Capacity of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Using an Airborne Relay Kristian Buhaug Solbakken Master of Telematics - Communication Networks and Networked Services Submission date: June 2016 Supervisor: Øivind Kure, ITEM Co-supervisor: Erlend Larsen, FFI Norwegian University of Science and Technology Department of Telematics Problem description Title: Capacity of mobile ad hoc networks using an airborne relay Student: Kristian Buhaug Solbakken Increasing need for data capacity in military networks makes it interesting to utilize higher frequencies to achieve higher data rate. However, due to absorption, higher frequencies have a shorter range. Mobile ad hoc network (MANET) can create paths between neighboring nodes in a store and forward fashion, and thereby provide connectivity between hosts over longer distances even in environments where static infrastructure is impractical. Although the use of MANET seems promising at first glance, experience from earlier work suggests that the available capacity is not that encouraging. In order to further improve the network performance, it is interesting to study how airborne nodes with a high vantage point can aid ground-based mobile networks to increase available capacity. A higher position reduces the amount of obstacles between nodes which in turn result in a better range with fewer hops between the source and destination of traffic, and might increase network capacity. The thesis will through a simulated testbed study how airborne relay nodes flying over a ground-based MANET can affect the available capacity. Responsibleprofessor: Øivind Kure, ITEM/UNIK Supervisor: Erlend Larsen, FFI i Abstract Self-organizing wireless networks is an interesting technology with a potential of providing robust communication in environments without existing infrastructure and a minimum of configuration. Such features seem especially relevant for the tactical domain, with a high degree of mobility and an increasing demand for information. While ad hoc networks show promise when it comes to robustness, a lot of research point out how the capacity can be a challenge. Wireless communication is confined by the shared medium within the range of the radio and forwarding leads to fewer resources available to each station. One proposal to address the challenges of Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANET)istouseUnmannedArealVehicles(UAV)withcommunication capabilities. A UAV can serve as a relay placed above communicating ground stations and provide a path with fewer hops. Communication over fewer hops can lead to lower delay at the same time as the ground network is offloaded. The Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) have an exper- imental lightweight communication module equipped with wireless IP interfaces. The module is able to run MANET routing protocols. This thesis aims to introduce readers to relevant technologies and challenges present in mobile ad hoc networks. Based on this knowledge, the thesis develops and measures the performance of networks utilizing a UAV as a relay. From the measurements, this thesis finds that there are scenarios where an airborne relay can provide low latency communication. In a grid of nodes, simulation imply that by forwarding data destined to nodes with many hops through a two hop relay path lower delay can be obtained. Sammendrag Trådløse kommunikasjonsnettverk med mulighet for å organisere seg selv er en interessant teknologi med mulighet for å tilby robust kom- munikasjon i situasjoner uten eksisterende infrastruktur og et minimum av konfigurasjon. Slik funksjonalitet fremstår spesielt relevant for det taktiske domenet. Her det er høy grad av mobilitet og et økende behov for informasjons utveksling. Selv om nettverk som organiserer seg selv fremstår som en lovende teknologi med tanke på robusthet, peker en rekke forskning på hvordan kapasitet kan være en utfordring. Trådløs kommunikasjon begrenses av et felles medium innenfor en radiostasjons rekkevidde. Samtidig fører retransmisjon til at de tilgjengelige resursene for hver radio reduseres. Et forslag mot utfordringene i mobile selv-organiserende nett er å bruke ubemannede flyvende fartøy (UAV) med støtte for radio kommunikasjon. En UAV kan fungere som et rele plassert over kommuniserende bakke- stasjoner og tilby ruting igjennom færre stasjoner ved kommunikasjon mellom enheter utenfor rekkevidde. Færre retransmisjoner fører til lavere forsinkelse samtidig som bakkenettet avlastes. Forsvarets forskningsinstitutt (FFI) har en eksperimentell, lett kommuni- kasjonsmodul utstyrt med trådløs IP-grensesnitt. Modulen støtter også ruting-protokoller egnet for selvorganiserende nett. Denne oppgave søker å introdusere leseren for relevant teknologi og utfordringer som er gjel- dende i mobile nettverk. Basert på denne innsikten beskriver oppgaven simulerings-modeller og utfører målinger på nettverk som benytter en UAV som kommunikasjonsrele. Ut fra utførte målinger viser oppgaven at det finnes situasjoner hvor et rele plassert på en flyvende plattform er i stand til å gi lav forsinkelse. Simulasjonpåstasjonerplassertietrutenettindikereratvedåvideresende data som er addresert til noder med mange rutehopp over et rele, kan lavere forsinkelse oppnås. Preface Six months ago I started this project as the final delivery of my master thesis and the fulfillment of my Masters of Science degree in Telematics — Communication Networks and Networked Services at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). This document is the reportofthisprocess. Allresearchhasbeenexecutedatthedepartment’s student offices in Trondheim. The project was undertaken at the request of the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI). My research questions are the result of discussions and input from my supervisor Dr. E. Larsen and professor Ø. Kure. At times, the research has been quite time-consuming, but with such an interesting topic, I have had a great time. I would like to take the opportunity to thank both my supervisor and professor for introducing me to the subject and the cooperation. To my classmates, I would like to thank you for the company and the good time during my two years at NTNU. You are what makes Trondheim, Norway’s most popular student town. Kristian Buhaug Solbakken Trondheim, Norway June 2016