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Canonical and micro-canonical typical entanglement of continuous variable systems 7 A.Serafini,O.C.O.Dahlsten,D.Gross,andM.B.Plenio 0 InstituteforMathematicalSciences,53Prince’sGate,ImperialCollegeLondon,London 0 SW72PG,UKandQOLS,BlackettLaboratory,ImperialCollegeLondon,LondonSW7 2 2BW,UK n a Abstract. We present a framework, compliant with the general canonical principle of J statistical mechanics, to define measures on the set of pure Gaussian states of continuous 0 variable systems. Within such a framework, we define two specific measures, referred to 1 as‘micro-canonical’ and‘canonical’, andapply them tostudysystematically thestatistical propertiesofthebipartiteentanglementofn-modepureGaussianstates(asquantifiedbythe entropyofasubsystem). Werigorouslyprovethe“concentrationofmeasure”aroundafinite 2 average,occurringfortheentanglementinthethermodynamicallimitinboththecanonicaland v themicro-canonicalapproach.Forfiniten,wedetermineanalyticallytheaverageandstandard 1 deviationoftheentanglement(asquantifiedbythereducedpurity)betweenonemodeandall 5 the other modes. Furthermore, wenumerically investigate more general situations, clearly 0 showingthattheonsetoftheconcentrationofmeasurealreadyoccursatrelativelysmalln. 1 0 7 0 / h p - t n a u q : v i X r a Canonicalandmicro-canonicaltypicalentanglementofcontinuousvariablesystems 2 1. Typicalentanglementinquantuminformationtheory DuetotheexponentiallyincreasingcomplexityoftheHilbertspacesofmultipleconstituents, a complete theoretical characterisation of the entanglement of general quantum systems of many particles turns out to be a daunting task [1]. A viable approach towards such a characterisation consists in focusing on the “typical”, statistical properties of the quantum correlations of multipartite systems, when the states of the system are assumed to be distributed accordingto a particular‘measure’. This strategy is firstly aimed at simplifying theproblemathandbyrestrictingattentiononthetypical(andthus,inasensetobeprecisely specifiedinthefollowing,“overwhelminglylikely”)featuresoftheentanglementofasystem whosestateisapttobedescribedbythechosenmeasures. Furthermore,thiskindofanalysis isabletoshedlightonthegeneralpropertiesoftheentanglementofphysicalsystems. For finite dimensional quantum systems, a natural, ‘uniform’ measure on pure states emergesfromthe“Haar”measureoftheunitarygroup(i.e.,fromtheleft-andright-invariant measure underapplicationof anyunitary transformation),whose elementsallow to retrieve anystatewhenappliedtoanothergivenstartingpurestate. Onsuchgrounds,awelldefined typicalentanglementoffinitedimensionalsystemscanbeaddressedandanalysed. Original studiesinthisdirectionwereundertakenwellbeforethedevelopmentoftheformaltheoryof entanglement developed in quantum information science [1]: In 1978, Lubkin considered the expected entropy of a subsystem when picking pure quantum states at random from the uniform measure[2]. Let us recall that the von Neumann entropy S = trρlnρ of a − subsystem in state ρ properlyquantifies, for globallypurestates, the entanglementbetween thesubsystemandtheremainderofthesystem. Lubkinshowedthatoneexpectsthisquantity to be nearly maximal. Pagels and Lloyd arrived later at the same qualitative conclusions, following an independent line of thought [3]. Their work was expanded by Page, who conjecturedanexactformulafortheaverageentropyofasubsystemS [4],reading m,n mn 1 m 1 S = − , (1) m,n k − 2n k=n+1 X foraquantumsystemofHilbertspacedimensionmninarandompurestate,andasubsystem ofdimensionm n. ThisrelationwaslaterprovenbyFoongandKanno[5]. ≤ This general line of enquiry was revisited and considerably extended in the setting of quantum information theory by Hayden, Leung and Winter in Ref. [6], where they