Approved CAPS ALIGNED Grade R Resource CATALOGUE Learning through play! L e a r n i n g through play! CUSTOMER CARE 086 111 5277 Accredited supplier BUY DIRECT and SAVE 20% FREE DELIVERY Fax orders to 086 111 5278 Email to [email protected] Cover Section.indd 4 2014/05/27 4:22 AM CONTENTS S Mathematics Life Skills C S 4 Number & Operations 61 Beginning & Social Knowledge L I T 17 Pattern & Function L 64 Creative Art A 20 Space & Shape I 72 Performing Arts 25 Data Handling K 77 Music & Movement M 26 Measurement S 81 Fantasy & Pretend Play E 30 Mathematics Kit 89 Physical Education H E 97 Sand & Water Play F T 103 Construction & Technology I A 109 Threading & Fine Motor Skills L M 111 Puzzles Language - R Pre-Grade R EE 34 Association Games RD 118 Pre-Grade R A 35 Focus Area Resources PR G E 36 Matching & Classifi cation G 38 Early Memory Games Resources S A 40 Picture Talk E 128 Grade R Posters U 41 Learning Packs C 129 Wall Resources 42 Sequencing & Story Telling G R 132 Grade R Charts 44 Early Learning Skills 134 Mobile Libraries N U 47 Multi-Sensory Learning 136 Classroom Resources A 50 Library Books O 139 Teacher’s Resources L 51 Music & Movement S 142 Furniture and First Aid Kit 52 Fun with Science E 143 Reading & Play Area Carpets 56 Writing & Handwriting R 58 Language Kit Beren Maths.indd 1 2014/05/26 1:10 PM MATHEMATICS WWeellccoommee ...... DDeeaarr ccuussttoommeerr Our experienced team of educators at Brite Idea realises that all chil- dren play spontaneously, guided by instinct, and often linked to the development of social and survival skills. With this in mind Brite Idea has carefully selected educational material to meet the child’s need. Our wide range of educational toys will help enrich a child’s spontaneous play. Brite Idea has put together a range of educational toys that will help children learn skills that are vital basic requirements to be able to cope in our highly technical world. As ex-educators and speech therapists we at Brite Idea are aware of the value of toys in developing skills in the diff erent learning areas such as mathematics, language, life skills, etc. All our learning material (games, puzzles, activities and toys) has been carefully categorised to help the learner to achieve his or her full poten- tial in each area of development. Inside your Brite Idea Catalogue you will fi nd a huge selection of inno- vative resources for your classroom. This year we have really listened to your needs to make sure we address the things that matter most to our customers – whether it is quality resources, excellent service or value for money. Brite Idea continues to ensure that our resources meet the evolving South African Curriculum and we strive to off er extensive ranges across all key subjects for the GRADE R learner. 2 Learning through play BRITE IDEA Beren Maths.indd 2 2014/05/26 1:10 PM MATHEMATICS •• NNuummbbeerr && OOppeerraattiioonnss •• MMeeaassuurreemmeenntt •• PPaatttteerrnnss aanndd FFuunnccttiioonn •• MMaatthheemmaattiiccss KKiitt •• SSppaaccee && SShhaappee •• WWaallll RReessoouurrccee PPaacckk •• DDaattaa HHaannddlliinngg BBRRIITTEE IIDDEEAA LLeeaarrnniinngg tthhrroouugghh ppllaayy 33 Beren Maths.indd 3 2014/05/26 1:10 PM MATHEMATICS Number & Operations In Grade R, Number Operations and Relationships are the main focus in mathematics. Numbers, Operations and Relationships build the lateral number sense, which is the foundation of further learning in mathematics. BI2568 • The complete set includes the following: Brite Idea Hands-on Math Centres Sorti ng Centre with 4 illustrated sorti ng N mats and 48 farm animal counters; E • Encourage children to solve maths Counti ng Centre with 4 diff erent acti vity W problems using concrete, hands-on mats and 200 stackable plasti c counters; objects—from sorti ng farm animals by Patt erning Centre with 4 diff erent att ribute to creati ng ‘car race’ graphs with patt erning mats and 70 fun fruit counters; miniature vehicles. Graphing Centre with 4 acti vity mats • Combine high-interest acti vity mats and 140 car counters in 4 colours; with adorable manipulati ves—providing Shape Matching Centre with 4 acti ve, involving practi ce with a variety of diff erent acti vity mats and 70 concepts. plasti c gems in 5 shapes; and • Each centre is also available separately. Measuring Centre with 4 diff erent acti vity mats and 240 measuring cubes. BI2569 Sorti ng Centre BI2570 Counti ng Centre BI2571 Patt erning Centre BI2572 Graphing Centre BI2573 Shape Matching Centre BI2574 Measuring Centre 4 Learning