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Carbohydrate Research, 216 (1991) cl—c2 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam AUTHOR INDEX Ali, M. A., 271 Gigg, R., 197 Ali, M. H., 517 Gosselin, G., 249 Angyal, S. J., 171 Gould, R. O., 461 Aspinall, G. O., 337, 357 Gray, R. J., 441 Barnes, J. C., 11 Haines, A. H., 523 Berezenko,:S., 505 Hajko, J., 413 Bernet, B., 149 Haudrechy, A., 375 Blake, A. J., 461 Helpap, B., 289 Bock, K., 141 Hewedi, F., 109 Borbas, A., 413 Hicks, N., | Brennan, P. J., 337, 357 Holy, A., 109, 179 Brimacombe, J. S., 11 Horton, D., 33, 51 Broger, E. A., 149 Hough, L., 271 Brown, D. M., 129 Howarth, O. W., | Brown, T., 315 Hiebabecky, H., 179 Bundle, D. R., 67 Hughes, N. A., 119 Humble, R. W., 109 Camarasa, M.-J., 399 Hutchinson, D. W., | Cerny, M., 453 Chatterjee, D., 337, 357 Ibrahim, I. H., 337 Chernyak, A. Ya., 381 lijima, H., 211 Chittenden, G. J. F., 79 Imbach, J.-L., 249 Classon, B., 187 Coe, P. L., 237 Jezowska-Bojczuk, M., 453 Collins, P. M., 517 Comber, R. N., 441 Kajtar-Peredy, M., 413 Crane, A. M., 337 Katrania, D., 523 Khare, N. K., 337, 357 Decock, P., 453 Kihlberg, J., 67 Defaye, J., 141 Klaffke, W., 475 De las Heras, F. G., 399 Kleineidam, R. G., 61 De Raadt, A., 93 Kochetkov, N. K., 381 Desai, T., 197 Kong Thoo Lin, P., 129 Diaz-Ortiz, A., 399 Kononov, L. O., 381 Dutton, G. G. S., 495 Konradsson, P., 323 Dyson, M. R., 237 Koztowski, H., 453 Ewing, D. F., 109 Lee Wing, P., 495 Li, C., 149 Félix, A. S., 399 Liptak, A., 413 Ferrier, R. J., 93 Fraser Reid, B., 323 Mackenzie, G., 109 Fuentes Mota, J., 21 Maier, T., 483 Mann, J., 511 Gadelle, A., 141 Marriott, J. H., 257 Gammon, D. W., 337 McGhie, K. E., 461 Garcia Fernandez, J. M., 21 Meili, A., 149 Garegg, P. J., 187 Mottahedeh, M., 257 Génu-Dellac, C., 249 Munkombwe, M., 119 Gigg, J., 197 c2 Nakahara, Y., 211 Schmidt, R. R., 483 Schreiner, E., 61 Ogawa, T., 211 Secrist III, J. A., 441 Ortiz Mellet, C., 21 Shaw, G., 109 Oscarson, S., 187 Shibayama, S., 211 Overend, W. G., 517 Sinay, P., 375 Skura, B. J., 495 Parolis, H., 495 Sood, R. K., 357 Parolis, L. A. S., 495 Springer, D., 475 Paton, R. M., 461 Sturgeon, R. J., 505 Paulsen, H., 289 Szabo, L., 227 Payne, S., 197 Szabo, P., 227 Pedersen, C., 141 Penades, S., 197 Thiem, J., 475 Pérez-Pérez, M.-J., 399 Tidén, A.-K., 187 Pfleiderer, W., 421 Todhunter, N. D., 119 Pradera Adrian, M. A., 21 Trnka, T., 453 Pritchard, C. E., 315 Usui, T., 33, 51 Ratcliffe, A. J., 323 Reed, D., 461 Vasella, A., 149 Reese, C. B., 257 Votruba, I., 109 Regeling, H., 79 Richardson, A. C., 271 Walker, R. T., 237 Rivoire, B., 337, 357 Weymouth-Wilson, A., 511 Rogers, H. J., 197 Will, D. W., 315 Ruf, K., 421 Young, A. A., 461 Sadler, I. H., 461 Schauer, R., 61 Zbiral, E., 61 Carbohydrate Research, 216 (1991) c3—c6 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam SUBJECT INDEX Acetals of carbohydrates, preparation of dioxo- Benzyl 3,5-di-O-benzyl-2-deoxy-1,4-dithio-p- lane-type fluoren-9-ylidene, and their hydroge- erythro-pentofuranoside, an improved synthe- nolysis with AICIH, to give axial fluoren-9-yl sis of, 237 ethers, 413 Bisphosphines, synthesis and evaluation in asym- Acyclic analogues of pyrazofurin, synthesis and metric hydrogenation of carbohydrate-derived antiviral evaluation, 441 1,3-, 149 Acyclic