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Capablanca A Compendium of Games, Notes, Articles, Correspondence, Illustrations and other Rare Archival Materials on the Cuban Chess Genius Jose Raul Capablanca 1888-1942 PDF

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Preview Capablanca A Compendium of Games, Notes, Articles, Correspondence, Illustrations and other Rare Archival Materials on the Cuban Chess Genius Jose Raul Capablanca 1888-1942

CAPABLANCA of A CompendiumG ames, Notes, Illustrations ArticlCeosrr,e spondence, andO theRra rAer chival Materials onth eC ubCahne Gsse nius JoRsaeilCi apab1l8a8n8c-1a9,4 2 EDWA RD WINTER 1\1,F arb!l(cj' C omp'lnIrn.c, P ublishers j<flt'l!'y'tIM/J,rCt r/l1m /i,fm'd"[ ,0 ",)01/ BritiLsihb rcaartya loguing-idant-apa urbaelv iacialtaibolne LibroafrC yo ngrCesast aloguing-inD-aPtuab lication WintEe.r , G. (GE.d)w ard Capabl:a cnaoc map endoifgu amm ,en sot,ae rsitc,l es correspoinldleunsctaern,ado t tihorenarsra er chival materointa hlCesu bacnh ess JgoesRneai 6Culas ap bla,n ca 18-818942. Biibolgprh:ayp . Icnludiensde .x es 1C.a pablJaonsRceaa 6,11 8,-8 814922.. Chess players-Cubhay-I.BT.i it ol.ge rap GV14.C339W561 989 79.14'09[2)B 894-2761 § ISB0N- 859049-585( -libbd.g: .5 # 0a l.pk aper) Copyr©i 1g9h8tE9 d waWridn tAelrl. rights reserved Prinitnte hdUe n itSetda otfeA sm erica ,If,' ·".Ir/,m,d\, ( ,'''fIhIileI>.'''.lIf /J1IiY,.h a' /1,fi,l\l/. , ·tNl",".I>( ,,,',''m.!"H.,I /I.IfIJO'' , Tot hem emoroyf MaryA .W intenr,e eMa rtin TABLEO F CONTENTS S()urocfPe hso tographVtstl PrefaceIX (:hapters: Progdyi 1 2 RapiAds cent 21 Betwpeageens5 4a n5d5 a r1e6p ageso fp lactoenst ga2 i6np ihnotos � NegotiatiwointsLh a sker 55 .\T ot heS ummit 69 '> Champion 117 (, London1,9 22 139 7 NewY ork1,9 27 152 H Chagning theR ules 176 I) Challgeens 186 10 InS earocfha Rematch 207 11 An ActiEvxe- Champion2 42 12 Moscow1,9 36 261 I �N ottingh1a9m3, 6 277 1·1B uenoAsi re1s9, 39 283 I'> Epigluoe 300 .Vult'30J9 .1/'pt'ndices: CapablanTcoau'rsn ameanntdM atcRhe cords3 29 !. GenerBailb lriaopghy 331 \ Gameasn dP ositiCohnrso nologica3l32l y /".1/(/'.1': (Jamaln'dSP o sitiboynP sl ayer 337 !. ()p('nin3g3s9 \ ;(( 'nl'ra3l4 0 [vIi i ". SOURCESO F PHOTOGRAPHS FrontisMpainheactetC:ah ne sCsl ub Thep latbeest,w epeang 5e4sa nd5 5 1.A s,17 D ecembe1r9 72 2.E lFi gar2o7J, u ne1 90p9.,3 22 3.A mericaCnh eBssu lletFienb,ru a1r9y0 p7.,2 4 4.E lFi gar2o7,J u ne1 90p9.,3 22 5.B ohemMiaar,c 1h 911 6.E lFi gar2o4,D ecembe1r9 1p1.,7 66 7.A uthorc'osl lection 8.B ohem2i0aJ ,an ua1r9y 1p8.,1 3 9.A uthorc'osl lection 10H.o menaajC ea pablabentcwae,pe pn. 1 4a4n d1 45 1.1 American Chess DeBcuellmebte1ri9 n2,p2 .,1 80 12A.m ericanC heBsusll etJiunly,- Aug1u9s2tp6 .,8 8 13R.o yaLli braTrhye,H ague 14.U nkiimpKftroen eb yR aymunSdt olzpe.6, 4 15.Ma nhattCahne sCsl ub 16H.o menaajC ea pablabentcwae,pe pn. 2 32an d2 33 17A.m ericanC heBsusll etMianr,c1h 9 3p1.,5 2 18M.r .D aviBdu tleSre,lr fi dg,Le osn don 19R.o yaLli braTrhye,H ague 20.C HESS1,4N ovembe1r9 3p8.,8 5 2.1 Algemeen Han2d1Ne olvsebmlbae1rd,9 38 22J.a quMea te5,/ 197p.42 ,8 23.T rofdeiCi a pablbaynL cuiagP ie ncop,.5 24.Ma nhattCahne sCsl ub 25.Ma nhattCahne sCsl ub 26.B ohemSieap,t ember-Oc1t9o6bp6e.r,6 Not:eT heM anhatCthaeClnsu sb' cso llecwtaidsoon na tbeydM rsG.l gCaa pa­ balncClaar kp;h ogtrpoahicco pfioret sh per esbeonowtke rmea edb yM rN.i gel Eddi(sN eYw ork). [viii] PREFACE Althotuhgeeih rns o s honoafgb eo oks Caapbaobult,a m nocsat authors have lnOcternaotneh di s tmaoniuanrm eanntd mgaatmcehas n dh avec arroiuetd relatliivtretellsyee i anrthcoihl s ei .fTh e prweosr-eklenstas b iogrtahpaahn y ImOpilaotfdi oocnu mse nadtnad-t aaimtsor epaiirmb atlhaabntyp c reen