extensively studied the ‘concentration of measure’ around the average of the entanglement probabilitydistributionwithincreasingn. Theyalsopointedoutthatthisstudymayprovide a way of simplifying the theory of entanglement which contains a plethora of locally inequivalent classes. In other words, as already mentioned, restricting statements to the “typicalentanglement”allowsonetoignoreseveralunessentialcomplications.Recentresults on the physical interpretation of Page’s conjecture can be found in Refs. [7, 8], where it is proven that a circuit of elementary quantum gates on a quantum circuit is expected to maximallyentanglethestatetoafixedarbitraryaccuracy,withinanumberofgatesthatgrows onlypolynomiallyinthenumberofqubitsoftheregister. A further simplification in the analysis of the entanglement can be achieved by considering the typical entanglement of ‘particularly relevant’ (according to the specific problem at hand) subsets of states. For example, it has been found that ‘stabilizer states’ (a countable set of states playing a central role in quantum error correcting codes) are also typically maximallyentangled [9, 10], similarly to the set of all states. Such investigations are interesting per se, as they unveilthe potentialand limitations hidden in the adoption of Canonicalandmicro-canonicaltypicalentanglementofcontinuousvariablesystems 3 restrictedclassesofstatesand,furthermore,provideuswithamoredetailedunderstandingof theentanglementpropertiesofthetotalstatespace. Hereweexpandtheseconsiderationsintotherealmofcontinuousvariables, i.e. ofquantumsystemsdescribedbypairsofcanonicallyconjugatedobservableswith continuousspectra. Suchsystems,rangingfrommotionaldegreesoffreedom ofparticlesinfirstquantisationtobosonicfieldsinsecondquantisation,areubiquitous toallareasofquantumphysics,beingprominentinquantumoptics(astheyembodythelight fieldinsecondquantisation),atomicphysics(notably,inthedescriptionofatomicensembles), quantumfieldtheory(astheyencompassanybosonicfield),inadditiontotheircrucialrolein molecularandatomicphysics. Quantum systems described by operators with continuous spectra live in infinite dimensionalHilbertspaces. Therefore,a firstnaivetryinthisdirectioncouldbetotakethe infinitedimensionallimitofEq.(1). PageshowedthatEq.(1)impliesthatS lnm m m,n ≃ −2n for1 m n. Underthatrestriction, andnotingthatthemaximalentanglementis lnm, ≪ ≤ wecanthenmaketheobservationthattheratiooftheentanglementaveragetothemaximum tends to unity as n , but that the two quantities both diverge logarithmically. From −→ ∞ this perspective, the entanglement could be said to be typically infinite in the continuous variablesetting. Eventhoughmathematicallyreasonable(inthelimit’ssense),thisstatement is definitely questionable, physicallyand practically. In fact, in any practical situation, one willdealwithafinitetotalenergyorwithfinite“temperatures”(bothquantitieswillbedefined preciselyinourtreatment),whereasinfinitelyentangledstatesrequireaninfiniteenergytobe created. In this paper, we shall restrict our attention on pure Gaussian states whose typical entanglement we shall study under two different measures, both inspired by arguments of thermodynamicalnatures,butapttodescribedifferentsituations. Thepreviouslymentioned divergences,stillpotentiallyemergingintheGaussiansetting, willbetamedbyintroducing properprescriptionswhichwillgenerallyaffecttheenergyofthesystem,byimposingeither asharpupperboundoranexponentiallydecayingdistributionofenergies(inthisrespect,see also Ref.