sugars, unsaturated, transformations of, Branched-chain sugars, formation of 1,3'-anhy- into enantiomerically pure norbornene deri- drides, 171 vatives, 33 Branched-chain sugars, stereospecific synthesis by Adenine—guanine analogues, synthesis and du- a novel aldol-type cyclocondensation, 399 plex stability of oligonucleotides containing, Brucella A antigen, synthesis of a hexasaccharide 129 and two pentasaccharides related to the, by in Adenosine, synthesis of 2’-thio-, 257 situ activation of thioglycosides with bromine, Aldol-type cyclocondensation, stereospecific syn- 67 thesis of branched-chain sugars by a novel, 399 Allylation of dibutylstannylene derivatives of Capsular antigen K54 from Escherichia coli myo-inositol, 197 06:K54:H10, synthesis of carbohydrate—ami- Allyl glycosides for conversion into neoglycopro- no acid conjugates related to the, 381 teins bearing epitopes of mycobacterial glycoli- Carbohydrate—amino acid conjugates related to pid antigens, synthesis, 337 the capsular antigen K 54 from Escherichia coli Allyl glycosides of the outer di- and tri-saccharide 06:K 54:10 and artificial antigens therefrom, units of the antigens of M. avium serovars 14 synthesis of, 381 and 20, synthesis and serology of the derived Carbohydrate-derived | ,3-bisphosphines, synthe- neoglycoproteins, 357 sis and evaluation in asymmetric hydrogena- Aminodeoxy derivatives of 1,6-anhydro-f-p-glu- tion, 149 copyranose, potentiometric and spectroscopic Chrysanthemic acid, a new approach to the syn- studies of the binding of copper(II) ions by, 453 thesis of cis-, 511 Analogues of pyrazofurin, syntheses and antiviral Complex-N-glycoprotein, synthesis of partial evaluation of acyclic, 441 structures of, 289 1,3'-Anhydro-3-C-hydroxymethylaldoses, a new Conformations of 7,8-dideoxy-1,2:3,4-di-O-iso- type of anhydro sugar, 171 propylidene-a-D-glycero-D-galacto- and -f-L- Antibody binding-site probes, synthesis of a hexa- glycero-D-galacto-oct-7-enopyranose, crystal- saccharide and two pentasaccharides (related lographic, 11 to the Brucella A antigen) as, 67 Copper (II) binding by aminodeoxy derivatives of Antigen that corresponds to a disaccharide re- 1,6-anhydro-f-D-glucopyranose, potentiomet- peating unit of the capsular polysaccharide of ric and spectroscopic studies of, 453 Haemophilus influenzae type d, synthesis of an Crystallographic conformations of 7,8-dide- artificial, 187 oxy-1,2:3,4-di-O-isopropylidene-a-D-glycero- Antigens of M. avium serovars 14 and 20, syn- D-galacto- and_ -f-L-glycero-D-galacto-oct-7- thesis of allyl glycosides of the outer di- and enopyranose, |1 tri-saccharide units of, and serology of the de- Cyclic polyethers derived from 5,6-O-isopropyli- rived neoglycoproteins, 357 dene-L-ascorbic acid, 523 Approaches to the C-B-A trisaccharide of dihy- Cycloaddition of nitrile oxides to 3-O-benzy1-5,6- droaclacinomyncin by extending the chain dideoxy-1,2-O-isopropylidene-«-D-ribo-hex-5- from either side, 475 enofuranose, 461 L-Arabinofuranose and 2-deoxy-L-erythro-pen- Cyclopentanes, optically pure di- to tetra-sub- tofuranose, synthesis of new acylated deriv- stituted, synthesis of, from sugar-derived nor- atives of, 249 bornene derivatives, 51 Ascorbic acid, cyclic polyethers derived from 5,6- O-isopropylidene-L-, 523 Decarboxyneuraminic