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CAPITALISM AND FREEDOM MiltonFriedmanis a senior research fellow at the HooverIn stitution, Stanford University, and the Paul Snowden Russell Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus ofEconomics at the University of Chicago. In 1976 he was awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics. With his wife, Rose D. Fried man, he wrote the best-selling book, Free to Choose (1980) and a jointmemoir (1998). CAPITALISM AND FREEDOM 40th Anniversary Edition With a new Preface by the Author MILTON FRIEDMAN WITH THE ASSISTANCE OF ROSE D. FRIEDMAN The University ofChicago Press Chicago and London TO JANET and DAVID AND THEIR CONTEMPORARIES WHO MUST CARRY THE TORCH OF LIBERTY ON ITS NEXT LAP TheUniversityofChicagoPress,Chicago60637 TheUniversityofChicagoPress,Ltd.,London Copyright©1962,1982,2002byTheUniversityofChicago Allrightsreserved. Originallypublished1962 ReissuedwithanewPrefacein1982,andagainin2002. PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica 09 08 07 06 2 345 ISBN:0-226-26421-1(paper) ISBN:0-226-26420-3 (cloth) LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Friedman,Milton,1912- Capitalismandfreedom/MiltonFriedman;withtheassistance ofRoseD.Friedman;withanewprefacebytheauthor- 40thanniversaryed. p. cm. Includesbibliographcialreferencesandindex. ISBN0-226-26420-3 (cloth:alk.paper)- ISBN0-226-26421-1 (paper:alk.paper) I.Captialism. 2.State,The. 3.Liberty. 4.UnitedStates Economicpolicy. I. Friedman,RoseD. II.Title. HB501 .F7 2002 330.12'2-clc21 200206753° @Thepaperusedinthispublicationmeetstheminimum requirementsoftheAmericanNationalStandardfor InformationSciences-PermanenceofPaperforPrinted LibraryMaterials,ANSI239.48-1992. + Contents PREFACE, 2002 VB PREFACE, 1982 Xl PREFACE XV INTRODUCTION I THE RELATION BETWEEN ECONOMIC FREEDOM AND POLITICAL FREEDOM 7 II THE ROLE OF GOVERNMENT IN A FREE SOCIETY 22 III THE CONTROL OF MONEY 37 IV INTERNATIONAL FINANCIALAND TRADE ARRANGEMENTS 56 V FISCAL POLICY 75 VI THE ROLE OF GOVERNMENT IN EDUCATION 85 VII CAPITALISM AND DISCRIMINATION 108 VIII MONOPOLY AND THE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY OF BUSINESS AND LABOR 119 IX OCCUPATIONAL LICENSURE 137 X THE DISTRIBUTION OF INCOME 161 XI SOCIALW ELFARE MEASURES 177 XII ALLEVIATION OF POVERTY 19° XIII CONCLUSION 196 INDEX 2°3 + Preface, 2002 IN MY PREFACE TO THE 1982 edition of this book, I docu mented a dramatic shift in the climate ofopinion, manifested in the difference betweenthe waythis book was treated when it was first published in 1962, and the way my wife's and my subsequentbook, Free to Choose, presentingthe samephilos ophy,wastreatedwhenitwaspublishedin 1980.Thatchange in the climate ofopinion developed while and partly because the role ofgovernment was exploding under the influence of initial welfare state and Keynesian views. In 1956, when I gave the lectures that my wife helped shape into this book, governmentspendingintheUnitedStates-federal,state,and local-was equal to 26 percent of national income. Most of this spending was on defense. Non-defense spending was 12 percentofnational income. Twenty-five years later, when the 1982 edition of this book was published, total spending had risento 39percentofnationalincomeandnon-defensespend ing had more t han doubled, amounting to 3I percent of na tional income. Thatchangeintheclimateofopinionhaditseffect. Itpaved the way for the election ofMargaret Thatcher in Britain and Ronald Reagan in the United States. They were able to curb Leviathan, though not to cut it down. Total government spendingintheUnitedStatesdiddeclineslightly,from 39 per cent of national income in 1982 to 36 percent in 2000, but thatwas almostall dueto areductioninspendingfor defense. Vin CAPITALISM AND FREEDOM Non-defense spending fluctuated around a roughly constant level: 3I percentin 1982, 30percentin 2000. The climate ofopinion received a further boost in the same direction when the Berlin wall fell in 1989 and the Soviet Union collapsed in 1992. That brought to a dramatic end an experiment of some seventy years between two alternative ways oforganizinganeconomy: top-down versus bottom-up; central planning and control versus private markets; more colloquially, socialismversuscapitalism. Theresultofthatex periment had been foreshadowed by a number of similar ex periments on a smaller scale: Hong Kong and Taiwan versus mainland China; West Germany versus East Germany; South Koreaversus NorthKorea. Butittookthedrama oftheBerlin Wall and the collapse of the Soviet Union to make it part of conventional wisdom, so that itis now taken for granted that central planning is indeed The Road to Serfdom, as Friedrich A. Hayek titled his brilliant 1944 polemic. What is true for the United States and Great Britain is equally true for the other Western advanced countries. In country after country, the initial postwar decades witnessed exploding socialism, followed by creeping or stagnant social ism. And in all these countries the pressure today is toward giving markets agreater role and government a smaller one. I interpretthe situation as reflectingthe longlag between opin ion and practice. The rapid socialization of the post-World War II decades reflected the prewar shift of opinion toward collectivism; the creeping or stagnant socialism of the past few decades reflects the earlyeffects ofthe postwarchange of opinion; future desocialization will reflect the mature effects ofthe change i n opinion reinforced by the collapse ofthe So vietUnion. Thechangeinopinionhashadanevenmoredramaticeffect on the formerly underdeveloped world. That has been true even in China, the largest remaining explicitly communist state. The introduction ofmarket reforms by Deng Xiaoping in the late seventies, in effectprivatizing agriculture, dramati cally increased output and led to the introduction of addi tional market elements into a communist command society. The limited increase in economic freedom has changed the Preface, 2002 IX face of China, strikinglyconfirming our faith in the power of free markets. China is still very far from being a free society, butthere is no doubt that the residents ofChina are freer and more prosperous than they were under Mao-freer in every dimension except the political. And there are even the first small signs ofsome increase in political freedom, manifested in the election of some officials in a growing number of vil lages. China has far to go, butit has been moving in the right direction. In the immediate post-World War II period, the standard doctrine was that development of the third world required central planning plus massive foreign aid. The failure of that formula wherever it was tried, as was pointed out so effec tively by Peter Bauer and others, and the dramatic success of the market-oriented policies of the East Asia tigers-Hong Kong, Singapore,Taiwan, SouthKorea-has producedavery different doctrine for development. By now, many countries in Latin America and Asia, and even a few in Africa have adopted a market-oriented approach and a smaller role for government. Many of the former Soviet satellites have done the same. In all those cases, in accordance with the theme of this book, increases in economic freedom have gone hand in handwithincreasesinpoliticalandcivilfreedom andhaveled to increased prosperity; competitive capitalism and freedom have beeninseparable. Afinal personal note: It is a rare privilege for an author to be able to evaluate his own work forty years after it first ap peared. I appreciate very much having the chance to do so. I am enormouslygratified byhowwell the book has withstood timeandhowp ertinentitremainstotoday'sproblems.Ifthere is one major change I would make, it would be to replace the dichotomy of economic freedom and political freedom with thetrichotomyofeconomicfreedom, civilfreedom, andpolit ical freedom. After Ifinished the book, Hong Kong, before it was returned to China, persuaded me that while economic freedom is a necessary condition for civil and political free dom, political freedom, desirable though it may be, is not a necessary condition for economic and civil freedom. Along these lines, the one major defect in the book seems to me an

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