexoses Antioxidant On the sweetness properties of aldoses: charac- Synthesis and iron binding studies of myo-in- terization of molecular active sites by computer ositol 1,2,3-trisphosphate and (+ )-myo-inositol simulation 25 1,2-bisphosphate, and iron binding studies of all Allopyranose myo-inositol tetrakisphosphates 81 Synthesis of 1,2-anhydro-D-altropyranose and Aryl glucopyranosides -D-allopyranose benzyl ethers 315 4-(Arylamino)phenyl a-bD-glucopyranosides as Alpha-amylase potential anti-HIV agents 293 Elucidation of the subsite structure of bacterial saccharifying alpha-amylase and its mode of Benzyl ethers degradation of maltose 171 Synthesis of 1,2-anhydro-D-altropyranose and Altropyranose -D-allopyranose benzyl ethers 315 Synthesis of 1,2-anhydro-pD-altropyranose and Binding -D-allopyranose benzyl ethers 315 Polymerized cyclomaltoheptaose ( B-cyclo- 6'-(6-Aminohexy])amino-6'-deoxycyclomaltohep- dextrin, B-CD,,) inclusion complex formation taose with chlorogenic acid: solvent effects on ther- The crystal structure of 6'-(6-aminohexyl) mochemistry and enthalpy—entropy compensa- amino-6'-deoxycyclomaltoheptaose 125 tion 65 C6 Subject index Branching Cyclomaltoheptaose The chemical structure of amylose and amylo- Synthesis and structural characterization of 6', pectin fractions of starch from tobacco leaves 6''-diamino-6! ,6''-dideoxy-cyclomaltoheptaose, during development and diurnally—nocturnally a difunctionalized B-cyclodextrin 41 247 Polymerized cyclomaltoheptaose ( B-cyclo- Burkholderia pickettii dextrin, B-CD,,) inclusion complex formation Structure of the O-specific polysaccharide from with chlorogenic acid: solvent effects on ther- Burkholderia pickettii strain NCTC 11149 263 mochemistry and enthalpy—entropy compensa- tion 65 Cellulose Synthesis of p-toluenesulfinic esters of cellu- Decarboxylation lose and B-cyclodextrin 307 Decarboxylation of a sialic acid derivative 181 Chlorogenic acid Dielectric relaxation Polymerized cyclomaltoheptaose ( B-cyclo- A comparative study of the dielectric relaxation dextrin, B-CD,) inclusion complex formation behaviour of glucose, maltose, and their mix- with chlorogenic acid: solvent effects on ther- tures with water in the liquid and glassy states mochemistry and enthalpy—entropy compensa- 193 tion 65 Difunctionalized B-cyclodextrin Compensation temperature Synthesis and structural characterization of 6', Polymerized cyclomaltoheptaose ( B-cyclo- 6''-d,6i!'-adidemox iy-cnycloomal-toh6ept!aos e, dextrin, B-CD,) inclusion complex formation a difunctionalized B-cyclodextrin 41 with chlorogenic acid: solvent effects on ther- Dithioacetal mochemistry and enthalpy—entropy compensa- The acetolysis of D-galactose diethyl dithioac- tion 65 etal 189 Crystal structure Synthesis and structural characterization of 6', Enthalpy—entropy compensation 6''-diamino-6! ,6''-dideoxy-cyclomaltoheptaose, Polymerized cyclomaltoheptaose ( B-cyclo- a difunctionalized B-cyclodextrin 4] dextrin, B-CD,) inclusion complex formation Crystal structure of anhydrous hexakis-(2,3,6- with chlorogenic acid: solvent effects on ther- tri-O-methyl)-cyclomaltohexaose (permethyl- mochemistry and enthalpy—entropy compensa- a-cyclodextrin) grown from hot water and from tion 65 cold NaCl solutions 53 Enzymic degradation The crystal structure of 6'-(6-aminohexyl)- Extraction, characterisation, and enzymatic amino-6'-deoxycyclomaltoheptaose 125 degradation of lemon peel pectins 271 Cyclodextrin Extraction The crystal structure of 6'-(6-aminohexyl)- Extraction, characterisation, and enzymatic amino-6'-deoxycyclomaltoheptaose 125 degradation of lemon peel pectins 271 a-Cyclodextrin Crystal structure of anhydrous hexakis-(2,3,6- Food industry tri-O-methyl)-cyclomaltohexaose (permethyl- Effect of gamma irradiation on the macro- a-cyclodextrin) grown from hot water and from molecular integrity of guar gum 223 cold NaCl solutions 53 Free-radical bromination B-Cyclodextrin Radical-mediated bromination of peracetylated Polymerized cyclomaltoheptaose ( B-cyclo- 5-thio-D-xylopyranosyl bromides: an easy ac- dextrin, B-CD,) inclusion complex formation cess to the corresponding anomeric orthothio- with chlorogenic acid: solvent effects on ther- lactones 237 mochemistry and enthalpy—entropy compensa- Fucopyranosyl glycans tion 65 Chemical synthesis of a hexasaccharide com- The crystal structure of 6!'