Dr. T. Sirnoncini oncologist CANCERISA FUNGUS A Revolurtion in Turnor Therapy ,i.iffi iii."'..'+;'... ii".n'.j::i.. Enzroru Lannprs Copyright 2005 Dr. T. Simoncini All rights reserved. Partial or total mechanical or electronic reproduction of this book is forbidden without previous authorrzation from the author, except for quotation of short passages for the purpose of literary or scientific critique. Dr. T. Simoncini tel 0039 335 294480 email: t. [email protected] www.cancerfungus.com Edizioni Lampis Via Veneto 9 56040 Casale Marittimo (PI)- Italg Tel.3 48 410 7897 Fax. 0586 653 018 email: [email protected] tDt Dw .m ou imento conse n su s .o r g If you have any comments or remarks concerning the contents of this book, if you have suggestions about new research, or if you simply want to let us know your opinion, do not hesitate to contact us. Dr. T. Simoncini Cancer is a Fungus Edizioni Lampis /sBn BB-87241-OB-2 Second Edition, September 2007 Printed in ltalg by: Lineagrafica srl - Citta di castello (PG) Translation of the Italian version by: Alinea Lingua bv - Drs. D.Nieberg - The Netherlands. Dr. T. Simoncini oncologist CANCER IS A FUNGUS A Revolution in Tumor Therapy INDEX Author's Introduction.... ......11 CHAPTER ONE Why is Cancer Still Among Us?. ...L7 New Modalities of Medical Knowledge . ..2O The Logical Insufficiency of Determinism .....25 TheSymptom... ....30 PathologicalA natomy.... .....32 Spirit and Body: Anatomical-Functional Considerations..34 The Disease ...39 Moral Presuppositions for Health. ..39 Moral Presuppositionsf or Disease ......4I The Soul and the Mind-Body problem .......43 CHAPTER TWO Holistic and Allopathic Medicine.... .. .....51 Personal Responsibility in Disease.... . .. 53 The Actual State of Oncology. . . .5 s The Bluff of Genetics and of the "scientifically proven"........59 The Bluff of Multifactoriality.. . . .7 I The Bluff of Cancer Statistics.... ......72 The Hormonal Therapy .....77 The Bluff of Endless Discoveries ......90 The Contradictions of Oncology .. ....92 The Real Odds for Cancer Surviva1..... ......94 Brain Cancer ...155 Lung Cancer .. . 15 6 Breast Cancer ...1 56 Skin Cancer I ST Conclusions ..1 58 APPENDIX Clinical Cases Lung Cancer .....j 63 Hepatocarcinoma utith Pulmonary Metastasis.... ... 16s Hepatic Metastases. ... 171 Ewing's Sarcoma.... .. 172 Terminal Carcinoma of Uterine Ceruix. ... 174 Hepatic Carcinoml".. 180 Peritoneal Carcinosis.. .. 18 1 Relapsing Bladder Neoplasia .... 1 83 Non-Hodgkin's Linphoma. .... 186 Prostate Adenocarcinoma. .... 186 Hepatic Carcinoma.. 187 Hepatic carcinoma with Pulmona"ra Meta"stasls.. .1BB Cerebral Metaslasfs in Diffused Melanoma.. . 190 Medullar Metastatic Compression. 192 Tumor of the Colon. .. 194 Bronchial Adenocarcinoma. . 197 Prostate Carcinoma.. .....200 Right EAe Melanoma.. .202 Examples of port-a-cath use. ....205 Glossary .206 Footnotes ..2O9 Facts about The Life of Fungi... .....236 Interview with Tullio Simoncini.. 24I The Author ....245