[11]foradetaileddiscussionoftheimpactofsimilarconstraintsonentanglement measures). We will show that such prescriptions induce the occurrence of a finite typical entanglementinthelimitofaninfinitenumberoftotalconstituents.Evenforafinitenumber oftotaldegreesoffreedomandfiniteupperboundtotheenergy–entailingtheexistenceofa finitemaximalentaglement–thetypicalentanglementconcentratesaroundavaluewhichis welldistantfromtheallowedmaximum. Notice thatGaussian states are certainlythe most prominentclass of states notonlyin quantum informationwith continuousvariables, but also, more broadly, in quantum optics, astheycanbegeneratedandmanipulatedwithrelativeease(evenashighlyentangledstates [12,13,14]),canbeusedfortheimplementationofquantumcommunicationandinformation protocols[15] and serve as a powerfultesting groundfor the theoreticalcharacterisation of entanglementproperties[16]. The micro-canonical measure, which we will apply here to the study of the typical entanglement, has been already employed in the analysis of the quantum teleportation of Gaussianstateswithgenericsecondmoments[17].Inparticular,themicro-canonicalaverage quantum fidelity and a corresponding “classical threshold”, have been evaluated for the teleportation of states with null first moments and arbitrary second moments under the standard continuous variable teleportation protocol (see, e.g., [15] for a description of the scheme). Letusfinallymentionthatadefinitionofmicro-canonicalaverageentanglementhasbeen veryrecentlyaddressedforfinitedimensionalsystemsaswell[18],withamajoremphasison thepossibilityofreducingtime-averagestoensemble-averages. Canonicalandmicro-canonicaltypicalentanglementofcontinuousvariablesystems 4 This paper is organised as follows. In Section 2 we review some preliminary facts about Gaussian states and set the notation. In Section 3 we review the definition of the micro-canonical measure on pure Gaussian states, already introduced in [17], completing our previous analysis with the inclusion of comments and mathematical details previously omitted, and we extend the existing framework to encompass a ‘canonical’ measure as well. Section4 containsa rigorousproofofthe ‘concentrationofmeasure’,commontothe two measures introducedhere, i.e. of the fact that the entanglementprobabilitydistribution concentratesinthethermodynamicallimit, aroundafinite‘thermal’average,awayfromthe allowed maximum. Even though this result had been anticipated in Ref. [17], this proof is originalandaddsfurtherinsightintothematter. Section5presentsadetailedstudyaboutthe typicalentanglementofpureGaussianstateswithfinitenumberofdegreesoffreedom,where bothanalyticalfindingsandnumericalevidencesarereported. Conclusionsandoutlookare found in Section 6. Three appendices complement the work, one of which (AppendixB) contains the most technical steps needed to prove the concentration of measure, while in AppendixA a specific Baker-Campbell-Hausdorffrelation is derived, and in AppendixC a derivationoftheexpressionofthemaximalentanglementforgivenenergyispresented. 2. Preliminaries We consider bosonic continuous variable (CV) quantum mechanical systems described by n pairs of canonically conjugated operators xˆ ,pˆ with continuous spectra, like j j { } motional degrees of freedom of particles in first quantisation or bosonic field operators in second quantisation. Grouping the canonical operators together in the vector Rˆ = (xˆ ,...,xˆ ,pˆ ,...,pˆ )T allows to express the canonical commutation relations (CCR) as 1 n 1 n [Rˆ ,Rˆ ]=2iΩ ,wherethe‘symplecticform’Ωisdefinedas j k jk 0 Ω= n 1n , 0 n n (cid:18) −1 (cid:19) 0 and standingforthenullandidentitymatrixindimensionn. n n 1 Anystateofann-modeCVsystemisdescribedbyapositive,trace-classoperator̺. For anystate̺,letusdefinethe2n-dimensionalvectoroftheexpectationvalues(“firstmoments”) ofthecanonicaloperatorsR(withentriesR )as j R Tr[Rˆ ̺] j j ≡ andthe2n 2nmatrixofsecondmoments,or“covariancematrix”,σ(withentriesσ )as i,j × σ Tr[ Rˆ ,Rˆ ̺]/2 Tr[Rˆ ̺]Tr[Rˆ ̺]. i,j i j i j ≡ { } − Also,throughoutthepaper,wewillrefertothe‘energy’ofastate̺astotheexpectation