-(6-aminohexyl)- prising the Lewis* determinant linked B-(1 — amino-6'-deoxycyclomaltoheptaose 125 6) to a linear trimannosy! core and the precur- Synthesis of p-toluenesulfinic esters of cellu- sor pentasaccharide lacking fucose 101 lose and B-cyclodextrin 307 Fucosidase inhibitor Cyclodextrins Novel conversion of aldopyranosides into 5- Synthesis and structural characterization of 6', thioaldopyranosides via acyclic monothioac- 6''-diamino-6!,6''-dideoxy-cyclomaltoheptaose, etals with inversion and retention of configura- a difunctionalized B-cyclodextrin 41 tion at C-5 207 Subject index bD-Galactose (+ )-myo-Inositol |,2-bisphosphate The acetolysis of D-galactose diethyl dithioac- Synthesis and iron binding studies of myo-in- etal 189 ositol 1,2,3-trisphosphate and (+ )-myo-inositol Gamma irradiation | ,2-bisphosphate, and iron binding studies of all Effect of gamma irradiation on the macro- myo-inositol tetrakisphosphates 81 molecular integrity of guar gum 223 myo-Inositol tetrakisphosphates Glass transition Synthesis and iron binding studies of myo-in- A comparative study of the dielectric relaxation ositol 1,2,3-trisphosphate and (+ )-myo-inositol behaviour of glucose, maltose, and their mix- | ,2-bisphosphate, and iron binding studies of all tures with water in the liquid and glassy states myo-inositol tetrakisphosphates 81 193 myo-Inositol |,2,3-trisphosphate Glucose Synthesis and iron binding studies of myo-in- A comparative study of the dielectric relaxation ositol 1,2,3-trisphosphate and (+ )-myo-inositol behaviour of glucose, maltose, and their mix- | ,2-bisphosphate, and iron binding studies of all tures with water in the liquid and glassy states myo-inositol tetrakisphosphates 81 193 Glucosides LC-MS, on-line 4-(Arylamino)phenyl a@-D-glucopyranosides as Improved protocol for the formation of N-( p- potential anti-HIV agents 293 nitrobenzyloxy)aminoalditol derivatives of Guar gum viscosity oligosaccharides | Effect of gamma irradiation on the macro- Lemon molecular integrity of guar gum 223 Extraction, characterisation, and enzymatic degradation of lemon peel pectins 271 Lewis* Chemical synthesis of a hexasaccharide com- prising the Lewis* determinant linked B-(1 > High mannose chains 6) to a linear trimannosyl core and the precur- Mannose receptor dependent uptake of ricin A, sor pentasaccharide lacking fucose 101 and A, chains by macrophages 285 Ligand—receptor interaction High resolution NMR On the sweetness properties of aldoses: charac- Synthesis of sulfated octadecyl ribo-oligosac- terization of molecular active sites by computer charides with potent anti-AIDS virus activity by simulation 25 ring-opening polymerization of a 1,4-anhydro- Lipopolysaccharide ribose derivative 113 Structure of the O-specific polysaccharide from HILIC Burkholderia pickettii strain NCTC 11149 263 Improved protocol for the formation of N-( p- nitrobenzyloxy)aminoalditol derivatives of oligosaccharides | Macrophages Hydrogel Mannose receptor dependent uptake of ricin A, Characterization of carbohydrate components of and A, chains by macrophages 285 an unusual hydrogel formed by seed coats of Magonia pubescens (Tingui) Magonia pubescens (Tingui) 325 Characterization of carbohydrate components of Hydrogen bonding an unusual hydrogel formed by seed coats of Molecular dynamics simulations of glycosides Magonia pubescens (Tingui) 325 in aqueous solution 13 Maize Hydrogen bonds Maize starch fine structures affected by ear Sulfoaminoglucitols: synthesis of 2-amino-2,3 developmental temperature 157 (and 2,6)-dideoxy-p-glucitol-3 (and 6)-sulfonic Maltooligosaccharides