through play BRITE IDEA Beren Maths.indd 4 2014/05/26 1:12 PM NNuummbbeerr && OOppeerraattiioonnss MATHEMATICS FF O BI0001 AA u r VV Demo Abacus (100 Beads) OO • Large standing demo abacus with UU EASY RR 10 rows of counti ng beads. II HANDLING TT • A useful learning device to teach EE FOR SMALL counti ng, additi on and subtracti on. HANDS BI0003 Number Counter •• LLeeaarrnn ttoo ccoouunntt ffrroomm 11 ttoo 55 wwhhiillee ssttaacckkiinngg the wooden rings on to the numbered pegs. • Also a good introducti on to colour diff erenti ati on, concentrati on and eye-hand coordinati on. G BI0005 V r e BI0002 A Stacking Blocks a L t Learners Abacus (50 Beads) • 5 Themes: fruit, transport, farm, U E • Standing abacus with 5 rows of counti ng beads animals and numbers. that can be moved from side to side. • A tacti le way to understand counti ng, ways of representi ng numbers and place value. • A practi cal tool to learn early additi on and subtracti on. BRITE IDEA Learning through play 5 Beren Maths.indd 5 2014/05/26 1:14 PM MATHEMATICS NNuummbbeerr && OOppeerraattiioonnss BI2381 Peg Number Boards • This set consists of 10 foam number boards with 60 easy grip chunky pegs in 6 diff erent colours. • An easy way to build SET children’s recogniti on of both numerals and quanti ty. OF 10 U S P L BMBII22a33th88 55Acti vity Set ACGTUIVIDITEY • Gather around for circle-ti me fun! Encourages gross motor skills and group cooperati on. • This acti vity set helps with development of early math skills. • A fun way to enhance shape and colour recogniti on. • Set includes: wipe-clean vinyl mat, 5 infl atable dice, 5 canvas bean bags and a comprehensive acti vity guide with a variety of kinestheti c games. E A T E I BI2387 R D B I Stack and Count Layer Cake • This stackable cake makes early math a party! Each of the 10 alternati ng chocolate and vanilla layers has coloured frosted decorati ons and a numeral from 1 to 10. • Children will enhance number sense, number recogniti on and sequencing. The diff erent colours of the layers make it easy to sort them into odd and even numbers. It is also a fun way to build motor skills and eye hand co-ordinati on when stacking layers. • The cake is 55 cm high when stacked and the durable plasti c can easily be wiped clean. 6 Learning through play BRITE IDEA Beren Maths.indd 6 2014/05/26 1:14 PM Number & Operations MATHEMATICS B R II I T DD E EE AA BI2003 One To Ten Counti ng Cans ACTIVITY GUIDE • Introduce counti ng, number sense and sorti ng INCLUDED as children sort the realisti cally detailed fruit and vegetables into their corresponding cans. PERFECT FOR • The set consists of 55 plasti c pieces of fruit and vegetables. GROUP INTERACTION PLUS PLUS PLUS ACTIVITY ACTIVITY ACTIVITY GUIDE GUIDE GUIDE BI1998 BI0039 BI1933 Fun with Sums Hundreds Board Number Fun • Ideal for individual and group • The board with a thousand • Count the objects and acti viti es. uses. Perfect for practi sing match them with the • 30 Sets of 3-piece self- early number concept, corresponding numerals. correcti ng picture puzzles counti ng, sequencing, • 25 Sets of self-correcti ng help to develop elementary ordering and skip counti ng. 2-piece puzzles. additi on and subtracti on skills. BRITE IDEA Learning through play 7 Beren Maths.indd 7 2014/05/26 1:15 PM MATHEMATICS Number & Operations BI2OOO Lovable Hands • A set of 72 colourful hands, just the right size for small hands to thread the laces through the holes. BI0020 BI0021 Wild Animal Counters (120 piece set) Farm Animal Counters (192 piece set) • Soft rubber counters in four colours (red, blue, • Soft rubber counters in four colours (red, blue, green and yellow). green and yellow). • Contains 10 diff erent types of wild animals • Includes 10 diff erent types of animals that you (giraff es, gorillas, camels, kangaroos, elephants, would fi nd on a farm (cat, dog, duck, horse, cow, rhinos, hippos, ti gers, lions and bears). sheep, goat, rabbit, monkey and reindeer). • Perfect for counti ng, sorti ng and classifying. • Ideal for counti ng, sorti ng and grouping. E A T E BI0004 I R D Number Stacker B I • Introduce and reinforce counti ng, ordering and sequencing skills. • Stack piles of cubes to make stairs from 1 to 10 to demonstrate each number has a collecti on of ones. • Compare sets to recognise larger or smaller groups. • The set includes 4 diff erent colours of counti ng cubes, white cubes with numerals from 1 to 10 and building bases for stacking. 8 Learning through play BRITE IDEA Beren Maths.indd 8 2014/05/26 1:17 PM