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Captive breeding of butterflies : techniques adopted at regional science centre, Guwahati PDF

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by  JeelaniS.
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Ps pagation Captive Breeding of Butterflies Trois et Regt Scene Can, Gua Abstract For th Fis tne i nia, expenmenssn Captive 2yeeding of bute started wath scientific approach at National Couneil af Science Museums, Kolkata INCSM) im the year 1993, Aer four years of Gonsneous experiment‘, fist captive breading Foelity ofthe country was established at Science City, Kolkata and second such eflort was wndertaken Regional Science Centre, Guvalt, Captive breeding of butterflies needs well planaed houses, climale ‘onal measures larval food plant aursery ele. Resides inst techsiques to ear and protect catempillars, pups and butters, keeping butterfly hoses free fo3 ets, quarantine Methods 10 b> adapted, baterly sundling echriques ard production managemea, play srovial vole in ststained breeding. of bullies Techniques used in breading of buterles. like Common mormon ‘Princezs pottes), Lime battery Princeps denotews), Plain ger Dancus (Anosia) hnsipyns. Common ecow (Euploea core), Pyche ‘Leprsia ina) Common grass yellow fuera fecabe) were discussed in desl this papor. Role of buttery gardens in. imparting environmental ication and ecological conservation programnes of Soienee Centre wee also discussed. Introduction Duveties reo caledAying Powers. People of all age gues ove tiem alike because of ‘ei | colours and beauty. There ae many ute ty yk Seth inopenandcapeveall ove the work These ths re ran by many Zoos and private bacees, This is deing one ly) anus to create svatenens baal teres sung. people and private breeds for | Scenics purposes. Lage see ‘legel trading of Suuerfics by means of enchirg dem fom iM ‘aha desction and pollutants ia he aspire afcting hese eeauresumensls, All round eons fue being made in various coumiries stop such "practises by way of making laws and crecting INerenes smog stents aid general publi, Ti ‘eeantpast,nosueh efforts Wee undertakes i i —Althousls ere are some studies on tuteries, "they are mostly dealt with morphology of Euteeles, - therhabias and behaviout Net maay studies are tere on breeding. of butters ia the Indian context, + specially on captive breeding, Firs seienifi fort as - sci Indian NCSM in the year 1993 for tte species 63 8. deckané ‘which are notin any schedule of Wil LiteAst 1972 To begin wit, caterpillars of di-Teom spocies were tewed in gaffe cups by providing larval Tool plat lev. Ln the year 1997, 1st butterfly Inune was developed ta Tweed common species of batter figs sich are nol in the wiklife sede, iu ender Wo crete siwareness ‘among general people and students at Seienee City pemines,Itvas a succes and isto appreciated ths lfor. In 2004, second such effort vas taken Up a Regional Seiexes Conte, Khanapate, Guwahati with the experience gained a Scieree City in captive weeding of buter ies. In 2008, another butte breeding fucility came Bannerghara, in Bargslore Zoo, Butterfly House and Caterpillar Nursery AISI 30° Lx 13 W buttery hose was ule with fonsparent resin Steet an the soot In wecsive Frain natural sunlight Temperature 28°C-32°C) ‘a tii (8082-90) maatained in he buttery Fowse, All the docrs ard windows aze fixed ith sinless steel wire mesh, Mosh size ofthese neis:re2 zm so that no predators con enter inside the house, Tnlct and exhaust Fans are fite to provide natural at low insidethe hoo. Huitrfly house and nuesery are fied with metal halide lights to provid> nea dey okt conditions. Mud puddles, nocta feeders and Fovery Flantsalong with natural plans are arrangedinside the house, Caterpillar and Pupa Nursery is sted wit 1 Buttery Howse ous efimate control equipment along with esterpillar ‘ring and pupa boxes. Femperature aud huaidity "rintained inthe mursory sre 28°C 32° and 80% 55% humidity respectively. “ts found trat these B pagation ig. 2 Bufly Hause (ie view) climatic ranges gave best results when the eatepillaes dregrooingand also durmghatchingo batteries Climate Control Methods Both buttrtty house and nursery were =linsaically controled inorder te provide best uitable conitions for batteries. Besides this, recreate rel patural environment ie mado to prevent predators em "tering into these houses an fo keep them fre fem polluants. This helped in keeping suitable Bnvironment jerespeetive of changing weather nitions musics these houses. This was done with the help of the-mostae ited heaters with blowers t kes lemperatues in eontal during winter months, These houses ee ulso oquipped with air conditioners along ‘ith she clothes on top ofthe burterfly and cate ila vousesto keep the temoetaturssatrequ red evel doit summer months of the year. Humiiy is evatalled csanually by spraying wa ein smut it winery seeping mild hot water, These measures helped in creating msl Finourle conitins to the batteries Ioughouttlie year. Butterfly Breeding and Rearing Techniques ute-flies chosen forcaptivereedingane |. Commonmarmon (Prineaps polytes) Lime buerly(Prineeps cemoleus) 5. Plain tiger Danaus (Arosa) chrysippas) { Commroneros(Euploea core) 5. Payche(Leptosianina) 6, Common grasyellw (Furenshecabe) "Common Craw Lime buttery Plain Tae? ii it. ° Se - Fig. tefl chosea for bree a RSC, Gv ‘Common mermon eS [ancans pores) Techniques Adopted in Breeding Butterflies These are all common species, ea to rear ne theirhost plants are easily avatable i nurseries. Male snd female speces of above tutetlies were released inside the hous, Host plans lke eis species for common mormon and. Time birferfies,eappasis species for syche butterfly cassia species loreonrnan grass yellow, calotopis sseces for plain tiger and fies ind nevium species