valueoftheoperatorHˆ = n (xˆ2 +pˆ2). Thisdefinitioncorrespondstotheenergyofa 0 j=1 j j freeelectromagneticfieldintheopticalscenario(andtodecoupledoscillatorsinthegeneral P case). Inourconvention,asdeterminedbythefactor2appearingintheCCR,thevacuumofa singlemodehascovariancematrixequaltotheidentity(thussimplifyingsignificantlyseveral expressions),withenergy2(theadoptedenergyunitis~ω/4foramodeoffrequencyω). The energyisdeterminedbyfirstandsecondmomentsaccordingto Tr(̺Hˆ )=Tr(σ)+ R 2 , 0 k k where R istheusualeuclideannormofthevectorR. k k Canonicalandmicro-canonicaltypicalentanglementofcontinuousvariablesystems 5 GaussianstatesaredefinedasthestateswithGaussiancharacteristicfunctionsandquasi- probabilitydistributions,definedoveraphasespaceanalogoustothatofclassicalHamiltonian dynamics. Aswellknown,apurestate ψ isGaussianifandonlyifitcanbeobtainedby G | i transforming the vacuum 0 under an operation generated by a polynomial of the second | i orderinthecanonicaloperators.Informulae(uptoanegligibleglobalphasefactor): ψ =Gˆ 0 ei(RˆTARˆ+RˆTb) 0 , (2) G A,b | i | i≡ | i where A and b are, respectively, a real 2n 2n matrix and a real 2n-dimensional vector. Because of the CCR and of the unitarity ×of Gˆ ei(RˆTARˆ+RˆTb), A can be chosen A,b ≡ symmetric, without loss of generality, while b is a generic real vector. A and b determine theCMandthesecondmomentsoftheGaussianstate,thuscompletelydeterminingit. Theunitaryoperatorcanalwaysberewrittenas(seeAppendixA) Gˆ = ei(RˆTARˆ)ei(RˆTMb), (3) A,b for some matrix M (as shown in AppendixA, M = ΩA−1( e4AΩ)/4 for invertible 2n 1 − A’s). Firstandsecondorderoperationscanthusbegenerally‘decoupled’. First order operations correspond to local displacements in phase space. While such operationsdonotaffectlocalentropies(andthustheentanglement)ofmultipartitestates,they doaffectthe energyofthestates, whichwillplayacentralrolein whatfollows. Moreover, let us notice that the group of these transformations is non-compact, being isomorphic to the abelian 2n under the addition composition rule. In the following, we will show how R the first moments can be consistently incorporated in the presented framework. However, becausetheirinclusionin thestudyof thestatistical propertiesofthe entanglementis justa technicality (addingno significantinsight), we will set them to zero in the investigationsto come. As for second order transformations, determined by the matrix A, they can be convenientlymappedintothegroupSp ofrealsymplectictransformations,actinglinearly 2n, in phase space (as second order transforRmations acting on the Hilbert space make up the multi-valuedmetaplectic representationof the symplectic group[19]). Recall that a matrix S belongstothesymplecticgroupSp ifandonlyifitpreservestheantisymmetricform 2n, Ω: S SL(2n, ) : S Sp RSTΩS = Ω. Let us also recall that a symplectic 2n, transfo∈rmation SRacts by co∈ngruencRe o⇔n a covariance matrix σ: σ STσS. Of course, 7→ symplectic transformationscan in generalaffect both the entanglementand the energyof a state. Thealgebraofgeneratorsofthesymplecticgroupiscomprisedofallthematricesthat can be written as ΩJ, where J is some 2n 2n symmetric matrix [20] (in this notation, × generatorsare not complexified, so that S = eΩJ). Such generatorsdo not have a definite symmetry (i.e., they are not necessarily symmetric or antisymmetric). Choosing a basis of the algebra such that each generator of the basis is either symmetric or antisymmetric, allowsonetodistinguishbetweenacompactsubgroupK(n)=Sp SO(2n)(spawned 2n, by antisymmetric generators) and a non-compact subgroup (arisingRfr∩om skew-symmetric generators). Notice also that, since compacttransformationsareindeedorthogonal,theydo notaffecttheenergyofthestatestheyactupon(explicitly,Trσ and R 2arebothinvariant k k