CHAPMAN & HALL/CRC Monographs and Surveys in Pure and Applied Mathematics 127 CANONICAL PROBLEMS IN SCATTERING AND POTENTIAL THEORY PART II: Acoustic and Electromagnetic Diffraction by Canonical Structures S. S. VINOGRADOV P. D. SMITH E. D. VINOGRADOVA CHAPMAN & HALL/CRC A CRC Press Company Boca Raton London New York Washington, D.C. © 2002 by Chapman & Hall/CRC C1631 disclaimer Page 1 Wednesday, March 20, 2002 4:32 PM Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Vinogradov, Sergey S. (Sergey Sergeyevich) Canonical problems in scattering and potential theory / Sergey S. Vinogradov, Paul D. Smith, Elena D. Vinogradova. p. cm.— (Monographs and surveys in pure and applied mathematics ; 122) Includes bibliographical references and index. Contents: pt. 1. Canonical structures in potential theory ISBN 1-58488-162-3 (v. 1 : alk. paper) 1. Potential theory (Mathematics) 2. Scattering (Mathematics) I. Smith, P.D. (Paul Denis), 1955- II. Vinogradova, Elena D. (Elena Dmitrievna) III. Title. IV. Chapman & Hall/CRC monographs and surveys in pure and applied mathematics ; 122. QA404.7 . V56 2001 515¢.9—dc21 2001028226 This book contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources. Reprinted material is quoted with permission, and sources are indicated. A wide variety of references are listed. Reasonable efforts have been made to publish reliable data and information, but the author and the publisher cannot assume responsibility for the validity of all materials or for the consequences of their use. Neither this book nor any part may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, microfilming, and recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the publisher. The consent of CRC Press LLC does not extend to copying for general distribution, for promotion, for creating new works, or for resale. Specific permission must be obtained in writing from CRC Press LLC for such copying. Direct all inquiries to CRC Press LLC, 2000 N.W. Corporate Blvd., Boca Raton, Florida 33431. Trademark Notice: Product or corporate names may be trademarks or registered trademarks, and are used only for identification and explanation, without intent to infringe. Visit the CRC Press Web site at © 2002 by Chapman & Hall/CRC No claim to original U.S. Government works International Standard Book Number 1-58488-163-1 Library of Congress Card Number 2001028226 Printed in the United States of America 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Printed on acid-free paper Toourchildren © 2002 by Chapman & Hall/CRC Contents Preface 1MathematicalAs pectso fWaveScattering. 1.1TheEquation sofAcoustican dElectromagneticWaves . 1.2Solutionofth eHelmholtzEquation:SeparationofVariables. 1.3Field sofElementarySources .Green’ sFunctions. 1.4Represe ntationsofIncidentElectromagneticWaves . 1.5FormulationofWaveScatteringTheor yforStructureswith Edges. 1.6Single -orDouble-Laye rSurfac ePote ntialsan dDualSeries Equations. 1.7ASurveyofMethod sforScattering. 2AcousticDiffractionfrom aCircularHolei naThinSpherical Shell. 2.1PlaneWaveDiffractionfrom aSoftorHar dSphericalCap. 2.2RigorousTheor yoftheSphericalHelmholtzResonator. 2.3Quasi-Eigenoscillations :S pectrumoftheOpe nSphericalShell. 2.4Totalan dSonarCross-Sections. 2.4.1RayleighScattering. 2.4.2ResonanceRegion. 2.4.3HighFrequenc yRegime 2.5TheMechanicalForc eFactor. 2.6TheFocalRegionof aSphericalReflectorAntenna. 2.7TheTransmittingSphericalReflectorAntenna. 2.7.1ComplexPointSource 2.7.2RegularisedSolutionandFar-FieldCharacteristics 2.7.3NumericalResults. 3AcousticDiffractionfromVariousSphericalC avities. 3.1TheHardSphericalBarre lan dSof tSlottedSphericalShell. 3.2TheSof tSphericalBarre lan dHardSlottedSphericalShell. 3.3HelmholtzResonators :Barrelle dorSlottedSphericalShells. 3.4Quasi-Eigenoscillation softh eSphericalCavity. 