acids and X-ray crystal structure of the mono- Elucidation of the subsite structure of bacterial hydrate of the 6-sulfo derivative 137 saccharifying alpha-amylase and its mode of 1-Hydroxy-2-propanone acetals degradation of maltose 171 Efficient synthesis of pyruvic acetals of carbo- Maltose hydrate vicinal diols: 3,4-O-(1-methoxycarbo- A comparative study of the dielectric relaxation nylethylidene-D-galactopyranoside and 5,6-O- behaviour of glucose, maltose, and their mix- (1-methoxycarbony)ethylidene-p-galactofuran- tures with water in the liquid and glassy states oside, via 1-hydroxy-2-propanone acetals 299 193 C8 Subject index Maltosyl! transfer Polysaccharide Elucidation of the subsite structure of bacterial Effect of gamma irradiation on the macro- saccharifying alpha-amylase and its mode of molecular integrity of guar gum 223 degradation of maltose 171 Pyruvic acetals B-D-Mannose Efficient synthesis of pyruvic acetals of carbo- Effect of gamma irradiation on the macro- hydrate vicinal diols: 3,4-O-(1-methoxycarbo- molecular integrity of guar gum 223 nyl)ethylidene-D-galactopyranoside and 5,6-O- Methyl glycosides (1-methoxycarbony])ethylidene-D-galactofuran- Molecular dynamics simulations of glycosides oside, via 1-hydroxy-2-propanone acetals 299 in aqueous solution 13 Molecular dynamics Molecular dynamics simulations of glycosides X-Ray structures in aqueous solution 13 Sulfoaminoglucitols: synthesis of 2-amino-2,3 Molecular dynamics simulation of sugar conforma- (and 2,6)-dideoxy-D-glucitol-3 (and 6)-sulfonic tion acids and X-ray crystal structure of the mono- On the sweetness properties of aldoses: charac- hydrate of the 6-sulfo derivative 137 terization of molecular active sites by computer Ring-opening polymerization simulation 25 Synthesis of sulfated octadecyl ribo-oligosac- Molecular modelling charides with potent anti-AIDS virus activity by Polymerized cyclomaltoheptaose ( B-cyclo- ring-opening polymerization of a 1,4-anhydro- dextrin, B-CD,,) inclusion complex formation ribose derivative 113 with chlorogenic acid: solvent effects on ther- RP-HPLC mochemistry and enthalpy—entropy compensa- Molecular dynamics simulations of glycosides tion 65 in aqueous solution 13 Monosubstituted cyclomaltoheptaose The crystal structure of 6'-(6-aminohexyl)- amino-6'-deoxycyclomaltoheptaose 125 Seed coats Characterization of carbohydrate components of O antigen an unusual hydrogel formed by seed coats of Structure of the O-specific polysaccharide from Magonia pubescens (Tingui) 325 Burkholderia pickettii strain NCTC 11149 263 Sialic acid Oligosaccharide Decarboxylation of a sialic acid derivative 181 Synthesis of sulfated octadecyl ribo-oligosac- Siderophore charides with potent anti-AIDS virus activity by Synthesis and iron binding studies of myo-in- ring-opening polymerization of a 1,4-anhydro- ositol 1,2,3-trisphosphate and (+ )-myo-inositol ribose derivative 113 | ,2-bisphosphate, and iron binding studies of all Oligosaccharides xyloglucan myo-inositol tetrakisphosphates 81 Improved protocol for the formation of N-( p- Solution structure nitrobenzyloxy)aminoalditol derivatives of Molecular dynamics simulations of glycosides oligosaccharides | in aqueous solution 13 Starch Pectin Maize starch fine structures affected by ear Extraction, characterisation, and enzymatic developmental temperature 157 degradation of lemon peel pectins 271 The chemical structure of amylose and amylo- Plant lectins pectin fractions of starch from tobacco leaves Mannose receptor dependent uptake of ricin A, during development and diurnally—nocturnally and A, chains by macrophages 285 247 PNB derivative Subsite structure Improved protocol for the formation of N-( p- Elucidation of the subsite structure of bacterial nitrobenzyloxy)aminoalditol derivatives of saccharifying alpha-amylase and its mode of oligosaccharides | degradation of maltose 171 Polybromides Sulfated alkyl ribofuranan Radical-mediated bromination of peracetylated Synthesis of