PreprinttypesetinJHEPstyle-HYPERVERSION Canonical Relational Quantum Mechanics from Information Theory 1 1 0 Joakim Munkhammar 2 Studentstaden23:230,75233,Uppsala,Sweden n a E-Mail: [email protected] J 7 ABSTRACT:InthispaperweconstructatheoryofquantummechanicsbasedonShannon ] h information theory. We define a few principles regarding information-based frames of p - reference, including explicitly the concept of information covariance, and show how an n ensembleofallpossiblephysicalstatescanbesetuponthebasisoftheaccessibleinforma- e g tion in the local frame of reference. In the next step the Bayesian principle of maximum . s entropyisutilizedinordertoconstrainthedynamics. Wethenshow,withtheaidofLisi’s c i universal action reservoir approach, that the dynamics is equivalent to that of quantum s y mechanics. Thereby we show that quantum mechanics emerges when classical physics h issubjecttoincompleteinformation. Wealsoshowthattheproposedtheoryisrelational p [ andthatitinfactisapathintegralversionofRovelli’srelationalquantummechanics. Fur- 1 thermorewegiveadiscussionontherelationbetweentheproposedtheoryandquantum v mechanics,inparticulartheroleofobservationandcorrespondencetoclassicalphysicsis 7 1 addressed. Inadditiontothiswederiveageneralformofentropyassociatedwiththein- 4 formationcovarianceofthelocalreferenceframe. Finallywegiveadiscussionandsome 1 . openproblems. 1 0 1 1 KEYWORDS: InformationTheory,QuantumMechanics,Entropy. : v i X r a Contents 1. Introduction 2 1.0.1 RelationalQuantumMechanics 2 1.0.2 Universalactionreservoir 2 1.0.3 Relationalquantummechanicsandtheuniversalactionreservoir 3 2. Physicswithinformationcovariance 3 2.1 Principlesforinformation-basedframesofreference 3 2.2 Formalsetup 4 3. Connectionstoquantummechanics 7 3.1 Pathintegralformulation 7 3.2 Quantumproperties 9 3.3 Connectionstorelationalquantummechanics 11 3.4 Correspondenceprinciple 11 3.5 Observationsandwavefunctioncollapse 11 4. Notesonrelativisticinvariance 12 5. Entropy 12 6. Discussion 14 6.1 Openproblems 14 6.2 Finalcomments 14 7. Acknowledgments 15 –1– ”Informationistheresolutionofuncertainty.” -ClaudeShannon 1. Introduction Quantum mechanics constitutes a conceptual challenge as it defies many pivotal classi- calconceptsofphysics. Despitethisthetheoreticalandexperimentalsuccessofquantum mechanicsisunparallel[15]. Theintuitiveconstructionofclassicalmechanicsandtheper- haps counter-intuitive quantum mechanical formulation of reality has thus amounted to aproblemofinterpretationofquantummechanics. Thelistofinterpretationsofquantum mechanics is long, but perhaps the most common interpretations are: Copenhagen [2], consistent histories [7], many worlds [5] and relational [15]. Many of these approaches share most central features of quantum mechanics, the difference is mainly the philo- sophical context in which they are situated. The canonical problem in these approaches is perhaps the counter-classic, and in many peoples views, counter-intuitive principle that physics is fundamentally based on probability. The perhaps strongest opponent of aprobability-basedtheoryofphysicswasEinsteinwhoconstructedseveralunsuccessful thought experiments and theories in order to disprove the commonly accepted view of quantum mechanics [4]. As a matter of fact all approaches to create a non-probabilistic version of quantum mechanics have failed [3]. It has also been proven, via for example Bell’s theorems, that the construction of such a deterministic or ”local hidden variable theory”isimpossible[3]. Thusonehasnochoicebuttoconcludethatphysics,inevitably, hasquantumproperties. 1.0.1 RelationalQuantumMechanics It was Einstein’s revised concepts of simultaneity and frame of reference that inspired Rovelli to formulate a theory of mechanics as a relational theory; relational quantum me- chanics. In this seminal approach frames of reference were utilized and only relations betweensystemshadmeaning. Thissetupgaveinterestingsolutionstoseveralquantum- related conceptual problems such as the EPR-paradox [15]. It may be concluded that Rovelli recast physics in the local frame of reference in such a way that the interactions between systems amounted to the observed quantum phenomena. A particular facet of Rovelli’sapproachwasthatanyphysicalsystemcouldbeobservedindifferentstatesby different observers ”simultaneously”. This property can be interpreted as an extension oftheconceptofsimultaneityin specialrelativity[15]. Thetheory ofrelationalquantum mechanics was based on the hypothesis that quantum mechanics ultimately arose when therewasalackofinformationofinvestigatedsystems. 