o> common crow brterflios Were keptin the butlertly house tallow the uteties olay ges Host plcnts with eggs were sified from 1 bouncy house to nurseries where eaterpilans hatched alter 56 days depending on the species, Or calerillarsstercd feeding these aves, dealin ed ast plants were replaced with new host plants vith full Tolage so that caterpillar get sufficient fod ‘hyoughout cher growth pering til they become pupa, Just before the caterpillars reached pupa sage, these host plans sors shied 10 wooden ages so that eaterpilas do nat rsa all over the room, Once the caterpillars tansfonned in pupa they were removed settly fiom these boxes and pled in pupa bores ‘where they were allowed to develep ino outterlies anc hatch, This entire process of metumorphiosis ic hatching om egg to fmition of ara takes about 2 ‘weeks Buti varies fom speciestospecies, P- pagation 65 ‘doa of Sicnse Communietion Handlieg tahwiques for band speciss lke ceenmon mormen, lime, pain tigersndl corsmon crow (trong species) are diferent from serall and delicate species like psyche, common grass yellow. Species Tike cooninon mormon lini plan igs, blus igs and cannon crow are sfatvely Inge in size, Lacy ate Iiwly i hei boul and ey Wo fae were ss species like common yrs ello and psyche are Sill ia sige ad very elicit, Url spe ‘clerpillar em be collected with our ans and ean he reared cacppillar bases. Caterpilar oxes sre surfed wih host plant leaves so that caterpillars get ‘theirbed throughout their development. Delicate species Hive goztnon grass yellow and payehe should not be handled as fie as practicable, They were allowed to grow snd pupste on ther hes plants. Finally, when thoy were about to Fateh, they twee covered with @ mosquito ne: Bulelies were allowed atch on theirost plats and released in he exibition area by removing the net from the hest Phin. This has become possible only because host Plants of those butters are relstively small and easy {ohandl. Picking of eaterpilars ans pupae may ease injury to them. Another met ‘in failing prinae of these nserfliss was, cutting the thers with fhe Dithiculty with, ingbutesles fom these hones to exhibition ares there isa chance of weting damaged ducto aad handling. Pupae of common evs, plaintiger,common monnon anc Fine bles ies were collected gently rom the host plans snd ep inte pupa boxes. These boxes are equipped with ttermocol Strips with holes and eracedile els, in which pupae wore placed for hatching. Nowly hatched butters were allowed in thei: pupa boxes tll they dy hei hoy and singe and blood is pumps in the wings nel them when they ao wet may lead to rippling fof their wings ene bod: Prom pupa te batching oF butters takes about 6-7 days. This again cependson thesizeafthebutelcs, help fees clipe in yup Pox thismetvod is, while ean Role of Butterfly Gardens in Environmental Education and Ecological Conservation Programmes A live buttery garden in the Science Centre helps in many ways. in inupering. environmental ccdication, With Sich facilis, we en conduc: the following eves inthe a) Explain he entire whieh isalso an rsect and represents largest arial Fig 5. Neer plans Pe spa gation Adoural of SrenesConnmanicoe. o » up une the Phylum Ariheopoda, ‘Suttetes are kee by al age groups an they. help im attracting vistors fo the scion Varicus modicstions uaderaken by these siall creates 10 alain the form of buttery, eg. caps, differant stages of ‘alerpillar, moulting peneess, pupation and hatching into buerfly ean be showr to the Visitors. Also to 2xplsin habits requ red for these creates to the students ant general Batterfies ae biological indicates of nature. ‘Therpresenceimanarea ind eas the prsence oftheir hostand recar plans end also that the Sunouniding eny-romment is cleaa and free ‘tom pollrans. We ean ereate awareness arsang Sexdnls fromthe young. Regional Seicuve Cen, Govahati wilizd ‘ie buttsfly house in ersating awareness lamong students to rear caterpillars tl they become buterflies and release thery in their suitable habitats, With these ecvities many students. started joining hobby camps ‘comluctodby this, Most impertemly, role of butterties in agriculture by way ef polation in pls and in food chain cia be explained to We can create awarensss emtong_ people regarding eed for conservation of these ‘creatures and their habitats in order ta save thom from reachirg encangeredlist We can also explain various biological somrct measures. Different speries of caterpillars feeding on larval food plants, thereby ccontoling the gesth oF these pants. Tn the praeess slop with larval food plant leaves, they are desnoying other inset eggs like aphidogasete References 1) Bingkam C-1- Fauna of Brits Indie Buerflics. Vol Fara IL (G), (1905 1907) 2) Bell ER, The common butterfis ofthe plans find. J Zomay Nat Hist Soc. Nol [9-31 000 pp. 1909 1927 2) Larson TB. The burteriss of the Nilgiti mounisins of Souther» Tilia {Lepidoptera Rhopslocera) J onda Ne Hist. Soe. 85. (1):2643, 1988 4) Mathew. Studies on che Lepidosteran fauna, ological stuies and Tong term monitoring of biological processes in the silent Valley VNatioual Park, Report submited 10. tne Ministry of Fnvisonment, Cost. of Indu, KKerale Forest Research Tasctute, pp. 239 190 5) Moons Haribal: The butterflies of Sikkim Himalaya and their natural history published by Sikkim Natre Foundation, Gangtos Sikkim (1982) ©) Mathew, Gand Rehamsthulls, VK, Studies ‘on the butesles ofthe Set Villy National Park, Ketala, Inia, Ertomoa, S8(34) 185 192, 1993 71 Goan, H. Buteflies ofthe Western Ghats, India, including Sri Lankt A. hiodiversity assessment of 1 ticatened monntain system p.51, 1996 8} National Council of Science Museum's ‘Anal Report (1997-1998) br. Jela, Project Cavrdinator, Regional Scince Certe, NCSM, Guat

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