underphasespace“rotations”). Remarkably, the subgroup K(n) is isomorphic to U(n). Because this fact will be exploited throughout the whole work, we shall sketch its proof here. Let us define the transformationOby X Y O = , W Z (cid:18) (cid:19) Canonicalandmicro-canonicaltypicalentanglementofcontinuousvariablesystems 6 where X, Y, W and Z are n n real matrices. It is straightforward to show that this transformationissymplecticand×orthogonalifandonlyifZ =X,W = Y,XTX+YTY = andXTY YTX =0,sothat − 1 − X Y O = . (4) Y X (cid:18) − (cid:19) Now, let U = X +iY be a matrix with real part X and imaginary part Y. The unitarity condition on U corresponds exactly to the previous two conditions on X and Y, thus demonstrating the existence of a bijective mapping from U(n) to K(n). The preservation ofthecompositionrulecanbestraightforwardlycheckedout. Incidentally,thisisomorphism impliesthatK(n)hasn2independentparameters. Let us rephrase Eq. (2) to give a transparent parametrisation of pure Gaussian states in phase space terms, by considering the action of first and second order operations on the covariancematrixandonthefirstmoments: σ =STS, with S Sp , R 2n (5) 2n, ∈ R ∈R (recall that, in our units, the covariance matrix of the vacuum is the identity). Indeed, becauseofthepeculiarnatureoftheircharacteristicfunctions,Gaussianstatesarecompletely determinedbyfirstandsecondmomentsofthecanonicaloperators. More generally,let usalso recallthatthe CM Σ of any, pureor mixed, Gaussian state canbewrittenas Σ=STνS , (6) whereS Sp andν = diag(ν ,...,ν ,ν ,...,ν )isadiagonalmatrixwithdouble- 2n, 1 n 1 n valued ei∈genvalueRs called the “Williamson normal form” of Σ [21, 22] (corresponding to the normal-modes decomposition of positive definite quadratic Hamiltonians). The real quantities ν are referred to as the ‘symplectic eigenvalues’ of Σ and can be computed j astheeige{nva}luesofthematrix iΩΣ. Thesymplecticeigenvaluesholdalltheinformation | | about the entropic quantities of the Gaussian state in question. In particular, the ‘purity’ µ Tr̺2oftheGaussianstate̺withCMΣisdeterminedas ≡ n µ=1/ ν =1/√DetΣ,, (7) j j=1 Y whilethevonNeumannentropyS Tr(̺ln̺)reads ≡− n S = h(ν ), (8) j j=1 X withthe‘entropicfunction’h(x)givenby x+1 x+1 x 1 x 1 h(x)= log ( ) − log ( − ). (9) 2 2 2 − 2 2 2 Beingthe eigenvaluesof iΩΣ, thesymplecticeigenvaluesare continuouslydeterminedby | | ‘symplecticinvariants’(i.e. byquantitiesdependingontheentriesoftheCMinvariantunder symplectic transformations), defined as the coefficients of the characteristic polynomial of suchamatrix[24,25]).Thisobservationwillbeusefullateron. Canonicalandmicro-canonicaltypicalentanglementofcontinuousvariablesystems 7 3. MeasuresonthesetofpureGaussianstates The present section is devoted to the definition of consistent measures on the set of pure Gaussian states, introducing a broad framework motivated by fundamental statistical arguments. We will review the construction of the ‘micro-canonical measure’, already introduced in Ref. [17], complementing such earlier studies with discussions and mathematical details. Furthermore, within the same general framework, we will present a novel,“canonical”measure,thusextendingourprevioustreatment. A ‘natural’ measure to pick would be one invariantunder the action of the operations whichgeneratethesetofstateswearefocusingon.Intheprevioussection,wehaveanalysed such a set of operations for pure Gaussian states, showing that it amounts to symplectic operations and displacements. One would thus be tempted to adopt the left- and right- invariant measure (i.e., the Haar measure) over such groups. Unfortunately, because the symplecticgroupisnoncompact,theexistenceofaHaarmeasureonthewholegroup[from which a measure for pure Gaussian states could be derived via Eq. (5)] is not guaranteed. Notably, even if