steing 01 sbus taanmtoiuaonlfnt e glemcatteedr ial. Ihta bse eans sutmheatdth r eae deirfs a imlwiiatrh l eaaotsn toe f t h"eeb st I(amecso"l le(custcihaos tn hswe o rks bIPy r niEsGu,ow olem b,eP kanov and Renifealswd e)la slT heU nknowCpana blabnyDc aav Hiodo paenrDd a lBer an­ .tr(eoLtnhd ,o1 n95)7.T her eadweirla ll, si oti s h,oh paevadec cteost sh e IrgeelstchdiecSshc theav cohlsub myJe ma es GialncDdha vriids tH o(oHapme­r hurg,1 963ac) ,o mptiilooanfv inlulaaylt lh Ceu b'atsno urnaamnemdna tt ch �amseV.e rlyi tmtalteet robi efa uoln idnt haeb obvoeo hkasbs e erne pehaetere,d rxcferopg ta mewhse Craep ablaonwcnaa n'nso tactoiubolendgs i v1e*n . Despiltoen gna-d sitanangud n disguaidsmaibrflaroteC i aopna blgaennciau'ss dnd peqrusaoln,ia htlIai vseets ritvope erns eannut nb iapsoendir tYa.et th vee ry ,leectpiroonco efds osc umenmtuastltie oatndos omdei stoonfhi iosnt orical perspbeecctaituvhsweeer itainnidgn sti eervwofsC apablaanlcohnaae vb ee einn ­ ,Iudmoerdoe rl essyss telmayIht. ai vcteahe leofrrtea kpeann icultaoer n speua rins Ih att hdei nssteivnigeo wfos t hsae rrqeu otoefdte enno utgoaho v iadn syu ggestion IhaCt apablawnocnea v earryug menItn.C hpate1r0 c,o vertihrneeg m atch negotiwaittiAhol nesk ,h ihnIae vqeu otbeodt mhas tsea rse xtensainvde ly rlujiatblaysi wsi thmiypn o ewrb,u tth ree asdheoru nloadts sutmheat thfu el l ,wriyrs e veed.aT lo tbheoesft m yk nowl,et dhigitsesh fier dsett aainlaeldoy fs is Illc("o mpcloenxot vre,ra snyidmt a y bbeecs otn siadp eiroende eeffroinn.g Loosstema etneutnsc orrobbyod roactuetmdaee rnvyi dheanvcpeel agcuheeds s IIIt·frora alttloul oro e,na gnIdh avtehe eofrrcei taendi ,cc loersresp,oe ntdce.n ce w extewnhseeorv peorsb sl,aie lpsroo dviinegx arceetfr enrceegisan rsgdo ur.Fc oers I ehs akoefc laarnidt y connc,syc iesntameiinn aomre ndments atnod spelling pucntuahtaivboeen e mna dienq uotmeadt erHiowaelrv.t,e h earrneeo o missions "Xle pwth eei rndicaetlieplds ebsy. Myo wn cosmmi, net nhmtea in ast weexlatlsi nt hceo ncluNodti,ena sgr e luIa,lcloyn fitnofe adtc umaalt teresx.t eAnGnse inveIrena dlhe axbs e en preferred I"i nmneuracbrloresee sfr ences. Thowsheoh vaec oniutbtreidn formoanst pieocnsi ufibcja ercdetu slc yr edited fx]i int he obfto hdbyeo ookri nt hNeo t.eH ser,e I amluossffotem ryh eartthfaenlkts tot hfelo lowcionlgglu eewash oh avper ovimdoergdee nehrealolpna n umebrof matstM:ec rA.rm andAol osno LoreonvCz.io e dg(eoAP vri,Cl uaba,M) rsO.l ga CapablCalna(crNeakwY okr)M,rJ .e reGmayi( ghPei dleahlipaM)r.P, a bMloon in (Ovioe)dM,r. H anoWn. R uslsl(e2Mi olrf,dC on)nM,.c F.r aSnkko (ffhC ic)a go anMdr E.d waTrads s(icnSaarrsi,Nd .alY.e. a)Imp artigcrualtateroDful rlyK. e n­ netNhe a(tD huar,mE ngl)aw,nh dot ransallmalat teedqr uioatlfe rdoS mo viet sour(cneostC aapbalbynl caaa'csc outnht1es9 3Mo6of s caonwNd o ttintgohuarm­ namesn)Wt.i tthw eox cep(tcaikonnosw loendp gaeg1de59 sa n3d25 ),a lolt her translaarmteyi o own.ns Is houallsdo t otl hiaktnehkB e bi lioNtaeccia(o unBeanlAo iesr)s t,h Bei obtleica NaciJoonsMaeal r(tHa!v a)nt,ah Ber itLiiasbrhr(y oL ndo,t nh)Cel evePluabnldi c Liabrr,yt hMea nhatCthaeCnsl su (bN eYwo rakn)dt hUen iveorfsM iimtaiy LiabrrAyb.o vale,l aImi nbdteetdoM cR.o Vbe rhooeftv heBeni botlhieVcaan deLri n-dNeiemieainijante hrReo yLabilar riynT heH ague.a sHsiiss,i t na nce teromfbs o tqhu anatniqdtu yia t,lhy abse einm emasurable. Three ceosfcs heehssi ssy t oarhrieg rhaia- serk,a a nIdc asnc arhcoeptlehy ma yt exerttoia ovnoisim dpe rciswiiholanlvb ee efnul lsyu ccuelRs.es afdwehroos bs erve defeacrcteosd r iailnlvyit toce odn tmaevc tit ah peu ibslh.e rs EdwaWridn ter Geneva, 6F ebruary19 89 [xl

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