acid analogue, synthesis of 1-(3-Azido-2,3-dideoxy-f-D-allofuranosyl)thymine methyl 4-acetamido-2,4-dideoxy-D-glycero-D- and related nucleosides, synthesis of, 179 galacto-octopyranoside as a, 483 c4 2-Deoxy-4-O-a- and -f-D-mannopyranosyl-L- Glycosides, syntheses and reactions of saturated erythro-pentonic acids, synthesis of, 227 and 2,3-unsaturated vinyl and 1’-substituted- 2-Deoxy-L-erythro-pentofuranose and _ L-arabi- vinyl, 93 nofuranose, synthesis of new acylated deriv- Glycosylamino-oxazolines, syntheses of f-iodo- atives of, 249 urea derivatives of carbohydrates and, 21 1-(2-Deoxy-D-erythro-pentofuranosyl)imidazole Glycosyl ring in thymidine and uridine nucleo- nucleosides, synthesis by chemical and bio- sides, n.mr. studies of the flexibility of the, 1 transformation methods of 4- and 5-amino-, 109 Heptofuran-6-enose, a short synthesis from D- Dibutylstannylene derivatives of myo-inositol, the glucurone of 1,2,3-tris(tert-butyldimethylsilyl)- allylation of, 197 6,7-dideoxy-6-C-methyl-a-D-gluco-, 517 5,6-Dichlorobenzimidazole 2’— 5’- and 3’ 5’-nu- Hexasaccharide and two pentasaccharides related cleotide dimers and trimers, synthesis and to the Brucella A antigen, preparation by in situ properties of, 421 activation of thioglycosides with bromine, 67 2,3-Didehydro-2-deoxysialic acids structurally Hydrogen fluoride, steric and electronic effects in varied at C-5 and their behaviour towards the the formation of dianhydrides by the treatment sialidase from Vibrio cholerae, 61 of racemic sorbose with, 141 Dihexulose dianhydrides, steric and electronic ef- 3-C-Hydroxymethylaldoses, formation of 1,3'- fects in the hydrogen fluoride-catalysed forma- anhydrides, 171 tion of, 141 Dihydroaclacinomycin by extending the chain Imidazole nucleosides, synthesis by chemical and from either side, approaches to the C-B-A tri- biotransformation methods of 4- and 5-ami- saccharide of, 475 no-1-(2-deoxy-D-erythro-pentofuranosyl)-, 109 2,4-Dinitrophenyl reporter groups, synthesis of myo-Inositol, the allylation of dibutylstannylene oligonucleotides that contain, 315 derivatives of, 197 Disaccharide repeating unit of the capsular poly- B-Iodourea derivatives of carbohydrates and gly- saccharide of Haemophilus influenzae type d, cosylamino-oxazolines, syntheses of, 21 synthesis of an artificial antigen that corre- sponds to a, 187 fB-Lactoside, thio and epidithio derivatives of 1,4-Dithio-D-erythro-pentofuranoside, an im- methyl, 271 proved synthesis of benzyl 3,5-di-O-benzyl-2- deoxy-, 237 Mannitol dehydrogenase from Agaricus bisporus, the enzymic determination of D-mannitol with, Enzymic determination of D-mannitol with man- 505 nitol dehydrogenase from Agaricus bisporus, D-Mannitol, enzymic determination with manni- 505 tol dehydrogenase from Agaricus bisporus, 505 Epidithio and thio derivatives of methyl f-lacto- Methyl] 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-f-D-mannopyrano- side, 271 side, synthesis of, 187 Methyl 4-acetamido-2,4-dideoxy-D-glycero-D-ga- Fluoren-9-ylidene acetals of carbohydrates, prep- lacto-octopyranoside, synthesis as a decarbox- aration and hydrogenolysis with AICIH, of yneuraminic acid analogue, 483 dioxolane-type, 413 Mycobacterial glycolipid antigens, neoglycopro- D-Glucono-1,5-lactone, synthesis of some tride- teins