3.5Totalan dSonarCross-Sections;MechanicalForc eFactor. © 2002 by Chapman & Hall/CRC 4Electromagneti cDiffractionfrom aMetallicSphericalCav- ity. 4.1Electri corMagneti cDipoleExcitation. 4.1.1TheVerticalElectricDipole(TMCase). 4.1.2TheVerticalMagneti cDipole(TECase ) 4.2PlaneWaveDiffractionfromaCircularHolei naThinMetallic Sphere. 4.3ReflectivityofOpe nSphericalShells . 4.4TheFocalRegionof aReceivingSphericalReflectorAntenna. 4.5TheTransmittingSphericalReflectorAntenna. 4.5.1TheComplex- PointHuygensSource :DebyePote ntials. 4.5.2ExcitationoftheReflectorbyaCPHS. 4.5.3NumericalResults 5Electromagneti cDiffractionfromVariousSphericalCavities. 5.1E MPlaneWaveScatterin gbyTwoConcentricSphericalShells. 5.2DipoleExcitationof aSlotte dSphere . 5.2.1TheVerticalElectricDipole . 5.2.2TheVerticalMagneti cDipole 5.3DipoleExcitationofDoubly-ConnectedSphericalShells . 5.4PlaneWaveDiffraction :Perfectl yConductin gSlotte dSpheri- calShell. 5.5MagneticDipoleExcitationofanOpenSphericalResonator . 5.6OpenResonator sCompose dofSphericalandDis cMirrors. 6SphericalCavitieswithSphericalDielectricInclusions . 6.1ResonantC avityHeatingof aSmallLossyDielectricSphere . 6.2Reflectivityof aPartiallyScreenedDielectricSphere. 6.3TheLune bergLensReflector. 7Diffractionfro mSpheroidalCavities. 7.1RegularisationinSpheroidalCoordinates . 7.2AcousticScatteringbyaRigi dSpheroidalShellwithaCircular Hole 7.3RigorousTheor yoftheSpheroidalHelmholtzResonator. 7.4AxialElectricDi poleExcitationof aMetallicSpheroidalC av- ity. 7.5AxialMagneticDipoleExcitationofaMetallicSpheroidalC av- ity. 7.6AxialElectricDi poleExcitationof aSpheroidalBarrel. 7.6.1TheSeriesEquationswithOddIndexCoefficie nts. 7.6.2TheSeriesEquationswithEvenInde xCoefficients. 7.6.3NumericalResults . 7.7Impedanc eLoadin goftheSpheroidalBarrel . © 2002 by Chapman & Hall/CRC 7.8Spheroi dEmbedde din aSpheroidalC avitywithTwoHoles . 8WaveScatteringProblemsforSelectedStructures . 8.1PlaneWaveDiffractionfromInfinitelyLon gStrips. 8.2AxiallySlottedInfinitelyLon gCircularCylinders. 8.3AxiallySlottedCylindersofArbitraryProfile . 8.4DiffractionfromCircularDiscs. 8.5DiffractionfromEllipticPlates. 8.6WaveScatterin gProblemsforHollowFiniteCylinders . 8.7WaveScatterin gProblemsforPeriodicStructures . 8.7.1Peri odicLinearArr ayofStrips. 8.7.2Peri odicLinearArr ayofHollowFiniteCylinders. 8.8Shielde dMicrostripLines. References © 2002 by Chapman & Hall/CRC Preface Scattering of electromagnetic or acoustic waves is of widespread interest, be- cause of the enormous number of technological applications developed during the last century. The advent of powerful computing resources has facilitated numerical modelling and simulation of many concrete diffraction problems andthemanymethodsdevelopedandrefinedoverthelastthreedecadeshave had a significant impact in providing numerical solutions and insight into the important mechanisms operating in scattering problems. Itisfairtosaythatthestudyofdiffractionfromclosedbodieswithsmooth surfaces is well developed, from an analytical and numerical point of view, and computational algorithms have attained a good degree of accuracy and generality. However, the accuracy of present-day purely numerical methods can be difficult to ascertain, particularly for objects of some complexity in- corporating edges, re-entrant structures, and dielectrics. Historically, these structures have been less tractable to analytical methods. Our objective in the second part of this two-volume text on scattering and potentialtheoryistodescribeaclassofanalyticandsemi-analytictechniques for accurately determining the diffraction from structures comprising edges andothercomplexcavityfeatures. Thisisanaturaldevelopmentoftechniques developed in Part I [1] for the corresponding potential problem. Various classesofcanonicalscatterersofparticularrelevancetoedge-cavitystructures are examined. There are several reasons for focusing on such canonical objects. The ex- act solution to a diffraction problem is