1.0.2 Universalactionreservoir In a recent paper Lisi gave an interesting approach to quantum mechanics based on in- formation theory and entropy [12]. He showed that given a universal action reservoir and –2– a principle for maximizing entropy quantum mechanics could be obtained. In his paper the origin of the universal action reservoir was postulated as a principle and was given no deeper explanation. This was addressed in recent papers by Lee [10, 11] where he suggestedthatitwasrelatedtoinformationtheorycoupledtocausalhorizons. 1.0.3 Relationalquantummechanicsandtheuniversalactionreservoir In this paper we shall recast Rovelli’s relational approach to quantum mechanics on the conceptofinformationcovarianceandconnectittoLisi’scanonicalinformationtheoretic approach. Intheprocessofthisweshowthattheuniversalactionreservoirisaninevitable consequence of incomplete information in physics. This theory is, in spirit of Rovelli’s approach,ageneralizationofthespecialrelativisticconceptregardingframesofreference. 2. Physicswithinformationcovariance 2.1 Principlesforinformation-basedframesofreference Letusassumethatwehaveasetofobservationsofcertainphysicalquantitiesofaphysical system. This is the obtained information regarding the system. For all other events that hasnotbeenobservedweonlyknowthatsomethingpossiblehappened. Ifweknewwith certainty what happened then we as observers would be in a frame of reference based on complete information regarding the explored system. However such a theory would requiresomeformofaconservationlawwhichwouldrequirethataphysicalsystemhas apredeterminedstatewhennotobserved. Letusinsteadconsidertheopposite: Assume that no observation is made of the system, then information regarding thatsystem is not accessible and thus not inferable without more observations. It is then reasonable that anythingphysicallypossiblecouldhaveoccurredwhenitwasnotobserved. Ifonecanbase the laws of physics on the premise of only what is known in the frame of reference, in termsofinformation,regardinganyphysicalsysteminconnectionwiththeobserverand her frame then one has attained a high from of generality in the formulation of the laws ofphysics. Thisamountstoaseeminglytautologicalyetpowerfulprinciple: Ifasysteminphysicsisnotobserveditisinanyphysicallypossiblestate. Weshallcallthisprincipletheprincipleofphysicalignorance. Inonesensethisprinciple is intuitive and trivial: the unknown is not known. In another more intricate sense it violates a number of basic principles of physics such as many of the laws of classical physics. Thelawofinertiaisonesuchprincipleforexample;theinertiaofabodydoesnot necessarilyholdwhenwedonotobserveit. HoweveronecannotassumethatNewton’s lawsoranyotherclassicallawsholdinasystemforwhichlimitedinformationisknown. Forallweknowregardingclassicalphysicsisthatitholdsinacertainclassicallimit. The definition of ”known” here is what information has become accessible in ones frame of reference obtained through interaction with another system. The laws of physics should –3– thusbe formulatedinsucha waythatthey holdregardlessof information contentinthe local frame of reference; the formulation of the laws of physics should be invariant with respecttotheinformationcontent. Thisamountstoaprinciplefortheformulationofthe lawsofphysics: Thelawsofphysicsaredefinedonthebasisoftheinformationintheframeofreference. Thisprincipleshallbecalltheprincipleofinformationcovariance. It’sscopeofgeneral- ityissimilartotheprincipleofgeneralcovariance,whichisthenaturalgeneralizationofthe framesofreferenceusedinspecialrelativity. Theprincipleofinformationcovariancesuggests that the frame of reference is entirely based on information; thus any new observations will alter the information content and thus re-constrain the dynamics of the studied sys- tem”projected”withintheframeofreference. Oneshouldalsokeepinmindthatphysics cannot, in a frame of incomplete information, ”project” any information through physi- cal interactions that is not inferable from the accessible information. This creates a form of locality of physics: Physics only exists in every frame of reference. Thus there exists no such thing as an objective observer. It should be noted here that there exists a sim- ilar notion of frames of reference in traditional relational quantum mechanics [15]. The dynamics is derived from a different set of principles and formal setup but arrives at a similarconclusions[15]. 