bearing epitopes of, 337 oxy-D-hexoses and derivatives thereof from, 79 Mycobacterium avium serovar 20, structure of the N-Glycopeptides, application of n-pentenyl gly- glycopeptidolipid antigen of, 357 cosides in the regio- and stereo-controlled syn- thesis of «-linked, 323 Neoglycoproteins bearing epitopes of mycobacte- Glycopeptides bearing the dimeric and trimeric rial glycolipid antigens, synthesis of precursor sialosyl-Tn epitope, stereoselective total syn- allyl glycosides and their conversion, 337 thesis of, 211 New approach to the synthesis of cis-chrysan- N-Glycoprotein, complex, synthesis of partial themic acid, 511 structures of, 289 Nitrile oxides, cycloaddition to 3-O-benzyl-5,6- N-Glycoprotein, synthesis of partial structures of dideoxy-1,2-O-isopropylidene-a-D-ribo-hex-5- complex, 289 enofuranose, 461 Glycosides and isopropylidene derivatives of 5- N.m.r. studies oft he flexibility of the glycosyl ring thio-L-idose, synthesis of, 119 in thymidine and uridine nucleosides, | cS Norbornene derivatives, enantiomerically pure, Sialosyl-Tn epitope, stereoselective total synthesis transformations of unsaturated acyclic sugars of glycopeptides bearing the dimeric and tri- into, 33 meric, 211 Norbornene derivatives, sugar-derived, synthesis Spiroketalisation on pyranoses, a novel type of, of optically pure di- to tetra-substituted cyclo- 375 pentanes from, 51 Stereoselective total synthesis of glycopeptides Novel type of spiroketalisation on pyranoses, 375 bearing the dimeric and trimeric sialosyl-Tn Nucleotide dimers and trimers, synthesis and epitope, 211 properties of 5,6-dichlorobenzimidazole 2’ > 5’- Stereospecific synthesis of branched-chain sugars and 3’>5’-, 421 by a novel aldol-type cyclocondensation, 399 Steric and electronic effects in the formation of Oct-7-enopyranose, crystallographic conforma- dihexulose dianhydrides: reaction of racemic tions of 7,8-dideoxy-1,2:3,4-di-O-isopropyli- sorbose in anhydrous hydrogen fluoride and a dene-a-D-glycero-D-galacto- and -f-L-glycero- facile synthesis of D-sorbose, 141 D-galacto-, 11 Structure of the glycocalyx polysaccharide of Oligonucleotides containing adenine—guanine Pseudomonas fragi ATCC 4973, 495 analogues, synthesis and duplex stability of, Sugars, unsaturated, acyclic, transformations of, 129 into enantiomerically pure norbornene deriv- Oligonucleotides that contain 2,4-dinitrophenyl atives, 33 reporter groups, synthesis of, 315 Synthesis and reactions of saturated and 2,3-un- saturated vinyl and 1’-substituted-vinyl glyco- n-Pentenyl glycosides, application in the regio- sides, 93 and stereo-controlled synthesis of «-linked N- Syntheses of f-iodourea derivatives of carbohy- glycopeptides, 323 drates and glycosylamino-oxazolines, 21 Pentonic acids, synthesis of 2-deoxy-4-O-a- and synthesis and duplex stability of oligonucleotides -B-D-mannopyranosyl-L-erythro-, 227 containing adenine—guanine analogues, 129 Polyethers derived from 5,6-O-isopropylidene-L- Synthesis and evaluation in asymmetric hydrog- ascorbic acid, cyclic, 523 enation of carbohydrate-derived 1,3-bisphos- Polysaccharide of Pseudomonas fragi ATCC phines, 149 4973, structure of the glycocalyx, 495 Synthesis and properties of 5,6-dichlorobenzimi- Potentiometric and spectroscopic studies of the dazole 2’ 5’- and 