interesting in its own right as well as of direct technological interest. As Bowman et al. [13] state, most of our understanding of how scattering takes place is obtained by detailed exami- nation of such representative scatterers. Their classic text is a collation of well developed analysis for closed bodies of simple geometric shape; our anal- ysis quantifies the effect of edges, cavities, and inclusions by examining open scatterers of similarly simple geometric shape. Such results are invaluable for assessing the relative importance of these effects in other, more general structures. Somesolutionsdevelopedinthetextareanalytic,othersaresemi- analytic, providing a linear system of equations for which the solution accu- racy can be rigorously determined. Canonical scattering problems highlight the generic difficulties that numerical methods must successfully tackle for more general structures. Reliable benchmarks, against which a solution ob- tainedbysuchgeneral-purposenumericalmethodscanbeverified,areneeded © 2002 by Chapman & Hall/CRC toestablishconfidencei nth evalidityofthes ecomputationalmethod swhere analysisbecome simpossible.Thi sisimportantinwidercontext ssuchas inversescattering. Mathematically,wesolve aclassofmixedboundar yvalu eproblem sand developnumericalfor mulationsthatarecomputationallystable,rapidl ycon- vergentandofguaranteedaccurac y.Th ediffractionproblemsareformulated asdual(ormultiple)seriesequations,ordual(ormultiple )integralequations. Thesewer ei ntensivelystudiedinPar t Iwithanalyticalregularisationtech- niquesthattransformthepartofth eseriesequationstoawellbeh avedsetof equations(te chnically,second-kindFredholmequations). Alltheproblemsconsidere dinthisbookar eanalysedfrom acommonper- spective:amathematicallycorrectfor mulationofthescatterin gproblemis subjectedt origorou sanalysi sfollowedbysolutionandextensivephysicalin- terpretation.Chapters2–6examineavarietyofacousti candelectromagnetic scatteringproblemsforsphereswithaperturesan dslots ,withsom econsid- erationofdielectricormetallicinclusions .InChapte r7weexamin ethe analogousproblem sforopenspheroidalstructure susing aspeciallyadapted versionofth emethodofregularisation.Althoughth emainthrustisthree- dimensional,somecanonicaltwo-dimensionalstructures,su chasslotte dcylin- dersandstrips ,areconsideredi nChapter8.Theadaptationofregularisation methods to noncanonical structures is illustrated by the study of the singly- slotted cylinder of arbitrary cross-section. Discs of circular and elliptic shape areanalysed. Illustrativeapplicationsofthesemethodstoperiodicstructures and waveguides are provided. We hope this book will be useful to both new researchers and experienced specialists in mathematics, physics and electrical engineering. In common withPartIth eanalysisispresentedin aconcrete ,rathe rthananabstract orformals tyle.Itissuitableforpostgraduatecourse sindiffractionand potential theory and related mathematical methods. It is also suitable for advanced-level undergraduates, particularly for project material. © 2002 by Chapman & Hall/CRC Chapter 1 Mathematical Aspects of Wave Scattering. Thescatteringanddiffractionofwavesisuniversallyandubiquitouslyobserv- able. It involves the transfer of energy and information without bulk motion; light, sound and elastic waves as well as less obvious varieties are important to us in natural and technological senses. Whilst human perception of the naturalworlddepends heavilyoninterpretinglightandsoundwaves, the last century has seen the birth of many new technologies exploiting electromag- neticwaves,suchastelecommunications,radar(includingremotesensingand imaging radars) and lasers; in the acoustic domain, ultrasonic imaging finds application in non-destructive testing and medicine. Further development and exploitation depends crucially on mathematical modelling and analysis of wave phenomena – radiation, propagation, interac- tionanddiffractionbyobstaclesanddetectionofthescatteredfieldbysensors. Suchmodelsallowustointerprettheintrinsicinformationcontainedinwaves that are otherwise invisible (or inaudible), to infer the presence or absence of certaintypesofscatteringfeaturesintheenvironmentandideally, toidentify the shape and location of the objects responsible for the wave-scattering. At a fundamental level Maxwell’s equations or the scalar wave equation completely describe all electromagnetic or acoustic phenomena, when supple- mented with appropriate boundary, radiation and edge conditions. A vari- ety of analytical and numerical techniques have been devised to solve these equations, but certain classes of direct and inverse scattering problems still challengeustodevisereliable, robustandefficientmethodsfortheirsolution. Our principal interest is in the scattering and diffraction from canonical structures having edges and cavity regions that possibly enclose other scat- terers. Apartfromtheirintrinsicinterest,suchresultsprovideinsightintothe relative importance of the diffraction mechanisms operating in complex scat- terers. Because these canonical objects contain geometrical features that are representative of the larger class of such scatterers, their intensive study of- fers insight into the important mechanisms (such as edge scattering, aperture couplingmechanisms,andinternalcavityoscillations)thatmaydominatethe scatteringresponseofotherscattererswithsimilarfeatures. Moreoverthean- alyticalandsemi-analyticalsolutionsdevelopedinthisbookprovideaccurate benchmarksforthedevelopmentandtestingofapproximatescatteringmeth- ods and general purpose numerical algorithms designed for three-dimensional © 2002 by Chapman & Hall/CRC finite open scatterers with cavities. Thepurposeofthischapteristosurveymathematicalaspectsofwavescat- tering. Thus we shall formulate the appropriate wave equations and discuss the conditions under which existence and uniqueness of solutions can be as- sured. There are several classic texts that provide a greater depth of our necessarily very brief treatment, for example [41], [42], [17], [74] and [38]. The method of separation of variables is surveyed as are Green’s functions, integral equation formulations of scattering and dual series equation formu- lations of scattering that are shown to be equivalent. Methods based upon dual series equations and dual integral equations are central to our studies in subsequent chapters on diffraction from spherical and spheroidal cavities and other structures with edges. These methods were introduced in Part I [1] in the context of potential theory, and this volume extends their application to the wave diffraction context. The chapter concludes with a brief survey of various numerical methods for scattering. 1.1 TheEquationsofAcousticandElectromagneticWaves. Inthissectionwedescribetheequationsgoverningthepropagationofacous- ticandelectromagneticwaves,namelyMaxwell’sequationsandtheHelmholtz equation. Our treatment is brief and the reader is referred to [41] for a more substantive development. Acousticsmaybedescribedasthetheoryofthepropagationofsmalldistur- bancesinfluids,liquidorgaseous. Thepropagationarisesfromtherarefaction andcompressionofthefluidthatcausesachangeinthedensity. Inamedium in which viscosity and thermal conductivity can be neglected, and the flow is isentropic, i.e., is constant throughout the medium, the pressure p is a function of density ρ only. The equations of motion connecting the density −→ −→ −→ −→ −→ ρ = ρ(r,t) and the fluid velocity v = v (r,t) as functions of position r and time t are given in [41]. The first is the conservation of mass law, ∂ρ −→ +div(ρv)=0. (1. 1) ∂t Defining the total derivative by Df ∂f −→ = + v ·gradf Dt ∂t −→ for each scalar function f =f(r,t), Equation (1. 1) is equivalent to Dρ −→ +ρdiv(v)=0. (1. 2) Dt © 2002 by Chapman & Hall/CRC