sulfated octadecyl ribo-oligosac- 5-thio-D-xylopyranosyl bromides: an easy ac- charides with potent anti-AIDS virus activity by cess to the corresponding anomeric orthothio- ring-opening polymerization of a 1,4-anhydro- lactones 237 ribose derivative 113 Subject index Sulfinic esters reactions Thio sugar Synthesis of p-toluenesulfinic esters of cellu- Novel conversion of aldopyranosides into 5- lose and B-cyclodextrin 307 thioaldopyranosides via acyclic monothioac- Sulfonic acids etals with inversion and retention of configura- Sulfoaminoglucitols: synthesis of 2-amino-2,3 tion at C-5 207 (and 2,6)-dideoxy-pD-glucitol-3 (and 6)-sulfonic 5-Thio sugars ortholactones acids and X-ray crystal structure of the mono- Radical-mediated bromination of peracetylated hydrate of the 6-sulfo derivative 137 5-thio-D-xylopyranosyl bromides: an easy ac- Sweetness cess to the corresponding anomeric orthothio- On the sweetness properties of aldoses: charac- lactones 237 terization of molecular active sites by computer Tobacco leaves simulation 25 The chemical structure of amylose and amylo- Synthesis pectin fractions of starch from tobacco leaves The crystal structure of 6'-(6-aminohexyl)- during development and diurnally—nocturnally amino-6'-deoxycyclomaltoheptaose 125 247 Synthesis of p-toluenesulfinic esters of cellu- p-Toluenesulfinate lose and B-cyclodextrin 307 Synthesis of p-toluenesulfinic esters of cellu- lose and B-cyclodextrin 307 Talose Toxins Molecular dynamics simulations of glycosides Mannose receptor dependent uptake of ricin A, in aqueous solution 13 and A, chains by macrophages 285 Taurine analogues Transglycosylation Sulfoaminoglucitols: synthesis of 2-amino-2,3 Elucidation of the subsite structure of bacterial (and 2,6)-dideoxy-pD-glucitol-3 (and 6)-sulfonic saccharifying alpha-amylase and its mode of acids and X-ray crystal structure of the mono- degradation of maltose 171 hydrate of the 6-sulfo derivative 137 Trimethyl-a-cyclodextrin Thermodynamics Crystal structure of anhydrous hexakis-(2,3,6- Polymerized cyclomaltoheptaose ( B-cyclo- tri-O-methyl)-cyclomaltohexaose (permethyl- dextrin, B-CD,,) inclusion complex formation a-cyclodextrin) grown from hot water and from with chlorogenic acid: solvent effects on ther- cold NaCl solutions 53 mochemistry and enthalpy—entropy compensa- Tumor antigens tion 65 Chemical synthesis of a hexasaccharide com- 5-Thio-D-glucopyranosyi bromides prising the Lewis* determinant linked B-(1 > Radical-mediated bromination of peracetylated 6) to a linear trimannosyl core and the precur- 5-thio-D-xylopyranosyl bromides: an easy ac- sor pentasaccharide lacking fucose 101 cess to the corresponding anomeric orthothio- lactones 237 5-Thio-D-glucose Novel conversion of aldopyranosides into 5- Water thioaldopyranosides via acyclic monothioac- A comparative study of the dielectric relaxation etals with inversion and retention of configura- behaviour of glucose, maltose, and their mix- tion at C-5 207 tures with water in the liquid and glassy states 5-Thio-D-xylopyranosyl bromides 193 Radical-mediated bromination of peracetylated Water activity 5-thio-D-xylopyranosyl bromides: an easy ac- Polymerized cyclomaltoheptaose ( B-cyclo- cess to the corresponding anomeric orthothio- dextrin, B-CD,,) inclusion complex formation lactones 237 with chlorogenic acid: solvent effects on ther- 5-Thio-L-galactose mochemistry and enthalpy—entropy compensa- Novel conversion of aldopyranosides into 5- tion 65 thioaldopyranosides via acyclic monothioac- etals with inversion and retention of configura- tion at C-5 207 5-Thio-L-idose Zwitterions Novel conversion of aldopyranosides into 5- Sulfoaminoglucitols: synthesis of 2-amino-2,3 thioaldopyranosides via acyclic monothioac- (and 2,6)-dideoxy-D-glucitol-3 (and 6)-sulfonic etals with inversion and retention of configura- acids and X-ray crystal structure of the mono- tion at C-5 207 hydrate of the 6-sulfo derivative 137

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