3’-5’- nucleotide dimers and binding of copper(II) ions by aminodeoxy de- trimers, 421 rivatives of 1,6-anhydro-f-p-glucopyranose, Synthesis of carbohydrate—amino acid conjugat- 453 ed related to the capsular antigen K54 from Preparation of dioxolane-type fluoren-9-ylidene Escherichia coli 06: K54:H10 and artificial an- acetals of carbohydrates and their hydrogeno- tigens thereform, 381 lysis with AICIH, to give axial fluoren-9-yl Synthesis of 4- and 5-amino-1-(2-deoxy-D-eryth- ethers, 413 ro-pentofuranosyl)imidazole nucleosides by Preparation of new acylated derivatives of L-ara- chemical and biotransformation methods, 109 binofuranose and 2-deoxy-L-erythro-pentofu- Synthesis of 1-(3-azido-2,3-dideoxy-f-pD-allofura- ranose as precursors for the synthesis of L- nosyl)thymine and related nucleosides, 179 pentofuranosyl nucleosides, 249 Synthesis of benzyl 3,5-di-O-benzyl-2-deoxy-1,4- Pseudomonas fragi ATCC 4973, structure of the dithio-D-erythro-pentofuranoside, an im- glycocalyx polysaccharide of, 495 proved, 237 Pyranoses, a novel type of spiroketalisation on, Synthesis of cis-chrysanthemic acid, a new ap- 375 proach to the, 511 Pyrazofurin, syntheses and antiviral evaluation of Synthesis of 2-deoxy-4-O-a- and -f-D-mannopy- acyclic analogues of, 441 ranosyl-L-erythro-pentonic acids, 227 Synthesis of derivatives of 5-thio-L-idose, 119 Regio- and stereo-controlled synthesis of «-linked Synthesis of methyl 4-acetamido-2,4-dideoxy-p- N-glycopeptides, application of n-pentenyl gly- glycero-D-galacto-octopyranoside, a decarbox- cosides in the, 323 yneuraminic acid analogue, 483 Synthesis of oligonucleotides that contain 2,4- Sialic acids, C-5 structural variants of 2,3-dide- dinitrophenyl reporter groups, 315 hydro-2-deoxy, and their behaviour towards Synthesis of optically pure tri- to tetra-substituted the sialidase from Vibrio cholerae, 61 cyclopentanes from sugar-derived norbornene derivatives, 51 c6 Synthesis of some trideoxy-D-hexoses and deriv- Trisaccharide of dihydroaclacinomycin by ex- atives thereof from D-glucono-1!,5-lactone, 79 tending the chain from either side, approaches Synthesis of 2’-thioadenosine, 257 to the C-B-A, 475 Synthesis of 1,2,3-tris(tert-butyldimethylsilyl)-6, 1 ,2,3-Tris(tert-butyldemethylsilyl)-6,7-dideoxy- 7-dideoxy-6-C-methyl-a-g/uco-heptofuran-6- 6-C-methyl-«-D-gluco-heptofuran-6-enose, a enose from D-glucurone, a short, 517 short synthesis from p-glucurone, 517 2'-Thiodenosine, synthesis of, 257 Unsaturated acyclic sugars, transformations of, Thio and epidithio derivatives of methyl f-lacto- into enantiomerically pure norbornene deriv- side, 271 atives, 33 5-Thio-L-idose, synthesis of derivatives of, 119 Thymidine and uridine nucleosides, n.m.r. studies Vibrio cholerae sialidase, behaviour of C-5 struc- of the flexibility of the glycosyl ring in, | tural variants of 2,3-didehydro-2-deoxysialic Thymine, synthesis of 1-(3-azido-2,3-dideoxy-- acids towards, 61 p-allofuranosyl)-, 1-(2,3-dideoxy-f-D-allofura- Vinyl and |’-substituted-vinyl glycosides, synthes- nosyl)-, and 1-(2,3-dideoxy-f-D-erythro-hex-2- es and reactions of saturated and 2,3-unsat- enofuranosyl)-, 179 urated, 93 Trideoxy-D-hexoses and derivatives thereof, syn- thesis from D-glucono-1,5-lactone, 79

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