2.2 Formalsetup Let us assume that we have a set of observations A regarding physical quantities of a n systemC fromaframeofreferenceK. TheavailableinformationregardingthesystemC inK is givenby theinformation inthe observedphysical quantitiesA and whatcan be n inferred from them, the rest of the properties of the system are by the principle of physical ignorance unknown. Formally according to the principle of physical ignorance we may con- clude that the possible configurations of the explored physical system C in the frame of reference K has to form a set of all possible physical configurations under the constraint of the set of observations A for the system. Consider a set of configuration parameters n for each possible physical configuration or path in configuration space path = q(t). The setofconfigurationsparametersisparameterizedbyoneormoreparameterst. Thenfor each physical system we may associate an action S[path] = S[q(t)] defined on the basis of the configuration space path q(t). The structure of the action is here assumed to be something of a universal quantity of information inherent to every frame of reference, it is the paths in the configuration space of objects that is unknown to every observer until (cid:82) observed. The action of a system is defined classically as S = L(q,q˙)dt, where L(q,q˙) is the Lagrangian for the system [17]. Traditionally with the aid of a variation principle the expected action of a classical system is used to derive the dynamics of the system [17]. Inquantummechanicsaprobabilisticsetupisperformed,ideallyviaapathintegral formulation. In our situation we shall instead look for all possible configurations under –4– condition of the observations A in accordance with the previously defined principle of n physicalignorance. Thepossibleactions,basedonthepossibleconfigurations,areeachas- sociated with a probability of occurring, p[path] = p[q(t)]. The sum of these probabilities needtosatisfytheubiquitousnormalizationcriterion: (cid:90) (cid:88) 1 = p[path] = Dqp[q], (2.1) paths Along with this we may conclude that any functional, or observable quantity Q, has anexpectedvalueaccordingtotheexpression[12]: (cid:90) (cid:88) (cid:104)Q(cid:105) = p[path]Q[path] = Dqp[q]Q[q]. (2.2) paths Wehavetheexpectedaction(cid:104)S(cid:105)accordingto[12]: (cid:90) (cid:88) (cid:104)S(cid:105) = p[path]S[path] = Dqp[q]S[q]. (2.3) paths Asameasureoftheinformationcontent, orratherlackthereof, wecanconstructthe entropyofthesystemaccordingto: (cid:90) (cid:88) H = − p[path]logp[path] = − Dqp[q]logp[q]. (2.4) paths So far we have merely utilized information theoretic concepts, we shall deal with its physicalconsequencesfurtheroninthispaper. Althoughtheprobabilitiesfortheevents insystemC observedfromreferencesystemK areyetundefinedwehaveasetofpossible configurations that could occur for a system and we have associated a probability of oc- currencewitheachbasedontheensemblesetupabove. Inordertodeducetheprobability associatedwitheachpossibleeventweneedsomeformofrestrictionontheensembleof possibilities. InaBayesiantheoryofinterferencethereisamaximizationprincipleregard- ing the entropy of a system called the Principle of maximum entropy [8] which postulates thefollowing: Subjecttoknownconstraints,theprobabilitydistributionwhichbestrepresentsthecurrentstate ofknowledgeistheonewithlargestentropy. This principle is utilized in several fields of study, in particular thermodynamics where it serves as the second fundamental law [8]. We shall assume that this principle holdsandweshallutilizeitasarestrictiononourframework. In[12]Lisiperformedthe followingderivationwhichisworthrepeatinghere. ByemployingLagrangemultipliers, λ ∈ Candα ∈ C,theentropy(2.4)ismaximizedby: (cid:90) (cid:16) (cid:90) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:90) (cid:17) H(cid:48) = − Dqp[q]logp[q]+λ 1− Dqp[q] +α (cid:104)S(cid:105)− Dqp[q]S[q] , (2.5) –5– whichsimplifiedbecomes: (cid:90) H(cid:48) = λ+α(cid:104)S(cid:105)− Dq(p[q]logp[q]+λp[q]+αp[q]S[q]). (2.6) Ifweperformvariationontheprobabilitydistributionweget: (cid:90) δH(cid:48) = − Dq(δp[q])(logp[q]+1+λ+αS[q]) (2.7) whichisextremizedwhenδH(cid:48) = 0whichcorrespondstotheprobabilitydistribution: 1 p[q] = e−1−λe−αS[q] = e−αS[q] (2.8) Z which is compatible with the knowledge constraints [12]. By varying the Lagrange multipliersweenforcethetwoconstraints,givingλandα. Especiallyonegets: e−1−λ = 1 Z whereZ isthepartitionfunctionontheform: (cid:90) (cid:88) Z = e−αS[path] = Dqe−αS[q] (2.9) paths andtheparameterαisdeterminedbysolving: (cid:90) (cid:90) 1 ∂ (cid:104)S(cid:105) = DqS[q]p[q] = DqS[q]e−αS[q] = − logZ. (2.10) Z ∂α In order to fit the purpose Lisi concluded that the Lagrange multiplier value; α ≡ 1. Lisi concluded that this multiplier value was an intrinsic quantum variable directly i(cid:126) related to the average path action (cid:104)S(cid:105) of what he called the universal action reservoir. In similarity with Lisi’s approach we shall also assume that the arbitrary scaling-part of the constant α is in fact 1/(cid:126). Lisi also noted that Planck’s constant in α is analogous to the thermodynamic temperature of a canonical ensemble, i(cid:126) ↔ k T; being constant B reflects its universal nature - analogous to an isothermal canonical ensemble [12]. This assumptionalongwith(2.9)bringsustothefollowingpartitionfunction: (cid:90) Z = (cid:88) eiS[p(cid:126)ath] = DqeiS(cid:126)[q]. (2.11) paths Byinserting(2.11)into(2.2)wearriveatthefollowingexpectationvalueforanyphys- icalquantityQ: (cid:90) (cid:90) (cid:104)Q(cid:105) = (cid:88) p[path]Q[path] = DqQ[q]p[q] = 1 DqQ[q]eiS(cid:126)[q], (2.12) Z paths Thissuggeststhataconsequenceoftheincompleteinformationregardingthestudied system is that physics is inevitably based on a probabilistic framework. Conversely, had physicsnotbeenprobabilisticinthesituationofincompleteinformationtheninformation of the system could be inferred. But a process of inferring results from existing limited informationdoesnotprovidemoreinformationregardingthatsystemthanthelimitedin- formationhadalreadyprovided. Thatwouldhaverequired,aswepreviouslyargued,an –6– K’ K Figure 1: This illustration shows the path of a particle from one point to another in a complete information frame of reference K (essentially a particle that is observed along its path). It also showssomeofthepossiblepathsaparticletakesintheincompleteinformationframeofreference K(cid:48). additionalprincipleofperfectinformation. Insteaditisonlyinteractionthatcanprovide new information. We may conclude that by the principle of information covariance physics islocalandbasedonlyontheavailableinformationinthelocalinformation-basedframe of reference. In turn this this creates an ensemble of possible states with a definite and assignedexpectationvalueforeachphysicalquantityinthestudiedsystemaccordingto (2.12). This formalism, which might be called information covariant, is then directly com- patiblewiththegeneralprincipleofrelativitywhereinAllsystemsofreferenceareequivalent withrespecttotheformulationofthefundamentallawsofphysics. 3. Connectionstoquantummechanics 3.1 Pathintegralformulation Thepathintegralformulation,originallyproposedbyDiracbutrigorouslydevelopedby Feynman[6],isperhapsthebestfoundationalapproachtoquantummechanicsavailable [12]. It shows that quantum mechanics can be obtained from the following three postu- latesassumingaquantumevolutionbetweentwofixedendpoints[6]: 1. The probability for an event is given by the squared length of a complex number calledtheprobabilityamplitude. 2. The probability amplitude is given by adding together the contributions of all the historiesinconfigurationspace. 