such a measure could be constructed, it would not be normalisable, giving rise to distributions with unboundedstatistical moments. Moreover, some prescription has obviously to be introduced also to handle the first moments which are, in general, free to varyinthenon-compactR2n (noticethattheEuclideanvolumeisobviouslyinvariantunder left translations but is not a proper measure in the space of first moments because it is not normalisable,duetothenon-compactnessofR2n). To copewith suchdifficultieswe willintroduce,in analogywith statistical mechanical treatments,assumptionsontheenergyofthestatesunderexamination,whichwillconstitute our‘privileged’physicalobservable(inasensetobeelucidatedinthefollowing). Aproper structure to introducea measure is inspired by a well knowndecompositionof an arbitrary symplectictransformationS: S =O′ZO, (10) where O,O′ K(n) = Sp(2n, ) SO(2n) are orthogonalsymplectic transformations, ∈ R ∩ while Z =Z′ Z′−1 , (11) ⊕ where Z′ is a diagonal matrix with eigenvalues z 1 j. The set of such Z’s forms a j ≥ ∀ non-compactsubgroupofSp (correspondingtolocalsqueezings),whichwillbedenoted 2n, byZ(n). Thevirtueofsucha dRecomposition,knownas“Euler”(or“Bloch-Messiah”[23]) decomposition,isimmediatelyapparent,asitallowsonetodistinguishbetweenthedegreesof freedomofthecompactsubgroup(essentially‘angles’,rangingfrom0to2π,whichmoreover do not affect the energy) and the degrees of freedom z ’s with non-compact domain. In j particular,applyingEulerdecompositiontoEq.(5)leadsto σ =OTZ2O. (12) Duetotherotationalinvarianceofthevacuuminphasespace,thenumberoffreeparameters ofapureGaussianstateofann-modesystemisthusn2+3n(takingthe2nindependentfirst momentsintoaccount). Quite naturally, we shall assume the n2 parameters of the transformation O to be distributedaccordingtotheHaarmeasureofthecompactgroupK(n),carriedoverfromU(n) throughtheisomorphismdescribedbyEq.(4). Thesetofsuchparameterswillbecompactly referredtoasϑ,whilethecorrespondingHaarmeasurewillbedenotedbydµ (ϑ). H WehavethusidentifiedthevariableswhichparametriseanarbitrarypureGaussianstate and imposed a distribution on a subset of them. A ‘natural’ measure has yet to emerge Canonicalandmicro-canonicaltypicalentanglementofcontinuousvariablesystems 8 for the non-compact variables z and R . In order to further constrain the choice of j j { } { } measuresonsuchvariablesweshallinvokenowafundamentalstatisticalargument. Intheir kinematicalapproachto statistical mechanics[26], Popescu, Short and Winter introduceda generalprinciple,whichtheyrefertoasgeneralcanonicalprinciple,statingthat “Givenasufficientlysmallsubsystemoftheuniverse,almosteverypurestateofthe universeissuchthatthesubsystemisapproximatelyinthe‘canonicalstate’̺ .” c The ‘canonical state’ ̺ is, in our case, the local reduction of the global state picked c from a distribution of states with maximal entropy under the constraint of a maximal total energyE. That is, quite simply, a “thermalstate”, which is a Gaussian state with nullfirst moments and CM σ = (1 + T/2) . Here the ‘temperature’ T is defined by passage to c 1 the“thermodynamicallimit”,thatisforn andE ,(E 2n)/n T (assuming →∞ →∞ − → k =1fortheBoltzmannconstant).Foreaseofnotation,inthefollowing,thesymbol will B ≃ imply thatthe equalityholdsin the thermodynamicallimit, e.g.:(E 2n)/n T. Notice − ≃ that we have required here the introduction of a maximum energy E or, alternatively, of a temperatureT. Inpointoffact, suchrequirementsarenecessarytohandlethenon-compact partofthesymplecticgroup.Notealsothat,inprinciple,twooptionsareopeninthisrespect, asonecanintroduceeitheranupperboundtotheenergyoratemperature: essentially,these twodistinctoptionscharacterisethetwodistinctapproaches(micro-canonicalandcanonical) whichwewilldetailinthenextsection. Because the canonical state ̺ is Gaussian with vanishing first moments, the general c canonical principle can be fully incorporated into our restricted (Gaussian) setting. As we haveshowninRef.