3. ThecontributionofahistorytotheamplitudeisproportionaltoeiS/(cid:126),andcanbeset equal to 1 by choice of units, while S is the action of that history, given by the time integraloftheLagrangianLalongthecorrespondingpath. –7– In order to find the overall probability amplitude for a given process then one adds up(orintegrates)theamplitudesoverpostulate3[6]. Inanattempttolinktheconceptof information-basedframesofreference-developedinthispaper-toquantummechanics we shall utilize Lisi’s approach wherein the probability for the system to be on a specific path is evaluated according to the following setup (see [12] for more information). The probabilityforthesystemtobeonaspecificpathinasetofpossiblepathsis: (cid:90) (cid:88) p(set) = δset p[path] = Dqδ(set−q)p[q]. (3.1) path paths Here Lisi assumed that the action typically reverses sign under inversion of the pa- rametersofintegrationlimits: (cid:90) t(cid:48) (cid:90) St(cid:48) = dtL(q,q˙) = − dtL(q,q˙) = −St(cid:48). (3.2) t(cid:48) This implies that the probability for the system to pass through configuration q(cid:48) at parametervaluet(cid:48) is: (cid:32) (cid:33)(cid:32) (cid:33) (cid:90) (cid:90) q(t(cid:48))=q(cid:48) (cid:90) p(q(cid:48),t(cid:48)) = Dqδ(q(t(cid:48))−q)p[q] = Dqpt(cid:48)[q] Dqp [q] = ψ(q(cid:48),t(cid:48))ψ†(q(cid:48),t(cid:48)), t(cid:48) q(t(cid:48))=q(cid:48) (3.3) inwhichwecanidentifythequantumwavefunction: ψ = (cid:90) q(t(cid:48))=q(cid:48)Dqpt(cid:48)[q] = √1 (cid:90) q(t(cid:48))=q(cid:48)Dqe−αSt(cid:48) = √1 (cid:90) q(t(cid:48))=q(cid:48)DqeiS(cid:126)t(cid:48). (3.4) Z Z The quantum wave function ψ(q(cid:48),t) defined here is valid for paths t < t(cid:48) meeting at q(cid:48) whileitscomplexconjugateψ†(q(cid:48),t(cid:48))istheamplitudeofpathswitht > t(cid:48) leavingfrom q(cid:48). Multiplied together they bring the probability amplitudes that gives the probability of the system passing through q(cid:48)(t(cid:48)), as is seen in (3.3). However, just as Lisi points out [12], this quantum wave function in quantum mechanics is subordinate to the partition function formulation since it only works when t(cid:48) is a physical parameter and the system is t(cid:48) symmetric, providing a real partition function Z. Indeed, the postulate of an infor- mationcovariantsetuponthelawsofphysicsaccordingtotheprevioussectionsuggests thatphysicsisruledbythegeneralcomplexpartitionfunction(2.9): (cid:90) Z = (cid:88) eiS[p(cid:126)ath] = DqeiS(cid:126)[q]. (3.5) paths Howdoesthisrelatetothepathintegralformulation? Thesuminthepartitionfunc- tion(3.5)isasumoverpaths. Letustakethecommonsituationwhenthepathisthatofa particlebetweentwopoints. WecanthenconcludethateachtermisontheformeiS[path]/(cid:126) which is equivalent to postulate 3. Furthermore all paths are added, thus postulate 2 is alsochecked. Also,atleastforthesituationwherep(q(cid:48),t(cid:48)) = ψ(q(cid:48),t(cid:48))ψ†(q(cid:48),t(cid:48))thesumadds –8– Figure 2: This illustration shows on the left hand side the uncertainty of path of a particle from onepointtoanotherandontherighthandsidethattheparticletakesallpossiblepathsfromone point to another. These two interpretations are equivalent under the general interpretation that information is incomplete. Uncertainty in path means in practice that it takes any possible path untilweobserveit,asuperpositionofstatesisinevitablewheninformationisincomplete. up to the probability density, checking postulate 1 as well. Thus we may conclude that theinformationcovariantapproachisequivalenttothecanonicalpathintegralformulation ofquantummechanicsunderthecircumstancesprovidedforit. 3.2 Quantumproperties The path integral formulation is canonical for quantum mechanics and covers the wide variety of special features inherent to quantum mechanics [6, 12]. Since the approach in thispaperisequivalenttothepathintegralformulationinmostaspects,someproperties are be worth discussing. A pivotal component of quantum mechanics is the canonical commutationrelationwhichgivesrisetotheHeisenberguncertaintyprinciple[3,6]. For examplethefamouscommutationrelationbetweenpositionxandmomentumpofapar- ticleisdefinedas: [x,p] = i(cid:126). (3.6) This can be obtained through the path integral formulation by assuming a random walk of the particle from starting point to end point [6]. This works with this theory as wellunderthesameconsiderationssincearandomwalkisequivalenttoawalkwithno information about direction. In the path integral formulation it is also possible to show that for a particle with classical non-relativistic action (where where m is mass and x is position): (cid:90) mx˙2 S = dt, (3.7) 2 that the partition function Z in the path integral formulation turns out to satisfy the followingequation[6]: ∂Z (cid:104) 1 (cid:105) i(cid:126) = − ∇2+V(x) Z. (3.8) ∂t 2 –9–