[17],thecompliancewiththegeneralcanonicalprincipleenforcesarather stringentrestrictiononthedistributionofthenon-compactvariables.Inparticular,thegeneral canonical principle is always satisfied if, in the thermodynamical limit, such variables are independentandidenticallydistributed(i.i.d)[27]. Tokeepourexpositionlighterandmore readable,wewillnotrepeatherethetechnicalderivationofthisimplication. Actually,itwill be entirely subsumed, a posteriori, by the derivation of the “concentration of measure” in Sec.4. Before movingon with the definition ofspecific measures, let us commentonthe first moments R . Thegeneralcanonicalprincipleimposesthat, in thethermodynamicallimit, { } theirdensityofprobabilityp′(R)tendtoaδ-distributioncenteredin0(infact,thecanonical statehasvanishingfirstmoments). Asuitableexampleisp′(R) = (nλ/π)nexp( nλ R 2) − k k forsomeconstantλ(noticethat R 2 isthefirstmoments’contributiontotheenergy). Let k k usremarkthatthisclassofdistributionsencompassestheonesusuallyadoptedforcoherent states,inthecomputationofclassicalteleportationthresholds[28,29].Fromnowon,wewill justsetthefirstmomentstozero:theycanbecoherentlyincorporatedintoourgeneralpicture followingtherecipegivenabove. Letusnowturnto secondmomentsandsumupourlineofthoughtsofar: inspiredby mathematicalconsiderationsandguidedbyphysicalarguments,wehavedefinedadistribution for the “compact” degrees of freedom ϑ (essentially, their Haar measure) and specified a prescriptionfor the non-compactparametersz ’s. Severalchoicesare then possible, within j thisprescription,todealwiththevariablesz ’s. We willdescribenowindetailtwoofsuch j choices,whichwewillthenapplytostudythetypicalentanglement. 3.1. Micro-canonicalmeasure As a first approach, we will introduce a micro-canonical measure on the class of n-mode pure Gaussian states with an energy upper boundedby E. Notice that such a restriction is Canonicalandmicro-canonicaltypicalentanglementofcontinuousvariablesystems 9 essentiallyequivalenttofixingthetotalenergyof(n+1)-modestatestoE+2(infact,inthe latterinstance, theenergyoftheadditionalmodeisnotindependentandmerely‘makesup’ toreachthefixedtotalamount).Notably,thetwoapproachesareobviouslyindistinguishable inthethermodynamicallimit. Noticethattheparametersz ,whosedistributionislefttodefine,determinetheenergy j E pertaining to each decoupled mode j of the Euler decomposition, according to (see j Eq.(12)) 1 E =z2+ . (13) j j z2 j Here, we will assume a Lebesgue (‘flat’) measure for the local energies E ’s (uniquely j determining the squeezings z ’s, as z 1), inside the region Γ = E : E E j j E ≥ { | | ≤ } boundedbythelinearhypersurfaceoftotalenergyE (here,E = (E ,...,E )denotesthe 1 n vectorofenergies,withallpositiveentries,while E = n E ). Moreexplicitly,denoting | | j=1 j bydp (E)theprobabilityoftheoccurrenceoftheenergiesE,onehas mc P dp (E)= dnE dE ...dE if E Γ , mc 1 n E N ≡N ∈ dp (E)=0 otherwise, (14) mc where isanormalisationconstantequaltotheinverseofthevolumeofΓ .Noticethatsuch E N aflatdistributionistheonemaximisingtheentropyintheknowledgeofthelocalenergiesof thedecoupledmodes.Inthisspecificsensesuchvariableshavebeenprivileged,onthebasisof bothmathematical(theEulerdecomposition)andphysical(analogywiththemicro-canonical ensemble) grounds. Let us also mention that, as will become apparent in the next section, employing the variables E leads to a remarkable simplification of the expression of the j { } averagesoverthe Haar measure of the compactsubgroup. While purelyformal, thisaspect yieldssomesignificantinsightintotheprivilegedroleofsuchvariablesincharacterisingthe statisticalpropertiesofphysicalquantities. The micro-canonicalaverageQ (E) overpureGaussian states at maximalenergyE mc ofthequantityQ(E,ϑ)determinedbythesecondmomentsalonewillthusbedefinedas Q (E)= dµ (ϑ) dEQ(E,ϑ), (15) mc H N Z ZΓE where the integrationoverthe Haar measureis understoodto be carried outoverthe whole compactdomainofthevariablesϑ. Moreexplicitly,theintegralovertheenergiesE canbe recastas E−2(n−1) E−Pnj=−11Ej dE = dE ... dE (16) 1 n N ZΓE Z2 Z2 (each energyis lower boundedby the vacuumenergy,equalto 2 in the conventionadopted here),determiningthenormalisationas =n!/(E 2n)nandleadingtoamarginaldensity N − ofprobabilityP (E ,E)foreachoftheenergiesE givenby n j j n E 2 n−1 P (E ,E)= 1 j − . (17) n j E 2n − E 2n − (cid:18) − (cid:19) Clearly, the energies E are not i.i.d. for finite n. However, as is apparent from Eqs. (16) j and (17), in the thermodynamical limit the upper integration extremum diverges for each Ej while, for the marginal probability distribution, one has Pn(Ej,E) e−EjT−2/T. in ≃ the thermodynamicallimit, the decoupledenergiesare distributed accordingto independent Boltzmann distributions, with the parameter T playing the role of a temperature, in Canonicalandmicro-canonicaltypicalentanglementofcontinuousvariablesystems 10 compliance with the equipartition theorem and equivalence of statistical ensembles of classicalthermodynamics.Thisargumentshowsthatthemicro-canonicalmeasurefulfillsthe generalcanonicalprinciple.Also,itnaturallybringsustointroducea‘canonical’measureon thesetofpureGaussianstates. 3.2. Canonicalmeasure In the ‘canonical’ approach, we will assume for the energies E a probability distribution dp (E)reading c e−(|E|−2n)/T n e−(Ej−2)/T dp (E)= dE = dE , (18) c Tn T j j=1(cid:18) (cid:19) Y introducinga‘temperature’T. Thisdistributionmaximisestheentropyontheknowledgeof the continuousvariablesE ’s forgivenaveragetotalenergyE , suchthatnT = E (the j av av latterrelationiseasilyderivedbyapplyingLagrangemultipliers). The ‘canonical’ average Q (T) over pure Gaussian states at temperature T of the c quantityQ(E,ϑ)determinedbythesecondmomentsalonewillthusbedefinedas e−(|E|−2n)/T Q (T)= dµ (ϑ) dEQ(E,ϑ), (19) c H Tn Z Z wheretheintegrationovertheenergiesisunderstoodtobecarriedoutoverthewholeallowed domain(E 2 j). j ≥ ∀ As already elucidated, the micro-canonical and canonical approaches coincide in the thermodynamicallimit, as one should expectin analogywith the indistinguishabilityof the classicalstatisticalensemblesinthethermodynamicallimit. 4. Concentrationofmeasure In the present section, we will study the statistical properties of the entanglement of pure Gaussianstatesinthethermodynamicallimitunderthemeasuresintroducedintheprevious section.Morespecifically,weshallfocusonthebehaviouroftheentanglementofasubsystem of m modes (as quantified by the von Neumannentropy of the reduction describingsuch a subsystem),keepingmfixedandlettingthetotalnumberofmodesn . Aswehaveseen, →∞ thetwomeasurescoincideinthislimit(when,inthemicro-canonicaltreatment,theenergy– notablytheotherextensivequantityinplay–divergesaswell). Itwillthussufficetoconsider the canonicalmeasure, and the micro-canonicalaverageswill be retrieved uponidentifying T (E 2n)/n. Inthissection,theshorthandnotationxwillstandfortheaverageofthe ≡ − quantityxwithrespecttothecanonicalstate-spacemeasure.Underthepreviousassumptions, wewilldeterminetheaverageasymptoticentanglementandrigorouslyprovethatthevariance of the entanglementtends to zero in the thermodynamicallimit. The latter property, which hadbeenpreviewedinRef.[17],willbereferredtoas“concentrationofmeasure”. LetusfirstrecallthatthevonNeumannentropySofthem-modereductionisdetermined by the local symplectic eigenvalues ν , for1 j m of the reduced m-mode CM γ j { ≤ ≤ } accordingto: m S = h(ν ), (20) j j=1 X

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